MGE EIGHT -PASTIME - CHILDREN, 5c" SHADES CR BARNUM P. T. r.-irimm Puntwti the world iih a white elephant tun she went him our better when Hf jawt.'d up the town with a pink elephant and a t.'.SS tviRtt. SIIK WAS AL1VK i Samuel Goldvvyri MADGE. KENNEDY THE BLOOAUNG ANCEL Wallace Irwin Directed hr Victor SchertzingerJ ; NEW FACES FOR OLD t ' Utilised to sell her face cream or so broke. She lined up the women with an idea thai made other ladies' faces her fortune. "Xew Faces For Old" was her skiKjran. It's a typical, suppical Madgre Kennedy com edy. UNIVERSAL COMEDY iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiin A"LTA CHILDREN, 10c iminiimiiuHiniminiiiimiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiii I ' - '.'1 I OH UADY.':iYl ii. ,11 . ADAPTED FROM THE. PUAY BY M GUV BOLTON P. G WODBliOUSL M - Directed by . Mr- 4 , MAURICE CAMPBELL- ilrrn, SCENARIO BY & r:'''' . EDITH KENNEDY7 PARAMOUNT MAGAZINE VAUDEVILLE Harry Hume Kinging and Talking PAIL? EAST CRSOONIAN, SUNDAY, MONDAY v ADULTS, Sunday . ... ' 1.4-5 nt yi v ft , . J '''HW'';- 'C --1... ri jlm 1, ' m ' M . In"- - i IT,. 'Kelt, - Monday ADULTS, INTERNATIONAL NEWS Ray and Blanch McKay Klean, Klasy Komedy PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY 'T. B" 20c AKCADK TODAY "Tin; i;i sru ss si:v The colorful love stories untl lavish sittings In Itobcit W. Chambers stories lend themselves well to presentation on the screen. The, plctura versions of "Tho Danger Mark, Dio Fir- u;g Line," "Tho 'Dark Star," and "Tho riKhting Chance'' have alroady met with great hik-ccp. Now comes the photoplay adapted from ono of Mr. Chamber' most brilliant recent novels, "Thp Kestless Sex," I'lquant Marion Davles in the heroine and the picture will be on view at the Arcade Theatte for 3 days commencing today. "The rtestless Sex'1 deals with fem inism, but not In a political wav. It portrays the insatiable desire of the modern young woman for excitement and a place of importance In the world. Thelstory portrays tho ro mance of a pretty girl of this type. Kalph. Kellard and Carlyle Black wcl lare prominent in the large cost supportlns Miss Pavles. Robert Z. Leonard directed tho picture, which Is a Paramount. ALT.V TODAY LOTTIE WILLIAMS IX "A I I LL IIOr.SH IS PLAVKU OF NOTE Lottie Williams, a popular com edienne well known for years on the stase, has an interesting role In sup 1 ort of Hryant Washburn, Paramount star, In his lates phntocomcdy, , "A Full House" which will be shown at the Alta thcatro for 2 days beginning today. Miss Williams is an actress of ex ceptional versatility. Beginning her career In vaudeville, she made her de but in drama when she created the role of Ah Mee, the slave girl In Charles Kemiore Ulrlch's Chinese play A Celestial Maidon," which success fully toured the Pacific. Coast for many seasons. Quitting the legitimate stage, Miss Williams accepted the rale of Su sie, the maid in "A Full House" and her clever worlJ adds much to the en joyment of the spectators. In the story, Susie steals a diamond necklace which has been stolen by a burglar. In order to obtain the reward of 3 0C offered fyr Its return. She night have succeeded had not the house been surrounded by the police, and hiding it in her stocking, she keeps 'i until tne burglar glimpses It and from his place of concelment cuts It out of the stocking. There are many comical situations in "A Full House" and Mr. Wnshlmrn is at his best in the stellar role. l,oU lison heads a capable