r ? t " v 1 DKtT EAST CUSCCriA!?, ft FRIDAY feVENINd; JDECEMBMt 10, iii(S. HIJI.-JUL. I.. I IHf "--I lllUm.JJIII- j 1 'U.U lllfi)i'Stt.-D ttlii o o o o Soda? . an J CJuo News THIKKIiAY ("M l! KNTI?CTAlXr:t rCU It M KKTl.W. K.VJOYKD iSm h wn tho case ycsleidoy wlnn Tim inlay Afternoon I'luh memliersl 1 ho home of Mrs. K. K. llnw was -the Kcbcknhalwlgn presided aver fas .r eiilci tumi d in a dilluhtliilly In ieresttiiia way yestcnlny a anesn ! Mr. Mti'iihcn A. IrwHI h ml Mis. A. J. Owen whose hospitality was extended In th attractive club room of the li brary. The dai's prvKr;tm liu'luded the following niu:ilMl-; llfn of lAtcy Augusta Arnold Want Ldy Humphrey Want) . Mrs. K. T. Wudc Kcview of "liana Msllnry" (Mrs. Ward)...., Mrs. 1. l llobart Vocal twdos, two Old KiiKlivli ballads. Meet Me By Moonlight (J. A. Wade I Love Was Once a Little l!oy (J. A. Wadej tho wenp yesterday of an enjoyable tiffair "hon Mrs. liacr mid Mrs. Charles Hrownlw were hostesses for a. meeting of the Research Club. lironH chrysanthemum lent a charm ing note to appointments and a short informal proRiam was followed by s.um'8. Numbers Riven were; Headings. , The llarvnrd-Yalc Hoat Race The Snake, Mr T. W. Remboldt Vocal solo Vocal Solos Mrs. James Will I Ko"d,I,K- i'i.mo solos .... Miss Iorethi'a Dodge A light luncheon was served during the final hour, several (ruests other olnatlntt sule booths in I, (.v O. K. ball, fsrwil a cufiNcr-la luncheon unl dinner, untl sponsored uu informal program for the. pleasure of callers. The event proved wonderfully atio- jcessful and the entertainment nun- tiers preceded uy a talk by JC, . F. lvirktiutrlck, were as follows: , . UcudiiiR Hobby Miller rtuno Solo Miss Kc.n Johnson Itetuliiuf Miss Huth Taylor . .. Miss Jessie Smith Miss Mary Anuireaux Selection lietekuh Orchestra ; than club menilers sharing In the I event. They were Mrs.. it K, Dodae. Mrs. H. K. Inlow'j Miss Dodge, MiJ8. Tradwell, of Port Sketch of the Life and Works of Ma- ; ami, Mrs. Clara Hracher, of Portland, them Arnold Mrs. John Hailey Mrs. Kenneth McRae, Mrs. James Readmit, lia ve Breach ( Arnold)... Payne and Mm. Lee Draka. iMrs. West'rook Dickson! Arnold's Kssays Mrs. B. S. UorrouphsjilAZAAH IS SPCCKSS. Ait hour over the tea cups followed j The approach of Christmas, the the program and the attractive table j seasonVif gift giving, mnkes welcome u presided over by Mrs. Anna Sioric ! the occasion of u baiaar w ith its end Mrs. Will Wyrick. scores of attractive holiday motifs. nOPf'S I'PSTAIKS SHOP Suits Now ; Half Price Dresses to 837.0 Now $19.75. Coats at Great : Reductions. , Great Values , in Georgette Blouses for Xmas Gifts. . GUILD Iff ENTBKTA1NEU i The Clark Westminster OulUi enjoy ed a meeting bust evenlnit with '- Miss Marie Teinfle. A hort business- meet inff was followed by ft program aud so cial hour. Numbers Included: llano solo Miss Agnes Little Report on the Study Book, "Tho Shepherd of Alntaab" t : Miss Iris Uttlc Rcudlng. Miss Vera Hanson Heading of Letter from Mlsg lioyd. Missionary' ...Miss Mar.iork Best Reading Miss Barbara ttdmumls Vocal iSolo Miss Edmunds The girls packed a box of ennd? to be sent to Miss Malxte Crawford and her helpers who are serving at the In dian mission at Lapwal During the final hour, dainty re freshments were served by Mls3 Tom- pie. . ; Ovr Taylor Hardware Stcre 3 MIS RKNDLEMAN IS BltlDK. The Presbyterian manse .was the scene ye.ertia.v afternoon of an in-' teresting wedding when Miss Roxie M. Rendlcmait became the bride of Conrad Hayes Johnson, the service being lead at 4 o'clock by Rev, G. 1 Olark. Mr. and Mrs. ft. Ollhuid of Pendleton attended the couple. , Mr. Johnson is employed as brake man by the O-W. It. & N. railway company with headquarters in Walla Walla and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson do parted last evening for the Garden City where they are to make their home. COOKED FOOD TO BK SOLD. Tempting pastries and products of the jar and kettle promise to attract shoppers in the vicinity ef the Olis mobile display parlor on Main street tomorrow, for the room, opposite Ho tel Pendleton, will be the soene of a cooked, food sale, sponsored by the naptlst Ladies Aid Society. Bits of cookery large and small, designed for the Sunday dinner, will feature the display and tempt the housewife who chances in the vicinity on Saturday. The sale is .scheduled to 'open at 10 o'clock. Cut Today 45c Monster Tillamook "Oregon quality" Cheese, pound Dressed Chickens, direct from the Ranch. " Order early. ; , " , r '. Oregon Walnuts, pound .............. ... 