iv Mlc V AC3 TWO , , ' 'T"! ' ' ' 211.!.. PAILY feASlQfefcQylAN, PftNftLjE6Nl0SiEG0!l! SATltRDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 27, 1020. " wjl-v 22 -shopping bms m n fir You'll nml to make every moment count. It will pay Voii to shon here because voill save not only in dollars and cents but voull save as well in time which is most important at this time of year. .' . - . " " 1 The Re-Adjustment In Prices That , we, are making orn! Men's Suits and Overcoats are making our clothing , sec tion the busiest place in Pendleton. and they should. Every suit or overcoat we are offering is a real bargain. Quality considered you can't equal them else where. We positively guarantee our prices. ' r " 1 yvk'- Read these comparative . prices, consider the makes and qualities we carry, then come and look and be convinced. W1 -i - 7r 7 ""-rr J ' ' r ' . i X t- S A' ':x - l' ' . til -A FjV.V':. V,: 120.00 Suits and Overcoats " are Re-adjusted to. . . $15.85 $25.00 Suits and Overcoats are Re-adjusted to.. $14.95 $30.00 Suits and Overcoats are Re-adjusted to... $23.60 $35.00 Suits and Overcoats are Re-adjusted to.. $27.65 $39.00 Suits and Overcoats are Re-adjusted to.. $31.20 $40.00 Suits and Overcoats are Re-adjusted to.. $31.85 $45.00 Suits and Overcoats are Re-adjusted to.. $35.90 $46.50 Suits and Overcoats are Re-adjusted to.. $3695 $47.50 Suits and Overcoats . are Re-adjusted to. . $37.45 $50.00 Suits and Overcoats are Re-adjusted to. . $39.20 $55.00 Suits and Overcoats are Re-adjusted to.. $43.60 $60.00 Suits and Overcoats are Re-adjusted to. . $47.80 $62.50 are $65.00 are $67.50 are $70.00 are $72.50 are $75.00 are $77.50 Suits and Overcoats are Re-adjusted to.. $61.85 $80.00 Suits and Overcoats are Re-adjusted to.. $62.90 $85.00 Suits and Overcoats are Re-adjusted to.. $66.85 $87.50 Suits and Overcoats are Re-adjusted to.. $68.90 $100.00 Suits and Overcoats are Re-adjusted to... $76.85 Suits and Overcoats Readjusted to.. 48.90 Suits and Overcoats Re-adjusted to.; $51.90 Suits and Overcoats Re-adjusted to..t$53.20 Suits and Overco'ats Re-adjusted to . . $55.60 Suits and Overcoats Re-adjusted to.. $57.40 Suits and Overcoats Re-adjusted to.. $58.75 fll.yl Known ftr ltj 01.nlin Tea Pots, plain and fancy. ..... $1.75 to $3.00 Sherbet Glasses, . set of 6 $7.0Q Water Pitchers, fancy, each'. $3.75 Water Glasses, fancy, set of 6 $7.00 Pyrex Casseroles with stand . ..f $5.50 Electric Percolators, ' 9 cup $19.50 Electric Irons, each.. $8.25 Electric Stoves, each. $6.00 Electric Imerson Irons, each $6.75 SPECIAL NOTICE 'All goods bought on charge accounts Monday and Tuesday will go on December account, pay able Jan. 1st. Men's Leather Coats and Jackets of all Kinds ' ju st iA Ki:;.iU)i.i..ss or cost. Now Is your opportunity to buy a most serviceable unit comfortable garment at a wonderfully low price. lo.oo leather Coats are Ite-adjiiHt-cd to 1J 50 Ajather Coats arc He-adjusted to . 1.8S 1 13.50 Leather Couts are "He-adjusted to xio.no ? 15.00 leather Coats are He-adjust-' cd to . XM.83 J Hi. 50 Leal her Coats are He-adjust, ed to $I4.5 $17.60 l.etUher Coais are i:e-adj:ist-ed to KI3.C0 J1S.60 Leather Coats ure He-adjusted to XI 4.(15 Jl'O.OO leather Coats arc He-adjusted to X 15.85 12.50 Leather Coats are He-ndjust-ed to Xlf.f5 $25.00 leather Coats are He-adjusted to '. XI9.45 $27.50 Leather Coats are He-adjusted to X2l.lt) $30.00 leather Coats are He-adjusted to . SiM.BO $40.(i0 Leather Coals arc Hc-adjtist-ed to :!l.2 $oft.oft Leather Coats aro He-adjusted to X:i0.(10 ,$55.00 Leathor (.'oats arc He-adjusted to X I.Y.K5 $60.00 Leather Coats are He-adjusted to . 847.25 An Qnaortumty to iseiy mm . - a , Good Winter Coat and Save Substantially The coats listed for tomorrow's selling are remainders of, a busy season's selling, and are remarkably good values at their greatly lowered prices. This is an opportu nity especially for women who have their own furs, for most of the coats have plain collars. Many, too, have good looking fur collars. All are made with ex acting care. They fit nicely, are attract ive in appearance, wonderfully service able and wholly satisfactory. Plushes, Velours. Rolivias, Tinscltoncs, Etc , Special Lot No. 1 Consists of a very fine selection. Val ues up to $40. Sale Price $19.75 Special Lot Ko. 2 Consists of values up to $70.00. Sale Price $38.50 All other Coats are reduced One Third. 