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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1920)
THE EAST OREGONIAN IS THE ONLY INLAND EMPIRE NEWSPAPER GIVING ITS READERS THE BENEFIT OF DAILY TELEGRAPHIC NEWS REPORTS FROM BOTH THE ASSOCIATED PEESS AND UNITED PHESS DAILY. EDITION DAILY EDITION Th East OrDfonlnii I Ksstern Or gons greatest newspaper nd selling force give to the dvr tr over twlca the guaranteed paid circu lation In Pendleton nd limatlll eoun ty ol ny other newspaper. Number of coplflM wltttcd of .venterday'i 3,479 Tills paper In a , or nnd audited by tho Audit Bureau of Circulations. CITY OmCIAL PAFES COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER u NO. 9670 VOL. 83 DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON,' SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 6, 1920, ' . ., . . . J DEATH DEAL! 11 TEARS IRELAND Disorders in ' Unhappy Ireland Spread to Four Corners and New Sinn Fein Outrages Trail Reprisals of police. TWO HUNDREDMUTINOUS FORCES ARE CAPTURED Soldiers and Marines Die as v Groups Are Sho From Am bush and Homes Are Wiped Out by Incendiary . Flames. LONDON, Nov. 0 (l p.) Guerilla warfare Is reported from various parts or Ireland toduy. De spite police reprisals, Hlnn Kelners nre conntinulng their attack and am bush of forces of soldiers and Muck and Tana, according to advices receiv ed here. Two soldiers aro reported to have leen killed and two civilians wound ed In a series or raids on the homes and gathering pluces of Hlnn Fclners In Dublin. A Dublin message toduy stated that a British marine was killed and two more wounded' In a Hlnn Fein attack on the coast guard station at Union If 111. A creumery was burned and several houses de stroyed by a police reprisal raid at Dallynote. In revenge for the murder .of a member of the Hoyal Irian con stabulary. . A Cork dispatch today suld 200 Blnn Kelners were surrounded by a large body of troops near ftiarcrooni, where they surrendered. The dis patch failed to make clear whether fighting preceded the surrender. Fierce fighting is said . to have oc curred when a detachment of troops were ambushed near Kdgeworthstown. The casualties were not given. A Hlnn Fein court, meeting In de serted police barracks at Lnnls, was raided.- Deserted police barracks nt KHmllHil were burned. Ml 8A.V BENITO, Texas. Nov. 6 !'. I'.) Hcsldents of the ttlo Grande val ley are redoubling efforts In thelt fight against threatened Japanese Im migration, It Is learned here today. Encouraged by the aotlon of faliionna In Tuesday's election, they are making efforts to have the Texas legislature pass a similar law suppressing Japan ese colonization. CREW STRIKES WHEN CLEAN-UPJS ORDERED " CO.VSTANTINOItlJ:, Nov. 8 (A. J'.) The crew of the llalian steamer I'olacky went on strike upon the arri val of (he ship here the other day be cause the health officers Insisted that they should take ft bath before landing as steerage passengers must do. The crew refused to bathe unless first-, class passengers also wore compclleo to go swimming. The s'rlke ended when first-class passengers agreed to this. C'retf, Steerage and first-class pas-, fengers all entered the Doapiuirus taK Ing a sea bath then returning to the ship which proceeded to Naples. . I'resldent-elect Warren tl. Harding received a maximum number of 4!ITU electoral votes to Governor James M. Cox's maximum number of 3268, the official count of Umatilla county's ballots, completed last night, showed. The senatorial race, so far -aa this county goes, resulted In a victory for Senator Chamberlain by 3!t7 to SH69 for Robert N. Stanfleld. The 28 vote Weather ' Reported by Major I-ee Moorl.ouse. official weather obsetyar. Maximum, 46. Minimum, 23. Uaromotcr, 29.80. , THE WEATHER FORECAST MOUH .lipUlltj pUB lUSilUOJ, -e-j GUERILLA U LONDON r WW-!!'; : tW:.1sif-W ! 1 n r r l,ONDON.