mm-., ., , .. ..,.., ..... -- t ,-, r -- ' ifesd ia-,rl 11.' 1 ffilV J iOy W l X! wear- If the clothing Is Instantly habits grow with the hild.( vJfY' ll W BLACti WHITE , I f0 " 4 J changed' upon reaching home, it will It is also well to have one particu- "'?' .1 J.tX'T' I VC( ( fV not Only save washing the goods, etc., lar drawer and place for baby's v I t I ' - j W ) V y but will teach the child to keep bcr clothes. One outfit should always be sj . ' l Jj r x "best clothes" looking well. Such clean and in its place, at least y j . ' , V? Ifs,Soft-The Chaeeau f S mm HE latest millinery offerings tation aigrette Is a treasure mine for I . j&iKl s - Cleaning Brass. . t HEPS milTiG MqIHERS i HILDRES'S ( LOTHlNii. OMRTIMES a child's clothing be1- bright red or "fadeless blue" are ei comcs faded and grimy long be- cepllonally pretty, and any other arti fore the cloth Is worn. A pack age of dye (there are several good makes wblcB you can parchase at a small price 0 your drug store) l the directions are Carefully follpwcd And the clothing when dry Is well ironed, will give them a bright, new appear ance, and will .serve quite well as : 5 MM Q! f - if ) Mv Deep border lell of dark blue hexagonal mosh shons new unite organdie flowers afpllqued onlo the net illh gold thread. 7 I wight be said to have but one American milliners, who hare been - ' JV. I j I thing in common, and that Is a hampered In their art by the ban .' i v7 J i Xj". I generally soft, unstudied effect, which against these extremely smart foath- L, hyfl$ J l , : - J r Is preserved, no matter what the ma- era. There Is a new "watchspring" 'l 'tM . ' torial' or the trimming. After that. IV feather trimming, sometimes ImlUted KiJi ' la ufe to say that over 5 per cent of by such almost undreamed of things VjwwimMiiiwiin. - """W1'1J!"."'. .1 either afternoon or play garments. A cles, such as stockings, slips, etc., may also bo dyed to match the dresses. Thus a child with very little trouble may always appear her best and brightest In her oldest clothes. It is well that children learn at an early age the difference between v7 eryday play clothes from the street L fixture in la safe to say that over 5ft per cent of 1 the newest hats are of velvet, of either Lyons or panne, some of both; that ribbon hats are almost as common and often more interesting than velvet, and that felt, leather and lace are gener ously represented. The duvetyfr4l played late In the Summfr is scarcely noticeable now, except InSombination or as trimming. The hats displayed in the Paris openings are now beginning to leave their mark upon the American stylcB, and the combination qt American workmanship which understands the American woman's needs with that dashing originality of the French re- iuitl i gome Very beautiful specimens of the designer's art. Three things characterize the latest millinery shapes. One Is that soft, draped ef f.ri r tiarticularly stressed; the sec- ond that trimmings droop, rather than Bunches of real ostrich plumts ovej spring upward, and, thirdly, that tho flow to the shoulder or cling to the un uneven brim, especially the Harlequin dcr brim. A curious by-product of the shapt, which widens at the sides, turns drooplnk trimming Is the little curtain, up from the face and shows a narrow or frill, of the hat velvet, or some rim In back, is sure to be very popu- times of lace, which falls below the jr, brim In back and partly conceals the Ribbon Hewness. coiffure. This was particularly good Speaking of ribbon hats, it is Inter- on a small draped turban of sulphur estlng to note the new rlbborte manu- blue velvet, where the relvet was factured for their use. The very wide draped back from the face very high ribbons running from five to ten with the new Spanish combv effect of incbea, are better for the purpose of black'' cellophane rings across the the puffed and draped hats than the front for trimming. One meets this narrower ribbons of the Srring. There new Spanish height of trimming, sug ars tome fascinating new shaggy rib- gesting the comb, In many ways. Some- bons "shredded wheat riDDons mey have been called, and ot!i-ri with ;i.