' ' ffiitf am ' '. ' 1 SAGS .- fWELVB PAGS3 V L J (fWA I (")) r: ir ..iv 3 llitiiiiipil lniMiilmilll mWeMeJkaMeV . LUI"""I l ilujj dP Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, For Rent, Etc. ; ' ; Classified for Easy Reference. ""' HEW TODAY - i- . v i i .. M WANTliD Job on ranch' or In city by middle aged woman Cull 768. NICE RLKBPINO ROOM for gentlo. niuii Rood locution Phone -j9-J. FOR SALE i month old pigs Ad dress Oeoigu La yony;ne Box f FOR RENT Two partly fuml8hed housekeeping rooms, 421 Marie I'hono 68SI-W. FOR BALE Oood trap drum outfit, complete, drums, bolls, and all equipment Inuulre (17 Ann St. DR. I,E.VA A. BOONE Chiropractor Office hours 10 to 12; 1:30 to 6:00, 309 E. Court St., Lautss Apt. 16, Phone 77. ; , (WAP S passenger Mitchell, first class tire $400 for quick gale. AIo Nash-Jeffrey, wire wheels, cord tires, big bargain fee these ear- Service Motor Truck Co., 812 Johnson St. MAURY AT ONCE We put you In correspondence with thousands of charming and refined ladles who wish to marry, many worth from $1,000 to , 1:16,000 and upward. Particulars free, Address Allen Ward, B 751, Valley, Nebraska. FOH SAI.R Beven acres west end, fine pasture for cows and one of tho best of chlck 5 en ranches. A fine place to live. OrX. W. KLDKR 81 S Main St. Res. Phone 872-W llione 893 ran SALK . 100 by 100 north side vacmit corner, Absolutely the bent bur n iin In town- some trm. ' gix. w. w ii:ii l 81 S Main Kt. Res. Phone 7i-W ; phono 93 VOil S.U.K I room liunsalaw, north aide. 7 room bungalow, north side. ( room house on Long ft., lot 100 by 100. S room residence, south hill, cheap.. g room house on Aura street, easy terms. i Come and see me If you want to buy a home. I can please anyone. " ;m. w. i .i.m.u 818 Main M. Res. Phone 972-W Phone" 93 LOST AND FOUND FOUND Man's watch yesterday even ing near Wchb and Main owner may have same by calling at this office and paying for ad. . LOST OCT. fo Tin rnsd hrtwen 1111 ' rartl und tnj or ctts mil.' n 8Sx4 smooth tread suto lira on rim. Finder return this office for reward. WILL PARTY who picked up bU tan leather sultc.ise with black straps across renter from Cahbaso Hill road j between Pendleton and Mcacham Sun- j day. communicate Immediately with owner. U J. Itnicr at Ooldcn Rule Hotel, Pendleton. Receive reward for Its return. He Could lie Trusted. ' A man got in a cab at tho Richmond railway slution and said: "Drive me to ft haberdasher's" "Ysas, iiUh," eald the drtvor, as he whipped up his horso and drove a block; then, leaning over to address his passenger, mild; " Btuse me,, boss, but whar d'y'u say you wantcr go?" To ft hftbcrdaaher'l." "Ysas, suh; yans, buIi!'; After another block there was the same performance. 'Scusa me, boss, but whar d y u say yu wante'r go?" "To a haberdashnt s." yean the some what Impatient reply. ' ' Then cam the ftiu'l bpin-I. 'Now look n-heie, I"""1, 1 b"'B drlvln' In his town V furs and I ain't never giV nobody away yit. Now you jta' tell dls nlggar what 't in you want cr go." Minnesota Foolscap , I V tn Uie Air. "I sec; she kopUhlm in suspense." -Boston Transcript. ' v" ' ; BEATS BILLY SUNDAY -Vsf ''i:' 4 ft 4" 1 UZABTKCULICK. . NEW YORK The Wghest paid Sneaker In America .Isn't Hilly Sunday after all.' On, my no! Lit tle Mil Elisabeth dullck geti tnore per word than the Rer. Wil liam. She ha a "pioce to tay" in "Daddy Dumplin'," newcom Wdy drama hero, that has Just 6t words. She receive $1.44 for jth i and for eaylni 'em eight W'ormancei woek, ah recolvai Vh 7 . FOR SALE FOR SALE 75 