East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 17, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ' ' r'' vr 7 '. ;. . i i
pAos ma
Seattle Inuks'llko a very busy com
munity these days, Norburno llerkok-y,
llcal real estate man, said today fnl
lowlng his return from a short bun
ijies trip to Seattle ami I'xMIhikI
He attended the Pneiric International
Livestock Kxposltlon In I'oriiitnd ycs
torday on the return trip mid declar
ed it a great how. Mr. Berkeley ar
wved home thla mornltiK on No", a.
I Charles Z. Itandull, deputy dlHtrlnt
attorney, returned to Pendleton Inst
evening after an absence of two week
In Portland. Uo cams hy way of
Weppncr where he was called aa a
witness In a case In the circuit court.
Hl tiny daughter, whom ho took o
Portland for professional treatment,
fci gaining In 'weight and strength, Mr.
Kandull wild today.
Will M, Peterson, lncnl attorney,
motored to WcHtun thin mirnliigto at
tend to business In the pioneer city.
A?" -,. -. . 'J I
' ' ' ' W . r
I 4
IHunter has been Indicted aa an accessory. Miss Moore was convicted.
af the murder of Lerry Harth,
bt secured a new trial and waa
) ariso releaaed tja bond. , BoUi
Economize at the Economy
113 W.Webb Street
Corn flakes 8 for $1.00
Standard Toms .'. 2 for 35c
Standard Corn 20c
Small White Beans : 9c per lb
Squash 3c per lb.
Catsup 25c per bottle
Swift's Pride Washing Powder large, 25c
All brands milk per can 15c
Honey, white pinta, 45c; qt. 85c; 1-2 gal. $1.65
Coffee at 30c, 40c and 45c per lb.
Noodles, Macaroni, Spaghetti and Vermicilli,
per package :......10c
The Economy Grocery
Phone 409
XN3W1V3HX snoaxanoD
Wednesday, Nov. 17.
Kollowinn our yearly riiatom we will Rive, a tiirkry to the lady and
one to the nmn hnldln; the lucky number.
Prawlim- marts thin Wednesday pre.
H a jjwMMUy
Here and
A. ft. Montgomery, formerly a fur
t.ier of Helix and now of I,wlKion,
Montana, l here for a business visit
and Is the guest of hla brother, John
V: Montgomery, of the Collins Grain
Co. . ' .
The hoys glco club of I'endlcton
high school Ih under the direction of
Axwitld Olson, of. Walla Walla, who
HpendH one or two days a week hern
Klvlng mimic lessons. He came over
from the neighboring city today to
lord hla pupils. I
3. II. Httirgls and Tt. B. Chloupck, of
this city, arid P. H. Ijetirow, of Athena,
departed on No. 21 IiihI night for Port
land to attend the mock show for the
remainder of thin. 'Week. Mr. Kturgls
Ih Interested In beef and dairy cutttle
an he has a (dock form at llarnhiirt on
which are a number of blooded ani
mals.. Mr. Chloupek Is Interested In
the dlarvlns aids of the stock show.
I being manager of the Golden West
tivea throughout th United State'
nd Canada , are searching for
Maud Moots, 14. and her aweet.
hrart, Martin Hunter, ahowit
above. The girl Is under Indict
ment for first degree murder and'
wealthy Knorvllle business nan.1
releaaed on J10.000 bond.' Hunter
have disappeared. ,
113 W. Webb Street -
moj 3NiN o anoj 3nohi
aJMMMK a vJ, aataa4MaVy a a a.a .. a a
dreamery here. Mr. Ixjiirow as a
bunker, Is also Interested In livestock.
The making of the national Amer
ican, (ilsli, Ice cream, la being discuss
ed ty tho members of the Pacific Ice
Cr'n:,i Manufacturers' ussoclullon ut
Its oonventlon In Portland and thither
wi'i't ft. K. Chloupek and C. H. Hmlth
of tho Golden West creamery latd
nlgMt. JUr. Chloupck bi most Interested
In l".i. aale of the frozen confection,
while Mr. Hmlth Is the man who makes
l(c cfum for the Golden West.
