East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 09, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    r' H M M fit M I t '
. Tha Eaat Oregonlan I TCaatern Ora
liui'i pMtcit newapaper and aa a
aelllng force gtve to tha advartiaer
over iwtca the guarntd paid elrcu-
Number of eopiea printed of yesterday'
This paper In a mumiief or unci audited
by the Audit Bureau of Circulation.
tlnn In Pendleton and I matin coun
ty of any other newspaper.
' V
NO. 9672
vol. ga j :
Radical Fighters, Crudely Or
canized and Poorly Outfit
. ted, Rush to Attack Shouting
; "Long Live the Soviet."
.Imminent waTkout
would hit capital
Foreign Consuls in Zone of Up
rising Demand That State
Officials Act and Troops are
Rushed Into Conflict.
MEXICO CITY, Nov. . (By Ralph
Turner, II. I. HUff Correspondent)
On hundred and fifty eight live have
been lout to data In fighting between
octallata and liberal In the state of
Yucatan. The government rushed I0
troop to quell fighting by the social -lata,
who attacked Merldlu, Motul and
Tekato. Roclallst fighter crudely or.
ganlxed and poorly outfitted, are re
ported to have runhed to the utturk
homing "Viva la Republic Bovlet."
Colncldentally with the aorlallHt
fighting, agitation for a general Ktrlke
In Mexico I being pressed by com
munist eocialiMia. Government offici
al admitted today the strike situa
tion ha assumed serious proportions.
' A meeting called by the "Mexican
communist federation or th proleta
riat" wa to vote on all worker In
federal district. Including Mexico City,
Joining a general strike. The feder
ation hre Include street car workers,
bakers, carpenter, elect ric-luna and
textile worker. Their strike could
parallxe the capital within a few
'Th Yucatan fighting began In spo
radic clashes. The latent, fighting be
tween socialist and ao-called liber
al occurred at Maxlcan. 12 mile
south of Mertdia, when 1? men were
killed. Foreign conaula at Mertdia
sent a general demand to atnte offici
al that order be matured by use of
ae-dentl trcpv .Tbe government re
sponded by vending tni) soldier to
keep the faction apart. ,
Office of Pr. H. i. Kavanaugh and
DK H. H. Hattery, In the American
National bank building, wore entered
last night by unknown persons and
searched without any article having
been taken. Police were notified this
morning of the cases when the doc-
tor found their Inner offices had
been opened and the key to them
Person deprived of their tipply of
narcotic are believed to have made
the raids, police said, today. Krotn
th fact that nothing waa mining but
tha keya. It 1 asaumed that someone
In search of opiate on led In the phy
sician' offices. Neither land any such
drug In hi office, lW reported to
Recant raid on Chlneae who were
found to have opium, coculne and
other drug are believed to have cut
off the supply to persons addicted to
tha drug hhbit. Pitch a quest for
drugs, the police say, would naturally
follow. Effort nre being made to
trace down tha marauders,
T. J. Doan and B. R. Doan are In the
county Jail today facing government
prosecution and their profltablo but
Illicit moonshine business hi broken as
the result of a raid on their place near
Bumkln station, on the Umatilla reser
vation, last night. Sheriff W. R. Tay
lor, and hla deputies, Qlehn Bushee,
Joe Rlakely and Ronert Sinclair, ar
rested the brothers at 10 o'clock when
they returned from Pendleton In one
of their two autos. i
A complete home made distillery,
Reported by Major I.ee Moorhouse,
official weather observer.
Maximum, 42.
Minimum, 2'
Barometer, !9.8.
Tonight and
W e d n e day
ii nil 1 i. .. ir
that luat year the Umatilla
county Red CroHs paid for the
vervicea of a county health nurse
who Inspected 1IU08 school chil
dren In the Interests of better
health T
Red Cros memberships from local
indfc, and business house will be so
licited as a part of the Roll Call, which
open Thursday, by Miss Norma Allo-
way and J. U. Knight, according to
announcement made today hy Mrs
Sylvan G. Conn, city chairman. Mis.
Alloway will ask for memberships
from buslnesa houses west of Muin
street, while Mr. Knight will have a J
his territory the husinescs houses ea.it
of Main, and will also solicit member
ships from the lodges.
four Membership Listed
In the larger Red Cross member
ships, there are four kind; the 15. or
contributing; the 1 10, or austalnlng;
the 150 life membership and the f 100
patron membership.
