East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 27, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Image 9

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    r " kfefep posted On MngS in the spout wold daily in articles by staff writers and press services on this page.
section two
section two
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A I nyxn. W A N MM). MK.
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AIIAApaa I -- - - '
muss of mm
Pendleton Likes Winner and
Return of Hanley in 1921 is
Desired; Good Bunch of
Boys Will Form Nucleus.
Turkey hash will grace the tables
of counties homes tontirlit. Tii.. iou
football season, which, like the storied l"1?"' M" tum will be
'y in advancing the bail, a desire to
uvur an unKio. Injured early thin
k',l him from wnrktmr h,,-i
he would huve liked, in the efrorts he
made, however, he furnished .,r,.f
conclusive that h is a footbull player
nil throiiKh.
All Dona Mdo Kliiilcntx
Rllly Kramer und Kenneth Slendol
were (he others who came here this
fall. All three boys are inking regular
high school subjects and making good
In them. They are not, In any sense
...... ,. n,l(fK(( ,,y pome
of Pendleton's competitor. Hanlev
and Htemlul will graduate In June.
Dfclt Hanley ha not said whether
or not he will be with J'endleion In
li!t. The school board has not off..,.
ed any contract fpr M-wi, linn
ley does not. know thin far In advancj
,v Kiorioua emi on
Thanksgiving Imi, will likewise he In
the hash (Huge. In I'endletou, the paHt
neagnii will fumlnh food for flrcnide
BcrlmniageH for Home time ( f!rm..
For the nut four auamma ilw, u-i
known fruit of victory have been sup
planted hereabout byi quince and cit
rue fruit with remilt likened to the
lilbllcal wormwooa and gall. , (lood
boy and boy not o good, oni the
Rime for their coache. have imlded
through the fall football senaon and,
in moiit Instance have done Jut that,
ambled, and nothing more.
Hut 1K20 will be different. Children
20 year hence will reckon the pa
OK of time by the year in which Pend
leton high won Neveii .straight game
and earned the ViKht to claim the niale
The young mentor can accem an r,i.
fer to coach a north wet unlerlty
eleven next fall If he chooxea. plen.v
of.lr wn in the northwest would be
Kind to have him handle hltih won
ulhletli. Deaide being a footbill
c.ioeh. he handlt baHketball, baaeKJIl
anil gyi:inaHtic. .
..... ...... k
i.oiruing i an avocation no v e-n-tlon.
nf Hanley'. He doe not Intend
lollow the Kami) permanentl-. In
addltl.r. to taking with him 'ev(-rl
rey Wh". weal or, a blanket and
oi .ir iroi.niea i. n xv. t. c. alh!.-ti,
.laniev recived a 11. 8. degree enKin
mrl'nj when he was graduated lnt
Houth America in Hanlev' mml
when condition are nrain uch that
an .merlcan would find It profitable
Jenwn, Kenneth Stendnl and Hanley of
tho bnckficld, and Iwrence Warner
Harold Hooierke and Hlatne Kennedy
of the line. The three back ure ex
pected l.y the conch and follower? jl
the game lo make thenmclve kuowr
in north womi intercollegiate clrclei o.
fcre many eaHon roll aiound.
Hiviiul of ;he boy on the cli.tm-
ploiiHhlp eleven are alo baHketball oe.
votcc and i.ftm a hort ret will g
Into training fcr tho Indoor game.
miliar name ale expected to be seen
In the Unci K for hoop games lati.-r
in tho H'KM'ii, t
chumplorinlilp. The Mhi-ehan trophy tu Kn to the miuthern continent. m
. U.V.I..I. a, Sit ...! - r. . lll-.lf lltel latt u.lll l.A 1,1. ..,. 1 . - . . .
cup, which will repono until next fool
bull Keaiion in the archive of Pendle
ton high nchool, will oft be referred
lo In atory. The e;iHon Jut ended i
worthy of recollection. ,
W'lint of Svt Xrar
While fan are fanning about the
cne are asking themselves "What of
properties will be hi field of research
when he return to his engineering
nrolefhion. fntll the opening comes
to leave for Latin America, Hanley
will tollnw Hi .reent occupation.
.licll-ll fHT 1921 ixl
A fairly goid nucleus of football
men remains r.t Pendlett n high scncul
Next Year?" Ilusinesiimeii who have 'around which to build for 1921. Perry
appreciated the value of a winning jHnvis, fullback, cannot complete hi
team In Pendleton want the record re-jome by June and will be the one
pealed next season. They are already iregulnr of this year's back field on the
backing an organised move to have Job no t season. Charley Snyder, ul
Idck Hanley retained hero for IS21
n roach. The idea ha spread rufiidly
nd Is gaining In fnvor.
