East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 26, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    y r y .v, ,t .
ilh Tliankgi ing passed, Chrinias;lo6mslf&nis just 23 short chopping days away. ; Every m unite will have to count or .Christinas will be heje before
you're ready. We ve spared noVfiortto liavejust the things') oulI want anil you can save time by shopping here; Needless tcsdy our prices are the lowest
possible, consistent with (piality-inerchandise.- - "'; 'v-ji.. 7, rty: ;'' ' ; 77
-v s e W ft'
t i
S22.75 and $31.73
1 Saleof D
i i )
I $ r
i f . V
1 j 7 ?
ft 7 ' J
H I 75,1
p u -I 7 ' 7 : .
"7. t ? ,j '
E3 . 7 'I
1 ' . o I
m i
3 i
3 - --' I . .j. jr
I . i
3 Vi f '
I - ')h
1 ' 7V
100 Frocks for 100 Women
This is your opportunity
to buy a most stylish and be
coming dress without pay
ing the price you usually
would be compelled to. .
These dresses are the pro
ducts of a few of the most
noted dress manufacturers
o the country. The styles
and the patterns are entire
ly new, and the tailoring is
of the Character that has
materially helped to make
these concerns famous. You
will admire these dresses at
.first sight, and their unusu
ally low prices will tempt
you to buy one or two extra
ones besides what you actu
ally need
They are wonderful val
ues. Come early while the
assortment is complete.
&C1 ' METEOR, ETC. ; ' -
-w- -jm rvntvn ti tut" riF-nc. Hilton uiiii Hi"i hmiii. ' i --
I 'V AM lntiii hut iinCnrn othr rciliirtlons thut will nike thorn move
111 (1 Him TiUfi'tn.S Hl'llVjr MUIIIS, NWUI TIIII(Ill mum i.i.iik- linn
.l AH nil tlir ItiMiYior ami iHie.-r wi-iKlils aw ottin at tht-M- pilivs!
W lllu. k Silk Ki-riucul to ,
..It Ml I 1. $.1.00 Hltu Xllks Kmlinvtl o
- V I W-l :I.SO lUark Silks ItnltM! t
W.UO ltlwk Silks Urtliicwl tit $.1.15
S4.50 Illiick Silks Hrtlnwd to , $:I.M
$3,111) Itluck Silks ICttliiitHl lo ',....
ULACK SH.KS, Sutin Duohpss, SB Inches wide, wus $3.00 reKii-
lurlv. HiXH'Uil Kilo liilce, the yard $I.UH
W ,r
Tat I eta, urepe Met eor, crepe
Mil Tlo TThinpe Jnri Silks anrl
M i v ". ' -
U In -satins.
Superior quality silks that
MIA s you can use anytime at prices
tn s! . iiKe tnese.
WtJimsl S2.00 Silks jt ., tt.5t
N'.;k imiks ai. vi.ni'
S2.50 SitkK at SI.IM
$2.75 Silks nt
h :t.lK Silks nt $!.
S3.SO Silk w... $2.79
Mlks at 2.3
NM MHtM at $.1.H
j GeorRctte Crepes, 40 inches
SlUi MESSALiNES ' wide, all the wanted colors,
mite and all colors in the , back and white, crepes that a
best standard grades formerly ?ho,ltf- ie ag(? y wei?
selling at $3.00 yard,' in this ,nS f8;00, Per yard for. In this
sale the yard $1.89 sPecial cleanuP at the yd- -49
Crepe De .Chine, .a .good Crepe de Chine, white and
quality in 40 inch width, pink, pink only, that were selling at
white, flesh, black and some $3.00, now Jn special sale at
colors. ' Special the yd. $1.49 the yard . . . i ..... . . . . . $1.9S
7 (-7-
An Opportunity to
a Good Winter'
and Save Substantially
for. its A Cleanliness
i r w .
Well .give j ou the best for the price, no mat- X
ter what te price , ?
r t
ftm- fsti'-itn-r-v Gi-oeeVrv f
Piwn15. . villi .pther Pepa.rment Call 22,
Give her a set of dishes from our Crockery Dept. Ask to
see them, we can please you.
Electrical Appliances make choice Christmas gifts.
have a fine selection.
Choice Weston Mountain Potatoesthe right size, smooth,
crisp. The best in the market.
