East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 27, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    ii tc r V h X i. t'. v v v V ,
Number of copies prlntod of yesterday'
Th Eaat Ora;on!n l Elr Ora
(on'a greatest newspaper and
f UlBfT force give to thii advsrtiser
over lwir lb guaranteed pwld etrou
litlon In Pendleton and t'uialllia ouuo
ty of any otker aawapaper.
Till paper la a Member or mm audited
... ...un i.urniiu oi I II dilutions.
V f -K't-p-11' f '4
, M i i"-si
-. ,inni.,ii,fi.. "'i im.m. i. ii Jm'ii.w.w.p.',T(eS"-J-p
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VOL. 82
NO. 9685
Series of Raids Now Underway Discloi,
- on Part of Officials in Aiding Murdel
' Parliament Erects Barriers When Pt.
UUHLIN. Xof, 27. f. I.) Hrit-1 .
,.".. merit Men;
,.cr is Taken.
urn government agents are
today to have discovered
a series of raids now under way which
link up Hi rm Fein leader with offi
cerg of (he republican army in their
"murder campaign." According to
Unofficial report. Sinn Fein off Hula
were principally active In ,.n,.,.i i,,.,
fund for the army which was raid to I
nave planned more Important slaying!
of Brittah policemen und,or,rielab, .
" lrovtlcr lu Parliament
LONDON', Nov. 27. (A. P.I Aflnr
the erection laat night of barrier eight
feet high to exclude the public from
Downlna; atreet. the houses of parlia
ment are cloned to the public today,
The action followed detention' of ,a
strange man In the lobby of the house
of rommona yeaterdny. The Evening
standard say the action l ihe result
of alnlater Hlnn Keiu activities
AUeinpi jfe of (Miieral
UMBHH'K. Ireland. Nov., (tr.
P.) An attempt today waa nwide to
uaaaaalnale General Cameron. Ilullcta
atruck hla carrinac as he wna leaving
the barrack. He waa not Inl ned. '
Miire Kncpl liy t lamc.
COItK. Nov. IE 7. (A. 1 The
drapery atorea on m. Patrick' street
were completely dcalroyed by fire to
day following a number cf bomb ex
plosion. The dumage la estimated at
DO.OOft poundn. KeporiM alleRe that
"Black and Tans" at the point of re
volver prevented the fire righlvrs' o-eratlonsi
Kulph Tachellii, fanner rcald- '
lug attlaxe-station, reccdlly aufV
feretl (he Iohm of bis If'ord car by
theft. Ho seiireliH and made ln
quliy but potfld not find 11. II u
negloctcd !o tell the traffic officer
about t hii Iok. Instead, be plac
ed a waul nil the Kast Orcgo
nian. William I.yilay, truffle officer,
read of the hiss while perusing''
the want ad pago of the K. ().
He made note of IIim lout car.
This morning, scouting around
for missing machines he located
a stray Kurd In rear of the Ten-,
dleton liaklng Co. plant. It had
lo.it one whei'l and a tire. Kxani
Inailon ilsclosed that it is .Mr.
'i'achullu'a inachiiie.
Lord's Day A'lianse Seeks Con
gressional and Legislative
Help ;n Banning Every Acti
vity Save Church Goer's Aid.
XKW YCUIK. Nov. 2. ( LT. IM The
fght (or "Mine Kunday" legislation
In, 30 state legislatures, fathered by
the Lord's Day Alllancs today became
more bitter In various organizations
lining up for or against the uuestfun.
James Flaherty, head of tlie Knlshta
of Columbus, announced that that or
ganization did not oppose 'Vai.e rJ
forni" but said that the Knights ' '.
Columbus are aguinst prohibition of
Kunday sports.
President Sanuiei O -rr.pers of the
American Federation of I,abor, de
nounced those hacking the "i'uritun
drive" for assuming that thi-y aiV
working on behalf of the laboring man.
