East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 16, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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People Here and There
Blow-art CamDlwII. of Condon, wan Mr. and Mm. O.'llruHhu arrived thili
here on hualneim yenterday, He re-. mornlnir from Portland to attend to
Home nuNinHiw antum ncrn.
itha In Improved In health.
turned to'hl home today.
' Fred Ti. Madlnon, of Oregon City. In
la bunlnen vlnllor In Pendleton today.
Me In In the real entnte bUHlneH Jn tho
mil city. , ,
AdrlAn Mile, formerly of Pendle
ton, 'but now a uteNman for Bunhonir
A Co., bank mutionetn, of Portland, In
here today, on a bimlneoa mlnHlon.
W. Ti. Thomimon, prenldent of the
fcMrst National Bank of Portland, ex
tinct to return to the nrotropoll to
night after a brtef bunlne vilt here.
i Virgil P. Moore, well known Pen
Uleton farmer, left thl noon on No.
17 for Portland wher he will visit
the llveetock expowltlon. Ml Eva
Moore accompanied him. )
' ' ..." .
1 From Athena today eom Dr. V. V.
Vatt. hardware merchant, and Ho
mer I. Watt, former mayor and a
practicing attorney of the neighboring
Jown. Both were here on buelne, '
1 F.cho I to have it annual Thank
Klvlng turkey shoot neat Sunday,
ltalph munfleld, cnxhier of the Bank
of Kcho, Bald Monday while in the
city. The event will take place, a
wnal, at the Pete Hheridan place on
lower Butter Creek.
Mr. Mtixlne Dompney, former wlf
nf the champion, Jack Dnmpoy, wa
lr Pendleton thin morning and took
train No. l for the wem end of the
county to vlelt relative reaidlng near
Stanfleld. , ,
WA8HIXOTO.S', No. 16. (U. P.)
The economic deprelon will con
tinue through ihl winter, according
to Herbert Hoover, who come here to
day to afl lresa the executive council of
the Amorlcan Federation of Labor.
"By aprlng," aaid Hoover, "greater
prosperity dhotild begin to develop,
providing the United Btate can get H
export moving fcy then,"
Thl wa the glut of what Hoover
told the labor reader who conferred
with him behind closed door Tor more
than three hour. It wa leurned from
aeveral delegate. h Inviting Hoover,
the council member wild they were
seeking general Information on econ
omical condition to aimlHt them ;ln
flaming their general pollcle.
i; u-isj. : . .
KcImmiI Money IMng Apportioned.
The chool of 1,'niatllla county are
shortly to receive their ahare of ap
proximately $170, (Kin on Htuta and
county money and apeclul tax levy
money In the hand of the county
treasurer, Pendleton dlntrlct will gut
about 118,000 of thl amount. It him
already received about (23,i In npv.
cial tax levy fund.
Any man who buys a car without first investigat
ing the merits of a BIG-SIX does himself a very grave
injustice. The quality of this seven passenger car y
may be equaled by a few cars it is excelled by none f
' Studebaker Dealers ' '
Elks Building . , ' ,' ..' , ' Phone 74.
6 "HieiinitiiiirairnwilMWipmmwnilWIIimmflllimra
Clinking lflgli Schools.
W. C. Smith, awilstant atate auper
Intendent of public Instruction, ar
rived from Kulem thl morning and In
company with W. W. Green, county
auperlntendent, went to the cant end
of the county thl morning to visit the
high chooln at I'muplne and Milton.
Mr, Smith will check over the equip
ment of all high achool In the coun
ty to ascertain If they ure mill stand
ard. He will be here most of this
Lumber Company eeUn I'ay..
The Inland Ktnplre Lumber Co.. to
day filed suit aguiiiNt George King, ft
ux. to foreclose on a Hen for J492.90
alleged due for material with which
the defendants hullt a house In Ktun
fleld, The City Petilty Co., to which
the house' was later conveyed, Ik
made co-defendiuit, with the reiiftul
that It Hen bi'declured Hiilioriiinutr
to that' of the lumlier concern. W. J.
Warner, of Hermlnton, and P. II. Col
lier of Pendleton, are attorney for the
Forestry fUnluls IteortvitL
Three thousand three hundred
forty-two dollar and fifty-four cents,
thki eounty" share of money collect
ed for forest rental in this t-onnty
during the liuit fiscal year, wits re
ceived by County Treamirer Grace A.
