tai EAST OlEaOmW.'fTStl.ETtn.fCStSO'T.TOWDAY EVENING, If 0VEMBE1T IB, 1020. ,- IhWHii' J UJ -i!-- ...Jit. ...J. aLfj'VE"..1'1 'il'Binimtiiutt"1" Notices, Business Opportunities, ocals? Lost, Found, For Rent, Etc. t : ; ; Classified for Easy Reference, .J, ' Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity . . m ivi. mam bKa rnriisUll This Directory is especially handy for the out-of-town reader who may want ths name ana aaaress oi response. ' the following lines. All are rsllable, responsible business concerns who slan dready to give you prompt ervica. FOR SALE USED CAR EXCHANGE i 1 f .Xu: .-,13 MIMWil i WANTED Housework by food cook 'i Address "M" tills office. WANTED Work on ranch by man and wife by the, year-Texperienoed in larmma-rnone 3-M. , FOR BALK Furnlshsd 14 room Apt. bouse 001 Water. FOR BALE 76 II. I'. Bturgia & Storle. Holt Catterplllar PUR BALE Good family tnllcb cow I'hone Elgin Ranch, 2F12. FOR BALM leather . miholstered ' chairs 3 nd 4 In sections, 60J Main Bt., Phone T27-W or f 21. , VOn RENT t room furnished house, sultuble for 1 or gentlemen Inquire 129 Lewis, Phone 119-R. , FOR RENT Large downstairs sleep . Ing roam wiLb. . stove eultaUl for two also board. I'hone 2J.-W, 406 Lewis St. j ' , ... , ., STRAYED liuftalo iron. Jamea,AIU ; eott's pasture near Cay use lust July $20.00 reward for Information lead lag to recovery of same. Notify sher iff's office. , FOR UA1J2 Rhole Island Bad hens and pullets Phone 10FS. FOR SALKJ-4 month Old pi K Ad dress George La Fontaine Boa IS. FOR BALB All kinds of Insurance J. H. Sates, (14 Main St.. Phone (04. FOR SALE) 1 room house and three lots at (11 Bush Bt. Price (JiOO In aulrt of srwner. JRATW One brown 8 year old J. I gelding from. Goo. Winn's pasture on Weston Mountain ' last spring, trended R-on left tUlei ,10 ia,r. lor Information, leading to rccoveryT- wvrlle n. A.. Rankin,- K. F. D. 1, flog 2IX, flenUlOyon Onston. t... FOR BALES ( head of food nuies, W bead at Jiorses all ood, stock t-8os fiturghp ft jStorle. 5. FOR BALK Hudson, good condition, 1500.00 Prentzel Motor Co., OH Garden. FOR GALE Overland model (4, per feet . condition, (676.00 Frmtzel Motor Co. FOR BALB Several used Ford roustabouts from (100.00 to 20.00. , r . -.. .. i 1 . Claesy Paite roadster-, good condi tion, good tires will sell at a sacrifice. OlUXiON MOTOR liAJlAGK , APT 8. AND ROOMS ALTA APTf. OFFICE ROOM for rent In Mllarkey Uldg. Phone 3U-W or 2U W. AIta. FOR RENT Downstairs bed room bath privilege 101 Louis BU Phone 294-R. MISCELLANEOUS BKK SMITIIT for wall paper and bouse cleaning Call evenings, 381-J PETERSON, BISUOP ft CLARK. At tornevs at Law. Roosas S d Bmltu-Crawford lUdg, LAUNDRY FOR BALEJ Chevrolet, 1360.00, just overhauled Frentzel Motor Co. rOR SALK Self-propelled eowbtB harreatsr, If II modal, g oo$ soapa wma tfturgia ft Btort. , t OR BALB Four sragoaj boxes, for bulk grain. low prto J takes ooo a.. U Burroughs,, Phone. (. FUR BALB King. eight good eondHlonv good ipalnt. oord tires MS Frankim Bt., Phoma 11t,W. , j fy K BALE On , Bulok Roustabout ? 'car, just the thing for farm car, Everything Injood condition, top and tilde curtains practically new, six cord lire A-l shape and o on. If you are, In the market tor a car pf . this-dis- urlptlon give Iter a look and make a reasonable offer 017 Thompson St., Apt. K. aftejr.g p. v . f1 ' . ' Saba t ixiir 4 laUiS Mortgage Notice Is'iAi'bV lalven Uiat the Western Finance Corporation, by and .through W. RJ TM'lor. sheriff Of Uma- IIla County, Oregon, its agent, and by virtu re of a thitltp) mortgage dated tVptember 120, mad by Earl Cbutts to UroatlrU. Auto Cumpsny, a Corporation, dated September 22, 1020 and duly recorded In the Records of Chattel Mortgages of Umatilla County, Oregon and by said Umatilla Auto Company assigned and transferred rth the note and del thereby seciirr )d to said Western Finance Corpora tionthe conditions of said chattel mortgage having been broken by said 9a rl Cout ts has taken possession of the property covered by aahl .chattel mortgage, to wit: - One S cylinder Hayncs Touring Car, 3odel 1 020. Motor No. 36427; and will sell the same to the highest bidder for cash at 3 o'clock In the afternoon of TTowmber 27. 