East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 15, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    The east oregonian is the only inland empire newspaper giving its readers the benefit of daily telegraphic news reports from both the associated press and united press
Numbir of copies printed of yesterday'
Thla paper la a memoer of and audited
by the Audit Bureau of Circulations
Tha Eaat Orejonlan la Eaafern Or
lon't greatest newspaper and aa a
aelllng force glvea to tha alvertt
over twins th( guaranteed paid circu
lation In Pendlton and Umatilla Coun
ty of any other aewapnper.
VOL. 82
J UJZfl ZjzxJs
es ,..,,.,,,,
SEIZE 150,000
Immediate Surrender is De
manded and Commander and
Staff are Sailing on French
Warship for Constantinople.
Thirteen Thousand Refugees
From Captured City of Se
bastopol Wait in Harbor;
Passage is Issued 30,000.
PARIS, Nov. IS. -A. P.) Follow
ing the capture of Kebaatapol the bol-
shevlkl are In control of the entire
Crimean penlnaula. General Wrangel
hla ataff and M. Martel, high commis
sioner at obaatapol- were taken
aboard a French warahlp and are ex
pected at Conatantlnoute tonight or to
morrow. Capture Nearly 200.000.
PARIS, Nov.. 15. (U p.) The for
eign office today estimated 'thnt the
bolahevlkl captured between 1 DO, 000
and 200,000 Wrangel troopa In their
drive on Crimea. Foreign office ad
vlcea aaid bolahevlkl loases In killed
and wounded were ennrinoua. One
report aald Bebastapol bad been en
tered and that Wrangel waa atlll In hla
headquarters there.
Pomaiut Surrender. . . ,, .
LONDON. Nov. 15. (V. P.) A
Moacow wtreleaa today anld the flus
alan government demanded Immediate
surrender of General Wrangel, lead
er of the Crimean force Amnesty la
promtaed General Wrangel and his
Thousand1 an P.cfugevt.
P.) There are 1S.000 refugees here
from Sebastapol, but because of lack
of accommodation In the city they
are atlll aboard ships. Several thou
aand more are due here. It la under
stood 30,000 have been permitted to
take passage.
City In Wild IM-uaclp '
P.) Sabaatopol today la the center
of a wild debacle. Its harbor Is filled
with water craft ranging from war
veasela to row boats, all carrying hu
man cargoes away from the rising red
nave. General Wrangel'a army la In
collapae and the conquering Bolshevik
tropa are sweeping aouthward upon I
tha city.
Five thousand wounded Wrangel
men have arrived here. The bolahe
vlkl gave no quarter, these men 'd.
Once their entry Into Crimea had bean
forced, the red troops engulfed the
small defending army, they anld,
Ignoring all signs of surrender. The
Russian coast of the Blurk Sea haa
been blockaded.
Premier Krlvochln, of Wrangel'a
government, arrived here today, weary
and broken In spirit. He aald Wrangel
la atlll In Sebastopol, but that the city
ni to have been evacuated Sunday
night. Red cavalry were at the out
skirts of the city late yeaterdny. The
Infantry had proceeded rapidly behind
the cavalry, capturing Yalta and Eu
patorla. , French, British, and American war
ship In the Rlack Sea moved toward
Sebastopol yesterday to aid In remov
ing the thousands of refugees.
Hod Sweep Imminent.
MOSCOW, Nov. 15 Having wiped
out General Wrangel's army In Cri
mea, It Is expected that soviet troopa
will win easy vlctorlea over the armies
of Generals Petlura and Halngovltch
In Ukraine, It la also expected that the
Crimean victory will expedite agree
ment with the British government fur
reaumption of trude with the soviet
Little Folk, Many of Italian
Birth, Are Crushed in Rush
for Doors When Mistaken
Alarm is Sounded in N. Y
NEW YORK. Nov. 15. (A. P.)
A grand Jury "will Investigate
yesterday's panic in an east side
motion picture housaln which six
children were trampled to. death.
The district attorney today said he
learned that certain theaters em
ployed "professional guardians"
to get aiound the city ordinance
which prohibits children under
age from attending performances
alone. The proprietors of the .the
ater and the janitor will be ar
raigned. It is alleged thut one
exit waa locked.