Rrnest Crockett, Pendleton boy wh
aa a member of the Canadian army
vait In active service overseas, will
speak tonight at the Alta theatre m
one of the four-minute men. The Red
CroR as an International benefactor
will he the theme of the veteran, who
because of benefits derived from the
Red Cros Is well qualified to speak.
Mr. Crockett was wounded severely
while In the service and knows wha:
the Red Cross did to aid him.
NHiool linn Drive
The pupils in Lincoln school hope
to claim the honor of being the first
Pendleton grade school "over the top"
with 100 per cent membership, says
Mlaa Delia Hush, principal. Miss
Rush is In charge of the drive at the
school, , - ..
Mrs. W. W. (ireen has been appoint
ed to take charge of dlxtrict 41 in this
city to auccead Mrs. Kd Myers, who
if III. Mr. Henry Htruve wiU have
charge of district 17.
C. K. Cranston, county chairman,
while in Hermlston yesterday appoint
ed P. B. Hwayxe of the Hcrmiaton
Rank, as manager of the Hermlston
drive. Henry Hltt, assisted by Thomaa
Campbell and J. F. McNaught, will he
In charge of the organization of the
Roll Call In the west end town.
Mrs. Riimr Speak
Mrs. O. W. Rugg, prominent local
woman, spoke this afternoon before
I the W. C. T. IT. In behalf of the coming
j drive. Mrs. Rugg outlined the benefits
j to be derived from the Red Cross and
i urged the undivided support of W. C.
IT 1". members,
ST. PAIU Nov. 9. (A. P.) Pos
ing as purchasers of stolen bonds, se
cret service agents today unearthed
whut they term Is a clearing house
for atolen bonds through which they
charge more thun (400,000 In bonds
have passed. A man and woman,
both of Minneapolis were arrested.
capable of turning out a large quantity
of high grade moonshine, waa found
when the oflcera arrived at the place,
known a the Jim Badroads ranch,
nine miles east of town on the banks
of the Cmatllla river. Four hundred
fifty gallons of mash, all ready for
distillation, was working In barrels.
The officers awaited the return of
the brothers and when they confront
ed them .the younger, T. J. Doan,
lumped from the car and started to
run Into the brush. At the suggestion
from the sheriff that he might gel
hurt In flight, ne stopped and submit
ted to arrest. Both men were brought
to the couuty Jail last night and held
without bail.
A government charge of mannfac
tcrlng liquor on an Indian reservation
s to be preferred against the pair by
Major E. U Swartalander, superlnten
lent of the reservation. He came to
the scene of the raid with a truck
last night and assisted In transport
ng the vat nnd barrels used In the dls
. Illation.
' The plant, a very complete affair,
waa In its present location les,s than a
week. Prior to moving to the Bud-
roads plnce the men had worked near
er town. They had a large amount of
orn meal. 450 gallons of mah, five
sacks of sugar and other materials us
ed in the mnnufaeture of liquor. The
furnace nnd extra barrels and demi
Ihons used were destroyed with tha
mash and gruln. Two gallon Jugs,
one containing- a small u mount of
"first run" and the other full of fin
ished product, were brought here with
the still aa evidence.
KtAUT Wlln MuMzIo
CHICAGO, Nov. 9. The silk
shirt era In American hslory la
pausing, and those who failed to
save up their nickels during the
recent period of prosperity,' are
begnnlng to feel he first pinch
of "'slack times," according to
pawnbrokers here today. They
said diamond and Jcwelery In
increasing amounts are now bc-
Ing "soaked" for money enough
to buy meals by those who in -
vested their hgh waves n multl-
colored silk shirts and hooch.
"We expect to pais out more
tickets this winter than during
any other time for years," said
one genial money lender. "It
probably will be a tough. winter
for everyone but the pawnt.rok-
Coast Markets Are Virtually
Closed at Present Quotations
and Some Banks' Promise
Financing of Farmers.
