. I . , - fOtniTEEN PAGF.,-, DAILY EAST OBEQOKIAH. ENDLETQIT, .OREGOg ff ffPA,ffifflNCr NOVEMBER? 3 7?. 1 9 27 " People Here and There I froui (roil in County Jail The Umatilla county Jail I housing Anl,niK lha thmisnnd of dollar la- in ut the 120 Kound-Up, thera IrrtR 1,111 1 t" im- n. ChluiipeK, treasurer 01 ine uuuml p exchanged silver for the ' gold j, and slipped It InOo the puc ket of llt ulittcoat, There It remulfied, un- udirhcd anu rorgoucn ror.tno pant . monlliM, during which Mmo the !i mii'le f 'rip to the .yloitnein. ,,11 nwrnlng Mr. Chloupek bethought If or me lock piece and removed front the shallow pocket to saf ftond condition In southern Oregon i be Inspected by a senatorial com- Lfe of which Senator Itoy W. Rit. Er( or umauna county, m a mem r' Senator Ritner left yesterday for ni where he will be Joined by Den- In Burdlck, also a member of the ,mmiltee. They will visit the south n part nf the mute In Mr, llurdlck's l,chlne. v ' Alfred Koeppen and Lloyd Mont mery, sophomore at Oregon Agrl- llurnl College, are upending the fcunksglvlng reces here :'at their Lmes. The boys saw the Multnomah A. C. game in Portland. Thursday td then came to Pendleton for the Minder of the reran.; ; 't Am ThomHon, of Krho, In n biiHlneiw Ltor In the city today. Mr. .Thomson msvor of his home tjhwh,-deputy lrlff for that district ant' me of nry r ru agenis. . If, V. plcrsol, a member of Troup I) nnd who later served oversea In f'nttery F, 146 Fl0,t Artillery, Ih a l endleton visitor today. 11 resides at Range, Oregon. . . f0F THE COUNTY I OFFICES AND OFFICERS "I one of the largest families In months, there being J 4 Inmates, Including one woman, doing time or waiting- for trial. Several of the Inmates are colored men. Raymond Kaser, Kdgar Taylor and Vernon Dakln, of PYcewater. are ' held on charges of auto theft. C. J. it was reported today. flrown, rtlchard Sutton, Oeorge Mc- IClroy and H. M, McOee are held for the hold-up of a colored men's resort in Pendleton. James William Poe and Mrs. Murty Poe are held for the thefl of furs at the 8t. Oeorge hotel, fiyl- OnJer ut llHli,irKKjilrcl vester Scott Is serving out a Jail sen- An order of absolute, discharge wns.tince on ii moonshlnlng conviction. superintendent, Ihese reports are desired so that the lotuls run tie struck and the appor tionment uf school moneys for the coining year made. Divorce Ikx-reo loitered A decree of divorce was entered In circuit court today In the case . of Fred 8. Lyon vs. Olive C. Lyon. ( lark In Wulla H al.a Robert T. Hrown, county clerk, and Mrs., Hrown, left for Walla Walla last evening upon receiving word of the death In that cily of a cousin of Mrs. llrown's. They will return either to morrow or Monday morning. Proclwtol Will Probated The will of the late C. VI. Pronbstel. which was filed with the country clerk several days ago, was admitted to pro- tate today. Jessie V. Mulr was ap pointed executrix to serve without bonds. George A. Hartman, Itlchara Mayberry ami Lyman O. ftlce were appointed appraisers. .Vot All Onttua IV ports In. Not all census reports from county school district have yet been receiv ed nt the office of the county school "THIS IS A STl'IH "UAKI-H VI'Alt" entered In the circuit court today in l he case of the State of Oregon, vs. Dell Senilis. The defendant Is discharged from ascntenco which was pronounced after conviction of the man for cattle stealing. Ho was paroled and his good liehnvlor hns, led to the order of dis charge and restoration of all rights and prlvlllges, tho order says. I I'Herson KiK'S on Notes Will M. Peterson today brought suit t :u!nHt Muriel Merlcla, T. P. Hunter and Mrs. T. P. Hunter to recover lo and Interests, alleged due on a promis sory note slgnrd by the three defend ants. He also filed it ogdnst Mr. and Mrs. Hunter for $ll, alleged due on a promissory note given In August. Peterson, lilshop & Clurk are attorneys In the action. .tack Walton and J. W. Donohue are awaiting' the action of the grand Jury, following their arrest on a charge ol havlAg robbed the Jfermlaton Produce Supply Co., store. Charles Jones, who Is believed to be Htonewall Jack- json, Is held for Identification ny om- clals at Caldwell, Idaho. wmiam