East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 27, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE ELEVEN, Image 11

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ArtDMonic, okw.,; Nov. 27. a.
T.) Jacob Jliunorv, itlllonulro oil
magnate, republican national com
mitteeman, died Krldas'. Jlo lias been
nursing a gunshot wound ulnco Run-
day. Ho auld lio accidentally Mliot
himself while cleaning a gun. Clara
Hnilth, his secretary for gev-
cral yearn, wan lutar charged with
shooting him. Jlamon and the woman
are lno accused In Information filed
In court, of a itatutory offense. The
woman him not been located.
UCOK, CorvulllH. Nov. 27. Ut-orgo L.
fllackinan, son of Mr. and Mr. W, J.
Hlockmun of 6."i3 Gerflold street, Pend
loton, registered at the beginning of
th full term an a Junior In Agrlcul-
iimui economics uuu iiuriu rociuiogy.
'Mr. Htockmnn completed his two year
or preparatory work required by the
(tchool of agricultural for the advutici;
pnlimn 11 ulu.lv nf (1... Iiml,.., ....A
... jo,.,., an 1 m.ji-
'lor eur lust June. Ho In a member
01 me Agricultural cult) ana the Kap
pa Hlgmu fraternity.
Mr. Stockman's mayor in In one of
the newer fields nf fifirifrlciittiit-.il u-,,rb
I that I being developed by the schools
or agricultural throuKliout the coun-
The New
Two and fifty miles an hour in 75 yards.
Easy Terms on 2nd Hand' Cars.
0. E. IW1 AUTO CO.
fiiii ' ' 1 iiimni "'gggl"-' ""
V" 'rtf? n
i "i i
Only 400 penona miners, wlyea an children remain In thli tent color threa mtlea from
'Wnilanwon, W Va.. where 1500 took refuge, wheo mine owner ejected mine. bo organt;?d. from
i . company dooms Winter it drirlns the miner back to work. Tula picture abowt the camp from
the bill above. The inset la a typical miner and bis family
722 Cottonwood St.
We do repairing:.
Phone 46
try. (Special effcr: l oelng made by
the school to develop a course of study j
that will enable the student on com
pletion of his work to become a lead
er in tho development of the commun
ity in which he lives. Cooperation,
Marketing, and other allied branches
of rural economics and social problems
that are vital tothe agricultural in
terest of the state and the nation are
In need of trained leaders.
Farming is almost the only butdnesi
or occupation that Is not effectively
organised to present Its claims; farm,
ers, the only Important group that hal
failed, with a very few notable excep
tions, to cooperate for the promotion
of Its financial Interest. The school
of agricultural is doing all it can In
it he way of effective school work to
prepare young men to assume this
j leadership In their own communities.
I A II agricultural students are required
i to take certain amount of their trair.-
linr In this phase of agricultural. Tho
student' who majors In this particular
field of agriculture ' has an excellent
opportunity to become a specialist In
rural development work now being
conduct by tho state and the federal
Mr. Htockmun la the only student
form Umatilla county who Is specializ
ing In this particular work from L'ma
tlllla. all but 6 are taking the regular
academic work. Umatilla county ranka
seventh In point of enrollment In the
school taken by counties, with Ben
ton first, Multnomah second. Marion
third .Linn fourth, Lune fifth, and
Yamhill sixth.
I-OH ANOKLES, Cal., Nov. 27. (A
I'.) Kighty thousand persons played
over the Los Angeles municipal golf
course during the summer season, it
was stated In a report recently made
public by R. Xj. Haslett, course secre
1 Mill IHIIII'Snwfl .A 'x,??lxmrmmawmm
Works 365 Days A Yea
i ; 'iJpinore than t dais ayear
-Money pjl
f cjn'es you aiont
a days servic&
Sand the binder.
enl'j about 3 days
tni77RV9 !
EE ItK KLEV, Cal., Nov. 27. (A. P.)
