ftftnttimtviK'XOiii r ) i -4 ,, , f.JlttY EAST CI. jTfTAR. r!SD!.W. -aOM, FRIDAY rV . NOVPVP j' . . -. . A. r.'x J'ii ....; r-j,T;;T!)t..r i.i.i J ifj Socio and Club News i.K lKTT IS RNTKRTA1NE1V A dellshtful bit f li"ilJly ' extended yesterday when Division No. j, enifrtaliiprt the missionary society of ihe christian church, fh nicetlng twin held t ' o'cl.H'k at the h'" of Mrs. J. X. rVott. 11 Lewis street. AO inlercstlnsj program Included the following numbers: IStlile Study Miss Alio Oreenwnld. licndlnir, New Kmphasis m Know IhK the World, Mr. D. K. Will lac. Mrs. Scott. D,tMn. Halph Holm. Miss r.recnwald. Paper Knovln; Ihe World. Mrs. J. J. Bradley. A buffet luncheon followed the pro gram, the Kuestss adjourning; to the uinlnr room where Mrs. H. R. Ken nedy of Tortlnnd, presided at a flower decked tahle. MISS nVRMOTER IS TUUDE. Tendlcton friends received word to day of the wedding of Miss Louise ltiirmlKtcr. formerly of this city, to Clyde Hoirers The wedding took place at Ixmg; Beach, California, October 18. The ceremony was a simple one and occurred In the af ternoon. The bride who Is a charm ing girl and popular in Pendleton, wore a smart brown costume with lynx coatee and a corsafre of violets. Mr. and Mrs. Heaston are making their home In Long Ilearh but ex pect to go soon to Arizona to reside. CLUB MEETING B!JOTKD. AiiieiicttnUalion as a dnv's tnnln suBKcsiwl Interesting discussion and allorded a delightful program for numbers of the Pendleton Woman's clu byesterday. Hostesses for the above affair were Mrs, H. A. Frick, Mrs. Norborne Berkeley, Mrs. M. U Akers, Mi-it. H. L. Johnson, Mrs. J. I. Cox and Mrs. Eimil Dohnert, and their guests were entertained in the libaary club room where yellow chrysanthe mums were combined with baskets of mnriijohls in lovely abundance. Mima Viririnin T.wl.) oAami..... L'matilla County lted Crosss, spoke to the club, making an earnest appeal for response in the forthcoming mem- i.AM.hi 1 1 ...it. ,, ucrinnil' ,auMliBLi, J If I IUIK WHS Wfll received and it was followed by the day's program: Legislation and. Americanization Mrs. C. S. TerDeninr Songs, the Bare Foot Trail, Southern .Meiooy, .Mrs H. j. .Warner. Introductory talk to "Influenooa nf Art on Americanlxation," Mrs. Akers. raiK. influences of Art on Ameri- canination," Mrs. Frick. An informal hoar a'bout the tea ta ble concluded the affair. Mis. A. J. Owen and Mrs. K. 1 . Smith hnlnir BuL. ed to preside at th semovars. MISS TEMPLE DEPARTS. Miss Vara, Temple left today ' for Eugene where she will attend the University of Oregon Homecoming rfeiv. XnvemhAr 1 t MIm TdnmU will be a guest of her sorority sister, Miss iarvii.ii; vuunon, ai me ivappa Al pha Theta house. H O J" K S UI'ST AMIS SHOP FOB W O M K N TOMORROW! SATURDAY! Great Clearance Of Women's Newest Winter SUITS and COATS rl r T READ PRICES Q LUTED BELOW. 1 RECEPTION IS DELIOHTFV'L. Scores of menibers and frlemts or the First Methodist Episcopal church of this city called last evening at the parlor of the church to greet Hev. John H. Secor and Mrs. Secor who re cently arrived here to muke their home. In the receiving Hre were Mrs. Q. W. Rugg. Mrs. A. J. Owen, Mrs. George Hunter and Mm. Kenneth Warner, representing the Ladles Aid societies; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Rlgby and Mr. an Mrs. L. L. Mann of the official board who Introduced the new muior nnd his wife. Fred Schmidt was chairman of a program committee which presented the following numbers: 'The Cavalry March" by Mompesch. 