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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1920)
FAQS rOU2 CULT EAST OKEOOSlAJr, PE5DLET0I?, OREQOU, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8, 1020. TWELVE PAGE3 East, ... - .js f DAILY AN INDKPENDF..NT MnsiSPAPER fOre&oniaiiVI Itllllllllllfllllllttl tllllttHlIIIIIIIIItlMltl till Wltlllllllt llltllltltll I1UII1IIII1I till! IIMMI1IIII t IIIM II II II II M 11 Published Dally and flrnl-Weekly, at Pfndl.ton, uregon, bv tha tAST OitKieON'IAN FI HUSHINO OO. Entered at tbe postoffica at Handle Ion, Oregon, as second-class mall seller. ON 8AI.E IN OTHER CITIES, anperltl Hotel Kwi Stand. Portland. UN K1L.E AT Chi Bureau, 0 fcrlty Building. Waahington, D, C. bureau (01 Four teenth Ktreai, N. W. Meaake t the AaaeHated PrM The Associated i'rma la exclusively nulled to the uae for republication 01 II dispatches credited to It or at otherwise credited in thia paper and also tne local am publieaed fere- B. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (IN ADVANCS) Pally, one year, by mall Daily, aix months, bv mall nail, three montha hv mall Daily, one month by mall Iaily, one year by carrier... Daily, aix montha bv carrier Daily, three montha by carrier-. 5 Pally, one month, by carrier ,tt : Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall 1.(0 S Semi-Weekly, aix montha. by mail S Seml-Weeklj, (our montha, by mail .id ax aa !! 1.50! 1.25 .60 i 7.6C l.VI i Telephone 525 and 526 SATISFACTION QUALITY SERVICE, GUARANTEED Telephone 525 and' 526 relephona . 4 THE OTIIKlt SI1VK, (Hy Frank U Stanton.) Trouble rnme to try biin no rainbow in the sky; The gentlest winds a blowin' had the sorrow of a sigh, But ho (W a star a-shlnin' In the firmament on high.. An' sang about "The other side of Jordan:'' The Light the Ijght wai with him! the light that ever dwells In the soul that hears a welcome o'er the saddest of farewells' He heard the ringln' singing of the everlasting bells. An' sang about "The other side of Jordan!" And the world, it heard his singing, and cave back an echo true Its fading flowers quickened with the freshness of the dew ' The shadows left the dim sky, and all heaven ranie in view He sang about 'The other side of Jordan!" Copyrighted, forthe 'East Oregonian Tub, Co. I : Gammed' (&,d For Thursday and Friday . ' ' i . v: . i . . r ..... ... ! The housewife will find economy in replenishing the larder with a goodly supply of these high grade and ; standard brands of fruits and vegetables, while the prices are right. We have arranged these goods in Quar ter Dozen, Dozen and Case lots which are below the regular retail prices. Phone your order early so as to en- , able prompt delivery. " . ' ' :Only- NIPPON BRAND ASPARAGUS TIPS WORK AHEAD FOR CONGRESS T T ANDICAPPED in body though he may be, the great mind not Woodrow Wilson once more was demonstrated in his mflfctprlv mpcesffA in tVia eVi n.f caean c , .....,,,. . '"n cvooiuii vi. tuneless syea- ' tcrday at Washington. The pressident outlined for th nntinn's -No. lawmakers a program of needed legislation, constructive in . form and non-political in nature. He bowed to the will of the eelctorate a month ago and let lie the matters of the Versailles treaty and the league of nations. He put squarely up to the congress matters which cry for attention and cannot be made political isssues. ) Two of the most striking-recommendations, perhaps, of the jS many made by the chief executive were those regarding Philip-1 pine independence and relief for Armenia. The first question has been a mooted one in American diplomatic circles for years. - PI'' I . l ii 1 1 . . ..... I secona one iouows me unwillingness of this nation to ac cept a mandate over the unfortunate Asiatic nation. Both sug gestions bear the stamp of President Wilson's passion for hu lnanitarianism. Philippine independence hardly can be expected to be set- uea ai inis,ierm oi congress, its ultimate granting is a certain ty, however, inasmuch as it will mark the fulfillment of a pledge from the United States. The Armenian question, however, will'likely take a certain precedence in affairs of the congress. The president has offer ed his services as a moral force, to trv to save Armenia. Now Y.e recommends a loan from this country as a favor the same as vi as granted trie aniea nations during the recent war. In domestic affairs the president's message was full of op portune suggestions. The national budget is a measure of ex pediency and must be adopted sooner or later. Retirement of the war debt, a staggering figure, calls for seven and a half bil lion dollarss in the coming two and a half years. Revision of the lux laws, especially those