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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1920)
FOURTEEN TASra I DAILY EAST QldiCONlAN. PETrDIETON, OREGON. THUHSDAY EVENING, DECEMEEB 9, 1020. rAC2 ma i People Here and There . VHEAT TODAY GOES iWrn i owur nr , m II " " .Tho needs of Umatilla county at the next session at the statu legislature are being aroertained by Frnuk Blonii, of Stunflold, rcprestmtlve eloct. Mr. Sloan has fceen visiting most of the county towna of late und wu In Pend leton lulklng- over thlnss with the politician. Mr. Sloan, although a new man In the state legislature, r.ll have a front Rent jt Salem, as the Vmulllla relegation was so honored .by the i.ecrctary of sta'o when as signments were made. ' D0IT0I1.66M Wheat coiitlnueil Its decline toduy, December wheat fulling from 11.70 to, while March wheat clos ed at 11.64 after opening at 1.87 Following are the quotations from Ovcrbcck & Cooke, locul brokers: ;ih f'r Mart al Midroid ; I i V lly Stl.TM f Jon lilukf ly left laxi uii'lit for -Medford where he In to hrln ; hack Hurry Thomas, held there for tn lnual officials to answer to a charge of forgry. He will also bring with him Jo'n 1. Coplen, wanted here for a had check, who was arrcHted by the police at I'oitland. The road from the state line 16 Wal la Walla opened officially today, says A. F. Alexander, of the Garden City, secretary of the t'p-To-The-Times magazine, who Is a Pendleton visitor today. Mr. Alexander Is much Inter-' omed In good roads and It was ho who first placed before the county counts of Umatilla and Union counties the matter of the , Pendlelon-La Grando rond. He put the plan before Judge I'hy and Judge Marsh and enlisted the cooperation of newspapers In Ba ker, La Grande, Elgin, Joseph, Enter prise and Pendleton. Mr. Alexand er fays that Kamela Is to have a wa ter prude from Kamela to a point II n-llta west, and that Kennewlrk and l.ici have each raised f.'iO.OOO and Plc'.iand 12500 for a bridge over the i' HitiiblH. Walla Walla Is cooperat ing In the "liny a Karrol of Flour" movement and the Commercial asso ciation has voted to use lurid foit an tei sive advertising campaign, says the r'sitor. . ' Chicago Grain Market. Wheat Open High Low Close Dec. I1.70H $1.71 1. VI 1.6i Mar.. 1.17 1.03 54 1.64 Corn Dee. .7H4 .71 .72 .73 May .74 .76 .76 .75 V July .77 .77 .76 K .76 H Oats Dec. .49 .4!) .47 .48 May .&2t t'i'i .61 .61 July .61 .61 .61 k .11 ' Hyo Dec.- . 1.50 1.52H 1.59 May 1.43 1.40 1.42 Parley Dec. . .71 .6 .69 May .74 .73 .74 1 k Foreign Kxeliange. Ixmdon, 3.4 5. Purls, .0690. Ilsrlln, .0135. Vienna. .0032 1-2. . Rome, .0354. 1 Athens, .0765. ." ... Canada, .848. N, Y. Money. 7 per cent. Mnrriugc Uceiiwi Issued A marriage license was Issued at the county clerk's office today to Clydo. K Overly, of Haker. and Vern A. Mlneaii, of Pendleton, Itwiilllk Estate I0.I. The estate left by the late John Kwallik was appraised toduy ' al $340.31 In an Inventory filed by J.'K. Ireland, K. F. Oratton and J. II. perry. Sum Kmlorsca of Xote The American Securities Co.. toduv field suit against Louis and C. I). Uer gevln and tho Umatilla Auto Co.. en dorsees of their note, to recover $1374.62, principal and Interest, do'j VNIIors Curious About .Noose , A large number of (Jrant county per sons who are attending the trial at the j court house have visited the sheriff ! office at odd limes to see the photo j graphic history of the Til Taylor case, I'whleh is kept by Deputy Kherlff Glen liushce. The trophies Include the noose which was used on Nell Hart when executed at Salem November S pictures- of the prisoners and of the chase. ' t One hundred forty thousand Christ inas health seals have already been sold In Umatilla county and 200,000 i.Mire of the tiny stickers will be plac ed on sale immediately, says Mrs. Her bert Thomjwm, county chairman for the sale which Is under the auspices on a promissory note given by the nienl' t the sale which is under the auspices to tho Umatilla Auto Co., and endorsed to the plaintiff by the defendant con corn. Carter & Smythe represent the pluintlffjs. PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER SERVICE K id o U. u z z o k. U z O s a. Buy a Barrel of Flour Now that you are buying the flour, you will need all the things that go with it There's Bait, soda, bak ing powder, yeast, lard, milk, etc. If you want them quickly and surely, call the Economy. ' ... . , SPECIAL