t Tt , j , T , , , ( , ,- ft t 1 t tt t t I, y j if s , . i .. t . , DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, f ESDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EyENINO, NOVEMBER 9, 1920., TWELVE PAGES FAGS TO WHITHER AWAY WITH. TRILLION - YARDS OF TINSEL THAT WERE ATHREE.PIECE SUIT FLAUNTED ON MILADYS COAT t tf't t ' I I i t ' r fcr "MA1IJ HIK" (Written for the I'nited Tress) SKW VOKK, Nov. . Wither away with nil the trillion years of tinsel. snentHlllc threads, bends, appliques, stencils, end fcwgawi of every sort tl.Bt have been flaunted upon Milady oilt ai.d eosit these past few months? It is h cnrlou fact that from the day th first New York More enumerated I l:ow many shopping days there were I fx tore OlirMmns, Biilta and coat seemed suddenly simplified. The cur ious are wondering If there was not nouRh tinsel for both Dame Fashion nnd the Yulctide trees. Whatever the cause the fact is very evident that the better shops are now ' showing garments almost entirely free from the burden of superfluous trim ming that has been In evidence since the opening of the fall season. Fifth .Avcn shops are showing suits very the hectic Oriental coloring seems to have betaken Itself to negligees. Fash Ion permits every woman to be a vainpish "Serpent of the Nile" In the privacy of her own boudoir. The fa vored robes are of dark-hued bro- codod satins encrusted with stencil led flowers of garnish hue. Black brocades embroidered In huge gold roses or lotus lilies are very 11 faut. Trinkets of hammered bronxe or cop per dingle from girdle and sleeves. ; Opulence gleams in every fold of these new boudoir robes. Velvet batiks cut a la Mandarm come In rich hues of rose and purple, green or orange. Je weled girdles of roughly-cut stones are found on others nnd even less ermine or milk garnish others and even the most ordinary negligees are dressed up with trimmings of colored brushed wool or rich bandings. The trouser cut of the negligees. found In many One of the most chic in line and very simple. Really striklnft upon tne avenue sed good furs are used for choker collers. and an occasional motif embroidered or beaded may lurk on collar or cuff. But the ornatencss and garnishness that characterized everything only a few weeks ago is rapidly disappearing. Even so, the shops look no less 1'ke an Arabian Nights bazaar, for there Is enough gorgeousness of color ing and fabric to atone for the lesser quantity of tinsel. Soft-piled fabrics such as veldyne, duvet de laine. peach bloom, and velvet are much in evi dence and there are wonderful new shades of corper, wistaria.blucs and black satin brocade for the bloomer part and gold lace for the overskirt. Flowers fashioned from beads and wool were dotted over the transpar ent lace. Some of the models make no pretence of being sansculotte. The pajama lounging robe Is featured heavily by the retailers. It comes in the same gorgeous colors and rich fabrics as do the bona fide robes. SHOT ny BAXTHTS KANSAS CITY. Nov. . (U. P.) David Pollock, 59, president of an was shot nnd probably fatally wound ed e.irly yoterday by one of two mo tor bandits who held up a tuxl en route to the Union station here. greens. These gayer shades are used j overall company of Washosh, Wis., mainly In dressy afternoon or even ing suits, but the street and business suits exploit quiet shades of taupe and brown, blue and gray. Albeit that suits and coats have been trained Into the way that they should go, the many "other things' of Milady's wardwrohe can stand con siderable 'toning down." Even lin gerie (s becoming garishly giddy and ti showing its true colors of hectic greens, blues, violets, and rose. The most up-to-snuff lingerie is of black lace or net garnished with metallic or silk flowers. This voeue is found from coresta to lounging robes. All Hay, firains and Feed -At Seattle I'ni'hnngrd. , SEATTLE. Nov. 9. City, delivery; Feed Scratch feed 176 ton: feed wheat I7S; all grain chop $62; oats $37; sprouting oats 162; rolled oats J'.; whole corn $58; cracked corn $60; rolled barley 60; clipped 'barley $65. Hay Alfalfa $i9 ton; double com pressed alfalfa $35; ditto timothy $42; eastern Washington