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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1920)
v- ' rtr 'rv r 'i KEEP POSTED ON DOINGS IN THE SPOUT WORLD DAILY IN ARTICLES RY STAFF WRITERS AND PRESS SERVICES ON THIS PAGE. 7 FOURTEEN PAGES SECTION THREE PAGES 11 TO H .. FOURTEEN PAGES SECTION THREE PAGES 11 TO 14 DAILY EAST OEEGOMIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 9, 1920. ' H . . u;..-i , II " MAN WHO TRAINED EQUINE RACE MARVEL ONCE GAVE UP TO JOIN NEW YORK POLICE DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA I SEEKS GAMES FOR 1921 i WITH CALIFORNIA TEAMS Louis feuitel, Developer of cit and ho noua-m him for mooo. ; Man o War, Recoirnljed as u w,tM ,he r'at Mnn ' Wnr. which t,HlH ''""'J , w .o,r, necogmzea as(coul(lnt he hotHht mw fm huf. ifornia, ha h One of Racing Successes After Hitting; Hard Luck Run nr.w YORK, Dep. . (By Henry M mrren, u. P. Man Corrmpondrnt.) Sport In filled with thnnklr John. All the herd, of thfflrack, the dl mond, and the rrldlroriar not crown ed In public, i . Heroea Uniting' In ret number work In the dark, keep under cover at vitally Important dutle helping- other Into the hall of fame. The lineman on the 'Varsity teiim tear treat holea In the nii"ln force end la burled under a pile r flenh lilled jersey, while the biickfleld atnr runhca through In the apotllKht and seta the cheers. , The Barrf Workln rtitcher hold up the pitcher, direct the dofeiim of the Klne, but the hurler gnlg the credit. Til a nk I w jnba there are beyond enumeration, but the trainer ici the lea credit of all. , On the turf perhaps the trainer l')'n more and la credited for lean than in any aport. He kecpa the atable In condition. Trlme the homo for a nice and the Jockey g-oea out and get the laurel. Frumcl In for Honor Iioula Peutel, trainer and drveloner of the great Man o' War, la one of the flr to come In for hla Jimt ahare of honor for giving Ui the American turf hat haa been Judged the greatest home that ever lived. And Samuel C. Middle, owner of the equine king, aaw lo It that he waa not overlooked. ' At a dinner of turfmen here recently Riddle told the atory that the publicity-' aoaging trainer never would have made known. Futel waa having a run of hard luck. Hie atable had dwindled to one lone' runner that wasn't paying tie oat bill. Feuatel waa about to give up the track end eeek a Jnh as a policeman In New Tork to tide him over until thing got better. ; Riddle then aent for him and com mlwloned him to go out and get a stable together. i He waa tipped off to a promlalng yearling at the Haratora mle. hut waa disappointed to learn that the young ater had been eold. Home Hold for tMMfl RuniUgjjwwWm-wnlln -he came million, a winner of about 1300,000 and the holder of aeverul world' rec ord. Riddle gave all the credit to FaiiHtel. He pointed him out aa the real man behind Man o' War. He trained him to tne nncMt point of form' for two year. He aent him to the poat twenty one time for twenty- vtctorle. He had him where mom any Jockey could ride him ahead of the hext field. Feiixti'l got hla credit. He didn't teek the honor. They1 were forced on hlln. , Home day perhap all the iinmuiK heme will get their JiihI itue. RB.VO, Nevada, Dec. 6. -A. P.) University of Nevada, evidently not frightened by the 79-7 defeat nt foot ball tHla year by the l.'nlveralty of Ciil- opes of getting another game next enon with California and also with Stanford ITnlveralty. Ac cording to word received here from Han Francisco, both the California unl verHitle are considering putting Nevada on their schedule. Nevnda' team leave aoun for Hono lulu tir meet the Unlveraity of Hawaii and a picked Island team In Christmas ii nd New Year' Day. , .y. Bouts Between Best Amateurs of U. S. and Great Britain : Planned by Club to Pit Mid , die and Heavyweights. 