Georgo Tonkin, ir. H. Game War
dn, Is n Pendleton visitor. He has
been In Portland on official business
and In Arlington, where ttie geese
hntlng season Is cUUmlng the attention
of hundreds of sportsmen.
' O. P. Steele of this city has been
notified of the serious Illness of his
father at Jackson Missouri arid 1
leaving this evening for the bedside of
his parent.
Joseph, Cunha, Jr., of Kcho, one or
the managers of the Kcho Flour Mills
is In Pendleton today on business.
IvcIk Couple Are J.lceiiH!.
A marrlngo license was Issued to
day to Roy C. Hale, of ticho, and MIshS
Ulttdys womacK, or ivcno.
.Miilford (feptuiv rrg'r.
Harry Thomas, wanted hero for
forging checks on the account ol
Charlos Serrell, local farmer, has been
arrested by the police at J1 Ml lord and
is held for the sheriff here. Thomas
passed the checks &:.oul .November 3
on the Charles Company and lit o Uu
puis cigar stores.
Viiiiiik laii WauttM S4'iaratini.
Arthur 11. nrlch today broueht auit
in circuit court for divorce from Ma
bel 7.. 1'Irlch, charging her with cruel
ty iuid ' lncorrlBibllity. He aska that
tho court restore to her her maiden
name of Mabel Zella Hwrdman. The
couple was married In dctolier, 1919.
George W. Coutts reliruscnla the
1. al-0 Takrn I i-inn Case.
Kight waista, of filmy ailk and
crepe dc chine, were Htolen from the
ahowouaes of Hopf'a upHtaira clothing
Ktoro laat ti ik lit. the sheriff's office
waa notified this morning. The case
are at tho Main street entrance to the
Mtairway leading to the ahop and all
tho artlcloa in thera were removed.
The lock were picked and the cases
opened without daiuafflng the win
dows. Carl Hopf, owner of the goods.
could not he reached today to give an I
cbitinute on his loss.
KM-nped Hoy Coptnrwl.
(icorgo Kpiker, of Ia Grande, an
escaped youth frota the atate reform
school, wus arrested this noon atelhr
O-W. H. &. N. depot -while awaiting
the unival of No. 17. He hnd escap
ed capture last night at Ia Grande by
taking a west bound freight with a pat
A deputy from the sheriff office
stepped up to the lad and said "Howdy
George." George replied with a
"How-do. you-do." His Identity- es
tablished, the lad was turned over to
Superintendent Gilbert, of the school,
who was returning to Salem on No.
I". His pal, who did not know the
lad was an escape, stood on the station
platform with mouth ajar as hip
friend was taken along with the offi-
TACOMA. Wash., Nov. 17.--(A. P.)
The price of Douglas Fir lumber has
decreased in price 40 per cent in the
last six months, according to a bulle
tin of the West Coast Lumbermen's
Association. The association declares
prices hnve reached their lowest level
under present wages. and prices of sup
plies, nnd notes that numerous mills
have been forced to close down.
while you sleep"
A Dependable Physic
when Bilious, Headachy,
Constipated and Upset
10, 25, 5 (k drugstores.
FOR KENT Two furnished house
keeping rooms, no children 711
What Your Kidneys-i
r-Should Do For You
The kidney are really filteri, finely
organised for their work ol cleini
ing and purifying th blood, elect
inf and throwing out wnte produfli
which would act at poitoni if per
mitted to remain in the tyitem.
When four kidney are out of order,
the impuritiei are not removed and
remain to poitoa the tyitem, cam
Inf backache, swollen or iliff joioti,
rheumatic peine, puffinen tinder the
eyet, floalinU tpccki, biliouincM,
weakneu and pale, waxy, dry tkin.