mixed $36. iff7! ;. j "f Some of the most fetching . tailored' suits are those that in-! voir two or mors materials; yet keep to very long, clearly defined, 1 lines. This model is a three-piece) costaw.e. The skirt is of deep pile lava-toned velvet, with satii of the same shade continuing Into. tailored blouse trimmed witu outache In the same design aa the coat. Then the coat, three-' quarter length, carries oat tho Idea with the velvet Introduced la ' two Panels. BEFORE you buy a can of Calumet you are cer tain of the greatest baking powder value of the best baking results. Because there are so many definitt proofs of its superiority of its purity and reliability. It received highest awards at World's Pure Food Exposition, Chicago; Paris Exposition, Paris, Franc PROOF that it is the best baking powderin the estimatianof ex. pert judgesci baking powder quality. For thirty years it has been the favorite of millions of housewives. PROOF that it gives those millions the best of satisfaction. CALUMET If POWDE L . i I X RECEIVED- WMLDS 1 1 ITT -Tt ; It contains only such ingre dients as have been officially ap proved by V. S. Food Authorities. PROOF of i strict purky and excellence of materials. It is made in the largest, most modern and sanitary baking powder plants in the world. PROOF that it must be better baking powder than eoe made under less favorable ronditions. You save when you buy it moderate in price. You save when you me it pos&easefl more than ordinary kaveoiog iUcngtJj therefore youuae leas. Pound can of Calumet contains full 16 oz. Some baking powders come in 12 oa. instead of 16 oi. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it Calomel Chocolate Cake Recap M cup butter, H cup sugar, 3 tea spoons Calumet Baking Powder, H teaspoon salt 2 caps sifted fiour, 1 cup milk. 2 eggs. Then mis in the regular way. BOSTON. Nov. 9. CA. V. A movement to build up an adequate body of nursing attendants to serve m moderate wages in horned wnere outside care is "needed in cases of sick ness but where means are lacking to pay trained nurses has been started in this city. The Household Nursing Association is offering women nu twenty to forty-five years of age a carefully planned course wnicn il,uC- stribes as designed to prepaie w.... for the care of sickness in tnc nomo and the care of the nome uu....s sickness." New classes are formed every seven vreeks. The expense for the training is small. The course extends over a period of seven months, . beginning with study of the care of the .house, marketing, cooking, dietetics and nursing. After this preliminary wort the students are sent to cooperating hospitals for four months, receiving actual training and experience In the care of patients. After care of a mother and baby is then learned in a maternity hospital. When the course Is completed the students are given case work under supervision of a trained nurse tor live months. If their worK nas p.u.u isfactory they are then given diplo mas and are permitted to work inde pendently. Through a registry sys tem the association is able to provide constant employment for graduates of the course. SOLDIER SETTLERS IN NORTH ALBERTA THRIvt EDMONTON,. AL.TA, Nov. 9. (U. .) More money has been loaned to i rj 1 J ft. '''' I. ,v " I', tVv " .v" " 7ft .wrnMJi'- -. msjjM il i nli i1 1"' '' " I Vr S - ' ' , , . iff if ' !'i'-,v ! ow""j is , ?,( -s - J- ,v " ', V"r'""""' "'"mir . i 11 I f' jj Jf 1(1 Cl - ... .t 1 'V,S ,'.Vit, t ;J;t Wfl i - 1 1 -In r' n . f avy y iff LL music till irtslrumenh at wur hnmr lib, Few musical artists can give their inspiration expression on more than one instrument. But here 13 one musical instrument that can, give you, without limitation, all music interpreted by the greatest artists.! Any instrument, any singer, any number of players or vocalists the musical world is at your ' feet thru the magic of - Test its tone at the Stradivara Dealers Hear the Stradivara. Test its tone with the finest records. See the beautifully designed models and understand why it is called the "Master Mus ical Instrument." Phone 147 si if?s WTV IWI'h Tr" JF ,1'KNOWN FOR TONE " i'-" Hear the fittadivara as a soloist note the perfect clarity of the tone. ' Hear With the Stradivara ny number of voices or in struments together observe that the voice of each singer or each; , instrument is clear-cut and unblurred cresting vividly the im pression that the artists are really present. The Stradivara plays . cv;ry male of reeord. . v ? For SJe By . ; ' -. ; ' :",;.',.'