7' f rCp NMMIMItHllMHIIIIMtllllilltltMMItlM Visit This Store Often, it will be time most piumaoiy speni. - . IMlllHlllt3MlllllHIHMHlMllititi pEssnotQ cjzatest depart vent tmzz eroopies Wareh WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE ouse, ft" s i JJiUJjJiiiiiuiijJifiiii in iHiti i if m inn ii ii tmi mif inn iii Li;.i.iiiLi;;i;ihii n.i iiiiu .hi i; iiimi iiiiiiiiniiiiiimiMiiniiiiMiiiiiiii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiMpoiMiiiwMiiMiiiiM ii i.n . . M fV I (U . . s 1 ! ' - 1 ' - I: V". - j ( 1 i r 1 1 i MHIMIIHHIMMHMMmiHHMUMIHMMIH X Buy Your Needs Now, j ou'll nave by so doing, i I 1'nccs are lower now than they 11 be later. , MUMIMMIIMMIMIIIIHUHHMtHHrHHm 0 I I . line ensuing panic threatened Tuin ' trade of the country was under control j the values of gram. We have never to every- firm and Individual engaged i f e U. S. Grain Corporation with seen a burdensome supply command InOEiNWEO VALUE OF EXCHANGE' BY CHARLES C. BROWNE On July 30, 1S14 the Austrian ulti matum had Just been dispatched to Jerbia and the humble, stiufmive re ply was received without . delay in lefina. (n the cotton trade. The confusion was so great, that after one hours ; operation, the market closed and trad j ing. was uspejided for more than four i months. - record breaking production of on had been secured in the year over 16,000,000 bales. The crou harvest at hand, t Thug hundreds of :was Just ready to move to market. I millions of bushels of wheat . were when the Kaiser stretched out hisiabout to be marketed, with the price government minimum price as a fancy prices, nor a scant yield, barring basis for transactions. When the mar-idifferent world conditions, soil at low kets were released from Governmentprlcea. To abandon grain exchanges control, the grain trade and millers were "at sea in a ruddoerless boat," with millions of bushels of old crop wheat to be marketed and another mailed fist" anl there was no market. and open competitive markets for trading in contracts for future delivery, would be a spectacle of this, the great est cereal producing nation, discard ing its scientific methods of crop mov ing, perfected after a long period of evolution. A debacle; u step back- close to $3 a bushel and the market I ward of half a century, cancelling the tory and the estimates tlieredir to be in accordance with the probable cost of such work, and TN'KltEAH, the property recom mended by the City Surveyor to-be In cluded wltTiln the boundaries of the district benefited Is in the Judgment of the Common Con m il properly to be Included within such Improvement district and no property is excluded therefrom which should properly be included therein, and. Vt HEHEAH, thrf Improvement of the machinery out of commission. Flour great achievement, of ( the most sue- hereinabove described portions of said We all recall what followed in con-1 buyers without something tangible asjeessful and economical crop moving street, either with Gravel Hltullthic l ne cuy-a-oaie- j v wuuiu nui uare 10 con- . mmnvmg nymm jm uuviKeu lur , iiveiiii'iii, yuncreie i avemem, or v ar- nection with cotton; of -cotton" specially benefited by such Improve- point of bcxlnninir. ment shull ho liable for tho payment I And be It further of tho costs thereof, and be It further, J Hl'.snLV li th.'it i copy of tlilf HKKOIjVW) that an Aweiwmeiit j resolution twihcr with the notice rWstrlct Is hereby (rented to be known . that the survey. i'm iiktlmiitcH of th fei "Assessment District No. 74' em-1 1 riortion of tiio cost, .of said work bracing the property benefited and jtc bo charged against each lot, part of they be assessed for the payment tf lot and parcel of laud Is m file in th such improvements, which Assessment ! offire of the City Itci order be publish iJistrict shall include all lots, parts of jed for a period of ten days ill the KbkI lots and parcels of land lying and be-: ir.-s'inlun, which nowspapar is here lug within the district bounded and 1 1 y d. sinuate, I by th Common Council described as follows, to-wit: - j f.r tho publication thereof. J)iM'rlitioii of .wNim'iil District And further notice Is hereby liven Ibnt the City -Surveyors estimate ol nw,i- TK,. trill'. fix llllip. millAu ..nnM Austrian guns wer already ' (lv- mi, t v , ,.,!,, ' , .,.,... u . SSf" -An0the,r ' ""' a''ri,ptl,- vanished. The seas.nal move-jto sell flour for future delivery, with as sent to Serbia, irtating that her . f ih, K,h.. .,. ', m. ,..i ,v,. tk. .v.. . ". . .C. halted. That section nf the country w!r r L X r,'" fa'-e'1 a fcial eollapw. Bvery clti"- .r had been f.red acr. the Danube, ze urgf b fe . Into the ,plt MW..rf tfc. hwow lit- Went wils(jn ughl a bale, to "do his and net the example