Progress on the Railroad yard ex
'tensions at ftieth is being made with a
rapidity that Is expected to have Im
1 1 rovemenls completed by January 1.
A good start has been made on the
cuts and fills needed to Increase the
capacity of the terminals Just west of
Pendleton and some steel already has
been laid.
Fn.m the first switch points west to
the eastern limits of the yard will tie
more than two miles when work in
completed. Some think that the cut
ting away of hillsides on the east end
of the yard indicate a plan to luy don-1
bio track Into Pendleton. Only one I
irotk cut remains to be made, to clear i VVhCfl LOOt
me way tor sucn an improvement.
Yunls Helm; Filled In
Two dinky work trains and two
s'eam sbovels are busied with the cut
ting and filling work. A fill In the
west extension of the yards has been
completed and the two steam shovels
.tre now stationed at the east end.
The fill m'ude from the present depot
west a half mile to the block signal be
yond the county bridge will add a half
mils .Mini? for tha inlrsiiiv riff freight
trains from the west. This track will'10 navln hau a in th- robbery,
he extended to a connection with the Ho Implicated, two other men It was
present siding to the Pacific Fruit Kx- ?ten. 1 ne inspectors sa.a rniu.ps
The yard expansion u" t(I 8 I1U", ''s11"3
irnut-T HI Hit; unit? M me ruuttriy, i.
tni? as a lookout. No estimate haa
Railway Baggage Employee,'
Scarcely Out of His Teens,!
Tells of Giant Job in Which
rjeany $zu,uuu was seized.
is Not Divided,
Partner Describes Mail Car
Burglary Carried Out With
..Slightly-Known Accomplices.!
COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa, Nov. 15. j
(A. P.) Post office inspectors to-!
j lay admitted the arrest of Merle Phil- I
J lips, aged 20. a mail sorter, in connec
! lion With tiie mail ear robbery here
I Saturday night, alra that he confessed
The feet of some Pendleton
children are touching the ground
i.eea.me of shoes so worn and thin
that the soles do not afford pro
teetion, tay Captain Jennie Con
rad, head of the local Salvation
Army post, who has been investi
gating conditions among the city's
'Had I the funds." said Captain
Conrad, "I could place shoea on
the feet of at least 10 children
.who are not properly shod. This
is exclusive of their other needs,
for many are forced through
poverty to wear insufficient cloth
ing." Captain Conrad, who herself
gives one tenth of her salary to
aid the work of the Salvation
Army, says that recently the post
pave a poor family $20 to pay their
rent. She states that donations of
money and old clothing would be
very welcome.
She plans to help the local poor
to serve Thanksgiving dinners,
and she is also making extensive
arrangements for distributing
Christmas baskets. Last year 50
baskets, containing vegetables,
chicken or other meat, fruit, can.
dy and coffee were distributed.
Alleged Braiding of Boy's Hair
in Classroom Leads to Seri
ous Stabbing Fray Between
Father and Uncle of Pupil.
Initial Formalities Take Place
at 1 1 O'clock in Flag Decked
Halls of- New Capital Set up
. at Geneva. .
17. 8. Will A tl.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 15 (U. P.)
The state department today author
ised Admiral McCauley to use all the
war veasela at his disposal to assist
In removal of civilian refugees from
Crimea. The permission was granted
after McCauley cabled that civilians
are In Immediate danger from the bol
shevik armies.
NEW YOP.K, Nov. It. Six chil
dren between the ages of ti , and 10
years were trampled to death late yes
terday during a panic In tha Catherine
theater, a motion picture hoiiBe in
the east side Itulian quarter, us a re
sult of a false cry of "fire." Ten other
children were Injured.
A puper-clogged furnace flue c&use
ed the smoke to pour from the base
ment while the care-taker was mak
ing a fira In the furnace und the
smoke was caused by the paper and
other rubbish he had thrown, into the
Theater Is Crowded.
The Utile theater was crowded to
rapacity. Children filled most of the
100 seats, for the hero of the picture
was an Italian lad who arose from
humble surroundings like, theirs to
riches and fame.
The spectators were absorbed in
the progress of the screen hero, Pie
tro, who was protecting his father
from thieves, when smoke began to
aeep through the cracks of the the
ater floor. j
Womaii Cries "Fire!"
"My God, If a fire."