1 fuffand with fcidiwr trotitvl md hv
taknn mwy kind ol nudiMn wicbout MOintf
relitf. 1 ud to have ver Biin icrl
mT bHi and flt mirbl and all tirad out.
hut atlsr takial Polar Kidney Cilia I am well.
Is (act 1 heve not been bothered with itdnev
trouble emce teeing the pilll." Mre. C. J.
EUii. 506 tth At.. Sieux Fall. S. D.
Foley Kidney Pills
are made from the purert and finetl
medicinn,acceptedathe moat help
ful for kidney trouble and bladderail
mend. They coat far more to make
than the average kidney pill, for the
bigb. atandard of their ' mating
never deviated from, no matter bow
the coat of Ingredient advance.
Utile Gill Itorn.
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Oldfield are
'.he i menls of a litle daughter born
last n 1 1 1 .
Heavy Miower Kails
Huinfall last night and thla morn
ing totaled .25 of an Inch say Major
U'c Moorhotise, official weather ob
rver. The maximum today ia 62 and
the minimum 4 2. The barometer rcg
iaters 2S.47.
Will Killer I'liivcrslty
Harry Benson, of Sfattle, who has
resided here since graduating from
Uroadway high school, Seatttle, left
today for his former home. He plana
to witer the I'nlverBity of Washington
it Seattle in the freshman class.
Mrs. (iixxlinan icoveriiir
AVrd waw rTp'.'d tdM.' ' Gfr"
H. Coutts that bis daughter, lira.
but her Goldman, of Boise, is now on
;he road to recovery after having been
II for a month with typhoid fever.
Her fever is now entirely gone, the
word caid, and she is gaining strength.
Mrs. Coutts is still there and will ac
company Mrs. Goldman here when the
latter is able to. travel.
nnnm-lns Provided For.
Plana for financing the work of the
Umatilla County Y. M. C. A. for the
coming year were perfected last night
at a meeting here of the local mem
bers of the county executive commit
tee and a few from out of ' the city.
Raymond W. Hatch was re-elected
president of the committee, J. O. Rus
sel corresponding secretary and J. W.
Maloney, treasurer. Joel Davis of
Echo, a new member of the executive
committee, was present and was In
V. M. C. A. Kmloraod.
The work of the Y. M. C. A. in this
county was endorsed by the Rotary
Club at Its weekly luncheon today at
the Elks Club. The Rolarians pledged
their support to the work of the coun
ty Y. The elub also expressed Itself
as being favorable to the proposed ce
real grain show which would be held
during the week of the 1921 Round
Cp with exhibits from Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho. This show would
he larger than the county show held
last year. The altcndance a
club meeting was cut down to 21 be
cause so many members are In Port
land for the Pacific International
Livestock Exposition.
Precincts Make Itcrunis.
Mrs Rudolph Tannler turned In
$113 from her precinct for the ned
Cross for the Red Cross Roll Call and
Mrs. H. E. Bickers turned in $180 to
day, making two of the largest totals
yet. realized from precincts. Mrs.
Bickers and her assistants have not
yet completed the drive. The response
throughout the city has been ready,
the workers state, and It is expected
that Pendleton will be over tho top
with Its $3200 quota before Thanksgiv
ing Day, tho la.st day of the drive. All
gift donations are for tho use of the
Umatilla county chapter, and the
$3200 is to be raised entirely through
membership fees, which are of three
kinds, annual, sustaining and lite.
If the Invitation of the members of
the western naturalists of Oregon
Agricultural college is accepted, the
meeting of the north western divl
slnn will be held on the campus at
Thanksgiving time. The scientists
read papers on and discuss big bio
logical subjects. O. A. C. has more
members on the staff than any other
institution on the coast. Plant Pa1
thology, O. A. C."
teW YORK The failure of
prices to come down with defla
tion tn full tore la asalgned by
J. S. Bache, ot the banking firm
of J. 8. Bache ft Co. of New York,
to the desire ot the retailers to
, ell without loss stock brught at
'Khvj- priors,
I , s?
f .CSS
1 fviRCINII li
The one who
gives a gift in silver
gives a growing
A teaspoon is a
start towards a J
chest and addi-
tional pieces can al
ways be added.
