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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1920)
i t i i fc i v t 4 t . i'(nmtOffiv:rtMc "t. f- y x. " n '"" TWELVfi PAGS3 CULT EAST CSSSOmil, FZNTJ1XTC 3, OIT," WEDNESDAY EVENING. fiaCEMMft 8, 1825. 8 ? " 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 .8 8 8 r; s DAILY MARKET NEWS, LO CAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports OUTBURSTS OE EVERETT TRUE I1rw4mi In Nlnvp Neon ' front the sheep alley. The only no Al .Vmli IV inland Yards tli-enble call at all Is for lightweight iH-premion in general In the sheep i yenrllnra, which are selling around end lamb alleys, cattle are nomlnuly Meady, while ho market lR holding It tact. Bun for the day ni nominal Hh k tfital of six car reported at North Portland for Tuesday. There la no disputing the fact that demoralisation haa net In the sheep mid lomh trade at North Portland. 1 here was fair run for the Tuesday trade Inn Itinera nre keeping away Coll lambs t'.OOfi 87.50, but klllera probably pre fer these because they, are practically in the lamb class and at a lower price. Ijimha were off a quarter. Ueneral sheep and lamb range: Kant of mountain lamlia $ 8.00 4 8. BO Willamette valley lambs t.B0 8.00 Feeder lambs ., . 8.50 8) 7.50 Heavy lambs COO tta) 7. B0 G.OOti) (.01 'I'ei iff fp . Alt f, 4l' V,I lit i P2AM. OIL KROSENB HEAT AND LIGHT In From the Cold After the romp outdoors a good oil heater is first protection against colds. Filled with Pearl Oil it gives cozy warmth wherever wanted. Economical. No smoke, no odor, for Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by our special proc ess which makes it clean-burning. Sold ia bulk by dealers everywhere Order by name Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Yearllmia (.000 7.S Wethers 6.00 8.00 Ewea 1.003 4.50 At 1 12.50 for topa, the TueatKiy hog market at Xorth Portland waa consid ered steady. Only a small run was shown for the day but klllera would not bid above the price mentioned. General hog market range; Prime mixed 818.00jl 1S.50 Smooth heavy 11.50 iff 12.00 Rough heavy 9.00 10.50 Fat Pigs 10.50WH.60 Feeder pigs 8.00 011.00 With eniy four head reported in the alleya for Tuesday, the cattle market at North Portland was of nominal tharecter but appeared fairly steady nt the reduced values quoted late Mon day. Ueneral cattle market range: Choice steers $ 8.B0 8.76, flood to choice steers .. . 8.00 f 8.69 Medium to rood steers .. 7.50 8.00 Fair to good steers 7.000 7.50 Common to fair steers .. (.0097.00 Choice cows and heifejs . (.5007.00 Good to choice cows and heifera (.00 7.00 Medium to good cows and heifers 5.50 (.00 Fair to medium cows and heifera .' 6.00 6.60 Common cows, heifers.. 4.00fl 5.00 Canners , J.B0W J. Bo Bulls 6.000 (.00 u Choic dairy calves . Heavy calves ........ Best light calves .... Medium light calves . Choice feeders Fair to good feeders 1J.05 14.00 7.00 1.00 11.001J.00 9.0011.00 (.50$ 7.26 5.750 (.76 Oils and Better Rail Stocks Feature- New York NEW YORK, Dec 8. Oils and rails of the better class were the only re deeming features of Tuesday's Irreg ular to heavy stock market, those shares displaying occasional strength, while specialties of the miscellaneous variety were under constant pressure. Weakest stocks were those compris ing the food, tobacco, chemical and motor groups, particularly certain Is sues whose financial requirements and dividend status have recently been the subject of a lively discussion In specu lative circles. Texas and Pacific Oil was In active demand at a net gain of 9 1-2 point and Wllly's-Overland Pfd. represented the other side of the account, losing 1-2 points, or 20 points in little more .than a week. Nominal losses eceeded gains at the uncertain close, with sales of 750,000 shares. ! Greater interest -was manifested tay local financial Interests in the addition al bank failures reported from North Dakota, commodity markets wer again nervous and new prices were recorded for raw sugar and bar silver. Several of the leading transportation systems announced further curtail ment of their working forces, the New England textile situation developed more unfavorable aspects and a lead ing Canadian silver mine suspended dividends. No deviation from Its recent monot onous course was shown of continental Europe continued to weaken, tne Chinese rate also breaking sharply on N tV3C 1 Ul5rVT in Twicer A4 STreoHcH OH TmC VJR.CMASa. ? NOW, CRT v . St TMT, (EITHER, litem NOW. T3U-T- Uisxl. just awe ts A kooCK rDe Q- WH4T IT IvOULD 13 C AND TUB TC5R.Nl & OP VWYnMT. I'm sui?c. i Ti'O hav Sor-ie ncuRer on that; BUT 1 MU3T HAVtS LOST "IrlCSM THIS 19 Vzr MY BUWf h- THAT S l&rVT At- THAT'S O0W3r4 LOST', TVS L03T MV TlMtS Ant) T&MPSia aw O It- two vvcs!. COM OAfK l -tow u TOUR. L.ltrs it another drop in the London silver market. Bonds were mainly lower on dlveral. fiediealings, interests being more ao tive. Total sales, par value, 116.300.