East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 02, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Image 7

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TEN PAGES ''I ' repprr? ; '' ' TEW PAGES
I PAGES 7 TO 10 j lm I MCES 7 T0 10 J
TIIR irACll'R, Nov. 2. (A. P.)
Holland has decided to lake tin In
earnest the question of 'commilfinrv
fhyMral trnlnlnir for nil of Itx yomiK
nifti ami at the um time to reduce
. the length of compulsory service In the
army on the theory that xymnuMtlr
II II II 111 111111 111 I
I hi I I kllVVllV III IV
Const Lpnirat HonWrxr Put fit t 1 "T wmil,l e'liially twflclul
Until Tomorrow After Salt
Lake Men Testify; Attell At.
torncy Reaches Chicago.
- LOS ANQRTjRA, Nov. J. Pour wit
newes were heard Monday by the Lo
Anrle county grand Jury In Un Inve.
tin md UTi njf.
A bill hH been prepared for parlia
ment proponing a certain amount of
phyHicul drill for boyg from 14 to 19.
Thla drill would be taken up In the
Nchoola until the youth left them and
then would be under government con
trol. Thla la the first time that Holland
haa eerlouely considered the physical
Carnegie Medals Are Awarded
to Scores of Americans Who
Have Challenged Death to
Save Others From Peril.
ligation of alleged corruption In p.'wlfa,, "f her boy" outld t the
x elflo Coant baaeball league kamei In
' the Hit aeaaon. , . .
t Then wllneaaea were William, Hum
' jer and Eddie Mulligan, membeni of
. ill Bait Lake City club; K. J. Cook.
Secretary of the Beea, and Ed. 11. Ma
ter, owner of the Vernon club.
.'Adjournment waa taken until tVed
Benoay. when, It Van raid ty r'runk W
Stafford, deputy dlntrli-t attorney, who
la directing the inquiry, "Hod" Mur
phy of the Reattle team, would be the
principal wltneaa.
r How much longer the Inquiry would
oontlnue waa not Indicated by Mr.
Stafford, except that "the numler of
wltneaaea to be railed after Murphy
would depend upon teatltmmy obtain
d from the Reattle player."
Malar waa believed to have alven
tae grand Jury, a general denial of the
allegation of W. . Huki-r ("Rahe")
Borton, former Vernon rirm baxeman,
whose charge precipitated the Inves
tigate n.
Attorney Appear for !.
.CHICAGO, Nov. .Attorney rep
resenting Abe Attell and J. J. "Sport"
Sullivan, Indicted aa member of an
. alleged gambling "ring" which were
Aid to have bribed eight Chicago
White Box player to throw the HIS
world series games, arrived Monday
to arrange. for the apeparanre of the
to. Tpe attorney announced they
vuiu i"uui;a ma two men as soon
4 bond were arranaed and thai they
would ask for an early trial.
MONTltEALv Nov. t. (A. I'.)
Itoger Hresnuhan, former major
league- baseball atnr, arrived here to
dty to enlist local uportwmea) In a
army. There haa been a greut revival
of sport In thla country as well as the
rest of Burope as a result of the Olym
pic game. ISolland already haa one
huge stadium at Amsterdam and an
other I being planned at the Hague
for which the Dutch (port enthusiasle
hope to Hocure the next Olympiad
Eoui' million -voters
repeal - no arresls
to a
In the lmi-ntlonal bHxebnll lenpue.
HAVANA, Nov. 2. (A. P.) ItacliiR
at Oriental Park will be Inaugurated
Thanksgiving Iwy, purses totalling
Hr.O.OOu being provided" for the 100
day' race meet, according to p state
ment by Frank. Amen, general man
ager of the Cuban American Jockey
and Auto club.
A lurge force of worker ha been
engaged throughout the summer
month, making Improvement on the
grand stand, paddock and track.
The principal race on the opening
day will he the Thanksgiving handi
cap, with a purse of 3,000.
The dally race will provide for
pure ranging from 8D0 to ll.r.OO.
No rnce will be run for a purse of
less value than 1 70.
PITTRHl.'KO, Nov. !. (A. P.) Of
ficiate of I he Pittsburg National
league baseball club announced last
night th-a they had signed Pierce
Work of 1.oh Angeles, a first bow
man. Works, a graduate of the Vnl
era:ty of t.'allfornla, will Join the I'l
rutes when they go south neit year for
the r).rlng training.
plldS $1.75
Fn.lare smooth spuds crown on non-irrigated
land. Fine for winter.
Pendleton Trading Co.
Phone 455
- "If It's on the Market We Have It"
of Pendleton
lftn "
Offers an unexcelled banking service to in
dividuals and corporations; transacts a
general banking business and maintains
special departments with facilities of the
highest character.
Acta as administrator of ostates, or as ex
ecutor or trustee under wills.