Snowflake Shortening ' , 4 pound fpr $1.00 , I i The Economy Grocery IUmu! Itesolut'oii In-aftcd. The resolution for the Improvement of the Cold Springs road from Cold Springs to Holdman is expected to he completed today and Introduced by the ccui.ty commissioners. The county roadmaster and Ander- n pnd Dunning tooty were busy cheeUng up the description of the road so that the resolution would he eo- et when Introduced. Kids will be called for the next meeting of thi l-ite Highway Commission on Jan ury 4. The commission will super vise tho work. Tj'llonil Dlnriit liiml IiitaH. The fund raised by a special tax O'lcvy In road district No. 45. Uuttrr Creek. IhlM vpitr tu intnnt hut fur Ml 110.50 i;pent on a small bill from llithn district, County Treasurer Grace Q A. Gilliam reported Wedienday. The C Deemler "eport of the treasurer nIiows that road district No. 45 has ISK10.74 In the fund, which has been banked. Iteports from certain scour -ces vre that the county court hod expended some of this district's mon ey on the Muana-Helix road but the report of the treosurer explodes this report, . of the Oregon Tuberculosis Associa tion. . . Local clubs are assisting with the salo and are meeting with success. The Current Literature Club booth under the supervision of Mrs. Nor borne I'erktley and Mrs. Thomas Vaughan, sold $12 worth of se'Us in a few hours. Fifteen dollars was netted by the Thursday Afternoon Club ; booth, managed by Miss Beth Smith land Alias Leura Jerard. I Ftvo hundred dollars was collected I by, Mrs, Thompson, Miss Tess Snyder J.ind Alts, Joseph Jones on Tuesday. IKyerywhere, they report, they met (with a ready response. Hawthorne I school has asked for a second ouota of stamps. Mrs. Thompson is sending stamps to the various schools In the county, the quota for. each child being five cents. CONSTRUCL'ONCOMPANY Damages In the sum of $20,000 ire asked of the Warren Construction Co b H. W. Wigley In a suit filed In circuit court yesterday. The plaln t'tf alleges permanent Injuries and loss of earning power In that sum on account of driving his auto into a barhtd wire stretched across the Ore-gon-washlngton highway between Adams and Athena last summer. Criminal negligence In maintaining the barbed wire across the road Is ul Itged. The plaintiff says that he wa driving? his car at '18 miles an hour on the rond when he encountered tht aire and before - he could slop hif machine It had grazed over the hood and wlndshild, striking him In the and permanently disfiguring h'm and Injuring his eyes Fee & Fee and Carter tc Bmythe .represent the plaintiff. EATING? Yes, Eating Millins of Acres Eaeh Year No, not us mortals, nor ralbits, or worms just plain horses. They're eating week in and week out whether they are earning their salt or not. Poor business isn't it? But you wheat pro ducers are realizing it more every year. Now what about that CATERPILLAR for next year's plowing? You know the HOLT if not ask that farmer with his crop all in and his place slicked up right down the road. To buy the best buy the HOLT. "Buy a Barrel of Flour" Sturgis & Storie Pendleton - Walla Walla Marsliall I'iles Anner. Sweeping denial of allegations ! made In the complaint for divorce I filed by Fauline A. Marshal! against Alfred Marshall is made In an answer filed with the county clerk toduy by ithe defendant through his attorneys. I Fee & Fee. The defendant alleges that the estrangement between him self and his wife was Inspired by her his brother to be dead. mother and grandmother and that most of the charges made by the olaintlff are untrue as regards their persunul relations. He alleges that , forging a check for about 127.50 on the plulntlft told him that he must the Peoples Warehouse here recently, not he seen with her because It iThe man purchased about 3.50 worth JLN3Ii.Y3HJL SnOSIilflCO UOJ 3NIN-0-HflOi 3NOHd lljiiiiiniiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiii The WHy of It PHONE FIVE FOR FUEL 5 There arc reasons for tho steady Increase In demand for I'tah Coal. B It Is the Intense and lusting hcut that Is making It the favorite coul. ZZ I B. L. BURROUGHHeilas It! TlMIIIIHIIIIIIIIinilUIIIIIIIIIIUMIIUIUIIUIilllllUllllllllllllillMIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlTi, Dec. 9. (A. P.) James Coplen, who claims to be a brother of John D. Coplen, of Los An geles, it wealthy mine owner, known throughout the southwest as "the fath er of the Inspiration Mine" at Olobe, Arizona, was taken to l'endleton today to face o charae of forging a check fo.r Ii7.6r,. , Weakened almost to exhaustion Coplen entered the sheriff's office Tuesday and confessed to the forged check In Pendleton, according to special dispatches from Los An geles. John D. Coplen said he believed The charge against Coplen. accord ing to the sheriff's office is that of (Kast Oregonlan Special.) . Athena, Dec. Mr. and Mrs. Rav O'Hara were In the city from Weston Sunday evening. ' " Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert Beckham were were Pendleton visitors Saturday. Maurice Hill arrived in the city fn tn Montana Monday to visit at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. H. It. Hill. ......... The glrla who attended the older Slrl'a conference In Walla Walla gave a report on the conference, to the stu dent body and the eighth grade alon- rity. Mr. and Mrs. William Harder Jr. of Milton spent Sunday at the Frank De FYecce home, j - - Mr. and Mrs. Austin Fuss were In the city visiting friends from Pendle ton Monday.. Joseph Keys was In the city from Weston Monday. Among these from Athena -who at tended the Knights of Pythtas'conven- tlon held at Pendleton were Charles Henry, Art Shlck, Bert Ramsay, Jesse Smith, Simon Flnister, Art Durning, Raymond Gelssel, George Finch. John Penson, S. S. Hutt, Ross Catron, Her man Gelssel and Leroy McVubbins. diaries May of AVeston- Monnta'n 1 ! school children will furnish the pro gram with some outside help. The committees named are: Program Mrs. IJ. o. Saunders. Zella Hoon, Mrs. Harrah, Pansy Wilson, Ernestine Mor rison and I red Hodgen; tree, Bernard Marti! ; dcoratlng, Mrs. D. J. Kirk; popcorn. Mrs. John Allen: candy and nuts, Kl,;.ir Holm and n ill Krumbah; sack (ommittee, Mrs. J. E. Jones; so liciting, Mrs. Ft. E. Bean, Keith 01 c lakiel. Beryl Hodgen, Joe Records. Paul Jones and Viola Lerous, Mary Beck, Dealtry Bean and Delia Rec ords. , , On last Friday night under the aus- I pices of the grange, the high school I William B. Musty and family left on ; Saturday for Walla Walla where they will make their future home. Grover Hodgen, a former resident of L'mapine and now of . Joseph. Ore., visited with relatives in this community during the past week. R. K. Brady was renewing acquaint ances In the l'mapine district last week. Mr. Brady had Just returned from Montana where he had . been visiting his daughter. ' ,, : . The little son of Mr. -and Mrs, Mar quette Schubert fell from their auto as it was about to start on Thursday and broke two bones in his shoulder. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schubert (or- students staged the Heck and Beck merly of this place now residing In circus which was a success both fin ancially and In achievement. With Tom Fehrnbacher as ring master, the elephants, giraffes, haboons, hippopot amus, crocodiles, attended by the hula Hula dancers, chorus girls. Dirty Dora Walla Walla are the parents of a young son born last Wednesday. , Isabelle Bltiford a former Walla Walla high school student enrolled last week in the Vincent high. , Jens Therkildsn. buttermaker . for and Hairy Llj ana snake charmers the Hudson Bay Co-operative Cream- made the grand parade after which Jery, left Wednesday evening for Port- inn n. day dr a business trip to Athena Tues- "would break her mother's heart" and advised him to stay away from her on that account. The defendant professes In his answer a sincere af fection for his wife and doclares that outside Influences are responsible for her complaint being filed. He says thnt he Is without funds to pay the attorney fees and court costs asked but that he has made an allotment of $30 monthly from his pay while In the navy. In which he reinllsted November S, and will continue to al low his wife this amount aa an allotment of clothing and took the balance In change, they said. Deputy sheriff Joe Illukeiy was sent to Portland last night to return with the prisoner. Of ficials here did nor know of the man's alleged family connections today. i !.i: HUtDS FOU COAST SEATTLE, Dec. 9. U. p.) Worm warnings were ordered displayed to day. A severe storm, centering over Vancouver island and moving rapidly southeast, will cause southeasterly Cales along the coast from Capt Flat tery to San Francisco. Batik' Fever Breaks Out Pay Cash ' Receive More Pay Less DESPA1N & LEE CASH GROCERY 209 E. Court Phone 880 We make your grocery bill pay you interest Does a credit store? CORN MEAL 50c sack yellow or white OATS Sack, eacr.t j."h-h.wm-J?! Dly. Package, each. .....35c Mother's Package 45c j. GRAHAM FLPUR Per 9 lb. sack 65c BUY A BARREL OF OF FLOUR , This movement will sure itlp the farmer and to help him is sure to help you. : FLOUR 49 pound sacft $2.75 1 sacks or barrel....,$10.50 OLYMPIC. -, WHITE SATIN ,. SNOW DRIFT ; . LARD No. 5 Holly Lard $1.45 No. 10 Holly La'rd....