V"V V Y " V ' ' F0UHTE2N FAGH3 DAILY EAST OREOOHIAR. PEND1.ET0JT. OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 27, 1030. PAGE EH t.' t;"i.:x.'.- I , , , Social and Club News riJ'B MEKTtVO DK1.KSHTFVT. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. I. Poynton far the Mrs. Alex MnckPnsle, In wrlonni contrast to the chillliiit ;pat thrp mnntns, departed today for .Rtreet,' wind unit w-eplnir rlnrt-ip nut-of-j Hlackfont, Idaho, where sho haa ta. doors, m-ns thd oene presented yeter-ken a position In n department More, day In the rltih room of the library 1 Minn Hint lius nmdu inany friends diir where Current Ijterature rinh em-tnir her short stay here and they re bern mot as inieniH of Mr. Thomas iieret her derture. She will return Va us.hu n and Mt Iteth Smiih. The, for a short visit with the Roymons In ruh of the river nearby wan rivaled the late spring when ahe plans to re hy the crackling-of a bright fire on the Iturn to the Hast for a visit with her hearth and the funny combining of red and rusaet flowers with the yel low hanging of the- pretty room In pleanlng- keeping with the warmth of grarioua hoapitality. The day' study was devoted to Ptiteh and Belgian literature and the following- numbera made up the pro gram Solo, "Bring Bark the Oolden Pay," Mrs. Charles Bond. Dutch and Belgian Ulerature, Mrs Charlea Marsh. parents. MRS. BISHOP IS HONORED. Mrs. C, I Bishop of Salem, former Pendleton matron who ia being wel comed for a vixlt here, was compli mented in a delightful way yesterday tt hen Mrs. K. T. Wade asked In a group of old-time friends for her I pleasure. A note of Informality mark led the affair and chrysanthemums and clusters of Oregon grape decked the ! rooms of Mrs. Wade's home. A buffet Brief .ketch of Verhaeren and read-llln,,t,eon waa s,rvel , thf fma, hour ing rrom sunlit Honrs, Mrs. j. it. t;a ley. Heading from "The Betrothal" by Maeterlinck. Act I, Mrs. Norhorne Berkeley. I Review of ona. Mrs. E. B. Aldrlch. A tea. hour followed the study and tall green candles cast their glow over the table which was centered by a . ..' . . 'Viable. r-nin iieiiiuifn. .hit., r.. ia. oiiiiiii .11111 Mrs. Berkeley presided there. II-NOHEON IS COMPUMF.NTART. j- The presence in Pendleton of Mrs. Bishop Is the Inspiration for another Small Souls" by Couper-" f i V v.. v. iiaiiiiinn iiM.iue Jiveu lew 'guests to luncheon at one. "The list in cludes old-time friend of Mrs. Bish op. with covers laid for ten. Appoint ments of yellow mark Mrs. Hurtmnn's TEAM IS FETED -Members of the Girls flncholor Club' proved themselves delight f tit host esses I lust evenlnsr when they. .entertained rt; i the home of Miss Irva Dale, 4119 Water' Mreet, in honor of the high school football team. Friends of the girls I and of the team were Invited and Iho I hours were spent In duncing. simple uppointmenta were chosen and tnfor-' mulity marked the affair.. At a punch table where cakes were njso senjeu, I little Miss Alta Dale and Kaymunrij Iteeso assisted, lfostessea Tor the danco were Jllss Dale, Miss Kthel Harvey, M1ss Uivelle! Perry, Miss Blossom-Wilson, Miss Itos; Mathews, Miss Thelma Dupuis Miss' Kose Mathews, Mis Mary Douglas ' Mary Douslas Chisholm, Miss Douglas, j Miss Kvtln McAtee, Miss Hilda Lnren-J Hen, Miss Murjorle Best, Miss I.uclle i Saiiiiir, Miss I.uclle Pearson' and Mlss I-ois Swasgari. . , LEAVES FOn IDAHO. Miss Anne Butte of Wheaton. Minn. 3 PESTS LEAVE FOR HOME. