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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1920)
,A-t-i t mt i MHtiM tt ,,,,,,,, 'V--.--m . PAGS no tXTELVS PAG1 " DAIiY EAST ORfiOONTAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 8, 1020. -f-.r-i; L People Here and There I'atrolmim Churley Myers returned thlg morning from Portluud where he wan called tu testify In the pock Iiudd trlul. 'Mn. Mlnnlo Walker, clerk of Union high school district No. 1, at Irellx, was a business visitor In Pendleton Tuesday. , . M. I Jones of Mange, a stock rals er ,l In Pendleton today on a business trip, limine Is In (lie Grant county dock country, A. It. McBroom, who raises cattle In the vicinity of l'llot Rock. In a bus liioss visitor In i'cndloton toduy. Farm bureau and road activities were placed uHlde yesterday afternoon liy David II. Nelson and he boarded the Northern Pacific truln for a busl nexii trip to his wheat holdings In 'Western Montana. "' Mr. and Mr. Frank Chapman, who live on a furm on Upper Butter Creek, near Gurdano, are In the city doing aoine Christmas shopping- today, Mr. Chapman Is engaged In the sheep bus ines. Miss Kllz.ubeth Fo, dean of women at the University of Oregon, one of the youngest deanfl In the United Btatcs. This Is her fifth year at the college. During the war she was granted a lave of absence and went overseas as a V. M, C. A. worker. Flth MUr Julia IlureeHS, Instructor oin the English depurtnient at Oregon. Miss Fox will chaperon a group of g'rls who will go u broad. ' Miss Fox spoke here yesterrlny. 4J. 1 Dunning, county commissioner from Ktunflcld, came up on No. 24 this mornlnsr to loin his colleagues In a trip to Helix and transact otlior offi cial business. Hugh McCttll. cashier of the I'nlted Htates Nutlonul Hank of Vale, was a buslnesH visitor In Pendleton Monduy and Tuesday. Ho also has rolatlvos here whom he visited while In the cltw. The swimming pool Is empty at ningham Springs and the summer re sort has" settled Into winter quiet, anye William Iloch. proprietor of the Hprlngs, who was here yesterday. He reports that the mountain spot hus been experiencing stormy weather with some mow and rain. The trial of Frederick Ituder, for manslaughter. Is being attended by It. W. Khaw, a cattle raiser, from the I,on& Creek country. The shooting of K. E. McCue took place near Irfng Creek and the principals are both known to Mr. Bhnw. He Is spending the winter at College Place, Wuah.. and came oror to see the trlul and to transact business here. The fog In Portland lust night seemed colder than the frost In Pen dleton this morning, 8. R. Thomp son said. Mr. Thompson arrive1. home on No. 24 this morning with packages In each hand and looked as though he had done a bit of Christ mus shopping In the metropolis. Clyde Overby of Dakar arrived yes terday for a short visit hero with friends and rclutlvea. , Walter ISlnipson of Garfield, Wash ington spent the first puA of the week in Pendleton visiting with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson. THE C0UN1Y OFFICES AND OFFICERS PHONE FOURONINE FOR BETTER SERVICE Buy a1 Barrel of Flour A movement is now 6n foot which has for its object the ready marketing of Umatila county's principal product, wheat. Are you a loyal Ore gonian? If so, join the movement and buy a barrel of flour. Umatilla county's prosperity is your prosperity regardless of your work or bus iness. Be prosperous. Also, you may save some money. Wheat is going up. We have an at tractive cash price intended to benefit the move ment We are willing to do our part. CALL 409 The Economy Grocery - - 7 "ii3 W. Webb Street ' " " Marriage License tanned A marriage license was Issued toduv by the county clerk to Orover H. Kel ler, of Pilot Rock, and Misa Myrtle Mays, of Pendleton. CoinnilMKiiMU-rs C to IMIx The county commissioners left by auto thl morning for the, Helix region where they will look over the new road and make soma adjustment re garding rights of way. Sues for (17:1 Note The Iduho State Life Insurance CO.. loday filed suit against Clark W. Frindle to recover on a note for f ITS. and interest. H. Ev Bixon, of U Grande, is attorney for the plaintiffs. Jordan IXute Appraised The estate of the lute Frank L. Jor dan today was appraised at 16824, In an Inventory filed with the county clerk. The appraisers were Alonzo W. Knotts, W. A. Gilliam and