Gilliam today from the secretary of
Mare. This money represent one
fourth the amount collected within
the county by the forest service. Of
the totul, one-fourth la apportioned
to the school fund and the other three
fourth to the road fund.
your grocer for Cal
umet Baking Powder and be
sure that you get it the In
dianhead on theorangelabeL
Then forget about bake
day failures. For you will
never have any. Calumet
always produces the sweet
est and most palatable foods.
And now remember, you
always use less thin of most
other brands because it pos
sesses greater leavening strength.
Now Remember-
Always Use
tmmm mm
IW3 5P
There is no waste. If a
recipe calls for one egg two
cups of flour half a cup of
miik that's all you use.
You never have to re-bake.
Contains only such ingre
dients as have been officially
approved by U. S. Food Authorities,
is the product of the largest, most
modern and sanitary Baking Pow
der Factories in existence.
Pound can of Calumet contains full
16 oz. Some baking powders come in
12 oz. instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure
you get pound when you want it
4 cups sifted
flcur, 4 level tea
spoon Cllumet
Bukir.g Powder.
1 tablespoon at
gar, i teaspoon
salt, 2 etfgs. I
cups of nwee.
milk. Then mix
in the regular
A Man's Gift
Should look liketa m;in hig, ttrnjr,
The cuff links illustrated are just the
kind that would please any man.
Heavy cnout'h to withstand any work.
Sensibly made so they will not loone out
of his .shirt.
Beautiful enough to please the fancy.
llii- !.rKi'!t IHnmiiml IH-alrrs In l-a ti rn frogim
,4e '
Quality PUIJNTING at IlrasunaMc Prices-
East Oregbnian Printing Department ,
Economize at the Economy
113 W.Webb Street
Corn flakes '. 8 for $1.06
Standard Toms 2 for 35c
Standard Corn .. - 20c
Small White Beans 9c per lb
Squash 3c per lb.
Catsup - . 25c per bottle? '
Swift's Pride Washing Powder 25c
All brands milk per can - 5c
Honey, white pwU 45c qU. S5c; 1-2 $1.65
Coffee at i....-...-....:...i..'.30c, 40c and 45c per lb.
Noodles, Macaroni, Spaghetti and Vermicilli,
per package ........:.... . 10c
. ' ' " ' ',. . .
The Economy Grocery
Phone 409
113 W. Webb Street
Water l"nr-rs Sued for Hcnt
Bulls were filed aaalnnt three water
users today hy F. B. Swayue and W. H.
Himnmin, receivers for the Western
Iind and Irrigation Co.', for back rent
anrjred due on water furnished by the
plaintiff -company and Its receivers.
Frank A. Wood la alleged In arrearx
0 for water furnished to 10 acrea at
fl.fifl an acre for the pant Tour years.
D. P. Mustard Is .alleged In arrears
$80 for rent for li years on 40 acre
at the same cost. Howard P. Ander
son Is alleged In arrears $76 for five
yeirs rent on 10 acres at $1.S0. The
plaintiffs ask foreclosure of liens
aaalnKtll three defendants and sale
for oymnt of the accounts and In
terest from Jfine 1. 1920 on them.
lvens A Drowley are attorneys for
the plaintiffs.
Three hundred attended the cele
bration given at Heppner by the
Heppner lodge of Oddfellows Satur
day night. They came from the five i
InHu-a nt Mnrrnw unci the 3.1 lodlfes
M,mfv nn,l ti.O mtftln TviUltion
Was the largest outside the
con"cntlon. which has been held In
ihiH jurisdiction for many .nonths.
Ten men were Initiated into the
lodge and 24 into the encampment
of the lodge. They were conducted
through the mysteries by Eureka
lodge team from Pendleton. Seventy-
five attended from this county.
8. Y. Bowman, of this fitw, gran 1
warden; It. F. Klrkpatrlok, grand
patriarch of the encampment and
Earl Williams, past grand patriarch,
were the grand lodge dignitaries pres
ent. The local men are looking for-
'ward with a kectv-expectution. tojhe
district mectine in February of the
lodgos of the two counties for which
Heppner will again bo host.
GENEVA, Nov, 1 A. P.) Ger
many will not make a formal appli
cation for admission to the league ol
Nations but wo'ild not ignore an In-
said r. Hen-man .Mueller,
district vice president of the reichstag foreign
affairs committee, in a statement.
printed here Saturday. He believed
application would cause such disciiM-
(Continued from page 1.)
session. As the session progressed,
particularly In the , last hour, certain
HttiwiiiltlaB flAVnlonAd conanicuous
weakness and the sharp decline regis
tered In. such Issues had a symname
tle effect on standard shares, with the
result that most of the early gains
were cancelled. There was no parti
cular news developments disclosed
di.rin the session althongh the In
creasing number of unfavorable trade
reports, and unemployment were not
overlooked in stock market calcula
tions. There does not seem to be
much vigor In the Intermittent rallies
that take place In the market and
there still seems to he several weak
spots In the list. It Is likely, there
fore that a further revision downward
In the quotations of some of the stocks
may take place and In the process the
general list may sympathise to some
Sterling exchange closed $1.4214.
J.N3W1V3HX Sn031inOD OJ 3NIN-0-HflOJ 3NOH4
209 E. Court , Phone 880
These are Swift's Picnic Hams and are
Per Pound 30c.
Per 100 lbs. $12.60
. . :.
... 'i
Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less
209 E. Court " Phone 880 c
Former Student Meoted to OfHce
Norborne Kerkeley, a June, 1S20,
graduate of the high school, hns been
elected secretary-treasurer of the
Klrkman Hall Club at Whitman Col
lege. The organisation is composed of
all dormitory men and seeks to benefit
li nt it. members. They are planning
parties, dances, basketball and base
ball teams. Berkeley was a prominent
memer of last year's graduating class,
having been a member of the senior
play cast and of the high school de
bating team.
Mrs, Sldiros Assist Mrs. Spald
ing is assisting Miss Severance In the
coaching of, the Drama Club piny
which is to be staged on Friday even
ing. Mrs. Spalding has had a great
deal of dramatic work and Is experi
enced In this line. Her services are
greatly appreciated by the Drama
la. Wash.. Nov. 1. No foothall
will he played between Whit
man college and Gnnzaga. university
of Spokane this season, according t o
definite announcement mado here by
Conch It. V. Burleske, following his re
turn from Spokane, where he referced
the Walla Walla-Lewis' and Clark
football contest Saturday.
Horlfske said that, although he was
willing lo meet Gonxaga. no advance
was made to him for a game while In
Spokane, by Coach ltorlas of Gonanga.
putting to rest all rumors prevalent
that GomuiKa wished to re-schedule a
game this season.
Last vear a contest was billed for
Spokane last Sa tunlay, but last
month Gonzngfja cancelled it. trying to
get Whitman to switch the date from
last Saturday to Ar inistice day. This
Whitman refused, as the date would
have been but four days after the Montana-Whitman
Its Caus by
Your Bleed.'
One of the most Important duties
af vour svstem is to burn up certain
substances no longer of use In your
body. One Is uric acid, now gener
ally' hold t he the cause of rheuma
tism. It Inflames the Joints, st'f-fens-
the muscles, causes pains,
aches, and lameness.
TJie svstem is helped to dispose
of this troublesome substance, and
rheumatism Is permanently relieved,
bv Hood s Sarsaparlila. the one true
blood purifier. It Is aided in many
cases, bv Hood's Pllts. which In
small doses sre a gentle laxative,
In lreer doses sn active cathartic
A grand course of treatment,
economical and effective.
WSAHINGTON, Nov. 1(1. (F. P.)
The United States will ie without rep
resentation at the first meeting of the
assembly of the league .of, nut ions, no
in session In Geneva, it was stated
definitely at state department Mon
day. Previously Secretary Colby left
it be known the mutter was under
consideration -hy President Wilson. '
Mark A. Sturtevant to Wm. L.
Mathews $80.90 Lots 6, 7 and 14, Hlock
7, original town of Pilot Itock.-,
Chris Hredlng to Henry Schult
$19,012. One half interest In Sec. 7
and 8,"Tp. 1, S. 15. 32.
Emery M. Achilles to Oliver T. Dick
inson .$lfll.fl0 NE 1-4 Sec. 23, aHid NW
1-4 Sec. 24, TP. , N. K. 32.
Edward J. Maher to J. T. Puffing-
ton $;,no.oo sk 1-4 nw i-j-.sw i-
Sec. 1, TP. 4, X. K. 2.
Mark A. .Sturtevant to Jack Ogg
$25.0OIit A, Block 3. Pilot Hock.
