... .. r TOTJETErw I-ARtS" DAILY TEAST OSBCWIATT. PCTDT.FTftTf. tit, F.CfVf SATURDAY EVENING, H07n.Tr.ri5 37r,lS20. 't 5.9 ,n r.u to? . K' no I" 5 tn ' 5a B C I" r ( rg ri ?s is CONTENDERS ARE BUILT KKATTLK, Nov. 27. -U liuii I.mit niuKih ci'Dokb uud University ((f wrudi- Used for 70 Year L Thru IM uu tjianjinotlu-r "J wnuthCtl! Jintlf dtanre hilt xf . remained until youth has .A become but a neuio.y The soft, re finrd, pr.tt ly While tppcarmce it randtri Ir avrj the joy Y, of Witty with yi'lrr, V''r years. inlnii lutit.l.ufl eleven trot out "on the Itihliron t WiiMhliiKdin stadium io day, for thi fliM east vt. west ii..ui of the year mi Hie Puclfle Const, tlm fl.HK Will Bee (WO t( H111M llllllt itlrnoKt on Upositn IIiiim. lniilmoiith'N forwards are MkIiI, supported by a heiivy burl; field, whl.- lhHVatthliiKtn lino K heavy, Willi IlKht bucks. The Whlni;loii Jiaekflelri averages only Kin pounds, iwhifh Ih topped by the Hurl mouth buck by Hcvcnil lioiiinlH. The. Dartmouth Hop nveruKes 174 iiouiiiIm and tho brickfield '176 pounds. WuHliliiKton'v lino average Ih 184 poll ml k. Potll' tenuis u IlKllt workout lo ony ami tho couches declared nil were In rciidlni'SK for the contest which is expected to attract one of the jcreiiluat crowds ever seen ut nn athletic, contest Despite tlm fait 1 hat is has rulnud nil iluy Friday, the football field ut tlm stadium t reported to be firm ami etmi with continued rnln should be In fair condition for J'ltiy. Itwus nn iniiinoed ai ti i m tit, nothing short of a deluge Could cause potitpoiieme nt 6f tbo R.inie. ' What Is the Secret of Long Life , In a Tire, Anyhow? It's the iruad and here is the reason : Jha tread of your tire is the part that takes all the wear, soaks up the road shock and keeps the bumps away from the fabric. Entirely reasonable then that it should be broad und thick, isn't it? That's the Idea back of the Super Tread fire. It's important and it means a lot more miles to you. Gertson & Marty 639 Cottonwood StreetPhone 59S Frock of 'Black' and White If- s )' i "', ( ) y,: : , ; : w v f '7 I ' ' vt:f ,."! J 1 A ' ''' ';' j-- . ' - - iy . tstM.?--? :' ' f'wVb ... ". : In erery e68on there are alway a few black and whlto cos tume!, and this frock Is conspicuously smart. Tho soft white cloth Is fashioned into a full aliort skirt with a harem hem and a skele ton blouse over a black satin bodice, long-sleeed and rather high at the neck. t the side back is a square-cut pan;l of the white faced with black. whUt a ettn i-ath ts dropped from the walstUE directly at the aide, to be turned under withHhe hem. , RESIDENCE IS RECEIVED A wm. mm 9 jg he only rca i idflr, mAnkind kiioeos is rKN an account with this bank and write out your proclama tion of financial, independ ence A jood bank reference is a partner who will help you win your ousiness battles. We will be pleas ed to advise you financially. t 4'., V s i '. i Just the paint for floors Do you own one of those comfortable old homes vijth Rood solid floors that have always been painted?.-. . If so, repaint the floors this time with I.owe r.rothcrs IIabo DnviMo Fjxx.i I'aint , mn'dc especially for indoor floors. U is particularly Ash to see the colora adapted to the finishing of kitchen and bedroom . floors. A variety of attractive colors to choose from colors thutwillharmo-: nisse with your rooms. JlARnDHYixoFuxm Paint is an economical and lasting floor finish. ' Ktisy to use dries hard and firm. I, J. McATEE l'hone 158 513 Main St. (Kant orctjonian t-''lal. ADAMS. Nov. Tlie lunilii-r ban airlcd for the ne- hnum- for Mr. and Mrs. U U. I.Ieuallcn. Pert Knly of the AdaniH Hardware store, in hiK'intf two ni' e rooms finiiiti- cl in