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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1920)
r f v-r- v v " -a ' rmcT eist csscoinAJf, rzirairrorr, osicaoif, Wednesday evening, December t, i4o. TWELVE PAGEJ FA (IE ElETO V f: : Li tiiiuil 3 VluH1 III II 3 ' Cii'HWlXMIll Hotices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, For Rent, Etc Classified for Easy Reference. ' M TODAY FOR, RENT Bleeping nnd -housekeeping ronmH 60S Willow. WW Gold ring, white agate netting Leave at thl office Reward. xt MAGUIRB'H DAT OLD CHICKS ,,h owners of such lots, part of loU better than ever For the bent Bar- an(1 Parcel of land, so specially bene red nocks, n. I. Reds, Hrown Leg. i "ted by such Improvement shall be horns and W'filte Leghorns, get Ma- 1:abl tor 'he pa;ment of the cosu gulre' Chicks. Order now for 1921 ! thereof, and be it fjrther. J. n, Magutre, 77 Oregon St., Port land, Oregon, Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity ' This Directory la especially handy for the out-of-town reader who may went the name and address of responsible buatnese men who represent the following lines. All are reliable, responsible business concerns who sua dready to five you prompt .rvlce. NOTICES FOIt It EXT i furnlxhed housekeei.. ins; rooms close In J'hone J43-M. FOR RKNT t room apartment In old Failing Illdg., (01 Main Hoe Mr. F. M. Hampton, Room . FOR BALE l J one year old laVlne Huff Orpington hens..' Aflso 19 eg Old Trusty Incubator Phone J04-M. FOR BALK 4 80 acres A-l wheat land, located In bent wheat belt In Washington., 2 JO acres In crop. Can be bought with or without equipment. Chance to lease 640 acres Joining, Good terms offered. No agents Write 11. Fender, Presoott, Wash. FOR .flAMt One of tho bent estab lished hardware and Implement house In the northwest. Under one manage ment 20 years. Did 1(5 thousand dol lar buafnepH this year. Ktock and flv tores will Invoice around CO thousand .dollars. Located In new brick bluld Ing on bent corner In town. Store has full cement basement and furnace heat 10 year lease can be had with lo rent. Larger interests In Califor nia reason for selling Write 11. Fen der, Prescott, Wash, at once. No agents. TO WirOM IT MAT CONCERN: . I hereby give notice that my wife Ksther Miller has left my bed and board without cause or provocation end against my will and wishes, and la not now living with raei and all nr- soim are hrirebv warned and nntiti Mot to extend to the said Esther Miller ny credit upon my account as I will not be responsible for any bills here after contracted for by her. Dated December 2nd, 1920. GOTTLIEB MILLER. FOR SALE rdR BALI 7t II. P. Holt CatterpilUr Bturgls ft Htorle. FOIt BALIJ Second-hand clothing at George DeMott's, 621 8. Main St. NOT1CK Xotliw of Payment of C ity of Pendle ton tnriwl Indebtedness Bonds Notice I hereby given that City of Pendleton General Indebtedness Bonds Soe 11 to 20 inclusive-will be paid upon presentation thereof at the banking house of Kountze Bros., 141 Broadway, New Tork City after January 1,1921. Interest on the above Bonds ceases January 1, 1921. Dated Decern Iwr 1, 1920. " - LEH MOOHHOUSE. Treasurer, City of Pendleton, by If. w. uii'Kson, Deputy. , FOR RENT Furnished Apt., Tuslin Call after 6:00 P. M. 302 I MISCELLANEOUS " DKKHHMAKING Mrs. bhhI KiKlns, "'K nii.-i Jioom witn or witnout m Thompson Phone 730-W. uoui n iuwo in 1 nu mo-j. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms 618 Jane, Phone 809-M. FOR It RNT Housekeeping Apts., in private home on North Hide Phono FOR RENT Front room with bath for gentleman only 118 Jefferson street. BEB BMITHT for wall paper and house cleaning Call evenings, 381-J MRS. ADA FIELD t-plrela corsetiere Phone 224-W, Address 614 Jane. J FOR RENT Front bed room in pri vate home reasonable-r-714 Jane street. BEND FOR LIST of real estate for sale Geo. M. Dole, Wtilamlna, Ore, SURVEYOR'S leveling compass for sale Inquire Water Supt., City Hall. FOR SALE! 4 month old pigs Ad dress George La Fontaine Bos (6. FOR SALS All kind of Insurance. J, H. Bates, 114 Main BU Phone 104. FOR 8AI4E Neve graphonola cheap T-terms If desired Inquire at The Palm, " - ' FOR SALE) I bead ot good mules, 10 . head of horses all good stock Be turgla at Btorte. FOR SALB aelf-?ropeUs4 eombtn arrester, till model, good ahape tertca aturtts Btorta. I'OR BALI! Four wagon boxes, for ' bulk grain, low price 'J taken soon -B. L. Burro'jgha, Phone I. FOR BALJi! Two year lease and outfit on 23 acre alfalfa land all seeded Address H. F. Plerson, Hermlston, Ore. in pouro The following described animals have been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt. One brown mare, yean old, weight 1 100 lbs. Branded on left shoulder. VX connected on aide. Left hind foot White, star In forehead. Rorrel yearling colt, no brand, , If said animals aro not claimed bv the owners or those entitled to their possession and costs and expenses paid and taken away within ten day from the data hereof, then at 1 o'clock p. m. on the 29th day of No vember, 1920, the said animals will he old Co the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the City Pound, In aald City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such aale to be applied to the pay ment of such costs and expenses of making aale. Dated this 18th day of November, IM0. ' 4 Ah ROBERTS, City Marshal. Resolved that an Assessment DIs trlct is hereby created to be known as "Assessment District No. 76" embrac ing the property benefited sml they be assessed for the payment of uch Im provements, which Assessment Diet -let 'hall Include all lots, parte of lots and parcels of I ind lying and being within the district bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Description of Asscsnmcnt District No. JJ Commencing at the Northwest cor ner cf Intersection of Raley and Mad- Ison Streets; thence West 100 feet on the North line of Raley Street; thence North S00 feet and paralled with the West line of said Madison Htreet; thence East 260 feet on the South line of Jackson Street; thence South 803 feet and parallel with the East line of Mudlsnn Street; thence West ho feet on the North line of Raley Street to, the place of beginning. And be i further HESOLVkD that a copy of this rooms for th. 0,''o,nfw,;n,"e"0tlc Wngementa for cooklng-41. Gar- 'THZ OREGON JOURNAL delivered f,n 7T. thVr.0Pf:r- field-Phone 241-M. j ls cenU . month, 3uaday included- "iwiiipu npuuitti nrn iui pan OI lott'n jJb. I. .iicv iihinui ruvuu. and parceUat land is on f ile In the of. ' Board across thf street ' Phdne CARTER t 8JITTHE, Attorneys at HEMSTITCHING Mall erders Mrs. Law. Offices In rear of Aanf-rlcaa Ralph Heaesll 417 Bueh. fhons National Bank building. 