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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1920)
f ,f V J f MHif ntf 'V (j02'.,0 .HOTrJjrn TWELVE PAQE3 ' DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8, 1020. PAGE NINE IV11SSI0N FAMILY VISITS AT GIBBON ON SUNDAY GJBHO.V, Dec. 8. Mr. and Mm. Duvo Robert mid Hltia on Mulvln ol Mlmlun Btutlon spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mm. Lle nryant. Mm. ricnw Brace rcturnou1 Sutur day night from I'ondleton where nhi! spent the puat week at the home or Mr. and Mr. W. A. Bruce. Joe Ilojaduy "pent Monday nnd Tuesday In l'cndleton visiting Ills son Joe. who I attending- achool there. Mr. and M.r. J. V. Thompson spent Monday In I'cndlctnn. Will Bwart of Im Grande, la here thta week visiting at the home of his brother Mr. and Mrs, Hoy Bwnrt. Mr. Jui k O'Mera ui a Pendleton vlHltor Monday. MIkh llelva William lift Monday evening for Hlnkle where she will act a iiecond trlrk operator. I.yle llryant wag In l'endlcton Satuf day. ' Albert linker one of the foreBt rung erH who haa been working on trfo gov. ernmont road between Bingham Spring and corporatlon'rangcr Station left yesterday for hi home In l'ome loy Wash. Mr. Baker win for five years a ranger hera but for the part four yearn haa been stationed near Pnmoroy. ,;' Italph Ward of Pendleton waa on the river fishing Tuesday. Anill Bergevln and hl latcr Mini IMen Hergevln returned to their home here Monduy uftor apcndlng a few Cava hi Pendleton.' Mr. and Mm. Ule llryant and Mr Lizzie Stumper went to Pendleton to- duy. NOTICES Notice of HIiIh to Fori) lull Lumber Notice I Iierctry given that waled blda will be received at the 'office of the City ltecorder In Pendleton, Ore gon up to t o'clock p. in. on December l&lh 1K20. for furnishing to The Cllv of Pendleton, P. O. 'J. the Iee Btreot ,he ,ot"' IJUrt of I"1 and varccl nd Bpeclfloation for an appropriate improvement of the following named street In auld city: Lincoln street from the North line of Murk street to the South line of llnley street, together with the estl mateg of the work to be done and the probable coat thereof with a statement bridge 8000 feet of lumber 3i In. by 12 In. by -18 ft. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any' and all blda at Ha plcuxure. Dated this 2nd day of December, 1820. THOB. FITZ GERALD, City ltecorder. NOTICE Ol' l'KOPOKi:i 6THEET lMIMtOVKMEXT NoUce of l'roMMC Ktrcet Inyirove- mcnt Notloe la hereby given that at a regular meeting of the Common Coun cil of The City of Pendleton held at the Council Chamber In Pendleton, Oregon on November 24, 1D20 the fol lowing devolution wua duly adopted via: WHEREAS the City Surveyor of The Ch of Pendleton did on the 10th day of November, 1820, -under direction und by requirement of the Common Council file In the office of the lte corder of The City of Pendleton, plan 0. A. C. STUDENTS WAGE , Mr. and Mm. Dave J.lonlfer were Pendleton vialtOM today. ' Mr. Hoy Swart wa III Pendleton Friday. . " Prcd liruce wa In Pendjcton Thurs day and Friday. Maintaining that the mayor and councilmen were nut progressive arid that sidewalk and lighting facilities were In need of repair, the women of Yoncall.i, Oregon, elected an entire fe hilnlHt administration at a recet mu nicipal election. "They WORK while you sleep" llQJ V V 7 Ok , w r OKRdON AORfCULTlIUL COL lA'AW., Corvullia. Dec. 8. Cheating 1 practiced to Just what extent by the student of the college? should the honor system be' uwd In conducting recitation and examinations? livery student In college will be giv en opportunity to answer these and other Question to be submitted In the form of a questionnaire within the next few days by a ub-commlttee ot trio standing committee to promote honesty In ncaremic work. The sub-committee Is composed of Professor N. Tartar. Harold Robin son and Hobert Warfren. It I hoi nly to obtain the fact In regard to the conditions In the college but the co-operation of the students In ellm inatlng the cheating evil. Information and suggestion thus ob tained will bo compiled and used tin determining the future policy In gov ernlng examinations and In dlspot-ing of the Individual coses of cheating Following are the questions to be IMiHwered. I. To what extent, In your opinion. Ik rheuting practiced" in formal ex rfnilnallonn at .6. A. C? 2. To what extent, In youd opinion Is cheating practiced In scolastlc work other than formal examinations? S. As a rule do (ndustrlous student cheat ? 