V PAGE TWELVE DAILT EAST OREQOmAW, PENDLETOK. OEEaOU, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 1, 1020. TWELVE FAGZ3 4-. ,.,..). iu jiixjjn r ft 1 !!!!!!! Ill C. l'cn'ney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution Canvas Gauntlet Gloves, Leather Faced 29c Knit Wrist Leather .Faced Canvas Gloves . . 29c .."i FENMiETON, Onit Opposite Hotel Pendleton. 4r !M, "" "'r,;;:'ifvTnnii S 8 8 8 8 8 Your limncy is tlic result of your efforts, perhaps llic roMilt of years of lianl and faithful work. Wlim you deposit Uiis nHHicy In a bank, you place lush confkleni in the bank ami you make your money very useful to the community. Kor over thirty two years, prominent ranchers ami leatline business men ami thousands of work' ers have shown their confidence in the American National Hank by depositing tlieir money with lis. Our growth is the. result of this confiilonce in our bank, a bank that lias tried to be helpful in the up building of Kastcrn Oregon. tM E J Jif't5 yT A-i "vs" ro..i CAST tvesi I I I BEARD'S CASH STORE 1 J p Do Your Xmas Shopping Early J If- jf''' ' Many useful gift articles now on display, all mod- S I I I Xj&J 3 oratcly priced. Just tako a little wnlk down West a 1-TI4 t-dbLlf. , In -r I 53 Webb street, only two blocks off Main street, and see 3 wecc, THIS TRee -- 1 ss, the big saving's offered on seasonable merchandise, krA$ 'LYING-'on -v r 53 such as Dry Goods, Notions, Sweaters, Leather Coats, 3 THIS GROUND ! .. ""v rj 53 Men's Dress Pants. Gloves, Hosiery for Ladies, Chil- E I4AW-HAU- svCV X dren and Men, Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Mil- E ua.. ..J. r- 1 - vX$V 3 incrj'. S3 1, v V c g . . BEARD'S CASH STORE J W" " 'tf " S 300 West Webb St. Phone 432 V " .1. . 1 . nfUZ a ! Yfior Money ! md . 1 bmf: i li . .. .-. - x i s i wry uftil to the community. I?P I C I I Kor over thirty two vears, promhirnt ranchrrs IcB m 1 " ' " '' "' ' " i! I' O i J and leadin business nnn and thousands of work- 1 II RAM V liniP I HPA! AKIfl PCMCDAI I 1 15 UrtlLI IlLKlfv), LUunL HI1U ULHLHML J S si ! Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports 'I I' I o i.j i in il !:. !.... . It M Joins in Decline I II The AmericanJStional Bank PenrUeton. Oregon. ' 'Strangest Sank in Cast era Oregon" Fine Residence on North Side Will sell or trade for farm lands, business Sroperty, stocks . or onds. If interested address, Post Office Box 82 Pendleton, Ore. r mm W ' 5 "POKULAH POH CfNCRATIONS' 7 A- Hi A Pr nntloiv coktpch;nd copaiba md cubebs AT -YOUR DRUGGIST Aak or BYHM F ONLY. awsM SuMitathM J DR. C. H. DAY Physician and Hurgeon Osteopath Rooma XI and 26 Smith-Crawford Bulld'n. r)epbon in Raa. ?4-R A RAV, SORE Tl Eases Quickly When You Apply a Little Musterole. And Musterole won't blister like the old-fashioned mustard plaster, just spread it on with your fingers. It penetrates to the sore spot with a gentle tingle, loosens the congestion and draws out the soreness and pain, Musterola is a clean, white oint ment made with oil of mustard. It is fine for quick relief from sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum bago, pains and aches of the back or Joints, sprains,sore muscles,bruises.chil blains, frosted feet, colds on the chest Nothinz like Musterole for croupy chil dren. Keep it handy for instant use. 35c and 65c jars; hospital size 3.W ed. Mutton Is five cents a pound cheaper, and ham 3 to 5 cents a pound The price or meats has joined in the Icheaper. Veal has not decreased in general decline. Pork loin chops have i price because little is being killed, due dropped 15 rents and are now 40 cents ;to tne tact that there is no market for a pound while pork steak, formerly 45 ludes. ents a pound, is now 35 cents. A.l fcffKS are S5' cents a dozen, butter uts of beef have dropped three cents j has dropped recently, the retail pre. i pound and greater decline is expect-. now being 65 cents and $1.25. while tne iormer price was 70 cents and $1.35. - The price of susar has fallen con siderably, this product now selling at S pounds for Jl, a decrease of more than 50 per cent. Sharp declines arc noted in cofffee, the hfghest grade now selling at 55 to 