East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 10, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    vrvfY'rvv wrr-y tttVit viffvw r" V ' r r -r ' -jrr-rv--rv v --r-ir . r -rrf 4 ffi -wr w m J-r-f 0 r r f r -uir.4tt ,
FAGS iilaju3
News of Pendleton
Nov. 1 1. Armbjtlf- ruy
Slots holiday.
Nov. 11. l'endleton va. Bakor,
football Huker.
Nov. 1--SS& lioil C'rom ltoll
Nov. 13. University of Ore-
gon homncomliiK, Eimcnn.
Nov. 13-10 Pacific Intorna-
tlonal Livestock Exposition, lot,
Nov. 23,Amrlcnn Legion
Nov. 2i. ThankHKlvlnn.
Dec. H. Annuul Muetinif
Round-Up directum.
Veci 10. Sale of Indian lanis,
agency. .
llBKRlf Ih ti'iichcr of tho fourth grade havus ut 5 and reuehen linker Ht JO
It. the Hawthorns achool, while Miss
Kurt Im uHMocin leil with the J. C. funny
'o. .
"Sloiy llmir" Oil Nillurdiin .
Tim mory hour, u Baturduy feu lure
(it the city librury hint year, will be
hold earn week at the llhrury thlH
Vfar. .Miss .Martha Johnson, teacher
nt WaHhltiKton school, will toll the
stories, which will be fairy tulce olJ
and new. The hour Ih 10 . ni.'to II
each Saturday mornlna, and
children from 8 to 10 years of ukc art:
b. m., while the aecond leaven here At
12:15 a. 111. and touches iiukcr about
8 u. tn.
Itev. (lurk I Milled
Itov. (!. L. ClaJk,,pitstor of the I'l-ea
bytcrian church, wan yesterday elect
ed u luentber of the board of director
of the 1'matllla County ited CroH. He
sneered' Mrs. Llua .Sturgls, who 10-lned.
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phoncg 526
Other Depts. 78
Use the Phone
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Depts. 78
To Are III
Mre, Ada HimKlg, and her aliiter, Mlna
Knther Karl, are ill .with lypholl fever
at the home of their mother, Mra,
Anna ICarl, 24 Hrme Htreot. Mra,
( My Iteeorilcr Alnrrit'M (Viile
Floyd Ward and ,MIh Cora K. I'lf-
IrvlMcd. The library la on the aecunO fley, of Urnuplue, were married on
floor In the city hail.'
uauit' Slay l!e;1ii J'ariier.
A iiopalhlllty that the fendleton
liuker hlnh echool football game at
I'aker tomorrow may begin nt l o'clock
waa reported by Principal AUHtln Um
dreth. of the local nchool, today. In
that event, ueraona from here
Monday afternoon In the city record
er'a office by Judge Thomaa Fit
(ierald, 'n the pnaencc of two frlenda
of Hie contracting partlea.
furent Teui-lier (iiiiiuil Meet i
The I'aren: Teacher council, j-epre- i ;
aentliig the! fob.- I'arent Teaclwr As io- SS5
who I ciutlona of the city, waa called ?or asr;
plan to attend the game would arrive regular meeting ut 4:10 tbl uftein .un
too late by taking truin No. 8 In the
morning. Mr. Iindrelh la ndvlning
atudenta who go to leave tonight on
either No. IS or No. 4 The firat train
In the UHsembly room of the county
library. A busluowi aeaaion with aev
nal mattera of Importance to Con
nider waa tho announced program.
Make Your Own -
and Save Money.
Sweaters of all kinds, knitted
and crocheted, tuxedo and slip
over, for sport and dress wear,
are the mode now. Make them
yourself at less than half the cost
of ready-made sweaters. Com
plete and accurate instructions
given in the latest Blue Books of
Yarncraft, always on sale here,
enable you to do this easily and
First shipment just received, and the berries
are very high grade. , '
Order your groceries and meat early Thursday
morning as everything will be closed in the afternoon.
