FOURTEEN PAGES rizt six is r DAILY EAST OREaOHIAH, PEKDLETOIt, OREOOH, THUKSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 0, 1020 iMmimninwMifniimrrtimiifninim(fii'iiHn(ini',iff'pj o o o O O; O' Oi o' o o OI oi O o Oi' e o o o o Oi Oi o o o Social and Club News M UK. IsEIiTHOl.KT HKTl'KNS. r'rlends of Mrx. tins Pcriholot will If net 1o learn th:tt flip Is 111 st In-; tiome In Pasco. r. Itenholet start- it eani n week siko, Washington, D ., being her distillation, luit n'Ur polng fur h SI. Paul Klie WHS fore- (I tn abandon her trii. Mr. Ucrtholrt conductor fin the Northern Pacific between Pendleton anil Pasco, met Mm. llettholet In (spokanc ceoni panylug her himio. UAKKKt SOCIAL PLANNED A bnskct social will be held at the Old Oregon Trail School, District 41. m Friday evening IeeemlH'r 10. A hurt program will bestn at S o'clock flor which the Imskels will bp am tinned off. The proceeds will ho ispi to help pay for a piano. Everybody tit welcome. I'AUTT IS GIVEN. A croup of 50 oung people who are ti 1 1 ml In if the annual evangelical meet ing at Tuluilla church enjoyed a social evening Tuesday night at the home of Iti'V. J M. Corncllson. linmes were pbi.wd and refreshments served. K:D1NU IS sol.KMN'lZKtt Mss Nettle Mvrtlo M.iys last evening became the lulde of Orovcr H. Keller, the yorvire being pel Mrnwil at V o'clock last evening at the Prcsliyler ln man. Ho v. O. I- Clark, pastor, oftirlMtiil and M isH Annettu Hroun and C it. .'urcv were chosen as the coujile's attendant. . . After a short weddinar triji Mr. and Mrs. Keller ore to make their home about etitht miles south of Pendleton where the groom la extensively engag ed In fanning. r.KTCISN FROM POKTLAND Mrs. It. W. Fletcher, Mls Florenee, Miss Kleanor and Hilly Fletcher arriv. ed home this morning from Portland where they have been guests at the home of Mrs. Fletcher's mother, Mrs. Eleanor C.tmeron, In Irvlntrton, They v cut dow n about three weeks ngo. liKTl'ltN FISOM TIUP Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Jackson and son C. Clemens will bo hostesses tonight tor a card party under the auspice ot the Catholic ladies isulld at Knights of Columbus hall. MISS MINKAU IS ItlUDE. A wedding of Interest look place this morning when at 7 o'clock, Miss Verne Mincau became the blide tif Clyde Oveiby of I'akcr. The sirico 'tis read at the rectory of St. Mary's Catholic chuivh and Miss Eula Simp son and Waller M. Hansom were cho sen us1 attendants. ' The hr de was becomingly attired j in a tailored suit of brown, worn with a hajt of the same color and a ctrsaKC bouuiiet of Ophelia roses. Her r aid was charming In a suit of lighter n ow", worn with brown beaver hat. anil her bouquet was also of pink roses. Mr. ana i:s. Overbv deunrted for Spokane after which they will visit const cities before returning to Baker w'.ere Mr. Overby has farming Inter The marriage this morning canto as .ire ea route from New Orleans to',, surprise to many friends of the con- Oililornlu, where they will remain ror a short. time before returning to Port land. OrcRonian. i LITERATl'RB Cl.l'B To MEET t Current Literature Club members CH'H MKKTINU SCHKDl'LKD. j are to m-ot tomonow as guests of The Ppinetinktum Cluh is to meet Mrs. J. U. P.aley. They arc asked to tomorrow with Mrs A. H. Cox at her; her homo at ij College street, home. 9Hi Kaley. street. Mrs. (in anil j . Mrs. F. J. McMonies will be hoste.wes J c t D PARTY THIS EVENING for the affair and guests are asked for ! Mrs. A. It. O'Daniel, Mrs. T. F. I o'clock. O'Brien. Mrs. Mary T.icht and Mrs. J, nopfs up sVa IRS SHOP Suits Now Half Price Dresses to $37.50 , Now 819.75. Coats at Great Reductions. Great Values in Georgette Blouses for Xmas Gifts. Over Taylor Hardware Stcre EXTRA SPECIAL ThU regular $225.00 Columbia Grafonola will be old this week for $175.00 Liberty Bonds will be ac cepted at par. f ..a-i..,.,. ZZfri FREE With this ma chine will be included free of charge 25 ten inch rec ords. Your se lection from our stock. We have other machines that we can offer some exceptional terms on. THOMPSONS' DRUG STORE Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Oi o o o Si o Oi o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0000000000 V Skookum Pancake Flour NONE BETTER SKOOKUM PANCAKE FLOUR The only PANCAKE FLOUR MADE AT HOME. ASK your Grocer. 