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hilbert and son Frank left this morning for their home at Pkiah after a three weeks' visit who has been a guest at the home of wilth Mrs. Hilberfa parents, Mr. nnd nop r V V S T A I U S S H O V SATURDAY CROWD BRINGERS 0 v nf 33 Matlock i New Crop Niits . First quality Oregon Walnuts, pound 40c New Filberts, pound .t...A.( 40c I X L Almnnds, pound 45c Texas Pecans, pound 45c New Brazil Nuts, pound .......... ...45c Fine quality Mixed. Nuts, pound : 45c Shelled Nuts New Stock .Walnuts, pound , ,..........$1.25 Almonds, pound $1.25 Pecans, pound ......'... ..... .-: $1.75 Salted Peanuts, pound 40c ''Fine stock of Christmas Candy to arrive soon. . Sweet Cider, gallon . t 75c First shipment of apples from the John Ross ranch to arrive next week. Watch our windows, ";-v Gray Bros. Grace ly Co. ; -'.THEi,;; THOMAS SHOP 11 ,lilllil1innniMI!I!ilH!!'!t!!!!l','MH!!!liWM'li!l!!!!'.!n!i.' TREMENDOUS , REDUCTIONS ON ALL COATS,' SUITS, DRESSES; WAISTS, S15IUTS AND SWEATERS- THREE HIONES OPEST IS ENTERTAINED " Mian Frances Day of Walla Walln who is a visitor here was the guest of honor at un iuformnl nnd .delightful dancing party last evening when Miss Genevieve Eddie asked i group of friends for her pleasure. The evening was spent in dancing with a buffel supper following. Red and white rose buds were used in decoration and fourteen guests shared Miss Eddie's t,OUItitrtNtl' '1 Miss Day arrived last evening to!"'" '" i '" " ""ITS HI PU8I1 IMl IIIO HWIiUl 1U U( It II QUALITY last night has its way. By-law were adopted declaring war on scenes por traying loose nionilsj unclean Hfe and crime. H ommittces were chosen. . nm- ROUP 1 - opastnodieCreuplsfrtquamlr pend tho week-end at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Katherine Boone. " - KETVKNS FROM NEW YORK Mrs. Charles Haynra (Beatrice Rost ers), has arrived homo from New York where she has spent -tho past month as the guest of her mother. Mrs. Roar, era visited in Pendleton earlier in the summer and is known- to- many friends. Mr. nnd MrV. . Ilnyiies . are making tiicir homo in tne M-curuy Apartments. Any Suit One Half Price. Silk Dresses at Wholesale Cost Wool Dresses Wonderfully Reduced Coats at Great Reductions Your opportunity to buy two garments for the price of one. f II productions. relieved by on application B Ovtr 17 MltHmJan Ud Ytafa j mi V VAIoRui A .pruning st-hool, under" the1 ntts pices of the Umatilla County Farrti Rnivinu, will be held' In J. F. Rlover's orchard near .Milton December 20 to 4, inclusive, to give Instruction to Over Taylor Hardware. Store I.ITTl.K DA Uf! TITER WRI.Ot)MED Mr. and Mrs. Finis Kii'kl'atrick aro r.fcii,g congratulated upon me arrr.ni ;I;mati,a county fruit grower, aceord of a daughter, horn on Thanksgiving iing to announcement made today by oay at St. Anthony's hospital. ThelFre(1 pPnnion countv agent- -little, girl waighs five pounds. Her r ,u lMng (1 A c cxtenBlon ape. P-.ither was formerly ,Miss Dehnrnh .fHat in horticulture will he in -'charge . ..of the school. He will meet With Mr.' ' Slover. l'Bolt, V. C. Hopson, coun-Itv- fruit inspector, E. P. Jensen,,-1 J. Wilcox. Milton Farm Bureau' commit iteemen and Frank Heddc-w, of Her imiston, and explain various methods of pruning. The men will act as St!l D1KI5S ; TO MIXES. CH1I.LICOTHB. Ohio. Nov.. ;7.s (U. P.) Four hundred and fift-y sol ditrs entrained from here today fri strike duty in Mingo county in the tumty to try-out different systems, West Virginia coal strike zone. 