East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 10, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Kotices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, Forwent, Etc
Classified for Easy Kef erence.
be In accordance with tho nrobablii . ncr''rora which should properly bo
cost of Hiirn work, and 'nn mi-rein, ami,
Hr.RrJAX, the Improvement of ihe
hereinabove described portions of (aid
street, either with Gravel Hitulithlc
Pavement, Concrete Pavement or
Warrenlta Hitulithlc Pavement on
CruHhed Rock , or Crushed Gravel
Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity
Thin Dlreclory I expeeially hand; lor tfc out-of-town reader who may want the name and addrew of reepon.Jble bolBM tuma wlw repr-l
Ihe followlnc llnetv All are reliable, responsible bualness ooncerni who etsn d ready to five yoa prompt ervlce. '
( nnMiMn, ine property reeonr
Diended by the City Hiirveyor to be In
f eluded within the boundaries of the
f I-EEPINq ROO.Mf) close to Atuln Bt. of the Common Council properly to be
- Hot and d.lj water Call 4II8-M. .Included within such Improvement dl.
OrtAIN, HAY OR DAIRY ranch fer.
sale or rent Inquire m coMe Ht,
KOR RENT Furnished 4 room house,
ai"o z sleeping rooms. Call ' 218
Timlin evenings.
19:o Model Bulck roadster, almost
new whhGood tires and one extra
equipped with spot lixht and motor
meter, ftc. will sacrifice If taken at
once for 12S0.
. One ton KVtrd truck for 1278.00
' John IMwr'n ;arae '
;( Sis Willow Ht, . ,
TOR 8ALB 7S II. TVHolt Catterplllar
Sturgl A Ktorle. ,
' II I. it
FOR SALUKecomt-hand tlolhlng at
. (ieorge DeMotl's, (21 S. Main tit.
BKND FOR'UBT of real estate for
; rale Oeo. M, Cole, Willarjtna, Ore.
81 rtVirrutfS leveling eompaw for
. sale Inquire Waler Hupt., city (tall.
FUR Al.K month old pigs Ad
. disss George La Fonlalno Bog IS.
FOR BAUs AJJ kind of Insurance.
( J. B. Est a, ll Main 8U Phone 4.
Flt SAIlv New gruphunola cheap
. term; If desired Inquire at The
FOR SALB head ot good mulea, 10
head of horses ail good stock Set
iurgls Btorle. , ,
FOR BALS 8elf opeUed eoBaMne
karreafHr, mi model. good fasp
asrms aturrla atorl,
fOR &ALB Four wagon, boss, for
bulk .grain,, low arte 'J takes soon
T-B. L, aurro-jghs. Phone I.
FOR 8ALB Two year lease and outfit
on 2) aere alfalfa land all seeded
Address E. F. 1'ieiwon, Harmlston, Ore.
FOR SALE OR LKAS Bbeep rareb
120 acres, well equipped Abun
dance of rang joining Addraw M. R
Wsjtor, Qulney, Wash. ,
FOR BALK .olld oak cabinet graph
ophone end 160 records. - Cabinet
holds 130 records good condition
Phone !49-V or call r,;o Maeket.
better than ever. For tho best liar
red Rocks, R. I. Reds, Drown Leg
horns and White Leghorn, get Ma
guire's Chicks, Order now for ml
J. It. Maguiie. ;3 Oregon Bl.,, Port
land, Oregon. , .
therefrom- which should properly be
inciunea tnerem, and,
W IMC R BAH, the Improvement qf the
hereinaiwve described portlens of said
yeet, either wlln Gravel RltuUthie
favement, Concrete 1'avement' o(
Warrenite Hltnllihio tm..! .
