East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 04, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Number oj eopiee printed of rettorday'i
, Dalle
;i ' ;- 3,554; ' , . ';
ThlM BtDM la mmr.i. ' f - .
Tha East 0miI Is Rtra Ore
(one greatest n'Mf and a
sailing force glvea to the ailvartiea
over twtca tha guarant.! paid circu
lation III Prndlaton and I matltia eoua
tjr of any other newspaper.
by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. I
; crnr omcuL fapes
NO. 9668
- tz, -xrm ..
jvsj J Li
Majority of Close Races Are
Also Marked by , Lead for
. ; resident-elect; Tennessee
Breaks Rank f Solid South.
' ASSURED, BY 57 TO 39
Plurality In House Is "Also
' Swelled According to Indica-
tion of, Straight Ticket Bal
loting Throughout Nation. .
Appeal on November ii
NEW, YORK. Nov. 4. (V. P.)
Harding will probably have 404 el
ectoral votes and Cox 127, return
from New Mexico today Indicating the
state la going Into the republican cpl
umn. which would give Harding a to
tal of 47 states. -
j New Mexico . IamA CVrUlii. '
' noBWEUU. n.. r... . Nov. 4. ( i;.
P.) With acaUvrerl tf iisa trvrrfroip
more than half of New Mexico' conn
Uti, It la Indicated thut flardlnc will
carry the atate by fitfoo votea. '
Mechem,' republican, for povernnr,
la lead In Uy'a markln or 1000 voIck.
Ncator Montova, rciiubllran,' la lead.
In for conercim, by about th nuirie
lead. - ' -
4 . ' , . , ,
NEW TOKK. Nov. 4 (A. 1'.)
With Tenneaaee and Oklahoma In the
republican column tradltlona of the
aolld south kre ahattered. ' Hurdlnir l
arnured S90 electoral vote and Cox
127, with 14 in doubt. ' Divtdfd, Arl
aona ' haa three, Nevada ' three, Now
Mexico three and North Dakota, five.
In all these atatea' Vave Xew Mexico
Harding la 'In the lead. Tenneexee
vent republican by about 10,000.
The republicana have a majority of
19 In the aenate and a houso plurality
ot Hi on present, return. ,
I . . - 57 to 39. , ' '
NEW' TOUK, Nov. 4. (t, P,)
Republican victorlen In the aenatorlal
raoea In Oregon. Arliona. and Okla,
homa. Indicated by the latent flfturea.
M O kke ilia Mjrtmsito ef the United
fcase aeimie ST republican! and )
democraia. r -
Burning of Cottages by Uni
formed Men in Motor Trucks
is Sequel to Riot at Time of
Mac' Swiney Death.
jk you KNOW 4
That lant year, the Umatilla
County Hcd Crona aecured for
our cx-aervlcp men bonuueH, ctm-
pcnwitlon for diaubled men. In-
auraiKM", etc., to the extent of
V71.ftCl.Tl ?
Dl'WJN, Nov. 4. (U. P.) The
Illuge of Uranard, 60 mllea northwest
of Dublin, waa practically destroyed
last night by uniformed men. A raid
waa made In repriaal for the murder
of Inspector Kcllcher, of the Royal
Irlah conatabulary, ahot to death In a
hotel ronm there In an outbreak fol
lowing Terence Mncffwlneyn death.
The taUlera atormed the town In 11
motor trucka fltbig na they came.
I'.cHldcnta fled to the country to eacapc
rifle ahota and death In their burning
NEW TORK. Nov. 4 llf. P.)
Virtually complete retiirna from the
whole country ahow Mardlng prob
ably will have 411 electoral votea and
Cpx 111. The outcome In New Mexico
".ith three votea. la atlll doubtful.
According to theae flnrea Hard ng
carred the following fitatea: Arlzoi H,
Catlfarnla, Colorado, Connecticut, DnJ
eware, Idaho, Illlnuli, Indiana, Iowa,
Kanaaa, Maine. Maryland, Missouri,
Montana, Nevada, MaasachueaetU),
Michigan, Mlnneaou, Nebnuka, New
Hampshire, New Jersey, Nev; York.