E. G. Horn Taking Ik-hiktuIc Oiuikos It Is true thut many contract severe colds and recover from them without taking any precaution or treatment, and a knowledge of this fact lead others to tuke their chance Instead ol giving their colds the needed attention. It should be borne In mind that every cold weakens the lungs, lowers the vi tality, makes the system less able to wilhstand each succeeding attack and pave the way for the more serious diseases. Can you afford to tuke such desperate chances when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous for Its cures of bad colds may bo had for a trifle? Chamberlain's t'ouglr Itomcdy tile Mother's Favorite The soothing and healing properties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, Its pleasant taste and prompt and effec tual cures have made It a favorite with people everywhere. It Is especially prised by mothers of young children for colds, croup and whooping cough, as it always afford quick relief and Is free from opium and other harmful drugs. When You Are: Cmstluletl To Insure a healthy action of the bowels and correct dlsoorders of the liver, take rwo of Chamberlain's Tab lets Immcdiate'y after supper. They will not only cause a gentla movement of the bowels, without unpleasant ef fect'), but banish that dull, studlp feel Ing, that "often accoompanies constipation. Mrs. iJiuia M. lloyt Recommends Chamberlain's TaMete "I have frequently used used Cham berlain's Tablets, during the past three yearn, and have found them splendid for headache and bilious attacks. I air. only too pleased, at any time, to speak a word In praise -of them," write Mrs. Laura M. Hoyt, Rockport. N. T. s 5 An Opportune Time for Christmas Shopping Don't wait until the last moment before you do your Christmas shopping. Shop now and shop at your leisure. Our store contains hundreds of items that will make ideal gifts. In fact, we have always had a reputation for the excellence of our Holiday displays, and this year they are better than ever. fj , . ,' m "'f 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 M 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 J'EVDI.FTOX WIIJj (Continued from page 1.) Judgement for 20,ooo Clvcu The Copeland Investment Co.. today was given a Judgment for 120,00a against H. B. Hartholomew In a de cree of the circuit court. The decree ittves the plaintiff first lien on one and three furturths sections of land In the St .in fie Id country and orders the sale of the lands under execution to satis' fy the the Judgment. lyilllllllllllHIillMlllltililillillllillllllMIIHIIIIIUIIIIHIIlHIH I Army Goods EE . ' CA j,i.;, MEATS ' 5 Corned ttwf Hasli, 1-2 isnind can 80c S tae M 48 . . . ' .(10 s 5 Cril lleef, 1-J pound can 60c E E ' fiWB Of 88 cans .:.$1.50 E Ibia-4 noef, 2 K)iuid cans 45c; case 24 $10.00 g S 1 These are all best quality meats. g 5 Armf miekcrs ., 260 and t5.00 5 Off lews IlalncoaU 1 300 S Araif Orerooata dyed blue and black $12.00 S S mi l ,lTTr $2.25 a garment, $4.50 the auit E Tlita Is Uie genuine army goods of ariiiir quality. S S IR-rtirlKH I'nioii Knits $5.00 3 2 TIhiso arc the cry Isft wearing all tool union suits for s 5 v the money. S 2 Army Shirts O. !., new 5 '5 g 2 Army Klilrts. O. !.. sllglitly used - M.5 - S .We liave Jut mirl'l this new stock direct from the Quar. s 2 ema.st4T, therefore It Is nvd Army quality and not a fcliabby - Si linllaUon. . 2 Our bargains In Klines still stand, both In tlio regulation g 2 privBtea and officers dress. ne, m AND NAVY SALES CO. 2 . : ,- 516 MAIN ST. 2 iMIIlMIimilMUMIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIMIIMIUIIMIMIIIUIinilllllMHMIMIIIMIIIIMIIIIHIlTi Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less J)ESPAIN & LEE CASIL GROCERY 209 E. Court Phone 880 Buy a Biirrel Of Flour ' IT HELPS YOU AS MUCH AS IT DOES THE FAR- mer; for flour will never be LOWER THAN RIGHT NOW. PROTECT THE COMMUNITY PROTECT YOUR-SELF. Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less DESPAIN & LEE CASH GROCERY 209 E. Court Phone 880 Man Held for Itoardinan Iluok Ciuayne was arrested by the sheriffs office last night on reiue.