', Present Levies Are Beginning
to Yield Far Less Than Was
Forthcoming During Year of
Big Wac Profits, Survey
Shows, i
I Government Expenditures Con
tinue High Due to Tremen
dous War Debt, Intergst on
wnicn wears $1, 250,000,
wary of vicious bird, nrninii iiATinii 10 orrinio tm
ROAD INSPECTORS TAKE ill 1 HI lUli U 1 1 1 1. i l, .Al l i
GUNS;-7N0 LIVES LOST -wi. ..w
County Judge C. If, Marsh and
Commissioner Barney Anderson
yesterday morning reached the
conclusion' that roads in the west
end needed Inspecting. The ear
lier they looked them over the'
better, they decided, and so they
aiose and departed about 4:30.
They took shotguns along for
It was 7 o'clock last night'when
Ihe official returned from their
read trip. It had been a busy day
f'.f thenl, one" could quickly see.
The Judge called, his home from
his office after getting indoors.
"No. -No luck," the judge said.
And they're wondering If he did
lid mean "no duck."
Neither Does Country Make Excuses for War Crimes Says
Bernard Dernburg Addressing Foreign Minister of Argen
tine, and Holding That Allies Share Equal Blame.
: . W
1227.50 TO RED CROSS!
hrlstmas health seals, old annually j
under the suspicea oi the ore-gun Tu, I WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. (Hy
berculosl Association, wjl be sold H j Herbert Walknr, C. I'. Htaff Coires
I'fndlelon Ix-ceinber 1 to jr.. Mrs pondenl). The next Vongreaa may be
Herbert Thompson will he in charge oi ' confronted with the necessity for
the pale, for which plans ure bnlng j either Increasing tax rates or provid
liade by .Mrs. XV. f. Mi Nary and Judge i ing another ls-ue of long term bonds.
Stephen A. Lowell, meml.eVs of tile ' according to preliminary surveys of
i.u committee el the as'oclal:on. tnc rinanriul ultuation made for
Claiins laborer's I-1 iniIoiii.
"laihur has not called on them for
aas'stance and they, cannot peak for
labor." said Compels. ' The man who
works has a right to spend his tiundav
in wholesome recreant.-'
Many leaders of the Anil-Saloon
league, which played a big part.li.
making the country dry, have Joiner
In the new movement, it is reported.
t irrnry Mllcbell, yoilng railroad em
ploye of Itlelh, vm "hot thrniigh thei
base of the left shoulder above ' the hie i-fforts on the lUstrli t
jicart Dy an unsnouu negro last night lumo.a, said it Is Hie pbm to
Kvcrj- J liti-rH-lsc Cut.
lr. K. !, bin widdle. who I center-
f Co-
Tho uis, which ure to be used on
Christinas biters and packages, air
sCractive In design. They show a
-aHttt Clans with a lack full of toys,
and beneath It a health cross, while
the greeting on the tiny stamp In
' Merry Christmas," and "A Healthy
New Yea IV"
All money derived from the. sale
of seals In Oregon will Le used to fistn
;t.berciilos:s In this state, and one
fourth of the proceeds In this section
will be used lu t'miitllla county. Kta
iNtlcs show t at ISO, ip0 people die ol
lulK-rculofl'H each y.ur In the I'Tiitel
States, this beinv l'l per rent of the
total deaths fiom any cause. The
number cf chilr ron undir five years
w ho are victims of the disease i K.iiae
end more than 1,5d,o'mi people have
-be disease in soi. form.
The Natien:il Association fir the
Preveiition -f Tubcre.ilosls emi.basizA
the fact that the dise.tse is prevent.
ible, and uw funds fioni the sale of
the seals In Its fiijhl against the ' white
plague." .