60 cents a pound. '. Flour now sells ror 12.75 a sack l' stead of $3.70. Corn meal had a phe nomenal drop, the new crop selling for 13 cents for a nine pound sack, whicl is auout half the former price. I logs and Cattle Steady ', and Lambs I)wcr for J)ay Receipts of livestock at N'orth Port land for the T.iesday trade consisted of but f"Ur loads. Hogs were steady v ith a $12.50 top; cattle were steady but there was a better lineup of values v.hile lambs were lower. In the hog market $12.50 was the extreme top for supplies at N'orth Portland for the Tuesday trade. The nrevinifi ilnv whnu'ert n tiirH mnrlc n Oliartor mIwiva thi hilt thi cflnfirnl market did not reach that high. Im proved trade conditions e.e shown for hogs generally throughout the coun try. General hog market range: Prime mixed $12 0012.50 Economy Prices on Good Underwear With the season for heavier, underwear hardly started comes these excellent garments with ' prices very similar to those we knew before the war. Heavy All Wool Unions ' $4.98 Extra quality garments of very fine, soft wool.that does not scratch. Need we .say more of its quality than that it is from the famous North Star Woolen Mills. Light gray; color, fine rib, closed crotch, close fitting wrists and ankles, the suit $4.98 .'' ........ North Star Warm Unions $3.49 Another good garment from , North Star Mills, a good peitent age of fine wool gives warmth while the added cotton makes for long service. Closed crotch, suit . $3.49 North Star Fleeced 1 Unions $2.49 Medium weight fleece lined unions provide warmth at small ', outlay. t Closed croth, fine ecru rib; "suit '-.'i-t : $2.49 ' ' Men's Two Piece Suits 1 V SI129 Garment" , Warner Closed Crotch Unions $2.98 Every season brings new friends for Warner Unions. This fine ribbed suit i of mercerized cotton will bring many more. Just the weight for the man in doors. Its closed crotch and fine; fitting qualities proclaim worth far above the price we ask, the suit . $2.98 Good weight drawers . 'and . shirts of fine ribbed ecru colored cotton. For the man who pre fers two piece garments this number of f ers extra economy apparel, garment . . . . . . , $1.29 Collins Health Underwear $3.98 Garment 7 , The heaviest and warmest all wool underwear we stock. Noth ing better for the man whose work takes him into all kinds of weather. . Made of finest wools " and guaranteed to give satisfac tion,, rich tan color, two piece , suits only, garment . . . v. $3.98 52! J. CTPenney Co., A Nation-Wfde Instituiion - 6 1 n 0' a 3" S ei 3 Smooth heavy .'... Kough heavy ....... Fat pigs Peed-ir pigs Yard commission 11.75(B12.25 . ... 9.00 $ 10.75 10.60 f 11.50 . ... 9.00$' 11.00 men considered the cattle market abou .' ateady v at North Portland for Tuesday. Over- night arrivals were just a hhndful and trading was therefore limited.. General cattle market range: on a smaller turnover In the usilal istlve fcatureli; Including .IJbertyMs. sties. Total sales,' par value, $14,550, 00. Old U. S. Bonds unchanged on call. $ S.7DC 9.2 8. -.'if; .7S 7.75W 7.U0i&i7.T5Uir!ts 83fi B5: firsUi 7 8 1 5.r,0'.e 6.7 7.00 7.25 ft New Fmrnitere Prices THE STORE WHERE "QUALITY COUNTS" AND WHERE YOU ARE PROTECTED ON PRICES While prices have not been reduced to us on some lines, we believe in volume of business, and are making these reductions on every article in our stock. ' , 8 t V Child's Cribs 4 i V We are showing an exten sive line of cribs in patterns that just suit. They are fin ished in a rich ivory enamel as well as white enamel, also Reed Bassinets. Just right for the baby. Priced from $11.00 up. S.S0 4.75 5 G-O' 4.0Uf 4.1 ;o(' 4.on (..00 ft 6.00 13.0C!W.0 Choice steers , Good to choice steers . . . Medium to good steers. . Fair to good steers .... Common to fair steers. . Choice cows and heifers. Good to choice cows and heifers 6.25 Fair to medium cows and heifers , Fair to medium cow's and heifers Common cows and heifers dinners i Bulls Choice liairy calves Heavy calves 7.00 'it 9.00 Best light calves 11.00WJ3.UG Medium light calves 9.00lt. Choiee feeders .60M 7.2; , an . . . wuu .dui., a .,. " . . w . v..w While there ws only 0 handful or so of stuff in the sheep and lumb alleys at North l'ortland for Tuesday morn- Kuiier and Kinra rU-ady , . ' CImhw Irregular at X. V.' , iXKW YUItK. Ucc. 1. Ilutlcr steady; creumery higher than "extras !5"u,i&S; creamery extras l; firsts 4S0. , , . i ICecm steady;" fresh gathered extra C'heeMn Irregulsr. ' Slati-. whllfi milk flats, held apcclala. iigt St;'8ta'6, hillh; flats fresh specials 23jf 24.'