--In the recent rlois held In Downlng-st and Whitehall. . . .t. 4. . . , ! . i V - ..; ' t tJ' V 'l.'mMss. - , , lines were broken, but mounted guards rextored order. The picture shows moli. ' PRESIDENT-ELECT WONT CONSIDER CABINET -s TOKIO, Nov. 6. (My Henry Klnne V. I. K'arf Correspondent.) The for eign office In an Interview today de clared it would not recoxnize the re ported agreement between the Kussiun soviet government and Washington D Vumlerllp. hereby a ws.un!!' i,te of PrtC'fie coast capitalists were gianted fonceialons in Siberia, If Japanese interests were affected. The foreign office declared that because world IMiwers had not reeoicnlxeil the soviet government. Julian is not bound to lecipnize the Vanderllp agreement nor Is Japan prepared to assent to any act infringing her rlKhts In relation to Itussla or effecting her vital Interests arising from geographical or other ?onsderations. 1 HAVE HUBBY DEPUTY ItOHOOM.MON, Mich., Nov. 6. (IT 1M Self-determination and ' a huf bands help cjn make any woman suc ceed believes Mrs. Jane Johnson, elect ed sheriff on the republican ticket She Is the wife, of Alex Johnson, the I resent sheriff. "I dont anticipate any difficulty in enforcing the law," Mrs .lohnsosu tald. "1 shall appoint m husband as under-sheriff, he'll coach in:t. With a husband's help, my own determination I'll get along all right. She la f,T years old and the mother of S'-veral children. She raid her huss I'and la perfectly willing to accept Ihe Job and haa pledged himself Jo help me even more than he'll lie bound to do by his oath." margin for Senator Chamberlain re turned hint the second democratic candidate to carry a majority in .Tues day's elections in I'malilln county. Aliiert Slaughter, socialist, polled 1:14 votes against 104 for Thomas A. Hays, independent candidate; ; .V. J. Slnnotl,. representative In con Siess, polled nearly a two to one vo'.e over .lames Hjrvey' r.raham, the final count showing 4 7 4 S to 2504. The sheriff race, one of the closest of the county contests, ended with 3.189 for Zoeth Hnuser ugalust 3:ir.2 Cor W. II ,T;iylor. The former sheriff won hy a plurality of -37. .lake Ma rin .Independent candidate in the race, polled 1164 votes or more than enough to swing the tide either way had there been but two candidates. District Attorney Tl. I. Kealor car ried the county over S. A. Xewherry 42.13 to 3277, in one of the contests which aroused considerable Interest. Pendleton ttns Mr." Newberry's hut the outside precincts ivent strong for the Incumbent. In the case of yenalor Chamberlain, II out of 1.1 precincts In Pendleton were for him with good majorities. tine precinct In Kcho, where Seuator elcct Stanfleld has large interests, igave Mr. Chamberlain nearly a two-to-one majority. Tho race In the county xvns one of the closest of any In the stale, until his removal to Portland recently, the successful contestant llv - fd in this county. ; . WOMAN SHERIFF WILL RIOTERS MOB LLOYD GEOB'S HOWE 1.- ? .J ? 1 in London more tlmn BO persons were injured. The demonstrations wero The mob made a desperate rush for I'remler I.lo.vd Georue's home. Police SUBJECT DURING OUTING 1 . t MAItloN, Nov. 6. (liy ICaymond ('lapper, l 1 SUtff Correspondent) t Aboard Harding's special enroule to Point Isiibei, Texas) Senator Hard ing has left for a vacation after al most a ear of campaigning which began with the primary campaign. .Mrs. Harding, who lias been literally at her husband s side in every public uppeatunce l.e made during that time in accompanying him, also a small group of their most intimate friends. Itcforo Harding announced ... ,.. ine selection ot a camnei uuring ms vacation.' Neither win lie think much about any other problems of the ap proaching administration. The p.ies Ideut-elect wants to get on bis old golf togs and chase over the links with nothing on his mind. Many re eiucsis lor speeches came in but 11., ,.,.llno,l ,,rr,,.W.iil1v nil of them. He will have to nake a few ' . VVr'1:S "' '" l' Leon talks, but he will try to bo ihe most Tro'sky, minister of war and marine, inconspicuous cltl.en in America until l"' " to s'e reh"'on after his vacation. The ,lans lothcc coun.rles. so as to render an at paitv will spend some days at Point .;" 'P" our country,le. The Isabel, thei'i cruise the Panama Ca-1 "rm-v ' " ' ot to"f Rnd nat zone for five days. The senator I (Continued nn pafte 5.) HERMISTON BOY PRESIDENT Mote than ISO boys, representing