1.7, FA CUXT EASY CSESOmif, ITOirV6'OjBc5&YY ivEN3tNQ3QBSH;. 1620. Ecist St'A AN lN'DiiPENDK.Nf N fuhllnhofl t;iy tnd Sml-Wcckly, t I'rnnirion, lircKnn, hy Ihe EAST OHIiUOMN PIHUSHlXd CO. LtttT'-U at Ih. poflioffirR Ht I'endliv Ion. Oregon, ui acconiicln lu&il iit.:r. E'ArKR SUBSCRIPTION RATES (IN ADVANCE;) O.V SALE IV OTIIEIt CIT1KS. Imperial Hut'l NVwt St rid, TurtUnd. O.V K1LK AT CKtrgn Burcu. f(i Security Hullding. Wmhintiin, D, C, liurcau Sol fc'our tonth Street, N. W. Mfnkrr f tfce AsarlMtr4 lrcM Tho AhociiM I'rrtt is inclusively ntHlrd to th ua for ropflblicatinn uf II in-wa ctidpntiho credited to it or mt otherwise crfdited In this pnper ad a.lo the local new publiabed 1-ere In. , Putty, one year, bjr mall Dittty. mx months, by mail ... lail three month by malL.-.... laiiy, one rnonth by mall . .., lHily. otic y'ar by carrier. Iii, six months by carrier Itaily, three months by carrier.-,.-. Imily. one month, by carrier. St'ml-Weekly, nil-Weekly, Semi-Weekly, Telephone ,...,5.00 l.Stl 1.H .60 T.50 ITS i.r 64 painer though others will be hurt. Conditions tend to riffht themselves. -' The most hopeful thing about it all is that the nation is fi nancially in better shape than ever before. The. banking system, thanks to the federal reserve law. is thoroughly sound. There will be no bank failures. The reserve system provides for an elasticity never before enjoyed and for safeguards such as the country did not have in 1907, in 1893 and at other periods of trial. The times call for conservatism but not for hysteria. A ship in a fog needs extra lookouts but often the. fog lifts as quick ly as it came. ' one year, by mail...... 1 M ix months, by mail (our month, by mail SOME DAY. (By Frank U Slanton.) Some dliy, when lips are dump.. And o'er Lou fiue the ruins unheeded bent. You'll hear this voice: "Love called; You would not cuius; No more o more we meet"' And through the lonely years One other voice the bitter in life's sweet: "Love asked for love you gave him only tears, No more no more we meet:" - Copyrighted for the East Oregoniuu Publishing Co. I v ,,..::.''" r. ...' -a : BUSINESS IS BUSINESS SOME people thought that Harding's election would mean $3 wheat, the elimination of federal taxes and other conditions cordering on the millennium in the business world. They are fast learning their mistake. Politics is politics and business is business. Successful gov ernment has considerable to do with successful business and in dustrial conditions but no political party is the custodian of the nation's prosperity. What we are getting now might have oc curred even had the outcome of the election been different, thouo-h nro leacue men have strone basis for claiming that af firmation by the people of the Versailles treaty would have had a reassuring effect on foreign trade, including export saies 01 wheat As to taxes, there can be no reduction. The new administra tion may be able to shift the burden from certain shoulders to other shoulders. But the war debt must be paid by rich or poor or both and that means heavy federal taxation for several years to come. " The situation, however, is not as bad as some think. A very large part of the war expense has already been met out of funds collected by the government during the war and since that time. It is estimated that nearly half the war cost has been paid if the loans to foreign countries are exempted. As these loans are to be repaid they can scarcely be considered as part of the war expense of this government. From numerous quarters come predictions of a slow down during the next year or two. These fears may be realized and again they may not. The situation has been foreseen and for months past the banks, working under the federal reserve sys tem, have been preparing for the new day. These preparations will serve to lessen the blow and in many cases the storm will blow oveT without any damage. It is an ill wind that blows no good. There are those who will profit by conditions that will injure others. As the dollar increases in value .nrousrn reaui. tion in living costs those who have fixed incomes will be the NATURE'S REFORESTATION N SPITE of forest fires Nature has restocked a good per cent of the logged and burned-over forest land in western Oree-on and Washington, according to J. V. Hofmann, Di rector of the Wind River forest experiment station, who has just returned to the station near Carson, Washington, after an in spection trip that took him over many of the larger logging op erations in Western Washington. ' For several years the forest service, under Dr. Hofmann's direction, has given much atten tion to the study of natural Douglas fir reforestation in the Northwest. He has found that most of the young lir growth comine in on burned-over areas is not due to seeding up by oc casional trees spared by the fire, but rather from seed buried in the duff of the forest floor, "In the Douglas fir region, the forests produce a heavy seed crop every two or three years. Rodents collect the seed from the cones in large quantities and bury them in the duff and fit ter, wher? they sometimes remian several years, retaining their vitality until logging lets in the light and warmth of the sun, when they germinate and produce a new stand of trees, were statements by Dr. Hofmann "So uniform is the behavior of the forest land