J f V T V 1 was two DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON," OREGOB," MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 22,i820. TEN PAGES iiMmiiHnmiiNmimiiniuHMHirummHnmiiuimnnim Tlw Way to "LOWER PRICES Is'to: 00 If S r S We're taking the bull by the horns and JXNVPRINGWe are not waiting for prices toconje down them regardless f cost or conditions: , We hope to be a factor in forcing prices 'to. lower; . Ievels.We've tut profits to the bone. You know this store its integrity jjnd its good, merchandise. Satisfy your present as- well as future necds-f or so genuine and unusual money-saving opportunity cannot be ignored. : H 3 S ! Special Sale of I 'arty-Dresses S is s 5 S ;'v 1 . 1 ; v - i f I ' i :- IU v - - . i ? ' K V - v . v ' , -U.f .si u Hi VtP MEN'S SUITS s at $36.50. We are "offering thd greatest values in Men's Suits that you've seen in many a day. Pure, hard finished worsteds, all wool Oregon Cassimeres. Every suit is a bargain of real merit, regularly priced fom $47.50 to $52.50. YOUR CHOICE $36.50 FRESH NEW CHRISTMAS CANDIES We have just received a shipment of choice Christmas candies, the best, the freshest, the cleanest. -t v i .' . . ' ; China and Glass Ware We have a most complete stock now of China and glass ware, prices guarariteed. Do your Thanksgiving shopping in our pure food basement. j Our assortment of Parly dresses is beautiful. Fetching styles in lace, net, satin and taffeta.1 All the new bright ' fihnd9 ''find rnlm' ffinihins. tions. We are offering these J uresses at uiosu wonnerrui in ductions.8 ' Values regularly priced up to $12.50 , Special sale prices range from 28.50 to $75.00 Prepare for the Thanksgiv ing ball. ' ' ' A Tremenduous Slash in Prices on Domestics Note the radical reductions in your every day household necessities, prices existing in the. wholesale market today do not justify (hese low quotations but in order to reduce this stock quickly we offer the following inducements: " ' (rTr. HATTS, pupo wlillr cotton in the (iilnH" rail ed IMnntntion. SMfitil eu'h 2I sirri.ir xvrroN nl nt, each 1IATTS. restilatioii siw, 3S; Cniilc, quot- , i!!h; WOOli IIATT, with some ii)ltn infernoven, er.f roffy, ronirs In 'iiitoii fiill si' for conirortir, I.,MI vnulo In sjilo l $:i no . 0 niti:;o. Ai.n wooi, batts. full sue for .mrort.rs with flMfsc t'loth covers ready for ontsiili) uivei. Iiluh Kfuih- in every rcsHvt. lc)illais rh-o $N.U(). . KM-iiil Suit- prlir I5.U5 Women' Slllt anil Wool f lion Suits, with H IIUI enttnn In terwovon, low niTk or dutch neck, xlioi t Hleeves 'of no iilecveil. Heiiilur sizi'M, wllini; at f.Ui.i on Hale at . . 4 :t.l." rr.iM.i:ss I'l Hi- In this sale, c. W'HITK SOIT I 'OTTO BATT, regnlnr iirlw. AI'OM.O 3 ll. Cotton lintt, pure white, SMK'inl ill this Mile each , . , ( UMAX 3 III. cotton butt, 2.90. KMviul sale prler full si- for comforter, regularly to $1.49 nnother pure whltp cotton liatt in a Sale price 91.19 i-:vki:ka cotton- hatt. weight. R-gulnr price. CHAMPION" COTTON BATT is a fuM siie comfortiT ltt, rixmI cotton, weight. Special sale prir't each fl.lO DOWXr.Y COTTON BATT, rcgulafioii lultt of pure white cofty cotton. SHN lul sale priiv, each 2c COTTON' BATTS, one lialc only, mill end pickings, weight 3 ll)s. to clean out,, each "?5e long filler, $2.25 value, BLACK STi:i'.N, nieroerled, of best quality, 311 Inches wide, t.K! grade, on wile the jnrd i,-,c 75c BLACK SATI:i:. 011 sale, the yard S5 SCOTXH CRASH TOWIMSfS, homespun coarse weaw, very . ahsorlx'iit, wears well and washes easily. Worth :Me. Sfieeial the janl 1 l!l l .l III I) (11 SI. CLOTH ANT GAl'7,1'., 1.V quality, si-lal tin yanl 13 !.,, BARCAISS l'ROM TI1K I XDKItWKAIt Ii:i'AltTMr.XT Women's Heavy Tine Itihhcd, Fhwtil LIiiihI I'nloii Suits, dutch neck, elliow sleeves, ailk taped. In all sizes. These union suits are selling now at 3.i)0 anil Kor a few days only, per suit 32.49 $:i.K5 2.I5 S Out sizes sllintc at H.f.n. 011 sale at..,.....,..,.. Women's l'lceii' Lined I'liioii Suits jL'.f.O grmles f Bale at $2.35 Eludes till sale at , , II. KM I SILK MCSAALINKS White and all colors In th hest ntumlard grades formerly selling at 3. on yard, In this Kale the yard II.H9 Crepe irn Chines, a