1st. 8. A. LOWELL Atwrney nd Counsel lor at Law. Office In Dcsptln Hldg. 3. A. NEWPliRRT, Attorney at Law. Federal Ihilldlng. MATERNITT ani oonvalescent hos pitalMrs. Frail, 114 E. Bluff SU Phone 277, THE COST LODGING HOCSE hasi been taken over and now under new mamiKement. J. M. Butts. I RAG RUGS and carpets woven. Also PETERSON, BISHOP A C1.ARK. At- lornevs at Law. Rooms sod 4 SmUb-tawfon! lildf. first ctasit rrochetlnv and embrotd- FOR RENT Furnished rooms at 511 ery. All or.jrs promptly filled. See Bush St., possibly arranKements for Wheelers, at 1300 W. Railroad, board. I WE WASH and clean the finest rugs satisfactorily. References given. We make fluff runs from old caroets. Aura St. W'alla Walla Hn anH rarnet Clean ing Co. JAMES B. PEKRT, Attorney at Law. Office over Tailor Hardware CXnn-Pny, RA LEV, HALKT 8TEIWER, Attor neys at Iaw. Office In American Vationul Bunk Itiiililiug. FRED H. SCHMIL'T, Attorney al Law. Room , BmlUuCraiwfors) BldU.- MADE TO MEASURE Vx carl E. Frsnnrai, Flks rtlog. nnn UUVJ u w OPTICAL DALB ROTHWELL Oplomeri sad Optician. Glasses ground to fit yon eyes, Americas National Bank Iru tid ing Pbona as OSTEOPATH BATTERIES RENT rosslbly sr- ( 8TJ Phone 1(77. own ureakfust or lunch mornings and eveniriKS Phone 248-M. WANTED fico of tho City Recorder be published I I9I-M.' Hi; Garden, for a period of ten dnva in the Rmi I Oreaoi.ian. which newrnaof,.- Is here-1 BOOM TO RKNT for two young ladles by dtwienated bi the Common Coun. nr ,wo young men can get their ell for the publication thereof. Aud further notice Is hereby m'ver that the Surveyor's estimate of I the cost of said proposed Improvement to lie charged axalntt each lot, part of lot and parcel of land on account of said proposed Improvement Is now on file In the 1 fflee of the city recorder. subject to Inspection and examination. Dated this I'Gth day of November, TIK'B, FITZ GERALD, , City Recorder. WANTED Sewing pUia or fancy Phone SCt-M. W. Hooker, agent Office, Alice Shinning Parlor (Al Richardson's PUce) 0 Main St. Phone 21. ! PHILADELPHIA iIAM'ND CRIE BATlUitlKS guaraiiUed ftr II mor.'-jm. W. K thaw Co 12 X. Court Telephone 269. Pendleton. DK. O. E. HOLT Osteopathia, physt cian and Burgeon. Judd Bldg. Tele phones, office 60i Reatdenos s't-W, DP. LENA M'CONNELL Osteopa thic physician and surgeon. Tempts Bldg. Office phone 14 7-J, Res. 214-ad POULTRY SUPPLIES PREST O-LITE BATTERIES Best I by competitive test Service on all CHIC FOOD, Scratch food, toalcs. MARKT AT ONCH We put you In corresnondence with thousands nt charming and refined ladies who wth to marry, many worth from $1,000 to 125, Ono and upward. Particulars free. Address Allen Ward, B 751, Valley, Nebraska. makes of batteries, guaranteed, frest O-LITK Service fetation. 401 . Court Phone 844. WASHING AND the day Phone IRONlNd done 730-W. by LOST AND FOUND TOR BALE OR LEAS ft Sheep ranch 110 acres, well equipped Abus dsnce of range Joining Addrs-w M. R WaJtor, Qulqey, 'Wash. FOR BALE Solid pnk cabinet graph cphone and 160 records. Cabinet holds ISO records good condition Phone 249-W or call 620 Market. REGISTERED and pedigreed Chesa peake Bay Retriever Pup for sale. America's best duck dog, excellent watchdogs, lovers of children. Just right for Ideal Christmas gifts. J. R. Magulrer 787 Oregon St., Portland Oregon. . ' , FOR SALE Fine homes on the North Side, t to I rooms. i room residence close In on easy Dayments. room residence, west nd, very cheap. - I have houses tor sal In almost any part ot the city. . ,co, V. Oder . 