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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1920)
DAILY EAST 0EE30KIAH, KOTLETOIT, O&EaOH, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8, 1920. PA OS TEEE1 of dleton QUJS PAGES Pen in - - y Dec. 5-11 School week. Dec. 7. Pendleton Commer merolal Association meeting. Dec. I. Annual Meeting Round-Up director. Dec. 10. Sale of Indian UnC, aiency. Dec. 17-H State Wool Grow ers meet her. Deo. 90-24 Pruning school at Freewater. Deo. i-J9 Second Annual meeting Oregon Btate Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Dec. 2ft-2f Grain and forage school, Pilot Rook. Dec. 2(-3l. Annual mealing 0. 8. T. A., Portland. Tmit Murphy In Cltjr, . Tom Alurphy, who ha been attend ing University fit Oregon, is at the home of his imrentH, Mr. and Mm. E. J. Murphy, lie wan culled by the seri ous Illness of his grandmother, Mm, Agn Nelson. Mrs. Nelson has beei, ill for mnny weeks and there la little :iopo of. her recovery. Indian Pay 120 lino , , Jlnf Kanlne wan fined 120 In pel Ire court yesterday on a charge of hav Ing boen drunk and disorderly that morning, f , . " ilil Allcnd Collrge, Thirty-three Umatilla county young men nnd women are attending Univer sity of Oregon this, year. The county ranlra elKhlhvhltthest among Oregon counties In the number of student at the University, and la In the group of the counties which have from 40 to r,(i students at college. Twelve Take Initiatory Work A class of 12 was Initiated Into the Oddfellows last evening at the regular meeting of Kiireka lodge No, J. Knilrtoyd at T. V. W, Tom Nye is employed at the Teoples Warehouse. Mr. Nye Is an experi enced window trimmer and Interior decorator. . Victors' Duy Is Many parents called Monday at the Field school In response to an In volution lasued for Visitors' Day, which Is a part of the school week program. The oiinlla. under the direction of Miss Neva Lane, principal, and Miss linrlmru Hoch. gave their regular school work. The art work of the children waa shown also.. Kxncutlve linard to Meet. ', The executive board of the Umatillu county Red Cross will meet tomorrow afternoon. Home Important matters are to be diHCUDsed. lA'Roy Kurt Enlist. LeKoy Burt, of Frecwater, enlist ed today In the U. 8. Navy, signing up at the local recruiting office. He en listed as fireman, third clam, and will be sent to the oil burning school ttt Mare Island, California. Permit for Klied ; ranted Charles H. Kudd yesterday was ts rued a permit to erect a wooden shed to cost $50 on property ai 410 I.llleth at reet. ; . '' IMlglng Him so Changes Hands. J. M. Hutu has tnken over the management of the Cosy lodging house on Main street, formerly oper ated by William Townseuirt. O, V. SfHc Not Quarantined, An Item given this paper yesterday by city health officers that the home of O. F. Steele waa placed In quaran tine for smallpox, last night was asked eorrested by Mr. Steele, who says his addrevs Is 217 Willow. The house mentioned was 1601 West Court. Mr. Steele returned early yesterday morn ing fr m a trip to Southeastern Mis souri where he waa called recently by Ihe death of his father. , -lOltOl 101-101 101--101 101-101 101 101- Mr. Rancher, we have just received a large Bhipment of . High Grade Salt for Home Meat Curing ' Tke out your supply NOW. WHEN YOU BUTCHER bring your Surplus Sausage, Side Meat and Heads TO US.' "YOU CAN DEPEND ON "101"' Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. " PnOXKS 101 (Private) Rxrhange Connect lloili DrpartmenU) FINE GKOCKKIfa AXD MHATS '' ' ' ' 1 ' loi-ioi ioi ioi loi iui ioi loi loi loi Adjutant Speaks Tonight. Adjutant J. Bell, ot tne naivauon Army, will speak tonight at the Salva tion Army hall. His talk will be of special Interest to young people and their parents. Adjutant Bell comes to Pendleton from Seattle. I Biiva New ncskloner. F. W. Hascall has purchased the Charles Brownlow residence, 60 Bush street Mr. Hascall and family will move tomorrow from their pres ent residence. 212 Wesl Webb, to the new location. Mr. brownlow expects to build a new residence in the spring. I virion Sending Out IjrMcr. Pendleton Post. American lgion. Is preparing to (end out letters to Its 472 members calling upon them to-pay their dues for the year 1921. The an nual charge la 12. of which' II goes 'to the national organization for dues and subscription to the Legion Veek- ly. 75 cent to the state organization and 25 cents to the local post. IKa-k Itndd Oino Postponed The trial of Dock Kudd In the U. 8. ; district court at Tortland set for yes terday, was postponed until Monday, i according to Judge Thomas Fttz Ger ald, city recorder, -who returned on No. 1 4 last night. He was called to the 1 metropolis to testify In the case against i Kudd but wr.s excused to return to his i duties when the postponement was an- r.ounred. Hie will go to Portland again I on Sunday to be present at the trial Monday. 