gootl quality In 4(1 Inch width, pink, whits flesh, black and some colors. Special the yunt 11.49 Georgette Crepes, 40 Inches wide, nil the wanted colors, Idaek and white, evepes that il short time ago you wero paying $3.00 per yard fur. In this special cleanup at, the yuid 91.49 I'ongi'c Silk, special quality, extra ruod value, the yard 91,29 Crcr. de Chine, white and pink only, that were selliilg at I3.U0, now on special sale tit the yard , $1.9)1 Wc give you the best for the price, no matter what the price. loffiaaraa chiest jdepakiaent rroRjt 3n9F(9oples Ware PAYS TO- TRADifl ousa Visit this store just as often as you possibly can, it will pay you. 7iHiiiiiniHuiMiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiMinuiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiM'!Hiui 4W- Chicago foot expert coming to our rm Do you have weak Jut, turning Attklei, crampid loeit aching pains in the J tit that make you lire J all overt You tan gite yourjeetlherelieflhey need, rest your lired, strained muscles, by veearlni Dr. HcholCl Foot-Eaur FootPains that tire you out can be relieved and corrected Every foot pain that you "have has a cause! And if you just know that cause you can find the scientific method of get ting it relieved and corrected. You can come to this store and find out the cause of your foot trouble! You can talk to a man who has been trained in the foo: 'comfort methods of Dr. Wm. Scholl of Chicago. This foot expert this Dr. Scholl Practipedist under stands your foot trouble, will explain to you its cause, and will show you, free of charge, the appliance that will correct it. These appliances are not experiments. They have been tested and found successful all over the United States for a great many years. Do not neglect your feet. You now have the opportunity to have your feet examined and to find out just what they 'need tor their immediate relief. Don't forget the date. And don't fail to come in and find what your feet need to make them comfortable. . Remember the demonstration isrff. ' THE BOOK SHELF prvmnenS weaiest depart.v.st sronr 111 I rJhGreopieswarej T;. " "l will HI If HAYS TO lPAUt" LOUS CIieMren'g Book Week As this is "Children's Book Week" throughout the country, librarians are emphasizing better books for children, and book dealers, who co-operute, are putting on sale the highest grade of reading matter for the children. Childrens' book week as a national campaign was organized in 1919- on the Initiative of the American Book seller's Association and has the co. operation of the American Library Association, the Boy Hcouts of Amer ica, and the General Federation of Women's Clubs. The success of tha Week in 1919- has caused a demand for its repetition, and the week will be an annual affair. "Oh, he has counsel at his side, And wisdom for his duty, And laughter gay for hours of play And tenderness and beauty. And fellowship divinely rare. True friends who never doubt him, Unchanging love, and God above, Who keeps good books about him." KDGAR A. GL'EST. This week at the County Library the childrens' room has been crowded with children both afternoon and night. Each child brings the "Home Heading List" which was given out in the schools this week from which they are reading in order to get a Home Keadmg Certificate. The library book number is printed on the lists after each title and the children arc taught to find the books on the shelves and thus become acquainted with library arrangement and quickly feel at home in library surroundings. The B9t ;lft" A Christmas poem by one of our Oregon authors Is most appropriate at this time of the year and In connec tion with Childrens' Book Week. Mrs. Kkin Starrett of Portland is the auth or Her book "The Charm of Fine Manners" is on the Freshman Home Beading List, though well BUlted foj glades both higher and lower. Other books by this author are "After col lege, what?" and "Oroens and winter gTeen" from which this poem Is taken. What shall you give me, dear? Now that the happy time For tho giving of gifts Is near. And the bells of Christmas chime? Friend of the steadfast eyes, Friend of the loving look, Quickly my heart replies: Always give me a book. For you