-ti.lMt,' V 4 V TWELVE PACriATT; DAILY EAST OEEQONIAN, PENDLETON," OEEGOIT,' FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 10, 1020. r.ias nvM. E o u. u tm Z I CULIC 1 ICf C tifltt I JICC : : u ulj n iu ui uliui - 1 I.nri F.ttnr, well known young ranch er of the Pilot Rock district, win business vi.iior, In Pendleton Thius- )iiy. . , Mulcalm Gilbert who during the vnr served an a member of Company M, wan a business vlltnr here Thurs day. He In In the lnuriinco business. Ask For It! I Expect to find the c:i. ik- Mark CiF Supremacy, on every bottle of emulsion that you buy. This moans that you will always ask (or 8 SCOTT'S EMULSION PI Soon H n-raim. BliKimfMM N J Jli-ijl Speaking of "Ho Your Christum Shopping Early," ii Pendleton woman whose Christum gift list total 54, hiiii nil the gift ready for falling. Many of them wore made by tho local wom-un. Mm. Mary DhvIh. who operate flit op noi MnrlnirM lit Kilter, In one of lhoo who Ih Interested In the trial Frederick Hader, now unDerwuy at the court house. Mm. Davis will stay here until tln trial In completed ami men will (jo on to Portland for a visit. Labor Turnover In North lmkota Ih the highest 'of uny portion of tho l, nu rd Ktatc, providing any work la desir ed from men on a Jnh, Alfred Fit PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER SERVICE Buy .i a Barrel pf Flour 4 Now that you are buying the flour, you will need ' all the things that go with it. There's salt, soda, bak ing powder, i'eaat, lard, milk, etc, ( If you want them quickly and- surely, Economy..... .... . . . -. call the SPECIAL. Snowflake Shortening 4 pounds for $1.00 , The Economy Grocery Gerald, 'Who returned hint n!nht fnoin IJc-vIIh Like, N. p., said. Mr. Flu Gerald has been superintendent of a riiiialrui-ilun coiiipany laying roadH and Hlrci'tH In Fargo and Devils Lake since leaving Pendleton early laat spring. The N'ou-PurtlMin tougher and oilier radicals tin the Dakota ale shlcldlus each other unri every laborer curries a red card, he ald. lit- wan obliged t niro and flro men with remarkable rapidity until finally a crew wax ob tained which would actually (five r suit, tin the Devlin Ijike Job the con- traders completed their work last week wllh zero weather prevailing, laying concrcto paving while heating Plant were maintained In the streets to keep the luborcr warm. Snow had to bo scraped off the atreel no that the lop layer could be put clown. Mr. Kit Herald will vlidt here with HI parent, Judge nnd Mr. Thomas Fit Cc alu until after the holidays. Mrs. Kw Gcruld lnijed til Wallu Walla fi.r u uhort vlalt before coming -here to Jo'ii him for the lioliduy. MuitIukc, l.lceiiw Im mmyI. ' A murrliige llien:.e wai bailed by the county clerk today to I'onrad Hayed .lobiiron, of Walln Walla, and Mm Koxlo II" iidh inail, of Pendleton. Ilo Social Nclieiliilcd The Kchool In dixlrict No. 4. at the foot of ttbbai;e lllll, will be the m en. of u box oi l.il lh' evening. Til'. money nerniliig' will be used for (i Hchool fund. leggs l lalc AppralH'il. Tho CKtale of tho late James ). Meggx Ih worth $7:i7.!0, according to un Inventory filed with the , comity clerk today. The upprulmtrtC were J.m n. jreiund, J.. M, llullock and K. r. ( (rattan. Takln;: D-H't'ulc ("liaoicq . yin-lm trrr it.;. I many confinet frevi r-e ' 'ioI'Ik and re'over from Ihein wlll'.oot1 itakln nnyprertaullon or tienienf., ' land a knowledge (it this lact lean iotlier to take their chance instead of i giving Ihelr cold Ihe needed attention. , It Hhniild l.e borne In mind that every Is lj! eolil weakeni (he lung, bf.ver the vi-i lalily, niaki- tbe ny.Ht.ern lc able to wllhatand eieb Miiccccdtn:? attack and pave Hie way fur the more m .