Tea services, sand
wich trays, vegetable
dishes, can be purchas
ed to harmonlzo ani
the household will soon
possess silver that wilt
last forever and
grow dearer thru senti
ment as the years go
ff 11 n rn-.aat
Intcr-Oass Teams I'raeth'O. Prac
tice has been begun by the classes for
the inter-class basketball games
r.hlch are to be held soon. The bos
have been out several nights and the
work is progressing nicely. They are
learning the fundamentals of the
game and there will be much rivalry
between the classes. The substitutes
for the first team will probably be
chosen from these teams. No letter
men will be allowed to play in the in
t r-class meet. It Is planned that each
class team will play six games and the
class having the highest average will
be declared the winner.
Senior tlass Srlcrtlnff Pins. The
senior class today in inspecting the
samples of Mr. Dankworth who rep
resents a concern of Rochester, N. y
Mr. Dankwortht arrived this morning
from Portland. In the line of sample
ae has several hundred pins and rings
The class. The class n tll also select
soilable commencement invitations
tiom his stock. The committee choos
ing designs consists of Miss Man
Clarke, Miss Etotella Mills. Gilbert
Struve, John Henry Simpson and
David Swanson. The order will be
sent immediately bo that the Invita
tions will arrive in due time at thr
class will not experience the difficulty
of last years graduating class.
SEATTLE. Nov. 17. (A. P.) A
man who was Identified at the police
nation yesterday according to the po-
He, as Frank E. Peters, is wanted at
Bellingham on a charge of having
isseud a worthless check for $1000.
He was arrested in Seattle yesterday
charged with attempting to hold up
two women.
SKOl-L. Korea, Oct. 17. (A. P.!
Thirty-two Korean malcontents, ae-
curs of attempting to start armed
j diKturhanccs throughout Korea's sim-
ultaneously by instigating the mem
bers of the Korean young men's as
sociation In various places, have been
arrested at South Pyungan-do. They
have been sent to Seoul charged with
political Intrigue. The Koreans have
their headquarters at Lunghu. -Manchuria,
and are said to have a large
At once I Relief with
'Pape's Cold Compound"
The first dose -eases your cnldl Don't
stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and
snirff liiisIA dose of "Pape's Cold Com
pound" taken every two hours until
three doses are taken usually breaks
VP a severe cold and ends all grippe
Relief awaits you! cipen your colg-
ged-up nostrils and the air passages
of your head: stop nose running: re
lieve the headache, dullness, feverlsh-
nesa, sneezing, sorenecs and stiffness.
"Pape's Cold Compound" Is the
quickest, surest relief known and costs
only a few cents at drug stores. It
acts without assistance. Tastes nice.
Contains no quinine. Insist on rape's)
A beautiful
clean cut Amer
ican type sug
gesting the ever
appealing Colo
nial spirit to
nobly exempli
fied in the well
loved character
When choosing
your table et
vice visit our
store and see
this attractive
sterling silver
Sawtelle's Inc., Jeweler
Keep Your. Blood Pure
Did you know that ninety per
cent of all human ailment depend
upon the conditioa of your blood T
Nature gives her warnings in va
rious unmistakable ways, so that
when the 'appetite fails, and you
become weak and lUtless and a gen
eral run-down condition seems to
take possession of the whole body,
it is an unfailing sign that impuri
ties will steadily accumulate until
your general health will be seri
(East Oregonian Special.)
RIETH. Nov. 1". A surprise party
was given on Monday night at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Snyder,
for their son Clar ence. Many of the
young and older people were present,
of whom were Mr. and Mrs. Snyder.
FTed Hannan of Pendleton, Elmer E.