K'nmhed Rock or Crushed- r.mvoi
foundation, is at this time necessary.
irereiore, ne it,
REHOLVBD by the Common P m i m
ell of The City of Pendleton that It Is
cxpement to Improve and It Is hereby
k.-fu io improve said portions of
salfl.Clay Klreet by paving the same
un enner uravel Hitulithlc Pave
ment, Concrete- Pavement er Warren
lie Illtullthie Pavement on Crushed
Rock' or Crushed Gravel foundation,
such pavement to he constructed and
Ihe surface theretjf to be finished Upon
-...i.i..nr srune or said street
and the street to have curbs and gut
ters and all other things in aecnr.
nre wun ana as shown In the plans
and specifications for the Improvement
of said portion of said flav mi ,.
rin'iuru IJV ft. If. llfllTAU sw.. a.
jor, filed -with the Recorder of xuUI cltv
.up sin uuy or Dec. l20, which
suid plans and specifications nre here
by particularly referred to, and be tt
further, . .
RBHOLVKD that the Crmlneer', ea
timaiea pf the probablo total Post of
such Improvement, which said City
Engineer's estimate were made and
I repared by V. n. Hayes. Cllv Kurvevo
of said city, in the sum of im.2 and
were filed with the Recorder of said
city oit the ih day of Dec, IS20, is
hereby Included , and h ircl.v referred
to particularly, and be It further.
IIFMOLVKI.) that the plans and
specifications and estimate, fur nni.
Improvement, as prepared by the City
Hiirveyor and fllerf muh ih. t..
of Tha City of Pendleton" on the ath
ly of Dec., '120. be and they are
hereby adopted and approved, and be
It further.
RRSOLVED that the cost of makln.
such improvement shall be a charge
and lien upoa all lota, parts of lots and
rarcels of land to be benefited hv n. h
improvement, and the. owners of imrh
lots, parte of lota and parcels of land,
so specially benefited by such Improve
ment snail he liable for the payment of
the costs thereof, and be It further,
RKHOLYED that an assessment dis
trict is hereby created to be known as
"Assessment District No. 77." embrse.
Ing the property benefited and to be
assessed for the payment of such Im
provements, whluh Assessment Dis
trict shall Include all lots, parts of
lots, and parcels of land lying anffb.
Ing within, the district bounded and
described as follows, to-wit;
lapMtiiMtcin AsamtMt-nt IMslrlrt
Known as lnireniinl District Xov77
Reglnning at the Southwest corner
of Lot 7, Bloek !, Reservation Addition
U Pendleton, thence 140 feet 4lg tn.
i a Northerly direction and parallel
with the west line of Clay Street;
thenre XTi.M feet in an Easterly dl-
HKGltTERED and- pedigreed Cheea-
; peake Hay Retriever Pupa for sale.
watchdogs, lovers of children- Just '' , 8 n h ne of
right fur Ideul Christ
Mbgulre, 787 Oregon
Oregon. '
FOR $ALB 4S0 OCTe A-l " wlwrvt
viand, located In best wheat belrln
'Washington 210 acres in crop. Can
be bought wltli or without equipment.
Chance to lease 40 seres Joining. Gort J
terms pffered. No agents Write u.
Fender, PrwK-ott. Wash. .v . . '
t . iXlt SALE
Flna homes on tha North Bide, t
t I rooms. .,
t room rs)Jence close In on aasy
payments. ''.'
B room residence, west end, very
I bar -house for aale In almost any
part of tho city.
tiro. W, Kliler
I j ' (18 Main Kf
Rea. mono i2AV. , . ; phone Ht
' children. Just ,,.,, ... " k ' ' "
maa sifts. J R Co,,rt s,rwl: thence 30 feet, In.
,W PoTland ln a B1"h'ly dlrectlo and
1 "-e - or"a,,a' narullel with th m..t H. e -i...
Street; thence 2 ft in a Southwest
erly direction and long the North line
of Alia Street to the point of begin
ning. ' .
And be It further resolved, that a
copy of this revolution together with
the notice that the surveyor's stlmatc
of the proportion of the cost of said
work to be charged against each lot,
tart of lot and parcel of land Is on file
In the office of the City Recorder be
published for a period of ten days In
tho East Oregontan, which newspaper
la hereby designated by the Common
Council for the publication therepf.
