W '. t 1 - J FACE TWO - DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OSEQON, MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 15," 1920. : 1 TEN PAGE3 mtttiiitititiiiiitttiiiiiiitiiiiiii:iiiirriitiiiiiiiitiiiniiiiittiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiitiititiiiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiiiiiiiitit 2S ' y mm . LP jrtkk T" -r-. r31 r ' . "C etter essjyiLOjaey 1 1 ( i i . 1 4 - I Every one is looking for lower prices and Quality ine'rdiandise. ; OU'LL FIND BOTH HERE in Pendleton's greatest department store. We've spared . 1 no effort to meet every decline and to go even farther.' A great many articles are now selling here for less than replacement cost. Our loss wilt he your gain 1 1 BUY NOW AND SAVE. . ' . .';; ' ' " . . - ; , 'v.;., 1 S .25 5 ' - , ' , 5 lb i r i f ! : V II .7 I 1 1 i a i': MEN'S SUITS AT $36.50 These are the great est values we've been able to offer in years.. All "wool hard ' finish ed worsteds that will wear as long as you'll want them to. Pure all wool Oregon cassimeres in very choice patterns, guaranteed to give satisfaction. All sizes in regulars 0 and stouts. It will 'i nav vou to investi- c- i gate. lourcnoiceoi these suits $36.50 ... SPECIALS FROM OUR DRY GOODS DEPT. Mercerized Napkins Of an excellent guaranteed qual ity. Call for lot 935. Special, dozen $3.15 Pure Linen Lunch Goths Sizes 72x72 inches. A limited number is this lot. . T t Special .... $15.95 and $18.00 Pequot Pillow Cases ' Regular 42 inch. A limited quan tity in the lot? ; t,. ' t , Special, each 75c Heavy Black Sateen An excellent ever lustrous sateen . .Special . ..., 13c Mercerized Lunch Cloths. 'A quality which gives you a good bargain at the special prices. Special $3.00 to $6.50 Linen Table Cloth Several pieces of excellent qual ity to offer, j ' Special, yard. . $3.75 and $4.50 Pequot Sheeting Regular 81x99 inches, also a lim ited lot. Special $2.95 Huck Towels One special lot, good size, blue border. Special 23c T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHO P. ci,t:ant.if.ss 3 Main Uue l'lionm, nil 15. bi Our Mxl'l Cmrrry IlnsniKut ECONOMY SlItVK'K All Ollu r lt t. Coll 22 Fresh Vegetahles and Fruits Ilrossris Sprouts, IpJi Tomatoes. IVr- Now Crop Waliiulx, JtliiMnuK Iliiuil Simons, l'omonrnnln, rmiliflowcr, I'uncjf . Nil Is HmW NiK.s, l'lys l'n-swxl I'lfs, Hud's, Head Ixttuco, CVIi ry. Parsley, 1'oronmHs Cluster Jtulsins, C'ranlx'rrleM. Cabbage, Sweet Potatoes. SPECIAL SALE OF BOYS' SUITS, OVERCOATS and MACKINAWS At prices that spell "savings" for you. Come and investigate. They are the best you'll find for the price. - SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN THE PRICES OF DRESSES LOT 1 Is a large assort ment of taffeta, messaline, tri collette, tricotine and serge, all sizes and wide range of styles. ' - Values up to $40.00. Special price $32.75 LOT 2 A wonderful assort ment of beaded Georgettes, tricollettes, taffetas, etc. In cluding values up to $65.00. Special Price 4. $39.50 SMART, ATTRACTIVE NEW . 'SCARFS FOR WOMEN- We have a very fine assortment of the - newest ideas in silk and wool scarfs, just right for these snappy cold mornings and evenings, Big heavy brush wool, tightly knitted in beautiful combina tions of colors. Priced from $8.50 to $21.50 2nd floor, Women s Wear Dept. s S3 s 8 S s 3 Make this store your store. Use it as your headquarters. It's here for your especial convenience. IERE IT PAVfl TO TBADE I g s s a 3 s s B s Watch our ads for Special Prices. We" are S giving: the greatest values in Eastern Oregon on S quality merchandise. , iHiimifflmiiimmiiimmiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiuinimiiiiiiiiiim MINNEAPOLIS IXOIII VOWS MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 15. Flour touched a new low level today, selling at 9.15St 60 a barrel. This marks a reduction of tt sine November 1. fleuralp Pain Clv Way t Soothing Hamlin' wizard on Hamlin' Wizard Oil is a safe, simple and effective treatment for both headache and neuralgia. Rubbed in where the pain is, it eases he tortured nerves and almost in variably brings quick relief. Keep a supply on hand. Wizard Oil is a good dependable preparation to have in the medicine chest for first aid when the doctor may be far away. Its healing, anti septic qualifies can always be re lied upon a -J a preventive against infection, or othe.- serious results, from, sprains, bruises, cuts burns, bites and stings. Just as good, too, for sore feet, stiff neck, frost bites, cold sores and canker sores. Generous lite bottle Sir. If von r trout. W with eoiwtlpetloa or etc k heache try Hamlin e Wizard I Iver WHil. Juet pleaeant lltU pin (Mila at Oiutciete far 10c. N .5 CHRISTMAS may seem a long way off but we are already making pictures to be used as Christmas re membrances. ' Aime-Wheeler Studio lit K. Alta Thane 533 (Eiist Oregonlan Special.) UKIAH. Nov. 15. Married in Pen dleton Nov.