r i C OMtmiilliiri' 1 FOURTEEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGOHIAW, l'ERDLETOPf, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMEER 13, 1020, -1 Moticcs, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, For Rent, Etc. Handy Business 'Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity , ''., Classified for Easy Kef erence. ' " 1 "".. jnr r"J"" ""A -e-r-tact's t t I ' I I W -.... ..- --iii" i. I ,. ,f- ... - -J W'-vUMtV U . rHb-7 jtrt. s ; : r--i-i. r- ierr FOR SALE jFOR II ENT-r-.Tweh'e room furnished i house Phone 343-M. !FiR RUNT Furnished one room Apartment lu Water m. FOR BALE Furnished 14 room Apt bouss $02 Water. FOR BALE 75 II. I'. Holt CaUerpllla'r gturgl & Htorle. POR BALE Chevrolet, $350.00, Juirt overhauled Frtntxel Motor Co. LOST Gold wrist watch In Bargain Basement of .Warehouse Leave at this office- and receive reward. IFOR SALE Second hand furniture In'iulre 17 Ann street. FOR HALE flood family milch cow 1 J 'hone Elgin Ranch, 2F12. ON ACCOUNT OP RICHNESS I have r,0 shares In' (he Columbia Hasln'On Company for sale write me at Attnll.i, Wash., R. 11. Kews Attalla, Wash. . ' FOR BALK Itho-' Island Rid hens and pulleta Phone 10F6. I'BKD CARS 1123 Bulck touring car, (II cord tlrea, we sold thl jar new laat Febru ary, big reduction In price, . ' 1918 little six Bulck, tine mechanical condition, new top, cord Urea,, newly painted. ' ' " lilt Franklin touring car, hat had aood care and la In first diss condi tion, will ell cheap. L Thla Directory ia especially bandy for the out-of-town reader who may want the name and addreae of respon.iBie ousiness men w the following Hue. Ail are reliable, reaponeibie buinea concernt who atan dready to glye you prompt ervlce. APTS. AND, ROOMS ALT A APTH. MATERNITr and oonvaleacent hoa-, PETEhSON, BISHOP CLARK, At Pltal Mra. irall. 114 B. Bluff Bt' torneva at Law. ivoume man LAUNDRY FOR HBNT Furnlahee room 1114 B. Court. leeplog FOR SALE 1 room houae and three lota at 611 Bnah St. price 13600 in quire of owner. FOR BALE C Dead of good mulea.10 , . bead ol horaea all good atock See St u rifle ft Btorle. BALKSMAN WANTED We want to KM In touch with a man. mechani cally Inclined and' with aonio aelltng xperlence; to rrpreaent ua In Uma tilla County. Ununual oiiportunlty for the right man. Addrewa Oregon Motor AcccHKorlea, Inc., 4f.U Btiirk St.. Port i'iu. and will pay exenea to Port )iim! for Interview If can qualify, LiMK AT TH1H BKFORK IIUVlN'l-- I ton acre Htook and diilry ranch In Lincoln County, Oregon, 12 nillea from Ocean. 270 acre In 'cultivation, 490 acre of fluent creek bottom land, If cleared would be worth I4nft.nu an cr In Tillamook County, 40 aorea of I , , . . hill l.nd bench land. $12.00n.a worth 1 J ' "fht' 1VI- Good fjuini, ctjra II 606 Franklin HI., Phone 101D-W. FOR BALB 4 month old pigs Ad-i 1811 one-ton Ford truck, ueed only dreea George La Fontaine Mux ii;,n "mi pnoe &U9. 1919 type ST dadlllae 8, aeven paa- aenger, ae good ai new, all cord tlrea, FOR HAlJi All klhda of Iniurancc J. H. Eatea, f 14 Mala St.. Phone 604. FOR RENT Two furninhed house keeping rnoma positively clean 114 Btlnewall Jackson. Phone 277. FOR RENT -Mice ateeplng room. Board acroaa the atreet PboDe Iti-M. li", Garden. ROOM TO RENT tor two young ladle or two young men can get their own .irtakfast or lunch mornings and evenings Phone 24S-M. FOR BALB Self-propelled combine . ha rveeter, lll model, good abape term Bturit Btorle. rOR BALE Four wagon boiee, for, bulk gralp, low price 'J taken aoob j u. Ui tiurrougha. Phone g. 1920 Hudion Bpcedster, used lea jthan tlx month, big aaving In price. Look these over at the O.