- -Athletic managers and coaches of
tho Pacific cosuit conference univer
sities and colleges will meet here Mon
day to draw ut two tentative football
schedules for next sesison, one lnclud
ing the University of Southern Call
fi.rnia and the other without it, Grad
uate Manager Luther . Nichols of the
Unlversltv of California announced
todav. These will be submitted the
i following day to a meeting of the en
'tiro Pacific coast conference commit
tee for action. The University o
Southern California will have a repre
sentative In attendance at the confer
ence, Nichols said. The Institution has
a petition for admission to tho con
ference on file.
(Continued from page 8.
i;kijk daxikus pi.kasics
ix "oh. l-dy udv
Saves Time -Labor
The New Lallcy Light and Home
Electric Power Plant is the biggest
money maker and most serviceable
power equipment you can possibly
install on your farm.
Figure it out for yourself. Bright
electric lights for your home and farm
buildings; fresh running water for
the kitchen, bath, dairy, barn
and feed lots. Power to
operate the milking machine, cream
separator, churn, sewing machine,
washingmachine,grinderorany other
electrically driven farm appliance
and all at the turn of a switch. No
bother, no waiting, no loss of time.
Does More -Does It Better
Compare tins with the work clone by all
other power machines you may have. You
will be actually astonished at the many ways
the New Lalley can be used. Use it every
day to lighten your work. Use it at night
to light your home and farm buildings. Use
it every hour of every one of the three hun
dred and sixty-five days of the year. It is
always ready and always willing to work for
you day or night at the turn of the switch.
Get the Proof-NOW
Remcinbcr thit in addition to being a time and labor
savcra real money maker that pays for itself this New
Lallcy makes farm life so attractive to both young and old
that the city holds no interest for them. But get all the facts.
Use the coupon. Send your name and address today. It
docs not obligate you in any way.
Sturgis & Storie
Euilt like a watch yet simple and durable
in construction- every part of the New
Lallcy is fitted to the thousandth of an inch
which is V the thickness of a human hair.
Special machines designed and built by
Lallcy engineers at a co.it of thousands of
dollars are used for this one purpose alone.
Every single part, "even the-. nuts, holts and
screws are inclivid'i;:!ly iivpccud one bv oje
for fit, strength .and 'accuracy.
For Tn Years
The Lalley as
Been Giving
Owners Satisfaction
365 Days a Year.
NTt ruiis & sroiut;
With clever, bubbling fun rynning
throughout the whole piece and play
ers of exceptional popularity to in
terpret the principal roles, there is
little wonder that "Oh Lady Lady,"
which opens at the Alta theatre Sun
I'ay will be well received.
Kealart has done a splendid thing
in transforming to the screen the
r'ch humor of the famous musical
comedy, by Bolton and Wodehouse,
v.hich played so successfully a few
year uan. And certainly they picked
three ilk-al fun-makers In allotting
the main roles to Bebe Daniels, al
ways an appealing little "vamp";
Hlers. cleverest of fat comedians;
and Harrison Ford, the very popular
leading man.
Miss Daniels is altogether delight
ful as tiie young musical comedy ac
tress who is accused of "vampink"
when she attempts to help out tho fat
sweetheart of her school days. It Is
a role entirely different from that of
"Rowena" in "You Never Can Tell,"
tut affords Miss Daniels even better
opportunities for the clever fun-making
which Is always a feature of her
appearances on the screen.
. Walter Hiers Is even more amusing
than usual as the serious-minded one
time sweetheart who is thrown Into a
terrible panic when It looks as if he
la to be "vamped" out of a perfectly
conventional marriage. And of course
Harrison Ford makes his usual big hit
in the straight leading role f the
piece. ,
Clever direction has brought out
tha fine points of the play in splen
did fashion. For this due credit be
longs to Maurice Campbell, the fam
ous stage director who is now making
Healart motion pictures. Edith Ken
nedy prepared tho scenario. "Oh
l4idy Lady"' will remain at the Alta
theatre for two days.