And further nqtlee Is hereby given
that the city Surveyors estimate of the
probable cost of Raid Improvement to
b charged against each lot., part of
lot and parcel of kind on account of
said Improvement Is now on file In the
FOR BALK One of the best estab
lished hardware and Implement houses
IB tho northwest. V Under one manage
ment 2ft years. Did 185 thousand dol
lar business, his year. Stock and flv
tareg will invoice around '(0 thousand
Gollem. Located In new brick lluld
irig on best corner In town. Store has
fall cement basement and furnaee
htat. J0 year lease can lie had with
low rent. larger Interests In Califor
nia reason for selling Write II. Fen
der, Prescott, ( Waah. ot once. No
agents.' '
notkh of fkoiom:i STRKKT
4 i
.Notice Is hereby given that at a
regular' meeting af tho Common Coun
cil of The City of Pentileton held at
the Council Chambers In Pendleton
'Oregon, on December 9th, 1920 tho
! following Resolution was duly adopt
' d. vis . ' ;'...
.WHEREAS, the City Surveyor of
The City of Pendleton did on the 8
' day of December, 1920, under direc
tions and by requirement of the Com-
; mon Council file In tho office of the
Recorder of The City of Pendleton
plnns and specifications for an appro
priate Improvement of the following
named street In said city;
Clay 'Street from the north lino ot
AUa Htieet to the Hntith lino of Court
Street, together with the estimates of
the 'Work to be done and tho probable
coet thereof with a statement of thn
lots, Mirts of lots and parcels of land
tn he benefited by such Improvement
nad the percentage of the total cost of
linnrnvement. which each of sucn lots.
' parts of lots and parcels of laud should
vav on account of the benefits to be
derived from such Improvement, anil
iWIIBRKAH, the council has examin
ed Hiieh nlans and specif leal ions aim
eglmales ami found the same satia-
foundation, is at this time necessary,
therefore, be It,
ItKHOLVKD by the Common Coun
cil of The City of Pendleton that It Is
expedient to Improve and It is hereby
proposed to Improve said portions of
said' Jefferson and Washington Bt reels
by paving the same with either Gravel
Hitulkhlc Pavement, concrete Pave
ment or "Wurronlte Hitulithlc Pave
ment on Crushed Rock or Crushed
Gravel foundation such pavement to
be constructed and the surface thereof
to .be finished upon the etnAbllshed
grade of said street and the .street to
have curbs and gutters and all other
inings in accoroi.nce wun and us
ahown In tho plana and specifications
for the improvement :of raid portion
of said Jeffeisort -and Washinaton
Streets, prepared by T. B-'Hayes, city
Hurveyor, filed with the Recorder of
said city on the 30th day of Sept., 1920,
which said plans and specifications
ore . hereby particularly referred to
and be It further, .
RKHOIA'ED that tho Engineer's es
timates of the probaWe total cost of
such improvement, which said City
engineer's estimates were made and
preimred by F. Bi Hayes, City Rurvev
orf wild city. In tho sum of gS53.4
and were filed with the Recorder
sain city on the 3ih day of Kept.,
IS.'O, Is hereby Included and hereby re-
ferred to rartt tilarly, and be It forth
ItKSOLVEO that tne plana and
specification and estlinatesfor hui ii
improvement, ss prepared Dy the fit v
Wirveyor and filed wljh the Recorder
of The City of PendTcton on the 30: h
day of .September, 92, be and they
ure hereby adopted and approved, And
be it further,
RESOLVED that Wie cost of making
such Improvement shall be a church
and Hen upon all eats, parts of lots ana
parcels of land to be benefited by such
improvement, and the owners, of such
lots, parts of lots and parcels of land,
so specially benefited by such Im
provement shall .ellable for the pay
ment of the costs thereof, and be It
further, '
KE,SOLVED that an assessment die.
trict la hereby created, to he known
as" "Assessment Diatrict No. 73, em
bracing the property benefited and to
be assessed for the payment of such
Improvements, w'hlch Assessment Dis
trict shnl) Include all lots, piirts of lots,
and parcels of land lying, and being
within the district bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-'Wlf.