Thla shout came from an elderly
woman who gathered a little one un
der her arm and run for the neareet
exit. Immediately loud walls arose
and children begun to cry. They
jumped from their seats, jammed the
aisles and fought for passage. The
lights flickered out.
Youthful crlo attracted many resi
dents of the Italian neighborhood.
Cumlllo Hrulllo, who sells bananas
from a pushcart on Broadway, darted
to Mie theater and attempted to shout
down the cries. Failing, he carried
more than 15 children to sofety, then
collapsed, overcome by smoke. Some
one sounded a fire nlurm. Many were
overcome by smoke but soon were revived.
press icing plant.
proper begins opposite the present de
pot and seven aide tracks. In stead of
four will extend for a mile to the pres
ent limits of the yard.
Work on Ik-put .Starts
Plans call for a new depot building,
a half mile east of the structure now
used. It will be a few hundred yards
cast of the roundhouse end on the
Miuth side of the main line track. Car
penters arc now build. ng forms In
which-ti pour the concrete, for the
foundation. The building will be of
ccncrele and brick and contain several
admnl.trutive offices for the terminals.
ibcien of the amount of the loot.
OMAHA, Nov. 16. ft'. P.) Merle- ,
j Phillip, aged 20, a railway baggage Nl.Is raulsen was robbed of three
I employe today confessed that he was. cf)un(y r(m(J checka and a
lone of three men who robbed the nia.l ,st 4 , crrency and ai,ver Satur.
j car on the tlurlinaton road here late ay night when ,omeone enterf d ,he
I Saturday of registered pouches con- rooTJ) , w h sU.epng at
gaining nearly t2Q.0O. Phillips pavej (he Eowinan not(and niaJeP a,
I ,he off,icerf. V16 n'mv of !'" frr?" I The case has been
i ions, who. it is eald. cscaped.vrlth their reort,.d lo tne Bnprifr, .,,. a
loot, in. automobiles. -v j linesiare oof to .h.wi
The three checks were made pay
able to Mr. Paulsen and were signed
by R. K. Phelps, county roadmaster.
Notice has been served on banks and
According to rhiliips' story, .he fore- j
rd his way into me car and threw out j
the sacks which were picked up by the!
other two men. J'hilLpa hh ,irrcstef.
, The present ast end of the yard -.uday 1u . e was going out on hi ., s,ores , the ciy not , h"
mile post m. w.ll mark a unit in the , .,,. . j chw.k, an1 , otfv Eheriff
system but a cut has been made in Phlll'p confessed because, he said. ! anyone present them
tha hill Ihbra In IMrniil the evton-inn wnaA'1 Kim anil t-a- t . . "
PORTLAND, jnov. 13. Immediate
investigation into accusations made by
11-year-old Pearl Engle that he was
abused and hiimilated by Miss Frances
ilyers. a teacher at the Shattuck
school, 'in to be undertaken today by
the Portland school board. Announce
ment was made yesterday that they
would Insist upon a thorough inquiry
into the boy's charges waa made yes
terday by William F. Woodward and
Georee B. Thomas, school director.
The Engle boy, nho was the un
witting cause of a serious stabbing af
fray at 230 Clay street Saturday after
noon, told the police that Miss Myers
had subjected him to the redicule of
his classmates by attempting to braid
his hair in the class room. He also I
charged that Miss Myers sent him i
home and ordered him not to return
until he had been given a haircut. . J
As a result of this alleged humilia-, , Jj'rned.
tion. the boy went to his sister, Mrs. t Believe V. S. Will filler.
Reading of President Wilson's
Convocation Launches Meet
ing, Reply, Balloting and Ap
pointments Precede Close.
GENEVA, Nov. 15. (By Henry
Wood. U. P. Staff Correspondent)
The league of nations assembly met
here today, amid the ringing of bells
end more than 100 delegates went Into
session in the league's new home at 11
o'clock. Representing 42 states, over
half of the world's population, dele
gates gathered for the first formali
ties of the session. Flags of almost
every nation were displayed. Tha
Uberian flag made Us first appear-
ince and was mistaken frequently for
that of the Cnited States.