220 E. Court Phone 351 le as the wedding date had not been announced. The betrothal was known, however, and the bride, had been de lightfully feted. She came from her home in the middle west about a year ago to visit her sister, Mrs. George Schwann, and she has recently been connected with Sayres' store while doini? stenographic work In ad dition. Many friends will rejoice that she Is to remain In Oregon. AID StX'lETT IS KNTERTAINED A "Poinsctla party" was enjoyed by the Ladies Aid Society of the First Methodist Episcopal church at the home of Mrs. P. T. Belts, 206 Grange street, yesterday.. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. T. A. Wylie, Mrs. D. B. Waf fle, Mrs. N. E. Morgan and Mrs. J. II. Hawks. The meeting being the only one of the Christmas season, a Yule- tide motif marked the affair and the decorations, featuring polnsettas, were developed In green and crimson. A poiasetta contest followed a short business meeting and a candle-decked Christmas tree, of miniature size, cen tered a dainty tea table about "which the guests enjoyed the final hour. LITTLE DAUGHTEU ARRIVES. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cronin (Muriel Saling) are being congratulated upon the arrival of a daughter born In Port land December 2. The little maid Is their second child and she has been named Muriel Mary. Her mother former Pendleton git.', is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saling. Mr. and Mrs. Cronin are making their home lit Rose City Park. ARRIVE FROM PORTLAND Mrs. Frank Saling returned Sunday from Portland where she has been a truest at the 'home of her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cronin. Little Miss Xancy Cronin their daughter, returned here also for a visit. She is to remain until Chrlst- :mas time when Mrs. Saling will ac company her home, WILL VISIT DAUGHTER. Mrs. S. L. Morse left yesterday for Portland where she is to visit for a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Willis Moxon. Cut Friday We will cut our Monster Tillamook Full Cream Cheese Friday. The finest OREGON QUALITY CHEESE on this market. No advance in price. Order early.' Oregon Quality Tillaniook Full Cream Cheese, pound .........'....45c Sliced Raw Ham, the best quality, sliced to your order, pound : 60c Fresh Ranch Eggs, dozen 80c Weston Mountain and Grande Roiide Netted Gem Potatoes, every sack guaranteed 100 lbs.;.$2.25 Norwegian Stock Fish, pound 50c The finest apples in Oregon for sale here $2.00 to $4.50 Bulk Coffee, 3 pounds :....$1.00 Sweet Apple Cider, gallon ...75c Fine line of Christmas! candies to arrive this week. See our stock before you buy. Also full line of 1920 crop fresh nuts of all kinds. SHOP EARLY Gray Bros. Grocery Co. THREE r'HONES QUALITY WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. (A. P.) Discussing the Japaneso question frankly. Representative Kahn of Call fornla, chairman of the house military committee, declared In an address in the house today that America han hoped always to avoid war, and that II the "statesmen, publlc.sts, politlcar.s, agitators and demagogues of Japan' really wanted war with the Cnttefl States they woujd be the ones to brins it on, not the Americans. He said he voiced the hope of every patriotic Am erican that peace Hbctween the conn tries may continue perpetually, "put mc worm nas omy rccenuy leumeu that we are not too proud to fight." ins LIQUOR. STOLEN IS ORDERED Agitators Stir Hatred WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. P.T Relations between the United State and Japan are tieing kept linsettled by Japanese agiators and demagogies seeking to stir up hatred against this country, Representative Julius Kahn of California claimed In a speech to the house today. He warned that continued activity on the part of Jap anese agitators might lead to war be tween the two countries. ' People of the Pacific coast object only to the large numbers of Japaneso laborers coming into their states and are having no objection to the imml non of Japanese professional men, financiers or students, Kahn said, de claring that the question is not one ot racial prejudice. DKEDS " Jesse Murtin to A. A. Stamper 11600. NK 1-4 SW 1-4 Sec. 86. Tp. , N. R. 34. F. n. 8vaye to Edgar W. Mack 1 1. Lots 17 and 18, Block 10, Subdlvlslo: cf Lot B, Hermlston. Grace Brownlow to Floyd W. Has kell $1.00 Lot 13, Llvermores Add. Pendleton. J. F. Duffy to Clarence Tubbs 12000. NB 1-4 SW 1-4 Sec. 31, Tp. 3. N. R. 3a. Darrell Cannon to J. B. Cannon 1 10. W 1-4 SW 1-4 See. 3, 8E 1-4 SB 1-4 Sec. 4, NE 1-4 NE 1-4 Sec. 9. and NV l-4 NW 1-4 Sec. 10, Tp. 6. a R. SO. Hyron O. Monkman to Edwin O. Comcgyg J600.00 Lot 6, Block f, Her miston. Ldwin O. Comegys to Reclamation Lodge No. 107, K. of p. same descrlp tion. Lee Moorhouse, Trustee to Sam uel Pambrun 11.00 SB 1-4 SW 1-4 Sec. 6 Tp. 3. N. R. 35. J. R. Wlsenor to C. Y. Reale $1000 Lot1", Block 4, original town 'of Vin cent. 