'Hospitalization Committee Named. The state organization of the Amer ican Legion has just named a com Imltteo on hospitalization, of which p. U Idleman, ot this city. Is a niem iber. The committee plans to send out cards to members of legion posts to be filled In with the name of any man known to be in need of government ! hospital service because of any disa bility contracted while In the service. Mr. Idleman aska that any persons knowing of former service men In need cf such relief notify him. I1UW ft rrr TOYS TILT AFPKAh Give the little fellows something that will give them as much 'oy to receive aa it does Sunta Claus to give. Our atoek is most complete, the cleverest line of dolls that can be found anywhere, not to mention the numerous other toys that fill our store. All made well and made In America. Fill their stocklnRs from the vast supply of gifts that are to be found here. The BEE HIVE Pay Cash Pendleton's Variety Store Save Cash kW ! 5 Comrade la In Germany, One member of Pendleton Post, Am erican Legion, Is anxious to keep up his membership In the post although far away In Andernach, Germany, with the Army of Occupation forces. He la John C. Bryson, of headquarters company, 5th Infantry. He Joined the local post after returning from over seas service and later reenlisted in the Army to be sent back to the Rhine. He Is among the first vt the members 'of the local post to Inquire about dues for the coming year. Favor "Buy a Barrel" Plan. ' The Hermiston Commercial Asso ciution at its meeting yesterday en dorsed the "Buy a Barrel of Flour" plan, says Fred Bennlon, county agent, who., hud lunch with the asso elation yesterday. All members agreed to buy and promised to back the plan. The association voted also to recommend that the hay feature be added to the Northwest grain show which will be held In this city during the 1921 Round-Up week. A. K. Cobb, of the Roardman Associa tion, and Cap Dobler, of Umatilla, who were present at the meeting, al so favored the hay feature. The as sociation also protested the present high cost of gasoline. - , ECONOMIZE IN YOUR CHRITMAS PURCHASES" How about a Coaster Wagon for the kiddie? A complete line of Pocket Cutlery, Flash Lights, . Thermos Bottles, Roller Skates, and in fact many use ful gifts for child or adult. v ' . "Buy a Barrel of Flour" KM y 3' ' Universal owes orumaces I00O Rabbits Killed. A thousand rabbits were killed on Sunday In a rabbit drive at the Q. W. Garrison place In Sarvis Canyon, 12 miles Bouth of Echo, according to a report received today by Fred Ben nlon, county agriculture agent. Last year Mr. Bennion co-operated with west end farmers In constructing a fence for a rabbit drive, but by the time the fence was up the rabbits had fled. The fence was left and Was used with success In Sunday's drive. Mr. Garrison reports that a great many rabhlta ran back because of the small crowd of men to assist In the killing. He believes there are more rabbits la the Echo district this year than any year in the post. Tolson, uSed bo ef fectively In the Butter Creek and al falfa regions, is less successful near Echo as the animals do not eat al falfa. Poisoned wheat will probably I be used Inter on. Japanese constitute of lluwiiH's popnlntlo. 12.7 pen cent (LARA SMITH II AMOX (Continued from page 1.) that during the first few months of our mnrrlage he married Clara Smith while under the Influence of liquor and later divorced her. I became sus picious when he received monthly flOOO checks from his uncle. He fi nally admitted It waa his compensation for having married Clara Smith in or der to glvo her the name of Hamon so that she might live with hla nncle without fear of gossip. Clara Hamon came an visit us and during her stay she received several telegrams from Jake Hnmon. She showed me a small pistol on one occasion which she aald she was keeping as 'protection1. ' Mrs. Ruth Hamon presides over the tinware tinnier In, the Metropolitan "five to fifty cent''. stor here,, Shti l- lexpensively dressed and fairly gooi o FKNDMCTO.Vfl IEADIX STORK Only 13 More Shopping Days Till Xmas Make out ycur lUt. Come to thi .tore and make purchaaea. During our GREAT REVISION SALE you can tave big money, ir you naven i oeen down, come tomramw, Great, Price Revi sion Sale of Silks GREAT PRICE REVISION SALE DRESS GOODS II 1 & Ais: Mil 111 '77 if , M Price revision down ward on silks. Now is your opportunity to buy silk at a big saving. The qualities are of the best and the prices we "make here are Rock Bottom. Buy a Dress, Waist or Skirt length and give for Xmas you're . sure to please if you give silks. COLORED TAFFETAS $1.49 36 in. wide, best qual ity Colored Taffeta, for merly sold for $2.50 to $3.00 yard. COLORED SATINS $3.50 quality for $2.45 $4.00 quality for $2.75 $4.50 quality for $3.25 36-IN. MESS ALINES, $1.65 All Colored Massal ines, 36 in. wide, includ ed in this Great Price Revision Sale. Messal inesthat formerly sold for $2.25, $2.50 and $3. 