$2.85 5 pounds Swift's $1.65 1 gal. pail country lard $3 APPLES Fine Roma Beauty I Ap ples. Guaranteed. Per Box, $2.00 . , CRISCO 1 1-2 pound 55c 3 pounds $1.00 . 6 pounds $1.90 We take pleasure In lettlng'you know that our busi ness has increased forty per cent in six months on the cash basis. We are handling the business with the same am ount of help that we had before the increase in our sales. There is a reason for this increase and a reason that we sell our groceries lower for we are hndling this same business that we ,vere. doing forty per cent less on the same amount of expense. ;j. r'f ;( Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less i-DESPAIN & LEE CASH GROCERY 209 E. Court" - ' Hone 830. the ring circus began. After showing their training with Xeta Fehrnbacher as animal trainer, the animals were led to their cages' where t haoy crowd fed them . peanuts. The s!de i-hnws wre patronized and the for tune teller was beseiged with many wanting to know their fate while the tent in which the hula girls performed was unable to accomodate the crowd. The sum of f 1 $0.90 was realized from the entertainment which will be for the hot school lunch benefit. On Friday noon Mrs. J. D. Harrah ' ' j entertained the Presbyterian Ladies 'Aid at a dinner from which 1 12 was '(Kast oregonlan Special.) -(realized. On this coming Thursday I'MAPIXE, Dec. L'mapine com-I Mrs. T. O. Goodman entertains at an innity has on its social budget for the 'all day meeting at her home west of hri.tmus week a community tree with ! l'mapine. o program and candy and nuts in the old fashioned way for all the children. Solicitors for small donations will ask from everyone and the number of chil dren ascertained in each family. Thei M. H. White who resides north of l'mapine had the misfortune to hare two fingers badly, crushed while re pairing a gasoline, engine at his ranch last Friday. land where he will attend the state butter makers convention which con venes there this week. Mr. Therklid sen has entered "Perfection" . butter, at this convention and it la quite sure that he will be among the winners as his product Is usually in that class. On last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Wellman left for Rochester. Minn., where Mrs. Wellman will con sult the Mayo Broa, and will in all probability undergo an operation at their hospital. On Tuesday evening at the L O. P. H. the Vincent high echhool football team were entertained at a chicken dinner. In addition to the team those present were Principal and Mrs, J. t. , Harrah. Mr. and Mrs. c. W. Record. .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hodgen, Miss Leora Philippl, and Miss Pauline Beck and also a few high school girts. The Vin cent high school has had a very snc- i cessful season having not been defeat- ", ed this season. i mm . I K -' ! I I 1 L W 1 I-'-.' .. ; i sssDIll-'' :- ; ' . ,t,:- i o. - . CHICAGO Batrk that rrea Jaraoese method ' of applying; dye to cloth by covering the rest with wax ha broken out In a' fever here. Jit a ball given by the National Art Service League, the ladles wore their birthday costumes, except 'or silk scarfa In batik wound around them -like a bath towel. Two are shown above: the' Misses Floreuce (loft) and Maria (right) Walsh. Weights kept the) gentl pr( Ulowlng'wp a eoindal ; t . . Real Printing Servipe A AA PRINTING oraaiiization, com posed of many parts that serve vou 'f'as one that, is financially reli able that ( is adequately equipped that employs specialized labor' under thor oughly competent direction that, with service and quality standards considered, produces efficient printed mattter most economicaliy-that has served Pendleton buyers of printing for years because it has worked faithfully to deserve the privilege. Our Advertising: Service Department assists in the preparation of copy at no additional cost to our customers. ETliiiuEiiilLiijLuijii a a.-.. k a M Ul