1020, at the garage of raid. Umatilla Auto Company, No 111 .Qrden.Btrect. in The City of Pen dleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, pur suant te the terms and conditions in said chattel mortgaxe contained; the proceeds' ut sale' to be applied to the payment of costs and expenses of sale and foreclosure of mortgage, includ ing a reasonable sum for attorneys fees, and to the payment of the debt, principle and Interest, by said mort gage Beaured. Dated this 15th day f November. 1920. WESTERN FINANCE CORPORATION. Bv W. R. Taylor. Sheriff, etc.. Its Agent. FOR SALE tm LKASft flhssp rarxh i HQ .cres, well equipped Abun. dance of range Joining-. Addre-w M. R. WaJtor, Qutaey. Wash. . ... ON ACCOUNT OF SICICVKStf I have - 60 shares Jn the Columbia Basin Oil Company for sale write roe at Atlalla, wash.. It H. Rew, Attalla, Wash. , usro CARS 123 Bulck touring car, , all cord tires, we sold this jot new last Febru ary, big reduction in price. lilt little six Bulck, fine mechanical condition, pur top, cord tires, newly painted, ' Itlf' Franklin touring car, has had (nod care and is In first class condi tion, will ell cheap. 161 one-ton Ford truck, Jisefl only short, time; price $600. c t ti. 1911 type (7 Cadillac S, saves pas senger, as good as new, all cord tires; (3600. ' , ROOMS FOR RENT possibly ar- tangemonts for cooking 416 Gar. field i'hone 248-M. FOB RENT Two. partly furnished housekeeping rooms, 421 Marie Phone 8-W., . FOR RENT .Nice sleeping rooms. Board across the street. . phone 192-M. tin Garden. MRS. ADA FIELD Bplrella corsetlere Phone 324-W. Address (14 Jane. MATERNITY and convalescent hos pital Mrs. I rail, 114 E. Bluff St, Phone 177. RAO RUGS and carpets woven. Also first class crocheting and embroid ery.. All orders promptly fillea see Wheelers, at 1300 W. Railroad. ROOM TO RK.VT for two young ladles or two young men can get their own breakfast' or lunch mornings and evenings Phone 248-M. . WANTED WANTED Hauling ror two ton truck Ph one, 442. WOMAN WANTS work by the hour Phone 66 9-J. THS OREGON JOURNAL delivered (6 cents a month, Sunday Included- O. W. Hooker, agent. Office, Alice Shinning Parlor (Al Richardson's PlAce) (09 Mala St Phone (11. MARRY AT ONCE We put you In correspondence with thousands of charming and refined ladies who wish to marry, many worth from (1,000 to (26.000 and upward. Particulars free, Address Allen Ward, B 761, Valley, Nebraska. JAMES B. PERRT. Altornty at Law, Office over Taylor Hardware tvosa-pany. RALET ft RALE t. Attorneys at Lew, Office In American National Bank Bluldlng. EVERT Article Leunderea Perfer There'e an agent In your tova, Ftjy Laundry. 