IK-Tlil(p of .VsHCwiment District
No. 7S
Commencing at the Southwest cor
ner of Lot , Block 6. Switzler's Add.,
to Pendletonr thence 250 ft. North and
Parallel wlih Ihe Went line of Jefferson
Street; thence West 100 feet and.
rarallel with the Hmith line of Wash-I
S3, 000
cu. yads. Lateral Ditch exca
Iln. ft.' Clearing.
board feet of bridges,
ou. yds. concrete.
Iln. ft. 30 Inch pipe laying.
cu. yds. concrete abutments,
Rids to be made on forms a fur
nished by Tl. A. Holts, Sec. of the
Board of Directors of the Umatilla
Drainage District, fltanfleld, Oregon.
A certified check In the sum of G
per cent of the total amount of the
bid, must accompany each proposal.
The successful bidder will be requir
ed to furnish a bond in a sum equal to
the total amount of his bid.
The directors of the Umatilla Drain
age District, reserve the right to re
ject any or all bids.
- ... J. G. PEARSON, Pres. j
i R. A. HOLTE,- Sec. I
( WANT TO P.B.N'T a house for a yeari
or more P.es. phone 25-11., F. Mi
Riley, business phone 522.
WOMAN would like work on ranch f A. LOWL Attorney ind Counsel-
willing to work for small pay during j lor at Law. Office in Deepntn MWg.
winter monthsPhone 15E4. ..r.. ........ ... .
Federal lia ldlng.
CARTER A BMYTHE, Atlorneya at HEMSYITCIHNO Idail order Mra,
Law. Office in rear of American Ralph UaseeU 417 Bush, Pfcona
National Rank bulldlug. 4-
WANTED TO RENT Furnished or
unfurnished house unfurnished
preferred Apply to Will H. Bennett,
Phone 362-J.
WE REPAIR anything electrical on
an automobile. W. E. Cbase Co.
lornevs at Law. Itooms 1 and
amltli-C'rawford P.ldg.
Notice ot Itids for Construction
- Notice is hereby c'ven that sealed
bids wilt he received at the office of
Ihe City Recorder up to 5 o'clock p.
m. on December 15th 1920, for the
construction of the following described
concrete Crosswalks In the City of
I'endlelon; (
1 Crosswalk on Railroad Street on
the west line of Llllnth Street.
1 Crosswalk on Railroad Street on
the west line of Aura Sireet.
A M. BOYDiCN Stand Henuir.ga
Cigar tor. Country trips Phone ,
JAMES B. PERRY, Attorny at Law
Office over Taylor llardwara Company-
neys at Law. Office in American
National biuk Uuililing.
H. BCHMIL'T, Attoraef a'
Room 4. BoalUbCrawfortt
j V7. a. FISHER -Stand Rile A Kemp. I
rooue tn.
C. E. WILLIAMSON 8'and at Origgr
Cigar tstore Plmne 1075.
HATTKR1KH guara;itert ftr 1
mon'ia W. fc. thae Ia 20 K
'Court. Telephone 29. Pendleton.
tail K. (YaiwL-eib 1.1 k Hlog.
UALK KOTHWELL Optenortat aao
Opticun. Oiaasea ground to fit yon
eyas, American National Bank Build
f.g Pttutie (tl
DR. O. E. HOLT Osteopathio, physi
cian and Surgeon. Judd bldg. Tele
phones, uffic 5o; ReaMeoue 7-W.
PENDLETON CXCLB CO. Ajax, Re- by eompetit've test. Pvrrtcu on all
vere ar.d tiavar tire. 228 E, Court makes of battsne. Ki'sniiteed. Went
Streeu -LITK Service htalKin 4 M. Ooun
Phone tit.'