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
1'HONKS 161
(Prima Riehangfi (Vmiircu lVh ri'iaii Utj
n.N k ;imm i:kii s and meats
101-101 101 101 101 101 101 1U1 101-
Man Named IK r Drunk
Mauley Ueer pleaded guilty In police ,
court thia morning to a charge of be
ing drunk. HC waa fined $10 or five jSS
days and was obliged to go to Jail
cauae of lack of funda. He told the
Judge that he did not feel manly and S
that It waa not beer on wnu n ne ae
came intoxicated. The man waa "old j-
enough to know oetter,'' Judge Fltzi-
'Ierald aid.
Tni'iKT Strict Sewer Nearly IKme
Laying of the pipe for the Turner
alreet acwer and laterala w hich run to I
Court atreet will be completed by Hat- jrs
unlay night or the ftrat of next week i
City Engineer U. Haya estimated to- j -day.
The work hia been In progress j.
for the t't three weeka with a force jaa
woorklng on force account. , Thia I
acwer will aervo a large and rapidly j
growing dlxlrlet biond and above the
Si. Anthony hocpltal.
Xew Aoeoiiiillng Hlem In '
A new accounting ayatero f"r the
city wa.er -department haa been com
pletely installed and la now In opera
tion, Tho new ayatem waa put in by
experta from the Whitfleld-Whltcomb
Co., of fortland, at a cat if approxi
mately $1000. Tarda aupplant much
or the book account ayatem formerly
In u.w and the cumbersome me thods
of the old ayatem have been eliminat
ed. At a glance now tho exact atatua
o any account can be aaceftalned.
Vow l'aiiig IMiiiib Ifeudy
l'lana, Kjieciflcationa and cstiinatea
f"t the Improvement of thite blocka
for which reaohitlona have been adopt
ed will be preaented to the city coun
cil tonight by City Kngineer F. H.
ii .1 I- ...,.. i..-t f..
J1IIC. I.iocviii .i.tiiv
5(ItaI'.v, will be known a district No.
We carry a complete assort
ment of
embracing the season's most
fashionable shades. The beauti
ful Bear Brand sweater models
on display in our Yarn Depart
ment offer timely suggestions.
Come in and see them before
you start your next sweater.
Shetland Floss, ball 35c
Gerniantown, ball 40c
In Our. Art Department.
If Vou're going to "Make up
things for Xmas, it's high time
you're at work. Visit this de
partment olten as there are al
ways new things to be shown.
The Art Dept. is down stairs
now so you don't have to climb
Tapestry Couch Covers $8.50 to
Cluney Pieces. . . $3.50 to $25.00
Maderia Pieces up to ... $15.00
Tapestry Scarfs and Center
pieces $3.50 to $16.50
Open Stock Embroidery
Goods Joe to $- 00
Wire Lamp Frames 25c to $3.50
50c to $12.50
Cretonne, Chinz, Imported
Hand Printed Muslin, Velour,
Blue Tapestry, etc., etc.
in brown and Whitehall widths.
for scarf, center pieces and fancy
work 50c to $4.50
Embroidery Threads.
Crochet Threads.
Lace Curtains, 1-2 Price.
All Charminjj Things
Hand Embroidered.
Simple and delightfully chic
undergarments, combing jack
ets, fudge and tea aprons, dress
ing sacques and boudoir caps for
your own use or for gifts, ready
made, and stampel for embroid
ery, may be purchased at a dis
tinct saving in
i 1 ' :
Bucilla Package Outfits
Save half the cost by doing the
simple embroidery yourself in
your spare moments. Complete s
assortment now on display, in- g
eluding children's wear and de-
corative household articles of in- g
finite variety. '
Art Needlework Department g
Finest quality Nainsook envelope g .
combination. Pink Mercerized g
Batiste envelope combination, g
Combing Jacket hemstitched s
for crochet. Pink Mercerized 1 g
Batiste Pajamas (2-piece). s
i Prices Reasonable.
Hand Craft Pottery
il. Madison street from Jackaon : -
aireet 300 feet south, will be known na
district No. 7i. Grange atreet, from
Court to liwla, will be known as dia- :
trtT No. 76. Aa soon aa the specifi-.!
cations arc approved by the council, jzs.
these three blocka will be advertised s
We have just received a beautiful line of
and jardineres, all hand tinted.
