rv -ryvTyyvv-vr rv fiiiinoti i . " VTirvv vvrtrtfir fM'Trmrvrv ifrrrrtirtf HHi't f i t nin i"in '1 DAtt EAST C7.23Cn$ fZZZZr3f QZ9Q9,tZ?tXi in 4, 1920. r I'TT" .. , :. in g,;'y Peo!e Here and There , - I:. v i 1 -r I I f V v t V i IfVHEAT MARKET SLIDES TO !2,0MH GHiCAGOi V . ' 8. K. race, deputy MKrnhiili, In llV Pendleton to nink arrangement tut transporting u tftevennun car and u l'mmlur to Portland fur aula unilur th auspices of the federal government which netted ths cam under the pro. hlbltlon aot. It I charged by tho gov. emmet '. that the machines ware lined lor the transportation of Intoxicat ing liquor. . i .' " ' U.'llx ha two Inches of mow and It wait Knowing hard at Pulton thin morn ing, says W. 8. Fitf, Pasco train mauler who In hero toaay. tie states that art ' There la no sympathy folt In Ha lm for Kinmctt Hmicroft, alias Nell Hurt Who us tho slayer of Til Taylor will hang tomorrow, according to Will H. liennett, state bank examiner who l here today. Mr. Dennett says that Ralem people thing that the murderer deserve the punliihment, and that they did not favor clemency. Mr. Dennett, Is In Pendleton on lu. ness and will return to Ralem tonight. NEWS OF THE COUNfV OFFICES AND OFFICERS CORPORATION) MIW AX8WF.ll LITTLE HOCK. Ark.., Nov. 4. U. P.) U. 8. District Judge Jucob Trie- reaching the Oregon lino he noticed bcr today instructed the federal grand a heavy snowfall. " . B, U Smith rerturned to Pendleton today after a visit to his farm In the Hell region. Jury to bring indictments against all corporations In the district found to have contributed to political campaign funds. Kuch contributions, he declar ed, constituted violation of federal statutes. Kur to KiYm-cr Loan David H. Penny today filed suit agulnst J. C. Clemens to collect $4K wnich he alleges he loaned the latter Peterson, Klxhop & Clark are Mr. Penny's attorneys. rx:einhcr whe.-it eloKtil Ms-12.01 to day after opening at $2. 08. March wljeat rinsed nt I1.K4 7-8 after open- lng at J1.K7. Following are the quo tation from Overbeck & Cooke Co.: Wheat. 2.06 ft 2.0014 1.H7 t.'i'ni; .Hi Dec. March 2,06 J.K7 2.01 l.3 1.84'i a nm nmm ITkimil UllillllEll Iflmlr Illll Allowed Unpaid J. C. Knight today brought action agiilnHt Ward A. Hoaglund to recover 1231.45 which is due and unpa'd on auto repair work done for the defen dant, the complaint alleges. ; Peterson. DlKhnp &' Clark represent tho plain tiff. . -.. ,- J-. V Suit Drou-iit for $823.31. The Pendleton Motor Rales Co., to day field x'Ht against William Dorran to recover 823,3l ulleged due for auto I arts, labor, etc. Italey, Haley & wFnl..,.. .. A i r It . U S II ' HlMl II. ill 1VMIIIUI idiiickiii Protect your own lif a well at others by the use of Tire Chains this wet weather. ' All sixes. Accessories of all kinds. Fisk Tires, Tubes, Patches. WALLACE BROS Studebaker Dealers Elks Building Phone 74 UMMUIUMIUIUIIlllUIHIIllllUilllllllllUlllllllllUilMIIJIiall Rl Aixwiints I"ooll Rlx accounts alleged flue and unpaid against W. A. Ashinhurst were pooled In one salt brought today by Rappers, Inc., of flermiston. In circuit court. The accounts are us follows: for goods by Kupnars, t20.46: note to Sappers, lir; note to Thomas Campbell, 159.06; labor by C. J. Flynn. $16; goods by Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co., 15.50, and goods, by F. A. Chezlk, $12.25. W. J. Warner represents the plaintiff. ' Dec. May, i Dec. May Dec. May Dec. . May .Hi .88 .54 .5914 ,1 OolH , ..r.4!4 .59 Vi llye. Hurley, .9:) .53 .58 1.67' .si k ..8214 .811 .53 .59 1.57 .93 .95 . PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER SERVICE 1 ' - ' The Economy Groc ery , ' 113 W. Webb Our Friends Don't Trade ' 7::.3With Us " because they are our friends, it's because they get better values for less money. SPECIAL TOMORROW ONLY Fresh, crisp, large Dill Pickles, 30c per dozen JUST RECEIVED, A LOAD OF GENUINE WESTON , MOUNTAIN SPUDS IVu.' Rrwnt Hooilcgtrfrur Aniia T. Hcott. of Pilot Rock, re soma her husband's occupation of bootlegger and on .the grounds that he has consistently violated the law, been twice arrested and Is now in Jail serving out a suspended sentence for liquor law violations, ahe has brought suit against him for divorce. The de fendant Is Sylvester Scott, better known as Buster Scott. They married 80 years ago, Mrs. Scott avers In her complaint, and as long as liquor was obtainable he drank, she alleges. Aft er prohibition came into being, Syl vester appropriated the family coal oil stove and set up a still. In 1918. Since that time he not only has kept himself M'pplled with liquor but has peddled it so openly that twice he has been ar rested and sentenced In the past year. Mrs. Scott says that by prior marriage her name waa Harvey and she asks that it be restored . her. She also asks that title- to property owned by her in Pilot Rock be vested solely In her name. I. M. fichannep Is her attorney. 