-cson .Motor parage We are prepared to give very liberal terms If desired. WANTED RAG RUOH and carpets woven. Also first elans croehMtlng nod embroid ery. All orders promptly filled. Bee Wheelers, at 1300 W. Railru.d. Smith-Crawford Hldg. JAMES B. PKKRY, Attorney t law. Office over Tailor Hardware Company. EVERT Article Launderea Ftfeiy. There' an agent in your Ub. fy Iumlry. tf) Garden Bt. THS OREOON JOURNAL delivered t6 cent a month, Sunday lncluded- O. W. Hooker, agent. Office. Alice Shinning Parlor (Al Richardson' Plnce) 0i Main St Phone 22. RALE? A. RALET, Attorneye at Law. Office In American National Itank Bluldiiig. WANTED Hauling for two ton truck Nebraska mono 4Z. MARRY AT ONCE We put you in correspondence with thousands of charming and refined ladies who wish to marry, many worth from 1 1,000 to $25,000 a1"1 upward. Particulars free, Addre.'s Allen Ward, B 751, Valley, FRED H. SCHMILT, Attorney at Law. Room 24, 6m!lu-Oawford Gldg. BATTERIES OPTICAL DAI.B ROTHWELI Optemetrlat and Optician. Ciaseee ground to fit you eyea, American National Bank Build ing Plume get OSTEOPATH WOMAN WANTS Work by the hour Phond D-J. WANTED Sewing plain or fancy Phone J04-M. SPECIAL SOLDIERS OF THE J 48th. p. A A liberal reward to any soldier ivho krew Timothy Ixahy, alias John L. Leahy, while In the army. He went jY name of Jaek, was killed In France, ! in Xnt)t1inu t,v VT TT in Ctnt 11S. WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAOB AT Please write tit once, or make affiila- LOOK! LOOK! of H-rsonal property Included In sale. I tst buy in any of the coant counties M.0 an acre. For full" descriitiln Of place and personal' proNrty write, Irn Wade, Toledo, Oregon. ' IX Ifl!ND The following4 described i animal baa been taken up by the murslial of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: I One ba.v horse 4 years old. Dim brand on left shoulder, both hind feet white. Weight 100 pounds. If s.ild animal la not claimed by the' owner or those entitled to its possca- eton The East Oregonl;n office. WAFHlNQ and lron'ng done by the day Apply 126 Thompson St. 1250.00 buyg a Chevrolet, swell tire., fine shaoe. if taken at i wanted job cooking on ranch or " ' ' ...li, I. nr. f.l.l. FOR BALE OR LEAS& Sheep rarih 829 acres, well equipped Abun danoe of range Joining Addre- M. R. Waltor, Qnlney, Waah. FOR BALI! Improved SO -acre farm flvemiles north of La Grande good buuuinga and sou $ 1 50.00 per acre. Ray Allen, La Grande, Ore., Route 1 once. IdmobiIe .$1150. '8", fine shape, "8", snap buy, I en Rule Hotel. and coat and' expense paid nndjfron, owd, three ti away within ten days from the! Dayton. taken ante hereof, then at 2 o clock p. in. on the 15th day of November, 1B20, the wild anlmul will be sold to (he highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the City Pound, In said City oft I'emlle. tbn. the proceeds of such sale to le applied to the payment of such cuata uind expenses of making sale. , Dated this 11th day of November, 1!20. AL ROriERTS, t.'lty Marshal FOR BALE Lease on l00 acre wheat land 1000 acre ready fori ' cms oumi i miiea mm naui bee snow THE OLDSMOBILE CO. of Oregon Opposite Pendleton Hotel Pendleton WANTED Experienced stenographer, able to arsist on books Phone 468, P. O. Box :T.8. seeding.' LOST AND FOUND WANTED Position ns hii'isrl;eeper on ranch or In town Golden Rule Hotel Room 22. WANTED Position as housekeeper or cooking on ranch Golden Rule Oregon Hotel Room 26. TEAMS WANTED Lumber haulina by day or contract. Bardell Lum ber t L.x Co-Frecwater, Oregcn:.. vit to Mis. Van Sickle, or Susie Rob erts, 437-South 9th.' street, Ijolsc, Ida. PHILADELPHIA iIAM-ND CRID BAT1KRIE3 guaranteed fir II mor-'ja. W. E. Chase Co., S20 E. Court. Telephone 269. Pendleton. PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES Beat by competitive test. Service on all mal.es of batteries, guaranteed. Prest O-I.l I E Service Station, 40 B. Court Phone 864. DR. Q. E. HOLT Osteopathic, physi cian and Burgeon.