4. Are Instructor In any way to blame for cases of cheating? 6. Are you tn favor of the honor system Why? 6. Would the hoiutr system tend to promote honesty in scholastic work and thereby assist In strengthlng the mural character of sturents? 7. What change. If any, do you sug gest in conducting examination at O. A. C.? A Dependable) Phytic when Bilious, Headachy, Constipated and Upset 10," 25, 50c drugstores. STATE OF WAR CEASES THIESTR, Dec. 8. (A. P.) D'An uunxlo'i headquarters announced Tues day that the "state of war" between the regency of Quarnero and Italy will not continue. The action follow- t ed a visit of a special commission of Italian deputies. Ivestlgators state that this years Cuban sugar crop will be one of the largest In the history of the Island. of land to be benefited by.uch Im proveinent and the percentage of the IMttl oost of improvement, which each of such lot, pnrt of lot and put-eels of land should pay on account of the benefits to be derived from uch Im provement, and, WHBKEAH, the ciuncll ha examine ed such plan and speflcatlons and ctimates and found the same satisfac tory und tto estimate therefor to be tn accordance with the probable cost of such work, and THEH1SAH, the property recom mended by the City (Surveyor to be In cluded within the boundaries of the district benefited I In the Judgment of the Common Council properly to be Included within such Improvement district and no property 1 excluded therefrom which should properly be Included therein, and. WHEREAS, the Improvement of the hereinabove described portions of snld street, either with Gravel Ultulithlc Pavement, Concrete Pavement or War- lenlle Bitullthlo Pavement on Crushed Ilock or Crushed Gravel foundation. Vis at this time -necessary, therefore, be It RESOLVED, by the Common Coun cil of The City of Pendleton that It Is expedient to improve and It 1 hereby proposed to Improve said portion of s&ld Lincoln Btreet by paving the same with either Oravcl Bltullthlc Pave ment Concrete Pavement oi Warren Ite Bltullthlc Pavement on Crushed fioelc or Crushed Gravel foundation such pavement to be constructed and the urface thereof to be finished upon the. eatublished grade of said street and. the eereetjo hve,.curaan4 gut tern and all other things in accord ance with and a shown In the plans and specification for th Improve ment of said portions of said Lincoln Street, prepared by F. B. Hayes, City Surveyor, field with the ltecorder of said city on the 10th day of November, 1920, which ald plan and apecifica tion are hereby particularly referred to. and be It further. , UESOLVED that the Engineer" es timates of the probable total cost of such Improvement, which said City Engineer' estimates were made and prepared by F. B. Hayes, City Surveyor of said city. In the sum of $3098.35 and were, filed with the Recorder of said city, on the 10th day of Novem ber, 10, is hereby Included and here by referred to particularly, and be It further, RESOLVED that the plan and specification and estimate for auch Improvement, are prepared by the City Surveyor and filed with the Re corder of the City of Pendleton, on the 10th day of November, 1920, be and they are hereby adopted and ap proved, and bo It further, resolved that the cost of making auch Improve ment shRil be a charge and lien upon all lots, part of lot and parcels of land be benefited by such Improve ment, and the owner of such lot, parts of lot and parcels of land, so specially benefited by such Improve ment hall be liable for the payment of the cost thereof, and be It further, RESO'-A'ED that an Assessment District 1 hereby created to be known a "Assessment District No. 71" em bracing the property