W eat prices here hit a new io.
level yesterday when Chicago quoted
11.84 and the local market showed
from IS to SO cents loner according
to grode. The local market has been
virtually stagnant since the Round-L'i.
at which tln.e the peak price was of
fered. Farmers who have held their grain ,
thus far have not been forced to sell. ,
Aa In the case of grower In Walla
Wila county, some of the wheal men '
here have been assured by their bank
ers th-U they will be financed over the I
prese.it period of low prices, if pos-
iKMInir t una I,. fat hntlKPr
trutut- thK nKsiHtmire tn wheat erowers
, -
la not in the nature of encouraging t
them to hold for lietter prices. It is
a concession "which la being made to
miller and operatora In many instan-
ce and should be made, a well, htMnt the gotornuetit in conferring ihc.Sawtelle, of the committee, were pre
thinks, to deserving grower,
Farmera who did not sell at the high
j figures offered two months and more
ago are not to be penalised, the belief
is held. Hankers and farmers alike
are unable to predict whether the
tirir will come back b-.it at present
quotation for the 1920 crop sales :
now would result in a distinct loss to j
the grower. What is a loss to them
represent a loss to the financiers.
Coast market are virtually closed
at present quotations. About half of
,i ... i ui,, hoirt In
hones that it can be moved at a atls-.
factory figure. Walla Walla
is holding oeuween t.uun.uuu ana o,- j
000,000 ousneis, a report inis muming
Fald. Rankers In Walla Walla are
tcklng the stand that sale now by the
farmers would represent a loss and
that It would he unfair to finance the
operator to enable them to purchaec
wheat while refusing assistance to the
growers to bring their grain to a rea
sonable figure.
City Will Turn to Observance!
a n tiniL n
ui hiiiiimiuu uay vviui uere
mony to be Led by Pendleton
, Post, American Legion. ,
Veterans Will March, School
Children 'Will Give Folk
Dances in Program to Take
Place at Court House.
IlttsinesH will close Thursday noon
:n Pendleton fur the observance of the
x cond anniverpury of Armistice Day
and exercised In honor of the day will
like place Thursday afternoon under i
the direction of the Pendleton Post,
American Legion. Schools, hanks and
public offices will observe a full holi
day, the governor having proclaimed
the day a elate holiday.
Kxercises at the Umatilla county
court house will follow a parade of
x-jservice men of the World War,
panlf h-Amerii an War and Civil War.
The parade will form at the postoffice
cornor at 1:30 sharp and move to the
court house on the Court street side.
There at 2 o'clock the program will
be given.
Omtmnndcr Will Speak
Rev. W. 8. Gilbert, formerly major
in the United Sttites army as chap
lain and a veteran of the Spanish Am
erican War. "will be the principal
speaker of the day. Rev. Mr. Gilbert
it, now commander of the American
Legion in Oregon and l pastor of the I
First Presbyterian Church at Astoria, i
Sharing honors with Rev. Sir. Gil-
Iierl will be Major James S. Dusen- j
bury, U. 8. A., who will confer the:
dtslintfuiphed service cross .upon Dr.
. .
Fred A. Lieuallen, of Pendleton. Ma-,
Jor Deuecnbury Is member of tne j
regular army, tn the field artUlery de- j
imriMirm, anu wju iiiiitmuy nr-u e-
The citation and award to Dr. Ueu-. (
lien will follow the Armistice Day ad.
dress by Rev. Mr. Gilbert. It is the j of the new program,
only such honor falling to any soldier j Resides seeking additional Indivldu
from I'matllla county during the re-al memberships in the city, the pro
cent war. Pr. Uouallon is vice com-1 gram will call for nlural me'mhemhina
mander of Pendleton Post,
children mi Prosrram
I School children. undfT the direc-;
tion of Miss Kva Hanson, director of!
rhysioal education In the Pendleton j
I schools, will give folk and fancy j
(dances as a part of the program. A:
at a satis- ! Platform nvas started today on the . ""reiary ot tne association is includ
la county 1 Court house lawn and they will give I ed in ,he Proposed budget for next
n and 5 -J their steps from this platform. The i '.ar- n is Pointed out by the com-
.""' ""'.v
children will also take part in the
Mayor John Va.ishan was to have
'Rsucd a proclamation todav calling
upon the citizens of Pendleton to ob-i
serv-ehe day but he left town early
(Contlnued on page 5.)
PORTLAND, Nov. .(U. P.)
Portland was shaken by yhat
Is believed to have been a sliKht
earthquake shortly after mid
night. A tremor, which shook
the furniture, dishes and pic
tures on the walls of home and
.continued about 10 seconds. Not
evftt MilKht damage is reported.