1 (Ynaswalk on Aura Street on tlie" t RENTLEI A CO. Goodyear and ,
soutn line o Jiiuif nireei. Doiniund Tires Tire eerv'ce, oua
1 Cross walk on Bluff Street on the an accearorlea Alu. an.1 Uaraen fcts.
west line of Aura Sireet. . j -
1 Crosswalk on Tustln Street on the WALLACE BROS. Flsk Tires, eoras
west line of Cosble Street. H of fabric. We do our own adlust-
1 Crosswalk on Aura Street on the
loiilh line of Tustln Street.
1 Crosswalk on Tustln Street on the
easr"line of Aura Street.
1 Crosswalk on Levis Street on the
est line of Jeff Davie Street.
1 CrosHwalk on Jeff Davis Street on
he north linexf Lewis Street.
1 Crotswalk on Beauregard Street
an the south line of Lewis Street.
1 Crosswalk on Lewis Street on the
east line of Beauregard Street. ,
The Common Council reserve the 1
right to reject any and all bid at its !
Dated this 2nd day of December,
City Recorder.
inj son-14 Joluisoa St,
Soles, r,(jnn miles guaranteed 1-2
cost of now tires. 031 Cotlouwuod Si.
thlc physician and surgeon. Tempt
Rldg. OHic phone 347-J. KM. Ilt-M.
CHIC FOOD. Scratch food, toatca,
oone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled
'jA-rley. L mat 1 1 la llonr A Oraia Co,
CA1KRP1LI.AKS, harvesters, gas en
gine, automobile and general
bUctsmtthlr.g. Round Up Carsx.
Park chergall. 211 West Webb
FOR SALE Iyexlngton Roadster. A-l
condition '14 Thompson street.
FOR SALE Hudson, good condition.
1500.00 Frentzel Motor Co., 4 It Garden.
FOR SALE Overland model 84. per
feet condition, $575.00 Frenuel
Motor Co.
rOR SALE CheTTOlet, 1350.00, Jus
overhauled Frentsel Motor Co.
FOR SALE We have, a tew b-ond
ington Mreet; tnence North 180 feet j ,, For(ls priced from $)50 to-,500.
uu iiniK-i niiii ine new line oi
office of The City Recorder, subject toLthereof.
inspection and examination.
Dated this 9th day of December,
1920. - r ...
.. - City Recorder.
Notice Is hereby given that at a
regular meeting of the Common Coun-i
el! of The City of Pendleton held ift
the Council Chambers in Pendleton,
Oregon on December 8th, 1920 the fol.
lowing Resolution was duly adopted,
WHEREAS, tho City Surveyor of
The City ot Pendleton did on the 30th
tfay of September, 1920, under direc
tions and by requirement of the Com
mon Council file In the office of tho
Recorder of The City of Pendleton,
plans and specification for an appro
priate Improvement of tho following
named street In said city: - ,
Jeffersotr Street from the North line
of Jackson Street to the South tine ot
Washington Street, and
Washington Street from the ERt
line of Madison Street to the West line
of Main Street Including the full Inter
section of Jefferson and Washington
Streets, together with the estimates
of the -work to be done and the prob
able cost thereof with a statement of
the lots, parts of lots nnd parcels of
land to bo benefited by such Improve
ment and the percentage of the total
cost of Improvement, which each or
nch lots, parts of lots and parcels ot
land should pay on account of the
beneflta to be derived from such im
provement, nnd,
WHEREAS, the council nas examm
Jefferson Street; thence East 100 feet
and parallel with the North line of
Washington Street;' thence North 100
feet and parallel with tho West line of
Jefferson Street; thence East 260 feet
and parallel with the North line of
VNashlngtnn Street; thence South 100
feet and parallel with the East line of
Jefferson Street; thence East 100 feet
and parallel with the North line of
Washington Street; thence South 160
feet and parallel with the East line of
Jafferson Street; thence West 100 feet
and linrallel with the' South line of
Washington Street; thence South 250
feet and parallel with the East line of
Jefferson Street; thence West 260 feet
on the North line of Jackson Street to
the point of beginning.