-rtou 5 dlw-aKen. Can you afford to take hiic!i -E lt-Mpeiate chanee.H when fb:inilerli.ln'H S Cough Jleiuedy, fanioim for tt cure S of bad colds may be had for a trifle? ZZ hamlxTlaiu'M oimb llene ily the , E Mollicr' I'nvorlK! The noothliig and healing properties , S of CMamberlain' Coo;h Itemedy, 'li ! 5 p,eaH.'int laxte and prompt and effec tuul cure have made it i favorite with people everywhere. It is especially . S prized by mother of young children for cold, croup and v.'hocpintf cough, n a it always afford quick relief and E -tt free from opium and other harmful H drug. . ( : lien You Arc ConstlpnU-d To Inane u healthy action of the howtjl and corret dlH.-joi det of the ' zi liver', take two of Chamberlain' Tab-' S let -Immediately after Kiipper. They.S Bill not only inline a gentle movement, S IiHII!(iai!iS1iil'!?l!!!!! iinniiiiiimiitiniiyimfitmjHMHiniinfniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiviii'piHiitsiai! i - ff ez. iff no r " v" : I ' T .' I t grocery uepu I XXXX niiAND EVAPORATED I MILK FOK COOKING Per Can . . Per Dozen Per Case . . .. 10c $1.10 $1.10 7-c 3-)C T. 11. Itanfluld, who I KUpcrlutend Ing the construction of the Dank of Kcho building and an addition (o thr Pendleton Mausoleum, wo hero on bUHlpesn yetcrduy and returned to Portland on laxt night' train. o 7. Pi "1 o c 50 P Z 2 Pi O 5C flj I l.yni.in O. Itice. assixtant cashier of plllhi. Tlrxt National P.ank. who has been I 111 ut hi home for the p'dst week with (iilp, va able to leave hla home to day for Hie first time. Ilcpinii-v DeMily Ciniicx for Man. ' Depuly Hheriff Shelby, of . Morrow county, arrived here laM evening for i of the bowels, without unplcaxant ef- Duck (itiayne, wanted on a rhurge of fectt;. but t.anish that dull, etudlp feel larceny aiul beating a board bill at j lug, that often ucsouinpanies consti- j Itourdnian. Ha left fop Jleppner on pation. . i accomiiunlcd by Mr, Libby's Queen Olives, per bottle .c r.ihKir'e sj.nr I'irHps Tier bnttlf 2c JM. l"'J J V VI A X " - " Cider, per gallon .' Bulk Mince Meat, per pound Seeded Raisins, per package , Cleaned Currants, per package 3.c SKimiec jMaccaroni or Spaghetti, each, 10c; per dozen SI. 10 this morning's train the priwoner. Zoelh IIoiier, who take office an sheriff of Umatilla county on Junuary I. 1021, enme up from his. ranch ut K)ho today and will spend today an 1 tomorrow In Pendleton on business, Hay F. Carter.' district reprecenta- tlve for Community Service, with of fice In Seattle, left by tage, yester day afternoon for .Walla Walla, en roulo buck to hi headquarter. , J. I!. Suylor, who I Interestea In the new Freewater State Hank and I pres ident alao of the Bank of Kcho, was a Pi business visitor In Pendleton today. Hi ' ' C. K. Selch,,roadmater for the Pas- co-i-enoicton .nianch or the Northern Pacific railroad, rame over today from Pasco on official business. J.N3W1V3H1 snoamnoD moj 3NiN-o-Hnoi aNOHd III WflPflfllflllll iUiillUWulitlillililll mm "True Shape" Hosiery Just received, a new line of Ladies' True Shape Hose in wool and silks. These hose are all guaran teed to be absolutely perfect and will give excellent wear. " Ladies' Brown and Green Heather Mixtures, an extra extra fine grade. Introductory price $2.95 Ladies' Black and White Lace Hose, full fashioned, pure silk, at , $2.00 che . Jt. 735 Main St JaCk Winer, Mgr. j I Cbarli y Nliapllsh Sued. K. 1.. I'ower today brought unit against Charley Khaplinh, known also a Charley Whirlwind, to recover $J97.f0 and Interest, alleged due on a prombxory note, and S75. alleged due for a saddle sold the defendant by the plaintiff. S. A. Ixiwell repre sent the plaintiff in the action. 7 Ullia .1, lloX liltiiiuiir-iius ; t 'liamlHTlnlir Tubli l i, S "I have frequently used used f ham-1 7tflIIItItIIIIIfltIftIltlIllEIIfllIfIICiriIIIIIIfliriIlllfItlIlllllItllIfllIIItfltlftIIIIi:itIlffffffltlt berlain' Tablet", during the past three I years, and have found them cfdendld , for headache and billou attacks. 