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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1920)
fOTC EIGHT t4 DAILY EAST OREGON IAN, PENDIXTOoilECbN. inmSDAY EVENINGiDEEMBEU 0, 1920. TAGES TOMTEEH PACES ' "' DAILY EAST ORECONTAft, fEifDtETOK,' OREGON, TKtJItSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 9, 1020. .JU A a.-. fc.l HUB El A Of TOI C Ms rv - m fit !1 I . ' .i A II-.. J - i Mt'lM - a TTj 1L "DVT "IT : If 1 .... o i jasy.a 3 .5 Olf i 4 j: ArAri" i Never Before in the HistoiroFendletoii, Has Such a Wonderful Stock of New Merchandise een Sacrificed v .... HAVE GIVEN. INSTRUCTIONS TO CUT, SLASH, SLAUGH-,,; TER AND SEli EVERY COAT, SUIT, DRESS, FUR AND ALL DRY GOODS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, SHOES, ETC., RE- GARDLESS CF COST, PROFIT OR FINANCIAL LOSS. THE FOLLOWING PRICES WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT THEIR ORDERS HAVE BEEN OBEYED. uj ui i nmk in ' OPENS TOTAIf ?. stop; ii, REFLECT r ; 9 Then come to Pendleton's greatest sale, and share in the most stupendous, startling and sensational bargains for women ever known, before or since the war. We admit the offering, and prices in this ad Ur ger behef, and may gem too good to be true, but they are true ; in face they are bigger and better than they .ppe, in print, because stocks are absolutely new, purchased for 1920-21 winter trade so be here when the door, open for the last and final wcrifice and bur Dre.s Goods, Underwear, Ho,iery, Draperies Ribbcn., Coata, Suits, Dresses, Waists, Fur. and Shoe. etc. at a mere fraction of their actual worth. The time to di pose of the balance of thia stock is shockingly .hort. We have taken heroic measure, to clear the stock. If you appreciate relue., here's your chance to profit by our de.perate and determined effort to clow, out every arhcle m this .lock, and wind up the affair, of the R. D. Sayres & Co. by January fir.t. It is ySur one.great .opportunity of a lifetime to buy really dependable, new, .eaumable merchandUe at slaughtered prices. Think bow young the tea.on is. Think of the economy pf buying stylUh wearing apparel and shbes, while you can still have the satufactioh of knowing that you are up-to-the-minute in fashion! Then come to the Great Sayres sale and take advantage of these terrific smashing bargains that are made possible only by Worsen ch-cumtnces ! . Never in all your life will you regret your decision It will mean manv a dollar actual money saving, to you! PLEASE BEAR IN MIND! This . no Mle to readjust prices, or meet the public's demand for lower prices, It U a legitimate Ie for - WStiLiT " mn "f"7 store or mail order house in the United St.te.dare attempt to sell merchandise of equal quality similar prices, 'it wouldTtte mTn bnkrptcylo any mmmmmnm OEM f7S t 9t " i n I For 'I IIiiiiiij e. t. to quit business for good Sacrifice inuiHinii!i!H!i!U!nMii!iiMiui!niiiiiiuii!iHMMiMiHiMiiiHiiiniininii!UMiHiiiHiHHiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii 1 1 1 1 1 j j j 1 1 1 1 i m 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ti iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiitiinitti Mf iiiiMi iititniiiuiiiiittitiiiiiiiiffiuiuHiifnitiitf r iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMn iiiiiiuiiiiiiifniiinirniuiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiitHiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiniriiiiiiiiiitiiiim ' : - PRICES THAT WILL GREATE FURIOUS SELLING . IN ever, buch a While they last you can buy women's toe and storm Rubbers formerly selling at $1.15 at, per pair ......50c The finest imported Kid Gloves, black, white and col ors, all sizes, selling to $3.50, on sale, pair $1.98 Women's fine silk finished Lisle Thread Hose, black, white and cordovan, worth $1.00, on sale, pair....68c Women's Fibre Silk Hose, colors, black, white, cordo-J van-, etc., former price $1.85, on sale, per pair 98c Pure Silk Hose, with lisle ribbed tops, black and colors, worth $2.25, on sate, per pair $1.39 Pure Silk Thread Hose, black and colors, former price $2.50, closing out at . $1.48 Genuine Daisy Cloth Outing Flannel, none better, in 1 plain colors nd fancy, regular price 59c, on sale, per yard 29c Our entire stock of beautiful Curtain Scrims and Nets, plain and figured, will be closed out at exactly Half Price While they last we will close out women's 50c white lisle thread Hose at, per pair, .19c Genuine Toile du Nord, Red Seal, A. F. C. and all Zephyr Ginghams, selling up to 75c; choice for final close out, per yard 29c Beautiful new wool plaid Skirting, 48 and 56 inches wide, worth to $7.50; on sale, per yard.' $3.98 Notice Every Price, then come Merchandise Almost Given Away miimiiiimmiimimiiiitiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiii! lTou can buy the finest 40-inch Georgette, all colors, worth $2,50 at, per yard i ...