Townsend Is held for federal prosecu tion on charges of having narcotics in his possession unlawfully. Kclinfll Will Jtalho Money. Funds for purchasing equipment with which to become a standard country school are to be raised in dis trict No. 68, near 8parks station, to night. The districts having a school social and families from the country' between here and Pilot Rock are ex pected to attend. Fleming D. Oleman, teacher In the district. Is In charge of the entertainment which will be gH tn. Big-Six You will experience a feeling; of satisfaction, se curity, comfort and pride the minute you drive a BIG-SIX. You realize that here, at last, you have under your instant control a car that will do what you want it to do, and fjo where you want it to go. , Although the BIG-SIX has a wheelbase of 126 inches and seats seven full-grown passengers in per fect comfort, it is not a heavy car. It weighs, in fact, but 3125 lbs. and is so perfectly balanced and so flexible that the touch of two fingers on the wheel keeps it easily in the road. - lis silent, long-stroke( detachable head motor of full 60-h. p", t!tlivers wonderful resources of power a wide speed range "in high" and econimy that will surprise you. . , Compare KliHlclmker earn point with other cars on Ilin market, will rrM our case with you. by point and e All Studebaker cars are equipped with cord tires -another Stiulebaker precedent. Wallace Bros. -STUDEBAKER DEALERS "j , Elk.' Building Phon74. jj J J I f 1 COMIOVS" CASH GROCICRY mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ' ' WUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIUIIIIIIIIIIUIHIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII " " - Ill I luaiiec 'orMiralHn Hucn The Northwestern Finance Corpora tion today brought suit against Clur- ence U Preston and the ITmatllla Auto Co., to recover $1000, alleged due on a nolo given to the defendant auto com pany by Mr. Preston and endorsed to the plaintiff. The auto company Is al leged to have guaranteed payment of the note and attorneys fees In caije of suit. Carter 4 Bmythe are attorneys for the plaintiff. Teachers to Take Vote.. Teacher of Umatilla county will be asked to vote on December 8 on the matter of substituting the teachers' training school at the summer session of the normal, for the present annual leathers' Institute. The question Is to be submitted by County Superintend eft of Schools W. W. Green. Teachers who have had less than 27 months of teaching experience, eight months ol uhlch are in Oregon, will be required to r.tttnd this school. Graduates of an accredited normal f-chool or unl xirtlly or lu any ways are citialified ecordlng to the Oregon school law. will le exempted. too latFFcTclassify Arr"t Negro on Suspicion. Nearlyv 20 suspects have been ar rested In Walla Walla In connection with the murder there yesterday of Mrs. Lizzie Hamilton, colored. A ne gro named liarber, employed at Athe 11,(4 was rei nested arrested by the po lice at Walla Walla and was taken there by . Bheriff Taylor yesterday evening. The sheriff believes that the man Is not connected with the crime. Inasmuch as fellow employes say he was not "missing from Athena for sev eral days. , PASSPORTS DENIED TO WASHINGTON', Kv. 27. The state department will refuse to issue pass ports to anyone In the name of the American Committee on conditions In Ireland, It was announced oday at the department offices. ii Mso staled that passports will be readily Issued to any Individual American c.'V.-n whom the department feels is entitled to a passport. IwllvMiialH May (ialn Paixrs. WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. (U. P.) Members of the committee appoint ed by the American commission on conditions In Ireland to go abroad to investigate the Irish question will be elven nasKDort as individuals. It was I indicated t the state department to day. -vr ' FAGS FI7H "T'l . ..." i ' f ; ' GRUEM " s Make him proud by giving him a watch this Christmas. Here is a "gift that lasts" that will constantly remind him of the giver and the love that prompted the gift. It will be a "Merry Christmas" indeed, for anyone who re ceives a "Sawtelle" watch this Yuletide. SAWTELLE'S Inc. THE LARGEST DIAMOND DEALERS IN EASTERN OREGON r.