Former Premier Hymans, of Bel
gium opened the session by reading
President Wilson's convocation. Pre
mier Notta, of Switzerland, replied
welcoming the delegates. Hymans
was elected president of the assemble
receiving 15 of 42 votes. A credential
ommittee was appointed and with a
few bri-f fcrmalties the first session
the hill there to permit the extension
of a couple of side truck that will ad
mit west bound freights. From this
cut more than a half mile toward Pen
dleton another f.H la being made and
another hill Is being cut awav lo th'
width of one track. The last cut
Pereeary to allow double tracking to
endtcton is .lust below utile post 223.
opposite the en 1 .of the paving on the
road to Kleth.
Several score of men are employed
on Ihe changes, which will includ
fused hlin his share of the loot.' Phil
lips, scarcely out of his teens, has non
of the earmarks of a criminal. He wa
ttle victim of the plotting of two cid
er men, whom he scarcely knew, offi
cials believe.
Phillips tnld the officials that thf
men approached him several days age
and by talking of the big money ihej
would get from the car. Induced him
to join them. He said they expecte.
j to gi t many thousands from the mai
considerable rearrangement of switch ; car. as they believed it' contained l.irg
tracks w hen fills h:iJJ' been made and : hhipmcuts of gold bullion, from th(
nteel laid. Tho comprehensive im- San Francisco mint. Phillips' twin
provements are being made for the orother. Will, wi.s f ir.-t arrested, offi
purpose of handling an Increased 1 cers mtul.'iii' 1 iin fur Merle. lie wa
ft eight traffic expected in the near released when his identity became
future. ' known.
A large ouantitv of men's hw
wearini; apparel was stolen Saturday
night from the Campbell Dry Goods
store at Hermlston. the sheriff's office
was notified on Sunday. Thieves forc
ed an
tiuoert u Larimer. 230 Clay street,
in tears Friday afternoon. The sister
and her husband took the boy Satur
day rnQminc to tho InvenUo -..urt on.
j thorlties in an effort to have him tak
en from the custody of his father,
Chris Engle, 38" First street. Upon
'earnjng of th's action, the boy's father
went to the home of his son-in-law
nd stabbed Larimer several times
entrance to the store hnlMin--- . about the ni-ma -on haaA
late flt nfirht an A .... I
-.u- a, carerui
choice of clothing stocks, taking heavy
koolen sox. underwear, wool shirts,
mackinaws and gloves.
Officials believe they have a good
clue as to the identity of the robbers
and arrests are expected to result
Officers here are vigilant about the
li.e.-ei-ce in mis . community of sus
j picious looking characters and trains
, both east and west are carrying their
quota of undesirables told by local of
ficials to move on.
TACOMA, Wash., Nov. 16. (A. P )
J. H. .Ryan, elected to the state leg
islature from a Tacoma district, will
be the first negro to sit In that body,
Mr. Kyan is a leader of hla race and la
publisher of a weekly paper devoted
largely to the negro' Interests, Ho
was elected on the Farmer-Labor tick
et and defeated Mrs, Frances Haskell
lopiinlican, tha only woman member
of lh legislature.
CHICAGO, Nov. 16. (P. P.) All
thorlties Investigating the deaths of
two actresses which occurred here
Saturday night were Informed today
that two women answering their de
scription wero seen In a fight with
two men In un uutomobtle near where
the bodies were found. Witnesses of
the fight said It occurred about the
"me phvsiclans judged the women
died. Officials announced previously
that they believed the women died
from wood alcohol poisoning or were
frozen to deuth. The coroner, after
a hasty examination, declured that
marks and bruises on the bodies were
such as to not cause death. The vic
tims' stomachs will he analyzed.
Kviilcncc Mysterious
CHICACO, Nov. 15. ( . P.I Two
yo nig a .d prettv actressen -vere found
trdav, nr'-v-ered mysterious ,i Gran;
I'nrk chic to Michigan boulevard
The hodlta were bruised and blood
slu'ned. The hair was matted with
burs and there are no Inirs of the kind
In Oram Park.
Cauap Waa Internal.
CHICAGO, Nov, 15. (U. P.) The
cause of the deaths of the two young
actresses, Miss Mary Rhodes and Miss
Lillian Thompson, was due "to some
tlilnV taken Internally," according to
Coroner Hoffman,. The bodies of the
young women were found In Grunt
Park on Chicago's lake front. Evi
dence indicated that the women were
dragged to the spot from an automobile.
g-gy .... j
'If it is true that a public school
teacher has nuhjected a youngster to
the shame and humiliation of which
he and his sister complain, her Con
duct cannot he sufficiently censured
Paid Director Woodward yesterday.