$1.29 The best yard wide Dress Velvets, black and colors, former price $6.50; closing out, per yard $3.37 Beautiful, fancy Ribbons, bought especially for Christ mas trade, will be closed out at exactly One-third Off CartsonCurrier 100-yarJ spools Sewing Silk, former price 18c; closing out at 10c Big lot of the famous "Worthmore" Voile and Lawn Waists, selling to $2.50; choice while any remain 59c The best 36-inch light and dark Percale, formerly sell ing to 60c, will be closed out at, per yard 25c The famous Devonshire Cloth formerly selling at 55c, reducefl for final close out, per yard ...........29c Sensational Sale ol Furs Half Price Furs of quality and .distinction. Every new and wanted style, luxurious Hudson Bay Seal, Fresh-water Mink, Lynx, Mole, Fitch, French Coney, Alaskan Fox, Gray Squirrel, etc., at almost unheard of pricess.' You can find just what you want for yourself or for "& hand some Christmas gif t, in our excellent stock, which will v,vmmmm be closed out before Christmas at exactlyJtiALF PRICE, FT. very Stait . ail l: RffUSX, d oat Every woman knows the wonderful style and ma terial of the garments sold by this store. For year, we , have catered to the best trade nothing but the product cf the finest factories has entered our store backed by a guarantee that each and every garment must please you. We have built up a wonderful business, solely upon the merchandise we have soldnow everything murt go. AH the new models we so carully selected are offered for last and final close out, s0l prices less than actual cost of materials alone. Nothing is reserved Nctice the following prices. We'll admit they are al most unbelievable, but they are here) exactly as adver tised. These prices will clear the store of the smartest garments. Ccne! Have first .pick I Doors open promptly at 9 o'clock. Plenty of sales people to care for you. , ; ' ,. .' ' : For last and final close out we offer unrestricted . choice of any Suit in the store selling up to $38.75 ' .-'for ;f : $13.93 While they last, we offer you choice of any new stylish Suit in the store, worth tp $60, for $28.65 For. quick and final disposal, every one of our new and , stylish suits that previously sold Jo $00.00, ' go on( j sale, at .. $34.75 - Every Cloth Coat in the store, plain and fur trimmed, in every new style arid popular materials, goes on . sa,le for last and final close out at exactly ., '.-.$ ' Half Price . ' ANY SUIT UP TO $175.00, $49.50 ' The most beautiful Suits ever sold in this store, in - Velvet, Velour; Duvetyn, Broadcloth, Tricotine, etc., plain and fur trimmed, actual values up to $175.00 on sate for' less than cost of material alone. Choice '. $49.50 1 1 A Shoe Sale One lot of omen's Dress Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps, ( . ... .,-'(. ...... ..... all popular leathers, Cuban,, Military ; and French heels, all sizes and widths; actual values to $12.50; choice for quick close out .!.....-..$1.98 The famous J. & T. Cousins, C' P. Ford, Queen Quality and Edwin Clapp, newest style lace and button, black and colors, Dress Shoes, with Louis heels, also all Ox fords and Pumps, actual values, to $17.50? on sale for quick close out, per pair $6.65 The famous C, P. Ford fine Dongola Kid, 9-inch button Dress Sihoes, plain toe, Louis heel, new fall stock, worth to $9.00, on sale at .. : $3.98 The finest imported French Kid, hand lasted Dress Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps, made by Ford and J. and 'T. Cousins; colors, black, brown,' white, cordovan and field-mouse, French and Military heels, up to the minute in style, the best that money can buy; former prices to $2o.00; choice, while any remain..." $9.98 Our entire stock of beautiful Laces, Embroideries, i Women's white cotton fleer -;nto. Trimmiritrs. Velvet Rihhnn.o nH nil nlain silt ue COtton' lleece "Red,, winter , weight Satin Ribbons, go on sale for final close out at , - Half Price " . One lot of Voile, Taffeta, Net and Lawn, light colored Dresses, on sale for less than cost of buttons and thread alone; choice while they last $1.98 Our entire stock , of new and stylish Serge, Tricotine ' and Velvet Dresses will be sacrificed and closed out at exactly .............; ;.. Half Price Women's $2".50 Silk Jersey Top Vests, colors white and iiesn, cut for quick close out to 98c All Wool Sweaters, in the new bright colors, will be closed oUt at exactly :.,....:......,......:......HaIf Price Beautiful new'sty'lish Plaid' Silk Skirts, selling to $13.25 ; on sale at U........:.....:..:......:..:. "...:..$4.95 An Immense, stock; of the finest Silk Underwear and Lingerie, an ideal Christmas gift, on sale for "less' than actual wholesale cost. The famous "VVarnef Corsets, newest styles', selling at $3.00, will be close'd out at $1.95 Hundreds of Warner Corsets in every model, formerly selling at $4.00, will be closed out at $2.65 The famous Red Fern Corsets, selling at $6.50, will be ' closed -out at . $4.95 Beautiful, dainty hand embroidered Longcloth and . Nainsook Gowns will be closed out for less than cost h, of material alone. , Union Suits, high and low neck, - long and short sleeves, ankle length, $3.50 values; on sale at $1.98 Women's white, cotton ribbed, fleece lined winter' v weight Vest and Pants, former price $2.00, on sale, per garment . ................ ....i. 1 $1.27 We will close out any Silk, Satin, Charmeuse, Jersey or Taffeta Dress in the store, up to $4o!00, for $18.95 Every charming new, stylish Silk, Satin, Jersey and fan cy Dress selling to $85.00 goes on sale . for quick close out, at .J.......'.."...!..:............. :'...1$28.95 Long SilkGloves will be all the rage next summer; - buy now and save $2.00 on a single pair; choice while ; , any remain . . ...i..i 95c Buy useful and practical Christmas gifts at the big sale. You can save over hajf. All fancy Ribbons, Hand- , kerchiefs, Gloves, Handbags, Bath Robes, Kimonos, Silk Lingerie and Hosiery on sale at a mere fraction of their actual value. - r- Buy Practical and Useful Christmas Gifts at Real ; ; r Bargain Prices ; : i - (0) r 1 4r --.4 ' .Going Out . of Business p Bond Bros, now ti charge i 4 IS jOlC 1. . .it T1 11 M4 LmKn 9 T' I hA - A-l A FAGS KISS