benefited and they be assessed for the payment of urh Improvements, which Assessment District shall Include all lots, parts of lots and parcel of land lying and be ing within the district bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Inscription of Assessment District No. 11 Commencing on the Southwest cor ner of Lot Six ) Block Fifteen (15) Raley' Addition to Pendleton; thence North 300 feet and parallel with the west line of Lincoln Street; thence East 260 feet. on the South line of Raley Street; thence South 300 feet and parallel with the East line of Lin coln Street: thence West 260 feet on the North line of Mark street tn the point of beginning. And be It furthor ; RESOLVED Unit a copy of tbif resolution together with the notice that the surveyor' estimate of th proportion of the cot of said work to be charged against each lot, part of lot and parcel of land Is on file In the office of thu City Recorder be publish ed for a period of ten day 'n the East Orcgonian, which newspaper I here l.y designated by the Common Council for tho publication thereof. And further notice 1 hereby given that tho City Surveyors estirnalo ol the probable cost of Bald Improve ment to be charged against each lot, part of lot uui parcel of land on ac count of said improvement is now on file In the office of The City Recorder, subject to Inspection and examination. Dated this 1'fiih day of November, 1920. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. NOTH'K TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received by the Director of tho Umatilla Drainage District, at tho office of the Furnish Ditch Company, tn Stanfield, Oregon, until five (5) o'clock p. m. December 10th, 1920 for the furnishing of all labor and materials for the construc tion of a drainage system as set forth in the plans and specification a pre ared by B, H. Severance, Engineer for said District for the following Approx imate Quantities. 24,500 Cu. yds. Main ditch excava tion. 5,000 . cu. yads. Lateral Ditch exca vation. 1.C00 Hn. ft. Clearing. S5.000 board feet of bridges. 70 cu. yds. concrete. 260 tin. ft. 30 Inch pipe laying. 8 cu. yds. concrete abutments. Rids to be made on forma as fur nished by R. A. Holts, Sec. of the Board of Directors of the L'matilla Drainage District, Stanfield, Oregon. A certified check in the sum 'of I per cent of the total amount of the bid, must accompany each proposal. The successful bidder will be requir ed to furnish a bond In a sum equal to the total emount of his bid. The directors of the Umatilla Drain ago District, reserve the right to re ject any or all bids. J. G. PEARSON, Vrei R. A. HOLTE. Sec. muwmmmrmsmmxmjsxtF' 1 1 A S Jt k .... . f. I Milk ; Eat More Bread AS I!!IIIi;il!ll!l!!!lll!l!!!lll!!l!il!i!!lljtlM New Capital Necessary Notice of Wds for Coustruttion of Crosswalks Notice Is hereby elven that" sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder tip to 5 o'clock p. m. on December 15th 1920, for the construction of the following described concrete Crosswalks 1n the City of Pendleton: 1 Crosswalk' on Railroad Street on the west line of Lllleth Street. 1 Crosswalk on Railroad Street on tho west line of Aura Street. 1 Crosswalk on Aura Street on the south line of Bluff Street. 1 Cross walk on Bluff street on the west line of Aura Street. 1 Crosswalk on Tustln Street on the west line of Cosbio Street. 1 Crosswalk on Aura Street on the south line of Tustln street. 1 Crosswalk on Tustln Street on the east line of Aura 8treet. 1 Crosswalk on Lewis Street on the sest line of Jeff Davis Street. 1 CrOKHH-alk on Jeff Davis Street on the north line of Lewis Street. 1 Crosswalk on Beauregard Street in the south line of Lewis Street. 1 Crosswalk on Lewis Street on the east line of Beauregard Street. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids at Its pleasure. Dated this 2nd day of December, 1920. TIIOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. Bread is the gift of the sunny, yellow wheatfield. , The strength and vigor of the wheat is bound up in nature's most toothscftne food. From our sunny bakeshop hundreds of loaves come forth daily in a golden shower. The dainty white wax wrapper means cleanliness. A Better Bread cannot be made than Harvest Bread SOLD BY ALL GROCERS PENDLETON Baking Co. mm - . J T I,,r, f.,,ii. ll North nt llin PHI nnar,.