The best, the cleanest, the freshest fruits, vegetables, etc.,
at guaranteed priees.
pesKJnox5 cjsatest departaeot rroaa
The coats, listed for ,
tomorrow s ' selling
are remainders of a
busy season's selling,
and are remarkably
good values at their
greatly lowered
prices. .',
This is an opportu
nity especially for
women who have
their own furs, for
most of the coats
have plain collars.
Many, too, have good
looking fur collars.
All are.made with ex
acting care. They
fit nicely, are attract
ive in appearance,
wonderfully service
able and wholly sat
Plushes, Velours,
Boiivias, Tinseltones,
Special Lot No. 1
Consists of a very
fine selection. Val
ues up to $40.
Sale Price $19.75
Special Lot No. 2
Consists of values up
to $70.00.
Sale Price $38.50
All other Coats are
reduced One Third.
' 77i7-'
V"7.' -X
V "
.'.?.- it: '
7i; 7-f '"1
rV r- f vN ' . ' i t
, 7; a 7 , ; .'.r:
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'7 t
. "V- ' 3 i
. .
r-if T
a . - Hi n am aT '.a
eopies yvaronousG,
T .
I Make this store your headquarters-. Meet , : ;
I your friends here,, send your Christmas pack-.
x ages from here. . .. ; ;
Notice of Bund Sale
Notion Is hereby Riven that sealed
fcls will be received at the office of
Jlie City Recotaer In Pendleton, Ore
'gon up to 5 o'clock p. tn. m December
1st. for the purchase ef the fol
I'Mprinif described Bonds, general Qblk
t ation of The CHy of Pendleton, to
rn 11:
tM.000,00 19 year bonds redeemable
after 5 years in denomlna-
Apparatus, '
I f .900.69 10 years bonds, redeemable
after 6 years in denomina-
- tions of $500.40 each to be
''used In the purchase e
land for Park purposes,
all bonds to bear Interest at the rate
of S per cent per annum payable semi
annually, on the 1st day of January
and July of each year, each bid must
to accompanied by a certified check in
the sum of b per cent of the amount
bid, made payable to the order of the
Mayor of The City of Pendleton, to be
llomf' of JSOtf.OO to be used
for the purchase nt rircreturned to the bidder if unsuccessful,
. .. . ,
and to b forfeited if the bidder is
awarded the bonds and fails to enter
into a contr.-.ct in accordance with the
terms of hia said bid. The Common
Council reserves the right to reject
any and all bids at its pleasure.
Dated this 19th day of November,
City Recorder.
J :
Just the paint for floors
M4 '
It '4
Notice tt PntfKwd Street
, ment
.Notice Is hereby given that , at
regurar meeting of the. Common Coftn.
c!l of The City of Pendleton held at
the Council Chambers in Pendleton,
Oregon ,on November 24, 1920 the fol
lowing Jtesolution . was duly adopted
viz: : ,
WHEREAS the City Surveyor of The
f jt'ity of Pendleton did on the 1 6th day
i a
therefrom which should properly be
included therein, and,
WHEREAS, the improvement of the
hereinabove- described portions of said
street, cither, with Gravel Bitulithlc
Pavement, Concrete Pavement or War-renite-
Bitulithic Pavement on Crushed
Hock or Crushed Gravel' foundation,
is at this time necessary, therefore,
be it
RESOLVED, by the Common Coun-
Icll of The City of Pendleton that it is
expedient tcKjmprove and K is hereby
proposed to Improve said portions ot
said Lincoln Street by paving the same
with; either . Gravel Bitulithic Pave
ment, Concrete Pavement or Warren
!i Ritulithio Pavement on Crushed
Ruck or Crushed Gravel foundation,
such pavemcnt'to ije'eonstructed and
the surface thereof to be finished upon
the established grade of said street
ond the street to have curbs and gut
ters and alU'other things in accord
ance with and as shown in the plans
and specifications for the improve
ment of said portions of said Lincoln
of November, 1920. under directions
and by reqnlrement of the.Coinmon
Council file In the office ;f the Re
corder of The City of Penijleton,- plans
and specifications for an, appropriate
improvement of the following named
streets In said city:
Lincoln direct from the'.'.North line
, . . . . " .. . . .. ., to. and be It furtner,
SSI '""r ,ogelnr. wnn lne ,es " I RESOLVED that the Engineer's an.
