fff t w t v f ''i f t v? r vif f" " J TEN PAGE3 DAILY EAST OKEGOKIAN, PENDLETON, ORZQON, MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMEER 8, 1920. FAGS News of Pendleton CAUENDAH OF EVENT Nov. t-t-1 Northern Oregon Older Poys' T Conference her. Nov. U. Armistice Day State holiday. Nov. 11. Pendleton vs. Baker, football Baker. Nov. IS University of Ore gon homecoming, Eugene. Nor. 13-10 Paeifto Interna tional Livestock Exposition, Port. land, Nov. 22. American Legion concert. Dec. l0.-8ule of Indian lands, agency. t Club Secretary ItcturiM , Miss Anna CJoddurd, office secretary tor the Pendleton branch of the Trl State uto Club, returned this morn ing to her desk In the Pendleton Com mercial Association office. Mi Ood dard has been employed for tho past month by the republican central com mittee as stenographer. Itnturna From Portia nd James Welch returned yesterday from Portland where he attended the funeral of hie (later, Mm. If. jr. John on. Mrs. J. F. Robinson, a ulster of tha late Mrs. Johnson, will return here later. Comiwrrtol Body to Me Notice of the November meeting of the Pendleton Commercial Assoclotlon tomorrow night have been mailed all membrfr In the city, urging their at tendance. .Matters to be brought up tomorrow night constitute ona of the most Important sessions for several mnnih. and considerable forward looking measures are expected to bo adopted. r.it.l i r mtxTH funding Cold weather of late has hampered ,,iinr oneratlons on ranches where the season wan late Bnd as a result several who farm near the foothills aro getting In only about half days. The ground hns frozen quite hard after nome of the recent frosts and until the snow Is removed from the nearby mils It Is thought that seeding will be possible only after the ground thaws each day. In sections where seeding was completed early the grain Is one and two Inohes above the grc-nd and showing In thick stands. fpiiiii!i;;:;:iiiii!ii!;: s.r S7 ra.wui wmmmmmaBzsii :i Man Held for Federal 'Jury Herman Hohrer, held here" on a charge of having narcotics in his pos-st-ssion unlawfully, had a hearing be fore U. 8. Commissioner 8. A. New berry Saturday afternoon and was bound over to the federal grand jury In $760 bond. Deputy U. 8. District Attorney A. F. Flegel, of Portland, was here representing the government. Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones 526 Other Depts. 78 QUALITY SERVIC& OTMLETON'S lEADWO STOKE Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones 528 Other Depts. 78 s : r .3 n Women's Mining Tonight. Scheduled for 8 p. m. tonight at the llberary auditorium is a talk by Mrs. Jean Morris Kills, vocational guid ance expert who will address Pend leton women and girls over If, years of age In her work. She was one of the principal speakers at the recent Older Boys' Conference. ' Musical numbers will be additional features for the program. Giving Pendleton Lower Prices This Store Leads Special Sale on Suits -101101-101-101-101- -101- -101-101-101-101- 1 Apples BEAUTIFULLY COLORED, FIRM, JUICY, We leave it to your judgrrhent if we haven't th finett assortment of apple in the city. 'Spitienbergs, Delicioua, Winter Bananas, Ar kansas Black, Ortleys, Jonathan, Rome Beauties, Wineiapt, Ben Davit from Hood River and Milton. Priced from $4.00 to $1.15 per box "YOU CAN DEPEND ON '101' " Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. PHONES Ml , ( m vote Exchange Ominocu Both Depart CINE GROOKRIK8 AND KEATS J T 101-101101101 101 1U1 101 101 101 101 Auto IMrertors to Meet. The directors of the Walla Walla and Pendleton branches of the Trl State Automobile club will have a joint meeting here Tuesday noon In the din ing room of the Elks club. The visit ing directors will motor over with Sec retary W. 8. Parks In the morning and be guests of 'the local directors at. lunch. Several road matters of mu tual Interest will come up for consideration. Ix-glon Will Meet Tonight. Final arragnements for the obser vance of Armistice. Day will he made tonight In the regular monthly meet ing of Pendleton Post. American Le gion, which will he held In the as sembly room of the county library atjSS 8 o'clock. , Arramgetnenta for the pre-js sentatlon of a concert for the benefit of the legion on Xevomber, 22 willjs also be started. The Shirley Concert j '.Co., has been signed to appear IntZZ I Eagle-Woodman hall on that