East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 05, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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News of
tan iTTTT ; ", ' . , ,: isjs-i-kL.-' . i
gency. 1
wo i.i.l Northern
Older Boy-' T Conference her.. ,
Nov. 11. Amitotic Day
State holiday.
Nov. ii. Pendleton vs. Baker,
football Baker.
Nov. IS. University of Ore-
on homecoming, Eugene.
... an PeMflo Interna
tional Livestock Eiposltlon, Port.
Unit . 7
Nov. !2. American Legion
concert. ' ' i
?w inKnl of Indian lands,
f Kuiuiui u lfc-tU'r.
m M i.nn Nelson. who ha been
aerlously III for the past two
Mm. NelHon to a P"'
neor of thla city and her many friend.
are. pleased at herrocovery.
Suite Have f Hour i
Pendleton stores, with the coming
of the winter season, have adopted a
new time schedule. Htorcs will open
at V a. m. and close at 6 p. m. each
day except Haturday, when the stores
will remain open until 1:30 . m. The
former hour were from 7 a. m. un
til p. m with the 8:80 p. m. Hut-
urduy cloning. -
I nilmrablo to lt IX-portcd.
HWv Hchandler Mm mun, an
undesirable English alien, was brought
here thla mornin from Spokane by M.
C. Farla immigrant Inspector for Kant
m Washlnk-ton and will be placed
aboard a car of undesirable aliens in
v m hmmd for Kills Island this
evening The man is cnargeu wun
havlpg been guilty of felonies ftefore
emigrating and of entering this coun
try without authority or inspection, no
came over from Canada on February
13 1920, and the Canadian authorities
refused to have him there so ho will
be sent to his home country. Mr. Far.
Is has headquarters In Walla Walla.
ngton, v. C. Postal holidays are
Thunksgivlng. Christmas. New Year's
Washington's birthday, Memorial Day,
the Fourth of July and Labor Lrny.
Dse the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Depts. 78 -
jf7 i jli
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 625
Other Depts. 78
Hpluillo Is ltrokcn.
The spindle on the St. George auto
bus was broken when the bus struck
a tree on Willow street enterday. The
machine contained only the driver,
who was unhurt.
Judgment for $150 Given.
A Judgment for f 1 60, Intercut and
costs was given H. I. Watts and Will
M. Peterson today In circuit court
against Walter and Ross Oilman, tho
cose going by default. ".
Ilaiiwr J jttate Probatnl.
The estate of the late Virginia IIu
nier was admitted to probate today
with 8. I). Peterson us administrator,
Appraisers named were Uruce .liangle
M. H. Itlcc and W. W. Diidgtwuter,
of Milton. -
Xt PWtai Holiday.
Armistice Day, November 11, Is not
a postal holiday, according to a depart
ment ruling recently made In Wash-
101-101-101-101-101-101 101101101101-
Mince Meat
It U the Mime HIGH QUALITY this year as al
Priced 35c per pound
Have a mince meat pie for the Sunday dinner.
Pendleton Cash Market. Inc.
imvaM Rtobangs Vonnnou Both Desert
ioi-i6i ioi ioi iui 101 101 lui 101 101
Ijutvo for Ontario.
. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cryder and son
have departed for Ontario, where
thcy'wlll make their home. Mr; Cry
der will be employed by the Malheur
Land Company. He was formerly su
pervisor of the Vmatllla National For
est and more latoly supervisor of the
Malheur forest, with headquarters' at
John Day, He recently resigned from
the forest service. j
I This Store is Full of Values
1 that WillMake Many Friends
QUALITY GOODS at lower cost to you. Buy your needs now while our stock is com- g
plete. ....
i Hanging from 25.00 to $75.00 .
Never before have the dresses been so charming and so
1 many different models, and the well dressed women buy
them with discernment; She is critical of the fabric, the
S workmanship and the style, and you will find these quah-
H fications in our dresses to a perfected degree, and more
S than that you will be pleased at the moderate prices on
jjS tll6SG dlCSSGS
H May we have the pleasure of a visit from you?
H miimiiiitiimimiiiiitmimiiiiiiMi iiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
Sydney Morton Ironioted.
Hy dues' Morton, employed at tho lo
cal poBtoffice as carrier, ) has been
Promoted to the position held by It.