affecting incomes and excess profits, has been a crying need, it having been shown that 80 per cent of the revenue from the former source comes from persons with incomes under $5000 a year. In his plea for a business like session of congress, the presi dent declared that such a display would be one of the most ef fective checks upon the forces of chaos and tyranny which seek to gain foothold. Congress has, as the president said, an op portunity to show its worth and not alone he, but his successor in office, made the plea for results from congress. j ' A NEEDED REFORM - WHILE reformers over the nation are mustering forces to stamp out the "cigarete evil," enforce a closed Sunday j ' or similar changes, the divorce evil, and its compan ion, lax marriage laws, go merrily on. It is a question whether j the efforts being made in certain directions at this time in so called "reform" are not far less timely than uniformity in the I marriage and divorce laws. ! The country recently was aroused by theJaxity of divorce 'and marriage codes in the case of Mary Gladys Moore, other wise known as Mary Pickford, who went to Nevada, obtained a divorce and was married all within a few short weeks. Her case attracted attention because of her prominence. Hundreds of instances are far more extenuating and show -the need for change. ' Umatilla county divorce records keep on the hot trail of marriage licenses. Most of those who break up here, it can be shown, were wedded across the line in Washington, where the law is less stringent than in Oregon. Nevada, to the south, is famed for its Reno. Dr. Bertha Owens-Adair, of Clatsop county, author of the sterilization bill for criminals and insane, has a proposal for the coming legislature to make Oregon's marriage laws still more stringent. She would require mental tests ol persons about to wed and in other ways attempt to satisfy the state that a couple is fit to marry. Her bill has radical provisions but they furnish food for thought from which a rational law might be evolved. Oregon, however, does not feel like adopting a stricter law until its neighbors follow suit. The best settlement of the problem is a uniform, national code regulating marriage and divorce. No. PEACHES 1 Cans, !4 Doz. No. 2i cans, Yellow Free Halves, Happv ttl CO Home (Heavy Syrup) ... v 1 0(J Home ( Heavy -Syrup) No. 2U cans Ideal Yellow Cling Halves (Med. Heavy Syrup) No. 214 cans Nippon Sliced Lemon Cling (Med. Heavy Syrup) it-Dozen Dozen! . $1.58 $6.20 $1.73 $6.80 $-1.32 $5.10 $1.15 Doz $4.50 !2'tat$8.90 TOMATOES No. 3 cans Happy Home (solid pack) . No. 2'a cans Silver Shield (solid pack) . No. 2U cans Madrone (Puree) . $1.32 $5.10 BARTLETT PEARS No. 2L cans Royal Club (Heavy Syrup) No. 2'o cans Silver Shield ' (Med. Heavy Syrup) . . . PINEAPPLE $1.90 $1.58 No. 2i cans Happy Home, Hawaiian Sliced (heavy syrup). No. 2 cans Happy Home, Hawaiian Sliced (heavy syrup) No.10 Flats, Royal Club Sliced Hawaiian (heavy syrup). $1.43 $1.15 .72 $7.40 $6.20 $5.65 $4.50 $2,75 APRICOTS No. Zy cans Happy Home, . (Heavy Syrup) $1.58 $6.20 CHERRIES No. 214. cans Happy Home Royal Ann (heavy syrup) . . 12 oz. Bottles Red Royal Ann (for garnishing) 4 oz. Bottle Red Royal Ann (for garnishing) $1.73 $2.18 $1.00 $6.80 $8.50 $3.95 IMU MM I GRAPES No. 2? cans Happy Home Muscat (heavy syrup) $1.15 $4.50 !i-l)ozen Dozen court No. 2ans Happy Home (Maine) No. 2 cans Royal Club (Maine) . . ,.. No. 2 cans Peerless (Standard) . . ...... STRING BEANS No. 2 cans Happy Home Golden Wax . t. No. 2 cans White Lily (cut) . 1. ...... No. 2 cans Happy Home Sifted Early June . , . No. 2 cans Challenge (Standard) PEAS .83 .70 .57 .83 .83 .57 .70 .57 .85' .57 $3.25 $2.75 $2.25 $3.25 $3.25 $2.20 1 . - i $2.75 $2.20 $3.25 $2.20 BEETS No. 2 cans Glass Jar Brand (Tiny whole) . .83 $3.25 i HOMINY No. 21,. cans Happy Home - SAUERKRAUT No. 21, cans Red Ribbon.. ............... SPINACH No. 21' cans Royal Club .55 $2.20 j j .55 $2.20 f 1 f .70 $2.75 II No. 2i cans Silve; (Green) : . ASPARAGUS "Shield 1 1 $1.58. $6.20 i van camps Soups, vegetable, tomato or clam chowder ; 1-4 Dozen 37c Dozen $1.45 Case 4 Dozen $5.75 ' BUY A BARREL OF FLOUR . w TiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiNiiiiiii Miiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiimiiiiiimii HiHiiiniiHiiiiiiiiiiriiiHiiiiuiiuiMiiMiMiiHMniiiniiiuiniiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii7 Relishes We carry a complete line of . relishes, including Sweet pickles, per pint 35c Sour Midget Pickles, per pint 30c .Mammoth Queen Olives, per pint 40c "Sweet India Relish, per pint . 