You will find these a very appropriate gift for
p i for bids for improvement.
5; rating- Will lie How ' .
5l Paving of the streets on the north
K side will be delayed somewhat by the
jP . slowness of iKirsona laying water, gas
W : and sewer connectiona from the mains
'to their curb lines, as required bv or
ri'j ,,
r. JJ. iiajes
on Oarfield
rocery Department
iTnmcnlf i fhrnf nf mnnv rlncira frifta vro enorrrpef 4 S)liJ today. The pipes
I . , ,J , fa jj.stipot nre now all in
mat you ao your snooping cany. '"""timc haa l,pt n
.... . 5.ne in under way on
A small deposit will hold them until you are ready
to take them away.
Pay Cash fendUton' Variety Store Save Cah
nnd most of thp
coniplpted. Grad-
several )ther
blocks on the north side and until they
are ready for paving, too, it is hardly
probable that the Warren plant will
be Htarted up. At tho present rate of
progress in grading and pipe laying.
tho paving plant would be obliged to
work only at cprtain times when pro
ject m are rendy.
i? ,rl?l PvrmiiHl. Snitzenberff. Wine- Wesson Oil, one pint cans
auv j L - v. New Medlum Salt Mackerel, eacn w
Sap, Blue Paramane and Delicious Ap- New Bulk Sauer Kraut, quart 13c
1lcs 552.50 to $5.00 Holland Herring in kegs $3.50
l,1LSl Alaska Herring in 10 lb. kits s&to
Wesson Oil, gallon cans $3.50 Del Monte Medium Size Ripe Olives,
Wesson Oil half gallon cans , o. 10 cans .-. 32.25
Wesson VU quarter gaaun una
iimimiiiiiiimiiiii :
50c ..S
"They WORK
g 8 while you sleep"
1 itttn Uaktl Ittril
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Muller ire the
parents of a little nine pound son 001 ..
Sunday at the home of Mrs. Lulu G.
Smith, 705 Lcwia street.
notary Oub Meots.
A full membership attendance
marked the meeting of the notary
Club today. The meeting, in the form
of a noon luncheon at tho Elks' Club,
waa devoted to discussion of business
V Cheaper Living Expenses ! f(m V
1 " "SIN. B N. . ! WMIH POKCEUIIt 000 fMr ; V '
LEFT ENO S. J X ! V il
,. WIDE ti SHALLOW Xi V ' 1 T7"" flUE UHm f ' wV 1 a
KIKE BOH -XJ i'l-; - t VYASnE3T0S NV
cwntrowKOooK .t Wisi I firr'St hul board J, XV,,5
reiSTEK DAMPtK &iA ' ' ' " ' L oveh ooo LiNW j ADepndr.h!e Physic
SANITAKY kU bah TlX7 ' J3jJ 3y'n'"t' "" ""' "T'A" when Bilious, Headachy,
jTFIBliTLUHIYERSAL atAN 001 600,(' Constipated and Upset.
I . ' 10, 25, 50c drugstores.
A full line 1'orcclain Ranges. Easily kept clean. No I
j blacking necessary. , , .
Pavement Is Itepalrcd.
l'aveinent on Court and Mam streets
is beinsr made ready for repairs today.
The holes left when the flagpoles wort
removed are being filled in and the
tho disks used na a means of keeping
motorists to the right have been torn j
out. The holes will be repaired with
the rest of the pavement. j
PKXVKIt. Nov. in. (IT. I.) The
wholesale price of flour is 40 cents a
barrel cheaper here, today and is sell
ing for $:i.;iO. liukers announced a
22-ounce loaf of bread will sell for 15
SAN" FltAXClSCO. Nov. 10. (T.
IM Jtefiners today announced a drop
of half a cent in the price of sugar, j
making it ten and a hull cents, whole- j
sale. This is the second drop in tvo!
Mrs. (iolilinan Improved.
Mrs. l.uther J. Goldman (Krtna
Coutts), formerly of this city who has
been seriously 111 ut her home In
lioiso. is slightly improved, according
to word received by her father, G. VV.
