East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 11, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE FOURTEEN, Image 14

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    FACE rOwllTEEN
HiHw yN"'''S. dtuP"
. Different? Read this
Ordinary insulation sometimes
' Carbonizes: '.
Threaded Rubber Insulation
never does.
Ordinary insula tion has to be
replaced at least once during the
- life of the battery.
Threaded Rubber Insulation
is on the job as long as you use the
battery. It's the kind selected by
136 matofacturers of passenger
at and trucks.
Garden & West Court Sts.
5 WEH On Dead Mahs CriESrt.
Get Rid of Your
Gas Grouch for Good
Don't Ka-re a rroda agamf the
Gm Mam, K n hn un tn
yw perMftf rn sejuander c prac totta
fi,H. Efiu 'har ear M your wuh
a N StHanberf Cartivrctor.
tftfrt way msleaa;- bfSrm to
jiK:ply. Coafa laii 'f- You t3
(artber on eer ara ti lucj-T-Mir
enffc k s a freed.
Nw fwt. brother-don't fcar
"that mtCjM wfic on some cu
hut mine. eil I doo t koow."
yof er m me creepHtm. Ittex
arl doptxair- b? ri ac'p w
Sirwtoera; xripved-and are K'
ni hwt( Bir by many muta,
las j are 8tWfc.
The New Stromal hoMa offi
cial economy ritortK an virtuaUr
rvry m of BMtcbm.
On awy car. cf ? w, of srwy
mm at tnwanaWf tfrta ?f eater
gaa acoauvLiy. Jot oouy tht a!
actually fires better accclerattofi
more power and more apeed.
Makea a Letter car ot ibe beat of
- Come in and let as show yoa
jurt mky and just Aoa? the New
Strombrrf puts a enmp in fuel
consumption. Put a New Gtroro
berie on your car. Put it to a ten
day test. See the savings, figure
the economy. Get the facta. J
if you are not satisfied we wii
take it hack and hand back ur
chat price without a queuum.
Saturday' Night Is Bath Nfcht
Mo Clearing House; Inc.
," Lincoln SHioul
Lincoln 'school insini art engnj?pl
in lrjietUin th'is wcok for the enrol
shiKitiff which will he n part of th
nlcrtaiiimi rit Di i cmbor IT, the Inst
day before tho hiistnms vacation
The carols will l.e suns hy pupils
around n Chiistm ia tipo. for the en
KntcrtiiinnH'iu of I'aronls
First srule jiupils have sold their
quota of Christmas health Hoala auJ
are now hnliiins the otheia to meet
their quotas.
The eighth grade enjoyed musical
numbers last Monday morning by Mr.
and Mrs. ft. A. McDonald and .Mrs.
Frank Eoyden.
"One hundred per cent attendance"
Is the bOiist of the third grade this
week. The seventh erade also hn
a claim to distinction, having held
the neatness pennant for two months
in succession.
The makinc of Christmas presents
has occupied some of t'-.e school hours
of the second grade. Match seratoh-
era, calendars, card baskets and can
dle sticks occupy their exhibit table.
Ninteen parents visited the second
grade on Visitors' Day.
To encourage daily visitors, the
fourth erade DUDlls have measured
the distance from their homes to .Uit J
schoolhouse so that parents ma,y know
just how near they are to Lincoln. '
Dorothy. Jack, and Shirley Caldwujl
rave returned to the second grade af
ter several days absence. Sharon
Twitchell has been absent from the
sixth grade for several days. F.lmcr,
Tozegar was absent also but has re
turned. AVashlnjiton Sdiool
With other Pendleton schools. Visitors-
Day was observed at Wash
ington this week, the day' chosen be
ing Wednesday. The day was filled
with the regular school Work.
The sixth grade program conform
ed closely to routine work. The spe
cial features of the day were the oral
reproductions of the story, "The Pro
digal Son," bV Naomi Mayfleld, and
"Hercules and the Golden Apple."
told by William Jjiing and dramatiz
ed by Charles Norris, as Hercules;
and Gretchcn -ninehart. Lucile Beck,
Eva Tohin, Mildred Matthews and
Mary Lee Hartle, as the maidens.
The first four grades are at work
on a Pilgrim's Paseant to" be given
December IT at 1:3" p. m. The pro
gram will be progressive, the guests
moving from room to room. The
theme for the first grade is "Pil
grim Children." for the second grade,
"Holland," for Uie third grade, VThe
Indians," and the fourth grade, "The
First "Thanlglving."
The seventh and eigth grades, and
the fifth and sixth grades, are com
bining and each group will have a spe.
cial program next Friday.