101 Oardsn Bt- OPTICAL' FRED H. BCHMIPT. Attorney Law. Room te. BmUh-Oawfortl BldX. BATTERIES PHILADELPHIA WAM'ND GRID BATOERlEa rarantbed fcr rnoo'a W. E. Cbane Co, S29 X. Court. Telephone 119. Pendleton. AUTO TOPS PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES Best ' by competitive test. Service on all makes of batteries, guaranteed. Frost O-UTE Service fetation, 404 a. Court Phone 4. WANTED fiewlng-rplaui or fancy . Phone 0-M. WANTEi GOOD CLEAN RAGS AT The East Oregonkva office. - ASH ING and ironing done by the day Apply12S Thompson 8t. FOR BALE Improved 80. acre form .. XlvemUea north of La Grande good buildings and soil (160.00 per acre Uuy Allen, La Grande, Ore, Route 1 1920 Hudson Rpeedater, used less than six months, big saving In price. Look these over at the 6esnn Motor Oarage We are prepared to give very liberal J TEAMS WANTED Lumber hauling WAKTKI I'mitlon aji hniuu.kM.ner nr I cooking n ranch Golden Rule j Hotel Room 26. FOR BALE Lease- on 1800 ' acres wheat land 1000 acres ready for seeding. First class outfit mile? from owa, throe mile haul Bee Snow ft Dayton. , FOR BALE Thoroughly modern bun galow on W. Court, paving paid. Large lot. This is one of the nicest homes In the city and will be told cheap It taken this week Snow ft Day-tea. terms If desired. SPECIAL LOOK! LOOK! ;250.OO buy ft Chevrolet, swell tires, fm ftbape, if taken at once. i . "8", fine shape, FOR BALB by ewnei at eci Strictly modern house, well located on north sldt, 3 rooms. Tile ?atn, refrigerator rooms, hardwood' floors, concrete gar age, eta Address Bog 41. City. "8", snap buy, FOR BALE OR TRADE One 14 H. P. Stover gas engine mounted on nsgon In good shape. Will sell cheap or trade for stock. What have you 7 turner Water and Joonsoo BU, or Phone 408. . . , ldmobile $750.00. DIdtmobile $1150. THE OLOSMOBILE CO. of Oregon Opposite Pendleton Hotel Pendleton Oregon LOST AND FOUND Pur Kale or Exchange . 140 Acme good wheat land. Bear Pendleton for house in town. F-.- .. r ...tioore .W. ai... 18 Main Bt. , Res. Phone 972-W Phone 093 NOTICES Kotsoa f Sale by Boanlinc Stablo Keeper ' Notice Is hereby- given, that the un dersigned, a Boarding Stable Keeper, will, at the hour of 1 o'clock In the afternoon, on the 22nd day of Novem ber. 1920, at the O. K. Feed Stable. tit-Aura, etreet in Pendleton, Umatil la county, Oregon, sell to the highest and test bidder for oh in hand, orrej gelding about .7 yars old, 4 white eet and while taoe. no visible brand and one bay mare, about 5 years Old; wtilte feet, no visible brand. Said kale wilt be for the purposo of satisfy ing hoarding elable lien of (24O.A0 and accruing oosts and the proceeds rising therefrom will be used in pay ing the costs and jexpenaea of sale, the satisfaction of said Hen and the re gnalnder if any be paid to Frank Reed the owner of said animals. , Hated this tth day of November, I'3"' . ' . . -a. p. Tatx T . , IN POUND Tlie ' to1lowtng; eTescribed animal t)a been taken up" by the marshal of -the CKy of Pendleton, to-wlt: tiiwi bav horse 4 years old. Dim brand on left shoulder, both hind feet white. Weight 1100 pounds. '" If said s,nimol is not claimed by the owner or tbosc entitled to its possession- and -oosts .expenses paid and iakcn'away within ten days from the Ante hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. on the 26th day of November, 1920, ths nold '.animal will be sold to the highest tldder, at public auction, for cash; at, the Clt Pound, hi said city of Pendle ton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this 13th day of November, 1920. i , At ROBERTS, ,'. ' City Manal FOR SALE Lease 1600 acres ef snm nierfellow caterpillar, gas harves ter, (t head of mutes and outfit alee 1600 acres to plow in spring. Located about 10 Bites from Mora Sherman county. Ore. Address B. P. Male hail. Pendleton, Ore. . FOR BALE My north side home, 126 Monroe St., one block from county library t lots, S houses rents for (70.00 per month one 11 room house on 1 room house Paved street and concrete walks, CU at Bowman's Studio. For ferie or ttxeiuma 44 acres fine alfalfa or orchard land at ianfleliL .