40c .. 15c $1.00 I f 3c '. . 45c 75c for and Sauer Kraut, quart White Soap, 17 bars Spanish Olives, pint ; .'. ............ .. Midget Sweet Pickles, pint .......... Eastern Oysters, pint .'. , . Watch our windows tomorrow ni; Christmas candies, nuts, fruit cake, : dates. ' . v Gray Bros. Grocery Co. THREE r'HONES ' QUALITY - CASCARETS . "They Work wliile you Sleep"; THE THOMAS SHOP HIGH SCHOOL NOTES L j : ' Scat Sale iiut Stron. The fresl man class, which Is handling the Ited Cross stamp sale, have already turned in $:'6. The hlsh school's quota vat 15 and more than this was raised In the first day. They expect to turn In at least $45 Jtoward the stamp Bale. Miss Ellaabeth Severance, faculty ad visor for the class, is In charge. Second Kories of Class Wiikw. The second series of class tames was held last evening when the Freshman again defeated the seniors and the aopbo nmres defeated the Juniors, - Each class will play another three games before the w tontendera for the tn terclass championships will be an nounced. Tonight ithe senior girls wi'lj meet the freshman girls for a game.N Both the seniors and the freshmen have strone teams and the game this evening is expected to oe interesting. c Urnjr back yiuir old "kick"! Vou are iWilous, constipated! You . Xoel headachy, full qf cold, dlsxy, unstrung. Your meats don't fit breath is bad. skin, sallow. Take Cascurets tonight for your Uver and bowels and wake up clear, energetic uud cheerful. Xo griping no Incoprcnlenre. Children love Ca sea rets too, . 10, so cent Unparalleled , Sale . ON. COATS SUITS, DRESSES, WAISTS, SKIHTS, PETTICOATS, SWEATERS AND SILK UNDER WEAR. ; : w X'yf 777: , r7 ".,' is ii y if f .as 1 this evening. GfleNiVSENT TO ISSUE s 8 n 8 8 8. ft All out-doors invits your ! " n '' ' Christmas Kodak It's a gift no sooner opened than it's used. We don't mind the Christmas rush except that it causes inconvenience to you and the rest of our customers and, of course, we don't like that. Shop early in the month, early in the day that's pretty good advice but of course we're glad to see you any time. - . Kodaks from $9.49 up Brownies, $2.86 up. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE' 3 S $ i to GENEVA, Dec. 10. Tho admission of Bulgaria to the league, of nations has been voted by the commission on the admission of new states. ' This ac tion was taken after a report submit ted by Marshal Foch had been read, in which the marshal declared that Bul garia had made sincere efforts to live up to the treaty terms. ' Even the "little entente" countries. which had been strong In their -opposition to Bulgaria, rotcd for her ad mission. - - The commission also decided to per mit Armenia, Albania and Geor participate in the work of the techni cal commissions. Lichtenstetn was re fused admission, but will be allowed representtaion of its Interests In the leacue 'ii!serland. The Baltic states were not admitted and the only reitKtinintf questlor. is the disposition of Lithuania. ' " Idd Happy Canyon site. Ji was found and jailed. Jin the afternoon he was found guilty and fmcd .. -s William Eag&ji, a frequent offender, was sentenced to It days in the city jail for being drunk and disorderly, He was denied the alternative of a fine. He pleaded -not guilty when brought to trial Wednesday morning - ' - .