East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 03, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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i. ..I
bait.? east or.2Gomrr, r-xiLE?c, oxeo::, ttsk?t.5da7 nTsma, aom?. 3, 1020.
race -
Nuv General lection.
Nov s-8-7 Northurn, Oregon
Older Poy Y Conference her.
Nov. it. Armtatlc Puy
gtate holiday. .
Nov. 1 1. Pendleton v. Baker,
football Haker.
NoVi 3. Unlvemlty ot Ore
gon homeeomlnir. Eiiftene.
Nor. U-JO Pacific Interna
tional Livestock Kxpoeltlon, Pet
lant Nov. 22. American JjfKlon
Dec. 10. Rale of Indian lane,
Tiircp'Ailiicil lo X.I-X
Three moro l'piullelon mlnlHlerB
have been mlddl til tho Hut 'if pimtorM
who will hold Mpeclul Bcrvlicn Hiimlay,
Novolnher H, to cuinnieinorato lieu
CruMM timidity. They urn Kcv. Alfred
I.uikwood, pttBtur of the Church of the
Itedeemer, Rev. IaIIoho, pouter of the
Church of the NiiKureiie, and Ilev. J.
! M. 'iirneltin, I'reHUyle'rlttn MIMlonnry
nt Tuliillla,
I robifiie that liit b&ilr v.iil tie l.r&iifiht
lo I'eiiillolnn for hiirlal. ;
(iicn to Willi Wiilla.
Colonel J. II. Itiilcy went to Wit I In.
Wullu tixUy where ho will remain for
Hevenil luyH ah one of tho lawyein In
the cane of Kelly vermm Kelly.
Pair In Purcltam-d
fharlM TullU ha nurchanefl tho
Tutullla Dairy from Walter Broge.
The dairy will be known a the Jerney
Dairy. Mr. Tullle waa formerly in the
nalrv himlneM but of late has
engaged In farming and Mock raining.
Mr JollIIWin Dl' 9
Mrn. 11, F. Johnson, formerly of thin
city, 'but for the pam 10 year a res
ident of Portland, died at her home
hint night. Her death wan due to can
cer. Mm. Johnson, who wan 48 yenre
of age, wna horn In Pendleton. She t
mirvlved by her hutrband, a on, Hubert
Jnhnnon, and a daughter, Mlwi Harriett
JohnKon. Other eurvlvor are two ele
ter'ii, Mrs. J. F. Iloblnaon. of thin city
nnd Mrs. W. W. Cavlness, or vine, anu
four l.rothers. James B. Welch, Wil
liam K. Welch, and P. B. Welch, of
this city, and Charles Welch, of Uklah.
been Mrs. ltoblnsdn left law nusm i"r r..n-
land. Accormng io r. r.. "
,101-101-101-101-101-101 101-101-101-101-
With Veal
Has .New Position.
Frank Allen, negro, who for many
years luis neen ;inpl'iyeil at 1 1 inii-
phreys liarber Hliop, Dux taken a po
Kit Ion no pol ler ut The Peoplea Wure
Use the Phones
Grocery. 2 l'honea 528
Other Depta. 78
, r t x t r ' l ,r a
iilllllillliLliiUiltiitUtl- j
Uselfee Phcnej
Grocery, 2 Phones 523
Other Depta. H
Will C.i) To Hot I.aVe.
Mrs. Ji'mbo Hullng and daughter,
Mrs. K. O. Diftst, of Grays lllver. will
leave tonight for Mot Ijtlto for the
benefit of .Mrs, Hurst's health. Mrs.
Haling has been at Ornys I;ivr with
her daughter. The two arrived here
loxt night. .
Md in our Mtnlta-ry. Per pound, 80c. Very
half fish, 20c per lb.
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
PBONE8 lei
IPlMU Rx change UotinecU Hotli DrpMliBMtn
.ioi-i6i-i6i-ioi loi-ioi-iowui-ioi-ioi-
KotnriaiiH lOndorse Drive.
The Pendleton Itotary t'luh tod a)
e,ndorHed t lie Ited Cross Poll "all at
its weely luncheon ut the Klks club.
Hev. George. I f'lark, px-itor of the
Presbyterian church, spoke In favor
of the Poll Call and members pledg
ed their support. George Hartmun
newly elected mayor of Pendleton,
spoke as did Hob Himpson and Wll-
lard Bond, new councllmen.
Children An; InspfWiil.