Tne trembling last night was
also slit'litly felt at Vancouver,
Wash., a message to the United
Press from Heattle stated the
seismograph at the University of
Washington did not register any
tremor. ( The trembling waa
"merely a trcmblor of the
earth's crust crust not what
one ordinarily speaks of as a
quake." according to Mr. Dnn
science professor at Hill
military academy here today.
Commercial Body to Consider
Step Proposed to Afford Full
Time Secretary and Swell
Scope of Influence.
A campaign for new memberships
that is expected to double the present
number in the Pendleton Commercial
Association is to be proposed at the
regular monthly meeting tonight by I
the finance committee aa a step in
the direction of increasing the reve
nue and incidentally the scope of in
flueuce of that body. With the in
creased revenue the committee hopes
to employ a full time managing sec
retary at a salary commensurate with
the duties of the office and also have
an assistant who will do the steno
graphic work for the secretary, the
Tri-State Aufo Club and possibly the
Elks lodge.
i He i cpvi , ui uie iiimnre coram
was drawn up lut night after a
The report of the finance committee
s)on la,stln a,, evrlin r-hnirmsn J
R ier00k and Roy Alexander. B. M.'
Huntley. F. J. McMoniea and J? M
A few alterations are PTTtn-tAt
(0 lje made ton,Bnt bv the membership
of the organization before a.Inntinn
within organizations. An annual re
venue of from 16000 to $10,000 may
va oniained from a membership
oouoic tne present one and doubling
the membership, it is said, will not be
a difficult matter.
An automobile for the use of the
secretary of the association is includ
i.-.un mat at present the sec
ireiarys sphere of influence is very
'""". ut that with a car at his
7 ,ne could bring Pendleton
c'0!,cr t0 ,ne ,owna of the county and
":, ' "" - i-uunes.v not now pos-
i At present Secretary
C. K. Crans-
fContlnued nn oagn .
CHICAGO, Nov. 9. (U. P.) Rum
Mings of an impending industrial war
were heard here and in the middle
west aa employers and union men are
rtpaicd for a clash over the closed
fhnp proposition. Employer In min
us recently went on record aa favoring
the open shop and giving non-union
men the right to work alongside of or
tanized labor, when the Illinois Man
ufacturers AsMirintlop. In a fiirmnl
esolution. endorsed thennen shon and
promised to aid any of its members
who started a fight against the clos- 1 'renminary worn on me vmn lor an
ad shop. Reports reaching labor fed- "association of nation," promised lay
eratlon headquarters here from other I Senator Warding, I well along. It wa
industrial center of the middle westlearned here ,oday- Conversation are
indicate that other employers are con- now oin on between certain influen
temnlatin mmilar urtirm Thn. in tiai republiran and person in foreign
touch with the labor situation believe
the fight between employer and labor
will come to a head this winter, point
ing to the fact that the supply of lobar
now Is greater than the demand and
that these conditions make a clash
advantageous for employers.
WASHINGTON, Nov. . (A. P.)
Closing America's doors to immigra
tion for a period of several years will
be urged upon congress when it con
venes December 6, according to mem
bers of the houseimmigrallon com
mittee today.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. (A. P.)
M3hn'. A Ka T.lnA In K
mountain time zone rather than the
pifi !, .-. . , . . .
interstate commerce commission
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. -(A. P.)-
The protected cruiser Cleveland, at-
tached to the newly organized squad
ron on duty in I-atin American waters
is aground today In the harbor at
Cartagena, Colombia. It is undam
LONDON. Nov. 9. P.) The
Duchess of Marlborough, . formerly
consuelo Vanderbilf, daughter of W.
K. Vanderbllt, was today awarded a di
vorce from the DuKe of Marlborough
on allegations of desertion and mis
conduct made by the dushess. The
duke's counsel made denial of the
charges but the evidence was taken.
A detective testified that he follow
ed Marlborough into Parts. He saw
him drive to a hotel with a woman
who appeared to be about 24 years
old. The couple, he said, registered
under the duke's family name aslviser. in a
Monsieur and Madame Spencer. They I supply of
went to a room, the deteltive asserted,
and remained there all night.