16 BASKETBALL CONTESTS WRESTLING TOURNAMENT TO LAST ENTIRE WEEK "0 BE HELD IN DENVER DKNVBIl. Colo., Dec. 9.(A.'I'.) Kntrle from all part of thl aection of tho Rocky Mountain country are expected at the Denver Athletic Club's .thirty fourth annual amateur wrestling and boxing tournament which opens January 17 to continue u week. Many ciilw and college are expected lo send teams to the tourney, MIHKOnA. Mont., Dec. 9. (A. P.) Sixteen game are on the 1S2I basketball schedule of the University of Montana. . The schedule follows: Jun. 14 Ml. HI. Charles College at MlKaoula. Jan. 21 ftnnzaira College at MIbk ou la. Jan. 28-29 Montana State College at Bowman. ' Feb. 1-4. Unlveralty. of Idaho at Missoula. Feb. s. Mt. St. Charle at' Helena. Feb. 10. (lonznga at Spokane. Feb? 11-12. Woshlngton Stale Col lege at I'ullman. Feb. 14-15. Idaho at Moscow. Feb. 2i-2. Montana Htate at Mlm ou la. Mar. 4-5. Washington State at Missoula. aero a sleek, smart Innklnst chestnut (H7.Mi QI1XT IXWS GK)I KI'OKANH Wash., Dec. . (A. P..) With four letter men back and aev eral hlgh-claas prospects among the freshmen of Clohiaga university here. Coach Gun Dorla hope to build up a atrong basketball organiaatlon for the coming season. Practice ha al ready begun. The letter men back this year are Kearney, Murray, Busch and Benolken. . QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION Christmas Trees Place your order now for one. All prices. Make the little ones happy. - sizes and Have you purchased your barrel of flour? Pendleton Trading Co. Phone 453 . "Hit's on the Market We Have It" TTMMlilllllllllllllllllllllllllfTIIM NEW YOltK, Dec. .fA. P.) An international boxing carnival between lha leading amateur middlewcights und heavyweight of England and the United Klatea, to be held h'ere next month, will be Ihe initial Interna lional content In u sport series' which prom ises to muke 1921 a red letter year In sport, it w learned today. Plans for the boula, which will be held at a place and date to Ji an nounced Inter by the International Spoiling, Club, were virtually , com pleted yesterday by the club 'mutch- linker, Tex O'ltourke, after a aeries of I 1'rlr.ea will bo willd gold watches for conference in London.' Tho bonis I first place and silver watches for sec- Wl" bring together the best amateur' ond idace. Tho webrht classifications "meweignt and heavyweight boxers will bo tax. 115. 125. IIS. 134. ir,S andlof Kngllsh and IT, 8. armies and! hcavyyweliiht In boxing and 1 ST., 146, l"ovlw- Tlie leading champions' In j 10K and heavyweight til wrestling. (these two weight dulses of the Lon-j , Idon police and fire department also iwlll face opponent of the New York' j departments. All bout will be'nnder; jlhe regulation of the International; j boxing federation and will have the ; sanction of the amateur athletic union jof the V, 8. , The plan for the bouts waa con- ' ceived aome month ago by W. A. jdavin of the International 8. C, but Dec. 9. (A.P.) owing to the amateurism involved It jmx'T niSK xk;ij:t Don't neglect a constant backache, I sharp, darting pain or urinary die-1 order. The danger of dropsy or Hrlght' disease i: too serious to ig-' noret t'se Doan'a Kidney Pills aa have your friend and neighbor. Ask your I neighbor! A Pendleton case; I i Mrs. L. Hammer, 10 K. Webb Pt.. I ra': "J -was In d terrible state from kidney complaint. It seemed a though I I- had a knife sticking into my hac: j when I stooped over. My kidney were disordered and caused me much an-' iioyance. I was very nervous and be came easily exciled, to. My feet and ; anlili bloated badly ao I knew the; trouble came from a disordered condi-' tlon of my kidney. I read about Dan' Kidney pills and several boxes fronv Tallman'a- Drug Store -entirely , cured me. The paina left my back and my kidney were well. All the other' trouble were removed, too." Price 60c, at all dealer. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy et Doan' Kidney Pills the some that , Mrs. Hammer had. FoMer-.MIIIiiini (., Mfr., Iiurfalo, N. y. Felt Slippers Make Ideal Christmas Gifts House or Bedroom Slippers are always pleasing gifts. Constantly reminding the wearer of that some one whose thoughtful selection was made. We have a fine assortment representing the most de iirable colors and styles. Men's women's and children's styles are attractive and all of them made from first quality heavy, ' warm felt, with padded horsehide soles, so that they are durable as well as comfortable. Ladies Felt Slippers $1.69 to $2.50 Men's Felt Slippers $1.95 to $2.50 'Jhildreii's Felt Slippers $1.49 to $1.85 DEL 11 PROGRAM DEL MOXTE. Cal (lolf. polo, deep sea fishing, wim-1 was necessary to procure the cooper nilng, a field meet on horselmck, traplation of both the American and .Eng- shootlng, air race and a paper chase lish athletic unions which exercise are events on the winter and spring j Jurisdiction over amateur boxers in Del Monte sport program. their respective countries. First will come the New Year'a Eve handicap tournament Dec. 21 to Jan. 2.' Polo will open with an Invi tational tourney Jan. 27. The paper chase la scheduled for Feburary, the field meet and fishing chrulse fur March, a trao shoot for May and a Klrl swimming championship for June. i Sportsmen from many eastern and, western and Oinadlan rltles are ex-i pected to participate In the sport here. , WILD HORSES ARE SHOT AND EATEN BY STOCKMEN Hl'OKANE, Waxh., Dec. 9 Wild horsea on the Colville Indian reserva tion are being shot and eaten by stockmen, according to a utatemenl by Grant Copt-land, president of tho Hpokane Stockmen'a club. "Small . horses have become numernua, very wild and a nuisance on the Colville Indian reservation, where they eat the the grass and are fat," said Mr. Cope land. "Cattlemen can not get near them to rope them, so they ahoot them, and In many case eat parts o! the meat. There Is no cleaner meat. end the hind Quarter are especiullv good food, although a little sweet. ' These horse have been running that range for year and Increasing. They ' are Interbred, descendant of cayuse. and have become a breed of their , own." " ( 7, JLi , 1.1 Ji HUB ' OAKLAND TEAWI TO GO KEATTLE, AVash., Dec. 9. (A. P.) Mud-proof playing ground has been J laid on the new concrete stadium un Ideround drain are arranged to carry ' .ff the rain falling on the field. I Itecently when Washington lost to Dunniouth College In the first game played in the stadium there waa a terrific gale and downpour the day and right before the game and spectators believed the field would be nothing but miry, marshy and swampy. In stead the drains stood their first test imd the surface wa,s found hard and OAKLAND. Cal., Dec. 9. (A. P.) Plan are being made for a 'out of the middle west late this month oi f,isl in uuiiuiiig ine tirauiaiie Kjinieni inc ontractors first gridlroned the field the Junior Gold, a 130-pound young Men's TirlKtian Association basket tall team of Oakland. 1 with rows of four inch drain tile lard Most of the game tentatively jche-, cvery twenty five feet. On top of that doled for the trip are In Iowa and.,vai tn t I 14 Inches of coarse gravel Nebraska. If the plan carry, tho 'lth a covering of shavings and aw team will leave December 17 and be I dust, and on top of that, waa placed hack January 3 In time for the cien-l(ne surface coating of eight inches of Ing of school. COAST COLLEGES CALL OFF SCHEDULE OF 1921 PEATTUE, Dec. 9. (A, P.) Can cellation of the 1921 Pacific coast con ference football schedule was an nounced at noon by Prof. Leslie J. 