40 in Silk Trico, yard 40 in. Pussy Willow Taffeta .. Silk Shirtings, yard Skinner Satins, yard ... Chiffon tine Lining Silk, yard .. Taffeta Underwear Silk, yard 1 piece Grey Tricolette, yard .. Lining Silks, fancy, yard ........ $4.i5 $3.35 .$1.95 ...$2.75 30c 85c $1.50 $1.95 1 Loi short length Silk Velour, worth $7.50 up special, yard $4.50 $10.50 Silk Velour Dress Velvets, yard.... $7.00 $ 5.50 Costume Velvet ,. $3.75 $ 1.75 Trimming Velvet $1.39 GEORGETTE CREPE Every shade of our finest quality Georgette . Crepes included in this sale. We only have one grade and that of the best. Offered in widest va riety of shades and 40 inches wide. Specially good .for waists, dresses and evening wear. . Revised prices ". ....$1.49 LACES Buy your laces here where you can buy them at the New Revised Prices. You will save consid erable on your Xmas purchases. 5s quality, Revised Price 4c 8c quality, Revised Price 6c 10c quality, Revised Price 7c 12 l-2c quality, Revised Price .". 9c 15c quality, Revised Price ......1 11c 25c quality, Revised Price 17c 30c quality, Revised Price 21c 35c quality, Revised Price .v.26c 50c quality, Revised Price 37c 65c quality, Revised Price r 46c 75c quality, Revised Price ...l.......,...........:"......,.58c 85c quality, Revised Price 78c $1.00 quality, Revised Price ....,... 78c $1.25 quality, Revised Price ::..:..:......:...l.....:;...c 95c $1.50 quality, Revised Price $1.18 $1.75 quality, Revised Price $1.29 $2.00 quality, Revised Price $1.39 $2.50 quality, Revised Price $1.85 $3.00 quality, Revised Price .; '. $2.10 $3.50 quality, Revised' Price $2.39 $4.00 quality, Revised Price $295 CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS Prices Revised 25c quality, Revised Price 20c 35c quality, Revised Price 28c 50c quality. Revised Price 1....... 1 39c 65c quality, Revised Price .1 48c 75c quality, Revised Price 59c 85c quality,. Revised Price 69c $1.00 quality. Revised Price 72c $1.25 quality. Revised Price 98c $1.50 quality, Revised Price : .$1.25 S '8 J VS 8 8 8 .8 8. 8 IS 8 8 .8 8 8 These offerings come just at the right time, just ,V' ( whsti you can , i maKe up wresaes, ,- -Skirts and Coats fp ana get a iuu sea son's wear out of them. Our entire Dress Goods Stock is nracticallv thrown on the Bargain Counter. Come now and fill your Dress Goods need9 at these prices. Give a Dress, Skirt or Coat length for-Xmas she will like it. l & -C v-, -fin ... One lot Dress Goods, Revised Price, yard. ... 50c Another lot Dress Goods, Revised Pric, yard....85c "7 NOTE THESE PRICES ON DRESS $2.00 quality, Revised Price -. $2.50 quality, Revised Price $3.00 quality, Revised Frice $3.50 quality, Revised Price $4.00 quality, Revised Price $4.50 quality, Revised Price $5.00 quality, Revised Price $6.00 quality, Revised Price $6.50 quality, Revised Price $7.00 quality, Revised Price $7.50 quality, Revised Price $8.00 quality, Revised Price $8.50 quality, Revised Price GOODS ...: $1.49 ...........$1.75 $2.00 .$2.45 $2.95 $3.47 ..$3.75 ...... $4.39 ...........$4.87 .$5.00 $5.25 ...........$5.95 $6.25 36 in wide. SATEENS, 50c Black and Colors. 1 LOT FIGURED VOILES, 25c There are about 10 pieces in this loot. We are closing them out. Formerly sold from 75c to $1.00 yard. Revised Price .........I. 25c MAIL ORDERS . filled same day received, sub ject to stock on hand. TABLE LINENS PRICES CUT DEEP Why not give Table Linen this year, v Cloth give her a set of Napkins. . $2.50 quality. Revision Price ..... $3.00 quality, Revision Price $3.50 quality, Revision Price $4.00 quality, Revision Price $5.00 quality, Revision Price $6.00 quality, Revision Price $6.50 quality, Revision Price $7.00 quality, Revision Price $8.50 quality. Revision. Price .... $10.00 quality, Revision Price $11.50 quality, Revision Price $12.50 quality, Revision Price $13.50 quality, Revision Price ... $15.00 quality, Revision Price $16.50 quality, Revision Price $18.50 quality, Revision Price $20.00 quality, Revision Price $22.50 quality, Revision Price $25.00 quality, Revision Price $27.50 quality, Revision Price $30.00 quality, Revision Price $35.00 quality, Revision Price ;.. $40.00 quality, Revision Price If not a ;.v$i.7s $1.95 ....:.$2.35 $2.63 . $3.75 $3.95 $4.34 $4.95 $5.67 $7.25 $7.95 .....$8.00 $8.50 ....$10.75 ...$11.85 ...$13.50 ..$14.75 ...$15.85 ...$18.00 ...$20.00 ...$23.50 ...$28.00 ...$31.95 SPECIAL LOT DRESS TRIMMING Revision Price 1-2 of Original Price MAKE OUT YOUR XMAS LIST . Conic to this bis Price Revisi on Sale and save. looking. She Is about SO,