-' cUi frayed edges, wht . ''" '"' !" an all-over sbai.ii. ! ' " smart toques and turban The clre ribbons are also very good, especially the newer ones made to resemble leather. Among these latter -two nov elties have reached this side of the oeean one Is a snakeskln ribbon, and the other frogskin. Imitations are not scorned by the fashionable milliner. She now con descends to use some of the new plushes instead of fur, one In particu lar, in a taupe gray, realistically made to resemble squirrel, Th lml- by such almost undreamed of things as ' elephants' whiskers and other strong, curled hairs or metal threads. Coq plumes are to be expected in a season when trtmtuing is trained to droop, and even these are occasionally imitated by piCoted strands of 'silk, or given a metallic touch by having their tips gilded or bronied. Coq is not used in the natural color alone, but is found In fascinating jades and rusts. Clre satin and faille imitate the gloss of fine leather to the point of deceit. Trimmings Are Interesting. The vogue for the droop is leading to many interesting trimmings. The eartabs, a residue from the Egyptian vogue of the Spring, fall quite frankly to the sides of some hats. Feathered quills of glycerine ostrich, or the newer owl quills, are thrust through the brim of the hat to brush the . shoulder. umes is oi veivei, craped nigti lo the back of the hat; again of a largo ..ciinphane ornament, and tnone ln- stance of a shell comb itself but al ways the high effect Is softened by cas cades of lace or draplngs of the ma terial. The metallic, touch is not by any means missing in the new millinery. Far from It. Very wonderful Hindu turbans are wound from lengths of the richest metal brocades and contrasting materials and left unt rimmed. Whole feathers are made metallic, as witness two clipped ostrich quills entirely sil vered on a large shape of black panne velvet. Silver ribbon binds brims and A MtRy-GOWN or S&etswsr AMD OPAL COLORED TULLE OVER. A rOWPAT& :, OF" SATIN 1 w Beflovvered Gowns MS ,VO kinds of flowers are being used at the moment for trim- T mlnEs: they will also be worn daring the Winter months, especially for evening dresses. There is natural type of garden flowed, as well as thi very fanciful one in velvet and satin, of extraordinary size and shades, such as belong to the realm of fairy talcs. Many garlands fall from the waist line, and are softly mounted to allow a supple and graceful movement when walking or dancing, and they will add a nice touch of color to our dresses. There are big flowers, or small nose gays, made with faded tones and mixed shades. Some flowers are made In two colors; for instance, pink taf feta and beige pongee, with each petal cut In the two materials and placed one over the other; the petals are not sewn, but curled and pressed together, in order to effect the same waves and folds which give a fairy lightness io the flowers. A motif at the girdle has been very much favored for a considerable time now. It Is sometimes a feather pouf or a cluster of fruit, or one or two velvet flowers of fresh hue. There are some gowns which are not only trimmed with beads, but are en tirely made of hem. Long fringes of beads entirely cover the slip under neath, being held by the girdle. An effect of contrasting shades Is gener ally sought after. If, for Instance, the slip Is of blagk satin or crepe, the glass tubes are white. Talking of beads leads us to think ef real pearls; they are no longer worn tics tn huge bows on some large black velvet hats, while even flowers are touched with metal or appllquej ou with, met; thread. 'X screwed on the ear, but hang at the end of a tbin thread glittering with small diamonds. Many women wind their pearl necklaces around their arms, and some others bang tbem across the breast from one side to the other. But the classical string of pearls that encircles the neck always remains the most lovely. obby little bat tn dark blue velvet black sllli. I '- . - J 1 I ; - . -- ,.Zpr'. -V I - -if)-- J . . W''1 ". : - v "', -' " - 1 t ... " r ... f Jf limn him iiiM . " '.- r Cleaning Brass. Take some whiting and ammonia, mix Into a soft pasta and us aa old piece of flannel to put It on with and another piccolo rub it with afterward. I have cleaned a number of brass ar ticles with success when other things I are tried tailed. A Serviceable Shopping Bag. Buy black oilcloth, make exactly lfk the paper shopping . bags now used; sew straps of the earn material dou bled, on either side of bag) for handles, you then have a secure weather-proof bag, which will last Indefinitely Hydrangeas are able to be kept all Winter by cutting them from the bush and placing them In a vase which does not contain any water. After the hy drangeas are cut from the bush they become firm If not placed In water, therefore they may be kept for a very long time. with sectionul brim corded with