for others. It n,'9i n r-hurit!lila fnr tho. ,Hr.t more warning than the periodical j of djs,re88ed Thi)) move. growliug of the war dogs f. Europe. I ... , , ,T .. . adequate substitute for the id thatn armed conflict was highly . sl.,v, . , fj exchanges, especially when quoted lvalues are unduly depressed. On the , re-establishment of trading in con- of the great war. With scarcely anv j improbable. "Only another cry of; elevator companies were selves; alarmed wheat, without a futures market to hedge their purchases; terminal ele vators faced the choice of closing their houses to wheat or of curaying stocks of unhedged grain, which at the high all concerned. It would be as brilliant j renite Bitulithlc Pavement on Crushed a performance as smashing the ther- iiock Or Crushed Gravel foundation, mometer because the weather Is too j Is at this tinio necessary, therefore, cold, or breaking the barometer be- j be It cause a storm was raging. These In-1 Hi; SOLVED, by the Common Coun- at the thought of buying I struments, like the grain exchanges ' ell of The City of Pendleton thut It Is merely register conditions in their I expedient to Improve and it is hereby respective functions. Neither are re-1 proposed to Improve said portions of sponsible for either weather condi- said Lincoln Street by paving the mime tioiis, crops, supply and demand and world-wide financial and political con prices, would have , .meant assuming I ditions: both faithfully register the cX- ttf rake ihe city of Heigrade. The ,,,. ' . , tracts for future delivery, an unlimited iranles doing a speculative business In Fjords of Norway. Germany was al-! , . , .. ' . ,. . f usual j enormous speculative risks. Bankers were- seriously alarmed at the thought of advancing hundreds of millions of dollars to finance the crop movement, with everyone, from country buyer to terminal elevators and milling com lecta thereof. NOTICES - demanded ff Hu?iia and Franc that , mobilization cease. The J-iritish navy market for cotton was restored. Cot- j cash wheat. ton buyers throughout the belt resu m -1 Delegation ed business. Cotton was shipped and members of the grain trade went to f stored as fast as farmers disposed of Sales wede made in the itt hedge the accumu lation, which was the only way the 1 purchase of spot cotton could be rr . S " " :ih Wg crop .... ay . ... ".-' --' ; future, market IHU lllim tlfAOIl IfHf . I IU MUI1 U-tl .IB Suddenness. iiiiifirai,nia.o- financed. .Private capital from the jture markets, therefore no hedging, the icvi, ,.yii n.,.,. .... a y nveHting and speculative public camelfarmer knows about prices or grades. found shock. Pandnimniura broke loose In the great security markets of I the world. A panic was developing In nf of. the i rthing before r,.00.. promised to sweep Ii. Europe hrtd more than $ 4i(t0,io of American securities, more aclusl money than was in circulation in the flitted rttales. and it was evi- meihod of huying one luile. NOTICE OT-' IMHWOKlvD bTHEKT 1MPTIOVKJ1EXT Nottue of Proposed Strti Improvc- v ment -Notice Is hereby given that at n regular meeting of the Common Coun cil of The City of Pendleton held at the Council Chambers in Pendleton, Oregon on November 24, J920 the fol lowing Hesolution was duly adopted viz; WHEREAS! the City Surveyor of The City of Pendleton did on the 10th dav of November, 1920, under directions and by requirement of the Common crude cunuot hedge their purchase at a itouncil file in the office of the lie- ; price so low that there is little chance corder of The City of Pendleton, plans Washington to confer with government officials regarding the necessary steps to reopen the markets, and arrange ments were finaHy completed. In countries where there are no fu- into the market freely to purchase fu- j He sells his grain to some speculator ture contracts of hundreds and thous- Olivers must be speculators for they It Is the same in all commodity mar- j for Ions; the farmer must take the ; and specifications for an appropriate iliut ket , . i K" V.irlr MlnL v.liir. mat .o -" . .. - -- mh,.r ....i.l l. ....,..Tr,.ri Wllh Iliel" "f I i kets. When grain prices reach a level 1 price offered or let his grain rot on that would indicate ultimate profits to; the ground. I buyers of future contracts, then'rnir-j CoiiiStitlon Amum lrlce U hasers become active in ever increa-' In this country with . its futures thus Investment and . markets, where every one from pro- sM tilMiive sutport can always lie de-ducer to consumer may utilize the fa- improvement of the