H. P. Sturgl & Btorlo. Holt Cattorplllur FOR SALE Furnished 14 room Apt. , house 03 Water. FOR SALE Vhlte Wyandotte pullet W. E. Potts, Athena, Oregon. FOR BALE RhO' ' Island hens and pullets l-hone 10F8. Rod FOR SALE All kind of Insurance. J. H. Este, (14 Main AU. Phone 04. FOR BALEj-f room house and throe ioi at (li uusn Bi. rrice .muv- -in aulre of owner. FOR BALIS 8 head hvscs. wltft har ness and 4 wagons Inq'j.re at Road Camp near Baxe Station. FOR 8ALE Self-propelled eombln 'fcarrler, 1M model, good shape terms Sturgl eV Btorte. FOR SA LB Four wag or. 'Soxes,' fur bulk grain, low price J taken toon B. L. Burroughs, Phone K. FOR BALt King eight 118. Oodd condition, good paint, cord tires 505 Franklin Bt.. Phone 1019-W. f FpR SALE Lease on 1800 acres wheat land 1000 acres ready for, seeding. First class outfit I mllN front town, three mile haul See Snow tt Dayton. , -1 FOR SALE OR LEASE Sheep raMh ; 120 acres, well equipped Abun dance of range Joining Addrtig M. R. Waltor, Qulney, Wash. FOR BALE 1918 Country Club Over land eport model in good condition $700 cash can be Seen at Westoii Autd Co., Cottonwood Bt. Owner, 04 Thompsoii-PJione 498-M. ' "' FOR SALE by ownei at ocsv Strict ly modern house, well located on north tdc, i room. Tile ath. refrigerator rooms, hardwood floors, concrete gar age, etc Address Box 47. C!ty. , OWNERS LHAV1NU CIT7 Will sell I their modem home at 420 Lincoln, I at a bargain, furnished or unfurnish ed. Corner property with garage. Call Geo. W. Couits for p.ice and terms. Look property over," FOR SALE Lease 1508, acre of eum- t.ierfallow caterpillar, gas harves ter, to head of mutes and outfit also 1500 acre to plow In spring. Located about 10 .miles frorav Moro Sherman county. Ore. Address U. P. MaWhalL Pendleton, Ore; - . . FOR 8ALK-My north side homo. 1M Monroe St.. one wock from county library i lot, houses rent for 170.00 per month one 12 room house one 7 room house Paved street and concrete walks. - Call at Bowman's Studio. ' 1 . FOR BALE Household furniture n liiriln Tteed chairs and table. Vic- rola. cabinet sewlnr tnachlloe. electric washer, Circassian bedroom suite. ahlte Ivorv bed. breakfast table ana chairs, rugs etc., wMl be sacrlflceJ for immediate snle Tall 100 Raley St. ' FOR SALB BT 'OWNER room house with large pantry, .sleeping porch and bath room, lance garage, new chicken house and park, cement walks and wnlls, corner lot. good loca tion Wiil take part payment and elve term on remainder Address 7" this office. ..nr..,., - ; utile and 1IH!S Steady ... Wltlr No Sew Arrivals j " ' SEATTLE, Nov. '4. Hogs Receipts none, steady, i-rimc ii.uw medium to -'. choice tl S.60J 14. CO: smooth heavies l.oo12.59i trough heavies 10.00H0J;-.- plga 12.00W 13.no. 1 . -' 1 -r r,i Cottle Reieelpts Bone. Bteady. rrlm steers 9.60rl.;. medium to cholct s.frOfl 9.0t rommnn -;to gooil .0ornr7.i0; best ow and heifer 6.50 107.00; medium to choice B.006.00; common to gootl s.somb.oo; onus 4.00f 6.00; CJilves .ri018.00, Ixiwcr Priors Hit tSMl . . , T .. . But Sheep Si-11 Higher. '', . ' KANSAS CITY.'