811 Main St. Res. Thone 972-W. Phone SS fF - REALTY TRANSFERS linens. Walter P.on to Hour Land & Shop Co.. 84('I0. His InieMSl In lands ibo- lonulng fi Iho pnrold Ross estate. Haruh A. Sn IIP to Llnnle E. Smitli, IL'U, NW V " TP- 4. N. R. 31. , , .... . .... .. DeWitt C. Erownell to Don C. Brow nell, $10. 2K.46 acres In NW 1-4 NE 1-4.. Sec. Id, Tp. 6, N. R. 28. Don C. Browni.U to DeWitt C. Brow- nail, $10. Mete nud bound tract in E 1-S SW 1-4, Sec 9, Tp. 6, N. R. 28. .Elmer Booher to Sarah F. Stanton, f ll'.f- Lois 4 end i, bleak 6, Railroad Add. Athena. Jacob M. Muthin to Ralph R. Bur ford $1!!00. Lot 1 in block 2 and mete and bound tract In said Block 2, In Ores?' Add. Milton. ' Geo. A. Price, Kxr., to James . E. I'.omlne f'OO. Mete and bound tract In 8W 1-4 Sec. 1, Tp, 6, N. R. 85. Aatella Winters to H. F. Dawson, $Pfln. Mete and bound tract . In NW 1-4 Sec. 31, Tp. 4, N. R. 29. B., F. Mnrlln to Karl Olllanders, $10.. Block 1 and block 3 and lots 1 and 8, block 4, original town of Mea cham. lender Parr to Ma 15. Perlniter, $1,00. Interest In Lot 4, SW 1-4 NW 1-4 Heo. 2, Tp. 2. N. R. 38. Lulu E. Ilea to Nancy K. Folsom $3600. Lota 4, 9 nnd 10, block 11, Llvermorv's Add. Pendleton. Herbert A. MoKeen to W. A. Leath - era $1. A strip of land 20 feet wide off tho east side of farm unit "E" of SV 1-4 Sec. . Tp. 4, N. R. 29. . . IVnsch Ijintls Kltnokont AKRON, 0., Deo. 8. (A. P.) Run ny Frusch of Baltimore, knocked out Artie Root of Cleveland, featherweight In the ninth round of a scheduled 12 rvund bout last night .. , " .t-' - - ' - ' SpTICB OF PROPORFD STREET IMPROVEMENT Notice Is hereby given that at a regular meeting ef the Common Coun cil ot The City of Pendleton, -held at the Council Chambers In Pendleton Oregon, on November 24, 1920, the following Resolution was duly adopted. Via; ' WHEREAS the City Surveyor of The City of Pendleton did on the 10th day of November, 1920, under direc tions and by requirement of the.Com- mon Council file in the office of the Recorder of The City of Pendleton, plans and specifications for an appro priate' improvement ot the following named streets In said city: Madison street from the North line ot Raley street to the South line ot Jackson street together with the esti mate of the work to be done and the probable cost thereof with a statement ot the lota, parte of lota and Parcels ot land to be benefited by such Im piovement and the percentage of the total cost of Improvement, which each of such lots, parts of lots and parcels of land should pay on account ot the benefits to be derived from such Im provement, and. WHEREAS, the council has ex amlned such plans and specifications and estimates and found the same sat isfactory and the estimates therefor to be In accordance with the probable cost of such, work, and THEREAS, the property recom mended by the City Surveyor to be In cluded within the boundaries of the district benefited is in the Judgment of the Common Council properly to be Included within such Improvement dis trict and no property Is excluded there from which should properly be In cluded therein, and, WHEREAS, the Improvement of the hereinabove described portions of aid street either with Gravel Bitull thlo pavement, Concrete Pavement or Warren I te Bitulithlo Pavement on Crushed Rock or Crushed Gravel foundation, Is at this time necessary, therefore, be It RESOLVED, by the Common Coun cil of The City, ot Pendleton that it Is expedient to Improve and It Is hereby proposed to Improve aald portions