.;,;' '. j... ', Frls and .Cuanw '(.rain . LlMti-d Ixmw at Hraulo 'X ' RKATTI.K ..ften't. .lllt'.'.r,. . Feed JJcrateh fgqj 7 . ion; fod wheat all grln, chop 5 7; ,ot t.'.i; sprouting oata fjJr. rolled barley' .: whole corn 1 J; cracked rn rolled bartey.JiJ: clipped tkjjrley jei. . : , , Hay Alfujfa i2 4on.tlouble com pressed alfalfa ditto timothy 442; eastern Washington mixed 137. ' Ladies' Desk Nothing could please the lady more than to present her with one of these Desks. We invite your inspection. Living Room Furniture Maybe you need another piece for this room, such as a nice Library Table,. Rock ing Chair or Davenport. We will be g'lad to help you make selection. Prices al ways right. tng. the trade was weak and tops In th lamb division were off about' 50 Cents for the day. , .. . Gcnoral sheep and lamb trado was" mow. - . General sheep and lamg range: Willamette valley lambs. 8.00 8.00 F.a.st of mountain lambs 8.00 & S.OO Feeder Inmbs 6.a0 7. CO Heavy lambs '. . 6.00 7.G0 Cull lambs S:0i9 .00 Yearllnxs t.003 7.B0 Wethers . MOO. f. GO Ewea .J.0 M V,-'' CRIUKSHANK & HAMPTON 124-128 E. WEBB PHONE 548 a . i Z. "' 1 Vo liunar rTom Old . " I'nsettled Conditions Seen' XKW YORK, Dec. 1 There Wore no developments in the course of yester. day's hesitant stock market .to auppest that sentiment In speculative or, finan cial circles had experienced any ma terial alteration frdm 'tha. unsettled conditions of the lost few weeks.'. Prices of trading shares reacted. and rallied' with much confusion. Issues of the samo class frequently - moving contrary. " ' j Dealings were, notlcably lighter how ever, with no recurrence, save In mild form of recent liquidations. ' ' ' ," News over tho week end wnctn flirting, but lacking mostly In the' con structlve qualities necessary to enlist public interest. The west, reported a let-down In the Investment situation and reducatlon of railway tonnagcf In the commodity markets cotton quotations wavered again and copper recorded new low prices for a period of years. Furthor curtailment of working forces by the New Haven, and other railway systems testified anew to back ward transportation conditions. Do mestic money conditions remained un easy most of the day's call money lond Ing at six percent. Foreign exchange was erratic. Oils and rails, Including some of the Junior or reorganized properties of the west and southwest were among tho stronger features of the list steels, equipments and ship pings continuing to easce under pro fessional pressure. The few note worthy trains at the end embraced mexlean I'otroleum. Daldwln Locomo tive, ltetall Stores and American Wool en. Hales, 050.000 bharen. .,'! The buid ijtorkot no iw&iUt, ilfco Tut w tviut wa. iiT'-s'i.vr, i'C-b' "just Between You and Me"; lJ . . says the Good Judge 4 ' Here's genuine chewing satisfaction for you , hook cd up with real economy. A small chew of this class of tobacco lasts much long- : ) , er than a big chew of the ' ' ordinary kind that's be catfse thel full, rich, .real tobacco taste lasts so long. Any man who uses the . ; .', Real Tobacco . Chew will f ; tell you that. . , i Put up in two styhs - W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco . ; ' -; i ' RIGHT CUT is short-cut tobacco fioiaiHlalKraiHiarHTaiHwiHlaluialMiaiiilalHiaiiiiariiiaruiaa fjf;.; :: lis its ':. CHEVROLET 1 in 13 ill We now have Chevrolet 490 Models for imme diate delivery. ' , ,' : i''.' Remember, in case of a reduction in prip be tween now and next May we will refund in cash the full amount of any reduction... Better protec tion could not be offered. We are always glad to demonstrate. iff 111 li i ill yjregon jotor (jarage Distributors ' ' : BUICK, CADILLAC AND CHEVROLET ii. .i sM"" J -it , MAM. "-- fc-i lMtJt-S-AS4liA4V4