tho boys again this evening ut the the keenest and II vest of the young j banquet which is to be given in the manhood of northern Oregon, are in . basement of the Christian church at attendance at the annual older 1 toys' 1 1! : 1 R for delegates and leaders. Dr. Conference now in session at the j David 11. Hill is to preside as toast 1'resbytcrtan church. .master. The conference, which closes to- The program for tomorrow s ses niorrow night, is under the auspices j sion Is: Leaders Meeting at 9:00; of the Y. M. ( A. interstate commit-j :. a 'Hoys' Mass Meeting In the tee of OKgoii and Idaho. The Her-"-Presbyterian church, at which Mrs. mlston delegation brought with them Kills will address lie boys on the i boys' band which gave the selec- j subject "l'our Sijuure." At 5:15 a Hons ut Intervals. Another interest-: life work meeting is to be held and ina feature is a quintet from' The ' at 7:3(1 union services wil be held at Dalles. Klecllon of officers was held yes- j lerduy. with Pane of lii-rimstoii Chos en president, Jordan of Pilot llock. ; vice-president, and PhinUy. oi' Wes ton, secrclary. Trains were met yesterday and af ter the delcsates had registered the were taken lo homes In the city as quests.. Judge J. V. Mnloncy of this city gave Ihe address of welcome to the visiting delegates nt Ihe confer ence lust evening. Mrs. Kills SM'Ul.s. This morning's program was Inter esting, with Mrs. .lean Morris Kills. Hal Donnelly and A. vomit as speakers. Mr. Donnelly used as his theme "All Objective," and empha sized that all boys should have a cer tain objective. "The whole world stands aside to let that man pass who knows where he is going.' said he. "One cannot suc ceed without a lerlaln objective should not be one of selfishness but well as one's self." Mr. Yonnt spoke on "World Out look'' and used as principle .example the conditions In India today. At, the ennlerence Period Mr. .1. '. Meehan of Portland incslded nnd school prob. lcinH wore discussed. Topics were. School spirit, dirly playing, poor losers, lack of Interest In school, .etc. The hoys said they did not mind being advised ami guided, but that they did not like to be, "bossed" by a I'ucully member. Steps that had been taken in Tho Dalles high school to .. nlU.,ul,l,, nr 1, 'uioilonlM u-,.i-,t hIiowiv. ns was the rtbin now used In the local high school to promote school activities. Itanqiict lo Im Held. Mrs. Kills who is well known to the hoys of tlio West is giving Individual 1 conference with the hoys In vocation- m guidance Mis. Lllis will speak to ft ft' f" 'top I .. V '"'IT . . MS f mounted police breaking up the . ' CITIES PARALYZED BY i LONDON' Nov. A. P.) Xiko Ix ninp, riuhfs'ftn bolshevik! premier, frankly ulmits the seriousness of the food a'tuaiinn in Kus.siu. A. Centra! News fli.Hp;itoh from Copenhagen !uotes him as writing in a Russian f rewMi.iner an follow, j.. "&AA.vit'' Uushih never before fins ex- , perieneed such a food crisis. Moscow jnnd oilier cities are paralyzed hy fam ine and the army is becoming famish i (!. . It is necessary for us to use all 'means in our power to enforce deliv er? !" fut dsu.trsf b the peasantry." cioiuno--. u plied immtd'utely all our efforts will lie futile." IS CHOSEN OF CONFERENCE the Presbyterian church which will be the closing services of the confer em e. IN FIRST TEN MINIS i l';ti wild kicked Koal l iiial .score I Ml. i CAMHIU1M..K, Nov. 6. P. Captain Horween scored a touchdown j for 'Harvard today ten minutes uftei : the game with Princeton opened. I Harvard kicked a goal. Princeton I scored a touchdown on the 35-yaro ; forward p:iss, in the third period. iakin; the j-coiy T to 7- Princeton scored another touchdown a'nd goal ti j.iine lourin quaner uic jh-uh i I'ripceton 14, Harvard "!. Harvard ! made a touchdown later In the fourth i period. COX ACCEPTS DEFEAT BUI NO! SURRENDER COLl'MISl'S. Nov. C tl'. r.lliuit given out by police pending their CHICAGO. Nov. . Wheal It was. the deflation mm is tamng place, oil Governor Cox. apparently undismayed joapture. ,1a repetition of yesterday's market. ex-(and lis by products will have to share hy the rout of democratic forces at