'Salute to the Colors" by Warner, piano duet, Mrs. A. J. Owen, Miss Ruth TtpniMlllin. Address of Welcome Rev. Lockwood, representing the Ministerial Associations Address C. B. Wailes, representing the Husiness Men. Vocal solo Cash Wood Address Welcome from men of the " church A. J. Owen Remarks Welcome from Women of I the Church Miss Grace Gilliam "Salut d'Amour1' by Elgar "When Summer Comes" by Sawyer, Violin solo Mrs. Vinton Robin son, accompanied by Mrs, Owen. Response Rev. John Secor The Night Has a Thousand Eyes" by Evans. "On the Shore" by Neldlinnger Vocal solo . .... Mrs. Inlow Mrs. Wulter Planting, Mrs. Louis King and Airs. A. Molxtrom planned the decoration of the rooms which were artistically attractive with ped estal lamps, autumn foliage, chrys anthemums and roses. An Inviting punch bowl was presided over by Mrs. A. W. Rugg, Mrs. M. L. Stockman and Mrs. Cash Wood who were as sisted by the following maids: Miss Esther Embysk. - Miss Faye. Mann, Miss Pearl Henderson, Miss Daphne Molstrom and Miss Velma Murphy. UKIAH COUPLE WED HERE. Valentine B. Peterson and Miss Katie Walker both of Uklah, came to Pendleton yesterday and were married in the Hotel St. George at 8:30 last evening by Rev. G. I Clark of the Presbyterian church. Mr. a i 1 Mrs. Granville Plant, relatives o a bride, accompanied the couple. ' expect to return to their home ' Jkiah 'to morrow. Mr. Peterson nas . a feed and livery plant in Ukiah. Lennox Soap While it UU, 15 bars for $1.00 Golden Rod Washing Powder, for Saturday 2 packages .1 Ivory Soap Flakes, 8 packages -00 Country Lard, pure, 10 pound pail $3.00 Light House Cleanser, 2 tins 15c VVunder Powder, 5 tins 25c Snider's Catsup in gallon bottles, each , $1.75 Skookum Pan Cake Flour 50c nd $1.00 Sifter Free. Excello Cake Flour: 40c, 45c and 50c Sweet Cider, gallon 60c New Pop Corn, pound 15c All High Grade Coffees, 5 pounds, $2.75 New Dill Pickles, each : c . ' Most complete line of high grade fruits and vegetables fresh every day. (jrayjrzs. Grocery (Jo. i THREE PHONES i THE THOMAS SHOP IT 'r I'.tnMr .MHfmmmininmtintniiimmifit;nfftnfiiirMfnfH mi. tlsillllllsiiMT-rt-"'""'"'"t't"ti tnmtniiiiTiiii m Drastic Reductions ON ALL COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, SKIRTS AND BLOUSES ALL SUITS UP TO S59.50 FOR S29.75 ALL SUITS UP TO $79.50 FOR ..... $39.75 ALL SUITS UP TO $97.50 FOR .... $48.75 A reduction of from 33 1-3 per ct. to 50 per ct. SALE STARTS AT 10 A. M. SATURDAY. Re on hand earlv for first choice. MM MMMI H t . . n a rwvr T ALL CO A 1 b GlihiA l JL, I REDUCED IN PRICE. M I ' LAVENDER CLUB MEETS. Lavender and white asters lent abundant charm to the home of Mrs. Dorothy Thomas, 70 Aura street, yesterday when members or the Lav ender ditto were her guests. A de ,,..v....i ,.n,tir,r hv Mrs. J. M. Cook lIKIIlltll r, ' " was supplemented ty a test In which prir.es fell to Mrs. Anna MeConncll and Mrs. C. II. Smith. Mrs. AVilllam A. Breding, who is vis iting here from Haines a sthe guest of her mother. Mrs. C. J. Hamilton, wat presented with a Pendleton India robe. A dainty luncheon was served by the hostess, with Mrs. Anna Roberts as sisting. The next meeting Is to be held at the home- of Mrs. Wilkinson on West AliJ. street. Ij HIGH SCHOOL NOTES LA GRANDE FOLK HERE. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Olson, of Ornnde. are In Pendleton for a week end visit with friends and relatives. will - How Not to Take Cold Some persons are subjecct to fre quent colds, while others seldom. If ever, have a cold. You will find that the latter take good care of themselves. They take a shower or cold sponge bath every day In a warm room, avoid over heated rooms, sleep with a Win dow open or partly open, avoid ex cessess. over eating, becoming over heated and then chilled and getting the feet wet. Then, when they feel the nrsi inuicauun ul a v:u, mry wiw t Chamberlain's Cough Remedy without j Student Body Meeting Held A stu dent body meeting was held at th school yesterday, the main purpose wn. tn rami! an amendment which Lo was to have been voted upon by the . I . . m. .1 ...... irlv tho1 stuaems. 