- 5, Volly B. Peterson, to Miss Katie Walker, both of L'kiah. Mr. Ptterson conducts a feed barn in l'kiah and they will make their future home here. Born, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Constants November 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Constants, a son. Born, at St. Anthony's hospital, Nov. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman of Butter creek, a son. Mrs. Chapman is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mettle of Ukiah. Helmiek Brothers sold 100 head of fine steers to Frank Byrd of Pilot Rock last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chamberlain returned from Pendleton Thursday . Mrs. Frank Hilbert left for Walla Walla Wednesday where she will visit a week with relatives and then join Mr. Hiibert In Portland and together they will attend the stock show. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Ganger were I in town Thursday evening trading and j calling on friends. , i Charley Harris, who has been In the ! employ of Henry Tizinka for the Inst KOEPPEN'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE A. C Koeppen & Bros. n Drx Star That Tom ifawt. BadColds WET, stormy weather, ex posure, aiiifflea, and tba fceavy cold is on. Dr. King' New Discovery breaks it op quickly and pleasantly. Head cleaned up, cough relieved and you feel better. At your druggist, 60e andfL20abotUa Par colds sndamghs DrJung's New Discovery Bowels Begging for Help? Dr. King's Pills will bring you the tuppiness of regular, normal bowel and liver functioning. Keep feeling bt and ready for work or play. Mild and comfortable to take out always reliable. Same old price, 25 cents. D Prompt fYfatit Gripa two years, left Tuesday for a few weeks' vacation after which he will return to the Lazlnka ranch near Ukial for the winter. Fayette Mettie left Monday for Sugarbowl, where he will make 2000 posts and 2000 stakes for John Ross. den Martin, the 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin, met with a painful accident' Wednesday at school. When running and- playing Glen and a little girl ran together. Glen falling in such a manner that he fractured his right arm at the wrist. He was taken to Pilot Rock immediately, where he is now doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Allison visited Sunday and Monday on. Bridge creek with Mr. and Mrs. William Meengs. Mr. Mason of Nye was a guest at the Ness ranch Sunday night. News has reached Uklah of the death of Mrs. Henry Arbogast, at Cot taga Grove. She died following an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Ar bogast was formerly Miss Lottie Bur ns and made her home here for some time, with her brothers, who ran a dairy here. She was also a sister of Mrs. Harry Hecker whose, husband formerly ran the Ukiah creamery. Mrs. Arbogast leaves a husband and several small children. J. D. Kirk finished threshing a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hinton of Rang visited Saturday and Sunday at the Ukiah hotel with Mrs. Mary Peterson and family. Rev. B. F. Harper of Freewater, ar rived Friday night and preached Sun day morning and evening to a large and appreciative audience. E. U. Thrasher of Nye was In Ukiah and vicinity several days this wek on business. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk returned Thursday from Bridge creek. Mr .McCampbelt of Freewater. Is here on a visit to his daughter, Mrs, Fred Peterson. Eddie Ness, who Is attending school in Pilot Rock, Is visiting at- the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ness for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin of Bridge creek, attended church services Sunday. , Dillard French ef Butter creek, and John Carter of Long Creek, were in tow n Sunday, night with , large bunch of cattle. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson and d aughter left Monday for Gamett,. Kansas to remain during the winter., Mr., and Mrs. Earl Martin left for Gamett, Kansas, to remain during the winter. Mr and Mrs. Earl Martin left for Pendleton Friday, where Mrs. Martin will have dental work done. , J. H. Wagner left for Pilot . Rock Monday on buselness. Jim Johnson of Range was a guest at the Ukiah hotel Wednesday night orhlSjreturn from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Granville Plant of Dale were the guests of relativ Uklah Sunday night. Mrs. Jesse Hilbert and son Frank of Bridge creek, left the- first of the week for Pendleton where she will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ales McKenie. for an indefinite ztime. Albert Peterson is hauling wood for J. H. Wagner, Clair Sturdivant was a Uklah visitor Thursday on business from the Stur divant ranch. Bert Constants and Mrs. Surface left Wednesday for Ritter on business. Walter Helmick returned from Pilot Rock Thursday. Charley Loreriz and son Carl left last week for Pilot Rock with their cattle where they will spend the win ter. Mrs. Lorenz will follow later. Elmer Dickenson of Weston is in the valley for a few days, looking aft er his father's Intereats here. The school children enjoyed a holi day Thursday, Armistice day. Sherman Hale, who went to Free water for fruit the first of the week met with had luck as he was return ing when he collided with another car which put Sherman's car out of com mission end he had to ship his fruit home by stage. George Ness disposed of a load of squash in Ukiah Thursday, which he purchased at Pilot Rock. On account of so many cattle being driven out of the John Day country, the John Day grade on the north fork has been reported in a worse condition than ever before for travel. Mrs. Ted Boynton has had chance of the post offfice for a few days dur ing Mrs. Chamber Iain's absence. Jim Terry, who left Ukiah about two weeks a no, is ill at Pilot Rock with an attack of pneumonia. Robert Bond of Ukiah, who is so lictting for the.Til Taylor memorial fund, has been unable to see many of the residents of Camas Prairie and he would be pleased if any one wishiag to contribute to the fund would call him by phone 1-F-g or leave It with some reliable person in Ukiah. Mrs. Alta Chileon and . daughter Geratdine, left last week for Lexing ton, for an extended visit with her sis ter Irene, and other relatives and friends. iOOKM y YOUTH LOSES LEG IN (.if PORTLAND, Nov. 15, Chester Quain, 17, of 143 Nutley Street, Ash land, Ore., suffered the loss of the lower part of his right leg about 3:0 p. m. Saturday when he fell beneath the wheels ef a south-bound Southern Pacific train. He was taken to St. Vincent's hospital .where he hovered last night between life and death. According to the police, Quaiji had been working. In company with his father, on the Tttdfic highway near Ashland. When work stopped there he came to Portland to find werk, but 'd id not' succeed. He la said to have run out' of funds and t have been stealing a ride home when he fell beneath the train. The accident In occurred near the municipal golf links. (East Oregonlan Special.) MEACHAM, Nov. is. Mrs. Leslie aewell went to Pendleton Tuesday to do some shopping. Miss Callle Mcjunklns returned on Vo. 1, from Caldwell, Idaho, to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Wlncel Allie nf Free Hater, ore., are here visiting g. E. Ferguson and family. Miss Leiila Wilson returned on No. IS, from Pendleton, where she has teen attending school the past month. A. J. Smith was here Wednesday on business. Mrs. Guy Nordcn came down from Kamela to visit her parents Mr. find .Mrs. W. B. Ross. Dan Granger returned Wednesday from La Grande after spending the past month with his family. Mr. und Sirs. Ren Carter from 1 Grande are located here for the winter. W. M. Chelf wus In Xendleton Thursday on business. Mrs. J. A. Wuters spent Thursday In La Grande. Mrs. George Hilyard and two chil dren from Telocaset, were here visiting relatives and friends. 8. M. Hart and son reiurned from Pendleton Friday. The Portland Bridge A Building Co. left here on No. .ig Friday evening for Pleasant Valley. To Cure a Culil In One Day Take Grove's LAXATIVE HItOMO QUININE tublets. The genuine bears the signature of E. W. Grove, tec, Adv. . ' Mrs. M. E. Wilson met with an acci dent which might have been aerieast She fired a gun and the powder flash, ed hack In her face. A chinook wind has blown her for the past few days, the rnd are quit muddy. , $wmm t. k en nv jMAnrre. NEW YORK. Nov. 1JJ. U. P. Two bandits today sprang upon An thony Grlsclla, a clerk, as he woe step, ping from a laxlrab In Brooklyn, knocked him down and escaped with a box containing 18000 of his firm' tnv. roll. , PI.-AXK WIUOTK UiK FOUND. MUSKOGEE, Mich.. Nov. 15. (A. P.) Wreckage believed to be a part of the missing seaplane from the Great Lakes naval station was picked up at White Lake near here today. I "A'way GoodTaste Like More" ! ' I A,wy Good Taste. Like More" I I ; $u 60LQGI1 iCAT.E 'A III T"""""7 i""""! m ' , , Mill 1 1 1 1 rTj ' l"A!way Good Taste Like More" I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 ' ("Always Good Taste Like More" 1 1 1 1 1 INI L-i t ' ..; c.' Ax Hill S