North Dakota. Ohio, Oklahoma. Ore
Con, I'ennaylvanla, t Dhode , iKlafid,
South Dakota, Tenneface, Vtah, Vcr
n.ont, Washington, Weat 1 Virginia,
Wisconsin and Wyoming. Cox carried
Alabama, Arkansas, Klnrlda, Georgia,
Kentucky, ' LotilKana, ' Mlmuiaippl,
North Carolina, South Carolina Texas
and Virginia,
WAKHINOTON, Nov. 4. (A. P.)
The luat vealige of government con
trol over sugar has been removed
through signature by the president
today of a proclamation providing re
vocation November It of licenses of
wholeaalera, reflncra. exporters and
The GrentOHt Mother of Them All
will atrotch forth her arms In universal
appeal Novemler 11, when the annual
Red CroH Roll Call begins. Umatillu
county la making pluna to Oil thin
mother's hands brimTul with member
ships and everywhere there ) Indi
cation ot a ready response.
C'apiaiu Is Ilrxt
From her small salary. Captain
fennle Conrad of the Salvation Arny
eave the first dollar In the city drive
for memberships. In giving the dona
tion, Captain Conrad aald:
".Now that the Red Cross la starting '
Its drive, I wish to take this means of
endorsing it. The Salvation Army has :
ro-opcrated In tho past with the Red j
Cross with much auccess, and we I
know the true service they give." j
The Knights of Columbus of Pen-1
dle.ton have heartily endorsed the drive
and they will urEe their membeis to 1
Join. Thla endorsement will be cur-
Lrlcd to all ,iarls of Umatilla .county I
y the K. or C. The Rotary Club en-
loraed the campaign at its meeting !
Execution Will Take place at
8:30 in Morning When Mur-
rifirfir Will Pav With I ifo fnr
Killing of Til Taylor.
Efforts of Father to Have Death
Sentence Commuted Fail and
Gallows Will Take First Vic
tim Since 1914. .
KALEM, Nov. 4. (A. P.)
Governor Olcott will give a hear- 4
, MUKKOOKB. Okla-- Nov. 4.
(U. P.-) Legislation for Im-
provement of conditions for
women, :Indians, farmers, soldiers
nd laborers will be the aim of 4
MIks Alice Robertson, t;ie only 4
woman elected to congress Tuea- 4
day and the second woman to be- 4
'-time a member of the national 4
house. 4 :
4i " Robertson, 68 years old. 4
republican, waa not considered 4
as having a chance to be elected t
and was Joshed by friends. 4
"They dldnt think I bad " a 4
chance and bet money against 4
me,- she said. "I warned tbem 4
but they wouldiit take my warn- 4
Ing. Now they are sorry and I'm
sorry for them, too." 4
Moro than three to two is the ratio of the l(arding-ooli'lK victory In
Umatilla county over Cox and Roaeveit, democratic nominees for president.
Complete figures from io out of the county's (4 pi ecincta today gave the re
('ublknna 4589 to 3' 23 for the democrat standard bearers. , The missing four .
nroclncts sent In their statements locked In their bullet boxes and th results
will not be known until the order la issued for opening the boxes tomorrow. .
Victory for George E. Chamberlain, present V. B. senator from Oregon, fn
his county, was Indicated by the returns from the same 40 precincts. The
Mjunt showed him to have a lead of S9 voles over Robert N. Stanficld In the .
ounty, the figures being: Cl.amberlaln, J.T1S; Staofleid 1454. Hayes,, indet
jendent candidate running on a; straight league program, polled 11 votes
lost of which would have beew Chamberla n's. ,
Portland, Nov. 4.-(A. p.)-
Llvestock ure unchanged. , Kggs ar
higher, buying prices 70W71 cenb
and selling price 74&7 cents. But
tor la steady.
ing this afternoon to. W. Z. 4
. Ha.ncroft, who vrlll present a 4
pica for conimutlort of the death 4
sentence of his eon, Emmctt 4
Uanoroft, alias Nell Hart, "who s
to, hang Ktlday morning tin the 4
tuui der of Sheriff TJ Taj lor. 4 1
l ancrolt offered a petition, clgn- 4
ed by Keverai hundred Pendleton 4
"pi'oplc' td sup)Krt h:a plea. If 4
his son is to be hanged, his fath- 4
er has asked that a Salvation 4
Army chaplain be the minister 4
at the uuiffuld. Hart today Is 4 I
bearing well. ' 4
(Ciiitfinued on page t.)