'P. W. Dayton to Helen J. Blyden s'eln II.oo Lot 4 and R 1-2 l,ot 9, block 3, Llvermores Add. Pendleton. Frank Martin to Frank S. Curl $10. Np 1-4 SB 1-4 See. 23, Tp. 3, N. R. 34. LONG ABANDONED CLAIM A decree ordering the return to Homer I. Watts of the liquor confis cated In his home at Athena two yean ago this month, was signed In circuit court late Wednesday, after an appeal had been taken from the Justice tourt and an opinion rendefed am the trans cript of the testimony. The decree, however, cannot tie carried out be cause the liquor held an evidence was stolen from the office of Justice of the Peace Joe H. Parkes about four weeks ago. The decree ordered the. case dis missed and the chtti-ge of a nuisance against tne residence of Mr. Watts In Athena also removed. It decreed him not guilty of maintaining a. nuisance. What steps will follow the decrc; arc not kmnvn. It wis reported that Mr. Watts would sue whomever he thought responsible for the safekeep ing of tho liquor, for the amount of money invested in it. As yet he has taken no such action. The return 01 the evidence, however, is a physical impossibility. I mm 1 nnnnni nmrn 1 HUH M.Hi II II N lr MOTHER! 'California Syrup of Figs"' Child's Best Laxative T rrcsluiioii Handle Stamp Sak The freshmun class has been put in charge of tho Red Cross stamp sale for the high school and by noon today the high school's quota had been subscrib ed. The freshmen did not stop at this and worted all day to Increase the total. Miss Elizabeth Severance, class advisor, is chairman of the cojnmlt tee and sh? expects to more than dou ble the high school quota.. Tables have been placed in the halls and salesmen are placed there before school time, at. noon and between .the. class periods. , HELKNA, Mont., Dec. 9. (A. P.) A group of Helena men who last spring began to w;ork an abandoneu silver claim in the Unionville district. j recently itruck what Is declared to he. some of the richest silver-lead or jevcr seen In this section of tho state The values also embrace gold and there is said to be indication of high grade copper ore. The mine In which the rich ore was found had been abandoned fot nearly a half century after It had been believed worked of all valuable ore. Ho anxious were Its orglnal own eds to cease work that they are said to have left their shovels sticking in the mud. Banquet Tills Noon. Tho . dining room of the Hotel Pendleton was this noon an e:elting place when Richard Hanlcy. high school football coach, Captain Jens Terjeson and Austin Landreth, principal, entertained mem bers of the first and second football teams with a banquet . Because of I he success met with football this year uch a barquet was deserved. Almost all of both teams were successful in making their letter. On the night of December 13 the boys will be enter tained again when thu members of the Girls'- Forum of the high school will give another banquet In their honor. FAKE FAINT TESTS FIRST ' AID METHODS AT 0. A. C. OK BOON" AfiRICtTLTURAl, COL LKCJK, Corvnllis, Dec. 9. Don Cam), was thought to .be overcome by gas In a class In minesrescue work. Five of his classmates went to his Yescue taking him from tho gas house intc tho fresh air. They were applying tho first aid .methods recently taught to them, when IJorome E. Wilcox, instructor, announced that, this was just a fake to see If the men could apply whut they had learned In case of an accident. VAVY MEDICAL HEAD UMATILLA HOUR & GRAIN CO. Hi 2 . STZ 220 E. Court Phones 351-1014 Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for tho name California, on the package, then you are sure your child is having the tiest and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love Its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "California." Ouines Last Evening. In the Inter- class games held last evening the Freshman girls defeated tha more girls by a small score. Th Sophomora boys defeated the Fresh men boys by one point while the Ju niors defeated the Seniors 15-9 which places the Junior