-rt from Boardman, where he la wanted for beating- a board bill and for lar ceny. A warrant has been requested from Heppner and It Is probable that Sheriff Geurge McDuffle will come here for the man unless he settles within the required time limit. I Murt nn Cold Springs Itoad t The first step in the construction of the road from Holdman to Cold Pprlng landing was taken by the county com missioners today when a resolution was ordered drafted by tho district at torney for the highway. The resolu tion will be Introduced as soon as pos sible so that action can be taken by tho Fehruary term of the nenr court and work started In the early spring months. Therfe are $185,000 available from the county road bonding fund for this highway. The committee hich was to have requested that the road be built from the l'endlcton and simultaneously with work from the Cold Spring end failed to take the re quest to the county commissioners. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Itesidta of InterelaKS Games. The results for the Intel-class guinea held in the gym last night were, Seniors 6, Sophomores 19; Kreshmen 14, Junh ors 15. In the game results the So phomore class Is now In the loud with two wins and no defeats. "This even ing's games will decide which two ciassca will contend for the champion ship. These two teams will play three games to decide the Interclass championship. ' , ! Tomorrow Is Visitor's lny Tomor row will be visitors day at the high school according to an announcement made today by Austin lindrcth, prlnclpul. All parents and friends are Invited to visit the school at any tlm tomorrow and see the type of work that tho high school students of Pen dleton are dotng. No programme haa been prepared bur ifta visitors will be shown the regt'Uan, routine of work. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer", on Genuine Warning! t'nless you .see tho name "Buyer" on package or on tablets you ere not getting genuine' Aspirin pre scribed by physicians fof twenty-one years and proved safe by1 millions. Take Aspirin only as told lit the Bayer package for Colda, Headache, Neural gia, Kheumntism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. 1 Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As pirin cost few cents, .pruggists also sell larger package Apitln is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacidcstcr of Rallryllcacld. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY BOY AC1B 15 wants work on ranch for hoard while going to school Call 204-K. WANTED Hy young couple without mirtlrn, furnished apt. Box 7, city AXYOVK diMiilr.g.HTeltnWe; practical nurse, ntaturlty only( SP'-M. in a move to protest against tne pres ent high price of gasoline, which was brought about, the letter Raid, by a shx'lage which exlstel six mouiua ago and which now IR no longer extant. If liec. nury, the bureau can go into the tawllne business and obtain fuel here more cheaply than the Standard OH Co. sells It, the letter said. The bu reau expressed no desire to compete with an etabllshed company provid ing Just rates can be obtained. The letter was referred to the association uutomobile committee. (iraJii SI low Is Talked. Ttntatlve plans for making Pendle ton the scene of a grain show tor all ihn northwest, to be comparable am ong grain shows as the Itound-Up is ii.n-ing exhibitions of its kind, were mentioned by County Agent Bennlon. The proposed show would occur dur ing i he entire Round-Up week and or.ulst chiefly of grains, hay and their pri'ducts. One feature which is al ready f romiscd is a grain Judging com- petpton by teams from Oregon Agri cultural College, Washington State Coiler.c and University of Idaho. A resolution, fixing the appointment of the secretary and treasurer of the Association, was read and will be voted on at the Jmuary meeting. These of flj. is would be appointed by the t". id, of managers Instead of by the asMK iatlon, as at present, to hold of fice at the pleasure of tho board and draw a salary fixed by that body. A change in the by-law will be neces sary. , Favor Noinuil Si-hool. Reports on the recent Citisens' Con ference on Education at Portland were made by both W. W. Green, county s'.hrol superintendent; and H. K. In low, city superintendent. They told of the recommendation of J. A. Churetill, state superintendent of pub lic instruction, for a normal school th In southern and eastern Oregon. The association decided to endorse such a program in the interests of bet tor lemhers. The report of the finance commit tee, presented at the November meet ing, wns Irought up for action last night but no one was willing