'I shall most certainly take up the af
fair Monday morning with Superinten
dent Grout and see that an immediate
investigation is started.
Pendleton if the 30 per cent In
crease In telephone rates is granted
the Pacific Telephone Co.. by the Pub
lic Service Commission, would bo In
group three instead of group two, the
present classification, and although
the increase would affect this city,
business phones would be cheaper
than if Pendleton had remained with
other cities in group two under the
proposed schedule.
According to the proposed rates,
Pendleton people would pay J6 for a
one party business phone instead of
the present rate of 14. but Astoria,
Eugene and Salem would pay J" for
a similar phone because they have
been lefr in group two. A two party
business phone in this city would cost
$5 instead of the present rate of 13 50,
the new rate being Jl less than that
charged in ctiies In group two.
, Icsk Phonos Kxtru.
An extra fee of 25 cents for desk
phones, resilience or business, would
be charged in any group as has been
charged in the past. Pendleton's resi
dence phones would co.it JS.I5 for one
party line, instead of 2.25: 2.75 for two'
i party, instead of 12.00; and 2.50 for
itour party, instead of !.;.". This isj
jthe same price as would be asked In!
group two, also in groups four and'
five, but the rate In group six is cheap-j
: er..
j Herniistun and, Milton would be in
I group five, and would pay $r. for'onei
I party business phone; 13.50 for two
j party; 13.25 for one party residence
j phone: J2.T5 for two party and J2..ii)l
for four party. O-lher towns in thei
jcounty would be in group s.x and ,
jV.ould pay $3.25 for one party business I
phone; $2.75 for two party; $2.75 for
June party residence phone; $2.50 for:
two purty und $2.25 for four party. j
Mort Kt'tciHtc Needed. I
If the increase is granted it will j
mean an Increase of alnuit $ 1.200. HiMi a .1
year In the revenue of the company,
which will an-.ount to a yield of s per
cent on the investment. This would
also wipe out the deficit which the
company faces at the end of the year.
Heavy increase in cost of operation;
demands for telephones which cannot
he supplied and inability to earn even
a fair yield, are among the reusona set
iorih for the new rule. .
Prolonged applause greeted the first
mention f the Cnited States. "Wash
ington is the home of liberty and tho
United States cannot long remain out
of the league." Premier Motta declar
ed. President Wilson and King Al
bert drew a hearty tribute of applause
when their names were mentioned.
Hymans. in an address following his
election, declared that there Is a pos
sibility that the covenant will b am
ended. "We do not pretend that the
covenant is perfect, or that It can not
be improved.." he declared. The
Swiss premier, in his address, declar
ed that he most ardently wished that
the Cnited States will no longer de
lay the occupation of her legitimate
seat in the assembly.
Motta declared that "Although there
are plenty of evident chasms ana In
evitable imperfections In the league
covenant, its foundation will stand If
the first work collapses."
Ix-agiip Is Clearing- House
Hymans. In his Inaugural address,
denied thnt the league is In any way
a super-state, threatening the sover.
eignty of any nation. "It is rather s
clearing house," he said, "designed to
facilitate the frequent contact beta ten
various states with the development of
understanding and sympathy."
The opening session was filled with
enthusiasm, a large gallery joining
with the delegates in cheering the
mention of Wilson and King Albert
and the assertion that the United
States probably would unite with the
Only one woman delegate presented
credentials, she being Madame Wyck
fell of Sweden.
FB'r Scttlcmciits Sought.
GENEVA, Nov. 15. (A. i.)re.
termination to lay the foundation
stones of the League of Nations was
evident on the demeanor of delegates
of 41 countries when they convened
today for the first session of the as
sembly of the league Although some
differences of opinion have arisen
sessions and report developments to
A definite system of disarmament
and a plan for using economic block-
(Contlnued on pass 5.)
Reported by Mujor I-e Moorhouse,
iff trial weather observer.
Maximum, 40.
Minimum, 37.
llarometer 2S.50.
Harometer falling.
9 I
TonUht and
TutfHiJuy rain.