1 ne yell leader complete authority at all ..hiarii. xnntosts. but as that power is elready implied the passing of the am endment was useless, me motion w made and seconded that the stuaeni hh a whnls nledee their support to the yell leader in keeping order at the games. The Red cross koii van was announced to begin next week and a contest will be held 'between the classes for the tnost memberships. Commtitees Were appointed from all the classes to carry on the campaign. Miss v Genevieve Phelps and John Bcckwith form the committee for the lenlor class. Miss Edna filurpny ana i, lnrt for the Juniors, Miss delay and it is soon over. . . Marie Temple and-R'.chard SinUs for A Timely Suggestion ,ne gophomores and Kl Tioroiny rnis is me seawn ui me jeai wucu gtraughn and Kooeri iuim the prudent and careful housewife re. (he (mhman campaign over. ' nl.nUhha. tlAl Btmnlv llf ( 'h.'l TT1 hfT- I . '. Iain's Cough Remedy. It is almost SDecial Reductions on Dresses. Georgette Blouses to $14.50 for $6.95 certain to be needed before the winter is over and results are much more prompt and satisfactory when it Is kept at hand and given as soon as the first indication of a cold appears and before it has become sett'ed In the sys tem. There is no danger in giving It tc children as It contains no opium or other harmful drug. Chanilterlaln's Tablets Have Done Her a World or Good 'Chamberlain's Tablets have done me la world of good," writes Mrs. Ella L. Button. Kirkville, N. Y. "I nave rec ommended them to a number of my friends and all who have used them praise them highly." When trouoiea with indigestion or constipation, give them a trial and realize for yourself what an excellent medicine It is. Good Health if vnn would enloy s:ood health, keep vour bowels regular. No one can rea sonably hope to reel wen, wnen consu pated. When needed, taKe unamuer Iain's Tablets. They are mild and gen tie. Two Plays In .Progress The Dra matic Club and the senior class are working hard on the first two plays which the high school will present urn. year. The Dramatic i;iud is ijiubi: ing rapidly with their play which is to be presented No 19. Miss Eliza t c.ono u In chareee and guar antees that the reputation won by the dramatic club will be upheld ana inai the plays this year will be chosen that they will be finished with polish and every detail worked out. "Wins Laura koss, wno coach for the senior play, is pieaser with the reeharsals and expects to make this year's play exceed last tk. .nlnr olav Will be given Just before the Christmas holidays so that it will not interfere with the class day evercises as It did last year, mis plav Is much heavier than tne aranwi nn.i win tnkn r arest deal of work but both casts assure the pub lic that the play will De womeu u... mimitolv and that they will do all In their power to make them as enjoy able as those given last year. i E WE HAVE DECIDED TO START NOVEMBER THE FIRST TO SELL FOR CASH ONLY. If credit is wanted we will give same after com ing to a thorough understanding. We can also reducethe price of our goods consid erably on account of going on a cash basis, which will benefit you also. UMATILLA FLOUR & GRAM CO. 220 E. Court Street 1 a00 W. Alt Street Phone 351-1014-475 rtANTLEEF1 lf . v II A ' It Can't Leak, i VZ. M Because It's i M$4 I Made b One i lCm Piece V. X'A&i&li VS Aieam.,nojoints. Evenstop- d yVi5 per socket is moulded in. Guar- H 4 ViT 'Tl anteed for fuU two years' service H 5 - 4 -or anew one free. Get Kant- II B 3 leek. You may need it tonight. B A ' ' 0 E THE PEN DLETON DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE Id tix my co i ALWAYS keep Dr. King'iNew I Discovery bandy. It breaks up bar j, itubbom colds and stops the paroxysms of coughing." Ko harmful drugs, but just good medicine. At your druggists, 60c and $1.20 a bottle. Fcr colds andccughJ DnKing's New Discovery Stubborn Bowels Tamed Leaving the system uncleaned, clogged bowels unmoved, results in health de struction. Let the gently stimulating Dr. King's Pills bring to you a regnlar, normal bowel and liver functioning. Same old price, 25c. All druggists. D'PrompffWcmt Grip rKinfra PiUs Reductions of unexpected propQrtions, offering tremendous savings. Garments that are unrivalled ii their splendid luxuriousness and ultra-fashionable styles at twice the price. AH the rich fabrics, styles and colors. . i . CHILDREN'S COATS ' . . Sizes 8 to 14 .' - ,' .. These little coats are made of the finest materials, and of the most practical styles with convertible col lars. ' ' . .'