to move for its adoption, rejection or amend meat to it was laid over until the next monin. j ne iigiiL auenaance was re sponsible for the tack of desire to act on (his Important bit of legislation. Kapnrls of tho auditing and finance c inimitec ere read and four applica tions for membership read and acted upoa favorably. The. new members are: F. B. Hayes, Lester B. Cronln, Donal Robinson and 8. F. Bowman. HKAJLTII J'lltST (Continued from page 1.) and other tests are made to determine whether children are lacking in de velopment. If they are found to he deficient they are advised to take up certain forms of exercise for tho Im provement of that undeveloped func tion. Posture training Is one of the most important aims of the school adminis trators. ' Children are taught to sit erect and stand erect, to adopt a com fortable but upright carriage, a good step In their walk and maintain a good bearing. The calisthenics and recess periods or the grades are in tended to furnish the relaxation and the strength for keeping the erect pos ture, sitting or standing. Nutrition Vital Element Nutrition Is considered in the health program. Youngsters who show by their school work or their measure ments that they are not up to stand ard, are interrogated as to their diet. Drinking of milk Is encouraged In all homes and a correct diet urged. Food values aro taught the children and regularity In eating Is emphasised. Plenty of sleep with fresh air surg ing through tho sleeping room. Is urg ed for all children. Good air is always sought for tho school room. Cleanli ness Is stressed, and care of tho body urged. Children are told of the value of care of their teeth and regular hnhlts Instilled In them. The results of the health program Ir. past years In Pendleton's schools hue already shown results. Miss Eva Hunson, physical director tor the grades and the high school girls, de clares that tho Pendleton children are larger and more active than those of the average community. They are as a rule in better health. The Pendleton youngsters are ro suierior that they exceed all around the measurements laid down In the government tables of measurements for children of stated nges. Miss Hanson has found the ex cess over the government tables so great here that she is planning to col lect her data on local children and strike an average w(th the govern- i meni lame nr 1 Ol ore. .irivn-ni-c in ntv Pendleton schools, ft J year they are better than ever. H Everything in , $ g DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY SILVERWARE j "GUT! TllT LAST" - 1 SAWTELLE'S m j ... if K . Jewelers . J( ? The Largest Diamond Dealers in Eastern Oregon . ! MnrtmtmmnmnnMMMinwHHiirmHnmtMmmiuHHHiH ! iMm,..ii..M.i... mmi 1 AT ITS BEST '.Th strongest com pliment ever paid to Sc-oifs Emulsion; is the vain attempts at imitation. Those who take cod-liver oil at its best, take r r I 8-r'M Hn-A-n". nicw. 6 i 1 0 VANCOUVER, Wash.. Dec. 8. (U. P.) The state bank at Battle Ground. 16 miles northeast of here was robbed early yesterday of between J100 and $.",(10 in silver, contained In a chest. The bandits made no attempt to blow the safe. They made their escape on a handcar, which they stole. I1ENTOU HARBOR SKKKS FIGHT CHICAGO, Dec. 8. (A. P.) Floyd Fitzimmons, promoter of the Leonard White and the Dempsey-Miske cham ploiiBChip fights, left last night for New York to attempt to have the match between Jack Denipsey and Georges Carpentier staged iu his open air arena at BenlAn Harbor, Mich. "True Shape" Hosiery Just received, a new line of Ladies' True Shape Hose in wool and silks. These hose are all guaran teed to be absolutely perfect and will give excellent wear. Ladies' Brown and Green Heather Mixtures, an extra extra fine grade. Introductory price $2.95 Ladies' Black and White Lace Hose, full fashioned, pure silk, at $2.00 TV che 735 Main St Jack Winer, Mgr. !!!i!'!!n!!!l!!!!"'!!!H!im!,!!'l!!"!'!,H""w"!!"wmmr. ii iliilUMliU HAZKLWOOI) CO. COM ICTFJ . PORTLAND, Deu. 8. (A. P.) Haxehvood enmoanv, driers of dairy r rod nets. Was convicted yesterday tn federal court of manufacturing adult- The j crated buter without complying with covrntnl reMfttlAn. VACUUM MCHLS Always Good More! More! More! Always GoodMore! More! More! " TT 1 M r 1 1 ' GOkBEM ATS V i Vr4 rV Y Wf fc.Wg if.. A L4 Always Good More! More! More! Always Good More! More! More! VACUUM ii a -