(0 acres alfalfa 12 acres corn, wilt taae sziiug in cuy property or good car. rjeorge W. Elder 818 Main St. . Res. Phone 972-W Phone 993 esM'v'- -i- -1- -fef aesesBBjjg LOST Golj wrist watch In Bargain Basement of Warehouse I.eave at this office and receive reward. LOST, OCT. te On road betwoeq HII gsrd and top of CRirosR-fl Hill, one 83x4 smooth tread auto tire en rim. Finder return this office for reward, LOST Gold rimmed spectacles In green lined case between 303 Garfield - and corner of Washington and Jefferson Reward Inquire this office. " ' - - ' -" v'-"' by stay or contract. Bardell Lum br ft Iix Co., Freewater, Oregcn, WANTED F.xperlenced office girl Address "71" care this ofice In own hand writing, stating part experience. WANTED Carpenter work special attention paid to job work city or country. Phone I0J-W, sal (14 LMIth St. SALESMAN WANTED We want to get in touch with a man, mechani cally inclined and with some selling! experience, to represent us in Uma tilla Couaty. Unusual opportunity for the right man. Address Oregon Motor Accessories. Inc., 450 Stark St., Port land, and will pay expenses to Port land for interview If can qualify. CATERPILLAR WORK GADWA'B AUTO TOPS, Plate Glass, Backs, Side Curtains 101 East Court BC I v. TIME CARD ' WeeunvPendleton Auto Sure Leaves Weston for Pendleton mt 7:80 a. m. and 12:46 p. m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 1:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (AIlen-Knlght Co. Wore) tor Weston at 10:00 a. m. and 4 o. m. O. H. McIHERRIX, Prop. CATF.RPILLARS, harvesters, gss en gines, automobiles and general blacksmithtng. Round-Up Ganure, Parka Nebergall, lit West Webb. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER ft BANFIELD, Designing, Engineering, Construct! nf. It rears experience in concrete and brick con struction. te E. Third St. North, Part land, Oregon. CHIROPRACTORS niot Rmr.Pendleton ftato Mage AUTO ELECTRIC WORK WE REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. EL Chase Oo. AUTfl TRANSRER A. M. liOTDEN 8tand at Hennlngs Cigar store. Country trips Phone (l FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished; room 1114 K. Court. leeping FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room paone zu-v. FOR RENT Room wkh bath privi lege 109 Long St. ... Xr Sale t room new bungalow, north side. 7 room good bungalow, north aide, t room aofl corner Jot, north side. S room residence, snap south good terms. , I room residence, south bargain. ( room residence, Lewis .street, lot 100 by 100. Drop In and see me If you want to buy a home. I have houses In almost any part of the city. George w. EStier 818 Main BU Res. Phone 972-W Phone 991 FOR RENT rNice front room heating stove (19 Johnson Bt. . with FOR RENT Steam heated sleeping room, close in Phone 756-J. FOR RENT Sleeping room for gen tleman bath privilege 1 6 Post St. RENT FREH to right party in ex v chajuife ter Janitor work Inquire Bickers ft Frledly, 111 E. Court St. W. O. FISHER Stand Riiey ft Kemp, Pbone 62UL Uwm If-iint Rock at 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:18 te Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. a. FANCHO BTUBBLEFIELDj Prop. DR. R- C. EUWORTH 8peclalixing in nervous disease and diseases of women, t to 11 a. ro. to 6:80 p. m. Evenings 7 to 8. Pbooe m, Bmtth Crawford Building. DA LB ROTH WELL Optemetrut aa4 OpUclan. Olaasea ground to m youg eyes, American National Bank Jrolld Ing Phone tt OSTEOPATH DR. O. E. HOLT Osteopathia, pbyaU clan and Burgeon. Judd Bldg. Tele phones, office 608; Residence 17-W. DR. DEN A M'CONNELL Osteopa thic physician and surgeon. Ivmpte Bldg. Office phone 81 7-J, Res. S84-M. POULTRY SUPPLIES CHIC FOOD. Scratch food, toaioa, bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolleC barley. Umatilla Hour ft Grain Oo. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING All makes Warren's Music Huase, tit Main 81.. Phone (14. - PIANOS AND PLAYERS HIGH GRADE PIANOS of pleaetnft tone quality. Players ef individuality, - Its the construction that eoaota. See plane on display, write or phone TM Bee Hive, US Mans fit alio lSTS J J. F. Darnell. Factory Rep Bolef M Chase llano Co. DR. LENA A. BOONE Chiropractor Office hours 10 to 12; 1:30 to 6:00, 209 E. Court St., Laata Apt. 1. Phone 977. Painting and Paper Hanslnj W. JACKSON Wan paper tor sale cheap, palnt'ng, paper hanflag asft kaiaominiag by day or 4 Pbone 1034 ait Calvin St. PAINTS, Wail Paper, Picture Prase ing. L. S. McAtee, the PraeUeal Paint Man. Lowe Bros Painta. AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. TOHNKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgis ft Storle's Implement Co., for sale oates. AUTO PAINTING 7 MEN WITH TEARS of experience. Motor Inn Garage, 7:2 Cottonwood. Ward A. Hoagland, Prop. AUTO REPAIRING O. B. WILLIAMSON B'and at Griggs Cigar Store Phone 1075. AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJax, Re vere and Savers tree. 28 K. Court Street. WALLACE BROS. Flsk Tires, cords or fabric We do our own adjust ing. 808-13 Johnson SL U 9. BENTLET ft CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tire service, oils and eccascories Alt an.1 Garden Sts. G9RTSON ft MARTT Gates Half ioiee, (000 miles buaranteed 1-1 cost of new tires. 037 Cottonwood 6t- SIMPSON TIRE SERVICE CO. Re public an Firestone tires, cords or fabric 22S B, Court Bt, Pbooa 651. PENDLETON RUBB55R ft SUPPLY CO Barney Oldfield, Goodrich 811- vcrtown Cord and Penusylvanla .Vacu um Oup SOS K. Court. THE "PIONEER" AUTO MAK Satis faction guaranteed. We repair any make. Glen Long, 633 Cottonwood. PERKINS ft AMMONS, Automobile Repairing. Ford, Chevrolet, Stude baker or any make of car. Service at any time. 630 Cottonwood, Pbone 103. ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COUTTS, Atteraey at Law. Room IT. Schmidt block. CARTER ft SMYTHS. Attorneys at Law. Offices In rear of Ajnrtioaa National Bank building. FEB ft FEB, Attorneys at Law. Of fices in Deeps in BulUlng. R. L K BATOR, Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Building. S. A. LOWZLt Attorney ind Counsel lor at Law. Office in Dee pain Bldg. & A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law. Federal Building. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS ! OH, TOM IS QUITITUP ON SHOWS. SY ALLMAN NW yORJt Nov. 16. The Spanish mall steamer Lrai, bound from Cadise with 372 poa- senders for Jew otk, aiexicu , im West Indies, collided Saturday off maien island with the steamer San Marios from Galveston and the Mon- teserrat was beached. One passenger who Jumped from the deck of a tug was Inturlcd. The San Marios con tinued to the pier. LANDIS TO SIT ALONE CHICAGO. - No. M. J udge Taadin has accepted the baseball chairman ship. H remain on the oencn "1 W-- 'Will Sit Alone. CHICAGO. Nov. 16. U. P.) 3udgo Landts will be the sole member ,f baseball's' 'supremo . court. The Jadgejtipquneed fto preferred that no other- members be appointed to the .iviitnn i-ommlwdun 4o govern . bnae-: STEAMERS COLLIDE OFF? iSLAND,flNEIS6EAGHED IT1, -(A. P.