East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 05, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Image 5

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People Here and There
4 N. J. Byldensloln, local grain - and
food merctmat, left on No. . 1 thin
morning on . bUHlnen trip to the
Ooaat. '' f 'J "
E. J. MorrlH, well known Irapshontor
and alien ealesman, left thin morniiiK
lor Walla Wall -.after upending a
short time hers on hUMlnerai and will
take part In a hoot at the Walla
Walla club on Sunday. Me comes out
of Portland.
' Hoy Alexander and tnn Downey
left yeetcrdny afternoon for 1'llot
Bock and tho Butter creek country
try where they will obtain aheep pelts.
for the .week of December 8 to 11,
will be observed by I'endleton schools,
according to announcement today by
(hty Superintendent H. E. lnlow. It
is expected that before the present
month has passed, proclamations by
the governor and superintendent of
public Instruction in Oregon and oth
jer states of the union, will eijll atten
tion to the week. ' :
The purpose of school week Is to
illBsemlnate Information regarding ed
ucation and schools among all tho
people. The work and the needs of
ihe nation's Schools will tie emphasis
ed through articles In the press and
Wmonns In the pulpits. Civic organize,
lions will be requested to devote a
meeting during that week to the lm-
James Johns loft Thursday for
Spokane on a business trip and will be portance of educaton
absent from tho city until the end of
this week.
L i- -. 'i
CoiiunlSHloiit-m TH'IMiit. i '
..; Umatilla county's Judge and com
missioners will attend the November
session of tho Ktnte Highway Commis
sion In l'ortloid tomorrow prepared
to present 1-JMtmr Orttrtm'a - objec
tions to the proposed Umatilla-Wal-lula
cut-off highway. Tito Umatilla
counter prop'd)i f of a road built north
from Helix to' the state line will be
tnado to tho ' tjonTmbmlnh. '.Commis
sioner H. H Alinerson left this morn
ing for rortlmid and CoriinilaHloner J.
L. Dunning and Mrs. Dunning took No.
17 this afternojm at Rtunfleld. Judge
C. II Mnrsh will, Ieayelon No. G to
night. They will Jirotmbly finish their
business wild the commission tomor
row and return to I'endleton Sunday
morning. v
liertlon Hoard at Work
, The official election board, consist--lug
of County Clerk Itobert T. Hrown.
Juxtlce Joe If. Parke, of I'endleton,
and Justice T. A. Ueuallen, of Adams,
started work this morning on the offi
cial count of the Umatilla county bal
lots. They had reached 44. precincts
by noon and expected to have the
count complete late this afternoon or
this evening.
I kiali Conplo J.livnsed.
.. A marriage license was Issued last
evening by tho county clerk to Val
entine II. Peterson and Miss Katie
Walker, both of I'klah.
' School Week, which has been set
side hv the II. B. bureau of education
tno i
1 r :.f ' i
r j-Ki
r-,r. a . " .. '-.5
I iisv
One of the oat-war Immigrants
from foreign landa la the Bared
Vulture. Iat of Africa. ThJ bird
Is so called from the flaps of akin ,
du the aides of 1U head, whlrli
are not really ears at all. ihe
. Eared Vulture has formidable.
I beak and terrible claws, but wilt
, a tuck a dead lion rather thtn
! Hre hat" a Uve "
For this region, a monster meeting
of educators and laymen will be held
in Portland on Saturday, September
4. It will be for the purpose of con
sidering the larger problems of edu
cation and will be held under the a js
plcles of the department of educaton.
Representatives of civic organizations
well as schoolmen will be heard. The
meeting Is to be held at the Multno
mah hotel In Portland.
Sunday. December 6, Is the day the
churches will be asked to devote one
of their. .services to the school .work.
Numerous other ways of spreading the
Information desired will be evolved
MARION, Nov. 5. Women will
play a larger part In Harding's admin
istration than ever before in American
liltory, It Is learned today. There
will be a woman In his cabinet In the
event a department of public welfare
Is created by congress as recommend
ed by Harding.
(Con'lniieu from page I.t
him to endure the ordeal stoically.
Ho died without a quiver. He walked
to the scaffold without and and step
ped onto the trap unassisted.
"Have yoti anything to say?'" War
den Compton asked.
"Not very much," Itancroft replied
firmly. "I know I made a mlBtrke.
The Lord Is with me. He has been
with me right along. I am raudy to
go where he calls."
The guards then placed the mask
oser his head, adjusted the knot un
der his right ear, and gave the Digital.
Hart dropped. Ho was pronounced
dead 12 minutes later.