.NbV. . Cattle 500, - Beef steer -and she stock dull, 25W50c lower: -beef steers Closing mostly 50c lowert spots tnore on bel ter grades: sales 8.00Sil3.25r best yearlings 14: cannersv 4.1151 bulls steady) calves strong to BOc higher best vealors 14.60; bulk 14:t-stocker and feeders steady to 25c lower. . Sheep 5"00. Tori lambs and year-. lings SjHiiiOc higher; fat. ycarlliu?H 11.60; western lambs 13.75; sheep steady to 25o higher. at Obi lUce tV- . ' ' '" 8KATT7JS, Nv. 4. City, dellveryi Feed Scratch feed $76 per ton; leed wheat $78; all grain chop 862; pats 7; sprouting oats $62; .rolled ol $59; whole corn $78; cracked qorn $60; rolled barley $tfi clipped barley IBB. . - ' .. Hay Alfalfa $29 ton; double com pressed alfalfa $36; ditto timothy $42; eastern Washington mixed $36. Wheat 11 ml i Sliow ,' ' Large Increased Suiildc-4. NEW OIUC, Nov. 4 Tho follow- Inir are tile changes In the visible sup ply of grain in tho I'niled States: x Wheat, increased i.sti.vuo nusnnis. Corn decreased 19-' 000. Oats, Increased 748,000. ftye, decreased 17,000. Parley,, decreased, 119.000. . ., , '. ... 1 ' -. , lOMilwa Ar In . , .-, 4MI Market- - . . . Casabas are selling in local markets for 10 cents a pound. Grapes ate 8.". rents a pound. Cape Cod cranberries, the first ot tho heasun, aie 2 reutn pound,, FOR' SALE 8 head of good mulps, 10 head of horses all good stock See Bturgls & Btorle. ' , - FOH SALE 10 acre tract on highway nesr Athena, Ore. 8 4 acres alfalfa, 87 fru!t trees, everflowlng artesian well, roomed modern furnished bun galow, tenant house, good barn, 7 head stock, Implements, 20 ton hay, etc. Six good lots In Athena, close In, go with place. Laura Counter, Athena, Oregon. . . J USED CAR EXCHANGE KOR ,SALB One Dodge touring car cheap Call 212 E. Bluff St. ' ' .' f',. FOR BALE r '. ' - ' Scvural used Ford roustabouts frdm 1200.0 W $280.00. w ? ., . , , Classy I'alKo roadster-- good condi tion, good tl: es will sell at a sacrifice. OHF.fiOV MOTOR OARAKE t'SKD CARS lt'5 Bnlck touring oar, alt cord tires, we sold this .ar new last Febru- ary, bla reduction. In price. , . , ' 1918 little six Bulck, fine mechanical condition,, new top cord tlrea newly 1 painted. J919 Franklin touring cSr, ha had good care and is In first class condi tion, will ell cheap. 1, 1919 one-ton Ford truck, us short time; price 1500. only 191 type 57 Cadlllao . ttv-n pas. iuob, $3000. . .. 1 1920 HulJPt Speedster, used lee than six months, big saving In price. Took these over at the O.venti Motor Garage We are nrepWred to rive verv liberal ftrms If rtWrAl FOR RENT AFT& AND ROOMS ALTA APT". - . ..... . ... . - FOR RENT 4-room furnished apart . raent 614 Cosbie St. rOR RENT Furnlsbea room 1314 E, Court. Bleeping FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping . room Phone 204-M, . SLEEPING ROOMS for rent Rontle ' men only Phnno 476, 212 Lewis. FOR RENT Downstairs red room bath privllege-294-R., ' 101 Louis St. Phone FOR -KENT Two furnished house keeping rooms Including store room -121 Thompson; AN ORDINARY 6 room house for rent fair condition .rental 830.00 Phone Graham, 404. FOR RENT Nice sloping rooms. Board across the street . Phone 2-M.' lie, Garden. , ROOMS FOR RENT Possibly ar angemcnta for cooking 415 Oar field Phone 248-M. ' ' FOR RENT'LlgMt pleasant sleeping - rooms " 1jnth privileges might beard Phone 259-J, C!0 Long- St. ROOM TO RENT for two young ladies or two oung men an get their own breakfast or lunch mornings and evenings Phone 248-M. WANTED GIRLS WANTED French Restaurant WAttTED Sewing plain or fancy 'rhrtne 106-at. DOINGS OF. THE DUFFS wait iwth. Via) see T'I4 f00TPAltlT I Bought FOR Vox).' IP AkiV TuinIG KAPPFJJ.A To HM CmMTo BLAME wn.i TuAT ?JJIT I 1 ---- - - . j! , T1 TO HAf M TUATO p err 1 ,, (W ( . h$ , BE A PPOTECTIOAlt j . i1 y rwiwW - v 1 1 iv int., 11 j i ivrta r-mK Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity . This Directory Is especially handy for the out-of-town reader who mar want the name and address of responsible business rata