tin The lads had stolen doughnuts and jcept that liquidation was more pro- . in same. Money continues tight anil polls Tuesday, indicated today he willjW(.r0 rter other food w hen surprised, jnounced and 'buying power further in .unsatisfactory conditions of trade attempt to reorganise the party of The two within the store made their the background until just before the . seem to suggest that the Influences which he la head for political combats escape before the outside guard had I close when some covering of short .aforementioned will probably result of the future. His first step along ! received any of the spoils. (contracts caused a small rally. A ;in a urther readjustment of the spec- Ibis line was to make plain that he. Similar robberies of the Welch contributing factor was the weakness j illative position, especially In the In dues not believe the democratic party ! Brothers and Dupuls cigar stores re-jin foreign exchange which no doubt fluential stocks with a cunsequwnt fur- will cease lo exist as a result of itsieently led the police to be more vigi - ' overwhelming defeat. "Talk of a new ; tmrtv i ntuoii-H " he terselv siiid The governor characterized the'tlection as I P "defeat" not a "iUrreiukl." 10 TAKE OFFICE R. C. Lawrence, Elected Tues day, May Leave City Before Eight Take Over Reins of Pendleton on January 1. MARSHAL ANDREC0RDER TO RENAMED BY COUNCIL Plans to Put Three Initiative Measures Into Early Effect Will Follow Their Certifica tion by County Clyerk. U. C. Lawrence, elected councilman from the third ward, may not qualify for that office, gossip at the city hall today said. Mr. Lawrence, Orejonian agent here, has been offered the agency at Walla Walla and (s seriously considering moving to the Garden City at once. In case he departs without making the oath of office. Ralph Ful som, councilman from the third ward, will hold over until a successor is elect ed and qualified. The city charter requires that the new officers take their oath of office i within 20 days of the election. This point was proved this morning when the charter was perused by Mayor elect George A. Hartman. The coun ty clerk has not yet certified the elec tion of Mr. Hartman or the other city officials but will do so shortly, it is mderstood. ApiMiiiitnicm' Possible Should Mr. Lawrence decide to leave Pendleton he could take his oath of office within the specified 20 days and thus relieve Mr. Folsom when the lat- j Iter's term is up January 1. With the I I councilman-elect misslngg, it would edvolve Upon Mavor-elect Hartman to.priation of water from Mill creek for appoint a councilman from the third ward. Approval of the council would then be necessary. n u ..nmc that ufir thp officer have been certified, a special meeting .lll haM lo BH'iiar In thou ohoHPn. i Besides Mr. Hartman. there will lie Pobcrt Simpson, F. Willard Bond, Wil liam Dunn, !r. .Lawrence and Claud Penland. couiirilmen; Ivee Moorhouse, tieasurer. and Marion Jack, water commissioner. The new officials will not take over the reins of the city until the first day of January, 1921, although the charter requires their inauguration this month. When the new regime Is In stalled. Mayor . John L Vaughan. Councilmen Henry Taylor, James H. Estes and Ralph Folsom will retire. T Name Marshal and I5c-ordcr Appointments of city marshal and city recorder, under the charter pro visions, will be made by the new council and approved hy the mayor. Other appointive offices are filled by nomination by the mayor and approval 'y the council, it was said this morn ing at the city hall. No Intimation re garding possible selections for city marshal have been heard. Plans to put Into effect as soon as oracticable the affirmative action on the city's three Initiative measures will be made as soon as their passage ' certified by the county clerk. The bill authorizing the water commission to issue script to the amount of $25, )0fl was passed J 323 to 370, the offi cial count shows. There were 134 J voles for the $14,000 bond issue for the purchase of a pumper fire engine while 4.10 were aiiainst it. The bill to bond for ISOOu to purchase the block west of St. Mary's