night j EE and tickets for the event probably -will be placed on sale Thursday. j a 8 'Wafchtnglon Paling Completed S I Paving has been completed fromiSSS Walla Walla, o the state line but has e ;not yet been opened to traffic and a detour is necessary from state line to ; the College Place Road. The new road EjS Is of concrete and will be allowed to is ; weather a time before being opened for use. When It Is opened the road from Pendleton to Walla Walla will S be completely paved but for one: Istretch from Main street, Weston, to Hlue Mountain school, about six miles, i A portion of the road down Dry Creek I has been newly graveled and Is In ex cellent condition. Hand Craft Pottery We have just received a beautiful line of vases and jardineres, all hand tinted. You will find these a very appropriate gift for Christmas. Our Toys and Dolls are arriving daily, to insure yourself a choice of many desirable gifts we suggest that you do your shopping early. , A small deposit will hold them until you are ready to take them away. ' The BEE HIVE Pay Cash iendlton'a Variety Stora Sara Cash af I 4 1 Yard Work Well Along- 4 Work in the railroad yards at Rlcth 9 1 which are being extended by the O. a K. 4 N. Co.. ig progressing rapidly 5 and steel Is now being laid in the west ; extension near the depot. There Is Quota Is 17500. Umatilla county's quota for the com ing W. C. T. U. drive Is $7500 is $7500. according to announcement made yes terday by John E. Wheeler, state chairman of the campaign. The com plete sum to be collected throughout the state Is $125,000, and outside of Multnomah oounty, the Umatilla coun ty quota Is the largest In Oregon. The drive, which begins November 15 and which will last one week. Is for the purpose of getting funds for a home for waifs. Judge S. A. Lowell, of this city, Is a member of the state com mittee for the drive. X k 1 TY f lyf, M M M :2 '-si 25 PER CENT REDUCTION . Some of the season's latest and prettiest models are in this colection owing to the unusual amount of late shipments. Brown suits trimmed with beaver in the new shades of Malay, Zanzibar, reindeer and sparrow. Navy suits plain or trimmed with mole or squirrel. Other shades of blue in Ming, Nankeen, Copen. s still considerable filling to be done In I the extreme west end, which will take the yard limits to the point a half J mile west of the station. A large crew S3 ui men is worxing, a steam snovel Is. in operation at the east end of the yards and two work trains are kept ousy hauling the material from the cuts to the fills. Moving of numerous buildings has been necessary by the expansion. There's Economy In using a VN1YKH8AI; KAXGF JlEATKIt tsr MPKLESS Fniwv wmiti NKtum rivers yhn . I i,. , -i.rj rATENTED ADJUSTASU . T" r- J w - 1 1 AIIM a ail (waasaw 11 i rrr tun x. m i wi auirta fun aui. y&At!! ' '' ViiTTsai -r" WW V-h tun & w door :v r 'gjtf v lANITMTf IMS tAtl 1.357?, r .rwiirgawp Vaiavsu If DROP DOOX COMglWIiog SHOKC C CHECK DAMPER HEY PUTE T0 CLOSING OVEN DOCK CATCH WHITE rOSCfUIH DOOintOsT TRIPIE WAU.HUE tAVY ASBESTOS Mill BOARD HEAVY POLISH! 0 ' STEEL MOV INSIDE PORCELAIN OVEN DOOR UNINC OUN OUT POOR HELPMATE UNIVERSAL How about the Thanksgiving Rooster and Carving 8et? show you an assortment. Let us wiL Universdl Stoves &Futh3cos Obles to Arrrat. John Jordels has been drunk so many times that he conslderes it an imposition upon his nature to be ar rested by local police when intoxicat ed. On Saturday when Officer Char ley Myers found ' Jordels carrening along the streets after Imbibing of too much flavoring extract , the victim made considerable show of his dis pleasure and as a result his fine In police court this morning was $15 Instead of $10. He was charged with being drunk and disorderly. His re quest that he be given back the bottle of extracts this morning was refused end this, too. Incensed Jordels some what. WOOLEN DRESS GOODS 1.00 and $2.00 Yd. Fine woolen dress goods now on display of plain shades and plaids.. You will like the fabrics and weaves and we're sure to please you in colors. Se lect a length today. Make up your dress. OUTING FLANNELS Rbht now is the time to make up your SLEEP ING GARMENTS of outing. We're showing a wide range in white and colored outing. White Outing 25c to 45c Colored Outing Flannels, 27-in 29c Colored Outing Flannels, 36-in. 45c and 50c Women's Winter Footwear In Most