PITTKrn.'ROH, Nov. 2--Ten persons
ome of them mere boys and one girl
stenographer, lost their live In deed
of heroism, which today were deco
Knized b the Carnegie Hero Fund
Commission at Its regular fall meeting
Thirty-three medal were awarded
by the continuation which, In addi-
j Hon to minor finlnclut appropriation
rccognitea seven naroic act ny ap
propriating 110,000 for the education
of those responsible. ,
' An uddillonul. $10,000 was applied
for Ike liiildution of Indebtedness and
to other worthy purpose for heroes.
The young woman who lost her life
wkh Karln K. Iindelerg, 19 years old,
of 12 C'hudwtck Avenue, Hartford,
Conn. Bhe drowned In the Farming
ton river while attempting to save
Fvelyn M. Anderson, July D last. A
silver medal was awarded to her fa
ther. - -
To the other who lost their live
bron meoala were uwaided In tacit
case. They were: I
Leo Daniel McCarthy. 400 Cobb fit.. .
Johnsontiurg, Pa., drowned wnue try
ing to nave Kohert E. Henretty, Oct
ober 17. 1919; Koy Kenneth Davla,
age 14, Z518 West Jefferson St.,
Louisville, Ky., drowned while trying
to rave James Alexander, Bcptember
4. 1919;- Harold Oren Kenneth Arn,
ago 12, Flushing, Mich., drowned
while tryliur to save Merrill K." Al
len, December 2, 1917; Frederick
John Metisler, 26 Oorshon Kt Pitts
burgh, Pa., drowned trying to save
Chrlstain M. Klug. July !i, 1920;
Ccorge H. Abel, aire IS, 2640 Fulton
Slreel, Brooklyn, dnwned while trying
to nave Herbert Jv. Vosl. J ily I
11; Iawrence C. Simpson, 317
Washington Htreet, lllucftcld, W. Va.,
drowned trying to save , Adrian A.
Lloyd, nt Klngtport, Tenh., June 24.
1917; John It. Kirkman High, Point
N". C, drowned while trMng to save
Annie K. Burkelmfr. nt Wrlghtsvlllc
Eeach, N. C, July 24, 1919; John
J.ime Hullvon,,4SJ Kaufmann Place,
Indianapolis, Ini.. drowned while try
ing to save two negro boy at Indian
poli. March 2, 1920; Kmery O. Cot
ton, Enterprise, Ala., drowned while
trying to save Mildred Dowllng at I
Geneva, Ala., May , 1919. j
Itronzc Medals Awarded !
Pronie moduls were nlso awarded
by the commission to the following:
Charles K. Sanborn, 12 fcpructf
Street, Watertown, Mass.. attempted
to ave R If. Chandler from drown
ing. Ocean Bluff, Mas., Sept. 6. 1917;
James I Worth, 65 Harrison Avenue
North Ablngton, Man,, saved Francis
W. Geloran, ut railroad crossing, Oct.
20, 1917; Alexander Jamoa Camp
bell, aged 69, Mt. Sterling, 111., sav-j
td Bernlco M. Kirkham from drown-1
ing, August 8, 118; Walker O. Lind-j
sey. Mad lon f:., attempted to save I
two negro workers from a collapsed
veil, March 20. 1916; - K. Drum-!
mond, Hampton, Vn., raved two glrlsj
from drowning January 11, 191S;
William A. Cahtey, Sylvia, N. C, sav
ed two hoy from burning house Oct.
27, 1917; Gertrude M. Merrill, 43
HratflP Street, Arlington, Mass., sav
ed Ruth Benner, from being killd
by a railror.d trtiln, December 20.
1918: Milton M. Chnppcll, 323 West
lAdams Street. Munsey, Ind.. sived Ed
ward D. Winder from drowning, Jan.
22, J918; George W. Billings, Flip
pen, Ark.', flttempUMl to save 'Vlfglnla
L. ffuve from being killed by a
trtn ' Anrll 2. 1919: William P.
Clark, Onmp Meade, Md., saved F. T.
Duckwfrth from drowning, Morgan
ton. N. C. July 1, 1916; Veronica
Clougherty (Now Mr. Rufus J. Mor-i
tf.n) 65 Wftlnut Street, Atlantic, Mass,
saved Daniel Dnvy frrm drowning.
Auirust 1. 117: Ira Rurrell, Pamp-
lln, Va., rescued W. ljirrison nnd
W. p. Nix from well filled with dy
nnmllp fumes at. Marble, N. ., Sept
18, 1915.
. Save C.lrl From Train
Charlc Lewis Van Zandl, Elm-
horst, Ills., saved an tinldemiiiea gin
frcm being killed by railroad train
In Chicago, February 16. 1918; ti-
hert W. Davis, 1639 Bonita Avenue.