I midnight near Weill after a quarrel eongret pi.sMstrb t Hundsy Ihe-s foi
v over a crap ganu , Mttciinll Is In I'eii
tUeton today arid sufter tin 111 effei-'s
from the wound. The bullet, after en
tering the body, came out through the
According to Mitchell, he and
lb district. 4Nsuur possesion and sr
my and navy reerwttiotis, as Ihe first
step in tint fKht. Ijiter. It Is under
stood, action will be started for an
amendment to Ihe constitution, which
will form the basis for strict Sabbath
friend were engaged In throwing dice j ,aw. rutting a bun on Sunday the- I
In a shack outside of lllelh with three j liters, cigar stores, soda fountains gas
ncgroc when Mitchell accused the s'allons and newspapers Is contem
Africana of using loaded dice. One of ' I'lated. It is planned lo ask heads of
the three fired at Mitchell and all Im- Vork transportation lines to cur-
inedlately took flight. !t:lil service on Kunday just to meet the
i Mitchell seem unperturbed a', the ' heed., of church goers.
shooting and says that lie,1 not Inter
ested III capturing hi unknown assull-nt.
Nov. (A. IM-
niemliers of the house ways and
means committee toilay by the treas
ury officials. Indications (are that
chances ore poor for even slight re
ductions of a few of the most obnoxi
ous laxfB. Honiiv increased levies,
particularly on non-essenlials will be
reconiineiidwl when congress recon
venes, according to reports at the cap
mil. - ,
The probability of Increases' la not
brought about through an Increase in
government expenditures as the re
publican expect to reduce Ihesu. The
reason is that present rates are be
ginning to yield fur less than during
the year of big war profits.
The current depression, treasury of
ficials believe, will cut a big hole in
the leld of th excess profits tax
which brought in a large percentage
of the government revenue heretofore.
Government expenditures continue
higii clue to the trememloUH'war lebt
of the country, the interest on which
alone amounts to nearly Sl,-5o,0o(i,-Ouo
a year.
Secret.. rv of. the Treasnrv Hnnvtnn
estimated that for 1921 the govern
iment departments will need $4,000,
I iiiio iiipi. Hepul.Hean . convreastoni.1
ihild-i-s hope to leiluce this tolal by
j l .oii(l.om.iion. This would make
j revenues or f;!.ii(io.(i(in.0li(i necessary.
The belief prevails in reports reach
. ing couiij-e.-s.ucn that the present
; taxes will soon be idding.al the rate
; of J3,ujii,(ioii,(iiiu uutiually. ,
'Cutter is Seeking Lost Boat as , country.
, HKMLI.V, Nov. 27. (Hy Carl D.
j Croat, V. P. Htaff Correspondent.)
Germany feels that in her conduct of
. ar she wua no more criminal than
the allies, and she la not seeking fnr
givneKS for herself of the others, ac
cording to Hernard IJernburg. In n.
remarkable open letter to Foreign
Minister ptterrydon of Argentine, who
is attending the League of Nations
meeting r.t Geneva, Dernburg; elated
ne couia not condemn the sinking of
the Lusitanla without disloyalty to hi
The sum y( $27. SO was yesterday
collected from Pendleton business men
by J. U. tonight and F. Mangold, for
the gift fund of the fourth annual Red
Cross roll call. This, added to the sum
collected by Sir. Knight and W. A.
Ithodes brings the total collected by
the committee to 1437.50.
Following are the recent contribu-!
tors: Sturgis and Storie, 115;
mesne Laundry. I0; Clen-.-ns & KRert.
12.50; Jerard & Temple. 5; J',. -T.
Fieuckers, J2.5U; Frank Xeagle. 5;
W. O. Humphrey, $2.50; Horn '&
Worth, 5; Pendleton Baking Co.,
12.50; Blue Mountain .Motor Co.. $2;
W. A. Hoagland. 15: Northern Grain
Co., 10; Welch Cigar Store, 12.50;
Snow & Dayton. J5; A. C. Koeppen &
Brothers. $5; W. I. Gadwa, J2.E0; De
spai & I-ee, 12.50; Golden Rule Ho
tel, 15; Cash Market. Pendleton
Cycle Co.. 12.50; GreuDch & Matlock
10; Knights of Pythias. J10; I. o: O.
r.. jiu; standard Grocery, 12; Cun
ningham Cheep Co., $5; tmatllla
Flour & Grain Co.. tZ; V. Stroble, J2;
John L, Vaughan, $5: H." W. Collins,
25; Automotive Battery Service, J2;
William Hoesch Bottling Works. 15;
Brown and Sanbloom. J2; Auto Clear
ing House. J5; W. K. Chase Co.. J5;
f'endietTjh Auto Co.," $15; Siiiipson Au
to Co., $15; W. G. Burns, $5;-Benson
& Wickland, '
Miss Norma Alloway yesterday turn
ed in $5 collected from K. E. Cleaver.