-xT'v-w. .. j WANTED To buy or rent furnished I rooming house Room 19, 608 Wil I lyw St. THOKOUCSHRHRO Persian cats and kittens Hired by $2!in.00 New York prlxe winner Phone 353-R. OLI ? VIOLIN' Italian make will wicraflce Call Sunday, 1513 K. Court St. 6 ItOOMS Modern Some for sale Phone S5S-R. furniture j FOOTBALL EXACTS TOLL OF 11 VICTIMS IN 1920 CHICAGO, Nov. 27. (a. P.) Foot ball exacted a toll of 11 victims dur ing the 1920 season, according to re ports to the Associated Press today. The number of deaths Is five more than In 1919 and one above the list of two years ago. Twelve players were lost in 1917, 18 In 1918 and 15 In 1914. NAVY J-AltMY 0. NEW YORK. Nov. 27. The navy defeated -the army 7 to 0 hero today. Both fought througii three periods without a' score. -The navy made a touchdown and goa 1 'kick In the fourth period. ES (730 p. m. Sermon. "Service." A welcome to all. I Car W eston Mountain Knpds on sale Monday by tho Mick ut , Warming relief for rheumauc .aches. HE'S just used Sloan's Liniment and the quick comfort had brought a smile of pleasure to his face. Good for aches resulting from weather exposure. sprains, strains, lame duck, overworked muscles. Pene trates without rubbing. All druggists have it 35 70 Liniment HIL fPain'sj PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER SERVICE '. i " ' ' True Economy doesn't always mean the greatest bulk per dol lar, there's the matter of Quality to consider. Remember we deal in good goods. MONDAY THRIFT BUYS Best Hams, per lb JSc Picnic Hams, per lb c Coffee, per lb Cocoa in bulk, per lb v 'Jw New Corn Meal, Hominy, Kraut, Dates, tigs and Fresh Vegetables.' We Stand for True Economy. The Economy Grocery 113 W.Webb Street 1N3W1V3H1 Sn031JdaQ3aQJ 3f4IJsI OJinqj3NOHd . -j 7 NO EXPERIMENT Cable Cabinet - HAVANA CIGAR Some Smoke 2 FOR 25c AND UP Trade Kupplleil by .I1.I.MI Its 111 ItltOI (ills LONDON, Nov. 27. (A. P.) Six persons were killed and 20 injured In un explosion in a former shell making plant at Vergato, 35 miles from Milan, Italy, said a dispatch today. Build ings were wrecked and a panic was caused in villages for 60 miles around. Streets car were overturned In Milan. KlrioHions Continuing ROME, Nov. 27. (U. p.l Twenty are dead or missing n a series at ex plosions of airplane bombs at a muni, tiona factory near Vergtate, 40 miles from Milan, a dispatch today said. It added that the explsluns were continu ing. OAIt RACF.lt, 77 PASKIS. ST. JOHN, N. B., Nov. 27. (A. P.) Elijah Koss, last survivor of the St John crew, which won many nation al and international four oared races in the 60s and 70s of the last century, is dead here at the age of 77. First ClirWtian. Robert Lee Bussagarger, minister. Phone 665. Residence 104 Jackson. "Poems of God" will be the theme of the sermon at the First Christian church Sunday moming. The Bible school convenes at 9:45 a. m. Did you get in "on time" last Lord's Day? Christian Endeavor meets at 6: JO p m., Jabin Vaught. leader. At 7:30 p. mi the minister will speak on the subject of "The Almighty Dollar. You are Invited to come to the church with the friendly spirit and listen to McDonald's orchestra, good singing, and Inspiring preaching. which is maintained at tbe same ad dress Is open to the public daily except Sunday and holidays, from a .m. to 9 p. m., where the Bible and author ised Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. rr"frW J RCH E S Christian Srtcnce. I First Church of Christ. Scientist, ! holds services at 813 1-2 Main street ; (First .stairway north of the Inland ; Empire Bank.) Sunday services are , at 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. .The suo- pect of the lesson-sermon for Novem- ! ber 28th ts "Ancient and Modern Ne- ) cromancy alias Mesmerism and Hyp- I notism, Denounced." ! Sunday school starts at 10 a, m. A Wednesday evening meeting i which includes testimonials of healing, j Is held at 8 o'clock. The reading room Two of the most homelike hotels n Portland, located In the heart of the shopping and theater district. All Oregon Elecric trains step a the SEWARD HOT FT. Ue House of Cheer. Excellent dining room In connection. T1IH HOTKIi COR VELU'S, the House of Weloinc. la only two short blocks from the Se ward. Our brown busses meet all trains. Rates $1.50 and up. W .C. CXLBERTSOS, Prop. Announcements ror this depart ment must bb submitted to the East Oregonian not later than Friday evening In order to be as sured of publication on Saturday. Ijuthoran Lutheran services with communion will he held at 2 p. m. Sunday at the Christian church. . Salvation Army. Hall 208 East Alta street. Holiness meeting, 11; Sunday school, 1:30; Young Peoples' meeting. 