following named streets In said city; Lincoln street from the North line .if Murk street to the South line of Haley street, together with the esti mates of the work to be done and the with either Gravel Hltullthic Pave ment. Concrete Pavement or Warrcn Ito Hitullthlc Pavement on Crushed Kock or Cruuhed Gravel foundation such pavement to be constructed and the surface thereof to be finished upon the established grade of said street and the street to have curbs und gut ters and all other things in accord ance with and as shown In tho plans and specifications for tho Improve ment of said portions of said IJncoln Street, "prepared by F. It. Hayes. City Surveyor, field with the Hecorder of raid city on the loth day of November, 1920, which said plans and specifica tions are hereby particularly referred to, and be It further, ) , HESOLVED thut the Engineer's es timates of the probable total cost of Mich Improvement, which said City Engineer's estimates wor. made ' and i prepared by F. B. Hayes, City Surveyor ot said city, in the sum of $3"9.3u andwere filed with the Hocorder ot said city, on the 10th day of Novem ber, 1920, is hereby included and here by referred to particularly, anill lic it further, v HEKOLVED that the plans and specifications and estimates ff.r such N o. ;i Commencing on the Southwest cor ner of Lot Mix (6) IJIock Fifteen (15) Haley's Addition to Pendleton; thenco North 30 feet and parallel with the v.est line of Lincoln Street; thence East 2B0 feet on the South lino of Haley Street; thence South SOU' feet .ml najnllel with the East line of I .In-' coin Street; thence West 2S0 feet on' the North line of Murk street to the tho prnhablo cost of said luiprovo mcnl to be charged against each lot, part of lot and parcel of land on ac count of said Improvement is now on file In the off e of The City Hecorder, subject to inspection and examination. Dutcd this 20111 day of November, 1920. ! ; - f THOS. FITZ OF. II ALU, " , ' . City Hecorder. IIOU.11BPH ' i.enrteil upon to carry the burden ofjcililies ror hedging crops, supplies on ; pronanie cost tnercor wun a sintemeni improvements, are prepared by the volume of securities The next morn- j mimtilation until such timeihand. known requirements or future I of the lots, parts of lots and parcels City Surveyor mid filed with the He- lug, bwfore the opening or tne B th rnsumptive demand will take supplies, thus' elemtnatlng risks of j of land to be benefited by such lm- corder of the City of Pendleton, nn tlisnite, a hurried consultation or tne rC(jrellf tt (change of values; where everyone ; provement and the percentage of the; the loth day of November, 1920, he governors of that institution was ca.l-j iirmin Kxclianxr HccotriilM-d (knows the price of wheat, competition total cost of improvement, which enchjnnd they are hereby adopted and ap ed; notes were compared. 1 tie an-j r,.opening of the markets forils very keen smong both buyers and) of such los. parts ot lots-anil parcels j proved, and be It further, resolved i.oumemeut was made that the " r.l(1jn)t ,n , heal futures on July 1 5. sellers, thereby insuring a fair price.M'f land should pay on account of thcithat the cost of making such improve ibange wiuld not open na nsiial. ne reciKnltion of the Import-! based on the prevailing prices at the , benefits to lie derived trom such lm-,iient shall be a charge and lien unon nrket reinaineu cueu ''" !anr, ,)f tne grain exchanges, in crop central markets, which are the very i provement. and. (all lots, pirts of lots and, parcels of j I nair monms. distribution. The wheal future, mar-'acme of keen competition .These cen-J w u I'J.I'.AB. tn council nas examln-, land tu. be benefited by .such Jmprove- Itsts lflftHHiti'e n.- ..j-tin rl.rtimt ince Anaiist tral markets truly . reflect oHdltlon? i ed such plans and spellcntlons and . nienis. and the owners of such lot .distribution ...I,- -v.ir Bni4 (jriesni1 , Chiton '-Mhsnges ventured, to, ven.!"" war measure. The wheat'snd, cnanplig conditions 89 affecting 'estimates and found the same fiatlsfac-1 parts of lots and p.areela of land, so MMiMMHIIHIIIIIIMrHHillUmHHHIIIIMIMII Apples We-h'ave a nice selection of Winesajis, "Komp Beauty, etc., Apples !tt '. $1.85, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 If you want a good winter apple it Anil pay you ' . . to look over these apples. ; .. "He Table SiiodIv" Ki t . Phone 187 and 18S 739 Main Street CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR rroprietor : wiiiiniiiiiinuiiiiHiiiwHui tut fc.v w v w. v e-- " ., iJvA,