A transaction which Involved the
sale of 1100 acres of wheat land one
mile north of Nolln and a businus
block In I A Grande has been com
pleted this week, Hnow & Dayton, of
thla city, today announced. The piln.
clpula are Itardel Van Dongo. of No
lln. and Henry Hill, of 1-a Grande.
Mr. Hill purchased Mr. Van Dongc'j
ranch with buildings and farming
outfit complete, at a price of appro
ximately IIO an' acre. .Mr. Van
Donge then purchased a business
block In I .a Grande, now under lease
to the J. C Penney store and other
business houses, located on Railroad
street It is probable that he will re
tire from farming for the time being
and move to the Union county teat.
The farm will probably bo leased by
Mr. Hill, who Is In the real estate
business in I,a Grande, J. 'C. Snow said
today. Mr. Kill is a brother or Dr. D.
H. Ji 1 1 1 and Jamesllill, both of Pen
dleton. The sale la the first transfer of
farm lands In any large acreage, re
ported here for some lime.
esterday. Local m'niNterg will on tho '
Sunday following the opening date '
devote their s rvires to the Interests of 4
the Roll Call and the day will licj4
known as "toll Call Sunday." I
Women Will Stunk
Mrs. Sylvan CI. Cohn. chairman of l Kmnitlt I'ancroft, alias Neil Hart.
tho Roll Call In the city, announced i tomorrow morning at 8;30 will pay
today that during the next 10 days with his life, fur taking the life of
Pendleton women will speak before the Ifiherff Til Taylor, of this ' city, on
various clubs, in behalf of the drive. Sunday, July 25. 1S21. The execution
Among the speakers will be Mrs. will tike place at the slate prison, Sa-
eorge Hartmnn, Miss Virginia Todd, i lem, before' a Wnall nuuber of invited
eocrctary of the I'matlHa county Red Persons, several of whem are from
CroBH, Mra. Cohn, Mrs. Roy Raley, Mrs. I Pendleton, His will be the first exe-
W. Rugg and Mrs. Fred Donert. .. cutlon In Oregon since 1814. when
, C. K. Cranston, county chairman, Is 'capital punishment was erased from
securing community chairman In thell statute books of this state,
various towns of the county. Postors j Efforts to have the death sentence
and other literature will be used alum- jof Ha:', corrtmuted have failed thus"
duntly for the cause. The posters are I far.. His father, W. Bancroft, of
attractive, some showing pictures of j Denver, arrived here'thrce weeks ago
mothers and children, and others ef. jand after making an appeal for aid in
. I'UJfJ l,A.u, Nov. 4.-r(U.- .-!'.)-
Latest figures today give Stanrielri
104.348 and Chamberlain 88.46a
Harding has 125,210 and Cox 7.711
Apparently the county office
I measure le the only one adopted bi
Oregon voters.
Majorities Increase.
PORTLAND. Nov. 4. (A. P.)
Increased majorities for the leading
candidates are Indicated in late re
turns. One thousand two hundreo
ninety seven precincts give Stanficld
,Sii3 and Chamberlain 73,132.
Krom 1294 precincts Harding haa
106.18S and Cox 68.S88. Kozer,
Brown, Van Winkle and DuchtcL won
by big majorities.
. . . . All SUite Measure Rcatcu. .
PORTLAND, Nov. 4. (A. P.) All
state measures are beaten. Returns
irom iut.3 precincts give the Ol
yes, 43,413; no, 74.319: Single Tax
Jo. 23, From Salt Lake to
Portland Will Carry. Night
Sleeper, Arriving Here From
'East About 11 p. in.
A new train schedule, effective No
vember 14. announced by the O. W. R.
A N. Co., today shows the ' following
Numbers 17 and 18 will run through
CluUBberlaitt Leads Here.