1N3NJLV3UI Sn03JLHnOD MOJ 3NIN-O-H0OJ 3MOHd DESPAIN & LEE CASH GROCERY .209 E. Court Phone 880 or 881 -- We are offering you from 10 to 25 per cent Ravings on your groceries and ask for your order under this guaran tee. We deliver to any place in the city free. SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY COFFEE We offer you a fine grade of , bulk coffee guar anteed to please your taste for a- food coffee. -peciaL 3 lbs 90c Pan Cake Flour We offer you , the large ' size 0 1 y m p 1 a Pan Cake Flour .Special 3 for 85c BROOMS We offer you a: broom, value at $1.50. Special price $1 Picnic Hams, Swifts, : per pound ..:.L..,v30c Breakfast Bacon, per ; pound ...........i.'.. .. 50c Tru Blu Crackers, per box 40c . Walnuts, new crop, 3 pounds .......... .;...$1.10 Sago, per pound ..........10c tapioca, per pound 10c Uma Beans, per pound 15c Hills Bros. Tea, pound 75c Preferred Stock Tomatoes 2 for l.; 45c Preferred Stock Pineapple 2 1-2 size, per can.. 45c Weber Valley Peas 2 for 45c One Gallon Tea Garden Syrup $1.90 One gallon Golden ' Marshmellow $1.65 One gallon Dark Karo $1.05 One gallon Light , Karo $1.15 One gallon Molasses $1.00 1 1-2 pound Crisco i 55c 3 pounds Crisco $1.00 6 pounds Crisco. $1.90 Hills Blue Coffee ' 1 pound 40c 3 pounds , $1.15 LAlUiKR RIFIiE CONTF.nIiATED. TOKIp. Nov. 4. (A. P.) The Ja panese army Is contemplating adopt ing a rifle of larger calibre. The rifle now In use In the Infantry Is of a S.S millimetre caliber. ' The rifles used by the French have a calibre of 8 millimetres; those of Germany, a cali bre of 7. millimetres; while those of Oreat Britain and the United States are respectively) 7.7 and 7.S milli metres. , It Is also proposed to enlarge the calibre of Ihe machine guns In ' the Japanese army and to shorten the gun barrel. ForoUm Rxrlinnun. ' London, 43, 84H4. . -. Berlin, .0127. . '' , ' - ..Paris, 6.19. ." ,' . . (From Overbeck & Cooke Co.) CHICAGO, Nov. 4.-WhctfHh6ired foeblo resistance to selling pressure and dragged slowly downward with the close around the bottom prices of the day. The feature was the relative weakness of the December delivery. reflecting an improved outlook for In creased stocks between now and the ilrst of the year. All points reported the export demand at a standntill, tending to iilKlltiiin the theory that foreign buying has about run Its course for the time being as least. Country offerings were reported Quite liberal even after the decline of the past two days, while the arrival here of a cargo of Canadian wheat report ed lale yeterday had a further de pressing influence. The sale of 10,000 bushels to go to store today was con sidered Indicative of a slackened do i. estlc milling demand. Cash .wheat In Chicago was 2 to 3 cents loner and outside markets showed from a to" 6 Cents decline. .The decline in wheat prices has by no means been commen surate .with .the general relation. In oiner commodities ana witn abatement in foreign buying and Canadian wheat becoming more burdensome. It is logi cal to Assume that a further downward readjustment of values Is about to take , place. '" BUYS MINE FOR $200 SELLS IT FOR $75,000 ALICE. B. C. Nov. 4 (A. P.) To buy a allver mine at a sheriff's sale for $200, the property being sold to pay wanes due tbe purchaser, and then to sell the mine a few years af terward for $75,000 has been the good fortune of Pedro Hallna, of this city, who Just disposed of the Esperanza mine to a group of Vancouver men. 1IARDIXC. rs sntE (Con'lnu.ea from page 1.) xr Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less UESPAIN & LEE CASH GROCERY 2U9 E. Coyrt :: . Phone 880 or 881 IN YE OLDEN TIME Hoop skirts were worn by those who first asked the druegist for, and in sisted on having, the genuine Golden Medi c a 1 Discovery rut ud bv vr. i-ierce over any years ago. Dress has changed very much since then! But Dr. Tierce's medicines contain the same de pendable ingredients. They are standard today just as they were fifty years ago. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the stomach and blood cannot be surpassed by any remedy today. , Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescrip tion for weak"wprnen has never been equalled for the distressing complaints incident to woman hood. What others say: Lob Angeles, Cal. "I suffered from nervous prostration for several years, trying various remedies fur nUhed ty the docto-. At last 1 tried Doctor Pierce's Fs"orite Prescription, together with Doctor Pieice's Goldea Medical Discovery, at tbe advice of a friend who had used It and had bera cured, and my recovery was prompt and permanent." Boss Faulkner, 232 South Gran1 Avenue. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY : xot!-. Pendleton Aerie No. 28, F. O. K will give a benefit dance In Eagle. Woodman hall Friday evening Nov. 5th. Get busy Eagles and sell those tickets. General public Invited everybody go. COMMITTER. FOR HUNT 2 roomed furnished apt. no children Phone c;g-M. Tennessee Breaks South - NASHVIU-li Nov. 4. (IT. P.) A republican victory In Tennessee that broke the "solid south'', continues to day to grow. Harding's lead Is now about 10,000. . ,i Oklahoma Joins Xallon ' OKLAHOMA CITY, Nov. 4. (U. P.) Oklahoma Joined the nation In the republican landslide, for the first time deserting the "solid south," latest re turns show that Harding Is leading Cox by 8513. Completion of the vote If expected to give Harding a plurality of 1,000. J..W. iDarreld, republican, has a lead of 17.537 over Scott Ferris, democrat, for United States senator. Ferris is sued a statement conceding Harreld's election, with the following acknowled Cement: "Oklahoma joined the nation In Its republican landslide. I go down wltlMhe Sest." , , . : lEnllre West Republican. RAN FRANCISCO Nov. 4. (IT. P.) Kviry state west, of the Rockies is safely In the republican column. Arl sona and Nevada, the last two strag glers which were counted as democrat ic by most observers before election. turned In majorities for Harding and for the republican state and congres sional tickets during tbe night. ! , . : ' ' ; . Florida City Turni O. O. P. . ST. - PETERf8Cn.fl. Fla.,- NoV. 4. (IT. P.i For the first time In the his tory tf any Florida town, this . city Vent republlcanfby a majority pf 278 votes. . -'J-. $ . More Suites Added. ' NEW YORK., Nov. 4 (A. F.) Nevada and Arizona were added to day to ' the republican column. 1 ' ' ill (. ',; I.-.', fs a aw 1 i 8C The Christmas Spirit The pleasure of Chrstmas Giving comes In la large measure from having made the right selections. Shopping now offers every advantage. Our stocks are at their1 best and time may be taken to select wisely and well. Choose your gifts now and have, them reserved for later delivery If you wiph. j GIFTS FOR LADIES GIFTS FOR MEN Diamond Kings lx-ather Itags Gold WutrlKw Wablemar C'luUna t , Wrist Watches hot-Kings Iriansmd KJng Soft Shirt Unks . Kauloir ljorkevt Itar I'ins Cigarette ( m il Knives Vanity Case C'liim Brooches , Mutrli llobli-rs , lloilihiii Jewelry I'earl Nec:klaees Miuilnre Sets Smoking Sets Tt.let Ss i Toilet Sets Photo I'rames Safety Razor lu-lt rinekles WHERE QUALITY ALWAYS PREDOMINATES This is essentially a Gift Store. .Every effort has been made to gather together ihe finest stock of Christmas merchandise ever submitted for your approval. Out of town customers will be given especial attention as their time Is often limited. Come In early and get the choicest things ot tbe season's showing. SAWTELLE'S Jeweler The Largest Diamond Dealer in Eastern Oregon E MAY QUIT IRELAND ORLANDO, Fm., Nov. 4. (A. P.1 The casifalty list at Ocoee, 12 miles from here, where two whites were shot to death and one negro lynched yester day In an election riot and several other negroes perished when buildings In which they sought shelter were burned, had not reached .here last night. Armed whites were reported patrolling the region and closing in on negroes "who fled to the woods. More than 20 buildings in the negro stttlement were burned. Reports from Ocoee tonight said that explosion of considerable amounts of ammunition occurred as the flames : swept the buildings and that numerous firearms were found In the