And be it further resolved that a
copy of this resolution together with
the notice that the surveyor's esti
mate of the proportion of the cost of
said work to be charged against each
lot, part of lot and parcel of land Is
on file in the office of the City Re
corder o published for a period ot
ten days In the East Oregnnian. which
newspaper in hereby designated by the
Common Council for Ihe publication
puoPc anC Firestone tires, cords or
fabric. 223 K. Court 8C, llione tw.
ZC Barney Oldfleld, Goodrich 6JI-
ctown Cord and Per nsylvanl Vacu
um Cjp 805 E. Court.
DRESSMAKING Mr. Bessie KiKlns,
124 Thompson Phone 73-W.
SEE SMITH Y tor wall paper and
house cleaning Call evenings, 3S1-J
PARKER ft BANFIELD, Designing,
Engineering, Constructing, II years
expi icuce ui concrete and brick con
struction. 64 E. Third SL North, Purt
tancl. Oregon.
irukes Warrfti s Music Hoeust, $2
Main St.. phoi;e (24.
I'lAXo Tl'NINii and repiirlng Jack
l.e Moun l'hune C52-R. . ..
DR. R. C. ELLSWORTH Specializing
in nervous disoaaa and tiseaea of
women. 9 to 13 a. m. to p. m.
Eve.iings 7 to S. ("bona 7o, Nh-
Crawi'iinl Building.
ton quality. Player ot Individuality
It the construction that aonnta. 8a
piano on display, write or phone Tb
Iiee Hive, gag Main St., Pbone 17
J. P. Darnall, Factory Hep., Koto A
Chase Piano Co.
Painting and Paper Hanging
MRS. ADA FIELD Splrella corsetlere
Phone 324-W. Address 514 Jane
MATERNITY anl convalescent ho
pltal Mrs. trail, lit E. Bltff St.,
Phone 277.
been taken over and now under new
management. J. M. Butts.
RAG KCGS and carpets woven. Also
first class crocheting and errbroid
ery. All oroers promptly Tilled. See
Wheelers, at 1300 W. Railroad.
These are ail worth the money call
and sea them Simpson Auto Co.,
Water and Johnson Sts.
We WASH and clean the -finest rugs-
satisfactorily. References given
We make fluff rugs from old carpets
Walla Walla Rug and Carpet Clean
ing Co. Pbone 1677. ,
j FOR RENT Rooms 407 W. Alia.' It cents a month, Sunday Included.
O. W. Hooker, agent. Office, Alice
Shinning Parlor (AI Riehardeon'l
Piece) 109 Mala St Phone C2X.
And further notice Is hereby given
that the Surveyors estimate of the cost
of said proposed improvement to be
charged against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land on account of sold
proposed Improvement is now on file
In the office of the City Recorder, sub
ject to Inspection nnd examination.
Dated- this 9th duy of December,
1920. ' '
Oily Recorder.
. Tha following described animal
have been taken up by tha marshal of
the City of Pendleton, to-wlt.
One brown mare,. 7 years old, weight
1100 lbs. Branded on left shoulder,
VX connected on stde. Lett hind foot
white, star in torehojpd.
Sorrel yearling colt, no brand.
If said animals are not claimed by
the owners or those entitled to their
possession and cost and expenses
paid and taken away within ten
day from the date hereof, then at t
o'clock p. m. on the 29th day of No
vember, 1920, the said animals will be
sold the highest bidder, at public
auction, for cash, at the City Pound,
tn said City ot Pendleton, the proceeds
ot such sale to be applied to ths pay
ment of inch .costs and expense ol
makln sale. . . - . -.
Dated thl IS'th day of November.