Unofficial reterna from (1 precinct,
reported this morning, gave Senator
Chamberlain 3919 votes to Btanfield'S
3847, a margin: in favor of the senator
of 72 votes, 'jt is conceded that th
senator haa carried Stanfleld's owo
county, while in Multnomah. Cham
berlain'a home county, the reverse haa
been the case. .;.
Ten out of the 11 meaaures on the
county ballot were 'defeated, returns
from the a precincts ahow. Only the
Umatilla county herd law, a local mea-
mre, and the four year terrrt for coun
ty ,of fk-iaia aipetir to have been car
ried. Complete figures from pre
cincts on eight ot the measures ahow
the Tollowlng resultsf -
Oleo, yes 3411. no 1838; single tax.
jes 115, po 4SJ7; Portland dock eenn
musslon,"' jetr Ztll;nd 2370; antl-com-
puUwjry, Kaccination. yea 550, no 1.-
to Chicago Instead of consolidating af, 2n3- p"?al !e t Interealyes 728. no
ftctivolv d1erjmln!r statistics showlns ! getting the sentence Cummnted. w-ni
how the Red Cross combats disease at I to Salem last week armed with more.j ye 194SS: n. 7S.S71; Bird Refuge!
home and III foreign countries. .than 600 signatures. Indications are" . ' .87; Dock Cora-
TTf AZfFlt :t T 4'f tINXORS I,i:M . Imnorrew morning and pay
FAHOO, y. D.. Nov, 4. (U..P.) 'he penalty.
Governor rFraxler ' Is' rapid! v cu'ttina' j' ' ' ' I'Jnst Man to Hear .Sentence
dewn the lead f O'Connor in the race 1 m , . . , . ,, ' ,
for sovemnr In.tlc.tln lht .h. nnm. I. "'" " Kmy oe-
. V . . . , i . ' "'re flrcult Judue 1.
Uut his wm will have to walk to the ! m'lon Vea, 32,921; no, 55.101; An-
l artisan Incumbent' will win by ten to
lateen thousand
MONTGOMERY, Mo., Nov. 4. (t
r. ) Champ Clark, one time presiden
tial possibility and former speaker ot
the house of representatives. Ik defeat
ed for reelection by 500 votes, accord
ing to returns today. lark has con
ceded his defeat.
W, Phelns on
August SO and his short tr aj, requir
ed by law. before the Judge took lilace
on September IB, the day he was sen
tenced. He was the first man to hear
pronounced the death sentence In Ore
gon since the restoration of the cap
ital punishment statute on June 26.
Sheriff W. It, Taylor, brother of the
j man whom Hart shot and killed in
the.jall break, and Sheldon Taylor, soi
of the murdered man, left today for
Sulcm to be present at the execution.
Guy Wyrick. who was with Sheriff
Taylor in, the strusglo which resulted
in tho sheriffs being .shot, wont last
nit; lit. Dr., llarvo Hanavan and
James ft. Kftcs .once a denutv sheriff
u-vaccinuoo-lea. ,S2; no, 7,.
percent Legal Interest Yes,
16.250; no. 80,217; Market Act Yes,
25.456; no. 68.260: Divided
es, 31,2,6
all to. he beaten.
no, 54,910, showing
Continued on page .
President Wilson today named Abram
Llkus of Hie New York court of ap
peals aa the American member of the
League of Nations rnmmw..
tie the Aalend Islands disnnte h,.J
ItT'T" ,an,d 5in,na 11 w" announced
l"t the state department today.
Not half enough offers of rooms for
boys coming to the Northern Oregon
Older Boys Conference here, opening
Friday evening, have reached County
Y. M. C. A. headquarters, Cash Wood
secretary, declared today. The registration-cards
ot delegates are coming
, 1n with ' every mall and Indications
point to' a record attendance. Housing
ind feeding the youths Is now the sec
retary" biggest problem.