Coutts. Mrs.- Goldman has been suf
fering for the past month with ty
phoid fever. Mra. E. V. Averilt, her
sister, who has been nt her bedside,
passed through renilleton today, re
turning to her home in Spokane. Mrs.
Coutts remained with her daughter.
Youths Atletnpt ltobbery.
Two youths attempted to rub the
Kast Km! grocery last night, accord
ing to John Dyer. The boys were at
tempting to open a window opposite
the Joe H. rarkes residence. Mr.
l'aiks saw thein and notified the po
lice but the to boys escaped before
their capture. H is reported that
there have been several robberies at
tempted by hoys and storekeepers are
on tho watch to Identify the marauders.
I'nrm nurcuii lo Meet
The proposed affiliation of the farm
bureaus of Oregon with the National
Federation will be discussed at a
meeting of farm bureau members to
morrow night at S o'clock In tho conn
ty library. George Mansfield, pres
ident of the temporary organization of
state bureaus forniod recently In Port
land, Paul V. Marls, state leader of
county agents, and Chester H. Gray,
member of the executive committee
nf tbe national organisation, will
speak. Ten county bureaus sent rep
resentatives to the Portland meeting,
where a constitution and by-lays were
adopted. The visit of the speakers
here tomorrow night Is a part of the
tour of the state. A state federation
will probably be formed permanently
before uitkoh burcaos Join tho coun-tr.'-wldti
STItCTHKKS. Ohio, Nov. 10 (A. '
P.) The parish house the Holy Trin- j
ity Cv.eho-Stovak Catholic church was:
dynamited and the porch blown off
today. No one was ' Injured. ' The t
house was occupied by Kev. John I
Frena, against whose appointment
recently a protest was made by mem
bers of the church who for a time
maintained an armed guard to pre
vent his takinu: possession.
"You Save Money"
says the Good Judge
And get more genuine chew
ing satisfaction, when you use
this class of tobacco.
This is because the full, rich,
real tobacco taste lasts so
long, you don't need a fresh
chew nearly as often. -
And a small chew gives more
real satisfaction than a big chew
of the ordinary kind ever' did.
Any man who uses the Real
Tobacco Chew will tell you
Put up in two styles
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
, Wnlll'IMI TTII IT 'it ji ill I nil lulling j ?tWi IlKl ! n if
i j - w jwi iuvi iwuoi nocat tf
! i
There Was Nothing So Good
for Congestion r.nd Colds
as Mur-tard
Tut tha cld-fasl-.irerl i-tustr.rd-rlnsrer
burned c-d blistered whiie it
acted. Get the relief and help that
mu;,t3rJ placers gnve, without thj
piaster nr.-i wi i-.out the blister.
Mr.:'.tTo!e dooj it. It is a dean,
whits oint:r:eit, mjsdt! with oil of mu
tard. it i3 sdentil'icaily prepared, so
that it wor!;3 v.-ondcra, and yet docs
.lot l.li.-trr tha t;ndcr?st skin.
Ger:!y :.ir.".-eo Aluf teroie '.r. wish the
Inje-Mips. Sccl -ivr-caidclyitbringsro-..f-iwv
spcrdi! tl:s pain tiisappecrs,
Ul-3 Mustcrr'e f;r sore throat, bron-'-.iiis.
tor.si. croup, stilt neck,
thiria, neurulr'-i, headache, conges
n, i'l:'.:r:cy, rhcomatiara, lumbago,
:r.s a:.d ac!;os ot the back or joints,
.-tins, sore rlicjclci. bruises, chil.
inns, frostc J xt, colds of tiie chest
ir o.'len pr-vsnta pneuraouia).
ami toe iijspitsi sire J.ug
U. S. Inspected
What does U. S. Inspected .Meats mean to you?
Meat, in order to secure the U. S. Inspection
stamp, must be slaughtered, dressed an.l cooled un
der the observation of the inspector, thus assuring
the purchasing public when buying U. S. Tnspected
meats a quality piece of goods, clean, sanitary arm
"The TaUG
Phone 187 and 188
739 Main Strr
,1 -.-a.-.-;.4a".T-j' I