1920. ' i
City MarahaL
Sealed bids will be received by the
Directors of tho t'matilla . Drainage
ed such plan and specifications and I District, at the office of the Furnish
CM I mates and found the same satis
factory and the estimates therefore
to ls In accordance with tho probable
cost of such work, and
WHEREAS, the property recom
mended by the CHy Snrveyor td be In
cludod within the boundaries of .the
district benefited is, lit the Judgment
of the Common Council properly to
be Included within such Improvemrnt
FOR RENT Furnished Apartments
403 Tustln. ,
SLEEPING ROOMS close to Main St.
Call 4 98-M.
FOR RENT Housekeeping
ment pnone 5S4-J
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms Phono 204 -M.
room 1314 B. Court.
FOR RENT Sleeping room Inquire
310 Aura, Phone 242-M.
FOR RENT Outside sleeping room
Phone 212-W, 405 Lewis S4. Board
If desired.-
FOR RENT Fusnlshed Apurtnionf-j
with Gas 614 Cosble.'
FOR RENT Room with or without
board close in Phone 745-J.
FOR RENT Furnished housekeep
ing rooms 6 IS Jane, Phone 369-M.
FOR RENT- Housekeeping Alila.. in
private home on North Side Phone
258-J. . .
FOR RENT Front room with bn$
for gentleman only 118 Jefferson
FOH RENT Front bed room in pri
vate home reasonable 714 Jane
street. . ' .
FOR RENT Furnished rooms at 611
Bush fit., possibly urrangemonta for
FOR RENT Downstairs 2 room Apt.
Adults only Phone 289-W 307
Aura St. ' ' ;
FOR RENT Nlca- sleeping room.
Board acrou the (treat Phoo
292-M. lu Garden.
MARRY AT ONCE W put you In
- correspondence with thousands of
charming and refined ladies who wish
to marry, many worth from 31,000 to
$25,000 and upward. Particulars free.
Address Allen Ward, B 751,Valley,
Packs, bid Curtains Stl East
Ooart St ,
- Wofcton-Pcnilloton Auto Stag
Leaves Weston for Pendletos t
7:30 a. m. and 12:45 P- m.
Leaves Athena for Pendleton at
S:00 a. m. and 1:00 P ra.
Leaves Adams for Pendleton at
1:20 a. m. and 1:"20 p. m.
Leeve Pendleton (Allen-Knight
Co. Wtore) ,'or Westvn at 10:00
a. m. and 4 p. m.
O. H. Mcl HERRIN. Prop,
rilo Rri-lr-PendJeton Auto Mage
Lwe rtint Rock at 8 a. m.
Leaves "en.dlnton ai 10:30 . m
Leave Pilot Rock at 1 p. m.
Leave Pendleton at 4 p. ss. -
Lit. LENA A. BOON E Chiropractor
Office hours 10 to 12; 1:30 to 5:00,
369 E. Court St., Laatz Apt IS, Phone
Pressing and repairing. 804 V.
Webb. St Phone 321, Pendleton, Ore
CALL PENLAND Bros., lrausfer vac
to move your household goods. We
xlso puck or store goods. TV do on
iry hauling. Telepliooe SS.
Room 101 American Bank Bldg.
Phone 32t Pendleton, Ore.
DR. a M. HANAVAN Dentistry,
Room V, Temple Bldg, Phon 772.
1 PAINT Wall Paper. Plctur
.' ing. L." J. Mc.Vtee, th Praatleai
'Paint Man. Low Bros, Paints.
701 East Alta atraet Ail mak ot
radiators repaired. Work guaranteed
C. Blasberg, f-rop.
-ne; oCKLLE A oot piae to aat
WB BUyTseLL Vr txchange Ihou?
hold goods. We also do general fur
niture repair work Phone 522, Rlly
ft Kemp, 523 .tain St
CFT1CAL Dept., any sis, style
shape glass while you wait D.
Reber, M. P., 7, 8. 9. Belts Bldg.
