, t r f ' f ' """'' t ' t v ' ' - 'f f v 'v - . - .. ' ( ee f ' ' I tin. feisi jttob&Ut, Iekdleton, omgoh, Saturday evening, November 27, 10.0. TAGS FOUSTEO rOUKTEEN PAGES OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE ! i. C Penney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution BED'S CASH STORE PENDIiKTOW, ORR Opposite Hotel Pendleton.' CRM 1 1 II I I II l:l II u E2 rs II 11 IMI lilt GROCERIES FOR SUNDAY DINNER g Do Your Xnui Shopping Early Store Open Until 10 O'clock Saturday Evening Many useful gift articles now on display, till mod- erately priced. Just take a little walk down West r Webb street, only two blocks off Main street, and see the big savings offered on seasonable merchandise, E5 such as Dry Goods, Notions, Sweaters, Leather Coats, Men's Dress Pants, Gloves, Hosiery for Ladies, Chil- dren and Men, Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Mil- s inery. s BEARD'S CASH STORE 300 Wot Webb St. Phone 432 Ef lisiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii) Prestige Tle moral benefit of brine known as a customer of a bank where strength and character are Mte salient traitn, I ronKrdfd as essential an your bank balance. Confidence enter larftPtV Into all business tram-as. lions. The custom of a concern handling a large vol um of business as well as those handling compara tively a small volume, reflects the character of bank uir reuuonship maintained. Hine the Influence of the American National Bank affects the customers affairs directly and Indirectly. The AmerfcanJfai ional Bank Pendleton, Oregon. 'Strongest Sank in Gastern Oregon' Do yon want money? If so, come In and see us. We are prepared to negotiate loans on wheat land lying north or east of Pendleton, live years to pay. and a very reasonable rate of Interest. . We represent the VERMONT lOAST TRUST COMPANY of Spokane, and, will give you prompt service. SEE TS ABOCT A 1X3 AX NOW Snow & Dayton VE SEMj "LAND" 117 East Omirt St. Plione 1072 REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS INSURANCE THE MORE CAREFUL YOU ARE TO BUY THE BEST COAL, THE MORE CERTAIN YOU WILL BE TO BUY f H,. , CT STRIKING MTCH-2S -4 ; Z ON WALL. -11 n a ; CP DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports Nominal Receipts of Stock In Portland for Day Only cattle came forward to North Portland over the holiday. For the Friday trade there was only a nominal market. Hogs were considered fully steady, cattle steady to easier and sheep slow. In the cattle alleys, there was a noticeable degree of sluggishness In the market for feeder stuff at North Trading on Stock Exchange Utile t'lianged in Aspect. NEW YORK, Nov. 27. Trading on the stock exchange Friday presented no material alteration in its salient as pects from previous sessions of the week, price movements being extreme ly irregular when not actually heavy. Apart from the relaxed tone of the money market which extended to bankers' acceptances and commercial Portland Friday. Good killer stuff haslpaper, developments and advices over been scarce of late and this class has shown a fairly steady tone at un changed prices. Choice steers 8.50 9.00 Good to choice steers . . . 7.50 S.00 Medium to good steers.. 6.50g7.5(i Fair to good steers 6.25 6. B0 Common to fair steers .. 5.25 6.00 Choice cows and heifers . .6.50 7.00 Good to choice cows and heifers 5.50 Medium to good cows and heifers 4.50 Fair to medium cows and heifers 3.50 It Canners 2.75 Bulls -.. 5.00 6.50 5.50 4.50 3.50 .0J 13.00014.00 7.00 (.00 I s Choice dairy calves Heavy omivea .... Best light calves , . ll.0013.0t Medium light calfes ... .0011.00 Choice feeders 6.75 7.25 Fair to good feeders .... 6.75 6.75 While no carload lots of hogs were noted at North Portland for the Friday morning trade, the market indicated a steady tone. With no hogs in sight, killers began to inquire for supplies, especially those who had purchased the holiday recess were again or character to Inspire extreme caution. Grain quotations suffered another sensational decline, other commodity markets were nervous and one of the most Influential of the Independent steel manufacturers adopted lower prices, "due to the law of supply and demand." Exchange on London was firmer. Shippings, oils, stcets and coppers were the most vulnerable issues, their reactions of from 1 to 5 points keeping pace with reduced business, lower prices ana reuuction or output, espe cially In the metal industry. Neutral izing features were restricted to sev eral of the investment rails, notably coalers, also American woolen and sundry specialties. Sales 704.300 shares. Call loans for the day and into com ing week held at the one rate of six per cent and an enlarged volume of business in acceptances and mercan tile loans was reported at the lower quotations. Although the new issue of Canailian Northern bonds was quickly taken liberally at the low prices and were i the general bond market was .