! TAtLMiVN & CO.' V"; : ,r,. t, Pendleton, Ore. 1 "J soldier isettlers in northern Alberta than in any other part of Canada.. Albertans point to this fact as a tri bute to the attractions of the soil and climate of the province. Through the Edmonton office which covers the URGES AMERICAN NAMES FORU. S.?ARTISTS CAR" THE UNIVERSAL Have you looked over the Ford Sedan, that attractively equipped and comfortable enclosed car? Cool in summer, warm in winter, just right for every day in the year. Has every advantage of the touring car as a family car with the additional sure protec tion to clothing and comfort from storms and inclement weather. Just as desirable and serviceable on the farm as it is to town folks. It is the most all-round serviceable car of the day. Won't you come in and look the Sedan over? Simpson Auto Co. Phone 408. Corner Water & Johnson St. northern half of ',the' province,, loanrf to soldier settlers have been approveiL to the. extent of . $M,OM0,00o and of this amount nearly 10,01)0. 000 has been disbursed. About 3,2000 soldiers have been aotually located on farms with an equal 'number settled on ihomesteiid lands for which, no, loans aro necoswary. ' -.' Most tho soldier, settler are mak ing good, according to the Soldier Settlement Ilonrd,' and are''hnrtng In tho profits of the. bumper, harvest E ASHES OF TWO LOVERS . UNITED IN MARRIAGE ' TOKIOV Nov. . (U.'P.') The ra-1 ther unusual ceWrfi6ny of uniting In marriage the ashes i of ' two ) lovers took place a few days aro in the pr- vlnce of Izu. The young man nno woman In qitoatlrm had been attached- to each ' other for ce time, nut circumstances nreverrtcd ' them rrom marrying. In despair they commit, ted shinju" or double' HUldde, as hi quite common under such ' clrcumJ ran, in .Tnnan. bv leaning into tnn sea from -a cliff 'at' Atamt, w'elJ known bathing resort. Tlielr remain.-! nnA TliiflilhtHf werl ding ceremony then performed over, the ashes, as, according to Buddhist belief, this marriage will', cafrf over, ir.to the next world. t ... Dr. David B. Hill DENTISTRY Artificial Teeth a Specially. X-Ray Diagnosis Johns Bldg. : -t Pendleton, Oregon. E-- jeiH"M!pii"iti!!r!H!!liiJtjM'W("WHimt'iiii FLOB VOORHIES '' 1 JLr"At, 'Americaa names (or American artists" to the 1 10a r , , h American .Legion. . "llunareas oi dhwm. ces .ra8 superior, .to foreign. America Voorhies ot New York. But tty r w tiout Seattle Hogs Are Higher ''HTIT 3f And tattle Are Wronger. , . ;; . HEATTLE, Nov.' 9. Hogs HoceiptK 94c, higher. Prime J 4.7.B 15.25:j medium to choice 13.7514.75;' smooth , heavies' 12.7B if? 13.25: , rough heavies 10.7511. 25; pigs' li.nuw Cattle Receipts 255. Stronger. Prim. Htners 9.50 (i 1 0 : . medium to choice 8f9; common td good 6 7.K0; best cows nnd heifers 6.60 7: medr urn to choice .00; calves .5 13.00. ' Beautiful Women of Soclety.durlngthe past seventy years have relied upon it for their mstin. iulshea appearance, mc soft, refined, peariy white complexion It renders Instantly, I always the source of flattering comment .I,,,, i-in-t iMiiimiiffllilll i r c :'iry : ' . . ( ; . :, , Here is a real pamt Lowi4 Brothers High Standard is a better paint than you have erer used before. Better because it lasts longer and looks bet ter as long as it lasts. Beit of all, while it eosta more per gallon, it gees far ther Uuui w'.her polnU, there fore It always costs btfl ps square yard applied. ' High Standard has bees) made for 60 years of notic ing but the best and purest materials obtainable. We want you- to try ft on your next painting- Job. Too will never again use any othai brand. ' . Ask for booklet and card. Both, are free. V L. J. McATEE 'Phone 158 ' - 513 Main St 1 r i aints I 1i.i.innr'"i'"ii!n,nM'""!'!n:'i'eiin!!i '"i!(p'j!M. v -i n '!'! , ;:ni) ,.!ru! , i i ria ii i t kftA 4l-.Jl ttlllllt UM44444SM4A4M4 ' K.AJMMfc- -