-r IM&T l.ik. H,H h.If ' . , parcel Of land 183 r-t WKie twenty-eight -'8) East, Willamette j S 1-2) of the Northeast quarter of the ! Meridian: .Southeast quarter of the Southesstj The Northeast quarter of the North- icorter (XE 1-4 of l-i SB 1-4): the! tS - Expansion and improvement require a telephpne company to constantly borrow money. Current earnings,',of course, take care of current expenses, and they should be sufficient to pay a fair return on the investment. "' Money can only be obtained from one source'; from the investing public ; those who have surplus money to invest. ,, The investor demands security, con vertability the ability to change his investment at will without loss -and an assurance of a reasonable and continued rate of return. , . Will he will you will a bank, trust or insurance company invest money in an enterprise which is unable to meet these'requirementa? " ' x Today in Oregon we are operating at a deficit.' Our property in this state is yielding no return' to its owners. Without a return on present capital how can we expect to attract new. capital ? Our ability to borrow depends upon our revenues and our revenues upon our rates. . ' ' depend We are asking the Public Sen ice Commission of Oregon to consider the in adequacy of our present revenues and to approve schedules of rates which will guaratite prmanenqy, extension and improvement of the service. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TElf GRAPH COMPANY I r : t-2 . I0-S1KS. KOTM'K OF SALE, la the I'nllril Main nintrlrt Caiirt for the Dinlrtrt of llrran. THR CENTRAL, Tltl'ST CO.. a corpora tion, duly incorporated and exlatlng under the Laws of the State ot Ohio and Philip Hinkle. an trustee. Com plfllnanta, v. WKSTERN LAND & IR RIGATION COMPAMV. ..,.rn,,r,. duly incorporated and existinif under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of Oregon; and the Rank of Echo, a Ranking Corporation duly In corporated and existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the State or urcRon; Wlllam I. Breed and Learner 1. Harritmn. co-partners do- lnir business as Itreed & Harrison, and Harry K, Weil; John K. Roth Herbert I". 'Weil and Henry S. Irving, co-partners dolnit business as Weil, Roth & Co., Respondents. Notice is hereby Riven that under and by virtue of & decree rendered and en tered in the above entitled court anH cause on the 17th day of November. lWl'e. WherebV it in nrriercH nrii,,.!.-.. and decreed that all of the ditches, ca- .-.. mhiit rilf lis nnn MmtK nr ... spondent. Western LnnH & lrriirii,. ("ompuny be sold by me as Master in C'baneerv nf Rnirf enit , satisfy the amount due complainants on the outstanding bonds secured by trust deed or mortirnzF m ants, to-wit. one hundred and seventy- uve tnousana dollars .$17!i.000.00). and A, . slx per ccnt rrom January 1, 1912, and on the amount due rt'smmri. ent, the Bank of Kcho, to-wit. twentv one thousand six hundred and forty four and eighty-six hundredths dollars iii,ii.tij, with interest at eight per cent from the 20th day of May, 1914, 1 win on Friday, the 17th dv of Decem ber, 1S20. at tho south door of the Court House. In the City of Pendleton, Oregon, at 10 o'elnek in th f.-,rMnnnn of said day sell as an entirety, and as one property, and not in separate par cels to the highest and best bidder, all Of tho riirht. title. Intercut Dnrl rtatD.A of the Western Land - Irrigation Company in and to the lands and prop- i,ernnniicr aeserioea and in nnd to any other lands owned bv said com pany, and acquired by It subsequent ti ill,, UH.r (II JnilHFl nf ii , . niay bo acquired by- suid co'mnanv. oi ny i u. hwayso and W. H. Simpson, as receivers, of said rnmninv ni date of sale. No bids for said lands s property lor less than one hundred thousand dolara ismn nnn nm u,m k celved or considered, and the