church for park purposes passed 1240 to 4sS. The new administration probably will start off with these three pro gressive measures to assist and a tax 'evy for the city two mills lower than ' for this year's expenses. The ' udeet proposed to the council on Wednesday evening by City Recorder 'nomas Fn Herald and now In the hands of the finance comnvttee show ?d that because of the higher assess ment in Pendleton an 11 -mill levy will a'se $7l'.00 for the l:i budget. For this year's expenses a 13-mill levy was necessary to raise $7:1.000. ROBBERY OP BAKERY! Two yoliihs are held by the police today on a charge of complicity in robbing the Oregon Bakery last' night, i Two others who nre said to have com- mlttod the robbery nre being sought by their parents and the juvenile of ficer. Their names are known. Night Officer Charley Myer.i en-! countered two of the youths standing E : Kuard outside anil when they ran he base, catching them after a prtnt. They gave the names of Arthur Copeland and Kenneth Chap - limn The mimes of the others u-eru I hurt in the Court street vlcinltv. In th. nthae eanHv rnh,' Utiles and in one instance monev. were 'tiktu. PRESIDENT-ELECT AND MRS. HARDING LEAVE FOR VACATION TRIP AROARD HARDING BPB- CIAL, N'cv. . (A. P.) Senator and Mrs. Harding and their party left Marlon this morning for Point Isubell, Texas, where they will spend two weeks hunt- Ing and fishing. They will then take an ocean voyage to the canal zone. Senator Harding' will wait until his return to consider the suggestions he requested from learllnsr statesmen concerning an association of nations. r Activity of State Engineer's Office Represents Develop ment of 540 Horsepower, Ir rigation of 3,400 Acres. 8AL.KM, Or., Nov. 6. During the months of August and September. 68 permits to appropriate water were Is sued by State Engineer, Percy A. Cup per, covering the use of water for ir rigation of approximately 3,400 acres of land, development of 540 horsepow er, domestic supply, municipal use. mining and various otlier ues. tn der these permits, the construction of approximately fifty of canal 13 contemplated also the construction of various reservoirs for the purpose of storing water for Irrigation. The total estimated construction cost am ounts to $116, 6JS. These permits were teaued to people in all parts of the state. Among the larger permits issued. are included the permits to the City of Goldendale Douglas county covering the appro municipal supply, under which the (construction of a water supply system jat an estimated cost of U con- template!, and the permit of H. D. inver f Jordan Valley. Malheur, - 0"iu. covering the appropriation of a,er iron. v. o erees. 10. o.asc ... , the Glover reservoir for irrigation of!, 445 acres of land, for which the con- struction cost of reservoir and rtisrl bution system Is estimated at 4,0o. The City of Scio, Linn county, has been granted permit to appropriate water from Thomas creek for municipal sup ply and "lenufacturing purposes at an estimated cost of $3$. 428. Permit has been issued to the Bolen creek Min ing Company of Medford. Jackson county, covering the appropriation of water from' Sucker creek for the de velopment of ninety horsepower. In Umatilla county, the following permits have been issued: To C. C. Reinhardt of Walla Walla. Washington, covering the appropria tion of water from Little Walla Walla river for Irrigation of a thirty-five acre I tract. This development will cost ap proximately $500. To E. T. Canleld, of Vkiah. Oregon, covering the appropriation of water from Box springs for domestic supply. To S. 55. Shields of Freewater, cover ing the appropriation of waste water for irrigation and supplemental sup ply for twelve acres. To Milton Lodge Number t. I. O. O. F.. of Milton. Oregon, covering the ap propriation of water from Walla Walla river for irrigation of twenty acres. This development will necessi tate the construction of one-haif mile canul. at an approximate cost ot $3000. Tllltl i; PKUSOXS 1DHTK1 NEW YORK. Nov. S. (A. P.) Warrants have been issued for the ar rest of three persons who were Indict ed hy the grand jury investigating an -alleged building trustt The names ,vre not announced. WHEAT MARKET DOWNWARD Wheat continued its slump today, supply and demand and economics the December cereal going to $l.0cou)d not be defeated by any effort. 