The resulth which a brainy coach
fan obtain were demonstrated conclu
sively this fall. Hanley came here with
a reputation as a football player and
a leader. He had won ull-coast re-
congnltlon a a plaier and had cap-
I nuance, lien imonti,n and Stone
breaker halfbacks, also will return.
I.ee Templfi and Hilly Knimc,
euanl, will have one more year of
fcotoall. Both were the muinstays o!
the locul line all season. Dick Law
rence, center, w ill have two more yar
to go, Clayton Hogers. beefy tackle,
hfiuld be back. Charley Cahill, end.
ll"N'ftl,i'l.r, T. H
P. WhlKtlc. Khri
dropped le! or garland of flowers,
hand played and hundred cheered as
Hawaii' world champion swimmers
returned from their trip to the Olym
pic gume at Antwerp. The swim
ming team, led by Duke P. Kanana
moku and their trainer, "Dad" ("enter,
brought home 59 trophies from Olym
pic and other events, together with a
crop of new world's records.
Early to Bed and Early to Rise
is Exemplified by Big Cham
pion; Hard-Boiled Ring Par
lance Sidestepped.
TACOMA, Wash., Nov. 27. 1A. P.)
Plana for next wason's activities at
tho Tacoma Hpeetdway contemplate
cles, they went tho pce that kills.
lint not so Dempsey. Critical after
looking him over In training have given
the opinion that he' In better form
n'.w than on that Fourth of July a
year ago when he won the champion
Khlp. He ha the clear eye and the
ruddy tinged skin of an athlete in per-
NEW TO UK, Nov. 27. (By Henry j ' condition.'
U, Kartell, U. P. Htaff Correspondent.)! "H"w do yoii put In a day?" he was
-Jack iDempsey, king of the world's 'inked.
'leavywelgbts, was in the center of a
tfroup of scribes during one of the re-
H Nov. 27. (A. cent conference fur (he DempHcy
I'ieked, . airplanes citrponlier bout.
. "Culled you up at 11 o'clock last
night but couldn't get you," one of
the scriheH said to him.
"Kleven o'clock " the big champ
answered. "No wonder you couldn't
get me. I'm between the sheet eveiy
night at 10."
He wasn't talking for publicity he
riosen't need a press agent.
ti elllng the truth.
From personal observations, Demp
sey I an unusual heavyweight cham
pion. Success hasn't turned his head;
temptation hasn't felled him. He's the
t.t,r,,n Y,r eff'ihle hov with the same
plearant smile that won h'm friends ! Dempsey is seldom seen there.
by the legion in Toledo.
! "Well, I pile out about. 6 o'clock and
after some netting tip exercise I do a
turn through "entral Park," he said,
j "Then a good breakfast and a rest of
ian hour or so and then a long walk.
After lunch I go over to training quar
i ters and put in two or three hours
with the rope, the bells, the medicln
bail , some shadow boKing and a few
founds with Hill Tate, nay Hmlth and
some other boy who come around at
different times. I mix golf in every
He was time I get the chance. It's great exer
I cise and first class diversion."
Practically all the prominent fight
ers around New York occupy places of
prominence at the weekly boxing
rhnwa in Madison Square Garden, but
ne li.e ia.ni' ... lilr , w,.h ,u .-.. u- T
clean living athlete In the same perfect . p() MJit hnun a even.
condition that enabled him to batter . .... . . ,
" " V ; ,wn'n: " ". r harm than good
v.. i. tr,. nil., j... ............... .... lannn oi inu ki'ik
t wllh a secondary race later in the
At the r.resenl. time the Sneed- llriglit Mailt I-.vaacrt
way is being bonded for J 150,000 to
clear up the indebtedness caused by
Other champions in other days suc
cumbed to the "bright lights." Others
the destruction of the grandstand byi found training a bore and a task when
fire last year, and to make a number i they reached the summit of success,
of Improvement to the track. 1 with -Teenhack passport into fast cir-
Pumpkin Pie
tained both Washington .state College ni.d Shirley Hotel, who served bolii at
team and the Mure Island Marines of Igu-rd and end. ore the other le't"r
1918. He 'had coached the devil dogs
a an assistant to Lonealnr William
. Diet.
Three lads with college football am
bitions, came to Pendleton In order
to learn and play the game under Han
. ley.- M,1m fcrottMir, Mvtuii, who ww
general and open field runner through
out the season. While an occasional
end run and return of a punt showel
the fnn the skill of this 10-year-old
men ui:h ano.her season to go.
Adkmson, ui lineman, can e uu
well this yejc- snd may go strong f r
l'll for a place. Johnson, liattoti.
Kleieher, Lalnir and Henderson ure ill
underclassmen wllh pot-slbilities for
uddid weight nd expel ience by the
next seison.