''Registration period .. starts at 4
'o'clock Friday afternoon, when lads
from the east end towns and twin
3he Da-Heal Hood River and Bend are
due .to .begin arriving. These dole-
, tu tea will have tq be placed In local
homes tomorrow and Saturday night
tint the response so far. has not been
large enough to accommodate even the
number .for which registration ; carda
Jbave come,. i
t 1 j j. More Rooms Needed
. The Dalles has wired that there will
i. eight boy from there, pilot Rock
will have 15, according to word re
ceived from Prof. J. O. Russell of that
llty. Prof. A. C. Voelker, pf Hormts
ton, has phoned that there will be .80
vi more boys from that section, the
vntlre high school bund planning to
lie en hand.
Preparations for the big banquet
fnr- the' boyg oft Saturday night arefi
being carefully made by the ladles of
the Chrtat'an church. The banquet la,
provided through the generosity of he'l
ltitdleton Commercial Association.
. ' f"Up to dMle not' more than half
enough entertainment has been secur-i
cd by the committee," Mr. Wood said i
todal. ' "'Board and rooms are wanted
for 60 to 7S more of the . .vlaitors. 1
Umatilla Countty boya to the number
. ot nearly iD were taken care of by tho
' people of The Dalles In The Dalles In
the finest manner last year, and prac-!
tlcally every little city of the atate has
tsutertalued the conference at 'one time
'Vl'nr-l1 il'O V'.'l'"!' ' ' f"'
or another. Surely Pendleton hos
pitality la not to be aurpivssed by even
mailer cities of Oregon."
Oix-ii to Roys Grr 15
While these conferences for older
toys are promoted by the Young Men's
Christian Association, membership In
the o(ganixat'nn has nothing what
ever bo do with eligibility as a dele-
tat. Any boy of 15 years or over
properly recommended by an adult
loader or teacher may attend the con
ference. In order that boys with little
moans may attend, the plan of having
the entertaining city furnish board and
room has been followed for years. Chio
lodur registration fee from each dele
gate la the only expense.
1 hese conferences are not assem-
bllta for amusement and pleasure, but
careful plans are made that able the
xklljed speakcra and leaders ate
brought before the boya, quustions of
vitnl Importance to boy life are dls
cursed by speakers and by the boys
iiiii(elvea. The most helpful Influ
ence arc constantly thrown around
them during ".heir stay at the confer
ence. NeW vli-ltn ere had, high Ideals
:irj act ciul 1'fe purposes are strength
eim!. i
'It la believed that If tho cltlcens of
Pendleton really understand the situ
at Ion and the need for entertainment,
for the visitors and that the fine dual
ity ot our hospitality la to be tested by
our response, rooms and board for
these young men will not he wanting.'
Mr. Wood .Said today. ("Anyone deslr
Ing to help In this worthy cause may
telephone to any of the committee
n. embers as follows: Willard Bond,
Mm. H. L. Burroughs; R. W. Hatch,
Mra. Fred Ueuallen, Dean Tatom, A
W. Russ, Mra. Walter Planting, Will
Penland, Mrs. Ingram, Mrs. Sharp or
Mrs. Cole. Let us give the bova of this
section of the atate a real Pendleton
Iy'f 0
Green River and they wltl have the
old composite observation cars on...
No. 17 will probably arrive a trifle
ater than at present but No. Jg will
"e'uln its present .time.
No change in No. '
No. 4 will leave Portland at the same
time as in th
Huntington 45 minutes earlier than at
present. " , .-
No change In No. 5 except that it
will carry no passenger equipment.
No. 23. a new train from Salt Lake
to Portland, will leave Huntington at
3:30, pick up the La Grande and
Tendloton sleepers.- . Thi traia - will
arrive in Pendleton about', lip. re
running via Umatilla, putting the
Rolse-Spokane 8leeper on No. is fop
Spokane. No. 23 will arr'.ve in Port
land at 7:30 a. m.
No. 24 will be a solid mall and ex
press train leaving Portland at 8:10
I . m. and will arrive at Huntington at
ii:30 noqyi. This train will relievo
train No. 6 of much express business.
No. 19 will leave Huntington at S.10
p. m. arriving at Pendleton about 1 a,
m., arriving in Portland at 8:30 a. m.
No. 16 will leave Umatilla' at S.ii
a -m. instead of 10:15. (
There u no change on the return
trip from Pendleton to Umatilla of the
motor.' .