This is in addition to other contribu-,
:ions secured by Miss Allowav
Terrific Gale Abates; Coast! Tourg declared that Germany Is
Cities 01 Oregon and Wash-j mean used by Germany during; the
j war were neither In proportion nor
I kind, worse nor more criminal ;han
1 1
ington Swept bj Storm.
those used by our adversaries.
SEATTLK, Xov. 27. I'. P.) Xo ! Condemn Kpirit of Treaty
trace of the barge W. J. Plrrle. re- I He asserted ' We neither seek el
ported ashore near James Island, off !cuse nnr ash fonrivonex from h...
Do-1 the Washington coast has been found j or ourselves." and he said that the
o trie cutter Hnonomish. according ' people of Germany were not hurt so
to wireless messages today. Klghteen ! mllch by the economic and financial
""'"'"S - ap- at DU ations nf the trej.lv hv lh.,
... -eoj-e.i. aim .elr uy were M,lrit w,,h whch they were branded
tain A.
reported on the -Pirrie which na cut;wltn ,he stj(tma of morB, unworth',
T ,ro'" " '"" i ness, destroying at the outset the spirit
a heavy gale south of Cape Mattery fof glM)6 wi. without wh(ch the leagu0
, ' , fcannot survive."
The Santa Rita is in no danger to- ! ...
dav explaining w-ny he addressed the
Steamers IXak Saf.lv. j -ener to r-uerryaon, oernBurg said..
PORTLAND. Nov. 27. (I. P.) ' "ru "ere the first to strea to sincere-
The Moerdyk. Bearport and Ike Fil- . Iy und energetically the nece-ity for
bert, ft earners which were held out- j league comprising- all the great pow.
side the Columbia bar due to the tcr- irr" an(1 'ou wero also the only one to
mid encouraging word in tho recog
nition of Germany' loyalty to carry-
rific gale Friday, all crossed In today
and reached Astoria safely.
No news of the fate of the barge
Pierrie. with 18 aboard, which was re
ported grounded on Ja"ies Ma.
rocks during the night, has been revived.
The storm which was one of the
worst in the history of the nurth-i
ern Pacific const, has abated. The'
gale, estimated at 70 miles an hour.
backed up tides which flooded the
streets along the waterfronts at Marsh.
fuMd and Astoria... Oregon and Aber
deen. Washington. Telegraph and
Ing out the treaty. This it the reason
I venture to address you.
fcpes IIije In Ijruue
"Few will consider the present lea
gue structure a fitting instrument to
attain fulfillment of Its sublime task
to secure peace on earth through the
cooperation of all 1 men," Dernbur?
wrote.. "A majority of those at the
conference do, however believe In the
possibility of. lbs perCection-
The"wrfter Said TTermany does not
miip YAitns ;o to iti:ci ivms
. BOSTON, Nov. 27. (A. P.) Tho
Winntslmmt t Shlpyurds, Inc., of Chc
seu, w as placed In the hands or Win;
K. Green and Jralward K. Arnold as
temporary receivers today on petition
of the Cramlall Knglneeiing company
that they owed 1750,000.
omploy 400 men.
NEW VOHK. N-". 27. (A. I'.)
Robert P. Biindell, president of the
building trades council and a central
figure in the Investigation In the al
leged New Jfork bulldjnk trust, and
Peter Stadtmlller, Indicted Wednesday
on charge of eloitloi, yesterday
pleaded not guilty.
Commissioner of Accounts lilsli
flcld today ordered held up $1,00".
000 worth of warrants representing
payment on city contracls, pending
IIONOIAI.tr, Nov. 27. (f. IM
Twelve thousand .dolliirs In opium
thrown overboard by Japanese smug
gler here when they feared detection,
was recoveted today by divers work
ing In Honolulu harbor.