1 !j n,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,,,,,,,,,! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II ! II 1 1 1 i I M II I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 t err. only too pleased, at any time, to speak a word in praise of them. ' writes Mr. Jjiura M. IPyt, Rockport, X. Y. ;5 tiiri'r Coming hi 'January. K. L. Kleminc, liead of the depart ment of education of the Bellingham State Normal School, will give several addresse before Umatilla county audi-, encc on a lecture tour early next month, County aehoo) Superintendent W. w. Orcen w: advised today. Air. Klemine wa one of the chief speak er at tho recent teacher Institute held here. B. T. Woods, representing Schwa macher Brother, of Seattle, a largo wholesale grocery house, is In Pendle ton on business today. ' .lame John returned last night front a three days" business trip to the towns of Union county. Money for Wheat Wantivl. Mary D. Stockntun today filed suit against K. C. Kllgore Keeking to col lect $2974. 4 for wheat 'mid tlie de fendant nnd for whlcli 'payment is al leged past due. She also asked that the defendant be made to turn over to her 91296.61, the proceed of some wheat which the defendant wa given to sell for the plaintiff. Haley. Haley A& Htiwnr and H.' J.' Warner are at torney for the plaintiff. creation of new national parks and the ; conservation and improvement oi.g these 1n existence will cause Interest ; to be shown in efforts to be made dur- ingMhe coming session. of Congress to i s provide for the creation of another 5 such park out of Mammouth Cave, S Ky., and certain area surrounding it.: It has. been suggested In Washington IS that the scenic "wonder of Mammoth: Cave cannot be left in private owner- S ship indefinitely. is The movement to have a national js park consisting of a 32.000 acre tract. : 2 and including Mammoth Cave, is lieln-; . SS pushed by rtepresenUtive R. Y. Thorn- Uas of the Third Kentucky district. r: itATK I'kovision st spi;ni:. WAKHINOTttN. Dec. 10. (A. P.) The shipping board today suspend ed provision in the merchant marine act allowing preferential rail rates on goods destined for export on Ameri can ships. The suspension is effect ive only until adequate shipping fa ollltle are available at certain ports. mm ',x 'mi-;.. iv ''i "Rape's Cold Compound" Breaks any Cold in Few Hours Pay Cash Receive More Pay Lss DESPAIN & LEE CASH GROCERY 209 E. Court ' Phone 880 We make your grocery bill pay you interest. Does a credit store? , " " CORN MEAL; 50c sack yellow or white OATS Sack, each .75c Dly. Package, each 35c Mother's Package 45c GRAHAM FLOUR Per 9 lb. sack ....65c BUY A BARREL OF OF FLOUR : This movement will sure jelp the farmer and to lelp him sure to help you. FLOUR 49 pound.sack $2.75 1 sacks or barrel $10.50 OLYMPIC WHITE SATIN SNOW DRIFT LARD , No. 5 Holly Lard $1.45 No. 10 Holly Lard....$2.85 5 pounds Swift's $1.65 1 gal. pail country lard $3 APPLES Fine Rome Beauty Ap ples. Guaranteed. Per Box, $2.00 CRISCO 1 1-2 pound 55c 3 pounds -- $1.00 6 pounds $1.90 We take pleasure in letting you know that our busi ness has increased forty per cent in six months on the i cash basis We are handling the business with the same am ount of help that we had before the increase in our sales. There is a reason for this increase and a reason that we sell our groceries lower for we are hndling -tnis Bame business that we were doing forty per cent less on the same amount of expense. Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less DESPAIN & LEE CASH GROCERY 209 E. Court - , Phone 880 Instant Relief! Don't stay stuffed np! Quit Mowing and snuffling! A dose of 'Tape's Cold Compound" tak en every two hour until three doses aro taken usually break up any cold. The Very first cost opens clogged nostril and the a:r. passages of the head; stops noso running; relieves the headache, dullness, fevcrlshnes. "Pape's Cold Compound" acts quick, sure.uid costs only a few cents at drug store. It nets without assistance, taste nice, contains no quinine In slt uhjii Papo's! NOTICES TOALLJIBMUBlW Tho officer or the Tri-Stale Auto Club of Pendleton have called a spectnl meeting for Wednesday night, Decem ber 15 at 7:30 in the Cnmmerclul Club rooms In the" Klks' building. There is very 'important work to be taken till at this meeting and It is very necessary that you should attend ai we want your personal opinion on the business to be transacted. ' Very respeotlfully, J. 13. KNIGHT. Secretary. Primmer Due In Morning Deputy Sheriff Joe Blakeley. with Harry Thomas and John D. Copier., v.aiued here to answer, to forgery charges, will return in the morning from Portland,-according to word from the sheriff office today.. Thomas was arrested at Medfnrd two week ago and Coplcn at Portland this week. The latter claims to be related to a mil lionaire oil man of Ijos Angeles. Dis trict Attorney R. t. Keator has Indi cated that whether or not he is related to a millionaire he will go before the grand Jury on Monday. WHEAT OPENS $1.65 AND DROPS TO $1.61 Wheat dropped apain today in the Chicago market, December w heat clos ing at $1.61 after opening at J1.C5. March wheat dropped to II. 58. after opening at 11.62. Following are the quotations from Overbeck & Cooke, local brokers: Wheat Iiigh Dow Close 1.65 1.62 Corn Practical Gifts Thin is a year of practical glf!a for Christmas. We have that -kind tff rnerchandlte. i Kill Hi; OK MOTHKIt " Henuine Hudson Hay all wool While Blanket five pound all wool Brown Blanket ron vot n kisti:k oh swraTntKAirr Plue Serge Yeomanelte Middy Plue Flannel Gold Braid Goody Middy Red Flannel Black Braid Goody Middy Black or red Silk Middy Tie lii.no .. .."! ..12..0 ..l2.SO ..$ 1 .00 Dec Mar. Open 1.65. 1,62 1.60 1.61 1.56 1.08 h the Genuine and Only Laxative Quinine tablets The first and original Coid and Grip tablet, tbe merit of Vhicb U recognized by all civilized nations. Be careful u avoid farltatioaa. Be sure it3 Bromo 1 roit Tin: hoy ois vovxg max HuutinK Knife with Sheath i. Army Axe, small $ i.M) Officers' Dress Shoe, Corovan color 8.00 Bunting Fias. 4x6 feet -, 5- Aluminum Mess Pan I'Olt IU f-'tag Shirt for Hunting or Camping Mackinaw. O. D. or Grey Leather Vest , Officers Dress Shoe, Cordovan color Pox of 6 Ca.shmcre Sox. assorted shades Horse Hide Puttees Cordovan color CKT IT AT THK AI5MY STOllir .;. 2..v s .oo SIO. 8.00 S S.V ASHY Ai NAVY SALES CO. 516 MA IX ST. iTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiMiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTi if, The Genuine bears this signature 30c ' M I MHIMMHtMMMtMtmIMmiHMHtllHI1MMH Brookfield Butter Dec. May July Dec. May July I K'C. May .71,14 I .47 Vi. .51 .5M 'i TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I hereby give notice that my wife ISsther Miller ha left my bed and board without cause or provocation and against my will and wishes, and is not now living with me; and all per sons aro hereby warned and notified rot to extend to th? said Esther Miller any credit upon my account a I will not be responsible for any bills here fter contracted for by her. Dated December 2nd, 1920. GOTTLIEB MILDER. NOTICF., Notice ir Payment of City of IVmllc tou (icnci'itl liiih'lilctlui'K l onds Notice is hereby given that Cily of Pendleton General Indebtedness Bonds Nos 11 to 20 Inclusive will be paid upon presentation thereof at he