The new schedule eliminates train
20 and 21 between La Grande and Ba
ker. - :'
On account of the local freight
trains being numbered 23 and 24. new
I train numbers will be assigned to the
freight service.
5068. Root veil bird refuge, yes 2237.
no 3225; divided legisaltive' session.
yes.I4 S, "no 2829; market commission
bill, yes 1429, ! 3374.
' Orwti Only Democrat.
Kkctlort of all the republican coun
ty candidates wtth the . exception of
County School' Superintendent W. W."
runmoD ai me same i rt -- . .. . i .
epast but will arrive at. Green w" lfldte1 U4'
luoia. ol a. Ar.iif-r ana rrans. nintn
were .returned representatives to the
state legislature by majorities of 1000
teepectively oVer J. T. LJeuallen an.l
M. Ftledly. R. I. Keator has between
700 and 809 majority over S." A. New
berry for district attorney. " I. M.
Schannep polled" nearly 1300 more
votea for county judge than J. . B.
Saylor. On" thoiissind was. .taw major
Ity for R. 'K.fBean for commissioner.
Three hundred separated Zoeth Hous
or and W. RTayJor In the sheriff rae,
Houser winning! (SMrs. Stone lacked
more than SOU of the vote given Green
for county nuperintondent of schools.
:-MARION, Nov: . U. P.) Prea-tdent-Elect,
Harding wUl do little or
no work on his association ot nations
project or, the -preeeat, According to
those, close to htn. Ik Is certain that
he will call no conference until after .
his toauguration. , An official state
ment, from, his headquarters said that
r-olitics are to be considered and no
visitors,, recetve -during the next
month. ... ,
Tho most completely equipped dis-
! tlllery ever raided In Umatilla county
reposes today In the countv iail -as
'! the. result of a successful still hunt
tarried out yesterday afternoon by
sheriff Jinks Taylor and a deputy near
the state line. Only a small portion
of the plant was brought to the Jail
in the sheriff's ear, so great -was the
amount of material on hand.
A copper tltstillery. standing more
than four feet High and holding i0
tUlona of mash, a steel pressure tank
ar.d guage. standing about 30 Inches
high and nine inches In diameter, and
a common -wash Holler, equipped tor
tse In distilling moonshine, were the
pieces of apparatus, brought In. The
main jstlll resembles a small furnace,
with a lung beaker from the top.
" . Plant In Operntktn
Six' hundred gallons of corn mash.
30 gallons of fruit mash. 15 bushels
of cracked corn. 35 gallons of "dago
red. three gallons of first run and a
quantity of fruit used in the manu
facture of the Illicit liquor, were de
stroyed by the officers. The plant was
in full operation, when, at 4 p. m., they
accosted the operator, whose name
tbey gave aa John A. Smith. The fire
was burning under the still and the
three gallons of first run had Just
come from the boiler.
"The plant was the most completu
ana carefully equipped I have yet
sten," the sheriff said last night ufter
returning from the east end with the
prise. "The house was equipped with
running water which was led right to
he cooling pipes. Sewerage systems
carried away the used products of the
and made detection difficult. The
boilers were fed pressure from an
acetylene tank, whose pressure was
kfept up with a bicycle pump. The en
tire plant waa in perfect "working order
and was turning out a high grade pro
duct. It had been operating for quite
a while, from all Indications."
' i Moonshine Brought In
Four gallons o finished moonshine
were found In the place and brought
tere for evidence. Most of the other
evidence, with the exception of the
;vatg lit which the liquor was distilled.
coulA hot be brought here.
Sheriff Taylor said lost night, after
the etectlc.i of Zoeth Houser as next
sheriff had been- conceded, that he
would not diminish his vigilance- in "
I nosecutlnp the Illicit manufacture of
whiskey in this county. The plant
taken last evening was the present
sheriff's fifth big haul since July
Reported by Major Lee Moorhouse,
official weal her observer.
Maximum, 4 4.
Minimum. 26.
Barometer. 39. 0.
Snow. .01 inch,
barometer falling.
Tonight an I
Friday rain or