and I know, dear heart, As the swift-winged years go by, And tho valours of youth depart. And the waiting days draw nigh. What Joy and cheer may come It. the quiet fireside nook , The strife of the world shut out I With a shaded lamp and a book. Then, to our silent room 1 Come sounds of the wood and seas, Twitter of Joyotm birds. Hum of the summer bees' Lovers whose bliss we share; Heroes whose brave deeds thrill Our hearts with the fires of youth; Poets whose visions fill. Our souls with a Joy sublime Infinate hope and desire Till the bonds of earth and time, The burdens that chafe and t're. Are loosed in the vision bright. And our souls transfigured stand, Illumed with the golden light That was 'never on sea or land." Oh, Infinite fields of thought. Where, free from earth's stress and thrall, We walk with the souls Who have wrought, Who have braved and conquered all; Have won from sorrow and paid, From struggle, defeat, and loss, St ow from the crimson stain, Crowns from the bitter cross. These are the souls we meet, And with them Joy and aspire. As we sit by their sacred feet, By the quiet evening fire. So, friend of the steadfast heart, I Friend of the loving look, i When you would give me a .gift, Always give mo a book. : IT. XI.WS NOTIX OF Til!'. I'OI'l I.AB KIIOP Wc are starting the week ont with Hie greatest load of Rem nants we have ver liuil in The Bargain Basement.. ' Modesty forbids telling you what our cusKoiiers say nhout our pretty wool tlnwm Miffl it t say Hint artiT "an all around town chopping trip every shopper finally decide mi tine of our dresses. They aic the Itcsl for the iH4i in I'eudleftiH. Judging from the SImm hiisiucss that W'c hate done In the past week this must be the banner shoe shop. The Bargain Bn-scment lend In Iwiwerlng the Living Costs. There can he but ONK Ix-st place to trade. Think of tills .151)0 hig, heavy. TurkMi Bath Towels, three, feet and 0 inches long hy two feet tvttlc to go 011 sale today. And we don't expeil the lot to last over two das. (ionil things go fust. . ' . Are yoir paying too nnu li for your underwear? Look out I Better call in the B. B. , To Sovb doesn't necessarily mean to hoard up jour money ami act like a miser over It. .Vol it means that you should buy your M:i;iS at the lowest possible prli-e, at the same time look- , lug nut for Quality. To save menus l Trade III The Bargain Basement. We have heen htlared the Lowest Triced Shop on Comfort Felt Mlppcrs. . Would you enjoy buying a very pretty coat of good quality for little money? Then look through our racks In this tie partmcut. , Make it a point to visit this lX'Pulur whop each day. , Many good things await yon. " ' MSOUTOM GMjMFST DEPARTMENT STORE doVeoples Warehouse;, IT TO TRADE ABOARD THE. STEAMSHIP I'Alt ISMINA, Nov. 22. (By Itamnod Clapper, U. P. Staff Correspondent) Harding's cabinet will not bo a coal ition cabinet, according to persons close to Harding. The report that Senator Chamberlain, democrat, will be named secretary of war, Is de clared to unfounded, although Sena tor Chamberlain is a close friend of ASPIRIN Name "Bayer", on Genuine Take no chances with substitutes! Unless you see the name "Bayer'' on package or on tablets you are not get ting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only as told In the Bayer package for Colds, Headache, N'eut'nlgiu, Rheu matism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago nnd for pain. Handy tin boxes of Bayer Tablets of Aspirin cost cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlc actdcer Xf Sallcyllcacld. -cioe Z30E30I aoooc lOEXOt Thanksgiving Shopping Just a word to the wise : The wise housewife who wishes to have her Thanksgiving dinner to be up to the notch in every detail will make her selection early. Our every effort is to give her the very best on every order, but it is a foregone conclusion that the first choice is the best. Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Fries and Nice Hens. Now is the time to have & nice bird tagged up. ' "Tie Tie ' 0iipplf twdve (cv c Phone 187 and 18S CHAS. D, 739 Main Street DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietors I0C30I I0C30E I0E30E a a 5 lOD a o o a o o a o D o