- Judd Bldf. Tele phones, office 508; Residence 117 t-W, DP. liF.NA M'CONNELL Osteopa thic physician and aurgeon. Temple Bldg. Office phone I47-J, Re. 244-SL CATERPILLAR WORK ' V, AUTO TOPS GADWA'S AUTO TOPS, Backa, tide Curtain 2S1 Court St ' CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gaa en gine, automobile and genera) j bUcksmlthlng. RjundXp Garage, Plate Glass, I A Nchercsir, tt West Webb. POULTRY SUPPLIES CHIC FOOD, Scratch food, tooiea, bone, shell, grit, corn, oata, rolled barley. I'matilla l liiur A Grain Co, PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING East I i' LUHT At Llbertv diincn hall. nair Thoroughly modern bun-l brown wrist strap gloves reward- paving , paid. I phone 1 ooft. FOR SALE iralnw on W. Court, Largo lot. This Is one of the nicest homes in the city and will be iold 1 FOUND Keys at Cosy Billiard Pcrlor cheap If Day':.!. taken thla week Snew JH Vov. t. Owner may have same liy calling at Elk Club FOR SALE by ownet at ecai Bflctly i modern house, well located on north i dt, i rooms. Tile t-ath, refrigerator rooms, hardwood floors, concrete gar age, etc Addreaa Box 47, C'ty. WAN'TEIJ Experienced office girl. Address "71" caro this ofice in own hand writing, stating part experience. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS TIME CARD Weston-Pendleton Auto Stage Leaves Weston for Pendleton Ji 7:30 a. m. and 12:45 p. m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pen&etqn (Allen-Knight Co. iitorr) .'or Weston at 10:00 a. m. and 4 p. m. O. H. Mi l HERRIN. Prop. PARKER & BANFIELD, Designing, 4 Enginecrinj:, Constructing, 14 years experience in concrete and brick con atrucilon. 04 K. Third St, Nurtli, Port land, Oregon. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING AU makes Warren's Music Uonae, 111 Main St.. I'hone 624. v PIANOS AND PLAYERS jHmoproRs R. R. C. ELI WORTH Specializing 'in nervous disease and disease off HIGH GRADE PIANOS of pleasing ! tone qua.ity. Flayer of lndinauailty. Its the construction that count. Bet piano on display, write or phone Tbej Bee Hive, fin Main St., Phone l(rja i J. P. Darnall, Factory Bap Xolav 4N Cha-e Piano Ca. women. Painting and Paper Hanging 9 to 12 a. m. ' to 6:J0 p. m. i J- w- JACKSONWail paper for sale: (Evenings 7 to g, Phoue 706, Smith- l . . cheap, paint'ng, raper hanging and kalsomiuing by day or eeattaet- I'liono 1 0.; I ; 6 1 Calvin St. NOTICES LOST. OCT. 20 On rosd between Ilil arU soil lop of CaTibage Hill, one 13x4 smooth trend auto tire on rim. Finder return tins office for reward. FOR SALE OR TRADE One 14 H. P. Stover gas engine monnted on Ore., v.agon In good shape. Will sell cheap or trade for stock, whnt hare you? corner Water and Johnson Sts, or Phone 408. Notice of Sale by Boarding Stable Keeper Notice Is hereby given, that the un dersigned, a Boarding Stable 'Keeper, will, at the hour of 2 O'clock In the afternoon, on the 22nd day of Novem ber. 120. at the O. K. Feed Stable. S.19 Aura street In Pendleton. Umatll-1 Pendleton for house In town, la county, OrNron. Mil to the highest George W. Hilit and best bidder for cash In hand, one 81 Main St. STOLEN Ford touring car; license No. 13369, engine No. 1.008,820 lib eral reward Willie I'd ling, Pendleton Phone 2F5. IVir sale or Exchange 160 acres