'Aver, chairman of the I'nlverslty of 1 Washington faculty athletic commit tee and aecretary of the conference I He satd the schedule might he voted Iback at a later date, but that the con tinued opposition to the four confer 'ence games by the University of Ore gon and Oregon Agricultural made It impossible to abide by the ac tion of the conference committee la ken atP.erUeley. Calif. sandy loam. The loam was raked, craped and rolled constantly for two weeks before the game and, on the playing date, was packed solid, YALE-AND WEST POINT WILL PLAY NEXT OCT. NEW TORK, Dec. 9. (A. P.)' The Yale and West Point football teams which met In 1912. have been .clieduled for a game on the army's gridiron October 23. 1921, military academy athletic officials announced last night. In the lost meeting Yale dfefeated the endets, 6 to ft. The army's, game with Notre Damn will be ployed Nov. A CLEAR SKIN "9 Women do not have to patronize the beauty parlor for if their skin is disfigured with pimples and blotches, and their blood is in the drug store that wonderfiul blood tonio and altera tive of Dr. Pierce's which ha Lilt. Placed be" i" fore the public over 50 years ago. Since that time many thousands of men and women have testified to its wonderful blood cleansing effect. This is what one woman says: Ceehaus, Wash. "I have used Doctor Pierce's medicines for over forty years for myself and family and have always found them just as represented. I think Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for a tonic and blood "builder cannot be ! beat; and Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets have no equal for constipation; in fact, I can heartily recommend any and all of Dr. Pierce's remedies. 'My daughter had chronic con stipation from babyhood and doc tors could not cure her. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets is the only thing that ever helped her." Mrs. Jen NlB K. Swofforo. 1320 Alfred St. Christmas Photographs for Your Friends. AUNE-WHEELER STUDIO . 222 E. Alta . ' ' Phone 533 mm I Just the paint for floor, The New k IPAIGE "66" SPORT MODEL IS HERE. Two and fifty miles an hour in 75 yards. Easy Terms on 2nd Hand Cars. 0. L HOLDMAN AUTO CO. inir wt'tn. 1 SEEK WOMAN Kill f X " ?k f I i vx i HKl t 4'J aa 'j sa i'j m m 14 a t m m i m aci . m ! az in at fj '4 0 v ill 119 VM "i m it in ii a . mt (m ui tm m in wo Do you own cne of those comfortable old homes with good solid floors that hare always been painted? If so, repaint the floors this time with Lowe Brothers IIaed Dkying Floos Paint made especially for indoor floors. It is particularly adapted to the finishing of kitchen and bedroom floors. Avarietyofattractive colors to choose .from colors that will harmo nize with your rooms. Hard D rying Floor Paint is an economical , and lasting floor finish. Easy to use dries hard ; and firm. Ask to tee the color L. J. McATEE Phone 158 513 Main St. mt 722 Cottonwood St. Phone 46 Ws do repairing. JACOB L.HAMCW AUPMORB. Okl. Following h dmtlh froiit revolver wounil of "Jk" L. Hnmon, one of tli wwlthlet Independent oil pro ducer In th- country. nrt Repub. lcn committeeman for Oklahoma. puitc ar aearchm for Mr. Clira Hamoii, a dlatant relative. In fOBBeclloB With tbm 'ghoollng. NO EXPERIMENT Cable Cabinet ! ' HAVANA CIGAR Some , Smoke 2 FOR 23c AND UP TriMlc Supplied hj t il I.AMll Its t ItltOI CHS Tr (0 bAnk&crounf assist a TTt&n fo Acquire rippost the gu&mnteeet con font" CASH that is properly safe guarded brings the charm of contentment to its owner. The thorough dependability of our bank is well known. Open an account with this institution and enjoy the feeling of comfortable security. I) e-i i Wi 11 r i i . C ft -n t n K t t 6fl I I! dM 19 t 1 '11 11 II t 'i 11 i ii i! lit , ttl & ii tm mt r-m Jtiii -r f r . jl.. h