purchaser or purchasers thereof will be required to pay not less than twentv-five oer ,.v v., yu n(m,uui or nis or tneir bin ash. or bv eertifio,! li.i,-L- nn Bn.. vent bank or trust romnunv B of sale, the balance of the purchase price may be paid In cash or first mort gage bonds and accrued rmiimn. ihA. j J on, secured by the mortgage or deed of i-viiii'ininsnia nerein. The lands and property so to be sold are described as follows: All of the Nnrthw, n, ,..,.. vw '.1",,.of "ectlon fifteen (151. Township -two (!) North, of Jtanire tw,v..nn iiv.r bai. luamene Aieridian; --" . ' .of 'ractional section one (1), and SS.all of section thirteen (13), In Town- onip uiree (.ii. ivortn or Hange tnentv cvetl (27) Kast Willamette Meridian; aii oi iracuonai section one (1), and all of Sections thirteen (13) snd twenty-five (25, in Township four (4). North of ltango twenty.gcven (27) East. Willamette Merld'an; All of Section fwpntr.flv. I,l In Township five (5) North, of "ltango twenty-eeven (7) East. Willamette Meridian: The fractional North hnlf IV i.n ndi the Kast hnlf of the Southeast quarter ic i-i oi 5c or Meotlon rive (5). In Township three (3) North, of Hange twenty-eight (28), East Willamette Meridian: , ' The fciat hair (E l.S) nf friinal Section five tf). and all of Section twrelv-nine : a-.d ii! tn tliai part west Quarter (NE 1-4 of NW 1-4). the South half of the Northwest quarter (S 1-S of NW 1-4). the Northeast quar ter of the Southwest quarter (XE 1- of fiW 1-4). and the South half of the Southwest quarter (S 1-2 of SW 1-4) of bection thirty-three (33), In Towmr. tour (4 1. North ot Kange twenty-eign (2S) East. Willamette Meridian: All of Section twenty-nine (29), in Township five (5) North, of Range twenty-eight (28) East. Willamette Jlu rid'an: The South half of the Southwest quarter (S 1-2 of SW 1-4) of Section seventeen (17). in Townsliip five (ii) irth, or Kange twenty-eight (2H) i.ast. mamettc. Meridian The West half of the West balf (W 1-! of W 1-2) of Section thirty-three US), in Township five (5) North, of Range twenty-eight (28) East, Willam ette Meridian; Excepting from the foregoing, how ever, strips of land extending through the same, or so much of such strips as may be within said premises, of the width of l0 feet, lying between two lines each drawn parallel to and distant SO feet from the center line of the main track of the Oregon Railroad & Navi gation Company as the same is now lo cated, constructed ana operated on. over or across said described premises, or within fifty feet of the same; and also excepting a strip of land 3 rods wide, being 1 1-2 rods wicj on each side of the center line of the Minneha ha Irrigation Company's canal as the same is now . constructed over and across-Section twenty-nine (9),- in Township four (4) North, of Itange twenty-eight (28) East. Willamette ,-ueriuian. Also nil that portion of the West hnlf (W 1-2) of the Northeast quarter 1-4) and the East half (E 1-2) ol , the Northwest quarter (NW 1-4) of ection twenty-one (21), Townsbit three (3), North, ot Range twenty-nine rast. vtmamette Meridian, whic is west of the center of the main chan nel of tho Umatilla River; save and except a piece of ground containing lourteen tn) acres which is not in tended to be hereby conveyed, whlei is described as follows: Commencing at a point up said Umatilla River four hundred and forty (440) yards from the nurmeasi corner or the lands abovi aeserioea: running thence southwest erly to a point fifteen (15) rods Souli er the dividing line between David, Coffman and John Boyce; thence fol lowing me root or the bluff urn mouth of Alkali Canyon to said river i a point two Hundred twenty (fiO) yards above the nlaee of hp-rinntnir-- ' hence down said river to the place of StKlllllllIK- Reserving and excepting from said lands, such as are now known or sh -hereafter be ascertained to contain coal or iron, and also such surface ground as may be necessary for right of oeeess to such excepted coal nnd iron lands for tho purpose of exploring, develop ing and working the same; Also saving and excepting