the m tond etory of his home. Ivan l!lake imilond In to Adamr from tha much mar llidix Friday. Mr ami Mrs. II. A. I'akcr and Mr. and Airs. Jatk I'akcr and Mr. nnd Mrs Kvard Mi-t'olliim and family, all .uli-bral. d Tha-nksnivion dinner at the Inline of Mr. and Mr. At. A. Maker. Mr. and Mrf IKine of Uklah, wi-rc the ifinsts of htr pnii'iits. .Mr. and Mrs. Joe lianits, Tliumdny. Tor dinner Mr. and Airs. Otho Sloll of Pendle ton and children were the kim-;k of h.t nnii r, Mr. und Airs. Ki l.nui, at Ad.;ni3 i hurniljiy for dinner. Mr. ami Mik fliarley Walrus and ft 4 'HEAR ME You Can Be Free from Pair as I Am, if You Do a? I Did. , Jlarri'itrion. Ale. "1 suT-red with backache, pniiis through my hips ana s u c n a nenr 1 n g do x: 0 feel iiij that 1 u!d not niid on aiy ( T also had other (lis treKHitij svnijitrnn5 , At times 1 had tc (f j v e tip o,s. 1 tried a irmiix'i' o! reineilies but l.vtlia K. Pinkliaiu's Vtgiv table Compound did me more good than nnvthinc rite. I am reitnlnr. do not Fulfcr Hie l-ubs I used- to. keep house and do all the work. I recommend vour nadicine to air who suffer I did and vim may .e my let ter a you like." Mrs. .Mi.v.Mii Mitch. KM.. Harrington, Me. There are many , women wim sillier as M. Mitchell ilid'and who are lieinu hen eiitted by tlii J-'reat medicine every day. It has liclpeil thousamls ot women wno have been troubled with displacements. inlla'inmiition, uleiration, irresulnrities. lH'riodic pains, backache, that bearing jown feeling, indigestion, and nervous prostration. I.yriia E. Pinkliam's VeseLtble (om pouiid contains no narcotics or haitriful drops. It is mane irotn extracts oi foots and herbs and is a sale medium for women. H you need Pic ill advice Write l.vdia K. ' I'iiikhnm Mix tcino Co (conlirttnfuil), i.m, .ln.a. 4L r - V s. - .- I 1'. .' k f 1'ttle daughter, left today for the'r homo in I'omeroy after vinitinff for the i.ast week with le'atives und triendH in Ad. I MIS. Air. nnd Atra. J. Vt (ofrey nre visit ing rx laliven und frlendK in .Milton Ih k week. ' A family ThaiikSKivitif- dinner was celebrated nl lic home of AJrs. John joineii. yv tine turkey flintier wna nerved by I lie hostess' mother, Mrs. I K. iEuiK-h nnd tht:-!e jtresent were Mr. and Airs. Henry Punch, Mr. and Airs. U F. iiuneh, Mr. and Airs. Charley Punch and children. Air. and Mrs. Will lJuiieh and family. Air. and Mrs. Frnnk Punch nnd family. Air. John Punch and children, Mr. Alill Bunch and Clyde Katon. , Air. and Mrs. (ilndwyn tfpt'nccr and son und Frank Wilson of Walla Walla and Aliss I'eulab Spencer of Pullman Waidi., were tho Kuests of Mr. and Mrs. John Kpcncer for dinner Thurs day. Airs. Anna Paker and daughter Al ma Matibews of Pendleton, motored to Adan.s today and were the truest a of Air. and Airs. J. Coffey for dinner. Ati!s Pertlia AtoFariand of Pendle ton wan the Riiest of J. I'offey for Thanksgiving dinner. Somn of the farmci-s are still bus.v trviiiR- to seed their fall grain, but as It keeps on raining it is very slow-work. Ed Wallan, who Is III, is not so wall today. Alius Daisy Owens was the Kuest of her sister in Pendleton for the past few days. J Mr. Parr of Athena is the puest of his daughter. Air. and Airs. Carl Chris-j tian, at Adams this week. Ii.m Mcjmyre left for The Dalles to visit relatives for a short time. Air. and Airs. Italph Wallan and Air. and Ails, is laeiialleu motored In fron't their ranch today and were the guests of Air. and Jira. Jim Chesnut tor dinner. ' f fa) -'SiSA j A L THINK what Oregon industries mean to YOU how the effect your job or business. 