Umatilla babies who wcro Inspect
ed and stored last year, were exam
ined yesterday by Mrs. Kdilh G. Van-
Heusen, home demonstration agent
and Miss liwie J.'inc, specialist in
nutrition for . children. They found
that several of the children had im
proved but that there were ubout 10
children still underweight. Mothers
were given advice as to how to 1m
prove the physical condition of their
children. i
r I nrlirtilan-CsirlHliml full
and winter weight
Bleeping wear gives
the warmth so neces
sary to healthful
sleeping In the fresh
air bedroom. More
than that, It Is speci
ally tailored for room
iness. Higher quality
flannelettM) and kin
dred materials. Kineiit
work manshlp. Kor
years Urighton-Carls-bad
haa enjoyed tha
roputation of being the
best tailored warm
leeplngwear made.
Ask the dealer to un
pin and show the style
you like.
I 'or All the Family.
Flrn at Mid-ilgliU
A midnight fire at the Pendleton
Marble Works, on the corner ot
Court and college streets, was start
ed from smouldering leaves which
had been left to . hum unattended.
Klre Chief William Hingold was num.
moned oya telephone mesage and
had no difficulty In quelling the blaze
No damage was done. Chief Hingold
warns local people to use every pre
caution when burning leaves. He Is
cmnhatlc In advising that piles of
burning leaves be closely watched to
prevent the Bprend of fire
This Sale Will Continue
We are going to continue this popular sale until
we have reduced our stock enough to give us room
for our new coming stock of holiday goods.
We will continue to give big reductions on all
goods that was previously offered, and it is going
fast and we feel certain that this sale is not going
to last for so very much longer, so it will be to your
advantage to come here first, and look around. You
will not fail to see bargains that will appeal to you.
We are selling as good a line of Aluminum ware
that has ever been offered to the public. Values up
to $4.50, all go for $1.98.
PajCh endUtbn, Variety Stor SveCh
Vocational Guidance Theme.
An inspirational talk on vocational
guidance by Mrs. Jean Norris Kills
will be given Monday night at 8 p. m.
in the county library auditorium to
Pendleton girls and women over IB
years of ue. Mih. Kills coes tu
Pendleton to speak at the Older Hoys
conference, held under the auspices
of tho Y. M. C. A. A committee con
sisting of Mrs. George Hartman
chairman, lliss Klsio Mtzmaurlce and
Miss Nulla Clarke, are In charge of
arrangements for the meeting. A mu
slcal program Is being planned to
supplement the talk by Mrs. Kills.
New Weeds Discovered.
Weed growths which are new to
this county have been discovered and
Kred IJennlon, county agent, has sent
samples to O. A. C. to discover the
variety of the weeds and find means
of killing them. It Is thought the
weed seeds were brought here from
California In feed barley. Oni va
riety, a type of mustard, was found
by U K. Pcnland. while n second
kind, of the burr type, was found on
the W. V. Sleen ranch In the Blue
Mountain region, lloth weeds nr.e of
luxuriant growth and seem to he
very mulignant, says Mr. Dennion.
Man Not Identified.
The dead man found hinging from
Alladin Aluminum Ware
Stand UK tests hlrfm quality at hmest pri-cs
tMvemi 'Stoves &Fumaees
f -
j .. .
" f '
Distt Atty. Keator i
v M 5
) 1
' ! 0
' i . - i 0
j i i o
Si pi , - -- - - a
''"'&'- Cointy Clerk R.'T;; Brown l
? 5
oeninff garments.
wpV . .... .... $1-75 to $4.50
Women s n . 9 rn
qkIpo Whir.h Pronounce a
t "-
Woman "Well Dressed"
of tricotine, velvet and wool
velour. v i 1L&
Beaded embroidery, silk
embroidery, colored leather
trimmings, tailored braid
and dull finished black rib
bons, -combined with dainty
collar and cuffs form the
trimmings for tese dresses.
Colors are navv, bream,
black and taupe.
Prices from
$19.50 to-899.00
The Process of
Lowering Prices
baa horn Pninrr nn here for some time. We has- X
ten to make this statement that you will find
priees as low and in many instances lower than x
tihewiiere, cuiibibteni, wtui quttutjr uucitu.
It has always been our policy to give the high
est standard Qualities at the lowest possible
X prices throuout the store and now as fast as re-
X auctions come to us, we in turn mant our gwuua
X accordingly thereby giving our patrons tne
X benefit of such reductions.
of satins, georgette and crepe meteor in all fashion-
fluiG colsrs
The trimmings used on these dresses are silk du
vetyn, jet, georgette, French flowers and hand
work. Long or short sleeves.