from ail of the above described tracts, the follow ing parcls included therein, with the water rights appurtenant thereto w-hich have been sold simA th .lata ..r complainants' trust deed or mortgage. ana released from the lien tl,r...,r h any other parcels which mav have neen released from the 1 en or nlH aeea or mortgage, to-wit: The North half of the North hall (N 1-3 of N 1-2) of the Southeast ter of the Northeast quarter (SB 1-4 of NE 1-4) of .Section thirteen 131. it. luwusnip lour HI North. Range twenty-seven (27) East. WillamottA Mr- ti.iin. The following described tract tn Sec tion twenty. fiv (25), Township four t-w iturtii, iange iweniy-seven (2i) East. Willamette Meridian: Commencing at a point S60 feet West ano su leet South of the yuarter Sec uou corner between Section twenty- iivo i;a, rowiisnip tour tl) fiorth Range twenty-seven (27) East. Will amette Meridian, and Section tltirtv toO), Township four (() North. Range twenty-eight (28) East. Willamette Meridian: thence south 3:15 fept- thn.-n West SCO feet: thence North 335 feet; thence East atftl fettt to tlm nla.. Kn ginning: In Section five (.). Townshin rmie hi .-orin. itange twrntv-cigbt U'M East. Willamette Meridian; The South three-fourths (1-4) of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter tSK 1-4 of NK 1-4); the North three-fourths (N 3-4) of the Northeast tjiinrter ci me n,utneaM quarter iXb't o! bt- 't 11; the Ncith ball 4N l-J) .. Eatt half of the South half (E 1-2 of 1-2) of the South half of the South east quarter of the South ?ast quarter IS 1-'. of SE 1-4 of SE 1-4): the West alonsr the East side of that part of the Southeast quarter of tbe Southeast quarter (SE 1-4 of SB 1-41 of Section seventeen (17). Township four (4 1 North, of Range twenty-eight (2) East. W. Jf.. lying north of the Umatil la River, reserving therefrom u Btrin pf land 20 feet wide along the Xorther- Uitl! cr the Southwest nnnrter tw 1 VnV.h'h:!?0 ,1? f JL.P.L'iL? A1o ! ?he w.,r rights of the West quarter of the Southeast quarter (SW 1-4 of SE 1-4): the West half of the South hrlf (W 1-8 ot S 1-2) of the North half 'N 1-2) of the Southeast quarter of tho Southeast quarter (SE 1-1 of SB 1-4): the Northwest quarter f the Southeast quarter (NW 1-4 of SE 1-4); the North half (N 1-2) of the North half (X 1-2) of the South half (S 1-2) of the Se uthwest quarter of the Northeast quarter (SW 1-1 of NE 1-4) and the South half (S 1-2) of the Nortb half tx 1-2) of the Southwest quarter VF! 1-4. Ir Section twenty-nine (25), Town :fliip four i !) North. . Range twenty eight l:Sp East. W. Jf.. a strip of iand one hundred ii(0 feet in width, being fifty (501 feet in wld'h on each side o( nr-d -parallel . ilh Ibe et-i ter lire of the mill, tra -k of the ( regon Railroad it 'v!g.iti'n Comranv's lailroad as the anie is located --.,. r and across said se-nion. provided that in said section ii:.. hmi Frtirueti feirip shall be one hundred and fifty (150) feet In width from Station .";24 of the railroad survey tu the Eest'liite of sa'd section, a dis tance of four hundred (400) feet: be tween the said loirfts the said strip shall be ont- hundred (luO) feet wide on tho Notthtrly side of the said center lire and lifty (50) feet unon th south- '.;lly side o? the said center line; In Section seventeen (17), Township four (4) North, of Range twentv-cichi -M Last. Willamette M.,r,,n..n i. West thirty-five t:i.r,) flrnt (.1 il.a Northwest quarter of the "Northeast itu.i, it-, t. J- or nk l-4l; The North half of the South hair of the North half of the Southwest quar ter of the Northeast quarter (N 1-2 of S 1-2 of N 1-2 of SW 1-4 of NE 1-4); The Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter (NIC 1-4 of SE 1-4) and South-l"-tor- or Northwest quarter (S 1-4 of NW 1-4); The North half of South half of the .tu, wit-aai uuarier OI the Southwest lrin N 1-8 C S 1"a f NE 1-4 Of The East half of the Northwest quar ter (E 1-2 of NW :-4) and the North "st quarter of the Northwest quarter if the Northwest quarter (NE 1-4 of 1-4 of NW 1-4): In Section thirty-three (33), Town ship four (4) North, of Range twentv "'Eht (2ft) East. Willamette Merid ian, the North balf of the Southwest ,-- l';r. .,he Northwest quarter (N 1-2 ol SW 1-4 of NW 1-4): in section seventeen (17). Tov- 1.