'saya -Mr- Reunion. The results of the ' pruning wll he obserted during the I next three years. Mr. Slover's or KITCHIX SITFEItS STROKK Ichard has many full grown apple trees WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. ( U. P.) with considerable wood growth and In Representative Claude Kitch'n today Utopian Sweets The daintiest packages and most delicious as sortments ever produced for the discriminating candy lover. The craving for more lingers- . because their irresistable charm of flavor is never forgotten. ., Every taste leaves a longing for "just one more." . Utopian Sweets are sold in Pendleton at THOMPSONS' DRUB STORE Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. ; M orse. VISyTS IN YAKIMA. .Miss .Mary S-hult left today spend the week-end in Taklma. .... ,-. . , ( it l-'alr Woollier Predicted, , A season of fair weather la predict ed for Tendleton by Major Ie Mnor house, official weather observer. The barometer registers 29.95 and this U Indicative of the end of tho storm. The maximum today Is r0 nnd the mini mum last night was 39. . , i - - , , . i' i ' " ' i mil mmm .Offering unparalleled (values at v reduced prices. their . greatly SHIPPING BOARD GRAFT ; . , ... . ! ' WM,M . I,, T COATS Now $15.00 and tip. SUITS Now $25.00 and up DRESSES No w $19.50 hnd up COMPARISON INVITED squad leaders for tho demonstration. . Testimony tending to show the nlleg end . d .-, greatly on various methods of prun- !ing and the school will give an oppor- ed abuse of the' cost flus form of con tract in repairs to shipping Board ves sels was given today before the con gressional committee Investigating shlpplngg board affaire tfy Harold F. Hanes, an examiner of the board's auditing department, payment of A commission of tlOOO on an order of 14090 to a ship captain at Portland. Mr. Bennlon's opinion tho orchard Is ! Oregon, wag testified to by Hanes. suffered a second stroke of paralysis well adapted to use for the-pruning ! while visiting- the postoffice depart-'.school. ment. . His condition is reported to he critical. - - E OF PiCKED BATTALION OFF JO IN 001 MI II The name of the ship was not given, The commission, he said, was paid t the Portland branch by Best on ship 1 supply firm. CAN BE CURED Free Proof To You t.C.niti.lbr. Mueur . I, CAMP f?HBnrDAN, Ohio! Nov.- 27t (P. P.) A provisional battalion of 100 nicked men from the THirrt unit , I.OS ANGELES. Nov. 27. (V. P.) Nineteenth regiments' left here today Bathing girls with fetching forms, for vyiiiiHmson, West Va. for guard cigarette-smoking women, shapely duty al Williamson, Chatterov and shanks and lureful linsene these will .Mateaan. Trouble between striking be eradicated from the motion pic- minw9 an(J mine glm,-rIa Birtce the ture screen if the Ethical Motion pic- withdrawal of federal troops necessi ture Society of America, formed here tated tnplr recaU t0 M)n(fo CGUnty. "Unlcnotm" Soldier Honored Fine Residence on North Side ; Will self or -trade for farm ,lad, business property,' stocks .or bonds. " ''j ' 's "If interested address,' Post Office Box 582 Pendleton, Ore. AIM wnt Is rout Bme mai Airni m I (in send TKJ frte trW ttwliarnt. I wni.iu Juu to try tit tnMlaunt tl.t ll ht pi. En in V It. ts.l Drac Biuinen lm W yesri. 