-000. Old U. 8. 2s and 4s regained yester day's loss of 1-4 per cent on call. p The Store Where "Quality Counts" and Where You Are Pro- S & s 8. tected on Prices We are alert to the changes in market c'onditions'and, owing to the war time shortage being gradually overcome, we are now prepared to give you the. benefit of these changes. . Not a camouflaged cut price to a natural selling price, and then back to a profiteering base to make up for "cuts," as done in some stores. Our princi ple is to give you the new market every day. Watch our daily : announce ments. , When passing by, glance at our large double windows. You will find many useful and beautiful gifts displayed. Halt In Export Business Drop Wheat at Chicago CHICAGO. Dec, 8. Wheat under went a sharp decline In price yester day, owing largely to an apparent halt in export business and to misgiv ings about the banking situation In the northwest. Closing quotations were heavy, 714 to 9c net lower, with De cember 1.70 and 'March 1.(7 1 to '.87. Corn lost 2 to J 1-8 and oats 1 1-8 to 1 1-2. In provlsons the out come varied from 40c decline to 12 ad vance. , Refusal of exporters to follow the recent upturn In wheat prices gave a decided advantage to bears. Selling was said to come In a considerable degree from foreign Interests. Part of the selling was also ascribed to uncon firmed gossip that officials of the Canadian government had completed arrangements with Minneapolis mills to devote 3,000 cars to the hauling of wheat from Canadian terminals to Minneapolis during the winter. On the other hand, knowledge of addi tional bank failures In North Dakota incjudlng one federal reserve Institu tion, was positive, and did a good deal to deprive the market of support ex cept from shorts who were In a posi tion to collect profits. Corn and oats declined with .wheat. Weakness of grain and hogs made provisions average lower. Winnipeg Wlieat Murker Off to (1.80 l-8ll.8t 1-4. WINNIPFXJ. Dec. 8. Wheat D cemher, 81.81 1-4; May. 81.80 Cats December. 63 3-8c: May. 67 8c; May, 67 7-8c. Barley. December z 3-4c; May, 81 3-8c Flax. Decem ber, 81.69, May, 81.68. Grn Jin, Feed and Hay at Seattle 1ncliaiia.ed. SEATTLE. Deo. 8. City delivery Feed Scratch feed 866 per ton; feed wheat (67; all grain chop 350; oats 352; sprouting oats 357; rolled oats 354; whole corn 354; cracked corn 155; rolled barley (55; clipped barley 360; mlllfeed Jb3; bran 342. Hay Alfalfa 328 ton; double com pressed alfalfa 334; ditto timothy, 140; eastern Washington mixed 337. Wholesale, Kggs (5 Cent; nest nutter, M Cents, SLATTLE, Dec. 8. Egss Select lo al ranch white shells, 65c; pullets, 55c; storage 55c. Butter City cream mv in pnhaa fli rt ricks or prima 66; seconds, in cubes 48; bricks 46. country croamArv mab a - - - .nt.eB t.unt w Jobbers In in1 cubes 60c; storage 48, A Windsor Rocker or Giair Here is a style oi rocker or chair that has come down through generations because of its beauty of design and unusual! comfort.' This is d piece of furniture that makes an unusu aly acceptable gift because it is both practical and so pop ular that it can be handed down to fu ture generations as a valued heirloom. ; mmrm V fl CltUIBNK S Floor or Table Lamps With the warm glow of a splendid new floor lamp cast ing its radiance to every "corner of the room, your Christ mas festivities in the home will have added charm. Owing to the great popularity of lamps as Christmas gifts,, we suggest an early selection with delivery before Christmas if you wish. Hogs and Cattle Weaik In Krattle Stockyard. SEATTLE, Dec S.Hogs Receipts 79. Weak. Prime 1 2.50 W 13; medium to choice .11. 