The murderer slept well and ate a
hearty breakfast of ham and eggs,
hot cakes and coffee with evident
relish. t
Prisoner Itrfuses) Assistance
SAI.ra, Nov. 5. (A. P.) Emmett
Unnrroft alias Nell, Hart was hanged
at the state penitentiary at 8.2" o'clock
this morning. He was pronounced
iid at 8:41. Hie last words were
"I regret what 1 have done, but I feel
that Oori Is on my side and t am not
a I raid to go where he calls me."
Bancroft, cool and collected, mount
ed the scaffold at &:2t. He was at
tended by Rev. If. N. Aldrlch, prtso
chaplain, and Ensign Jesse Rowe, of
the Salvation Army, who has been In
dally attendance upon Bancroft since
he was received at the prison.
Bancroft rose shortly after T
o'clock. He had spent a restless night
and was heard praying at intervals,
He ate a normal breakfast after which
he took his usual morning exercise
after Warden Compton had read the
death warrant. Bancroft then retired
to his cell with ministers attending
him. Bancroft went to the scaffold
without receiving any opiates.
Besides representatives of the press,
the execution was witnessed by 37 per
sons. Including a delegation of 12 res
idents of Pendleton.
k Nell Hart first came Into criminal
prominence In Umatilla county about
July 12 when he and Jim Owens, con
victed undcf the name of Elvle D.
Kerliy, robbed two Indian houses near
Cayuse during the Indlnns' celebration
r.t Cayuse. They followed this by
holding up Eugene Ionian, a local
groccryman, and taking his car. With
their loot and the machine-they drove
to Rieth. '
Eeveral shots were fired In the chase
between Hart and Owens and Sheriff
Til Taylor, Deputy Sheriff Jake Marin
and others who arrested them on July
IS. The two desperadoes all but made
their escape In the hills near Rleth
but were otitgamed by the sheriff and
hi deputy and brought to the count)'
juil. '
Twelve days after their arrest the
Jail break occurcd. Unit, Owen and
Ituthlo were first to guln freedom
from the Jail. With the assistance of
Irvln Stoop and Floyd Henderson, two
young men held on bud check charges,
they overcame Deputy Marin when he
brought thorn thoir Sunday dinner. He
had gone Into the jail with no one In
the outer office and hud not removed
his gun. This tho prisoners-took and
with his keys unlocked the door to the
Tho three men went Into the private
office tit Sheriff Taylor and were
arming themselves wilh guns and am
munition when Shetif Taylor and Guy
Wyrlck wnlked In. A struggle ensued
Ir. which Hart fired two shots at the
sheriff, one lodging in his throat.
Four hours after the shooting the
sheriff pussed sway. The five men
taking part In the Jail break mude
good their escape, Albin IJnd(;ren, a
forger, went out with them. Robert
Jeffries, the remaining prisoner, did
not leave.
500 Scour Country
A man hunt seldom equalled in the
ar.nals of the northwest, followed word
Of the shooting of the popular sheriff.
Officers from all parts of the north
west flocked here to lead posses trail
ing the criminals. Five hundred men
scoured hills and ravines for five days
and nights. On the Saturday follow
ing the crime all five men were arrest
ed and returned to Jail here. They
were found In three widely separated
Indictments for first degree murder
were returned against all five men and
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are
not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for
21 years, and proved safe by millions. -Say "Bayer"!
SAFETY FIRST I Accept only an "unbroken package" of
genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper direc
tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache,' Neuralgia, Colds, Rheu
matism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and pain generally. Strictly American!
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents Wger packages.
Avplrln li the trade mark of Barer Manufacture of Monoactlcacdeater of Saltcyllcaclr
when time came for tnein to pleaift
Hart alone of the five entered the plea
of guilty. He was sentenced to hang
.September 15. Owens - and Itathie
were found guilty and given the death
penalty after a trbil by Jury two weeks
later. Prior to their conviction. Stoop
and Henderson were found guilty and
given life sentence.
Stay of KxKCiitkm for Two .
Owens and Kuthla werc to be hnng
etl December 3, but a stay of execu
tion In their case was sittned recently
by Circuit Judge O. W. Phelps and
they will b spared at that time. An
appeal will bo taken ror tnem.
Kforts were made by the father of
Hart, W. J5. Bancroft, to have his son's
.sentence commuted to life imprison
ment. He made the plea that Hart Is
mentally defective owing to Illness In
childhood. Several hundred persons
in Pendleton and vicinity signed the
petition which was presented to Gov
ernor Den Olcrrtt yesterday.