Franklin Ely, who was transferred to
the Portland postofflce. T. C. Man
gold will have charge of the civil ser
vice department, formerly under the
direction of Mr. Ely. Mr. Mangold was
to bbe presented Nov. 19. Miss Eliza-
amlnations in the local office.
1'oothall (iaiuo Vndrr Way
Pendleton and Milton high school
are playing the fourth of Pendleton's
frotball games this afternoon at
ItouiiUil'u park,, with a good sized
audience In attendance. The game Is
In the nature of a workout for" tho
local team for the Baker game at
Baker next Thursday. The Milton
squad arrived from the east end of
the county this morning and most of
i the boys will remain for the Older
Boys Conference opening here this
Its Getting About That
Time of the Year
To lay in a good supply of sweater coats for the
youngsters and we have them in all sizes, values up
to ?4.00, all going for 97c '
As to heavy fleeced slined, underwear, we have
the best barbains that are to be found in town, be
cause we are closing out our entire line of them at
prices that you would not believe. Ask the ones who
have bought them.
We are selling Fleischer's two ounce knitting
worsteds for 69c.
Better get in on some of our many bargains for
this sale is not going to last all winter.
S. A. To Hold Festival.
The first annual "Harvest Kestl
,val" of the local post of the Salvation
Army will be held at the hall tomor
row nlghL A display of farm pro-
Iduce will be shown and this will be
auctioned to the highest bidder for
' the benefit of the post. The festival.
which Is complimentary to the pub
lic, will Include a program of songs
and recitations by the following: Cap
tain Jennie Conrad, Freddy Morris,
Evelyn Davidson, Hcth Gorman, Iteva
Myers, Naomi Mayfield, Ueutenant
Mabel Eangdon, William Moyle, Iteta
Davis, John Moyle, Jennie Urundage.
Lawrence Beany, the life saving guard
class and, the Sunday school.
Collrutlon January 1.
Collection of income taxes will he
ight January 1, with March 15 as the
I i final date on which returns can be
S made, according to W. D. Chamber
3 1 lain, deputy collector of Internal reve
5 nue who lias toeen at his office In the
5; federal building for the past few days
K after business trips throughout east
ern Oregon. The tax rate will be the
i same as last year, which was four per
.cent on the first $4000 above exemp
tion For example, If a married man
'has an Income of $7000, he has an ex
emption on the first $1000 and pays
: four per cent on $5,000. All above
$4000 is subject to an eight per cent
itax. After this comes the graduated
isurtax. Mr. Chamberlain leaves to
-night for Wallowa county and will be
Q absent from his headquarters here for
PayCash iendUton' Variety 5tor Save Cash
the next month.
The Universal Pipeless
is provirig its ability to heat over sixty five Pendle
ton homes, saves fuel with better heat.
: FT 71
m 1
M1hs Jones KiKmn Here.
Miss Uima Jones .killed In an auto
accident near Hood Hlver Tuesday
night, was well known here. - She was
a sister of L. W. Jones, engineer who
formerly resided hero and who now
jllves in Walla Walla. She often visit
ed In this city. Miss Jones was in
stantly killed when struck by a ma-
chlno drtven by Bertha Cate. 18 year
old daughter of E. U. Cate. Hood Riv
er automobile dealer. A coroner's Jury
at the inquest charged Miss Cate with
careless driving, and while the Jury
excused her of criminal intent. It was
declared that she was Ignorant of traf
fic laws and displayed lack of Judg
ment The Jury recommended that she
be permanently forbidden to drive a
machine. Funeral services for Miss
Jones were held near Hood River and
the body was taken to Walla Walla for
LOXDO.V, Nov. S. (U. ?.) Safo-
keeplng of tho former kaiser Is laid
at Holland's door Premier IJoyd-
George, questioned in the house of
commons as to pluns for punishment
Universal Stoves &Fumaces
"They Work while you Sleep"
Feel fine as a fiddle! If bilious,
constipated, .headachy, wallow, or if
you have a cold, an upset stomnch, or
bad breath, take Cascarets tonight for
your liver and bowels and wake up
feeling clear, rosy and fit. No grip
ing no Inconvenience. Children love
CascareU tgo. 10, 55, 60 cents.
2 Luxurious Plush Coats of Baffin's Seal, Salts Peco
I Plush and Eskinette. Trimmed with Squirrel, Aus-
i tralian Opossum and Martin. Lined throughout
with Mailliason's Pussy Willow, Taffeta. Either
I belted or loose model.