-p Monteser- ITALY, JUGO SLAVIA r PACT PLEASES FRANCE PARIS, Nov. 15. (U. P.) The peace pact Blgned by r.aly and Jugo Slavia has caused considerable satis faction Iwre. particularly In official circles. The French are really more concerned In the details of the Adrla. tlo settlement than appeared on the surface. The feeling here Is that the Jugo-Slavs were badly -worsted h tli VWfPS IS Tom ToMifiiT. Usteu? ut iu com. T& Dte TMCAree! i vnuiT To "rue Mmce town fit YBfc 0CAMO AUO IT ta SOdl A aJ0R)l. flM TWAT ICAUeO I -Vr- ' MMir Tijr xT I-. VaBJkMPIpVoVLKS rrToMpWDtwiawH LET ME TfuVsuTkATa some SHJ-c op IWffesTtfcSjMT urtAiwewr I CLEANING AND PRESSING ', RADIATOR REPAIRING MODEL TAILORS ft CLEANERS , ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKft Pressing and repelling. S04 W. Webb St. Phone 321, Pendleton, Ore. DRAYMEN CALL PENLAND Broa, Innnafer van to move your household goods. We also pack or store goods. ve do Conn er? hauling. Telephone 130. DENTIST DR. FLOYD CR0UR Dentist Room lot American Bank Bldg. Phone lit Pendleton. Ore, rR. H. M. HANAVAN Dentistry, Room V, Temple Bldg., Pbone T72. EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT OPTICAL Dept., any slse, style or shape glase while yon wait. D, K. Reber, M. D., 7, 8, t, BdU Bldg. FARM LOANS 701 East A1U street. A3 Bakes of radiators repaired, Wark g-uaranteed. 43. Bias berg. Prop. RESTAURANT THE QUELLE. A gooO piece to eat. SECOND HAND FURNITURE WE BUT, SELL or exchange house hold goods. We also do general fur. niture repair work Phone (11, Riley ft Kemp, 623 Main St. THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE Massage and Steam Bath Electrical cabinet bath, medical tub bath, electricity, V-Ray, vibrator, etc., at The Swedish Institute. If you suf fer from rheumatism, stomach trou bles, nervous, run-down, paralysis, adiposis (reducing of. weight) come and see us. G. W. Brown, M. G. D. Graduated In Sweden. Expert Lady Assistant. Over Taylor Hardware Btore, Main St., 741. Phone 1079-W. SNOW ft DAYTON, 117 E. Court St. Real Estate. Fire Insurance, Farm Ursa See us about a loan. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING at the Singer shop. Mall orders promptly attended to. SECOND HAND DEALERS V. STROBLE deeJer In new and see ond hand goods. Cash .- paid for second hand goods. Cheapest plac to buy household goods. IIS E. Coar Phone 271-W. HEMSTITCHING Mail orders Mrs. Ralph HasseU 417 Bush, Phone 996. SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC JUNK, JUNK, JUNK BRING your Junk to ut Peaftiece Hide ft Junk Co. See us before you sell. Ii. D. Cameron, Prop. THE most up-to-date effectual 1 sad- lug science practised. E. F. Gibaoa P. a T.; N. D. Room 11 Peebler Bldg. KODAK FINISHING PERFECT DEVELOPIMO and print Ing for the amateur enlarging. Prompt work. . TeUmatt Drug Co. MADE TO MEASURE PI Carl E. Fnuneen. Elks Bids. jali'e) I. W, AYBRS Room lt-IT.Bond Hog. Graduate of Parent School Welt mer Institute of Nevada, Mo. SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER LAND SURVEY General engineerlan work. Z. A. Lansdaie, C. K. River. side, Pendleton, Ore. TAILORS Phone 10" 1 " ' 1 issssssss3 .(47 Main iiiuiitiiiitiiiiiijiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiuiiuiimitiiiiuiiiiiuniiiiiiiiniiiimiiirtitiiiuii Don't Overlook WsVTlrEri Tue secoMO Act vmce tt-tt snecotwr SctME . wm The ifTMS3E4 StCOHO ACT ? dive M The , , TANK? mzJ- i I if - ' V '-...etfSI ---SBaTk . TS T . t 1 1 I v. .411 1 t TAM K0 ' SAW V7U OU FiseeR Stan vwrr To ? UtYI omSN-IKKE 3 tw SCSI I r That Gunpowder Tea. at 25c and 50c package. Pimento Cheese, 2 for 25c Tillamook Cream Cheese 50c pound. Limberger Cheese, 50c .., 2' 351 .IS Rome Beauty Apples, $1.00 Extra Fancy Delicious, $4.50 lv X.il 7 Winter Banana, $4.50 Fall Butter Pears, 40c dozen Butternut Bread in White, Rye, Raisin and Whole Wheat, now only 16c. The quality of this bread is still there the price is lower. The Dean Tatom Co. i a Beat! Dept. Phone 86 "1 7. I. Grocery Dept. . I , Phone 688 ptnjforenw . fail, , .!. ,- Hi uUsjuujmuiijijMHUMnt t