The man whom Hart murdered In
his eagerness to break for liberty, had
served for IS years as sheriff of Uma
tilla county and for four years before
that as a deputy. He was president
The Economy Grdcery
113 W. Webb
Our Friends Don't Trade
because they are our friends,, it's because they get
better values for less money.
Fre.h, cri.p, large Dill Pkkle. 30c per dozen
if''-' ' . I. &
Vc - - " i -1t, " if " , "K V"
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WASHINGTON One of Ihe most striking portraits
ever made of Mrs. Woodrow Wilson is that by Seymour
M. Stone, the famous artist, which has just been completed.
Critics have been unanimous in praising the work.
k-X. v.
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" , It " r lllli P
LO?DON The British royal
family celebrated the return of
the Prince ot Walei'from long
journey to Australia and other
British dominions by posing lor
their pictures. In the first row
are seen King George, Queen
Mary, and Princess Mary;
standing, left to right: Prince
Albert, the Prince of Wales and
Prince Henry. The luset shows
tbe Prince of Wales all togged
p in new civilian clothes upon .
fela return,
Fancy IMatinuni Rings
Rings of distinctive character which lv to the
wearer the complete satisfaction of having her jew
elry the finest possible.
Sawielles designs are personally 'hoses and are
correct In every detail.
The largest Diamond Dealers In lOaxtcm Oregon
of the Round-Up association and fine
of the best known and -widely loved
ir.en In public life in this county. He
was a native Oregonian and except for
the first three years of his life had
n sided In Umatilla county.
. More than JI6.000 has been pledged
and collected towards a memorial to
honor the late sheriff and plans are
i.rder way to raise enough more to In
sure the sncw-ss of the project. An
organization known as the Til Taylor
Memorial Association has been formed
to handle the move.
Yoti Xecdn't keep on feeling dl
tressed after eating, not belching, nor
experiencing nausea between , meala.
Hood s 8arsaparlllai cure dyspepsia
it strengthens the stomach and other
digestive organs for the proper per
formance of their functions. ' Take
- t
'Tape's Cold Compound', In
stantly relieves stuffiness
and distress.
Don't stay Btuffed-up! Quit blowing
and snuffling! . A dose of "Pape's Cold
Compound" taken every two hours
until three doses are taken usually
breaks up a severe cold and ends all
grippe misery.
The very first dose opens your clog-ged-up
nostrils and the air passages
of the head; stops nose running; re
lieves the headache, dullness, feverinh
ncss, sneezing, soreness and stiffness.
"Pape's Cold Compound" Is the
quickest, surest relief known and costs
only a few cents at drug stores It
acts without assistance, testes nice,
contains no quinine Insist upon
SINCLAIR Eastern Sugar Hams 40
cents a pound, Saturday only Dow
neys Market.
SPRCIAk SALE on hams Saturday
Downey's Market.
FOR RENT Sleeping room, with
bath, for gentleman 307 W. Court
St., rhone 268-J.
WANTED Experienced office girl.
Address "71" care this ofice In own
hand writing, stating part experience.
WOMAN 7ANTS work by the hour
Phone 569-J.
. 60c pound
Home made the best in
the city.
Complete line of fine
box and bulk candies. ;
The Wistaria
623 Main
209 E. Court Phone S80 or 881
We Offer You
We are offering you from 10 to" 25 per cent savings on
your groceries and ask for your order under this guaran
tee. We deliver to any place in the city free.
We offer you
a fine grade of
bulk coffee guar
anteed to please
your taste for a
good coffee.
Special, 3 lbs 90c
Pan Cake Flour
We offer you
the large size
0 1 y m p i a Pan
Cake Flour
Special for 85c
We offer you
a broom, value
at $1.50.
Special price $1
Picnic Hams, Swifts, Weber Valley Peas
per pound .....30c 2 for 45c
Breakfast Bacon, per 0ne Gallon Tea Garden
Bound en, ruP $1-90
P " : 50c One gallon Golden
Tru Blu Crackers, per Marshmellow $1.65
box 40c One gallon Dark
Walnuts, new crop, Karo $1.05
3 pounds $1.10 One gallon Light
Sago, per pound 10c Karo $1.15
Tapioca, per pound :...10c One gallon Molasses $1.00
Lima Beans, per pound 15c 1 1-2 pound Crisco 55c
dills Bros. Tea, pound 75c 3 pounds Crisco $1.00
Preferred Stock Tomatoes 6 pounds Crisco $1.90
2 for 45c Hills Blue Coffee
Preferred Stock Pineapple 1 pound 40c
2 1-2 size, per can.. 45c 3 pounds $1.15
Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less
209 E. Court Phone 880 or 881
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