W , males or me worn to ne done ana tne ,. , ,. ..i..i.i ,iat cost nt
iz rh.Ki. .!,- . ..... ' timates of the probable total cost oi
. .. . . . . sucn improvement, wiinn
,7 Vr k i v." parecls Engineer's estimates were made and
of land ,, to be benefited by such Im-, " . ,. ,..,., rilv srvevor
of said city, in the sum of $3598.35
lots and parcels of land lying and be
ing within the district bounded and
described as follows, to-wtt:
DbuTiptlnn of AKHc.-iMiK'iit District
Xo. : i
Commencing on the Southwest cor
ner of Lot Six (6) Hlock Fifteen (15)
Raley's Addition to Pendleton; thence
North 300 feet and parallel with th-s
west line of Lincoln Street; thenc
East 260 feet .on the $outh line of
Haley Street; thence South 300 feet
and parallel with the East line of Lin
coln Street; thence West 260 feet on
the North line C;f Mark street to the
point of beginning.
And be It further ,
RESOLVED that a copy of this
resolution together with the notice
that the surveyor's estimates of the
proportion of tho cont -of said work
to be charged against each lot, part of
lot and parcel of land Is on file In the
office of the City Recorder be publish
td for a period of ten days In the East
Oregonian, which newspaper is here
ty designated by the Common Council
Do you own one of
those comfortable old
homes with good solid
floors that have always
been painted? f
If so, repaint the
floors this time with
Lowe Brothers Hard
Drying Fixa Paint
" made especially fur
indoor floors.
. It is particularly
Ak to the colon
adapted to the finishing
of kitchen and bedroom
floors. V
''- A variety of attractive
colors to choose from
colors that will harmo
nize with your rooms.
: Hard Drying Flooh
Paint is an economical
and lasting floor finish. ,
Easy to us dries hard
find. firm.
and were filed with the Recorder of
"a "f land should pay
Phone 1.18
513 Main St
benefits to be derived
provement, and,
WHEREAS, the council has examin
ed such plans and spefications andj
provement and the percentage of the
total cost of improvement, which each
oi sucn lots, pans oi iois ana parcels , . of vovem
on account of tho j. . . ,.h Kn,AcM anA here
from such im- y 'ri5ferr'ed t0 particularly, and be II
I further. . -, .
RESOLVED that the plans anu
nAnif iMiinn. nnH estimates for such
estimates and found the K!1m HatlHfac., ' i nrcnared by the
nry hiiu tne eiirjmLC iiiei'iur i,j
in accordance with the probable cost
of such work, and
THERKAS, the property recom
mended by the City Surveyor lo be In
cluded within the boundaries of the
district benefited Is In the judgment
of the Common Council properly to
Street, prepared by F. B. Hayes,. City I for the publication thereor. .
Surveyor, field with the Recorder of ,And further notice Is hereby given
raid city jn the 10th day of November, that the City Surveyors estimate of
1920, which said plans apd specifica-j the probable cost.of said improve
tions are hereby particularly referred : ment to be charged against each lot,
part of lot and parcel or land on ac
count of said Improvement is now on
file in the office of The City Recorder,
subject to Inspection and examination.
Dated this 2th day of November,
City Recorder.
ICItv Surveyor and filed with the Re-
Icorder of the City of Pendleton, On
which nestled In hfs arms for a net
20-yard gain. It was the only pass
which succeeded for the green and
gold. . i -
lerjeson at a up Tialf the distance to i Pendleton,
the goal on the next play but Davis Warner. . .
was given the oval for the touc hdown ! Rogers
but was thrown at the line of scrim- Kramer.',',
mage. The captain was called on I Lawcence.
again to run the total up and ho co- Hevel . . .
(ributod with his second touchdown, j rk le'ke,
Hanley kli ked goal making the I'Cahlll . . . ,
points 21 for Pendleton. IHanJeyi!.
After the klckoff, the visitors open- Tergr-won .
d up and led by tho stellar work of 'stendal ...
Horstman and Larson, worked the !l)avis.
ball down the field, a penulty og.ihit I Jt L'aj
Pendleton aided materially and the1
fumble on the fourth down, when the'
ball would have gone to the locals for
holding on downs, gave the losers I
their chance to score. ) I
Iju grnudo Drilled Well.
La Grande pluyed hnr all th
way. Tho locals, on thedher hand.
i lacked the Kinooth-oiled machinery of
the games against Baker and WalLs
burg. Lawrence and Rogers were
both hit bard by the visitors and
played a part of the game somewhat
"di.jsy." Rogers wus replaced by Ad
kinson in the bist period.
The vi.il.tois wero well coached In
defense of I he Pendleton btyle of play.