mho represent the following lines. All are reliable, responsible business concerns who etao dready to give you prompt ervice. WANTED OOOD CLEAN RAGS AT The jrast Oisnnl.n office. . - , WANT TO REM: 1'urmshed Apt by Sept. 10th. Phone CO. ,- WANTED Man and wife to cook in small hotel I'hone 222, Helix, Orif. WANTED Excellent dressmaking and tailoring Mrs. Helena Buckley, 701 E. Court. . ' WANTED TO RENT or S room house, furnished or unfurnished Phone 558. ; WANTED Woman br girl for house-j work for small family on ranch Phone 283-W. WANTED TO RENT by Oie Salvation Amy, a 4 or 5 room unfurnished house Phone 1062. WANTED By young lady room nd board In private family Address "T0-X" 17. 6. Office. WANTED Position on ranch by man ;a.nd wife Experience In wheat farm lng Address "69" this office. TEAMS WANTED Lumbet- hauling by day or contract: Bardell Lum- ! her & 7,-ix Co.. Freewater. Oregon. .WANTED Woman or girl for gen- eral housework nothing but good help acceptable Call 101 Wilson. j WANTED Carpenter work special ' attention paid to Job work city or country. Phone 80P-W, ' ca!) 114 I i!lit!t St. WANTED AT ONC-A 0 H. P. fteam or RnJ, enine at Marg quary. cabbage hill for trial; will pay rent un til It prove to suit my work, then buy lame. J. L. Mars, Cabbage HH1. HELP WANTED Male A business of your own, representing Portland ' factory, good territory open in Ore gon and California, experience 1m neccBsary, prefer mcchahnically Inclin ed persons with smsll capital. Port land Axsemblyinj? Plant, 825 Morgan Bldg., Portland, Oregon.- AUTO ELECTRIC WORK WE REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. E. Chase Co, AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJax, Re vere and Savar tires. 228 E. Court Street. WALLACE BROS. Fisk Urea, cords or fabric. We do our own adjust ing. 808-12 Johnson St. . L. A BENTLEY A CO.-rGoodyear and P.aniond Tires Tire SKC-'ce, oils an sccasrorles Alta an. I Oarden St. Q9R.T.30X & MARTY Gates Half oles, '6000 miles buarantced 1-2' cost of new tires. BS7 Cottonwood St. 8IMPSON TIRE SERVICE CO. Re-! public nt Firestone tires, eortfs Or fabric. 223 E. Court Su, Phone 851. PENDLETON RUB3"?R A SUPPLY Barney Oldfieltl. Goodrich Sll-vo-town Cord and Pennsylvania Vacu um C lp 305 E. Court. AUTO TRANSRER .4- M. BOTDEN Stand at Hennlngs Cigar store. Country trips Phone 8. j W. a. FISHER -Stand fMtr & Kemp,! Phone 5?2. i C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs Ctear Store Phone 107. MISCELLANEOUS PHONE 276-M I. C. chimney sweep will man. Snyder for send you a MRS. ADA FIELD Spirella corsetlero Phone S24-W. Artdreiw K14 ,Tn. HE OUGHT TO HAVE A FAIR CHANCE NOW. JY ALLMAN " ' FOOT BALI. &0tT ? I! - Voo'BE rUWAVS V AFBAol V, W, Nov KMOW I DOtfr J"" , HURT I HrT P1 WCEMTWE. WAMT Hi TO PlAN he Lt GET HUBT 1 WWb".' foR Him To PtAV rLV 7 --I-- I'D CET Him somcthuC iMnB , 1 .j .1 1 C'lui ' r t ..'.'. 1 MATERNITY and convalescent hos pitalMrs. Frail,, 114 B. Bluff St., Phone 277. '-..' VK HAVE TWO good business oppo; -ti.nitles In Pendleton priced right quick action necessary Snow & Dayton. ' THE OREGON JOURNAL delivered 65 cents a month, Sunday Included- O. W. Hooker, agent. Office, Alice 1 Shinning . Parlor (Al Richardson' l'loce) 609 MUn St Phone 22. YOU CANNOT enjoy life unleBS you are sure your family will be prop erly provided for when you di. You can easily provide for your farnllic's future needs by taking a policy with the leading northwestern 'company, New World Ufe Assets over. 13,200, M 0 Eugene Molltor, Gen. Agent, Pen dleton, Ore. AUTO TOPS GADWA'g AUYO TOPS, Plate Glass. Backs, tide Curtain 21 East Court St. TIME CARD ' Weston-Pendleton Auto Stage Leaves Weston for Pendleton el 7:30 a. m. and 12:45 p. m. Leave Athena for Pendleton at 1:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. 