Each parent of a second grade pu
pil who visits the art exhibit at the
library will be given an "A" on the.
child's report card. Jf both parents
visit, the "A" will be red.
Two new pupils. Francos Oilllland,
of L'l:iah, and Esther Helmiek, of
this city, hnve enrolled In the. seven
th grade. The lattr formerly at
tended Hawthron. Anna itovxch has
returned to school after an Illness.
The eighth grade has 44 pupils since
the enrollment of Marlon ijraham
and Jessie Bryson. Mae Packard, of
tho eighth grade, has gone to Cali
fornia to remain until after the holidays.
11 Washington school won from
Ilawthrone in basketball games play
ed Thursday . night. The boys won
with a 10 to 9 score and the girls,
6 to I.
I-'lelil Sdionl
Second grade pupils will present a
Pilgrim program next Friday. Five
toys In costume, will give a readinsf. j
"Hiawatha." The reading class, al
so in costume, will dramatize the !
story, "Hans and Gretel." There will
be Chiistmas numbers also. The first)
grade ' will present a Christmas '
and Pilgrim program for parents and I
friends of the school. The pupils
are now making decorations for the
In proportion to the size of the
school. Field had more visitors than
any other school during School Week.
Forty visitors were guests of the 61
pupils on Visitors' IVy.
" "H-fc-S "
TORONTO. Ont. John
Dourjity, former prlate tccrctary
to Ambrose i. Small, missing To
ronto theater millionaire, hu
been brought bark to Toronto fol
lowing his arrett In Oregon City.
Ore. He In alleged to have con-ft-etsed
'J the theft of 1100.009 in
t'aiitt(;:an vn-tory bonds, mistin?
after lntt .I'KdCJii.u i Lm-i!iiil;r,
Hard Study.
A boy fresh from school went down
to breakfast and began at once to tell
. e-c-t-i-a-i-o.u a ia:
Ik (
The mot . prized possession ia
thousands of American homes.
Because it adds most to the con
venience, comfort and enjoyment of
the entire family, and at small cost.
Th fisoltn consumption la (mutually low
Th tit miUa( is unusually high
Main and ( Iit Kta. '
I'lione B!M)
I . ... ' . I
said. "Awfulli- intereMlng. '.'Jolly i
hard, though!" -
wh, yes." aald his mother, "very
his mother about the term and what difficult. Your nn..r ..,r r.hr ...v.
V, .1 ...... ..w .
lie imu uuiit:. . .
"We've Just stated molecules
er could keen his In hl eve ".
hJ ton Dally News.
i iii
With a Wrench and a
Screw Driver nci a
It is wonderful how a puwerful electric
plar like the LALLEY a plant that does
so many things and does them so well
can be so. simple and so accessible. ,
AVhen ycu consider that the LALLEY
LIGHT and Home Electric Power Plant
Lis only three moving parts; whenou con
sider that this great piece of machinery can
be assembled and dissembled in 4 very few
minutes, with only a screw driver and a
wrench to do the work, it is even more
remarkable. '
The LALLEY is the most simple mechan
ism of its'kind mads.
Thii is why the LAt LEY eIdora gets out of order.
This is why it is so inexpensive to maintain so eaiy
to operate. ... '
The simplicity of the LALLEY is j'nst one of its unusual
features. It has so many good points there are so many
things about its splendid construction, that you mn Jt see it
in actual operation to know it, and better understand i'.
Come in and let us go over the plant from top to bottom
'inside and out. If it's not convenient fo'r you to do so
just now, drop us a card asking for the LALLEY Ikwl..
It will give you many valuable pointers on the saving
of time, work and money. - . .
BE SURE-See the Lallcy FIRST
Pi iulletoii, Ore. Walln Walln, Wii. ,.
UtaJqaarttri for Electrical Efcipmtnt for th Farm
. - mnd Rural Horn
If ) mi r brakes arc Iihb oi sickly . -'
You IhmiIiI lulug tnrm to nn quli klyj '
. ..,...' i
Remember we're the doctors. If there is some
thing that ails the brakes or steering gears we can
find out all about it in a "jiffy" and remecty the
trouble at once.- Appoint us as your- car's family
physician and -we will keep it in speedy robust health.
. ' ' Cottonwood and Water
y ' 1 - , , . .
of Pendleton
iui ''member
MsfcW Y STB naHl
Offers an unexcelled banking service to in
dividuals and corporations; transactst a
general banking business and maintains
special departments with facilities, of the
highest character.
Acts as administrator of estates', or as ex
ecutor or trustee under wills.
71 MS Thompson St
1 1 ,.'t.. V a a i