Ihe game at Baker having given them
a line on the local offensive. One
dead man play and the triple pass es-
.Hjea ny the locals were saiea.od In
ItfJC Ellis rcfercedr "Roy IlanW, W. fi.
V., end, umpired, and Leo Shannon,
La Grande line coach, was head lines
man. The lineup: ;
1'"- La Grand
I'T Thlesed
.If-r. ! : T: Lnrsen
:..- A,
. i . .c. .
. . .rcl
. . .Ml. . .
. . rel . , .
. . .
. .'. Ihr. . .
. .rhl. . .
. . .fh. . .
- Woodelj
. . AlHtott
. Lynch
B. Larson
. , Slmnis
(Cop'lnued from page 1.)
and they are hereby adopted and ap
proved, and be It further, resolved
that the cost of making such Improve
ment shall be a charge and lien upon
n 1..- mix. -r,f . lota nnd narcels of
bo Included within such Improvement tl,b,'hene(lte,1 by ch improve-
The dead man play resulted In the
second touchdown for Pendleton. A
punt by Jji Grande was blocked and
Hevel recovered fof Pendleton. The
tho 10th day of November, 1920, be j team linefl up for a pass and Terjeson
went through tackle for about eight
yards. He snapped the ball back, to
Hanley who skirted end for the sec
ond touchdown. The half ended
with Pendleton on the long end oi a
district and no property Is excluder.
or headache rub the forehead
sotlt and inhale tba vapors
Cwr 11 Million J" Vh4 Ytfrii
iment and the owners of such lots,
i parts of Jota and parcels of land, so
; specialty benefited by such Improve-
ment shall be liable for the payment
I of the costs thereof, nnd be it further,
) RESOLVED that an - Assessment
DlHtrlct Is hereby created to be known
,a "Assewiment District -No. 74" em
bracing the property nenemea ami
they be assessed for the payment of
inch Improvements, wnicn assessment
in their
short order.
Neither team deviated far from the
straight football game. The locals
completed ono pass and the visitors
two for short gulns. Punting was al
so little resorted to. The local team
made first down on 13 occasions but
the score was kept down by fumbles
and tho whistles.
Whether Pendleton will play any
more contests this season is proble
matical. In seven games the boys
have had but 14 points scored against
them, Pasco, in the first game, and 1.1
Grande, In the seventh, being the only
ones io turn tne trick. I'osco, Tou
chet, Hood River. Milton, linker
Waltsburg and I .a Grande wore the
teams met.
Crowd Is Oood Sized.
A good size dcrowd enjoyce) the
yamo which was played In fast time.
. ' JfflOWE
'Tape's Cold Compound" then
bfeaka up a cold in a
few hours , ,7
Relief comes Instantly.; A dose tak
en every two hop mitl'Pthrao dose
are taken usually breaks up.-severe
cold and ends nil tho grippe misery, '
The very first dose operts your' clog
ged up nostrils and tho air. passages in
tho head, slops noso running, relieves
tho 'headache, dullness, feverishneiui
Hiieexinx, sorencsu and stiffness;
Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing
and , snuffling! Clear your congested
head! Nothing clue "in, the world gives
such prompt relief as " "Rape's " Cold
Compound," which cjipts. onlya,, few'
cents at any ilrujf store. Jt acts with-'
out assistance, tasteH nice,' contains
no ioiMine Insist upon Pape's!
14 to 0 score and the ball
In the third period the lecal line,
which had not hBd considerable suc
cess In spots, started tearing things
ooen In nrener style. 1m Grande re
ceived the kickoff but after being un- I iilmK'aclmble if you were to see
able to advance punted to Hanley, j the unequalled volume of unimpcach
who returned II yards. Another jablo testimony In favor of Hood's Har-
march to Ihe goal line started, with jsaparilla you would upbraid yourself
Terjeson reeling off a 15 yard gain be- for so long delaying to take this effec-i
hind excellent interference. He toss- live medicine for that blood,-disease
Dr. Lynn K. Makeslee
jnrontn and fervoua Disease ud
Diseases oil Women. X-Ray Electro
Temple Bids.
Phone 4
Boon 11
DR.C. IL l)A
Dbitrlct shall Include all lots, parU of!,j a forward past to Myron Hanley! from which jou are iufferlng.
1'h juli Ian ami Stirgroa
)-lciialb '
Rooms 21 and 25", fimlOi-Crwford
. Bulld'ca.
j relephona ml
ft. Tl-B
V f I
n: -. '
t r