1-4 alter opening at $1.6. March 'concerted or otherwise, to keep the ,wheHt dropped to $1.87 1-4 after open - mg at Following are quotations ket nor would tne tnruiy aim imeiu from Overbeck & Cooke, local brok- gent farmer curtail production be ers: 'cause of the prevailing tendency to Wheat. 1.116 1.9J Dec. March l.Uti i.s .!7 1.SS 1.S5H i.'jou 1.87V, Corn. .M'Sl .87, Oats. Pec. .Sl.l; May ,vj lVc. May 52 ! iPec. llyiv 1.65 's l.Srii. l.DT 1.T.7 Itnrlcy. ." l.ti" 1.61 i.;i j May ; Dec. 1 May .v 1 I Kllini Overbeck &t'ooke Co. ) 'had much to do with the withdrawal of exuort bids, A well known uiaga- in a rmnk and unbutsed analysis ! I of the agricultural outlook, declared Unuhat!cul!y that the natural laws of RUSSIA WOULD THRUST SWD INTO COLONIES Lenine Calls Soviet Followers to Wage Atack Against Brit ish and French Nations by Back Porch Propaganda. BOASTS OF WORK WITH GERMANY AGAINST ITALY Representatives of Target Countries Ask Governments if Warships Should Support Wrangel in Black Sea Fight. I.OXDO.V, .Nov. . (L. P.) Rus sia's next move In Its plan to bolshe vize the world will he to attack Britain and France through their colonies, ac cording to a Heuringfors dispatch to day quoting a speech by Premier lim ine. "We must use judicious propa ganda In Xorth Africa and India" Lenine Is quoted as saylns, "We are already working powerfullly In those directions. We must now do our ut most. Crush Wrangel.. Poland's turn will come later. France Is our great est enemy as it Is trying to stablliie Europe. In ttally we can produce revolution w henever we like, but we rre working with the Germans who want to get control of Italian indus try." War-hip May Aid CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. . A' P.) French and British representa tives have asked their governments if their warships in the Black Sea should support Wrangel at Perekop and Sal kova, where societ forces are pressing. FLOATS WILL FEATURE rjyiCTiPC ruv dadatic Ex-service men of the world war. civ War an(J ,h(j Span,sh.Amer. ,-,.. . ... lean War In uniform or in mufti, au tomobiles decorated in the national colors, Red Cross floats, D. A- R. and G. A. R. floats, floats representing the various fraternal organizations, and local people carrying flags, will be among the features of the big Arm istice Day parade in Pendleton No vember 11. The parade will assemble at 1:30 p. m. and at 3 p. m. will march down Main street, to Railroad, then coun termarch up "Main street, turning down Court street to the Court house. Here the crowd will assemble lor ad dresses by Major W. 8. Gilbert and Major Lusenberry. the speakers of the day. Major Dusenberry will present to Dr. Fred A. Lieuallen the distin guished service cross won by Dr. Lieu allen when he served as a captain in the medical corps in France. Exercises by local school children, attractively costumed, and musical numbers will complete the program. CHICAGO POLICEMEN IN WHISKY COMBINE 'CHICAGO, Nov. 6. (C. P.) alleg ed confessions secured by federal in vestigators implicate many Chicago policemen in alleged operation of a million dollar whiskey ring, it is re ported. A string of policemen, high police officers, saloonkeepers and others pissed thorugh the federal .grand jury room during a weeks investigation of v. hiskey irregularities. CONTINUES IN SLUMP TODAY j products of the ground off the mar- ; deflate prices in all directions, i A lower raiiiic of pikes seems in evitable, with of course, intermittent I rallies occasioned bv short covering i and perhaps sjuismodlc export bu ; Ing. j (From Overbeck Cooke Co.) I NKW YUK. Nov. 6 A wave of' fresh liquidation made its upiearanc j i n todav's short session with un tn creasing amount of activity on th downside of values. Special weaknw 'developed in the oil shares. ) Much of this selling Is undoubtedly induced by the growing idea that tn .ov,,.,B ... ..,u. l oreltH Kvhaim". London. 3.38 4. Rome. V.034S. lierlln, .mi?'?,