ruins. Some re ports said five negroes died in the flames. . One negro woman was among these, it waa said. The battle waa precipitated by the attempt of Julian Perry, a negro, to vote after he had been refused the privilege by election judges on the ground that he had not paid his poll tax. He returned later aarmed with a shot gun but it was taken from him and he was driven away. After dark Tuesday night, according to reports. Perry again approached the polls ac companied by a. number of other negroes: The white citizens at once formed a posse and dispersed the ne groes who fled to the negro settlement. The posse followed and witnesses said the negroeg- opened fire- from the hulldfirgs: Anembel6trteIisse waj wounded but reinforcements arrived. - - r The. -attackers centered on Perry's' house intent on his arrest. Two of i tbe whites, Leo Borgard and Elmer ; McDahiels, both former soldiers, were : killed In the back yard of the house. A negro woman said seven or eight arm-! ed negroes were in the Perry house ' which ultimately was set on fire to dls- i lodge them, the flames spreading to other buildings. Perry himself apparently was cap tured and later taken by a mob and rH EST COLDS Apply over throat and thctl cover with hot fla-md cloth. a sa R. S3 V apo Rub Ova 17 Miltknjan Used Veanj lynched. It was sale he was taken from an automobile In which he waa riding and later lynched. TORKTGX EXOHAXGE i We art I Foreign Kxeiiaiute on all parts of the World. The Farmers and Merchants Bank Walla Walla Wash. " ' ji 9100 Reward, $100 Catarrh is a local disease greatly influ enced by conttlluUonal conditions It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is taksn internally and acts though the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease, gives the patleot strength by improving the general health and astiits nature In doing ita work. 81C0.W for any case of Catarrh that HALL'S CAfARRH MEDICINE falls to cure. Druggtrts 76c Testimonials free. F. 1. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio. ANSOUNCEKEKT ' Open for business about Nov. 1 in the Penland Bldg. Same old stand, with late styles and new ideas. ' ; ' " WARD STUDIO. - . SAY "M.V.MOXD DYES" ' v t Don't streak or ruin your material In a poor dye. Ins'st on "'Diamond Dyes." Easy directions ill every pack- age. j GIRLS! LEMONS BLEACH; WHITEN MAN ANT WIFE without children i . "want work on ranch Phono 343-R. i FOR RENT S room apt., dren 80S & Court no chll- x LONDON R , Is understood that Lord French will resign shortly as lord lieutenant for 1m- ' land. IU-bealtlt Is given as the rean. Make Lemon Lotion to Double " Beauty of Your Skin Squeese the lulce of two terhons into ' a botUe containing three ounces oi Orchard White which can be had at; anw drug store, shake well and you ; have a quarter pint of harmless and delightful lemon bleach for few cents, j Masiare this sweetly fragrant lotion j into the fac,"neok, arms and hands each day, then shortly not the beauty ' of your skin. . ' j . ''"amons rtnge beauties use lemon ' Juloe to bleach and bring that soft.! clear rosy-white complexion, l-emons rave always been iiwd as a freckle sunburn and tun remoter. Make this up and try It, Scientific Gushioning Overcomes the Causes of Motor Truck Troubles ' Over ten years ago Service Motor Truck engineers began the battle to overcome the) ruinous effects of those fundamental shocks and strains which are the underly ing cause of all motor truck troubles. The result of their work is Service Scien tific Cushioning, one of the greatest im provements -ever made in motor truck engineering.- . r T As a result Service Motor Trucks show, -remarkable dependability. They operate with great efficiency under allfltanner of -punishment. , Remarkable records in daily tonnage, hours of consistent running, up keep coat. etc.. are made possible. Ask us for complete information. The Pyramid of Service ' T hi. nrw symbol will kjteeforth ditinBoih sll Service Moto, 1 tuck,, lok for it oe the rmdistor. ' i It 5ldWr Far 4 i moto truck. f I Slmnj, F.r i rraorerl tKoufl.r sno rogrtMivencs, wb.ck i today cryto!u-l in to Sttnttfi Culo-tinj. II SttJt fur Scrnc in vry scriM t tk wo.d. 1 quality OjrfJl NOTOR TRUCKS Villi J M rVsxiul m lit ttJUf T...-' llsW-ssWisesesj'ssa. - WW! i s K jvV- , m " . jaT SERVICE SALES AGENCY . S12 Johnson Street i ( .-!r :! art l j