-.' and witnesses -were brenght In to prove . that he, too, had created more than Two new government securities tola normal amount of disturbance while I be issued in 1921 have just been an-1 intoxicated. .'.: . notfnceu by the treasury department. ' Thc-y are a l treasury savings stamp SIASKKI) VOn and a Jf -o treasury savings certificate. The new 1 savings stamp will bear thei head of Alexander Hamilton, first1 1 ' " 1 - secretary of the treasury and w:lll be i bX by part of the teand. atheirs untoek- hricht mrt In color. The S25 savlnES cens ana i uunn mrei l'.won iBriGn.Tio' in , WASHINGTON. Dec. 10. U. P.) A big majority lor the bill suspending immigration for two years was mdi lated in the house when, by a vote of 151 to 9, immediate consideration of the measuse was ordered; ! - OOOOOOO OOOOOOO OCl O O O O OOOO (SOOOOOOO O O OO 0 OOO O ;00009 OOOO O 0 Off o o o o o O'i o o o o o o o o o o o o o O: o o O; o O' O' O O O O o O o Ol o( o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Skookum Pancake Flour NONE BETTER SKOOKUM PANCAKE FLOUR The only PANCAKE FLOUR MADE AT HOME. ASK your Grocer. 220 E. Court Phcne 351 UMATILLA FLOUR & GRAIN CO. 220 E. Court Phones 351-1014 21 INDIGESTION b in (raanUr for. Irr MS Iddiu, or witb richy or watsr. hot or caid, prffmrably hat QUICK REUEFl Price, 25-60-75 offered him a drink. , The man went in rear of the bulliMnx ...and - partook.! itonrit then -asked him for la for the Ramiiict Tills F.ieulnS The Girls r""- 1 reiusea. saying tnai Forum of tnb achool this evening will,'" ,,aa ulKon oeiier mat entertain members of the lirst andl" wa fwwlll offering. He atartwl fnoih,ll iP.miL the athletic ror nll"'o0" n Kohrk fllwed. The manazers..the veil leader, coach and :man went lockel ho door and pre several business men with a banquet i S" "eu. r.onrc Kepi op nis in the music room of the school. The pursult u"a nttempted to break down boys will be called for at their homes the r and collect his If:: in automobiles and will be escorted to Tno "J"' cUk h hole! tailed the schnl where the bnnnuet will be tl,r tn0 police and Patrolman- Myers served by committees appointed from and Deputy Sheriff Ihishee respotiied. the Fnniin. Mlm Rstella Mills nresl- TJl"--y cauuht Kohrk but ho broke the' dent, has arranged several Interesting bottle. Then he freed himself and ran. From 20 to 50 Per Cent Off on Everything. WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS AT I "COMPARISON INVITED alks an;! jiiehty of enleHalnment forh,dl" behind some tiulldinga near the appearance and several wero led hys terical from the aoene, t'l had no chance," said Sheriff Boycs today. "Six tfuns wro poked at mo by the mob und two men grab lied my arms. They -slammed me tn a chair, oae man went through my Pickets And then they hustled me In t. an adjoining office and kept m. there."' ' Iw of tt-rn Metlrrnlaitl. " It was Uie "lynch law" of the "forty r.lnerif" modernised, which was the ruling attain for the f hut time In many n yen r 111 CUillfornla. . Instead of the old mining camp wagon, which hauled the. victim of the aold hunters' wrath ito (heir doom costly motor cars were "used. Instead of the glow of lanterns. the ghaitlv gleam of nulmneile head-Ilk-ht made the tortured, writhing bodies glow ghost -like amid tho mist which helped to blacken the night. ,1 It vas di.ne with modern efficiency') (lulrkly over with in half an hmir. Hardly a word waa spoken: not a alt was fired. The roaring, cursing rock lex niob cf the old mining camp day hiid been replaced. J'.' . f.-1 t'tlsrrlt Is an excessive kecrotlmv neconipanleO with chronic Inflamitiar Hon. frem the mucous .membrane JUjoiI's farsaparllla acts on the mucpaa merabrsne through the blood, red (fees Inflammation, establishes healthy .a tion, and radically cures all case bf estsrrh. 