6:30; Salvation meeting, 8. Everybody wel come. Officers In charge. ' Captain Jennie Conrad, Lieutenant Mabel Langdon. Baptist- Rec W. H. Cox, pastor. Residence 515 Btfsh street Phone 1167. Sunday morning Sunday school, F. M. Riley, superintendent, , 9:60; preaching service, 11. Subject, "Far glveness." g Sunday night a Y. P. U C. Daley, president, 6:30. Come again, we like your company. Preaching service. 7:30. Subject, "The Last .ill." Wednesday night Prayer service, 7:30. Leader. Mrs. Rudd. ; Special music, good singing, good sermons. The pastor has a special for j children every Sunday morning. You (are cordially Invited to attend I church of welcome. the 8 a. Church or tlie Redeemer. Rev. Alfred Lockwood, rector. m.. Holy Communion, 9:45., Sunday school; 11, moming prayer and ser mon: 7:30 evening, prayer and ser mon. - Bishop Paddock will he with u nnd j preach at the morning service. It is I l hoped that the parish generally will be ' present to meet and greet the bishop: The rector will preach at the evening j service. y r . 1 The public Is cordially Invited to i i nose services. Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less DESPAIN & LEE CASH GROCERY 209 E. Court Phone 880 We ask vou to compare these prices with the prices vou are paying. We are trying to Kive vou the low prices as we receive them. We are able toMo th by the in crease in our business as we feel that a small protit ana auick sales will make more for us and a bur saving for Tea Garden Syrup, 1-2 gallon .... Church Notice. , Seventh Day Advemlsts Meet every Saturday In room 13 at 309 E. Court street, just over the Rubber Supply store. Sabbath schoul at 1(1 a. m. Strangers welcome. lrcsliytorlan. Corner College and Alta. O. L. Clark, pastor, 506 East Alta. Phone 2I. 10:110 a .m.. Sabbath school, A. C. Funk, superintendent: 11, sermon. "Stewardship." 6:45, C. E. DVvntlon-altC-lXlasWialUs rcew Home f kids,'" vou. M. J. B. Coffee, Hills Hed - Can or Gold Shield Cof fee, per pound 55c Hills Blue Can Coffee, 3 pounds $1.10 Bulk Coffee, per lb 35c Bulk Coffee, 3 lbs 95c M. J. B. Tree Tea, per pound 50c Hills Tea, per pound....65c Boiled Cider, qts., each75c Sunset Cake Flour 2 for : 75c Mothers Oats package 45c Rolled Oats, 9 pound " sack, each 75c Graham Flour 9 lb. sack, each 65c Farina, 9 lb. sack each 85c White Satin Flour per sack $2.75 Olympia Flour, per , sack, each .....$2.75 Sugar per hundred..$11.50 Beans, Cal. small white 12 pounds $1.00 Beans, pink Cal., 11 pounds $1.00 Rice, Japan, 8 pounds $1.00 Rice, fancy head, 6 pounds $1.00 Corn Meal, new yellow or white, per sack ..... 60c Prunes, dried, 40-60 sizes, per pound 20c Apricots, dried, per lb. 40c Butter, Gold Crest per pound . 6sc Apples, Roman Beauty. per box $2.25 Tea Garden Syrup, 1 gallon $1.90 $1.00 Liberty Bell Syrup 1-2 gallon $1.00 Light Karo Syrup, 1 gaNon ...$1.15 Dark Karo Syrup, 1 gallon $1.00 Golden Marshmellow Syrup, 1 gallon $1.60 Log Cabin Syrup, large size $1.65 Log Cabin Syrup, small size 85c Walnuts, new crop, 3 pounds $1.00 Almonds, new crop, per pound 40c Hams, Armour, per pound 48c Bacon, Breakfast, ' per pound 50c Picnic Hams, Swifts, per pound 30c Sago, bulk, 12 lbs $1.00 Tapioca, bulk, 12 lbs $1.00 Milk. Carnation, 7 large cans $1.00 Hebe Milk. 10 large cans $1.00 We have a delivery that will deliver your or der and collect for it. We guarantee every article we send out so if you call on phone or come in fetid order it will be just the same as we take car,. 6f our phone orders with the best we can send. Give us one trial order.' We dont ask for a month's trade to convince of a saving. Pay Cash Receive More Pav Less . DESPAIN & LEE CASH GROCERY 209 E. Court Phone 8S0 0 . f r t- f It J't t - s. ,