-, iuriu, or itange twentv-eip-ht th five iKatlon Comnanv. exeent "-h a nave, neen released as appur tenant to lands sold; also the ditch and canal sysV-m of said company, together with all tar His. ditches, laterals, weirs, headgates, dams and flumes now owned by said company, or which shall be ac quired by it. or said receivers, prior to said sale, and said company's entire ir rigation system with tbe appurten ances used in connection therewith and thereto belonging: also all rights, grants, -privileges, franehiaes or licens es granted or conferred bv any state, county, city, town or Other municipal body, corporation or authority, com pany or individual, now owned or con trolled by said company, and anv and all such rights, grants, privileges, franchises and licenses as shall here after be acquired or controlled by the company prior to the date of sale, and all rights of way and other rights and privileges now owned by said company Which It Shall hereafter ,.nni nJ.. and hy virtue f slIeh rights, grants, privileges, franchises and licenses, or any renewals, extension or modifica tions thereof in. upon, over or through any and all public or private lands. Also any and all other real property now owned by said company, and all other real property ow ned by said com pany and acquired by it subsequent to ... 1 lay of January, 190!. together with all appurtenances- thereof and thereto, and all additional ditches, ap propri.ttions of water or water rights now owned or that may be hereafter acquired by said company, or by said . . ' a Ml l"r l" saia sale. Said sale may be adjourned bv the Master from day to day or from "week to week by puhlic proclamation of such adjournment at the time and pHc- of sale, an.-t w ill be made subject t.) -on-firmatinn by said court, and the prop- V. n,o . VI oe. Kul0ect to redemption as provided by law. . Dated November 17th, IS"!) ROBERT P. MAOCIRE. n.i. il n. . Maater- in Chancery. Title Trust Building. Portland. Oeeeon HOARSENESS 1 1 Swallow slowly small piece rub well over the throat. bust. AVillnmctta MpriHmr. follfm-intr descrihori traet - All that portion of the Ronth t the Southwest quarter (S 1-2 of SW 1-4) Ot S3id Section that lie hetureen two lines drawn uarallel to anH site sides of and distant respectively sixty liill) feet on the North and Eas'l side and forty (40) Oct on tho South and est Side Of the eentee Ilnu t . i. f-1? ,h."'Wos' extension of Uma-i tilla f'rofect Oreiron nn tl,e ... i- I veyed and constructed over and across Bam lanus. In Section thirty-three (S3), Town ship five (5) North, Range twentv eisht (58) East. Willamette Meridian: that portion of the Northwest quarter J . .Northwest quarter (NW 1-4 of 1-4) of said Secion lying West of the 1 matilla River below elevation four hundred and ten 14101 .i ... containing about 1.8 acres, and South half (S 1-2). Northwest mi.ri... r .i.. Southwest quarter (NW 1-4 of SW 1-4) 3 ,Jl - ot south half (S 1-J of j v. - ... -v...... gunner Ol soulhweat quarter (SW 1-4 of SW 1-4)- In Section twentv-on i-ui n-..-H ship three (3) North. Range 'twenty nine ( Kast. Willamette Meridian, following tract: leginilinir at a noint five k..- forty-eight (54X1 feet West of the quar ter section corner hetu.-e..m Sixteen tli) and iVrnlv-nn. i-M I- Township three (3) North of Range ' ,... ,,,.-,,. r.asi. Willamette Me-I rldlan: West three hundred and eighty-five (3S5) feet: thence South 3S deg SO mln. East along the Allen lxtcn rtaht of way lour hundred fillv l tie feet: thence North 21 deg. 55 nun. Ea" two hundred seventy-five (275) feet- nence deg. JB m'n. East "5.6 V A fo Flun Oner 17 Million 'an Uttd Yturty W Q C(NB)ATIOM" i?.H, " " ,-i m. ... trt . COMKUND COPAIbT CUBBBS AT. YOU P nsj M it of Station evcnteeo (XT) lyius Kortlj tc fioutlit ViUzyt the Souiii I !Ul 01 c,'""i";-. ;ocUiuja- a 4i 4k4 - 4 A 4k4! .. at .. ut mini , t a, Mtttttl 4 Alt44tt tltnti4