Williams of Portland. Charlie English,
Murphy Heath, Bert Tompkins, George
Geanakoplis, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Tompkins, Johnnie Herr, Carl Living
ston. Mr. and Mrs. Duke, Freder ick
Heath, Perry Woods, Mr. English, Mr.
Docks, Lillian English, Jean Clark.
Fay Clark. Bessie Heath. Ollle Heath,
Carrie Hillman, Lillie Kennedy. Mrs.
N'evers. Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. H. L.
Livingston, Laura Hillman, Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Rorick and Ruth Ellis . Re
freshments of sandwiches cake and
coffee were served.
Mrs. R. J. English, who. has been ill
at her home for some time, will be
sent to Pendleton today where she
can have proper care of th4 doctors.
six'oxn wkkxtv victim nn-.s
ALBUQLERQl'l, X. M., Nov. 17.
Isaac Bear of Denver, Colo., said to
be a wealthy stockman, died in a local
hospital yesterday from injuries re
ceived when a Santa Fe train hit his
automobile at a grade crossinir near
Domingo, N. M. fn3 wife died
nfter the accident. Mrs. M. S. Maver.
daughter, and Martin Bear, driver
were injured.
209 E. Court
1 1-2 pound 55c
3 pounds $i.oo
S pounds $1.90
Cane Sugar, sack $12.35
Picnic Hams, Swift's, pound 30c
Pint Wesson or Mazola Oil 4QC
Quart Wesson or Mazola Oil 75,.
1-2 gallon Wesson or Mazola Oil $1.50
1 gallon Wesson or Mazola Oil $2.90.
Pay Cash Receive More Pay Lcsi
209 E. Court , , Phone 880
Nothing could speak
more convincingly for
our standing aa a sliver
bouse than the firtna
whose silver we sell.
Wn are Pendleton
headquarter for ' "
The a nove list In
cludes the best makers
of silver and whose
guarantee is combined
with ours is combined
ver sale.
Will Do the Rest
ously affected. Ton hould reeofr
nize the importance, therefore, of
very promptly cleansing out the
system, and keeping th blood sup
ply pure and robust . - '
Get a bottle of S. S. S. at roar
drugstore to day, and note now
promptly it builds up the appetit
and gives new strength and ti
tality. Write for free literature
and medical advice to Chief ateoV
cal Adviser, 153 Swift Laboratory,
Atlanta. Ga.
WASHINGTON', Nov. 17. (A. P.)
No corporation, no group of corpora
tions and no group of individuals la
going, "to deliver American recognl
tion to Mexico" the state department
stated today. The United States will
not insist 'upon abrogation of Article
27 of the Mexican constitution, Hut if
laws enacted under It are confiscatory
or rettroactive the United States could
not accord recognition. The United
States is actuated solely by a desire to
pr-iteet American interests.
Sore Throat, 0oMs
Quickly Clwckeal By Hamlln'e
-. Wizard Oil
Sore throat and chest colds
should never be neglected. Few
people realize how often they re
sult seriously if not promptly
checked. Hamlin's Wizard Oil is
a safe, simple and effective treat
ment. Used as a gargle for sore
throat it bringstqtiick relief. Rubbed
on the chest it will often loosen up
a hard, deep seated cold in one
night. Keep a bottle on the shelf.
Wlaard Oil la a good dependable prep
aration to have In the mMkrlne cheat for
flret aid when tho doctor may be far
away. How often apralna. bruieee. cut
and burn occur la overe family. e well
ae little trouble like oarache. teothach.
cold aorea. canker eorea. eUf aeck. and
tired aching loot. Soolktns, healing Wla
rd Oil will alwaye bring Qultk relief.
Generoua else bottle ibc.
If you are troubled with conatlpattoa
or alck headache try . Mamlln'a Wlsant
Liver Vt'hlpe. Juat pleaaant little pink
Nil ot druffial tot iuv. Uaaxatoteed.
Phone 880
f t
: -i
e i