HOORN, Holland. Nov. 27. (A.
P.) The condition of former Km.
press Augusta Victoria or Germany Is
serioua but Immediate danger .enlpor
uiilv baa parsed, according lo a state
ment MUthortxed today by her l'by
lclan. .......
The clus:ng chapter In a long con-
Tbo yards jlrmorsy was written today when the
rtnal order In the famous library case
was presented lo Circuit Judge G.-W.
I'holps for his signature. The order
is buNcd upon the recent mandate of
th stulo supremo court and rixes the
conditions under which proceeds frVuii
Samuel P. Sturgis trust fund hall he
expended for the benefit of (he llbrniy
of the Pendleton Commercial Associa
tion, now kept In tho county library
The order decrees that as to the an
nual incohie and alt accumulation of
it. the expenditure of the same Is In
the discretion of the trustee, with the
obligation to expend the same annual
ly and In good faith for the benefit j
and Improvement of the Commerca(
Association library, and in due regard
In the needs thereof, after consulta-'
Hon with the persons In immediate
charge and representing Ihe Pendle
ton Commercial Association. i
Twelve hundred dollars of the ac-i
I cumulated fund now on hand Is order-
cd applied for the current year on the
purchase of books and such oilier sup- 1
plies ns the trustees may deem prop- j
er. tne deiree tays. This lnonev
must he tut ned over by James A. Fee
trustee, by the end of this year.
A stipulation Is that-the ueciimuln.
tion from the fund must not be so in
vested that It Is not available for lijei
hrary purposes. It further decrees
that the income over and above the
amount ordered paid for books and
uipplies this year Hud tho attorney
fees and court ciwls, shall be added to
the 4uincit,il.
Attorney fees, court costs and the
amount due Mr. Feq as trustee total
1 1 500. 1 .1, according to a summation oi
the various Items. When this sum
and the $1200 ure deducted from the
principal, there will Vemaln In the
trust fund approximately $ 15,00a.
The order presented lo the Judge
today .mark what Is expected to, be
Hie close of a controversy between the
Pendleton Commercial Association,
owners of the library for whose lin
1 rovement the bequest was made, and
the City of Pendleton and .lames A.
Fee, trustee or the Sturgis fund, ori
Iglnally $5000. It provides for con
tinued administration of the fund un
der his core, but with consultation snd
In tho Interests of the library com
mittee of the association. The matter
ha -been In the courts for move thun
four year.
Lenny Leonard, world's champion
lightweight', successfully defended htfc I PIOWEER NEWSPAPER
title and won the $i.'.H'n diamond belt,
cmhlcntptic of the title ef the chani
inoiisitfp, which was presented to him
y Tex Ri. kard. when he scored a tec-
"lieal. knockout over. Joe Welling of
Chieaiio. n the" fourteenth round of
v hut was to have- been a 15-rounl
tout, at Madison S'puire Gulden last
night. leon:ild did not show the cf-
lecllveness of his punches until the
thirteenth round wl.en he sent Well
ir.g down three t-mcs, Wellin.: going
tl.ioush the opes on two of these oc
c.isiciusiaud ;w vrrygroi;y1goiivj to
his corner. i
, CHICAGO, Nov. 27. (A. P.)
Charles Gritman, f,7, pioneer newspa
per reporter, who claimed to have fur
nished Hall Caine with the plot for
hl.i novel "The eternal City," died
yesterday. Oriln-nn tried to obtain a
share of the royalties when the novel
was published but his claims were not
allowed. He be-all his newspaper ca
reer on the Clficjigo, liUer-yceua, Jio
longer published. 40 years ago.