-'nil and therefore in a position to profit by an advance. General hog market range: Frlme mixed .$11.00 11.75 Smooth heavy 10. 75011. 25 Rough heavy 9.00 9.75 Fat pigs 9.5010.50 Feeder pigs ". . . . 9.0010.50 In the sheep and lamb trade there were no fresh arrivals for the Friday trade. Quite fair stocks were carried over the holiday and there appeared a slow and weak tone In the trade al though no price changes were made during the early session. General sheep and lamb range: East of mountain lambs $ 8.50 9.50 Willamette valley lambs. 8.00 8.50 Feeder lambs .' 7.50 8.00 Cull lamb 6.00 6.08 Yearlinffs BOO 7.50 Wethers 00 6.60 Ewes 1.00 4.50 heavy .especially for liberty Issues, the second four quarters losing one point and the fourth four quarters a large fraction. Total sales, par value, $15,- 250,000. Old IT. 8. bonds unchanged on call. Demand for Wool Keeps Witliin Narrow Limits. BOSTON, Nov. 22. The Commer cial Fulletin of Boston today says of the wool market: "The demand for wool has contin ued within narrow limits during the week. Some fine and fine medium original bag territory wools have been sold at 70 to 90 cents, according to staple, to various mills. There Is a stronger belief that prices are near- C O mm o U 4 c c Why Pay More? Our low every day prices are a reliable guide for your buying. Under market condition 'that make it almost impossible for the average person to keep posted on the actual current, worth of any commodity, our policy of price protection based upon the daily mar ket observations of1 our buyers in New York, St. Louis and St. Paul assures you of costs faithfully reflecting the lowest levels. Compare our prices with any you find anywhere, not excepting so called ' special sales." ,' PAY DAY AND UNDERHILL standard Quality, .Union made Bib Overalls, pair ...... $1.79 MEN'S PAY DAY WORK SHIRTS, standard grade blue or gray chambray, each. . 98c 25 Inch Fair Quality Outing Flannel, white only, yard. 19c 27 Inch Good Quality Outing Flannels, plain white, dark or light patterns, yard 23c 36 Inch Heavy Quality Outing Flannel, white only, yard 29c 27 Inch Heavy Robings, patterns and quality that will make pleasing and comfortable bath robes for every member of the family, yard . .' 75c 27 Inch Duckling Fleece for ki monas, night gowns, etc., the yard t ; 39c 30 Inch Plisse Crepe for dainty underthings, white, blue or lavender, yard 49c 27 Inch Percales, light and dark patterns, yard 15c 36 Inch Good Quality Percales, stripes, dots, etc., on dark and light grounds, yard 19c 36 Inch Heavy Percales, in a good range of , pleasing patterns, yard 23c 36 Inch Best Quality Percales, all desirable patterns, yd. 29c 36 to 38 inch Filet Curtain Nets, of good quality and attractive patterns, yard .49c Kiddie Cloth, galatea and devon shire cloth, yard 35c 27 inch Genuine Amoskeag Apron Checks, yard 19c 36 Inch Silkoline, good quality, suitable for draperies, com forter coverings, etc., yd. 25c Comforter Coverings, good qual ity, pleasing patterns, yd. 15c 25 Inch Prints, standard quality, White figures on blue or black grounds, yard 12 Vic Pequot Sheets, 72x90, each $1.79 Pequot Sheets, 81x90, each $1.98 81x99 Good Quality Seamless Sheets, each $1.89 17x32 inch Cotton Huck Towels, each ..25c 18x34 inch Cotton Huck Towels, each ...... ... . . 39c 18x34 Part Linen 'Huck Towels, each 39c 18x34 part Linen Huck Towels, hemstitched border, each. 39c J. C Penney Co., A NationWide Institution The goods market Is still unsettled. but some sales of surplus clothes are being made to better advantage." Scoured basis: Texas Fine, 12 months, 90 95c; fine, 8 months, 70. , California Northern. 95; middle county, 90; southern. 