'Isn't it true that every man, woman and child in the state has been directly or indirectly benefited by the in dustrial growth of Oregon? v .Of Oregon is rapidly becoming one of the greatest manufacturing states of the west. The coast-wide and national fame of her products grows daily. Every dollar spent for home products increases just that much the development of the state adds just that much to the prcv tigc of "Oregon Made." - ' ' i ' - , Your loyal support plus the enterprise of Oregon manufact urers equals PROSPERITY. It's as simnle as 2 2 4. I f 111 K I BUY OREGON. PRODUCTS V Associated Industries of Oregon HchM hntisc. n Thtiisduy the com- llev. J. W. Hmiti, -with v 'nncr in tlu rn unity Thaniifivirii? vfU.UrnV.on w,ts whool cafrrtt-ria irnmcfj a -? nUct. hold, ami prtivrt) to he .nf of the most , Following the din iter a pn'rar? wa sut.-ct.stfiii paihiTiKB i'i the h .-:ory of '.-n, A. W. -Cobb acting- at l .-t-tho jjrojt-ct. Ktryont was cut and j !iiu-'it. Games, consiatin of poiatr al Ihad a goid tim. Then were ieii- j ran.-, ul.st-tcle rwe, basket bull, etc.", glous serviccH in the school audi- were l!i Oie plan. In the evening 0 tori 11 m at th n'm h'';r 'd l th ' 'vsiMCHfin hvid ip W. V. Tm k- r's Ptre room. ' A Further cunimunlty entertainment a jjlanned for next week when the Bible ciatH ut the SmAIay scnool tviil enter min tho r-t of the school, and on Dec, 4, the Hendricks family will give "txircrt in the school auditorium. THANKSGIVING DAY WELL OBSERVED AI BQA8DMAN 0 ' ?$SWtzSgh rrL$) 5 (Ivast Oresoniau Special) 11IIAUD.MAX. Nov. 27. Thankssiv liiK week Ih provinv a Week of festi vity in the Poardman community. On Wednesday night the Junior and senior high school pupils held a party in the - s;.w e. -r E t ilU En sineering and Auto Mechanics 'l-m t.iUST TiiOKOUdl AN1 CT tic.il ?' h-d in nil K-ieinccril't a(i,1 Viicstionitl Scir e-oHcrie compel tim,. in (1NI-, II A! I'' llictitMC Uiualh rftitiirnl bv I'riiiri.'iiics. K.iniinj'ii of m.n tscnli.il iljrrts' tcnvitn.JcoitrK-sanilintiivi.i'.i.'lis'ryct!ti miMrsiis torhc. l tins sa ir ol tn.ic. Well eciiirl li's hbursteries and felil insiru.ticnrs. Cwnet ,'n: C-il, I lc.tnc.il, Mrchanicsi aad Mimnc Ijigiiwe and A'.nh.m Simp. A. tiialcns n-r nni rk J.-ne l y ttidrnt. OlM ui-roo'ti s .ota n 1 a'ld Lms.CI. NiiW TIH.M hi .oSNl.Nvi ". .1"! v A d 1 r ty!rcW.c Ctii;r 1 ' F.n nneenrf IE'S HAD BAD YEAR s.V 1 v -vs AAeri&MAki)Ks , COACH HOSriAN The' sreat thing predicted for the University of Pennsylvania this year when Coach Johnny Helsman was transplanted thers from Georgia Tech, have fallen rather flat. Helsman gave tha Georgia Institution tome great eleven, but his first year in tha east has been far from satisfac tory. The Pcnn team has been beaten by Virginia M. I.. Penn State, PiU and I'vUooiUti. 7 6 Gifts, That 1 arc Gift? of Fine Jewelry stts-ks of sii'l t tit It jr pared for ou. f ft f1.11 jSj? . k l-m . ast a Lifetime fi&ttl 1? m!m I. Illt , ' A -'1 There is no better way tci- eMress your t'hristmas sentiment than by Riving articles which coml.ino clciincc with mi:n.v yiats of 1-raciical scr ice. This store is titippiiH with nuiuci-oiiH Kitts of KNIH IilNt; VAI.I-K which do ml new,, silalo l:ti.v cvpenditatc. . A Oiatnon,! SolltaMc a Wrist Watch, or a beautiful platinum and diamond pice would be tlu- choice ki it for personal adornment while the chest of silver or a l.uiti!!;l tea ser vice would be the "Kift le lux" for.Oie h.eue. lour (Jiritiiias Si ore When we s.iy that this is your Christmas stoic we. meiut it in every sense of the w.y-il. inasmuch as you can come here :.nd select ;.our ci-.me list of s.i'ts from ihc .-.ui-erli in jewelry t!al wc havo A. L. SCliAEFElJ, Jeweler 720 Main Mixta Teh . liuiie UJH-J ItftMi AMI LAJfe Jfc,JkJ. V..Vfc-M & -rv.V!i, V'.i .Vv.i