supporting company of players. The picture was airoctcd by James Cruze. - ' 40c AltCAUK SODAV A.Vo MOXDAV WITH A srpr;p,n CAST "JIKLD 1SY TUP, F.MCMY" UALTIFIES SCKKKX anotner or W lam r.illetto'. i me iinierican stage wl henntirv the sllversheet when it is shown at the rvx-aao tnentre Sunday and Monrtnv neiu oy tne unemy." wim ,,n ni ne greatest of American dramas, nnrt iis screen iorm It Is said to be even nore vivid and grippinir than th r,i,.v iieiu by the Enemy." is n drama of tense emotions and big, vital, human Miuauons a ttory of love and loy ""J anu unseitishness, hate an urarnrrr ana human passion, it I iniea wun powerful moments and the "ncienying theme depicts the triumph (( i"ve ana devotion. There arc many, big. striking role "i rnem Dy the Enemy.".. Lewis ione, well known New York actor, lases ine part of Captain . Gordon n.ijne. Agnes Ayres, an actre.'S of many accomplishments, was choj-'r, ..j iwn net nnync, ana cnarn-'m; aiuia Hawley plays an cnuallv im portant feminine part. Jack HOlt. who will be rememlierp.1 tor his work In Tourneur's "The Life Mile, and also in ."Victory" does his btst work in this picture, while Rob trt Cain plays the heavy with his usual ecellent skill. Walter Hiers, the funny fat boy actor, supplies the necessary comedy, other important players are Josephine Crowell, Lillian Lelghton, Robert Browers and C. H. Geldart. (Continued on page 11.) -ALTA Today CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 40c Bryant Washburn , . In "S FULL VAUDEVILLE 1'ItI IM 'ltl K THE' GHEAT .CU. . Illusion and Mystery, CA.MPBKLL & VLOVKH. Minstrels from Memphis iiai or nuuoL EVENING. NOVEMBER 27, 1020. ARCADE Another De Lux Attraction Portland Patrons will Pay 50c admission. 18SS . . i TAMOUS PLAYE2.S -LASKY' CORPORATION Ihe Restless. Sex" " .Robect. Chambers . v maeiokWies ' . Hy a MrniiKe nuido limit mid t(iiiH!-tuus gttiluinl( mid this striiKKilng wtilntor ivlioiu slid could niver hvo. Aik now. In Um depths of liln (Unmir Mio Clinic l lilin lirliiKliiK Hut M' tills flaniliiK riniiHiico of New York's palaces untl ar. lists' KtlUllOM, IMtftctl ly lUihert , Ixtiiiard jr;iVi( BRAY P1CTOGRAPH tM hbi . - Mfv -U V-. A 1 1 ii Mil ?&kl i . ARGAEDE CHILUKLIN, 10c WE GUARANTEE THIS PICTU Jack Holt Wanda Haiulexj Despite it all, she loved thia handsome f' 'TNs y' i --. tr "-"--..'. H , s,. iJESSE L.1ASKY V LJWI . PRESENTS'. VV :'f y 1 . U U HI H M A -. . i . ' at - mac Yankee captain loved him though he was an enemy of her beloved Dixie; . loved him though her heart was pledged to a soldier of the South. t ' And when the Southerner, a spy within the union lines, came keeking refuge at her From the' Stirring Stage Melodrama by WILLIAM GILLETTE I ' Directed by DONALD CRISP i V Scenario by Beulah Marie Dix , ' , A REAL COMEDY "IMA VAMP" FOURTEEN TACr.3 Shown Before the Big Portland Run Here in Pendleton Children 10c; Adults 35c .. ' . S3 iuni of 1 ate vtife preitj COSMOPOLITAN PRRODUCTION? Sunday Monday ADULTS, 35c REGREULICH & MATLOCK (paramount , Qiclure -v. g . A A" iu ine Lnemu - Agnes Aigres V : and Lewis btone home, and Blue and Gray met tace to face what happened then? --.-t Come and be thrilled as you never vvere before by this greatest of all love-melodra-mas. Pictured on an unprecedented scale, with every member of the cast a famous screen player. ' ; , ,, :i!ll!!ll!l mm, i!ll!!i!in!l!!!M !" -i-ir !",!?:!. fi!,jf -:;:-. iffutn:!l 1 i ' r ;,';;,';,;nMJi.'iit,',iju.tiiMlMtiMilntiUMiuttuim , -1 ,! Mill: