r - p k - f i "( vv , T-Ve s' -1 i i S i f ' " UGX TWO DAILY EAST OREGOJJIAN, PENDLETON, OEEGOIT, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 10,. 1920.. TEH PAGS3 r"'!"-!;ii i'!aUiliu"i',il''i t ;;tj!tli Unmimiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiliii rMiiiiiuiiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiutiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiuiutliiititiiniiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiimmiifliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiiii iiiiniiini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii iiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiilitlliilliliiiiiiiitiilliiliiiiitiiiiiiiiiil We ate Ofietrng Lovet Prices on AH Kinds of Seasonable, Vlf anted 'Apparel- J ; The qualities are llie.sanic Jiigh $tamlurtlt veye simply lowered the price. You'll fret tlie best for th; .price, no matter what the price, here in Pendleton's Greatest Department Store, where it pays o trade. ' ; , . . 2 ts 3 s & s 3 m 5 if- C C B WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S OUTING FLANNEL NIGHT GOWNS AND PAJAMAS AT SPECIAL SALE PRICES' Colored or plain while. Here are the prices, read them carefully, then come and buy your winter's supply am! save on every article. LOT 1 Includes women's and children's govns from $1.1)8 to $2.75. Specially priced at . $1.35 LOT 2 Includes women's and children's gowns at $3.00, $3.75 to $4.50. Specially priced at $2.89 LOT 3 Includes women's and children's pajamas at $1.50, $1.98 to $2.50. Specially priced at $L1q LOT 4 Includes women's and chiidren's pajamas at, $3.00, $3.50 and $3.75. Specially priced at $2.75 , LOT Includes women's and children's pajamas at $4.50 and $4.75. Specially priced a : $3.25 T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP In Our Model Grocery Basement SERVICE ECONOMY CLEANLINESS 3 Main Line Phones, all 15. All Other Depts. 22. Citron, per pound 85c Orange and Lemon Peal, pound 75c Raisins, per package 35c Currants, per package 40c Apples, per box . .' 75c Cider, sweet, per quart 55c Cider, boiled 45c and 90c Bacon, Cooked Ham, Dried Beef, Sliced to order. The best and the cleanest at guaranteed prices. ' MEN'S OUTING FLANNEL NIGHT GOWNS AND PAJAMAS Are AH Greatly Reduced. We are Pendleton agents for the wel known "Brighton Carls bad" make of Bight gowns and pajamas, they have few equals and no superiors. The quali-' ties are wonderfully good. The make can't be beaten. Every wanted style is here. Now is the time for you to prepare for winter and ; save on your warm sleeping garments. t-.tu rMignt uowns and Pajamas Reduced to $3.00 Night Gowns and Pajamas Reduced to $3.50 Night Gowns and Pajamas Reduced to ; $4.00 Night Gowns and Pajamas Reduced to . 4.50 Night Gowns and Pajamas Reduced to fWl MirrVit Hnvno enrl Tniorvioci Reduced" to .1111111111 NmiiiiiiiiiiiuiimiuiimmiiiHiiiiHiiiiiuMmiiiiiiiffi $1.95 $2.15 $2.40 $2.90 $3.45 !iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii(iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiti!V I MEN'S SUITS AT $36.50 I These are the greatest values we've I been able to offer in years. All wool I hard finished worsteds that will wear 5 I as long as you'll want them to. , ,,, : I Pure all wool Oregon cassimeres' in very choice patterns, guaranteed to I give satisfaction. , , ,t (, I All sizes, in regulars and stouts. It I wil pay you to investigate. Your choice I of these suits I ! ' ; . $36;5() ' 1 , r THE KENILWORTII GIFT SHOP is splendidly ready with a very select lot of new and practical gift novelties such as candle sticks, bowls, nut bowls, lamps, book ends, vases, etc. A visit to this popular section on the second floor will interest you. NEW FUR TRIMMINGS - We-are offering a new and beautiful as sortment of fine Fur Trimmings in Sealetts, Wooletts, Coneys, in a G inch 'idth, colors black brown and taupe. Prices- $4.50 to $12 per yard. ' ; , FALL AND WINTER COATINGS In all the wanted colors and shades. We call yovur particular attention to the new wool duvetines,' velours, polo cloths, gold tones, the beauti ful tweeds. Priced from $3.75 to $13.00 NEWS OF. PENDLETON'S. POPULAR BARGAIN SHOP Our CAMIAtONf or 'FlUCS nKHIJOtlON Suti m-t tin hp nrovul of the i sroful Hlioppent. Thin In helnir evldencecl ty the extra heavy tnule, we are enjoying. . ' - One of out nutonei hea.vct a greiU nlfh of relief when h mw the din "Gininum, 15c." , i ', P. O. S. In the bent aluminum cleaner on the market. It In n pink aluminum noup contained In hIk ureel wool pads and comee 8 pads In t Purton for 39o, . . ,. ' When you hear some one wpeak of wood, (iilck, renrleoua Bervlcie from pleasing, aloil ulipeople Just think of The Uar-, Cain Haxement, If the kiddle crlea for a doll don't feel as though It would "break" you to buy one. Yon ean olwuys buy IMUJ.ft la th II. B. at "more thun reasonable" prices. Our advertisement of Good Wnrm Illalikete of full double width at (3.8? nearly cleanod us out. We Hold t tduliket In 36 minutes. - Oolng some we'll Bay. There are still a few " ...-'. ' . . ' - ' When Old Man H. C. I.. Blares you In the face Jttet think of the H. It. where there Is a big bin piled lilg with hlU dien's winter hats and caps, all marked 4e. Ono of our n. 1. patrons had a "auerslng Content' with her friends and neighbors several nights ago. They guessed on the price he paid for her pretty dress. The guesse ran all the way from $45.1)0 to f dft.no. Sin- bail paid riuclly 27.t for It in The. Itargaln llascmcnl. ' .!.', '' - "Why don't yon name It The Hepurtmenf of Pleasant -fiur- 3 prlsost" this came from one of our regular putrons who M S that she never entered this Bargain Hhop but what (he was j most pleasantly and agreeably surprised with an abundance 5 of good bnrgulns. S CS "Some Aluminum Stale," said evei-ybody who attended our big sale. They were ull snrpiimd to find auah oo4 g heavy ware at this price. g IS . We are calling your attention to SHOES! You can make s muny good savings among our shoes. 3 We have Just received another shipment of liable "nock- g -Bye" Swings. -We have received two stylea of swings. In- S ;ludlng nprlng. S jwlng and Spring with back g Swing and Spring without hack ; g ' a WOOL REMNANTS .,. s One fair sized lot of good usable lengths of ' good materials, some pieces containing as f much as 4 to 5 yards. Price 1-3 to 1-2 Off. a BOYS' SUITS, OVERCOATS AND 3IACKINAWS . Are Greatly Reduced. , , V IWHKRE IT PAVfl TP TOopr f IT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT THIS STORE VERY OFTEN. c s E S TiiniuimHniiiniiiiiminiiiiNiiuiiiiniiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuniiiHiiiiiiiiiiuiimnimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii El Ea.n Oregonian Special.) VRtAH, Nov. IS. There will be a Thanksgiving dance. In J. H. Wagners bell thanksgiving night and there will also be a thanksgiving program by the school, but the date has not been set yet. Frank. Kilbert left Thursday for Portland with a launch of fine beef cattle, , A dance was given Thursday night CUT Tins OUT -IT IS WORTH MONEY ' DON'T MISS THIS. Cot out this lip, endoe it with 5c end mail to Foley A Co.. 7843 ShefheM Ave., Chicago, 111., writing toot name end nddreei clearly. Yon will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Coin pomd, for braocniel and la grippe coughs cold and croup) Foley Kidney Pub, lor back, weak kidney, rbcematrttn, bladder troubles; and Foley Cathartic Tab k. a wholesome and thoroughly clean ir cfhank tor conitipsiioa, biliooancM. hfdhe and tlrgguh boweh. io" " elto receive. I.ee of charge, FoleTJ ramily Almanac, containing ' Alphabet lor Children" jnd " Health Hiatt ; Foley ' Booklet on "Kidney Diceajei eod a lew ioiple uggetion for thoaa having kidney and bldderrrouble.' lou can ecure all tnwe for only 5c - SAVE TOCKKEIJ' S I by having your Raw Fur made Into I'lXE FCltS at our plaieT At the same time your old one remodeled, repaired, cleaned so they look like new. At prices that are right. In TAxroERsnr we mount anything from a fly to an elephant. M. It- MOTIR fiimkane, Wahli. 2 Uemard f., ,So. Write about our deer head conteat. Dr. David B. Hill DENTISTRY Artificial Teeth a Specialty. X-Ray Diagnosis Johns Bldg. Pendleton, Oregon a-, the Monarch hall by Volly Peterson as a treat to the young people on ac count of his recent marriage. A good time was had by those attending. Mrs. Moore and children and Mrs. H;nd and children left town Friday eening to spent the week end at home on the ranches. Albert Peterson Is hauling wood for J. H. Wagner. When stepping off a porch" Thurs day night, Polly Walker fell in such ia manner as to almost break her arm jat the elbow, which has caused her ! extreme pain since, j A letter was received by friends ! from George Caldwell who is In Port-1 : land where Mrs. Caldwell was operated on last Wednesday Nov. JO for goitre. ! Although her condition wag much worse than they had realized, she "was resting and doing nicety on Thursday; All wish her a speedy recovery and a hasty return. Glen Martin who suffered a frac tcre of the wrist the first of the week is doing nicety and will be ready for school Monday. C. B. and It. E. Sturdivant were bus Intra visitors In L'klah Saturday. Henry Lazinka, Sr., and Henry Jr. passed through town Saturday on their way to the Lazinka ranch. The weather is cold, cloudy and disagreeable, with a little rain, but indications are good for snow at any time. There will be very few stock taken out of Camas Prairie this winter, as wost of the farmers have plenty of hay to put them through, with the excellent grasa on the range and tn the pastures. Walter Helmick made a business trip to Pilot Rock Saturday aid back. Walker Kills was in town Saturday from the Ellis ranch on business. John Carter of Long Creek, was registered at the Ukiah hotel Satur day night. He 1s on his return home with a bunch of registered thorough bred cows and calves, which he w1il keep on his farm, near Long Creek. Marion Martin and Walter Kirk, went to Pilot Rock the last of the week with Frank Hubert's beef cattle. Virgil Peterson made a trip to Pen dleton and back on Saturday, on bus iness. Alex Biiholts of Xye was in Ckiah Faturdav and Sunday looking after his cattle. Wesley Slaughter and Jack Powell left Sunday morning for Freewater, going after fruit. Kddie Xees ret'irned to Pilot Rock Sunday after a few days visit at home with his parents at I'kish. Monro w For Expectant Mother Csco Br True Ceieritioxs m mc moui T asmtiNioo u nm . nn uritui aiMUTM Ce Pin. M, Aruuin. DC Shllts of Hermiston was a bus iness visitor in Ukiah over Sunday. School Xotes Those on the roll of honor for the month of October are as follows. Sheldon Laurance, Loiena Ness, Nellis Anderson, Grace Peterson, Beu lah Moore, Russell Moore, Ruth Moore, Ersel Oibbs, Lyman Peterson, Rae Case, Ruby Case, Ervlns- Hynd, Irwin Laurance, Georgia Martin, Leta Peterson, Leila Helmick, Leona Gibbs, Naoma Moore and Audrey Moore. George Hinton of Range and Tassie Metzker of Pilot Rock are new pupils. Nellis Anderson of the seventh grade left for Kansash Monday morning. The pupils of the primary depart ment perfect in the memorization of October poems are as follows; Rae Case, Ruby Case, Leila Helmick, Clar ence Huston, Owing Hynd, Glen Mar tin, Leta Peterson, Clarence Powell, John Powell, Polly Walker, Willie Walker, Kmma Walker, Charley Mills, Nnma Moore, Audrey Moore. All the pupils In the school except the flret grade are working for read tng certificates. A sand table pilgrim picture Is being constructed by the primary, who are much Interested in the history of the pilgrims and the Plymouth colony. The school Is preparing a thanksgiv ing program to be given In the church. All are cordially invited to nttend. BYPEOPLE'ATADAMS Butter and Chopse Firm; Fjsks .stea dy at Jf. Y. XEW YORK, Nov. 16. (A. P.) Butter firm; creamery higher than ex tras 6 l-2c66; creamery extras Jc; creamery firsts 48 1-2 ft 63. F.ggs steady; fresh gathered extra firsts 83$ 85; fresh gathered firsts 77 81. Cheese firm; state whole milk flats. held, specials 27 1-2 fi 28 1-3 state whole milk flats current make specials Z1W25; state whole milk twins, held specials 27 l-2f28,' j ADAMS. Nov. i6.-The Adams com irr.unity had skating In the city hall !on Saturday evening which wa largely i attended. All had a dandy time. There will be skating every Saturday Rev. J. R. L. Harlew preached hl inreweii sermon Sunday morning to a large attendance. On Sunday evening the Armistice entertainment was cele brated, the church "whs beautifully decorated In flowers and flags for the day. The services were opened by n number of songs by the audience and choir and prayer by Rev. Mr. Har lem. A reading by Mrs. Frank Bunch, "The Mother of a Soldier Hoy." a CARPENTER AND DEMPSEY SIGH Mb I ' ei' L : r-f ' . ' . KEVf TORK-Oeorge. Carpentler wonnd no "fotind one" with a flotirUh. Befort ' J In the aquared circle there, always a preliminarv .quabble of terrni n lauch-like. In rUdi of war." At left, above, Is ahown Jack Demp. heavyweight champion of ib ."L" Georges Carpentier, French champion, algn his naje to the agreetnent UuU bladgthe t to BIMW? the world title soma time between liarca and July nest year. , solo by Mra. Charley Bunch and Mrs. Ha Lieuallen "Zeal, Zeal Ia - the Watchword." In closing two more candidates were received In the church to be baptised, luesday nt 7:30. After, church ti meeting was held to discuss the ques tion of a new preacher for the near future. The entire community regrets very much to aee Rev. Mr. Harlem leave. He goea from here to King Hill Idaho. ' ' ' Miss Helen Blake of Pendleton high school spent Sunday at home In Adams. ' -.. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wallan motored to Adams Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gremmell and family of Hlellx, Mrs. Al lioylen, of Pilot Rock, Don Mclntyre of -Alberta, end Miss Gwendolyn Mclntyre of Athena motored to Adams. Saturday to attend the nkatlng. Later they went to Athena to attend the movie. Dan Mclntyre left Monday for Beat tie to visit Mr. and Mrs. Pickle and family. Jim Chesnut, A. M. Coffy and F. M. Whitely are busy remodeling the chop per, putting in new Rolls and the chop mill will soon he running again. Far mers are waltig now for feed, ns It hna been closed down for several days, waiting for the repairs to be done. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Penland of Helix motored to Adam Sunday evening to attend the armistice service here. Mr. and Mrs. John Ogle returned home after visiting for the past week with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harp and children of Hlermtston. Mr. Uergevln, Mr. Parr and Mr. Ilurneer were In Pendleton Saturday. Mrs. Clara Whitely was a business visitor In Pendleton Saturday. ' Mrs. John Spencer was In Pendleton Saturday. Miss Ila Blake was a Pendleton visitor Monday. ' , Mrs. Harold Barnett ' motored to Adams Saturday from their ranch near Adams. Ivan Blake motored in from Helix today to do some shopping. Pet Mclntyre motored to Pertdlcton Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Slmlnton and family of Hermiston are the gueHts of his mother, Mrs. Slmlnton for the week end. Miss Hnnah French was In Pen dleton Saturday. I Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lieuallen and sons Paul and Francis are leaving for California for the winter, they ore go ing for Mrs. Lieuallen's health. Dr. and Mrs. Fred A. Lieuallen and daughter Barbara and son Fred rick of Pendleton were the guests of his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lieu allen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Boyer and daugh ters Wilma and Helen motored to Adams Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Revella Lieuallen mo tored to Adama Sunday from their ranch near-Adams, " IlHiQIOS (ORAM U LIS! , - INDIGESTION DiMotv uuUatty tonga, a ia aot or cold water, a. Uuj. Try at da (atiataia. QUICK RELIEF! mass av aeorr a mwn MAMia or SCOTTS EMULSION Mr, and' Mra. 'mer nJlcaUd Mr. and Mra. C.ladyn Spencer niolored to Pendleton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.-Charlea Cupula and daughters Irene and Francis motored to Adorns, today ' '"' ' i , t ' Goo.1 Wool il at Old ' ' . Prices) Inferiors Withdrawn. . LONDON, PJov. 16. At the wool auction sales today 10.85.1 hate wero offered. There was a fair sale for su perior grndes at unchanged rate. Low Inferior wero weak and 'were with drawn. ! SAT "DIAMOND DYES' - Don't atrenk or ruin your material In -a, poor dye. Insist on .'"Diamond Dyes." Easy directions In every pack age. GIRLS! MAKE A LEMON BLEACH Lemons Whiten and Double Beauty of the Skin . Squeeze the Juice of two lemons Into bottle containing three ounces bt Orchard White which, cart be hud at anw drug store, shake well and you have a quarter pint of harmleia Hud delightful lemon blench for few cent. Matsag this sweetly fragrant lotion Into the face, neck, arms and hands each day, then shortly not the beauty of your skin.' - v ' Famous stage beauties use" lemon Juice to bleach and brint that soft, clear rnsywhlta complexion. Kemon have always been used a freckle sunburn and tan remover. Make thla np and try It. ', " "" l' . . ' . ' .. . VI