Six (iiHKl Men I,m
The six men lost lost to the team
hy jrraduatliin re Cnpt iln Jens Te'-.
4; v :.,('' ;
j AT - 1
The very best brands on the markets have you
put away a supply for winter?
Eating Apples, Cooking or Rakinpf AppJefl, till
priced within the reach of all.
Pendleton Trading Co.
Phone 455
"If It's on the Market We Have It" '
Or a Far-Stnhtid Mollter ami N-mr-Sijhtcd Son!
IKmpsry Has Personality
, Dempseji has a lot of personality. He
has that happy faculty of meeting peo
ple well and remembering them the
second time. He never "high-brows."
He' accessible at all time and he'll
dig In his pocket for any cause.
Talk with him for an hour and he
will scarcely ever speak in the first
person. He's no master of English
but he's grammatical and he Isn't
handicapped with a lot of vulgar par
lance of the ring.
It's ahard task to get him to talk
about any of his conquests. He always
refers to one of hi vanquished oppon
ents as a "mighty good boy." ,
During one of hi recent fanning
bees with a bunch of admirers he lis
tened with tolerant politeness to one
v ho Insisted on telling how good he
was, how he had picked him to beat
Willard In three rounds and how he
was going to ruin Carpentier.
"Say," the champion interrupted.
seem to me you re a lot more sure
about it than I am. I'm not so cer
tain I'm going to win that bout. Car
pert ier is a great boy. We's bound to
I e a fighter with the experience he's
had. . I never pick a winner in advance
en snthine.
Cunard Anchor
Nov. 2... ...
Nov. 8
Nov. S
Nov. 1 1
Nov. 20
Nov. JO
Nov. 23
Nov. 25
Dec. 4
Dec. It
Dec. 11
Dec. 11
Dec. 14
Dec. 18
K. A. Victoria..
Parnionji .
impcraiur .
C&andra ..... .
Carman a ...
Aipntacia .
K. A. Victoria..
Saturn a
Aquitania . ..
Carman a
Cherbourg and Southhampton
( lawsruw via MoT3le...
atrai, Dubrovilt. Trieste. -
Clierlxmrg, Southampton ,
utsfcrow . ....-
Iivernool ...... ,
Cherbourg, Southampton
Plymouth, Cherbourg. I.ondon
(Cherlxmrg. Southampton
llymouth Cherbourg, Hamburg
Kilasgrow ..... -
k.lawrow via Movllle
Clierbourar. Southampton.
1 Liverpool
.,l.ttHtf,iitimit!Miiiiiimmin ciiiiiiiiTrliilltllflllMiirMitifirif!titiiifiiitfititii(ritiiliiiiliMltlllllMt1tll1tll1lllll1fHeFII1lirill
ti il ,,,MIM"HI,l"UIIIHIIIIIMIIIIllllllllHIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlMllllll IIIIIUIIIIililHIiaiuiaianiuilllluiiiiiiiiiiHiMiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiH.i I in ii iiiii i i
Lr- j Off
Freight SliipmcuLs Soliuled
For information. Tickets, etc., Apply to
MR. N. J. BLYDENSTEIN, Agent, Pendleton
220 East Court
or Company's Office. 61 Second Avenue. Seattle. Phone HHtott 1833
er o
Gents a Day
WWAW'- -i
Iff '
fell j)
S i
Not a liome can afford to do witliout tlic good influence and enjoyment of a modern
phonograph when the terms of purchase are so very reasonable pin money, so to speak;
Consider, too, that the Economy Drug Co. is offering strictly new machines of four
makes which are standard of the world you can have no reason for placing in your
home anything less than the best; at 10 down and only $ a month. Choose
Brunswick Sonora
Victrola Cheney
Take your favorite of the new machines up to the $125 models, inclusive, on the above
terms; models of the higher valuation at terms correspondingly easy you will find the
Economy Drug Co. an agreeable and reliable place to deal.
Was f tvw.-.t
jwisa a -l ! faM Jsfif3F
fin h V i!ilf! V
hi ' ? A i 1 Wx . ill
Ecoiiomy Drag Co
Hotel St. George Bldg., Pendleton, Ore.
Victor Records Brunswick Records
Columbia Records
So sure are we that present prices are going to prevail that
we guarantee to 'each and every patron a cash refund of
any price decline on a machine bought here. This refund is
good as far ahead as the first of next May. You may de
pend upon the Economy Drug Co.
X good phonograph is seldom obstinate. Once in a great
while expert attention is desirable. The Economy
Drug Co.'s senice to patrons is thorough and promot
generally it is FREE. . 1 V x
( !
! S
! f
It rnttmi i tuttrnirmmt
k&M4MJkAt IUI l Aj