1 Prices 859.50 to $b.00 1
UniHiiiniiiiii minium iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniT
- You will do well if you buy your Bedding at this
store where you get the best of quality, largest sizes
at the lowest possible prices.
Comforters $3.50 to $10.50
Cotton Blankets $3.00 to $3.00
Cotton Sheet Blankets J 3.50
Wool Finish Blankets, up to ?10.o0
mJv warn
Is- A
Wool Single Blankets, plaids $7.75
Wool iilanKets, aoume, up. iu
PiUows, each to $9'uu
to make up into comforters, all sizes and of good,
clean, sanitary cotton, batt. lac to $i.oU
One size left, each
Silkoline. :..19ct0oc
Cotton Challie mr tt
Outing Flannel
make excellent covers for beds these cool . nights.
Why not use one? .
Cayuse .: $11.00
Grocery Department
f Poppy Jam in No. 10 cans ..... $2.75
I Boiled Cider, quart bottles 75c
Mince Meat, bulk, per pound 33c
: Piirvanta rpr nackaee ",)C
a Seeded Raisins, per package 40c
. Seedless Raisins, per package 4PC
Dried Peaches, per pound c
Medium Prunes, per pound p
Honey in comb 4jC
. XXXX Brand Evaporated Milk for Cooking, per can
1 10c, Ber doz. $1.10, per case $4.40.
of tho former emperor, said his pre
election pledges hail not comempiim-n
making war on Holland to force h
helm's delivery to an International
court. "There would be no sense in
a trial without tho presence of tho
kaiser." he declared. "The kaiser Is
probably enduring as sovcre punish
ment In Holland as he wouiu in pris
on and Holland Is responsible for his
permanent and safe custody." J
.scries, surrendered to the authorities
today and gave bond for their appear,
'once at trial.
CHICAGO, Nov. 5. (IT. 1'.) Fur
ther reductions in clothing prices were
iinnaiinrori tudav tv mail order houses.
! Prices of shirts and women's silk hos
iery are slashed 25 per cent. Women's
waists and drosses, blankets, comfort
ers, woolen yarns, ribbons and over
alls are reduced 20 per cent. A 15
por cent cut Is made In colored cotton
goods, flannels, and siime lines of hosiery.
NEW YOHK, Nov. 5. (I. P.)
Tho super-fight of the century was
t.ru..tirnllr nurtured todav when Jack
Dempsey and Georges Carpcntler
signed an agreement to meet in thel
ring. Terms of the agreemcni aicj
broad, specifying neither time, place, ...... ,
nor the exact number of rounds. The t Hit AGO, Nov. 5. (I , Fred
surprise of the ceremony was Pro-1 McMullin and Huck Weaver, two
motor Rlckard's announcement that White Sox players indicted on charges
prices would be held within the range of conspiracy in connection with the
of $5 to H0 lalleged throwing of the 1913 world
Stiff Joints
Sore Muscles
Smoothed Out Ey Hamlin's
Wizard Oil
Soreness and stiffness resulting
from unaccustomed use of muscles
or too much exercise, such as ten
nis, baseball, golf, hand-ball, etc..
give way quick!v to the soothing
effect of Hamlin Wizard Oil. It
penetrates fast, drives out the sore
ness, and limbers up stilt, aching
joints and muscles.
Hamlln WHnrd Oil l a rv-Hi depend
bl preparation to havo In the mii. ina
chest for tlrst alt anit whn the li-tor ,
may ha tar away. It la an absolutely
reliable antiseptic application. f.r cat,
burn, bttea ant atinva. Si'ralna and
bruleea heal ratwd'T un.ier its aotuhine.
penetrating qualities. Keep it on hand.
Oeneroua stae bottl tc.
If you are troubled with constipation
or Rick headache try Hamlin W laaid
I.lver Whlpa Just p!ual Ultle pink
puis at drufgUM lit Jvc
by having your Raw Fur uiaae Into
H.VK Fl ltS
at our place? At the same time your
old ones remodeled, repaired, cleansxl
so they look like new. At prices that
are rlfcht la
we mount anything from a fly to an
m. it. sioiin
Spokane, Wash. 8 IKninrtl St., So.'
Writs about our deer head contest.
; ( . ,
a M