. , , Specially Priced, $15.00 to $32.50 COMPARISON ESPECIALLY INVITED Woodwortn Is business' both plays. manager for student secretary of the UnlverBlty of Oregon. Tne ooys vere mei ai m trains hy the committee appointed for that purpose by the student body. Assembly lN'UI Tills .MoriifiiK. An Irterenting assembly was held this morning; In which the leaders of the Older Boy's Conference which is to he held here this week end were Intro duced to the students. Walter Jenkins led the students In several popular. novel and patriotic songs. He Immed iately set the students in an uproar with his humor ana good nature. Mr. Jenkins Is In charge of community singing in Portland and Is always one of the main features of an Older Boy's Conference. A. B. Yount, Interstate secretary and conference director also sroke to the students and Introduced another of the prominent men here for the conference. Hal Ponncllj', HEADS NEW LEGATION r ONI-Y ONE THIXfl NOW UCKJNrt MONEY . Mr hv rinrtnred nine veara ' for rtomach and liver troublo and spent tnousanas or aouars, nut msieaa 01 becoming cured of these aliments, my bloating and pains and attacks become worse. I was persuaded a year ago to take Mayr'a Wonderful Remedy and have never suffered since taking the first dose. I wish I had the money back I spent for other medicine." It 1 Mlmnln. hurmleaa urenaratioL that removes the catharrhal mucus from the Intestinal tract and allays tne in- flnmmntlnn which PILUHes DraCtlcallV 11 stomach, liver and Intestinal all- mentx. Including aDDendicltis. tine dose will convince or money rofunded Druggists everywhere. Dr. Lynn K. Clakeslee - Chroaio and Nervous Dlssassa aa4 Diseases oi Women. X-Ilay Eleetre ' Therapsutlo. rempl Bld, . ' Kaa It Pbnne 1 if i- i i psjwssssag, it - "A y w- m 1 BM0J1 R.DEWMH WASHINGTON Th ""' legation to be established in Washington Is that of the tiny state of Luxemburg. Baron de Waha has arrived to be charge d'affaires. Formerly he was sec retary of agriculture and social welfara la th Luxemburg cabinet. Dye It Right! . "Diamond Dyes" Don't Risk Material In Poor Dyes that Fade or Run VjtXh nnrkaza of "Diamond Dyes' contain dlroi'tlons so simple that any woman can diamond-dye a new, ncn f nrteU.ua color Into worn, shabby gar. ments, draperies, coverings, whether villi -ilk. linen, cotton or mixed goods. Bu'v- "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect results are guar nnteod even If you have never dyed before. Druggist has color card. SALE. OF REED AND FIBER CHAIRS AND ROCKERS rPUa ATviqin1an nf niiv cfrtpTf will h& of9lfi( Allt TlOW at prices we w,ould pay for like furniture in whole sale markets today, to buy high-grade furniture like this at the extreme price reduction is an oppor tunity that will not be repeated very soon, so come ana ciaiiu yuur enuitc ctmjr. - $35.00 Fiber Rocker, upholstered seat and back. ,.. .... $24.50 $35.00 Reed Rocker, upholstered seat and back . ....... $24.50 $25.00 Fiber Rocker, upholstered seat and back SR0.00 Round Reed Rocker . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . $39.20 $46.00 Round Reed Chair to match $32.00 $32.50 Reed Rocker . . .". ... .... ........... $24.00 Crawforfl Furniture Company HOME FURNISHER ... ..... to E. OonrStfc Vm , r mm KMM4S t 4 A ftiiiAfc4 Hi. aMh.M