Massage ami Steam Rath
Elecrriral cabtnet bath, medical tub
both, electricity, V-Ray, vibrator, ate.
at The Swedish Institute. If you suf
fer from rheumatism, stomach troa
blea, nervous, run-down, paxalyaia.
adiposis (reducing of weight) com
and see us. G. W. Brown, M. G. D.
Graduated In Sweden. Expert Lady
or J Assistant. uvrr isyior riarawar
K. J Stire, Main St., 74 3. Phone 107-W.
JNOW & DAYTON, 117 E. Court St i
Real Est-u. Fire Insurance. Farm
Loess. . Seu us about a loan. j
BRING your Junk to tn Pentaten
Hide A Junk Co. See us before ,ou
elt L. D. Cameron, Prop.
V. STROBLE, dealer tn new and MO
ond band good. Cash paid ior
second hand good, Cheapest .place
to buy household roods. ! K. Cam
Plioue 271-W.
THE mosTpto-dte"?retuai taa
Ing science practud. E. F. Glbans
P s. T.; N. D. Room 12 Peebler Bldg,
ing for the amateur enlarging.
Prompt work. Tallnian Drug Co.
EVERY Article Laundered Perfeetiy.
There' an agent In your town
Troy Laundry. (OS Garden St
COL. W. F. YOHNKA Auctioneer,
Call at Fturgts ft Storle'l Implement
V, for sale Catea.
7 MEN WITH . YEARS of experience
Motor Inn Garage, 72 Cottonwood
FOR RENT 2 room apartment in old! Hoagland, Prop. ,'
railing mug., 901 atain rfee air, r.
M. Hampton, Room 9.
BOOM TO B-ENT for two young ladle jWR DOALL KINDS of automobile
or two 'young men can get their ' and gas erntine repairing West End
own trtakfust or lunch morning Karaite, W. Webb and Maple Sts.
and evenings Phone 24 8-M. ' ' . , . ZZZ.
1 1 1 1 D. rio.CL.n A'- -' ...
faction gusranleed. W repair any
make. lcn Umur, 633 Coiiwosl.
HEMSTITCHING at the Singer (hop.
Mall order promptly attended to.
LAND SURVEY General nlDrtiia
work. Zu A. Iinsdala, C. RIvar
tde, Pend'eton. Or.
47 Main
Phone 1B
Dllch company. In Stanfleld, Oregon,
until five R o'clock 11. m. December
lth, 1920 for the furnishing of all
labor and materials for the construe-1
lion of a drainage system as set forth j
In the plans and specifications as pro-1
pared by E. S. Severance, Engineer for
said District for the following Approx
imate Quantities,
24,50 Cu. yds. Main ditch excava
tion. --
WANTED Sewing plain W fancr
Phon 301-M.
the day Phone 730-W.
Tb Fast OregoBhui otflc.
BOY AGE 15 wants work on ranch
for bonrd while goltig to sehoql
Call 204-R.
PERKINS & AMMONS, Automobile
. Reoalring. Ford, Chevrolet, iStude
bkker or any make of oar. Service
at any time. tSO Cottonwood, Prone
ft. Room 17, Schmidt
WANTED Man end wire want work
on sheep ranch. Address II. P. Aus
tin. Cashmere, Wash.
R. I. KEATOR, ttorry at 1-aw.
Koom 24, Sinlth.iraf ird Building.
FEE A FEB, Attorney at Law, Of
Com In Peapala buliJlnj.
Fancy Grapes 40c
Delicious Apples, extra large and deep
red, dozen , 75c
Winter Banana Apples, box . . $3.00 and $-1.50
Rome Beauty Apples, box $1.00
Walnuts California Number One Soft
Shells, 3 pounds $1.00
Pimento Cheese, 2 packages for 2,c
Spinach, Del Monte Brand, tin 20c
Butternut Bread 16c Dainty Cookies 20c
Tiie Bean Tatom Co.
Meat Dept.
Phone 88
Grocery Dept.
Phono 6S8
j.l.it .-1 i . . il l l . : n i tL