of western Oregon and Washington after the original stand of timber has been removed, says Dr. Hofmann, that one can predict with much certainty whether or noi a new stand will come in and al so the percentage of species that will be found." On several occasions the doctor has taken a map of the logging operations of some company, made a few inquiries about when, the differ ent areas were logged, whether they had been burned over or not and if so when and how often, and then marked on the map his prediction concerning new growth on th various areas. Log ging superintendents were much surprised on making a field in vestigation to find how closely the prediction on the map check ed out on the ground, until Dr. Hofmann explained that the sci entific principles which made him pretty sure in his predictions had been studied by the forest service for many years at the ex periment station. A reasonable amount of rejoicing is to he expected from victors in a political contest and should be cheerfully granted But pretty soon the Hardingites will have to take up a more con. structive line of action. They have had two weeks in which to celebrate and people now desire some of the excess prosperity that was promised immediately after election. Mr. Harding is taking a well earned vacation in Texas and caught a big fish. He is next going to Panama. That is his privilege but many be lieve it would be more instructive If he would hie to Europe and take a look at those millions of graves with little crosses above them. There is serious business ahead of the new administra tion and those gigantic tasks cannot be solved by repetition of rA inoultj frtU'orft Wilcnn anrl Wi I arn i jm n y. Yur foirlo ;,;! rofol 'eilinna iflor Pnrllrl "W ', t . TU.N, Ky.. Nov. 15. It I ncinvc iiuovaiuoiiivuo. mv ""u vi cj5w1ua.11 gcis uangeroua to attempt lo dispossess mrougn wun its uany jiues at. ine uemocrais, will ll Kindly ex-m'an or his home in the Kentuckv plain why the business world has grown so pessimistic since! . u ",iUU8 - 'rure men hav been November 2? ' 'T' f""n.tTpt dur.,n5 a cn- 'i"iif ni in- fiumc nr Miunrnivi '' ThU pinch of Purota I tnough for all (Ai' lathtr "'to 'V-'.-' VX'-. ''.? ;. :' - ';:Y.i'v-;':'' ' "; ::'&w'y.&.- ' ':!!1 Purola gives 150 times its volume in lath en and 150 shaves to the tube. Don't you think this is an economical shaving cream for you? Soothing, too-won't dry on the face. And speed 60 seconds for a full lather Sol J by All Good DruggUt Every Purola preparation la prepared and luarantead by the Blnmauar-rrankLaboratoea.Parliand.Orrtua , C am rtmty tfym mon't Uhm Pmrtm ntnrn mnymrt f W4 v. . Shaving Cream. m .1 I reston on llurfulo rreck, arcordlns Arrlvlna ut Ihe Preston liomn. Wl'. to won! refolved here tonight. ;num ,.,,,, , of 8unrord ITeslon, I'resion is a typical mountaineer His ancestors came over the hills from Virginia more than a hundred years uko. They made their homo Sfttieinent, and the succeed in gen erations have lived there. Heceiilly Preston had some financial reverses, resulting in an order that ho be dis possessed of his ancestral residence Sheriff StumbnuKh and Deputy Sheriff Kdward went ot move the nirerl num. They wi'ie linth armed. objected to tho removal effort, and both sides opened flro about tla same time. Sheriff HtamlmURh and Heputy Kdward were badly wounded, while young Proton was shot through the foot. "... About 20 dhots were fired. Preston, It was reported, shooting from tltu house. All three lire uow 'in the Paintsville, Ky., hospital. Hanfotd' Preston still lives at his llfcloniri HOPFS UPSTAIRS APPAREL SHOP FOR WOMEN OVER . TAYLOR HARDWARE STORE, PENDLETON WOMEN FOR MANY MILES AROUND -WILL ATTEND THIS- The Greatest Ready-to-Wear Sale of the Season S '"-34 M m H m Mim "Bringing Prices Back to Normar' On Suits, Coats, Silk Dresses, Wool Presses, Skirts and Petticoats Sale Starts Tuesday,: November 16th at 9 a. m, sharp PRICES HAVE BEEN SLAUGHTEREDREGARDLESS OF WHOLESALE COST OR WORTH A REAL "BONAFIDE" "REDUCTION SALE" ON THIS SEASON'S NEWEST STYLES. ' , Most women in Umatilla County are acquainted with the high character of garments carried by this exclusive ready-to-wear shop and also the splendid values we offer at regular prices. NOW THEN! We are still reducing these modest prices from 20 to o0 ner cent Come exnertinrr valuta vnu'li ka ,v:j . O j vva aa aivi lv UiaatJJIUJlllCU. V J ' Tail t-it. t Take your choice of any Suit formerly selling lip to 159.50 (fur trimmed and plain) now . , . . $29 75 Any Suit formerly selling up to $79.50 will now '$39.75 Any Suit formerly selling up to $97.50 will $48.75 BETTER HURRY! To share in this Georgette Waist Special, values to $1450 for . . . . . . . . ... . .... Jg.95 Goats Coats Coats These are Coats of all the most wanted materials both plain and fur trimmed, also some elegant plush coats with large fur collars. We can guarantee to save you from $10 on up to $30 on a new coat. Sizes. 16,36,38,40,42,44,46. WOOL DRESSES of Serge, Jersey and Tricotine. Some beautiful new styles that have just readied us, all go at Wonderful Reductions. , SILK DRESSES of Charmeuse Satin. Liberty Satin, Kitten-Ear Satin, Georgette, etc., all at savings of from $10 to $25.00.., "Upstairs" Over Taylor Hardware Store PENDLETON, ORE. Remember the Place 'Upstairs'; f i - ' t w .-. . a a V U Va V