60 65. Oregon Eastern No. 1 staple, 9i T 97; eastern cl-thlng, 7075; valley No. 1, 85. Territory Fine staple choice, $1 1.05: half blood combing, 90; 3-S blood combing, 6065; 1-4 blood combing, 60; fine clothing, 708)75; tine medium clothing, 55 60. Pulled Delaine, 90; AA, 80; A su pers, 6065. Mohairs Best combing, 4042; best carding, 33 ft 35.. to the postponing temporarily of low er quotations on British exchange which later recovered. Rallls took place later, influenced by estimates that one million bushels had been bought to go to Europe from ports on the Quit of Mexico. An nouncement, however, that the Bel gian government had withdrawn .from the market led to a fresh setback as the day came to an snd. Corn aad oats at first sympathised with wheat depression, and December corn touch ed the lowest point since before the war. In the last part of the session the scantiness of country offerings tended to make the market harden. Provisions were steadied by an ad vance In hog values. Worth Iokota Failures to use Slump In Wheat, CHICAGO, Nov. 27. Strained flnan-, 179; steady, cial conditions In North Dakota had medium to much to do yesterday with a violent new break In the price of wheat. For the first time in several years the ce real commanded less than $1.60 a bushel. There was a nervous close at 6 to 7c net decline with Dec. 1.52 1-2 to 1.53 1-4 and March 1.48 to 1.48 3-4. Corn finished at l-4c loss to 3-8 gain, oats up 1-8 to 3-8 and provisions vary ing from 20c off to an advance of 2 1-2. Attention to the remarkable series of rural bank failures In North Da kota was so eager and general among wheat traders that a selling stampede could be easily foreseen. As soon as the market opened, rushes to th bear side of the market began, and buyers were rstralnd through knowledge not only of the North Dakota banking sit ing the bottom rapidly. "The foreign markets are generally uatlon, hut also on account of a fresh slow. - break In the cotton market and owing SCRAP! BOOK GIRL VISITS PRESIDENT Phone 178 SHYT HE -LONERGAN CO Qjilit Qiiiatit Siririce 1 ' -IMA L ;-";:,'.-,-v.-.n i .1 V ; n; : ..'A 1 -'- I 1 ' . f j " Ill III" ' ""I'l" , " ,er'"'y ' I it .-MI mi. -HUWnMmmi It. ii n nn.iiii.niii in ft rin urn tmiaMnii ' 1 Livestock Are Steady In Sttln Market SEATTLE, Nov. 27. Hogs receipts Prime 12.60i$13.00; choice 11.50012.50; smooth heavies 10.50 11.00; rough heavies 8.50g)9.00; pigs 11.00012.60. Cattle Receipts none. Steady. Prime" steers' 9.008.60 '"medium to choice 7.508.60; common to good 6. 00 ' 7.00; best cows and heifers 6.50 f?7.00; medium to choice 6.00r?6.00; common to good 3.50W5.00; bulls 4.00 8.00; calves 6.50 13.00. Foley's Honey Tar C0UGHS-C0LDS-CR0UP F- av Y ImM F Cm MJUm TlNoSwiltmti for Ftlty't Wny S Tmr dnien; pullets 62j5 64 ; storage 6!. Butter City creamery. In cubes, 5( cents per lb.; bricks or prints; heo onds In cubes 52; bricks 53; country creamery extras, cost to Jobbers In cubes 64; storage 48r50c. $100 Reward, S100 --5'.,rrh to loc' 0M grestly Inflo. need by cemtitutlonsl eoi.dltiona It Z! 'i .WL'JSi . ltWlonal tnat- I Urn." HAIX'S CATARRH MEDIOINB OMtroys th. foundation of fh. f!l". th '"nftl by Improving th t.n.rtl health and assists nature la wwr. fiuu W for Cstsrrh that HALL'S MJDDICINB f.ll. to eur. Crutsl.n Wo. Testimonials fre. r. 1, Cbsney Co., Toledo, Ohio, Fags and Creamery Produce Steady and Unchanged SEATTLE, Nov. 27. Eggs Select local ranch white shells 75 cents per RHEUMATISM RELIEF WASHINGTON !! Olive Chace, li-iear-old Washington scnooigiri, nas sepi m scrap duo f tiewsDaW picture, of President Wilson evtr inc he took office. H-;r mother wrote to Wilson. dimt Tm iht nlnd' u result. Mrs. Wil.or. Invited Olive to the WhIU House Oat lb. are dent might look over the collection. Did Olive go!- You Juit bet the did! ( - " i " 1 From Its Dreadful Paint and Achtt, Stiffn.ts, 8erenese Ts properly to be sought In a good blood medicine, because authorities say rheumatism Is a blood disease; acid has entered the blood, settling in the muscles and Joints. That's what makes the sharp, sudden, shot-like pains, causing you to Jump and cringe in agony. Hood's Sarsaparilla comprises remedies that every physician pre scribes for rheumatism, combined with , other blood-purifying, tonic and strength-building In gredients in a formula vastly su perior In make-up and In curative power. It does give positive relief. Thoitsand say so. Ho will you. For a One laxative take. Hood's Pills, 1100 00 for any ess ef CATARRH Overbeds & Cooke Co. Pendleton, Walla Walla, Portlaad Member of Chicago Board of Trade. Private Wires to all Exchangee Stocks Bonds Grain Room Judd Uldff. , Phone M LADIES! When Irregular or suppressed use Triumph pills. Safe and always de pendable. Not sold at drug stores. Do not experiment with others; save dis appointment. Write for "Keller' and particulars, it's free. Addaess: Nati onal Medical Institute, Milwaukee, Wis, CHRISTMAS may seem a long way off but we are already making pictures to be used as Christmas re membrances. Aune-Wheeler Studio tZS E. Alta . , Phone ESS BEST FOR USE Premier Rock Springs Lump Coal. Premier Rock Spring. Nut Coal Utah Egg Coal '" Utah Lump Coal B.L.B Mis Phone S ,u. - e.