Berkeley, Cul.. saved Victor f. es
r,mt from drowning. Emerr.ld, Cal..
May 31, 1-917; Sarah Anne Leach, 120;
Fust Boerirer Avenue, r on a or
Ind., saved Katherine B. Cleary frorr
dmwnlng, at Rome City, Ind., August
16,1917; Lloyd E. Rogers, Ventura.
Cal- saved Joan N. Johnstono fmui
drowning July 12. 191: 0ora u
Dreahim, 14 years old, 4716 82nd St..
Portland, Ore., saved Gordon M. Law,
A baby from being killed by an au
tomobile, July 12, 1917; E. Margaret
MacKenzie, 1304 Carson Avenue, lof
Angeles, Cnl., saved N. Marlon Wood,
from drcwlng at Redondo Reach, Cal.,,
July 17, 1919; Murriana T. Goiusmun
age 12, East Ijtke, Decatur, Ga at
tempted to save two girls from drown
ing July 13, 1916; Charltn Gregory
ITcmmer, age 14, 77 Wheeler Street,
Gloucester, Mass., saved two nos
from drowning February 15, 1918:
David B. Jordan, age 13. 212 South
Third Street. Wellington. N. C, saved
N.' Elibeth Kcerans from drowning
at Wrlghtevllle Beach N. C, July 17.
Silver niednla wre awarded to the
following; '
Grover C. Hunter, 707 Vernon Street,
I-nGronde, Gn nttempted to save J.
Thomaa Cartor from drowning, June
hv?. - iv ill r,T " t c m
v y1- - if 1
NfcU5 : - ; ' iff
I f. If -- r.'Tyx,r
.rM r"jj
MARION, C Miss Viole: Oliver ia Onet.n f n8fn." Mlsa
OllTfcr, aid to r- California's prsitiost girl, t :r, tts east to tell folk
bout C;;fornf.'B jMbClous ralsina. Site' pnparcl tn furnish raloln
racipea for 11 alsbci aad drluka save one a'.ona raisin Jack or grpo.
'Kill That Cold With
Colds, Coughs TQV
La Grippt
Neglected Ccldu nrc Dangerous
Take no clianre3. Keep thb atar.Uard remedy handy for the first aneet.
Breaks r n a ccid in 24 hours Relieves
Grippe i.t 3 Caya Uxcellcnt for Headache
Quinine In this form uocs not affesrt tho head Cascara la best Tonic
Laxative No Opiate in Kill's.
PEAKING OF elation. DON'T DO it with voles.
BUT GENTLY, If poaalble. GO TO romn smoke thoo,
TO AVOID bloodshed. AND CAST a ballot.
YOU KNOW what chance. FOR CHrSTERFiF wS.
A REPUBLICAN used to.' have. THEN YOU'LL "repeat,"
OF GETTING votes.' YOU JUST can't help It.
IN THE "Solid 6outh." AND NO election o.Tlclal.
WELL, THERE waj a bird. CAN PINCH you, either.
WHO RAN for office. FOR "COMING back"
ON THE RepnLliean ultte. IN FACT, we hear . "
;. . .
IN GEORGIA, of all places. FOUR MILLION smokers.
... ....
A'lD WHEN the returns. OR THI3 cluaretle 1
' ... .
HE-HAD two votes. 'THEY 6ATI6FY"
... ,
AND T(E election officia's.' .
HAD HIM arrested. " I . ' '
FOR REPEATING. ' . XJO other candidat? h?s a'ehancs
.... i-l with CneRterflc-lds in the :uu-
80 ALL von voter "- ning- 0ver ,our ml"!on aniokers
bu 11.1. jroo voters. haye p(,ked Chesterfie)dai and every
w'uftuiiuT .......I return swells the votes. It surely
WHO WANT to repeaL i a landslide for the "s.tiiy piat-
, form. Are you on?
Have You a Gun?
If not, let us see if this sale will TALK to you
borrowing your neighbors gun any time you go out
He does not want to loan it, but hates to refuse you
So Let's Buy a Gun
then you own it yourself. I am overstocked and this
sale will continue till all my guns are sold. Come
early and dont wait until sme one else gets it.
Sporting Goods Man
Hotel Pendleton Bldg.
j CHRISTMAS may seem a long way off but we . j
4 are already making pictures to be used as Christmas
J remembrances.
Aune Wheeler Studio
j 222E.Alta ' " , Phone 533 p
Holdman Auto Co.
Storage, $3.50 to $7.50 a month
722 Cottonwood Street Phone 46
Dead Storage $3.50 Month.
We do repairing.
In the Field
Where Quality and Price are Considered
HOLT Tractor and Harvesters
OLIVER Plows, Harrows, etc
STOVER Stationary Engines.
WINONA Wagons, Farm Trucks
Sturgis & Storie
IS, lilt