35c Fine Dill Pickles, 3 for 10c Sour Kraut, (home made) per quart 15c Home Made Mince Meat, per pound 30c ' We carry a full line of bottled pickles, olives, rel ishes, etc. U. S. Inspected Meats, the mark of quality. "The Table Supply" Phone 187 nd 18S " 739 Main Street CHAS. D. DESPA1N & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietor! rgt.nCfS A. largo delegation from Hermtaton drove to Pendleton Monday evening to attend a meeting of the Knights of Pythian there; " Walter Carson, eon o( S. L farsnn. a former Mermlston hov. ha lefi and (East Oregnnran Special.) HER1MISTON. Dec. 8. The com mittee appointed to look over the landu coming under the site of the proposed McKay Creek reservoir have completed their appraisal, -after about 10 days work. M. D. Hero, J. W. Mesaner and Sam JBoardman served as appraisers. Dr. George B. Van Waters. Kpiscopal arch-deacon of the diocese, is in Her- miston this wee' giving a aeries cl lectures on the Old Testament, every pi...)!, in th Hhrv. Tr Van AVal- rtf lcfuri fcrtf ttsas taoEtf Itnrui to anu a i..: auu. .. fir Texas where he Is to lie engaged In government work. He will be Joined at (ton Francisco by his wife. Mr Carson is making typographical maps i'r ine government, having Been taken from Bllensbnrpr, Wash, and sent to the southern state to continue his work, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waugaman spent Monday In Pendleton. Miss Virginia Todd of. Pendleton! secretary nt the fmalllla County Red Cross, spent Sunday with her parents, .nr. ana Air. K. C. Todd. "Diamond Dyes" No Risk Then! ' Don't Spoil or Streak Material in Dyes that Fade or Run Aches and Fnliw of rheumntims are not permanently, but only temporarily, lefieved by external remedies. Why not use' an internal remedy- Hood's Karsaparilla, which corrects the acidity of the blood on which rheumatism de pends and cures the disease'? P.) James Stanton Krek of fjrcensj burg, Pa., was chosen today of Prince ton's 1921 football team. ; OF 130, ENDS CAREER TUVRRSIDE, Cat.,' Dec. "i.-(A. P.) Yellow Kky. said by l otted States In dian officials to-have been about 1.10 years old Is reported to have died on the .akeslde reservation. In San Die go county. According to the best rec ords uaiiiti)i, ne had lived In the same locality more than inn yearn. iciiow mxy did not like to wear the ordinary suits of modern days. In stead summer and winter, he Rallied hlBiself in a capacious tvreoat. rUWWMHimMHMMHHMMIHHMMIIIMMi I b"r- utcn tacaaijo ol uiaiiiouo contain directions ao simple that afiyi woman can diamond-dye a new, rich, fadeless color into worn, shabby gar ments, draperies, coverings, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. .- Buy--Diamond Dyea" no other V kind then perfect results are guar- nteed even If yoa have never dyed Druggist baa culor card. DAVIS CI l TKAMH AnillVK AL'CKUAND, X. '.., Dec. I. (A.-P.) The Anu'rk.ui and Australian lawn tennis teams which are to compete in the challenge round for the Iavis cap have arrived here. , III : K IS tku:il CMf.UX rRlSCKTOJi, X J., Dey. i. (A. How On 3 Woman i Helped Another Folev Kidney Pi! la ere bought is every itate in the Union br mca and women oa the recommendation oi those who already have been relieved of kidney trouble end bladder ail ments by thit iterling tamily remeay. Comparatively little advertiain hai been done for Foley Kidney Pilla, yel they are well known, and thoie who know their splendid healing properties sever accept an imitation or substitute for the genuine Foley. Paone Baniahad; Health Restored Tn Stml. I13. 1 ma ftriclin with himfesfe and was anaaia to turn etyiaa m bad. i was wader taa caia at a pnytieian but obtained na relief. A neighbor brought me a hall bottle at Foley Kidney Pilla; laid aha bad beeo nriilarly efflicted aed tbev had relteyed her. So 1 tried them, and alter taking three) bottles wn well end on my feel. 1 moat heartily recommend Foler Kidney Pilla. 1 bevt never known them to fail." airs. G. H. Eyeland. Duncan Mill.. HI. .... , Foley Kidney Pius aid and assist nature. They strengthen and invigorate weak or diseased kid. era and help to keep the blood clean and pore, relieving: backache, rhaamatic pahM, anabase, stiff or ewollen uu.ta mnrm naeffee. auttiDeea under ihe e.ea, lanftHiBeea sod atber rrmptoau of kidney eroaeia or BMaWer ail mean). SOW BY fill 7t 1 S5 Ready-to-Wear Charm The Lifting of (he Lid of . a Gift Box From SCHAEFER'S , . is like finding a new land of enchantment and happiness. Necklaces, bracelets, ear-rings, la valieres, solitares, groui-settings, ready to im part, individuality in a superlative degree. Jewelry is the one gift in all the world that will please even the most particular. - A. L. Schaefer Si If it Phone 328-J 726 Main Street1' if I IP f t i "i HI :i f