Prices from 25.00 to 895.00
DINNER DRESSES of lovely laces; embroidered
with satins, in navy, brown and black. Skirts in the
bouffant styles or in the longer line effects of pan
nels, round or square necks and short sleeves.
in lovely ta'f etas, malines,
satins and embroidrred
materials combined with
cloth of gold, cloth of sil
ver, gold or silver aces
and irridestent bandings,
Prices from
825.00 to 8135.00
Grocery Department
rnokins:. 2 lb. roll 81
VjUUIlliJ' UUllLl ; D'
New Medium Size Salt Mackerel, each . . .
Columbia River Shad, can
Finan Haddie Glass Jars
Pickled Pigs Feet, quart jar 75c
Pickled Tongue, pint jars 75c
Italian Style Salami, per lb 90c
XXXXBrand Evaporated Milk for Cooking, per can
10c; per dozen, $1.10; per case, $4.40.
the gate post at the Krank Michael
ranch near Pilot Hock yesterouy na
not been Identified. The body waa
brought to Pendleton by Coroner J.
T. Urown who is attempting to una
a clue to the Identity of the suicide.
The man who was deaf and dumb,
had eaten breakfast on Monday at the
Michael ranch and had given the In
formation that he was from Oregon
City and that he had become separar
ted from a party of campers In Fly
Valley and had lost a black team.
The body was discovered by Charles
Calahan, of Pilot Rock. Twenty
cents and three knives formed the
contents of the pockets In tho dead
man's clothes. It was thought for a
time thut he was the man who Is
missing from Oregon City but tho
hidv does not tally in all particulars
with the description of the. Oregon
City man.
Hartow were tiadly cut by fly-
...... r.ni.tnn today Mrs.
H. (-ones, mriu ... in .. ThB.P driven hv Mr.
vhn Runes mill 11 "
t v v.. Kin?.
killed in an auto collision mroones was oouna ior iong ueacn anu
alter crossing tne Driage attempiea to
Kirl was
rioncli when a car driven
Mr. Sones collided iron one un:..
vr; Row Bartow, of Long Beach.
The girl died before reaching the hos
pital, a basal akull traciun .s
her demmlse. Mr. and Mrs. nun
Details of Death Told.
Details of the death of Margaret
Sones, aged 15, formerly of this coun
ty and a'dauchtcr of Mr. and Mrs. P.
pass a car In front. The road w-as
narrow at this point and evidently
Mr. Sones became confused at the
pre""ico of the Bartow car travel
ing north. Since leaving this coun
ty the Sones family resided In Long
Beach later moving to Los Angeles.
At the time the accident occurred
they were going to Long Beach to vis
it and take dinner at the home tf
Mr. Sones brother, George Sones. a
Long Beach.
Catarrh Is an excessive secretion, ao
companied with chronic inflammation
from the mucous membrane. HoU
Sarsapaiilla acts on the mucous mem
brane through the blood, reduces In.
flammation. establishes healthy actio
and radically cures all caws of catarrh.
Be Better LookingwaKe
Olive Tablets
To have a clear, pink skin, bright
eves, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy
like childhood days, you must keep
tout body free from poisonous wastes.
Lr. Edwards" Olive Tablets (a vege
table compound mixed with olive on) 0
act on the liver and bowels like calomel o
yet have no dangerous after euect. 1 0
Take one nightly and note results. 0
They start the bile and overcome o
constipation. That s why millions 01
boxes are sold annually. 15c and 30c
Special on Coffee
For this week only we will give you
3 lbs. of the finest Bulk Coffee on the
market for $1.00. This is a bargain ex
traordinary. U. S. INSPECTED MEATS
: Electric
; Washing
"The T;
Phone 187 and 188
739 Main Strta,
The good judgment of every Thor purchaser is en
dorsed by 500,000 other American women.
Their one object has been to select an electric gash
ing machine which will do its work most thoroughly,
quickly and economically. They do the average size
washing in one hour, at a cost of 3 cents. They are unani
mous in their satisfaction.
Since the very beginning of electric washing history,
the Thor has been the leader. The vast resources, experi
ence and mechanical genius of the Hurley Machine Com
pany have been concentrated on two things: To keep the
Thor secure in its rightful position, through superior per
formance; to manufacture enough Thors to supply the '
growing demand.
Call and let us explain the plan of easy payments by J
which the Thor will positively pay for itself.
"Always at Your Service"
Cottonwood & Court
Phone 40
E 3
. -v .