East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 13, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE ELEVEN, Image 11

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    1 Hfj(.3BfeJ
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Goodwill Triumphant Under Test
... J
What's Inside
Inside your battery box are rub-
Inside the jar is the solution.
In the solution are th positive
and negative plates that supply
The job of Threaded Rubber Sa
sulation is to keep the plates insu
lated and yet permit free flow of
current for starter, lights and igni-'
Hon. Threaded Rubber Insulaticrt
is the kind selected by 136 manufac
turers of passenger cars and notor
.trucks, '
Garden & West Court Sts.
Chicago Man Becomes Supreme
Court of Baseball at Salary
of $50,000 Annually; Judge
McDonald May Be In.
CHICAGO, Nov. 13. (A. P.) Ked
ernl Judge Kcncsuw Mountain Landls
today accepted the "chairmanship of
professional baseball" ufter It had been
tendered htm by unanimous vote of
the 16 major league clubs and thereby
became the final court of appeal In all
matters of administration, which ma
come up between the .National unit
American leagues and any minor lea
gues which voluntarily Join in the pro"
posed reoiijanlJitlon og baseball.
Judge Land was hearing a t hp. Ii.
which 15,000 bribery In connection
with an Income tax wan charged when
a committee of eight elubowners cnlleo
on him. As tfc magnate filed Into
the courtroom, hats In their hands, th
Judge sharply banged his gavel down
and ordered them Co make less noise
When Informed of their Mission he
had them escorted to his chambers
where they were kept In waiting for t:.
minutes before the Judge would listen'
to the offer which Increased his an
nual salary from $7u00 a year to $50,
000. Judge Lundls attends many ma1
por league games hero every year and
seldom misses a, world's serieii. At the
annual classic he "generally may be
found In a box back of third base, hi
old black slouch hat pulled down over
his eyes and a long black cape falling
from his shoulders. He never talks.
during a game but studies every play
closely and cnJoyB analyzing the strat
egy used by the opposing players. One
of his hobbles at a game Is to try to
guess the next play.
Judge Londis was born In Millvtlle,
Ohio, November 20, I860, and was
named for Kcnesaw Mountain, near
Atlunta, Oa., where his father was
w-ounded in the civil war. He first
became nationally prominent when he
fined the Standard Oil company 129,
40,009 after forcing John D. Rocke
feller to come here to testify. The de
olxlon was reversed by the supreme
court, however.
Chicago will be headquarters for the
baseball commissioners and offices will
be opened here Immediately.
If second and third members are
chosen for the commission, It Is vir
tually certain, according to the club
owners, that Judge Charles A. Mc
Donald of Chicago "w ill be one.
Judge McDonald Indirectly brought
on the baseball war, for he startej
the baseball scandal Investigation
which brought ubo,ut the proposals
for baseball reorganization.
As this message is being written,
Dodge Brothers' daily, weekly and
monthly production, is at the highest
point in its history.
The most casual sort of inquiry will
satisfy you that this production is
being absorbed as it is delivered.
Within sight and sound as we write,
a great addition to Dodge Brothers'
immense works, is being rushed to
The interesting thing about this sit
uation is, that it is not likely that a
half a hundred people have ever
bought Dodge Brothers Motor Car
just becaus: they wanted a motorcar.
Of the more than half a million who
have bought it the overwhelming
majority aid so because of the name
it bore.
It has always been treated, by the
American people in particular, as an
' exception always set apart, and
singled out, and never judged by
ordinary standards.
It has always been thought of, and is
still thought of, first, and foremost,
and all the time, only in terms of its
goodness, and the results it gives.
All of this is wonderful, in one way,
and quite natural and logical in an
other. It all dates back to the day when
John and Horace Dodge conceived
and designed and finally built the car
after warning each other, and their
associates not even to think of it in
any other terms than the best obtain
able value.
They began with a few almost ab
surdly simple principles, bluntly ex
pressed and rigidly executed, about
decency and honor and integrity
such as most of us wrote in our copy
books at school.
They reduced these old copy book
maxims to a splendid and scientific
systempouring more, and more, and
still more value into the car, and then
marshalling all the resources of mod
ern massed manufacture to get their
product into the hands of the people
at an honorable and an honest cost.
These policies and principles 'have
never been changed, and never will
be changed, by so much as a hair's
breadth; and they have come to be
recognized and accepted as Dodge
Brothers principles wherever motor
cars are driven.
It has all happened as John and
Horace Dodge planned it quite sim
ply, naturally, and automatically, all
over America, and all over the world.
People do discriminate, as Dodge
Brothers contended they would;
people will find out when a motor car
is well built and gives good service
and great good value.
Dodge Brothers market today is
whtre they planned to locate and
establish it in the mind and the
heart of every man and woman who
admires good work, well done.