and Sophomore teams in the lead for the lnterclass cha'.ipionship. These two teams will meet in the three games and the team winning two of the games will lie glW en the lnterclass championship. Bunkctuall Practk Going I'lnc Basketball is going fine at the school. about 23 men being out fos practice every evening. Most of the men who won their letters In football are. out for the Indoor game. John Dolph as sisted the coach last evening in train ing the boys for this skillful game. More men are expected out after the lnterclass ganies have been finished, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY SLEEPING HX.VIS close to Main St. Call 4 88-M. iJP9C0000000000"OOeOOOOOOOOOC)OOOOOC)C)OOSiOCct00000(J WANTED Man and wife want work on sheep ranch. Address II. p. Aus tin, Ca-ihUitre, Wash. IH-ljotc Tryouts After Holidays The tryouts for ihe local debating team wIM not be held until after the Christmas holidays, according to Miss Ross, debate coach. Pendleton high has lots of material this year andf she expects to show up well In the state debate. fctwor flay Postponed. The Senior play, "The House Next Door'' has been postpened because of conflicting dates before Christmas. The dates which havi now been set are for Jan uary 14 and 15. Miss Ross, coach, is working hard to make this play sur pass all others given at the - high S h ADMIRAL E.R.CT1TT ' WASHINOTON Rear Admiral Idimrd Rhodes 8titt. command ig officer of the U. 8. navy medi schools since IS 16, has been appointed surgeon-general of the navy to succeed Rear Admire!, W. C. Bralstesd, who has retired after eight years' service In t),e position. Admiral Stltt Is an au thority on tropical medicine. He as recent!; called Into consulta tion by Admiral Prayon during ii ia;n'-nt V'i:"3 9 tn-.r "1 '..?"' f'l luxnf iiUiiimmimii!iiU,uUitUiuuui THE THOMAS SHOP SENSATIONAL Coat Sale SEASON'S MOST FASHIONABLE NEW MODES AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES ' Several hundred to choose from and as many styles as there are coats. They are the sort that any smart woman will be proud to wear. Possessing de tails that distinguish hig'her priced coats. Now $15.00, $19.50, $25.00 and up to $95.00 CHILDREN'S COATS Sizes 8 to 14 ' Specially priced, $15.00 to $35.00 MUNICIPAL FIRE TUG SPEEDS TOWARD SHIP AFIRE OFF SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO. Cal., Dec. 9. (A. P.) The municipal fire tug William Kettner was dispatched at 7 o'clock last night to the assistance of the British freighter Sudbury, reported with a fire In Its hold. The Sudbury was en route from New York to San Francisco and Intended to put Imo San Pedro. The Sudbury Is reportod to be only a few miles' off the Point Loma headlands, MhichTHre'ut the en'rance of San Diego's outer harbor. MONTANA STUDENTS KAUX WAY IIKLK.N'A, Mont Dec. . (A. P.) Reports to tho offlc of the chan cellor here, Dr. E. C. Klliott, show that 18 stuuenta at Montana state university at Missoula, a large per centage of the enrollment, nre earn ing) their way through school. In ad dition, figures compiled show, If. pay part of their expenses by working at odd Jobs. Newspaper reporters, sten ographers, clerks, musicians and many on the list. JUST BEFORE OPERATION SACIIAMBNTO, Doo. . (A. P.)- Joseph B. Krebeck, known through out the state as "Sacramento Joe." died here yesterduy while being made ready for tin operation tu remove l'0 pounds of fat in order to prolong his life. Krebeck, formerly a restaurant man here, welRhrd, at the time of his death, about 640 pounds. He had traveled with -a circus when he was weighing r.round 600 pounds, but re cently because ot Ilia rapidly, increas ing obesity, had spent about 20 hours a day sleeping at his home. PII.KS Cl'RKll IX TO II lUVd rtrngiflsts refund money If PASSU OINT MK.N'T falls to cure itching, Blind. Weeding or Protruding Piles. In stantly relieves Itching Piles, snd you. can get restful sleep after first appli cation. 60c. Adv. pnoTos Have yotir Xmas photos made by U ard we will take yon In your home." f il Ml !Jm Kmrmermmmmmamammmmmmmmmm ' f J e r, ,.- ? A eo - " - ' Special Offer dt? 'S IN FREE Records Given with the purchase of a Mandel Phonograph This is a bonafide offer ' and there has been abso- . " lutely no advance or change in prices of Man del Phonographs. MANDEL i "Most Beautiful" PLAYS ALL RECORDS , Filing Space for 50 . ,' Records. CRAWFORD rtlRNlTURE CO. Phone i. 103 E. Court. VA4 9