- .
Geiu.emcri: Without ohliiration or cost on my part please send i
me the Lallcy Book and full particulars about the New Lallcy i
t Light and Home Power Plant.
? TtVCH -
"Painting the lily" is no more diffi
cult a Job than painting an elephant
especially when the owners of said ele
phant expressly stipulate that the
elephant, is not to be painted, as in
the case of the one used In Madse
Kennedy's new Ooldwyn picture, "The
Hloomliig Angel," which comes to the
Pastime Theatre for two days, com
mencing tomorrow.
In tho story which was written by
Wallace Irwin, pluckv "Floss" gets an
elephant and has it painted to adver
tise her cold cream "Angel Bloom."
It was easy to obtain an elephant
from a. Los Angeles xoo, but not so
easy to have him appear pink. Direc
tor Schertxinger and the camera men
and property men racked their brains.
Not many people want a white ele
phant on their hands, but these peo
ple did, and the owners of Eno, the eie-
I puaiH 'ouia not pcrmii. ner 10 oe
wnite-washed or painted. So they
J tried covering her with flour. Rut
about the time she was nicely coated.
Kno would shako her hide as though
she was doing a shimmy, and off
would come all the flour!
It kot . tort-e of property men
busy all morning applying fresh flour.
Kno developed a liking for tho stuff
and kept sucking it off with her trunk
j Ctunty.
Pendleton, Ore.
.Walla Walla, Wash. J Stat,.
Under Weak. Creamery.
Prodmv Steady, Unchanged
NEW YOltK, Nov. L'7. Butter weak
creamery higher than extras 60 H a rSl:
extra 60; firsts 4 7 57. Eggs steady.
unchanged. Cheese, steady; state,
whole, milk flits, held specials 2 7 5?1 -1
others unchanged-
There is a "Funny"
Side to Fuel Costs
I ...
Aim,, .i I
I (HI.
Iff thi-,'fomiT" thst any iworM win
go right on dar sfter dy burning uo p
fret I y nod fuel from which ba (eta
mileage return whatever.
bunny" that ally muitritt mB pf ex
orbitant gas ctma.
"funny" because It ia not at all nrr
ssry. There i. only one f xcum! that
h a not acquainted with tlM New Stroov
berg Carburator.
No xcue whatrwr for the mrtnrM
who a Umiliar with the New Strombeig
and it wonderful feat of niieage
production.' 4 . ,
Anyone who lnvwa anything at all about
this remarkabt carnurrtor knnwa that a
getj mtiU miles per gallon of a. 1 here
n no dupiin or denying tin acoocmr of
the New Slromberg
It hotda World'a official economy re"
on virtually all nakea o car WhKh
inrani that it cut deep tntt uavel coala
""uyoa belong to the "ercuaable" claaa f
motoriata thoae who are aw acguamled
with the New Strombern. come m and
let us introduce you to farts and nirurej
that will convince you of the lolly of ex
cenaire fuel expense. Better Mill, put a
NewStromberg on yoor car. Try It wit
10 days. If you are a aatiafied. we'll
trade back you take no chance wnatever.
The New Strom berg ntuat ikoH you ay
ngs btiore sale is doaed. .
714-18 Thompson St.
iMmmm VVS5- Sr J :
aVa .AAA AiAA.bUr. JU. ii. H 1 k aV - - . " A. . .
Maldng a Battery Over?
f To hear some folks talk you'd
think an old battery could be made
over into a brand new one, but it
can't be done. ( . i
I-' But we do go the limit in helping
you keep your battery in fighting
trim. We're headquarters for the
Still Brer Wfflard Battery with
Threaded Rubber Insulation
thefcind selected by J46 passenger
ear and motor-truck builders.
Garden & West Court Sts.
. Pendleton
Mm a Avil At4.AAaa4Vaaa a .