Edward Kemick to Mart Griffin $11
South 22 fct. nfLots 5 and 6, Block 4.
Citv of Umatilla.
j. Dewlldc, Trustee to E. O. McCook
$1.00 portion of SW 1-4 SW 1-4 See. 7,
To. 2. N. It. 31.
.Iimies Johns to Narolsse Bushman
tr.O.HO W 1-2 NE 1-4 SE 1-4 Sec. 3.
Tn. 2. N. 11- 3r.
Joseph Bushman to W. H. Caplinger
$70.00 1-6 interest in NW 1-4 Sec. 31
To. 1. N. H. 33.
' W. M. Davis to Lneian and Emma
Gagnnn $4000.00 N 1-2 SE 1-4 NE 1-
Sec. 3, TP. S, N. R. 35, mete and bound
tiact same Bee-, Tp. and range.
The supreme court ha.
advance the argument on
of Victor lterger. Milwaiik
lead-r. from conviction In
. (U. r.)
li greed to
; :.l
ii . '. V t
the I r
court on charges of violation of I lie
espion::i,'e act.
The government moved for an ad
vance of the Sppcal of Senator New
berry, from conviction in the Michl-
.. miirht .ndansr the league, as Kan leuerai couil uii c..a.i,e v. "-h.
some states are opposing the- German I practices in n.s
eetion. Newberry's
.ittorncys concurred In tne mouon.
v; . '
ti5 ;n
The appeal
iality oC the
Appear At Your
Bert Instantly
-rr or an unexpected life I
jl.i i. ran flfl atunl
Tll""" f -
fidoit of ahrays aroeanns
tt year bt In But a B
RMMrumti it retmers to yam
tlcin a wi-ndertully pars.
s.rft compknum tlu m
beyond compsrfon-
attacks the constitution
ferleral corrupt practices
ui g -
I Pffli tilt -l
mi. ' D Hn.-r.i m nV-l . ; ill;
Escapad an Operation
There is nothing in the world a .woman so much fears as a surgical
operation. Often they are necessary, but often not; and. many hae
been avoided by the timely use of that good old-fashioned root and
herb remedy Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you are
suffering from some dread ailment peculiar to your sex, why not
profit by the experience of these two women whose letters follow?
These Two Women Saved from Operations.
Cedar lipids, L "After tho birth imdujiky.OLio. " After the birth of
f my last chilil 1 had such painfj my baby I bad organic trouble. My
f ;kh!s tiiey would unlit, me entirely lor doctor saui it -was caused by too heavy
my housework. I sctfored for months
niid the doctor snid that my trouble was
organic ulcers and I would have to have
an oi::ra ion. That w:w an awful thing
to me.wuli a young baby and four other
children, so one day 1 thought of Lydia
Hl'inkham'.s Vestetablo Coinixumd'and
how it hadheljied me years leforo rind.
I decided to try it again. I took live
boUlesol'WgetableCoinpound and used
Irdia E Pinkham's !SanativeYash and
Fineo then 1 have been a well woman,
able to take care of my house ami family
without any t rouble or a day's pain. I
niri ready and thankful to swear by your
mediciim any Uine. I am forty-four
years old and have not Lad a day's ill
n.ss of any kind for three yearO
Jlrs. II. KoENiii, 017 K11U JiVvd, Cedar
iUpuis, iowa.
JUlting and 1 would have to have uu
oiKnitioiu I would hot consent to an
C'lieration and let it go for over a year,
having my sister do my work fornie as
I was not able to walk. One day my
aunt came to see me and told me almut
your medicine said it cured her of tho
Fame thing, ltook l.ydi; K. l'iiikhani's
Vcgetabie Coinimund .(nd Used !.yii;
E. i inkhams Sanative. Wash and th?y
have cured me. Kow I do my own
liousewoik, washing and ironing mid
powing for my family and also ilo sew
ing for oilier people. 1 stiil take a bottlo
of Vegciable Cojui-omid every spring
for a tonic. I recommend vusir nuiiicino
to othei-s wlio have troubles similar to
mine and you can use my letter it ymi
wist; " .Mrs. J'ai I 'ai enu sk, .
Woiie St Samlu.' ky, t'li!-.
Thousands of Such Letters Prove the Curative Value of
.aviw V
' Ml
bp-U in
1 t4i4tMMOM 44Ut4J