of said Madison street by paving the same with either Gravel Bitulithlo Pavement Concrete Pavement or Warrenlte Bitulithlo Pavement on Crushed Rock or Crushed Gravel foundation, such pavement to be con structed and the surface thereof to be finished upon the established grade of said street and the street to have curbs and gutters and all other things In accordance with and as shown In the plans and specifications for the improvemet of said portions of said Madison street, prepared by F. B. Hayes, City Surveyor, filed with tho Recorder of said city on the 10th day of November, 1920, which said plana and specifications aro nereby particu larly referred to. and be it further, RESOLVED that the Engineer's es timates of the probable total cost of urh Improvement, which sold City Engineer's estimates were made and prepared by F. B. Hayes. City Surveyor of said city, In the sum of $3192.8$ and were filed with the Recorder ot satJ city, on the 10th day of Novem ber, 1920, Is hereby Included and here, by referred to particularly, and be it further, , RESOLVED that tlhe plans and specifications and estimates for such Improvements, are prepared by the City Surveyor and filed with the Re corder of the City of Pendleton, on the 10th day of November, 1920, be and they ire hereby adopted and approved, and tie It further, resolved that the cost' of making such Improvement shall be a charge and lien upon all lots. parts of lots and parcels of, land to be benefited by such Improvement, and FOUND Hoys mackinaw, owner can have same bv callinar t this office. proving same and paying for this ad. WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAOJ AT ' The Fast Oregonlan office. I WANT TO RENT a house for a year ' or more Res. phone 2S5-R., F. M. Riley, business phone 622. USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR SAL1-3 1919 Ford roadster. Ap. ply 621 Willow or Phone 305. I OR SALE Lexington Roadster, A-l condition 714 Thompson street FOR BALE Hudson, good condition. $600.00 Frentzel Motor Co., fit Gar FOR SALE Overland model 84, per fect condition, $676.00 Frentzel Motor Co. ' FOR BALE Chevrolet $360.00, Just overhauled Frentiel Motor Co WOMAN would like work on ranch Willing to work for small pay during winter months Phone 15F4. AUTO TOPS CATERPILLAR WORK CATKKP1LI.AKS, harvesters, gas en gines, automobiles and general bbckamlthli.z. Round Us Oarsjre, Parks Ncbergall, 2ia West Webb GADWA'S AUTO TOP8, Plate Glass. Backs, (Jds Curtains SSI Court Ht WANTED TO RENT Furnished or unfurnished house unfurnished preferred Apply to Will H. Bennett Phone 362-J. FOR SALIC Or will trade for live stock," one Ford truck large body. In fine running order new tires See Schwar. City Meat Market 109 W. Webb. FOR SALE We have a few second hand Fords priced from $150 to $300. These are all worth the money call and see, them Simpson Auto Co., Water and Johnson St. FOR RENT FOR RENT Rooms W. Alta. APTS. AND ROOM g ALTA APW. CLERICS, (men, women) over 17, for Postal Mail Service. $125 month. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars, of examination, write J. Leonard, (foriaer Civil Service Ex aminer) 949 Equitable Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. AUTO ELECTRIC WORK OT HEP AIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. E. Chase Co. TIME CARE Wetton-Prodi Jton Auto Stags Leaves Weston for Pendletos i 7:30 a. m. and 12:45 p. m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p n. Leaves Adam for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. . Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Kntght Co. Istom) for Weston at 10:0 a. m. and 4 p. m. O. H. McIHERRIN, Prop. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER & BANFIKLD. Dsstgulng. Engineering, Constructing, It years experience In concrete and brick con struction. B4 K, Third St NorUt, Port land, Oregon. bone, shell, grit corn, oats, rolled barley. I instills Flour A Grain Vo. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING" All wakes Warren's Musk! Uoeuss, 3S Main" St.. Phona 624. PIANOS AND PLAYERS ; 1'IA'K TI'NINd audi repairlng- lA- Aiouii fnone ..-J -Jack CHIROPRACTORS Fllot Rrrlr-Pendleton Asto Stage Lvve Jntnt Rock at 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:30 . m Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. as. FANCHO STUBBLE FIELD, Prop. essvsv)) AUTO TRANSFER A. M. BOYDfN Stand (.. Hennlngs Cigar store. Country trip Phone AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. TOHNKA Auctioneer. Call at Fturgis It Storie's Implement Co., for sale Gates. DR. R. C ELLSWORTH Specializing in nervon disease) and tlseases of women. 9 to II a. m. '. to -in p. ra. Eve.ilngs 7 to 8. Pbona los, wmib. Craw i ml Building. HIGH GRADE PIANOS of p leasing tone qua It y. Mayers of Individuality, It the construction that sonnta. Bee piano on display; writs or phono The) Bee Hive, 628 Main Bt, Fboss 107S J. P. Darnall, Factory Rsp Kola a) Chats Piano Co, Painting and Paper Hans3 DR. LENA A. BOONE Chiropractor Office hours 10 to 12; 1:30 to 6:00. 309 E. Court St, Laatz Apt 18, Phone 977. CLEANING AND PRESSING' MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS Pressing and retailing. 304i W. Webb St Phone 321, Pendleton, Ore. DRAYMEN W. G. FISHER Stand RUty as Kemp, Phone 633. & B. WILLIAMSON B'and at Grtggr Cigar Store Phone 1075. AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJax, Re vere and Savaf) tires. 2 XL Court Street FOR RKNT Furnished ApaMmenta 402'Tustln. FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms Apply (14 Coshle. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms Phone 204-M. FOR RENT Furnished room 1114,, HL Conn. Keeping L, . RENTLET ft CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tire service, oils and accascorles Alta ami Garden fits. WALLACE BROS. Ftsk Tires, cords or fabric We do our own adjust ing. 808-13 Johnson St GURTSON at MARTT Gate Half Soles, 6000 miles guaranteed 1-2 cost of new tires. 637 Cottonwood Bt FOR RENT Sleeping room 310 Aura, Phone 242-M. -Inquire SIMPSON TIRE SERVICE CO. Re public and. Firestone tires, cords or fabric. 223 E. Court St, Phone 651, FOR RENT Outside sleepin room Phone 212-W. 405 Lewis St. - PENDLETON RTJBB3R FOR RENT Two unfurnished house keeping rooms Phone 104 2. It SUPPLT CO Barney Oldfleld, Goodrich 811 vcrtown Cord and Pernsylvanla Vacu um Cup 305 E. Court. AUTO PAINTING 7 MEN WITH TEARS of experience. Motor Inn Garage, T21 Cottonwood. Ward A. Hosgland, Prop. . AUTO REPAIRING WE DO ALL , KINDS of automobile and gas engine repairing West End Garage, W. Webb and Maple Sts. THE- "PIONEER" AUTO MAN Satis faction guaranteed. W repair any make. Glen Long, 633 Cottonwood. PERKINS & AMMONS, AuAomoblle Repairing. Ford, Chevrolet Ctude baker or any make of oar. Service at any time. 630 Cottonwood, Ptooe 203. ATTORNEYS GHK3RGB W. COUTTs, Attorney