good wheat land sorrel gelding about 7 years old, 4 j Hps. Phone 972-W white feet and white face, no visible! brand and one hay mare, about S years old, 1 White feet, no visible brand. Said ale will be for the purpose of satisfy ing a boarding stable lien of 1240.00 and accruing costs and the proceeds arising therefrom will be used In pay ing the costs and expenses of sale, the satisfaction of said lien and. the re mainder If any be paid to Frank Reed the owner nf said animals. Dated this 6ih day of November, :o. ' ' S. P. TATT5. Phone 993 UqnldatJin on Oiffoo rutnrcs Towers .Market. i ; NEW YORK, Nor: 1. After-open-Ing At a decllno of 11 to 18 points the market for coffee, futures rallied1 to Jbout Inst night's' .closing figures on Covering but eased off again biter un der renewed llipiiHation by brokers With Wail street and cotton trade con nections. There, were also' reports of lower firm offers on the decline which carried March off from 7.75 to 7.05. Or 23 points het lower. Thai delivery ilosed -.7 with the general market showing a net' loss of 17 tb 21 points. December 6.89;' January 7.12; March J.60; May 7.S7; July M7; S"Pt- 8.35, ; Spot uoffce quiet: Rin ts 7 3-8; San tos 4s 70 J-41l.ll 1-4. SHOCKING, -V: ' ! i - ( k i . i FOR SALE Lease 1500 acre of una- Merfallow caterpillar, gaa harves ter, 50 head of muies and outfit also 1600 acres to plow In spring. . Located About 10 miles from Moro Sherman county1. Ore. Address 11 P. Marshall. Pendleton, Ore, FOR SALE--My north side home, 120 Monroe St:, one block from county library 1 lots, 2 houses rents for $70.00 per month one 12 room house ono 7 room house Paved street and concrete walks. Call at Bowman's Studio1. LOST Gold rimmed , spectacles in green lined case between 303 Garfield and corner of Washington and Jefferson Reward Inquire t)ii! Office. WANTED Carpenter work special attention paid"- to Job work city or country. Phone 10J-W, call 614 Llllith St. "MYOELECTRIC WORT" nio R.'i-Pejidleton Aato wage 4 Lt-ves runt Rock at 8 a. m. Leaves "endleton at 10:30 m Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 i- m. Leave Pendleton at t p. k. FAKCHO STUBBLE'FIELD. Prop. DR. LENA A. BOONE Chiropractor i ; Office hours 10 to 12: 1:30 to r,:00.j PAINTS, ,:0!) E. Court St.. 1-aatz Al. Id. Phone i ,n8- T7. Wall Paper, Picture Fram L. J. McAWe, the PraoUsal 'Paint Man. Lowe Brost, Paints. CLEANING AND PRESSING RADIATOR REPAIRING WK REPAIR anything electrical on!C4eeeeeee4,eeee an aotomobile. W. E. Chase Co. MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS,1 Al-,u a"aium s-UMia- i r...,.....i i.i. oj c 701 East Aita street. Ail mares or I ... . ... ... ....'. J raint(.r- rennfred. Work urant ad- inidiruin, r,;. - - . . AUTO TRANSRER AUCTIONEER A. M. BOYDEN Stand at Hcnnlngs j COL. W. F. YOHNKA -Auctioneer. Cleur store, fiountrv trios Phone l turr.s & oior.es inzoiemen i W. G. FISHER Stand Riicy & Kemp. I Phone b?2. , Co., for sale Catea I FOR RENT C, E. WILLIAMSON S'snd at,Oflgg AUTO PAINTING FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping j room P.'ione 204-M. ' I Ciar Store Phone 1075. AUTO TIRES j ,tr 7 MEN WITH YEAHS of experience. I Motor Inn Garage, ', ;2 Cottonwood j Ward A. Iloagland, Prop. Webb St. Plinne 321, DRAYMEN, i C. Blasters, l"mp. CALL PENLAND Uros., lratisfor van to move your household goods. We also puck or store goods. We do coun try hauling. , Telephone S119. RESTAURANT THK Qi E'LLlO. A good place to eat, DENTIST FOR RENT Room with bath privl-, PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJax, Re- legs 109 Long St. FOR RENT Nice front room heating stove 619 Johnson St. with FOR RENT Steam heated sleeping room, close In I'hone 7K6-J. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms 618 June Phone 369-M. vers and Savafe tires. 6treet. 228 K. Court AUTO REPAIRING WALLACE BROS. Flak Tlrea, cords or fabric We do our own adjust ing SOS-12 Johnson St. THE "PIONEER" AUO MAls Satis faction guaranteed. We repair any make. Glen Long, 032 Cottonwood. FOR RENT Sleeping room for gen tleman bath privilege 513 Post St. OFFICE ROOM for rent In Milarkey Bldg. Phone 313-W or 213 W. Alta. FOR LKABW 1600 acre lineal moun tain sheep pasture. Plenty water, FOR RENT IVwnsialrs ted room U FENTLEY & CO. Diamond Tires Tire and accessories Alta aul Garden Sts, GPRTSON- & MARTY Gates Half Joles, 6000 miles buarantced 1-2 cost of new tires. 637 Cottonwood St. PERKINS AMMONS, Automobile nt.nairlnir- Ford. Chevrclet. l3tude- oodyear and i holt . 'service Berv!ce, oH i ftt any Uma ,a0 Cottonwood, Ptone 203. -Re- ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COLTTa, Attcrney at Law, Roon, 17, Schmidt block. 8180 per year, also 480 acre sheep ranch for sale, house, barn, sheds, run ning water plenty outside range, 810 per acre Inquire Mrs. J. O. French, Hermlston, Oregon. - I Vtr 8nie or Rxriisnge 44 acres fine alfalfa or orchard land at Stanrield, 20 acres alfalfa 12 acres corn. Will take $2500 In city property or good car. ticorg W. FJdcr -818 Main St. Res. Phone 972-W Phone 993 FOR SALE by owner. A very com fortable 6-room cottage with garage, north side. New plumbing in bath rconi and kitchen; corner lot, trees and flowers: steel range and heating atovo go with place. Owner obliged to leave town and will sell all for $3000 and on terms that will surprise you Room 205, Pendleton Hotel. bath privilege 301 Louis SL Thone 294-R. SIMPSON TIRE SERVICE CO. public ant Firestone tires, cords or j rmtthe. Attorney, at fabric. 823 E. Court St., Phone !.-"-- "r.llw. . ' , m Law. Offices In rear of American FOR RENT Sleeping room, $3.')" per week board If wanted W. J. V.. 627 Pine St., , j ... ' t ... ! PENDLETON RUBBER ft SUPPLY i National taiik building. I 5C -Barney Oldfleld. Goodrich 45ii-1 - g-" Attorney, at Law. ! renown Cord snd Pennsylvania Vacu- BulUto urn Cap-r305 E. Court. . j I Of- ROOMS FOR RENT rossibly ar rangements for cooking 415 Gar flolu Phone 248-M. FOR RENT Two partly furnished housekeeping rooms, 421 Marie Phone 6S9-W. MISCELLANEOUS i R. I. KEATOR, Attorney at ' Law, Room 21. Sinitli-Craford Ruildlng. SEE SMITHY, for wall paper and j S. A. LOW LI Attorney ind Counsel lor at Law. utiles in vespam niag. house cleaning Call e'enings, 3S1-J MRS. ADA FIELD Splrella corsetlere I Phone 324-W. Address 514 Jane. DR. FLOYD CROUP - Dentist b Room 109 American Bank Bldg. Phone 328 Pendleton, Ore. fin. H. M. HANAVAN Dentistry. Room V, Temple Bldg., Phone 772. SECOND HAND FURNITURE WE BUY, SELL or exchange house hold trood3. We also do general fur niture reriair work Phone 622, Rilejr. & Kemp, 523 Main SL , - EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT OPTICAL DepL.any site, style or shape glass whilo yod wait. D. N. Reber, M. D., 7, 8, , Belts Bldg. FARM LOANS SNOW A DAYTON, 117 E. Court Bt Real Estate. Fire Insurance. Farm Lorns. See us about r loan. HEMSTITCHING BJ5M STITCHING at the Singer shop. 1 Phone 271-W. Mail orders promptly attended to. THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE Massage and Steam Hath Electrical cabinet bath, medical tub lath, electricity, V-Rayt vibrator, etc, at'The Swedish Institute. If you suf fer from rheumatism, stomach trou bles, nervous, run-down, paralysis, adiposis (reducing of weight) come and see us. G. W. Brown, M. O. D. Graduated in Sweden. Expert Lady Assistant. Over Taylor Hardware Store. Main St., 743. Phone 1079-W. SECOND HAND DEALERS ' ! vT'sTOLTdeaJer ln new Mdisee I ond hand goods. Cash paid for j second hand goods. Cheapest place) ! to buy household goods. SIS K. Ooart HEMSTITCHING Mall orders Mrs. Ralph Hassell 417 Bush, Phone 996. JUNK, JUNK, JUNK SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE most np-to-date effectual lead ing science practised. E. F. Glbsoa P. 3. T.; N. D. Room U Peebler Bldg. IS. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law. Federal Building. DOINGrS OF THE DUFFS The Fiance Appears With Echoes Frcm the Gallery 8Y ALLMAN VAN QOKOON CHICAGO Another bit ot tem InlnS Immodesty is creatine s stir.' h;hs -naked ear, ot course. Look at' Cyrena Van Gordon, prlma' donna; bt th Chicago Grand Company, unblushlngly having her picture taken with an undressed ear. So long bidden behind "biscuits" !' hair, milady now reveals ber ears i If sbs Is jip to dsts. ivr Salo 8 room new bungalow, north side. 7 room good bungalow, north side. 6 room good corner lot, north side. 6 room : residence, i snap south good terms. ( 8 room residence, south Bargain. 6 room' residence,, Lewis street, lot loo by wo. . . , Drop In and seo me if you want to buy a home. I have houses In almost nnv part or tne city. George W. Kldcr 818 Main St. Real Phone 972-W Phono 993 OH,ri?U-ftPEAR. YIG1,.,V4EU.VUEU USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR SALE Hudson, good condition, $500.00 Frentxel Motor Co., 616 Gar den. : ' !. i FOR SALE Overland model 84, per fect condition, . $575.00 Frentxel Motor Co. FOR SALE Several used Ford roustabouts from $200.00 to $250.00. Classy Talge roadster good condi tion, good ti es will sell at a sacrifice. OREGON SfOTOK GARAUK nutter Finn, IXBS St-dy In X.. Y. PwxltM'e Mnrkrt. NEW YORK, Nov. 13. Butter firm; creamery higher than extras 65 I-2W 66: steady 64 1-2i65; first t88 to 91 score) 4 8 6 3. Eggs steady, unchanged. Cheess firm; state whole milk twins, held specials 27 1-21 28: ditto nvcrage run 24 ft 25; others unchanged. I roawctHTs To Go m amd I j " , ' ' Jtt ( uEUOTrtee ) I citoonst RASPER AMD &E n 'I - ' . -..., I' i ill ' i r i i r MEV4 HKR WAtkeU3 6lCt SVMWWVJSKA HES5ELF-0F IfSlOUfcH M, smjulP Tse. owe He's t;us i it s&N I ErTMEC CuoBSe it was oh, , wth e) s AN t VO MARPM '. r ' t,y A-X? s 40H&EAHLJV-riNCr BRING your Junk to the Pendletcn Hide A Junk Co. See us before you tell. I D. Cameron, Prop. KODAK FINISHING I. W. AYBKS Room 16-17.Bond Bldg. Graduate of Parent School Welt mer Institute of Nevada, Mo. SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER LAND SURVEY General englDwrlng work. Z. A. Lansdale, C K, River- PERFECT DEVELOPING and print ing for the amateur enlarging, side, Pendleton, Ore. MADE TO MEASURE 1 i Carl Ii Franseen, Elks Rids. TAILORS s-ts'iaw 'i i 1 - - - ggi .647 Main Thone inns llIIillllllllIIIIIIllllliIiHllllllllllllIlllllllllilllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIII!lllllllhi!lin'1,llU1" Don't Overlook ii That Gunpowder Tea at 25c and 50c package. Pimentc Cheese, 2 for 25c Tillamook Cream Cheese 50c pound. LImberger Cheese, 50c Roma Beauty Apples, $1.00 Extra Fancy Delicious, $4.50 Winter tanana, $4.50 ' Fall Butter Pears, 40c dozen Butternut Bread in White, Rye, Raisin and Whcle Wheat The Dean Tatoni Co. Meat" Dept. Phone 86 Grocery Dept Phone 688 lUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliUllllllllllllllllllMlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIUM i . r 'm ssw-.w rv ' saAAAaSfaauSaMS AajAAAAA4A-a- e a a ..a . a. a a j