banking house of Kcuntxo Bros., 141 Broadway. New York City after January 1, 1921 Interest on the above Bonds ceases January 1, 1921. - Dated December 1, 1920. LFB MOOUHOPSE, Treasurer, City of Pendleton, by H. W. Dickson. Deputy. Notice of Bills to Furnish Lumber Notice i iicreby given thalsea1ed bid will be received at the office ot the Cltv Recorder In Pendleton, Oro. gon up to 5 o'clock p. m. on December 15th 1920, for furnishing to The City of Pendleton, F. O. 3. the Lee Street Bridge SOOO feet of lumber 3 V In', by 12 In. by IS ft. Tho Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bid at Its pleasure. - Dated this 2nd day of Deconibcr, 1920. THOS, F1TZ CERALD, City Kecorder. .76 Out .4 7?i . .r. 1 live 1.57 1.52 1.40 vi 1.37 Itarlcy . .67 .(.1 .74 .70 .CS 14 .71 'i ,72U 5'j, .49' .48 .6S14 .7114 .72Vi .4 5 is .49& .4Si 1.53 1.381 .fill I '4 Dec. May Wlicat - Liquidation came in imme diately nlier the opening nnd persisted throughout the session with support confined to covering by shorts and. holders of privileges. There was noth ing particularly significant In the news development! except a general real isation that affairs In general are not shaping towards price stability in any eiitmiindhics. Fair sized sales were re ported for export, but passed almost unnoticed. With the exception of red wneat. v hlch held strong, tho cash market declined with the futures. Of ficial announcement was made that the Aigentlne has lifted the embargo ns'ilnst importation of wheat from that country. We are qnite well con vinced that the tendency to deflate has not yet culminated and that bull ish Pews 01 most any kind will con tinue to bu over-shadowed by this sit- UlUinll. WHITE STAR BUS LINE t S( HI III ID j 1 S:!M! a. m. l.v. Heriniston Ar. 5:40 p. m. j S:2(i a. In. I.v. Stiiiifield Ar. 0:2trp. m. S:4Vu. ni. l.v. Edfo Ar. 5:00 p. m. ' 9,-40 a. tn. Ar. Pendleton Lv. 4:00 p. ni. 1 'M UAves Allen-Knight's at Pen- I dlcton. Carl's Cigar Store at Echo, j ."taijfiek1 Hotel fit Slanficld. Bay's i Gai'iigc rc IIei'iiiisto:i. Wre have the exclusive sale on Brookfield Butter. Without exception this is the finest butter ever sold in Pendleton. We absolutely guarantee every pound of it or your money back. We have sold several thousand pounds of this elegant butter already and have never had a complaint If you are dissatisfied with the butter you are using now, try a pound of Brookfield. It is quartered for you, no ragged cut butter for your table. Use a cube at a time and the rest is sealed from the dust until you are ready for it. There is no cleaner, more sanitary butter sold in Pendleton. "IsTai Supply" Phone 187 and 18S 739 Main Street CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietors V-WM- 'a'.MVwA-M.v.'.A,,. tMtMIMIMIIMMMIfMttttMIMMMflMMIM Save Monev at The City Meat Market 1 Today, Tomorrow, and all the time by buying meats of quality at honest let live priees. Tlj case of the State of Oregon vs. Frederick Kudcr went to tho jury at 12:15 this afternoon after the final ar-1 ailments had been completed by tho attorneys in tho case. James A. Fee; made the final argument for the prose-1 col on and John P .Winter for the de-1 tense. After veturniiiK from lunch : mie Jury began lis deliberations. I E WASHINGTON, Dec. in Tbe warm support given by the people of all sec tions of the country to neiivittes of the? federal b'ovenuueut lovking to tin; SATURDAY SPECIALS Boiling Beef 6c lb. Pot Roasts .......... 12e lb. Chuck Roasts 18c lb. Prime Rib Roasts . . Boned and rolled. ,c 11). SATURDAY Chuck Steaks . SPECIALS 20elb. Pork Roasts 24c lb. Legs Lamb 25c lb. Veal Roasts 22c lb. PHONE 703 City Meat- Market On Wcbl) Around the Corner of Main. Sir i4 "..WV jid 'i -a'-S. 4 : vHfe. i I T 1 1 t i t .'n;ri;;t:;