Wheat continued Its spectacular
slide today, going down to SI. "7 1-2
after opening at $1.85. March wheat
dropped to J1.75 after opening at
J1.S3. Following are the quotations
from Overbeck & Cooke Co., local
;Dec. 1.S5 l.SSV 1.7T 1.774
March 1.S3 l.lsi 1.75 1.75
Dec. .Sl'i .Si's .77 i .784
May .S5 .SS .82H .SJ4
July .STVj .87 .84 .8t
Dee. .r.l .5jv .494 .9
May .67 .53 .55",
I Rye
Dec. 1.57', 1.5 l.S: .1.52,
I May 1.49 1.50 1.43 1.43 V4
I Hurley
ll)ev. .SS'i .8S4 .88 .S
j Foreign Kchaiigp.
London 335
Advanced to 3SS J-4.
Berlin marks, .01.15.
Canadian dollars .88 3-4.
Call money N. Y., 10 per cent.
President-elect, Now on Vaca
tion, Mentions League; Com
menting Only by Saying
Root is to be Consulted.
Senator Banishes Restraints,'
Dons Soft Shirt and Goes
Out Into Bay From Little
Outing Settlement by Shore.
WASHIN'OTON', Nov. . (By U C.
Martin, U. V. Staff Correspondent.)
,cap"' aly developed
! Interesting fact concerning the Euro-
pean attitude toward an entirely new
fissojlation Thee exchange hiv
been, of course, entirely unofficial
and informal, and Harding, ha had
nothing to do with them. The infor
mation thui received, however, I re
garded as a much franker expression
of foreign views than if R were offi
cial. I Considerable correspondence be
tween certain Americana and their
European friends in three countries,
extending over many weeks, shows a
distinct willingness on their part to
meet Harding half way. Through It
all runs the same Idea Europe must
have American cooperation, and la not
ulspted to stick at term.
May Seek t'ompromb.
While this information Is being
gathered abroad, other agencies are
preparing for Harding an analysis of
the domestic situation with regard to
the league. Harding regard the elec
tion aa a popular vote . against the
leajue. But he ha to reckon . with
Elihu Root, William H. Taft. and ott'i
er influential republicans who do not
want to see the Wilson plan discarded
entirely. There are some republican
senators, too, who favor ratification ot
j.. , j, "f -"
Hons. Indications are that democrats
i are preparing to negotiate with these
repuolicans, perhaps at the short ses
sion of congress, to ratify the treaty
with the Lodge reservations, the dem
ocrats agreeing to vot for them.
I lard hi Mentions Root,
jmnnd rlannnr. tT P. Staff CnrrMnnn.
idem.) Throwing aside restraints and
I public life. Senator Harding today got
into a soft hirt and a baggy pair ot
trousers and went out Into the bay to
fjsh for tarpon. Hi chief ambition
on this trip is to land one of the mon
ster fish. , .
Harding said today he recalled hav
ing seen a cable from Elihu Root dur.
ing the summer in which Root urged
that the league covenant be modified
according to the Lodge reservation
rather than thrown over entirely. To
scrap the league Root argued, would
bring chaos, and loss of the result of
the war. Harding would not comment
on the Root message, only to say that
Root Is one of those whom he expect
to call to Marion fur a conference dur.
ing the winter.
Harding wore a broad "hayneed"
hat when he climbed into the boat
and started down the bay. There wa
much commotion around the hotel a
the nationully-known guests hustled
out at daybreak. United States sena
tors rubbed shoulders with Edward
McLean, millionaire publisher and H.
Daugherty. Hardtng-s political ad-
scramble for the limited
washbasins. All donned
overalls and atraw sombreros for
I day's fishing.
(From Overbeck & Cooke Co.)
Wheat displayed a rallying tenden
cy early In the day but the character
of the news that came forward wa
too much for the market to with
stand and before the close heavy li
quidation carried prices to the lowest
level on the crop. Considerable of
the buying waa in anticipation of tha
semi-weekly export demand, which
failed to materialize to the extent ex
pected. More attention wa being
given to general bualnes depression,
the new regarding which wa ex
tremely pessimistic. Th financial
Situation wa alao brought plainly to
.in, atic-muii vi me country wnen a
message from Topeka. Kansas, re
ported that the Kansas state banker
were considering culling tn loan.
Stocks of wheat are piling up rapidly
In Oreat Britain and with tha Argen
tine and Australian and Indian erope
soon to become available, it ta not
within reason to expect any foreign
demand upon thla country. Value
have already suffered In a draatle
manner and It will b difficult under
existing conditions to bring about
permanent recovery.
1 i
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