Law, Room 17, Schmidt block. B, I. KEATOR, .ttorrey at Law, Room 24, Sinlth-iirawford Building. FEB A FEE, Attorneys at Law. flees In Pespaln Building. Of- DOINGS OF THE DUFFS TOM DID A LITTLE SHOPPING 8Y ALLUAN CALL PEN LAND Broa, lransfer van to move your household goods. Ws also pack or store goods. We do eeun- tr hauling, telephone SSI. DENTIST DR. FLOYD CROUP. Dentist Room 10$ American Bank Bldg. Phone lit Pendleton, Ore. ItR. H. M. HANAVAN Dentistry. Room y. Temple Bldg, Phone T72. EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture Frest- 1 Ing. U J. McAtee, the PraeUssJ Paint' Man. Low Bros, Faints. .- RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street All makes ef radiators repaired. Work gsstnuiteed. C. Blasberg, Prop, RESTAURANT THB QUELLE. A good plaee to eat. SECOND HAND FURNITURE WB BUT, SELL or exchange house hold goods. We also do general fur niture repair work Phone (11, Riley A Kemp, 623 Main St OPTICAL Dept., any site, style or shape glas while you wait D. M. Reber, M. D., J, 8, I, Belts Bldg. FARM LOANS SNOW It DATTON. 117 E. Court Bt Real Estate. " Fire Insurance. Farm Lotne. Sen u about a loan. fHE SWEDISH INSTITUTE Massage and Steam Bath Electrical cabinet bath, medical tub; bath, electricity, V-Ray, vibrator, ate, at The Swedish Institute. If you suf fer from rheumatism, stomach, trou bles, nervous, run-down, paralysis, adiposis (reducing of weight) come and see us. G. W. Brown, M. G. D. Graduated In Sweden. Expert Lady Assistant Over Taylor Hardware Stcre. Main St., 743. Phone 107 t-W. JUNK, JUNK, JUNK SECOND HAND DEALERS V. STROBLE, dealer In new and sec ond hand gooda. Cash paid lot second hand gooda. Cheapest plaos to buy household good, tit E Ooart Phone 271-W. BRING your Junk to the PenCietcn Hide ac Junk Co. See us before you sell. L- D. Cameron, Prop. SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTI0 KjODAK FINISHING PERFECT DEVELOPING and print ing for the amateur enlarging. Prompt work. Tall man Drug Go. vjeu.,1 ctiess evERvsopy Xms s a niftv irme wow xuatch tub paraied m bed novi I wwv stunt- 1 pell for it Tmimg ;o! Just Touch TO TAV6 A I" AT TU MIMUT6 ISAW IT- IT WITH YWR F'HS fZ "TI4IS CHRISTMAS pBESWT (E'lL GO DAFFY ABoOV VUH00P5A1AH !! - "VAM . sees IT! , v aurig-ht! IT PUMPS TUB SAND PEUEVG ME THAT 1 ffn V) I il WTAU-eV irsetF- Wr CAM HAVE AN ?' Mi I f 3 CAM Vfft 0EAT that! , 7)4, MS I've JoT- 1 ' ' M ,J ' I A II r! ' 11 'i&MMM UUWDRY EVf.RT Artlcls Laundered Perfeetly. There' an agent In your town 107 Laundry. 608 Garden St HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING at the Singer shop. Mail orders promptly attended to. THE most up-to-date effectual lead ing science practised. K. F. Glbsoa P. S. T.; N. D. Room II Peebler Bldg. SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER LAND SURVET General engineering work. Z. A. Lansdale, C K Rives side, Pendleton, Ore. TAILORS (47 Main Phone 1006 DELICIOUS FRUITS Grape Fruit .... 10c Fisrs in Packages, 2 for 23c Golden Dates, package 35c Black Figs, lb.... 23c Delicious Apples, box $3.00 and $4.50 Winter Banana Apples,' box $2.00 and $4.50. Fall Butter Pears, basket 60c BUTTERNUT BREAD 16o Dainty Cakes Comb Honey., 20c 40c The Bean Tatom Co. Meat Dept Phone 86 Grocery Dept. Phone 688 TifiiTimiTi'rprirrTrTmTT'fimsniKnnnn:!. : UAtAi tii UMA44nrViUii44MMiAmMAft Y 4 KV. sMMsMsVsrv gyfcAA4JM aA44 A-4 4v.aV4 ftHgAfeAi ah,mmm mm asJ!4Ja.t,jfc lt4p s JlJ -