1 tContrfcued from pag 1.) certificate will be similar in design and terms to the treasury savings certifi cates of J100 and 10 maturity value i ut uirierent in coiur. The 1921 savings stamp of 15 matur ity will be larger than the 1920 stamp, will be orange in color and bear the head of Lincoln. The thrift stamp, 5 savings stamp and $100 and $10011 treasury certificates, will be continued for 1921. - " 0 gangsters to 30 waiting automobiles. The death ride was then startexl through Kama Rosa's beautiful resi dential . districts to the Odd Fellows cemetery" - The gangsters wore rushed inside a great human circle to an oait tree inuide the cemetery, where tlir.i were hanged, one after anothr. The band stayed until all three were dead, and then departed riuletly. Spectators Visit ekxinn - After the bodies mid swung In a gentle breeae' which mu blowing" a light mist around them, for anr hour,, 'the sheriff and comity .corner removed i them. Group of grim-faced men hurried to thejscenc, And' surroumled the still-warm btfdcs soou after tjin lutnglngs. Wuiuen eootv made th4r ALgcTlW TABLET TORM MAOC Ut SCOTT ft BOWNg MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION is KOEPPEN'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE A. C. Koeppen & Bros. The Orng fitore Tliat Vou Beat. , flertw TOKTLAXD, Crc., Dec. 10. (A. V Areas of the Oregon national forest which have been made accessible tiy the building of the Mount Hood looii road and which ase said to be saitabie for summer home sites have been In spected and mapped by officers of the United States forest service, according to A. 1'. Jackson,' a member of the mapping inrty, whojretumcd to Port land the other day from the region t.bove Government Camp in the Mount Hood district Where the mapping ac tivrties have been carried on. ' Two separate sections of land weM mapped one lying below the govern ment camp, and one above. Both are rich In ""scenic beauty, according to Jackson, and are easily accessible bv cither the Barlow road or the loop read. ' Both sections are-about sixty mile from 1'orHand find will be easily reached when the loop, road Is completed.. OWNEROFOOPEffiTS- El Lots 6'- isto'ctiintird FISH BRAND Reflex a Slicker Jf Forwerynindot v wet work or sport AJToWtR ca r, 1 if-.,- ISMSU3HE0 13 BOSTON' MASS. in ' v.. .l,,?1 1 - , ..... V (1 Herman Kohrk, out of the county Jail on $750 bonds, to insure his ap pearance In the U. B. district court on a :chargo of having narcotics In his possession, yesterday afternoon paid fine of tbO lit police court on a drunk and disorderly charge. He escaped facing a charge of having liquor In his povaessloil unlawfully by breaking a bottle of moonshine just as Patrolman flyers grabbed for It when arresting I.ohik late Wednesday night. Tost;mony at Ilohrk's trial In police court yesterday afternoon indicated that he was doing a little liquor bus- iiness without having a bur. Itnhrk. in For Biliousness Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Bloi.'- in. Gt, Conttipstion all tseie (iv. Iieitia cotlitquenoei ol WidijllMllotI ir aroided if' the boweli art kept opes aad reultn rOLinfCATrtAaf IC TAEUT5 set promptly,' without psia ' or Muic't. Thejr dear the bowel, tweetca ttt tomsch and loas up the Urer- ' T. R. WkltelrarM. K. P. D 1. ttaklk, V,, "Ft-r Cftftaiic Tablet km dons ai mwm gMd.diM soy ociIIcIds I rvrr mc. PHOTOS Have your Ainaa photo made D) Special Offet t ' - IN FREE Records Given with' the mirrhnsp or a' : r ' Mandel Phonograph . . .Tlus js a tonafide offer. arid there has : been abso-- v , '. . ' ;! lutely no . advance 5r 1: .. change in pvicbs pf Man- ' : ;. . x del Phonographs. ' . ' ' ' ' mAndl"' -.: ; rMost Beautiful , -PLAYS ALL RECORDS Filing Space for 50 i . . , . Records. : ' '. We offer ai Sug-feUtioris for Xmu GifUi - Table and Piano amps, Cedar Chests, Pictures, Easy Chair3 and Rockers', Pedestals and Smoking: Stands,' Rugs, Dining, Living and Bed Room Furniture. . "'.r . . For the Children! " " :ti Chairs, Rockers, High Chairs, Kiddie Kars, Doll Carts ' ALT AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 'CRAWFORD FuSWE 1)0 ; Phone 496 ' " 103 E. Court- . rij wt will tke you lu your home. mill " i t i . i ' ' - V a M'i'n if't rt'ort nivt a ww nnJ