.MINDEN, New Nov. 27. (V. T,)
The long, spirited court fight over the
egality of the divorce of Mary Pick
ford, film favorite, from Owen Moore
..or, became a certainty today when
attorneys assembled here for argument
of the motion of Mary'a attorneys to
Qtash the action brought by the State
of Nevada to annul the divorce. At
torneys for the state will attempt to
disqualify Judge Logan, who tg presiu.
ing in the case, because he granted the
original divorce. The little courtroom
atfilje,d L ith spectators before the
oori convened.. '
' Sweden suomltted for publication it
two treaties with, the United States.
telephone communications in manvlexcuse its wall needs and will gladly
parts of the northwest were Bevered. !lr' war guilty but that others
Plate glass- windows were blown In I "ght to do the eanie.'V
at Hoquiam, Washington. Street i
cars were halted and wires blown I
down in Seattle, where considerable
damage was done along the water
fronts. Two Linemen Lost.
PORTLAND, Nov. 27. (A. P.)
Two linemen lost their lives In sepa- !
rate accidents yesterday as a result of 1
the storm. Both were electrocuted!
while repairing wires prostrate by'
the wind.'
PORTLAND. Nov. 27. (A. P.) j
Wind at the mouth, of the Columbia WASHINGTON. Nov. 7. C. P.)
river Was 14 miles an hour at 8 j Due o the improved coal situation,
o'clock this morning, compared with (the interstate commerce commission
30 miles yesterday. The weather bu-'tcduy removed all orders giving
reau reported tne storm has passed priority to coal movements, and alt
inland and is now In the central part orders requiring open top cars to be
of .Alberta. The sea is still rough. removed exclusively to mines.
(From Overbeck ei Cooke Co.) ;in certain quarters, there etlll appears
CHICAGO, Nov. 27. Wheat ito be an additional amount of lluoi-
j Shorts were disappointed at the fail- dution in prospect.
I ure ot pressure to materialise ihis ' ' . :
, morning follow ing yesterday's weak j
close and buying by that element to-j
i get her with a rathei aggressive de- .
jmund for futures from seaboard jn-'Dec.
terests, imparted strength to the mar-j Mar.
fket. !
The outstanding feature of the newaiDe-.
I was the report that export sales so farjjlay
Ithis week would reach at lea.-t 10.-!
000,000 bushels of which considerable ! Dec.
was understood to be gulf wheat. All i May
cash markets had a firm tone with a j
much beHter milling demand at all Dec.
points. Southwestern receipts were (May
smaller than a week ago and country i
Chicago (.rain .Market.
I offerings to arrive moderate.
The ultimate course of prices must
' inevitably be governed by business and
IfinancUil conditions, but at the mo
nient these factors seem to have lost
jthclr influence and with the market
(quite well liquidated and exporters
j lending good support, an upturn of
i good proportions from this level must
jbe expected.
I Corn again displayed independent
strength and udvanrciWto the highest
j figure reached since the recent dc
'pression culminated. Receipts were
i light and the cash demand fair, with
'the result that spot prices were 1 to
2c higher and premiums firm for
new corn.
Oats There" was no pressure of
; consequence on this market ami an
iadvance In sympathy with other
grains was easily attirined.
j A hull ami I'liiutcwifiiiK Selii.
. XKW YORK. Nov. S7. The imlus
Itrials were rather sluggish during the
J first hour, later recovered moderate
ily on week end covering by shorts.
The rails held firl well. While
, monetary conditions are improving
jus a consequence of deflation which
I lias taken place in commercial and
.industrial lilies. Mill Ihe betterment
j has not as yet been of sufficient ex
Itent to warrant the evpectuncy of a
j broad upw ard movement In he slock
list a! U:fs period, lu addition, and
Open High Low- Close
1.54 $1.574 Sl.SS L55
1.48 l.sav L47?i 1.58
.5 .', .64 ' .66 S
.71 .Ti .71 .73
.44 ..45 V .44 .45
.4S4 .491, .4Si, .4Sr,
L41 L43 L4' t.4i,
L29 1.32 1.2k (, 1.29
64 ' .SS .t4 .65
. . . .bSlj
Reported by Major Lee M'sjlilouse.
official weather observer.
Maximum, to.
Minimum, i9.
Barometer, 29.85. ;-
Suiulitj fair
voider tuiUKM.
- I
I 1