4 Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leave Pendleton (Allen-Knlrht - Co. Irtoro) for Westwa at 10:00 a. m. and 4 p. m. O. 'iL Mcl UERRIN. Prop. 4 Pilot Itr-lr-Pend'eton A ato Mage H'We'V-itnt Rock at 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:30 . m Leaves pilot Rofck at 1 9. m. Leavei Pendleton st 4 p. u.. FANCHO STUBBLEF1ELD, Prop. ICUM4444IV4444 AUCTIONEER" -COL. W. F. YCHNKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgis & Stor.e's Implemem Co., for sale dates AUTO PAINTING 7 MEN WITH YEAHS of experience Motor Inn Oarage, Cottonwood Want A. lloncland. Prop. AUTO R EPA IR I PjG YOU'Lt, FIND a Bulck f Xpert at Ji'hr! Ixuer repair shop, 51S Willow St. THE "PIONEER" AUTn MAN' Satis faction miarante6d. We repair any make. Glen Long. 632 Cottouwood. jPERKINS A AMMONS, Automobile I Rtoalring. Ford, Chevrciet, Stude- baker or rny make of car. Servict 'at any time. 830 Cottonwood, PI one 203. ATTORNEYS 1EORGE W COL'TTs. Att?my at Tjimt. Kon, 17. Schmidt block. CARTER & SMYTH E, Attorney at Law. Office In rear of American National Iianh building. KEE & FEE. Attorney at Law. Of fice In Dcspatn DulUlng. R. 1. KEATOR. Attorney at Law, : Rirom 21. S.nHh- rHfortl Bntlding S. A. LOWiSH AUorney nd Cuunsel !or at Law. Office In TlespRln Bldg. S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law. Federal Building. PETERSON, BlSlfop A CLARK, At torneys at Law. Rooms 2 aod 4 r.i l,.mnnnl Klrt JAMES B. I'EHRY, Aitornty at Law, . Office orer Taylor Hardware Com pany. RA LET tc RALEY, Atormeye at Law. Office In American National Bank Htuldlng. 1 FRED H, BCHMILT, Attorney at Lav. Room 24. Sioldi-Oawford Bld. BEAUTY SHOP MARINELLO SHOP AU kinde 01 beautly parlor Work. Skin and scalp treatments a specialty Room 6 Association Block', Phone 775-R. BATTERIES PHLADBLPHIA ilAM'VND GRll BATTERIES guaranKe for It mofi. ' W. E. Cbnse Co., S20 E Court, TJephcne 2- Pendleton. PRESTO-LITE BATTERIES Best by com petit "e test. Service on al) make of batteries, guaranteed. Presl O-LITE Servlr Station, 4CI K. Coor Plit-ne t4. . CATERPILLAR WORK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gas en gines, automobiles and generai M'?.ksmlthing. Rjund L'p Garag. Park 't;uergal. JJI 'wl Webb CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER BAYFIELD, Desfgliing, Englneerinc. Constructing, H years experience In concrete and brick con struction. 64 E. Third SC North, Fort- land, Oregon. . , LHIR0PRACT0RS DR. R. C. ELLSWORTH-Speclalizing In nervous diseasa and diseases of women. 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to 6:30 p. m. Evening 1 to 8. T'bone 708, Smitb Crawford Bullilins. DR8- TERPENIN'G Chiropractic and 8a.nl praetor. 616 Tufctiw fliorw 442 CLEANING AND PRESSi.'.G MODEL TAILORS A CLEANERS Pressing and repaliing. 304 W. Webb Ht, Plione 321, Pendleton, Ore. DRAYMEN CALL PENLAND Bros., lransfer van to move your household goods We also pack or store goods. W 6 do coun try hauling. Tclrplwme . DENTIST DR. FLOYD CROUP Dentist Room 109 American, Bank Bldg. Phon'e 326 Pendleton, Ore. DR. H. M. HANAVAN Dentistry. Room V. Temple Bldg., Phone ill. CYC CAR MilF Hi THRfl&Tifer from rheumatism, .stomach trou tlt, tAK, NUt &-lhUrtl ner0U. run.clown. paralysis. "(PTICAL .Dept.. any slie, tyle or shape gias whllo you watt. D. N. Rcher, M. !. 