1 am Sirtt.ry of the lndiD Rtt Bou4 'imitr rtdH ol the Btd OriMfunt Aw .. Hwly ewyenj i rort W.rn. Ln me sad knewi .hJlit isy ucv.uful tr.tniit. o.nr teurtee tHmm4 fe faVnTWoracD sa-l Children eul.nl. ol fort Wy., hen. ea.-crU.ut lallwir ee etUeoxDIi, t CUft'-d ' 11 earn) . . .. . . ... . I u i nut. tl.t. nifkr ntihlM. yio nan Euemi, Iteh. SH h.un,.T.Her-n.ert led how tad-y tmtmcot bee (dliworc!e)ov--lee ) ! my .,- -1 Send me oar naruo eud stldreei on tltc co-ioon Urlow i ad m-i tli tnel tnrvntot I it t emd . KRtK.- The noailr re KAonpntnea in vour own nonni - ' eUTMOMltTOOY eeee. mm I, C. HUTZELL, Drujsl.t, ' 3804 Wt Main St., Fort Wiyn, Iwtf. ? Ple tend without cort er obllteticB to dm yeut Free Preof TreetaMnt. " . An., rortOniro..,. Strfiet end No. . Sut. Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Pricea .Last Uregonian rrintm Uepartinent ' V I t Corn IT IS THE CHEAPEST FOOD FOR YOUR HORSES, CATTLE AND SHEEP We can give Buy it by the carload or by ton lots. you either one. ASK FOR PRICES UMATILLA FLOUR & GRAIN CO. i A " 0 7 : p n V ; ' f x . vf y j ' l I' : . f; V. AV; An.' . m - r L-1 ' ' 1 1 ' t tr I -lift.) : T I ' i', 220 E. Court St Phor. -11C 14-351 ' " France and Great Britain have paid the highest tribute to the tdeWtandi ol dead soldiers who lie In graves marked "Unknown."! Tb French burled, an unknown Poilu and the English an) ' unknown Tommy, bolh with military honors. Above picture shows i 1 the Poilu being laid to rest under the Arch of Triumph In Paris and k ! Inset shows English soldiers carrying the Tommy who found flaul' xaattwrnUca m Westminster Abbey to London : ' - t .. . J t . ... 1 - i I if a - - J- - -u ju E r Siecia'l: x tensive Displays need Furnicurc, Riiirsandi Dranriesi Reveal Many Suggestions for Christinas Shoppers. Only 24 More Shopping I ERJNG THIS TO THE STORE. THIS COUPON ENTITLES Mr. ........ Vm-v, oT :..m... . I r i v,-, 1 t -, .-. to 25.00 worth of, ItecordH FHKK upon tho purchase of tiny Pntho,' Mnnrlcl, HtriKllvuru and Acollett Voralton Phonograph. - . , r . ' " (ONt.Y ONK t-OITON AOCKITK WITH KAfU BA1.K ; .mmI (inly until Nuvrinhcr 3ft, 1920, - - ' ' ' i ; -; 'V J ! ' :'' ' "''- Dealer T. ; ' - . " $72.00 Solid Mahogany Davenport Tables, now .............. $62.G5 $33.50 Mahogany Tea Wagort, . now . , $28.50' $39.75 Mahogany Gate Leg Table, ' now .'.;... $33.35' $21.50 Mahogany Tilt Table, now J,..:: $17.45 SELECT YOUR PHONOGRAPH NOW! $25.00 worth of records FREE with any-phonograph-during this sale. Great Reduction .on all Piano and Table Lamp ..... DOLL CARTS ' Pick the Doll Cart for your little Rirl now and We Will deliver Xmas." $1.50 Doll Carts, now $3JS0 $5.00 Dol Carts, now ;. . . . . . $3.90 $6.00 Doll Carts, now . , ; . . ... $4.85 rir nji n i n ipi.io uvu t--ui ta, nuw ?..,) $9.25 Doll Cart, now $7.20 $23:50.Doll Carts, now.". .... $19.35 m Phone 49T, ' ; CRAWFORD FURNITURE CO.' 103 R Court mi III t 1 1 i ', i - ' roe1.-.' !!. -i i!t v ,.,... ' -". -M,t;.'o,..w, - ..ottv '..-.. .'. Jis'ii. -i-V e.et 4JJ.M.ftJt.eiA.jft-ai.rj..ei.ft i.ei mmmm mm.mn-ma (hm m iiei.eiit n A4Mlje.e. a.eA am m i.m, .b.aa