East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 11, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE THIRTEEN, Image 13

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"" ' FAGS TUmTnU-T
.i. iiMu:itl.liiiljiil.iiiiMiiiiliuiii.iUlhHiHiiiUtiiiiiliiilii;iaiuM
Cigars For Christmas
They arc the universal gift for men at
Christmas always acceptable by the
man who smokes. We advise everv
'woman to do her shopping here. . You'll
like the service, too, and the advice we
give you in making the right kind of se
lection, s.
Select your ci
gars early to in
sure proper selec
tion, in fancy 3
Xmas boxes of 25 V
or a hundred.
a -I
f' t
The Charles Co.
Ultolcsale and Retail.
Thone 7.
715 Main St
Jack Frr:Kt and Merry Bunshlne (ire
wrinkling ' lhn brows of highway en
gineers and contraetnts. Their pranks
nre ruinln- expensive surfaced and
paved highways,
t)iirln th winter months, frost
lenctrateg deep under the road sur
face, freezing and 're-freezlnir the
sut-go numerous time, Then Just
like freezing 'wator braka (he water
pipe, sub-soil bulges up and cracktr,
freewti nxiiin, and the process of de
struction gom merrily on.
When sprint? (joints, tho find
touches are put on the breaking up
of the road. The spring rains rush
through the yawning cracks and wash
away thn sub-soil, leaving a hollow
nhell. The warm sunshine aids in
the destruction, drying the surface
ond making It brittle. It's no time
then until the road crumble nwa.'
under tho heavy traffic Impacts.
Highway engineers of the n. F
Goodrich Kirbher Company's Vuvel
and transport bureau declare for
f. 'using the attention o; road build
Ing experts to this underlyln; cauc
of highway destruction. They say
that governmental and private agen
cies have, in tho past ten years, lust
sight of adequate sub-grade soil .treat,
ment In their eagerness to product)
hard, wear-resisting faces for high
ways. "
Men prominent In highway develop
ment, say the bureau's emierts, now
recognize the urgent need tit spend
In; the necessary time and money
to build proper road foundations and
drainages before expensive stretches
of highway, tare contsructed. , Search
ing study and analysis of suh-slls wMl
figure more prominently !n future
road building than any other phase
of the work, they say,
"Cloodyear tire prices are now bad;
lo the point they occupied in 191 3,"
"Hut the mileage delivering propen
sities of a. 192U tire und a m.1 tlr-3
are hadly comparable. Seven years d
ago tires tluit would run 4,00ll mile
were scarce, hut today an K,0 mil
performance Is quite so ordinary one
So a tire user today is getting fully
twice as much service from a tlrs
as he obtained Heveii. years ago and
ets it for the same price.
"And If you' carry the companion
back to 1910 the relative value of pre
sent day tires is even greater for tire
mileages are now three times as gram
as then. And our tires now cost a
third less than ten years ago.
"Having Just finished the best fis
cal year in "the hlsloiy of the Good
rich organization, we are now squar
ing away for an even better year in
MifO-liiZl. Our dealers throughout
tho country are assuring us that our
policies and product are right and by
employing the saoio vigorous sales ef
forts that have bro ight us an unpre
cedented volume lit business during
the past year, we anticipate no diffi
culty In - maintaining eur leadership
as the largest manufacturer of tlrc
In, the world." t . I
Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices
J East Oregonian Printing Department.
F - V
3 ' '
3 . ,
1 Let iElectricity Do
X Her Work
An Electric Washing Machine knows no blue
Monday. It labors without a vacation; it needs no
rest ;it always is willing, ready when needed, and
does its duty well.
Electric Washer
will last a lifetime. The saving of clothes wear alone
makes the Eden the most economical method of jjj
3 washing and its ost of operation is but a few cents E
5 nn hour. ; ' , E
s ' - i
I Make HER happy; buy her nn Eden for
E Christmas. E
I J. L. Vaughan I
I V 206W-tvio -u-wvej
.if.i.MiiitiiiiiiitiiMiTurnmitfmn AiimliiHiiilifT
A transcontinental hard-surfaced
highway stretching from New York
to Han Francisco could be built with
the money .-which America motorists
will save nexff year as' the result of
the recent reductions in the price of
automobile tires and tubes. What's
more, enough money could be left
over to build a flrst-clasr battleship
for I'nfle Sam.
Tho recent reduction In ihe prices
of tires and ftincr ttbes will menu
a saving to the S.OOO.O'IO American
motorists, says the B, F". Goodrich
Itubber Company, of approximately
irili,00A,0A0. ' In other words, the
country's annual tire bill of about
Jl, 1100,000, 000 will be chopped down
lo 1X10,000,0(10.
Anyone who has trouble in jnggi
InK such big figures can get an idea
What . is thought to he an unusual pr what thlB saving will amount to
by remembering that a mile of good
hard -surfaced, durable highway can
be built in most sections of the coun- j
try for aobut 3r,0'i, ana mat a
cross-country road could therefore be
built with the amount saved with
quite a few millions left over.
The average motorists tire bill for
a year amounts to about H25. Next
year, because of the reduced prices.
$1 g.75 will be lopped off of this a
mount. This individual saving does
not aimear large, but when It is con
sidered that 8,090,000 motorists will
vo the same amount, me iouu cunnu
record In the wav of renalrs for a mo
tor car is claimed by John T. Chancy
of Columbia 8. C. The car a Modal
O. Franklin was purchased on June
24, 1910. and has been in constant use
ever since. It has been driven approx
imately ISO. 000 miles, yet it has never
been In a service station for repairs of
any kind. '
The total' amount of money spent
on parts has aggregated only $85 dur
ing the ten-yeur period and all these
parti were Installed by the owner hlm
clf. The our, affectionately dubbed
"Old Betsy." still has its original top,
Word was received this week at tbt
Factory of the Chevrolet Motor Com
pany of California of the success i
the Chevrolet racing car at liarcel
na, Hpain, piloted by Honor Carlos
Over a rough road extending from
Barcelona along the shores of thi
Mediterranean tea, inland over an
almost impassable roati, and Ijack lo
the starting point, three days was the
time necessary, so bad were the roads.
The racers averaged thirty-five kil
ometers an hour and for the flrii
half day the contesting cars were neck
and neck until the steep and ion.?
trade of the Hun Hllario Hill was
leached. Here is where the little Chc
iolet proved Its worth and took the
lead which It held until the finish.
tfenor 1'izzaza by skill of his driv
ing earned 565 points, while the sec
ond car to finish, also a Chevrolet,
had a grand total of 563 point. The
ecoiid Chevrolet was piloted by
"ount Fraifcisco Cepeda and was also
awarded a gold medal.
Se.nor Plzzaza is one of the veteran
automobile racing pilots of Spain and
in 1017 he won the Cataluna handi.
cap with his Chevrolet and also the
119 event.
What Is the
Secret of Long Life
In a Tire, Anyhow:
It's the tread and here is the reason :
The tread of your tire is the part that takes all
the wear, soaks up the road shock and keepr he
bumps away from the fabric.
: Entirely reasonable then that it should be broad
and thick, isn't it?
That's the idea back of the Super Tread Tire. It's
important and it means a lot more miles to you.
Gertson & Marly
639 Cottonwood Street Phone 59S
Buy the Children a
Toy Auto or a Tricycle
and keep them in the open air.
which Is still in a fairly good state of to a jlizy height.
An annoucemcnt that will be wel
comed hy an army of 8,000.000 car
hat. of the Goodrich Tiro Compans
of California. Ls Angeles, concerning
lower tire prices.
The reduction In prices applies to
both fabric and cord tires d tubes.
effective November la. and range
from 7 1-2 per cent on straight sine
cord tires to 15 per cent on times.
This reduction on pneumatics follows
a ten per cent decrease on'solid truck
tires which became effective on Octo
ber 29. I
The reduction in tire prices is ex
J peeled by the Goodrich Company lo
stimulate the increased use of motor
cars, because a decrease in the cosi
of motoring tends to influence many
prospective car owners into the buy
ing mood.
Ends flattery Worries
A device that fe designed to relievo
the owivr'f mind from worry over
the condition of his storage battery
Is one iwhich thermostatically pre
vents overheating or overcharging.
The thermostat it attached to one of
the top connectors of the battery and
operates, to light' a danger signal on
the steering column when the battery
temperature becomes too high for
safety. By then turning a switch, re
sistance is introduced into the line to
prevent overcharging. - Except for
manipulation of the switch the device
is automatic In action. ' '
Will He Marry For Love?,
- J jo J)
King Christina ef Denmark
tll.PPKP. LEFT), Is in London
to confer will: King George
.. (UPPER RIGHT) and other
members of the British royal -family.
It I reported, over the -possibility
of marriage of
Princess Margaret. Christian's
nice (CENTER), to the Princo
of Wales (LOWER). British
pn iters are urging the priuce to
To Ladies Who Drive
IS K 11 IB)
We have long realized that it is difficult for
a 'woman to approach an automobile repair shop
of any kind. ,
We take special pains to make it easy and
r,'eac"int for a lndv to avail herself nf our facili
ties for battery inspection and repair.
Here she will meet with the courtesy that !
her due.'
As a rule, women do not understand as much
botit batteries as men do. As far as the Phila-Hoihi-
Diamond Grid Battery is concerned,
lack of technical knowledge makes no differ
ence, & namtsy tatfgfg!" i. J
The Pttery is Cuaranteed for Tw Year.
TK' '1 -d know about it. W tand
nuarely behind the guarantee; 10 does the man
ufacturer, ) Mt M l m-. m
Wm. E. Chase Go.
h0"269 320 E. Court Street
, 4
lbyuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.i.aiiii,iiMiiajiiitaifa ii : , ,n ... Tr, . J H
t :