It will last, and it will keep on grow
ing, as it has kept on growing for five
years (faster than Dodge Brothers
works could keep pace with it), as
long as the number of those who be
lieve that a manufacturer should
build to serve and not merely to sell,
continues to increase.
All is well with Dodge Brothers to
day, because John and Horace Dodge
builded well in the beginning, and
because their business will continue
to build well until the end.
I A 1-il.TVA r-nl . Vnv. IS (A. I'. I
The football teams which will meet
here New Year B day in me annual
east versus west gridiron classic, will
be tentatively selected at a meeting
Monduy rtlght, it Was announced today.
Cor. Water and Main. Phone 963
W 1 1 1TK-I.KOX Alt I) MATt'J I KD
CHICAGO. Nov. 13. (A. P.)
Charley White last night announced
that he had been matched for a 12
round boxing match at Jersey City, N.
V.. December 10, with Benny Leonard,
lightweight champion.
I -sion on Ireland is an unofficial body j
I composed of several prominent men
and women who expect to ask both
British and Irish sympathizers to tea- i
tify on the Irish uueslHm. They say
their aim is to get the real truth ot I
the controvosy. . ,
Its Easy to Rid Yourself of
Battery Worries
WE are willing to be judged entirely by the
service we give, by our ability to help
you, and to keep you free from battery troubles.
There's no thought in our minds but to give
you the best that is in us. We are not geniuses.
But we do work hard and we know our business.
You will not find any mystery here when it
comes to taking care of your battery. We have
studied batteries, all kinds, and know how to
prevent trouble and how to get for you the long
est and most satisfactory service out o.f your pre
sent battery, no matter what its make.
Of course our experience has shown us that
some batteries, like some hearts, are stronger
than others. They are capable of greater, more
severe strain. Such a one is the Philadelphia
Diamond Grid Battery, which w, recommend
when replacement is necessary. -
For this battery, m addition to iU qualf.tyy
further protect you by its manufacturer's TWO
DENVER. Colo., Kov. 13. (A. P.)
The initial convention of the National
Park-to-Park Highway Association,
with nearly' loo delegates in attend
ance, opened here Thursday with a
program calling for congressional aid
for the 12 most westerly states In rais
ing $100,000,000 for , hard surfacing
the 5,600 miles of dirt roads that serve
as connecting links to form the Na
tional Park-to-Park Highway. The
cnventlon will last three days.
Stephen T. Mather, director of the
National Park Service, officials of the
American Automobile Association, the
Kotariuns, Optimists and other western
organizations, are participating. The
National Park-to-Park Highway Asso
ciation will be put on a permanent or
ganization basis, and state and local
branches formed in 12 states and ltfO
cities of the west.
Congress will be memorialized to
make this a federal highway, roughly
circling nine western states, Colorado,
Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washing
ton, Oregon, California, Arizona and
New Mxieo and connecting 11 Na
tional parks.
Representatives of the governors of
these states, as well as Itah, Nevada,
and Texas, ore attending the confer
ence, which marks the close of the
official tour dedicating this American
motor way, with the start and finish in
Denver. The .trip required 7 u days,
noon and night meetings being held in
towns on the route to arouse the west
to a greater appreciation of its scenic,
industrial and agricultural possibilities.
This wonder highway In the form of
a lariat loop embraces an area great
ter than continental Europe, touch
ing In the course of its scenic running
noose, Messa Verde, Rocky Mountain,
Yellowstone, Glacier. Mont Rainier,
Crater Lake. Lassen, Losemito, Sequo
ia, General Grant and Grand Canyon
National Parks. A branch road will
some day connect Zton National Park
In Ctah. Cheyenne, Great Falls, Spo
kane, Tacoma, Portland, San Francis
co, Los Angeles and Denver are on the
siiii iMrni.cwi to iT'V
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. (U. P.). 1 d
-i .v, A
CHRISTMAS may seem a long way off but we jj
are already making pictures to be used as Christmas rd
1 m
Sales of Pacific Coast materials of the
Culled States shipping board will . be
carried out under the terms recently
it was stated by the board officials
Aune Wheeler Studio
222E.Alta Phone 533
Phone 269
Wm. E. Chase Go.
We recharge and repair all makes of Batteries and Electrical Systems.
320 E. Court Street
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. U. P.
Mrs. Muriel MacSlnoy. widow of the
late lord mayor of Cork, hus offered
tc come to Wafllngtol to testify bo-
fore the American commission on Ire
land and her offer has been accepted,
the commission has announced.
whether or not Mrs. MacSwIney can
get a passport Is uncertain.. She can
not start for America Immediately be-
I cause of her hciltn. Hut the commis
sion hopes tti have her appear before
Our success depends largely on the success of
the farmer in this community. We are endeavoring
to co-operate with you not only by supplying you
with implements and machinery of Quality, but also
in the future we will print many helpful suggestions
and fads obtained from a reliable source. Read our
ads and let us be of service to you.
turgis & Storie
Walla Walla
its which started
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