Liked Styles have not loaded our shelves with pxtrevne stvles. but present the most popular models in the more exclusive of the season's newest in shoe fashions. The prices are reasonable, $9.00 to $15.00. Our smart shoes for sport ' wear are splendidly made of ex " cellent leathers and are ideal ,' shoes for outdoor wear. They are just what you want to set off the attractiveness of your street " wear, and are as comfortable and serviceable as they are at tractively styled, $7.50 to $13.50. Nature's True Shape in our children's shoes. Take care of . the children's feet by having them correctly fitted in nature- Sl u ' '3 I You will have no confusion and make no mistake in selecting your winter footwear from our new stocks of quality shoes. We form shoes. Shoes that are built to give support and shoes that will give satisfactory wear. "Kindergarten" and , "Little Pals." $3.00 to $5.75. ; Grocery Department Poppy Jam in No. 10 cans ...... S2.75 TrllMitp Paid Jack Iloblnson A tribute to the late J. F. Robinson, local man who met his death In an ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Take Aspirin only as told In each package of genuine Haver Tablets of Aspirin. Then, you will be following the directions of dosage worked out by physicians during 21 years, and proved safe by millions. Take no chances with substitutes. If you see the Haver Cross on tablets, you can take them without fear for Colds. Headarhe, Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for 1'ain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tab. lets cost few cents. Druggixts also sell larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Kayer Manufacture af Monoaceticaciaester or Salicyllcacld. Boiled Cider, quart bottles 33c ! Mince Meat, bulk, per pound 3-c I ' Currants per package ' 40c : Seeded Kaisms, per pacr.age s Seedless Raisins, per package 40c Dried Peaches, per pound 35c Medium Prunes, per pound 35c i Honey in comb ; 45c XXXX Brand Evaporated Milk for Cooking, per can 10c, per doz. $1.10, per case $4.40. auto accident a year ago, was Oregon laundrymen who met in Tort land Saturday at the Benson hotel. John Talt, owner of a laundry In As toria, characterized Mr. Kobinson as the best beloved laundryman in the state and suggested that a silent tri bute be paid the local man. The men rose to their feet and remained' stand ing In silent meditation for several minutes. The meeting, attended by representatives from almost every one of the 54 laundries In Oregon, was for the purpose of orgaJiliing the Oregon State Laundry Owners Association. Laundrymen of the state have wnn- drawn from the old Oregon-Washington-Idaho and Hrltish Columbia asso ciation to form the new association. Officers ore: President, Percy (1. Al len, of the Troy laundry. Portland; Mr. Tait, vice-president; John Weiss, landry owner of The Dalles, treasurer. James Welch, of the Domestic laun dry of Tendlcton, was made one of the four members of the executive board. Mr. Welch and Harvey Mender, of the local Troy laundry attended the meet ing. ,j k.. w. lwwil Hoard Meet Tonigbt. l?. I The schT. board for Pendleton dls- trlct is acheduled to hold Its regu.ar monthly meeting tonight In the office ct the cler.:. Nothing of unusual im port is expected to come before tho meeting. To Cure a Cold in One Iny Tali oroves LAXATIVB r.UOMO QVINIVK tablets. The genuine bears the signature of B. W. Grove. 30c. CHICHESTER SJPIL ImT 1 HK itlAMUiu.DBiinia I aai' tor i a nm I I A&kfnrCIII. j-iv i f - re HU LB Ur4 fcitd borrv setied wi Flu ftibbca. Tk r. Boy f tmp 1IAUNP IIHAND PILLS, fo, j yun koor B, MMK, Alwtys RetiL 4 xoaoi IOC School Census ltiilshcil. Taking of the school census In Pen dleton was completed on Saturday but I until the list is checked for errors and duplication and segregated as to sex the official count will not be known. Th. u,.. nNihahlv will he announc ed Inter this week, it was reported atjF" the clerk's office today. I L CONFESSION APPLES! S1.75to2.50PerBox. Brookfield Butter, without exception the fin est butter sold in Pendleton. If the butter you are buying does not suit you, try a cube of this fine butter. Butter Kist Bread from the Royal Bakery of Portland, 15c and 10c loaf. U. S. INSPECTED MEATS. o "Mai Supply"! o a o o D o Phone 187 and 188 739 Main Stria, 2 CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Prop. XQE30I lOQOE 30m