50I&12.50; smooth . heav ies 10.50!!; rough heavies 8.60 1; pigs 10.B0Jl2. Cattle Receipts 850. Weak Prime steers 9 fa 9.50; medium to choice 7 8; common to good 56.60; best cows and heifers (,607; medium to choice 56; common to good 4.00 5.00: bulls 4.00(i6.50; calves 6.6013. Neglecting That Cold or Cough? Why, when Dr. King's New Discovery So Promptly Checks It? . LETTING the okl cough or cold drag on, or the new one develop seriously, is folly, especially when at druggists, you can get such a proved and successful remedy as Dr. King's New Discovery. For over 6(ty years, a standard remedy for coughs, colds and grippe. Eases croup also. Loosens up the phlegm, quiets the , croupy cough, stimulates the bowels, thus relieving the congestion. All druggists, 60 cents, $1.20 a bottle. Far colds andconghs Dr.Kmgs New Discovery Wake Up Clear Headed That "tired out feeling" mornings, is due to constipation. Youcan quickly and easily rid yourself of it by taking Dr. King's Pills. They act mildly, stir up the liver and bring a healthy bowel action. Same old price, 25 cents. Buy a Barrel of ; Flour " GET OUR PRICES. ! . Genuine Boneless Cod Fish, pound. . . ( . i i , . 40c Extra Choice Rome Beauty Apples, box. ."$2.00 Fresh Ranch Eggs, dozen 80c Swift's Premium Bacon Sliced to Your Ordet. pouna . i 60c Fresh Shipment Just Received of Christmas Candy, Priced per pound 40c to 50c. Special Price by the Pail Tlie Sanitary Grpceiy 1 221 East Court Street. The Most in Value. The Best in Quality - ' Phone 871. . ' ' V Bay A Bane! of Flour The AninranlEiiisy Bank : Pendleton. Oregon 'Strongest Scuds in Gosttrn Oregon 4l9MtfleaescsseaasBHiaaamaaessiaseseCia l'jWUnMaMlMtBaMaMiiaiBiaMaiiaMaf a n in it im 5 m II 5i 9.9 4 II 9 19 Just the paint for floors in r r Prompt! Wont Gripa . ' . 1 n fl 3 Stwrg Slow and Steady; Sheep Weak to Ijower. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 7. Cattle 10,500; beef steers slow and steady; prime heavy steers 14.00. , . Sheep, 7.500; weak to 25c lower; fat western lambs 11.00. Seattle Wlieat Pr oca from $I.S81.5. ' SEATTLE, Dec. 8. Wheat, hard white, soft white, white club, hard winter, . red winter and , northern spring, 81.60; red Walla and eastern Walla, 81.50; Big Bend, bluestem, 11.65. Overbcck & Cooke Co. Pendleton, Walla, Walla, Portland Member of Chicago Board of , Trade. Private Wlrea to all Exchanges . Stocks Bonds Grain Room J odd Bid. Phone IttO Seattle Wheat Bids Itango ' From 1,60 to $1.75. " SEATTLE, Dec 7. Wheat, hard white, soft white and white club, 81.65; hard "winter, ' red winter, northern ipring, red Walla and Eastern Walla. $1.00; big bend bluestem, $1.75. HAMPTON 124428 . WEBB PHONE 548 ., j tf "jb .Jt fjt Jt ifi'ji IffA S ItlittiT 435 Cents; Eg 87IM Onlsat N. Y. ' NEW YORK, Dec. 8. Butter easier; creamery 43$53. Eggs firm; fresh gathered extra firsts 87i90; fresh gathered firsts 8286. Twin falls Tram Tough TWIN FALI-fl, Idaho, Dec. 8. (A. P.) Not one score was made this sea on against the Twin Falls high school football team. During the season the eleven played and won eight games with a total of 477 points. . Lester ("Speed") Newman, quarterback on the team, during the season made (2 attempts at goal kicks and failed but KOEPPEN'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Do you own one of those comfortable old homes with good solid floors that have always been painted? ., If so, repaint the floors this time with Lowe Brothers Hard Duyino Flooe Paint made especially for indoor floors. It is particularly Aik to m thi colon ' adapted to the finishing of kitchen and bedroom floors. , ,., A variety of attractive colors to choose from " colors that will harmo nize with your rooms. Hard Drying Floor Paint is an economical and lasting floor finish. Easy to use dries hard and firm, L J. McATEE Phone 158 513 Main St, tn4st4i9aifj9s;p(9Vsa4f9iiaiMs)it HWSySIWtSWWJIIISlfftBIIIII ,hsiwauiluiS4iiiaiuiu.i ittiiin The Dnig Store That You Rest. Serves lit !il s n lii IS i 3 if. ftaiwieiweiHwniwHiswiwHtviwsiii! ainiMsiiMi.waiwaiitiii CHEVROLET Wo now have Chevrolet 490 Modela for imme diato delivery. i , Remember, in cue of a reduction in price be tween now and next May we will refund in cash the full amount of any reduction... Better proteo tion could not be offered. . r ,' We are always glad to demonstrate. Oregon Jfotor (jarage Distributor BUICK, CADILLAC AND CHEVROLET I II once. . . .... . " , '. 4