7. 8. . Belt Bldg. FARM LOANS NOW DAYTON, ll E. Court Si. Real Estate. Fire Insurance. Farm Lorna See u about loan. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING at the Singer hop. Mail orders promptly attended to. HEM.SVITCHINO SKall order Mrs. Ralph Haasell 417 Bush. Fhone 985. . JUNK, JUNK, JUNK '-RING your Jtink to me Pendletcn Hide A Junk Co. See ns before jou ell L. D. Cameron, Prop. KODAK FINISHING KKFBCT DBVELOPIMO and prlnt- Iny for the amateur enlarging. Prompt work; Tallmaiv !t-m Co.- MADE TO MEASURE- PI Carl E. Franseen, Elks Bldg. 1JWQ m uxd liiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiiiiHiiiina:iiiniiiniiiiiiiiii!i:nii!ii"iin,,n,ula Ask to see those they, are fresh every morning, different flavors, 20e each. BUTTERNUT BREAD Second to none, 17c. A few of those good keeping Apples, box ei Meat Dept Fhone 8G ik D aUHIH!Mt'UIIH!!niIHMnUl!!lU!Ull!!!llllllUillllillHlllllllinlllllll!IIIUIIIHIIIIIIIUI LAUNDRY EVERY Article Launderea perteeilJ. There's an agent hi yonf rj uiuiMlry. ton oardea Bt. OPTICAL UALifl Hul HWKU, optemetriat and Optician. Glasseo ground to fit- Toa eyes, American NaUonsJ Ban iUd isg Fbone eu V OSTEOPATH UR. O. E. HOLT Osteopathic, pays. clan and Surgeon. Judd Bid. Tele phones, office 60S; ResMetMW JI79-W. Uf . DfcNA M'CONNELL Osteopa thic physician and surgeoiu Temple Bldg. Office phone 147-J. lies. 184-M. POULTRY SUPPLIES CHIC FOOD, Scratch food. . tonics, bone,.fheU. gHt, corn, oats, roU4 barley. Vmatiila 1 lour A Grain Co. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING - Afl make Warren's Music HoBse II Main St., Phone 824. - , PIANOS AND PLAYERS 'i HIGH GRADE PIANOS or pleasla r ton quality. Players of Individuality. Its the construction that count. Be piano on display, write or phone Us Bee Hive, 828 Mala St., Phone 10" J. p. Darnell, Factory Rep, stole- Chase Piano Gj. .-.I Painting and Paper Hanglna J. W. JACKSON Wall paper for aal chep, painting, paper banging aad kalsomining by day or oeatract Phone 10S1 61 CalvtB 84. PAINTS, Wall Paper, Ploture- Fram lng. U t. McAtee, tb PraeOeal Paint Man. Lowe Broe, Falnta. RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta StreM. All makes of radiator repaired. Work foarantead, C. Biaslierg, Prop. i RESTAURANT THE QUELLE. A gooo. place to eat. SECOND HAND FURNITURE . WE BUY, SELL of exchange house-; hold goods. We also do general fur- . niture repair work Phone E22, Riley & Kemp, 623 Main St. THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE . , Ma.'age and Slentn Bath . ' Electrical cabinet bath, medical tub -bath, electricity, V-Ray, vibrator, eta at The Swedish Institute. If you ufr adiposis (reducing of weight) com, and see us. G. W. Brown, Si. Q. D, Graduated in Sweden. Expert Lady Assistant. - Over Taylor - Hardware Store. Main St., 743. Phone 107S-W," SECOND HAND DEALERS -; i V. STROBLE, dealer tn new and ee- ! nnj hnnrt eoods Cash nald fe I second hand good. Cheapest place j to buy household goods. 11 K. Court , jpboiie 271-W. ' . SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUT10 4 THE most up-to-date effectual Ing science practised. E. r. Glbaos) P -S. T.; N. D- Room II Peebler Bldg. L. W. AYERS Room 16-17,Bond Bldg. Graduate of Parent School Welt-, mar Institute ot Nevada. Mo. 1 r,' SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER LAND SURVEY General engtneertnf work. Z. A. lnsdale, C E, BlTer. ,i.t. Penilieton. Ore. ' ; ' TAILORS Phone 100 f DAINTY CAKES : SIX $1.00 Tatoin Co. Grocery Dept Phone 588